Wrril rWO EDITIONS DAILY, AT 3 3t V. M AND 4'OOUP- M DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL VOI. XV. SALBM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DHOBMBDR 88, lflOfi. ghdt tho BMkoeper. , Ilkford, IK., Df- Z.-A f t4iug entered the lr door of OofclieD Arnold M ybreeJc this morning. Ar nold was eoiintl li nwiey, nnft wa tmot in tho bark. Arnold died in two hour. Tho thug in fleeing met D. A. lfUr at the door, and fatally Bbot TROOPS STAND PATTERS ENGLAND WILL EXAMINE COMPANIES M'CURDY'S , MAKE TRANSFER FIELDS CANNOT BE, FOUND TAKES A HAND Wmv He fled down Main street jww V. vv. 't Darkness in Russia, gf. lVursburg, Dee. W. The elty in darkness all lgt. Troops sap ortj R crtio of nrma ami awmiunltlon. The declaration of marital law has no tfet on the strikers. T hs revolution iiM practically control Moeeow. Seared lijh, opcrnted by soldiers, light tks pais stress. iirrwifi iraiws, neavity -Kl, arc runnisg lat Bt, le4rf Vvrr, but the postal service is unreii Russia Out Out, 8t Petersburg, Dee. tfc The ydtt to Moscow k been out. laet Order Is Too Lnto. WerK. Poland, Doc. i,-Mrtlal k has bees proclaimed throughout Mokck, Dee. 88. Troojxj nre epea lr tiiowing tbIr sympathy for the rtriker. Three persons were killed in ssmII riot tke laernisff. Forty six i4rr elettrMans recently arrested, ttm yesterday te assist the eky jerks, promptly joined tke strikers. In U tM diMrkft tke land owners lwrrl avkJ their boee, but west nil of Ithem were fereed to iwrreodor to tke peae set, on account of ktek of previalene. TVe peMMurU nre destroy! sg everything they esa Isy band, upon. Gear reels Bad. St. Petersburg, Dee. HV-Tke etHp ter hee wni the Mikado an expression ef ht regret that, on. aeeeHnt of later Ml diewntioM, ke is noV able te begin lugoMstioaa for a eowtaerekl treaty Mere Mere. DrfeM Defeat Rebels. MMau, Coufiaad, Dee. 88, live ean ef weedl selrfto kavo arrived kere Sow ef tke draftees who aeajd re- fert 4kat tkey eaoeurtered en their y hore a band of revoiNtleaaries, ami tUt a IgM ensued, in wkiek seven ef the htfter were klllent ami elht wound L The drageea suffered ho le. OWeafB, Dee. 88. A Daily Xewa eor- mpeadeat of Loadtoa cables today thai Lord Harmrworth eabled Deeember 8 to th MwtwaL eayingi "I m immred in your company for $280,000. I don 't Aestre to injure your company. 1 lower er unless a sound InMranee.me of proven ability is appointed to the pre. lleiiy, I will be forced- to artk your 6pay, in the Inter of liriiteh pelt ey holder, In alt my perMleaie. " In reply amewort4i reeeired a eall from D. C. ltaldemau, the London man nger, who showed Mm a cablegram in ntmetlng bim to keep lIartMnortk quiet," Hornwrtk nnawered nay- lag ke stood by Me dfcelsion, and said the eonduet of tke eomjmny was die graeefnl, a far m tk IneHranee fen ture wimi eoneernMl. 1I would not nbldw by any seteotion of a maa wnrk miliar witk immranfe, and reeom mended Ilaldmtmn. He said ke would reserve kle aWaek for seven days, bat Me attack on Pealwdy is about due. irarnewortk eonerole aboet M er more publleatioM la nagiaml nnd on tke eon ttneat, ami ke ealie to hie aid tke per sonal aaeietaaee of Mg polltieiatie mm) finamdere of Europe aad America. o Lineoln, Nrb., Dec. 82. State Au ditor Sear k said: "Because of tke kwc HMthods of the New York department of inenranee it kaa been, dleelosetl in inreetigatkm -of tke oommiUee hhat the Xebraeka eomtnteeioMer will probably Morriatown, N. J., Dee. 88. Deetm bj wkiek It4okard A. WoOwrdy, e-pree-itMt of the Mutual Life lnewranee OumpMy, ami other members of kks ftwHIy br tmnofarred akmble prop- orb- la tkle city witkin tke last few public And it neeeseary personally to examine dafu, wore made pobric Wedneeday. into tke affairs of every New YorkWreOMrdy ami Me wife oa Deeember Id, company doing business in Ike state. I ami again on Deeember 18, transferred Heretofore Nebraska kae been w4Uing parcel of real eeUte to tkelr son, Itob to aldde br lieadriet-t' iMii-ta. ami tkoee of hi predteeeeers. " Belc rrem the Nortlu WWngoa. Dee. 88. Arrangement Me Wing made at tke war department for tke relief tke Third- Infantry from rty m AUka, wMek will be brougkt Wme ia August, .lWe, from its iwviee h the far nxtk. TmK a talk now Ut tke Hret laAmtry, at Pert "Wy. Jflek, JVt Brady, Mlek., Pert BWi , VL, as.) rVt Porter, N. YH will - iae a-ttgnnMMt MrMted tke nw. Do Net Want "Kid" Sailers. Milwaukee, Ww., De. 88. Tke MM- 1 i . a a in wauaeo laeni eiuu wui noil a meet lag at tke Hotel Pfieter tkis after noon, wkiek promlees to be unusually lively, a some matters of considerable imperUnee wilt eome up for decision by a vote ef tke members. One of tke two prepositkMM to be voted oa ia te raise tke age limit for membcraklp from 18 to 88 years. Tke age limit for nseomte membership bad beea lowered to 18 years seme time ago, but tke plan did not work satisfactor ily ami tke factions oppeeeJ te "kid" sailers will try to bring about a re turn to tke Mgker age limit. Tke "kid" parly Is quite strong and a lively contest is expected at tke alee tie a today. Tke result Ut believed to be doubtful. Turning the Tablon on tho Mon. New York, Dee. 88. Tho annual Pilgrim Motkere' dinner givon by tlio New York City Mothers' club will bo kebt at tke Waldorf-Astoria this ov- enlng. It promises to bo ni umie tmlly Interesting and original affair, as, for tke first tltrfo In tho history of tkese dlwaers the 'Pathors" will not be permitted to dt at tke festive board witk tko "Motkers," but will be relr egtedi to tke ftallery, where, n Mrs. Illy Devereaux Blako, tke president ef tke Motkers' organisation paid, "tkey may sit ami look pretty." Tho decision to exclude tke men nnd baa- mh them to tke gallery waa reaekod In reveage for tke fact thai tke "Path- ere" had recently given, a number of 8n dinners la wkiek the "Mother" were not admitted. Tkey bad to oe eetlewVJ witk ernomentintf tke seats in tke gallery of tko Ixwwpiet ball. It is expected that tke Mothers" will avail themselves of this opportunity to "roast tke men" wMIe enjoying things at dinner. ' ' ' eri H, McCwriy. (The son, on Deeember 10, transferred tofkie mother his Interest in the new MGrdr home, which has been oooit pleJ by Biebard A. McOurdy, and which is Rditl to have cost about -i00,00a By thfa trarlmctioa tho oountry houso and the surrounUng cetnto was put entirely insMrfc'lUchftrd A. MeOimty's nnmc May Bo Ho Lied, Watorbury, Conn., Dee. 8, Ohne. New York, Dec 88. Aetiug Presi l OmwwtJl, of tko Mwtual Idfe In mmwMe Oomrmny, Aunoenoetl Wednes day that the messenger whom ox-Pro Ideot McOunty sent to Oollfornia to look for Andrew 0. P1cJ9b has been unable to Ami PJelds, and kadi returned without information. "Wo havo eearehed every samkhill in OaWfornla," said Mr. Cinwell, - and ean got no traco of Pieldw." It ia understood that Mr. Cronrwoll nnl the othor oflloors of tho Muttml Imvo givon up hopo of bringing Fields baok to testify. Willlnm B. lloye, tho bookkeeper of tho supply department, yestordny tosllflod boforo tho Mutual Investigating committee. Ho told tho commUteo that ho know very littlo nbout Plolds and hl mothods, and noth ing of FloMo' whorcnboula. Uo had no Mght to throw upon tho reported disop dleppeare1. New Plates J. Bassolt, convicted of tho murder of K w nrow "P0" u,w "V """i" Thomas 0. Loekweod, n rooluw, imglpearftmo of rcoorde fro mtho mippjr eentoHeed to Ihfe imprisonment this department. .IlilS morning after having said he would rnther bang. Up Against Honey, St. Paul, Mis., Dec. 88.-H. C. Ack ley ad C. A. Smith, Minneapolis mil lionaire lumbemew, a ecus id by tke government of being involved la Ore gon kwl fraud, lied tkelr answer to day. Tkey claim tkey were taaoeeatly involved. Chriirtnuui Oandles and Nuts, We have our Obriitmao supplies out now, nnd can akew you samples and giro you prices. Wo havo n large assortment for you to wlpot from, and we assure you eur prices will bo right, Tim SPA 388 State Street. W. T. Stelr. r, O Myerc Special price per doen en candy TYPICAL TIES FOR CHRISTMAS Chrlstmau neckwear nhould bo delicate, up to dato and of tho fin ost quality. It should) combine tho newest in pattern and shado with the latst in shaix. Thin require ment wo havo met, and our nlock centaias tho bit namplcs fron tho tbo best makers. A tlo makes an Urol gift, And if you don't know what oolor or style to got, you can buy an order, Mocha gloves f6r gontlomen are in style this year. The Toggery " 107 OOMMBUOZAZi ST. Balcm. Oregon. Tropical Alaska, VMtMngton, Dec & 1 it sa eold in AlaskA aa tho story writors, tourmts and other deaJeru in fiction would have tlo American people belbyvof MJor Vni)jm Av Oiojteferd, U. S. A., obief signal ofllcer of tho departmont of ime Oelumula, thinks net, ami he wau up tkore in connection with tho establish mont of tho oxtenslvo cnblo and' olo graph nysterrui. Ho lntondrt to show ko h right by having tdgnnl ofilceru in Alaskn semi him daily temperature ami general voathor rojortii. Tho first of theso rcoelvod wero for Novombor 13th. IIo didn't tako tbo ooant vllhngos, whero tlio tompemturo la rui mild' rut on tho Atlnntlo seaboard, but oonflnoti hi observationu to tho in terior towns. At Balna it was 33 do grcM above, tho oamo as at irmny points In tho states; ICeyrrtono Imt) tho enmo temperuturo as Denver, Col.j McCar thys, that of Helena, Mont. Balolm, as Dobm City, Idaho, and Ohcna, no Flag atff, Arlx. Major Olowford will muko public these renortu with eOHHUtrlaAMi trnm ) time to Umo. Train Derailed. JWIjr Spring,, Miee Dec 88. The d train oa tke IlUnoU Central torn NW UriMM to QUmn, ds W W sr here this morning. Mj. JJ WaAe, of Mmleslppl, and Dr. r 'Pky were killed and- J. I. "see is Kiiig. Dave Bootes rer Senator, Salt Lake, Dec 18. fWag into af fect January 1st, all tke eeetiea fore mm on ike Oregon Short Ua will get aa advance of IS per mouth, a Clears Oaleb Pewen, ItalHNreaoM, Oal Dec 88. 0. K. Urn ler W la the county kpit4 from a supposed self laiktod wouue i tko OaanTec RefnsM omnA I, J . .. . .. ... ... j.. . ..i. t.-v.. . " I e aoMMie io me upru-o- o w tki. T. ' , "-" w'kAdUU tmat be kas lnformatiou wWk iZm" , ira,'8r MW,-,,iwiM -taw CWeb Powew of e Oover hbL, v v 1a,k wIwtaw-lBOf 0wUl rf, Kentucky ulk Z7J: York- velt refuses Uv0 noeMod. - m.ni or tbe pt flght tl Holiday Shoppers Find the Best Valtf es at It la too la to now to got a now gold tooWi for Cbristmns, but it is not too 'Into to innko New Yonr' resolu tions. A NEW SET OP TEETJI That nro woll mndo and that fit right will onnblo you to koop many roso lutlono that othcrrwiso. you would brook at onco. MOPBULY I'llTi-D PIiATEfl Oivo tbo wearer porfeet ooinforU All tho old torturo nnd ineonveslenoo Wll dieapioar, nnd) eating will be done with comfort nml osjoynieni. But yen must bo careful about tko dentist If you wnnt porfeet work without .pain. WE DO rBRFBOT WOBJC And gAJorantco it to lent. Wo do all our work without pain nnd toll you tho priao boforo we ntart. Only one eoalo of priceo nnd! that tho lowest. Wo don't ndtf on extras just because wo think you can pay ior thoin. IUgbt nftor Christiravi la n good tlmo to Jravo your tooth cxAtnlncd, Crowns -......$3.00 nnd up Platen 0,00 and up Filling .... 00 and up Examinations, Free DR. B. L WRIGHT PAINLESS DENTIST Stcusloff Building, Court and Liberty ' Streets, Balein, Oregon. Gfovc Certificate You may not know tke correct else or shade she soeds. Let nor eeleot her own by giving ker a Qlave Or tinsate, then eke ean get just exact' ly what she requires. 7 This Store Open Evenings Until Christmas MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES If you don't know what to get foil Christmas gift wo havo a plnn to avoid this. Wo issue Merchandise Certificates, good for tiny amount. TOYL AND With Its Sacrifice Sale 8BBMS TO IIAVB STRUCK TUB CHORD OF POPULARITY AT THE PROPER TIME. rnnM SFONSBS IT IS IIAVINa TOR THE VALUES AND DELIGHT OP EVERY BUYILu f VOft &.Qtuzv at's what brings the crowds. s e place for cash bayers to trade. Our Holiday Business is showing a re aiarfcable gain over any former year's wSaIcs the same period. MONEY ON YOUR CHRISTMAS BHNO AUB TonoUOTO iSSSSV, THE RE- Only Three Days More of Shopping, Then Christmas IT IS TO YOUR INTEREST TO DO SHOPPING: HERB Lamp OTnmrfl AND PRICES WERE NEVER LOWER THAN THEY ARE AT PRt-otW Zr"'Ui AaSOttTMENTS, rnvnV vt vnmi mmromria tittotit . -T " AS PRESENT. OPPORTTJirrrrnH mr o,.' .w .iM. A cmvii. $1.65 $2.45 $3.25 $4.05 Wffifa 85o vnluee BACUIPIOB SALE Wo vsluee aOIUFIOfl BAIiB 5(k values BACRIFIOB BALE C5o values BAOBIFJCB BALB 19c 25c 39c 50c 85e valuee BACRIFIOB BALE $1.00 values SACRIFICE BAIiB $1.85 valueu BAOBIHOB SALE BAOBIHaB BALE $1.50 values 65c 85c $1.00 $1.20 BALLOONS TOMORROW For children under 12 years of ago. Saturday morning re will lib orate 50 more prize balloons. Be prepared to eateh them. Will be oat up at 10:30. Balloons and number must bo turned' in to secure the prize. FREE BALLOONS'. Saturday forenoon we will give away 100 balloons to children un der 5 years of age accompanied by a lady. VAMPIRE .CLEANER R00 valuos 1 SAOBIFiga BALB 3,00 Yolueo flAOBIFIOB BALE W.00 Yolue SAOIOPIOB BALE 5.00 Yaluoa SAOBIPIOH BALE i . ' Demonstrated on our first floor. It removoo grease, oil or dirt epots from clothing. ailJu,, feit hats, coat collars and woolen goods, and la oa ideal cleaner for dreesod kid gloves kid slippers aad ton .hoes. It deans easily ana leave no spot. It la eombination of the beet thing- for eJeaning purposea. It Is the .worn enemy of all kinds of dirt. Come in and neo it demonstrated. lfl.00 values . m -k BAOIUFIOK SALE $H-.y5 $6.05 f7.50 values SAORilPiaH SALE 0.50 values SAOItrPlOE SALE 18.80 valuea . &ifryf SAOBH50B SALE -P U.CJ $7.65 OI?A AMD OUlBSWAim 25e eup. and: eaueor Bac Price 12j 25o plate. Sacxiflco Prico ... -fc., 50o plate. 5V Sacrifice P,iCo ;;25 25o vase. ' "" Swtfice Prico .,tL .. We plate. ....) 4 60a plat. .. ,,','' 23 iSU SUSPENDERS Plain and fancy suspender, for Chriatmaa, put up in fancy boxoa. 50 to 2.00. SILK SHIRTS A most elegant gift to men. a complete assortment. ?2 to $5, HANDKERCHIEFS An nnusuaily largo nhowing of 5 ta5i.50.