DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 100D. suggestions for chrjstmas Ladies' gold filled watches $ 1 0 and tip Gentlemen's gold filled watches $8 and tip Boys' watches Giuls' Watches $1.25 $3 and tip OUIDE TO ALL ELECTIONS Prepared by tho Orogon Secretary of State. 75c $2.00 and ap $8 to $200 Children's solid gold rings Ladies' solid gold rings Diamond rings - OoW Brooches, jeweled and plain oroMM aad necklaces of tho most exqulsito patterns and latest designs. Hand Painted China and Ctt Glass Wo havo tho finest and most comploto lino of hand) palntod- china In tho city. Our price aro so lew the dofy competition of an kind. Our out class nnd ellvcrwaro havo nn enviable complotencoj and finish about them that you cannot equal olso whoro. Nunc but tho very highest grtulo carried In this store. Don't fail to boo theso goods beforo you mako a eoloctlon. Ladies Jewel Cases We have just received a novel lino of Indies' Jewel caw direct from tho factory that we want every lady In Oalom to ih. We have aloe a fine assortment of gold-hondod canes and umbrellas for your Okrlatteaa sdeetlen. A Ptesent to Evey Pvtch&sex. We are giving away to each purchaser a beautiful book-mark. Theoo are very ornamental an well m useful. Bo sure aad get ene. All good ia our store are guaranteed to bo exactly as repreooated. Comoand Inspect tho goods and then yea will knew that eur rlcea are the lowest aa4 our geedo are ef the beet quality We have bees In business here fer cloven years and uro here to stay. Wo mako Re ohnrge fer testing yeur eyes, and can fit you perfectly with glasses. Cine bought aa Christmas preoonts will be fitted after Christmas. Wo alao do engraving free of charge Don't forgot tho place next door to Lndd & Duett Bank. C. T. Pomeoy &JSJkr' EXCURSION TO CALIFORNIA. Under Auspices of tho Oregon Develop Bimit League Loaves Portland on Spools! Train January 13th. Secretary Tihh Richardson, of the Ore. gen Development Lague, is vwy aiu ioua that the atate at large should be ntOrOBALS INVITED 1'er Supplied for the Oregon SUto Penitentiary for Period Ending Juno 30, 1000. Seal bids fer drug, dry goods, grocorioa, akoee, leather and finding, plumbing euppHea, hardware, flour, well represent en this excursion. The . ., ate, will bo reeelved at t party, which will be composed of )a PwiBa4iat af the Or and gentlemen, leaves Portland at rW ttight, January la, 1991, etopa being wndo at Sacramento, Ban Francisco, Palo Alia, Baa Jose, Paso Rebles, 8 Ma Barbara and Lea Angeles, Special en tertainment will be accorded the party nt tbeae points. The rate from Portland will be $03 for one person, which ia goa State Poaltowtlary untfl January 10, im, at S o'clock p. w at which time thay will be opened. A deposit ef 00,00 eah ar certified companM by a certified check to the check, payable to the ffuperintoadent, vl0 af ten per coat ef the amotmt ef must accompany each bid fer meat tito bid submitted, aa a guarantee thai . . . . , Notico to Contractor. Not Ua Ja hereby gtvea that sealed bldo will be received by the Oity of Salens at the ofileo of the Rceerdor. at the City Hall, in mid oity; said W4h to be epeaedi at the adjouraed meeting of the eeuU to bo held ea December W, 1W, at 70 o'clock p. m for tho coaekHCtleH of a Poy Howe True bridgo aoroai South Mill creek or High street, ia eald oity, to bo Imilt ia ao cordaHOo with tho p)aa ami apeciaoa tieaa row or file ia tho oMoe of tho Oity Record. Kaoh bid mwet be a aad Hmr, and1 all other htdci muet be aa- eampaaied by aa awouat equal to 10 cluiW three meala to bo trved oa diaor . Pr et of to amount of the bid. ltweeR Pertlaad aad Sacrament, aad i Sample U aoeompaay all bido whoro Pullmaa berth to Le AagelM. A Tate praetioKblo, The right ia rotMrved to of $8 will be charged vrhere twe poeple reject a ay aad all blda aad to accept oerapy a double bor th. A depoVit of or reject aay (Mrtioa of a bid. Oa each $16 Is Beeeaaary ea eah ticket to a- evioo should be iaecrlbod the aature ure reeervaUea. BeoUea reeervatioaa of tho bid. Qoeda of Oregen maaufac will bo held until December Mth. This tare or produotioa will receive prefer ia as oxeelleat opportuaity t vWt Gal- oaoo, other thiago belag equal. AU iferaia, aa the auaplcos uader which it gcodo awd ouppliee muat be delivored is given luaurea a moat oajeyable out- t t imaitoatiary within SO days after lag, the eoatraet m awarded. The oxesreiea ia to bo ma only pro Schetluloa of tho various Hoes of Buratk vidod that net less than 1M porooaa m1h will ba furaiahed unaa annlioa. i Wre nk the trip. All eemmuBleatleas la Uoa to the euperlBteadeat. reforetvee to rtwrvaUea.and to the tiip Yeuohoni will be iasued fer paymoat ia goneral, should bo nddrened to Mr. oa tho flrot ef the meath follow! g the Tow JUchardaoB. maaager, Pertlaad eempletioa of the eontraet. aad raoath. the bidder will qualify by givlag a eood aad aaaentabla stireiv luuul in u, approved by tho mayor, aad: eator ia I ltioa for oouatjr omooa hjy a The adoption of the dlreot primary law has given Oregon stteh a compli cated ayatetn of elections that not even the accomplished polltlciaa can carry In his lfUtid all the details of the pro ceedings leatNng up to the general elections of state, district ami) eonnty oflleer. One of the most difficult things to ascertain ami remember is the dates upon wWeh the various steps in tho nomination ami election of of ficers muet be taken. Is- fact, the or- dlnary citizen, cannot figure out the dates if he has the statute beforo him, for the language varies ami dif ferent ntethotM of computing time must be adopted. Secretary of State Dunbar and At torney General Crawford have exam lneil the election laws and computed the time within whiah petitions must be filed, notices given and other busi ness comkieted in preparation! for the election. It will be seta that the campaign of 1000 really begins during the last week In December of this year, when Initia tive petitions must be filed If the pro moters desire to file pamphlets In sup port of the proposed measures. The pamphlets must bo brought to tho of fieo of Secretary of State Dunbar by Decombor 30. If the promoters of tnoamires do not desire to filo pam phlets, thoy will have until February 3 to filo petitions. It should also be explained that pe titions for nominations for dlstrlet of flees, such as circuit judge, district attorney, Joint senator and joint rep resentative, must bo filed in the office of the secretary of state, nml not in the offices of the county clerk, ami the dates governing nominatleaa for state oflleos are applicable The follow ing list contain all tho data of in terest to the voter ami the candidate for office t Xegittratien: Registration book openo by cooa ty clorka Tuesday, Jaaaary 1 Registration lKoha closed for prl mary ejection, April 10, 6 tu m. Registration book opened after pri mary election, April fH. Kegiatratloa book closed fer gener al election, May 16, S p. m. Initiative petitions! . Number of signers required to Int. tlnte lawn or amendments, 7-IS. Iat day for nllng initiative not! tlons, February 3, Iaat day for Ming pamphlet advo cating wwwMri, December 30, ION. Laat day for filing pamphlets ep posing measures, February 5. Direct primary elections County clerks give notloe ef pri mary elect ion not later than Maroh tl. Last day for filing poUUemi for pkoing namoa oa 11 lot far ototc, cow (freatMoaal aad dtstrfet effioae, March It day for filing poiltioaa far county ettoea, April 4. Date of primary election, April M. Canvas! rk votes of primary oiec for atate aUtcoa, May . Qouaral cloctleat Iat day for filing pot Meno of Romiaatfea for state ottoe by aaajm Wy of oleotora, April 1. IjuK, day for Ming RomWing pott tiona for atate omooa, May 4. Lat day for aiimr oorUloatos af School Nows. Jties Bvn Stnrkoy, one of the for mec studOnte of tho high school, who lms bean absent for about n yenr, 1ms returned to resume, her work. The seniors met yesterday to dis cuss and plan for their graduation ex ereisos, but did not do anything defi nite. Tho program for the now buIloMng has boon posted In the halls for some Urn. It is difficult to arrange the elassos so that none of the students will have confiieting recitations. One of Mayer's little baloons mys teriously made its way Into tho ball of Bhtst bulkling yesterday ami caused Borne little ooafusion. It is safe, though. The high school second! basket ball team Is doing good practise. They are going to havo games wish most of the second teams near. The players are: Carl Gabrielson and Tern llolmnn, for wards; Aloimo Perkins, center; Itoss Melnlire ami Ilea. Utter, guards, nml Floyd Utter, substitute. They prac tice at the Y, M. C. A. gymnasium at thoir own expense, Park school( will bold Christmas ex ercises ia tho hall Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. AM patrons and friends are respectfully invited to be present. Tho program to bo romlored ammimti song, "CrmWe Song." j ma Sho-Mak, Bornleo MUX, j,nili D( mott Althea Irvirt; recitation, "Mal Ing Christmas Presents," j-u' Slegmuntt; solo, "Dear Little srr-,,-er," lluth Staley; -reelUtlon, "hJ. of Christmas," by Frances Dnnick recitation, "The Postman's S',irT by MIMrwl Rogers; violin soj0 Charles Bently; reelUtlon, 'Mmnta'd Letter," Mignon Oliver. Tho pro gram is divided into two sections tn or. der that the visitors may hear tho ! tlon they wish without being too crowded. Jay Moshor o Oregon City has en tered the SB at Park school. Tle 7A nmt 8B at Park school or- ganlaod a society Inst Friday. The following ofllcera were elected'! Pre, idont Marguerito Patrick; secrrtury Freda MoPsok; oritlo, Haael Long) sergeant at anno, Charles Mosher! They oxpeot to Jiave debates soon. Torturo of a Proacher Tho story of tho torture of y. 0. D. Mooro, pnetor of tho Baptist church of Harporsvlllo, N. YM wlU Intoreet you. Bo snye: '-I suffered agonies, because of n persistant oough, rstultlng from the grip. I had to slcop .Utlsg up in bod. I tried many romedie without relief, until I took Dr. King ' is nn follews: Section 1 Recitation, Now Wovery or CoaeumpHoa, "Ohrislnms Wishes' Bnaol Johnson song, Santa Glaus;" rooltaliort, Marguorilo'a Nolo to Santn Olnus," Jesslo Byro; dialogue, 'SocIng Santn Glaus' First graie; rceltation, Bor nico Harrlttj "OhrlstmaB Candles," ScoomT grado; rcoitnllon, Wlltl lfitV wards. Section Song, "llarlcl 'Tls the bolls," Ight pupUs PWth grade: reelUtlon, "Tho Bad Little Boy," Adelina Andoregg; recitation, Charles Coughs and Colds, which ontlrolr cured my oough, nod savod mo from eonsurop tbn." A grand cure for diseased con dilion of Throat and Lungs. At J. 0. Psrry'a, drug store. Price, CO and $1.00, guaraatsod. Trial bottlo free. O U. f3 r o n, x .v. Bwitbi rf lln Kind YwHiiiiUirirthiiH Tc&am ?&&&tt V I. to a contrast with the city for tho coa- Ntruotiaa of aula bridge, la accordance wlU said piano ami sfociRoatioas. Said check to be forfeited to the aky la case bidder falls to qualify rr4 exe cute said contract an above, 110 right is reserved to reject any aad all bids. W. A. MOORKS, l&J04d Oity Roeorder, ' B ' ojsk.mifoxt.xjk.. aomldy of elector. May 4. Last day for alUg RomlmUiag'po tltlowi for county omooa. May 1, Goaoral election, Juno 4. TfrKtodVyHiiiAhrirsBwKtt Commercial Club, Pertlaad, Oregon. 12-10-Ot Gaa Stand Lamps, cf j MM TM &6k DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR WlU treat you with Oriental herbs and euro any disease without operation ly on eoaWaueua contracts. 1 Bidden will take notice that thoro is ho appropriation available for main iteaaaee of the penitentiary, therefore claims for euimMea eaa onlv bo audited i er P20 Tho Oitiaona' Light & Traatioa Co. by the Secretary of 8tato and eortifl.l Dr Kxm sortn everywhere la tn juet i receipt of a largo assort eatos of evidence ef allowance issued 8alwBi 8B ttt cured many prominent of ga staad lamps, Thay are just to to claimants. As boor as there is aa Fpl here. He has lived la Salem thing or Chriktroas proeeats for yur appropriation available warranto will to 80 y1"8! OIJ eaa be trusted. He frleadd. Nothing woro appropriate, bo iwued ia lieu of tha aertifioatosL Nothiag would bo mijro approdatod. Bid'ew aro invltod to bo prosont. Examine tho asaortmont. 1210 8t n w JAMBS. uaeo many medieinea unknown to white doctors, and with them can euro catarrh, aethma, lung troubles, rheu Sure Cure fer PUea. ItQhlvg piles produce inoistafe and oause itching, this form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-saa-ko'a Pile Remedy. Stops itehiag and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 50c a jar at droggista, or seat bymalL Trsatlse free. Write me about ysur ease. Dr. Boeaako, Phila delphla, Pa. tlary. SO p cost disooosk orf pluah roboa gj Oregon, Doc IS, 1008. fo ho JioUdaya. Largos stock la tlio d 14.i8.a1.sr.30, Jan, 4-8. city. Mitchell, Xrftvria U SUvor, State jrtroot. 12-lBtf o Superintendent Orogon Stato Poaitea-1 n-tlm, stomach, liver, and kidney dis- CHIOHrSTKH'a g NNY 1SH I SD MU I (t M MM Iw fa u4 iQUCM FOE SALE. oaoeo. Dr, Kum makea a specialty of dropsy and female troubles. Bis romediea cure private diseases when everything else falls, no baa hundreds of tosti monlals, and gives consultation free PILLS aad oSaaXV UaAlMc L"iHialft4,uSgi' ! HUB M W1 "' ". MU uk hh mwu 1 t -- BW fiflt 1 , TmUmUV-. "iLI IfttUM UJa . Jl Drt .. tk!.l?T4E MfM-B ixunk s . ! Prieea for mtxiltlnaa vnrv mmWalii ( Four-room cottage, Mornlngeide ad- ParVoas in tho country can write for , dltlon. Plastered walla, lot 50 by 150, blank. Send stamp. Just the place for email family. Will; H yoa 9 4 t , aoll for cash or easy paymoata. Prleo, it f rom ya, 550, Stop paying roa own your, Da. KUK BOW WO OO I owa homo. Addreos a M. Loekwood, i67 g Hlglv ttrMt BalMB 0f 814 N. Oommorclal at, Salem, Oregoa, Opposite Hotel Salem. P. O. Box 185 Holiday Exoursion Bates, Tho O. a T, Co. will make a rate of one and one-fifth fare fer round trip, oxcoptlng where faro one way is 50 cents, the round fare will bo 75 cents. Tickets on sale beginning December 30th, good returning until January 7th. M. L. BALDWIN, 15W9-lwk Agoat. M. B. A. Dance. At their hall one-half mile west ef Qheaiawa Friday evening, December 9d. Bverybody iavotod. Oheckreom provliJod. a DON'T nmOW AWAY GOOD MONBY roOLIgHLy, DRDJ. BLIN1 ABOUND ATTER USELBS8 B2nOK BRACKS, TOYi, AND TUB LIKB, WITH WinOH MONBY YOU CAN MAKE A SUBSTANTIAL TAYaiBNT ON A PIANO, AND MATCH TIM THE MOST JOYOUS CHRISTMAS OF ALL. A OOLDEN OP PORTUN1TY AWAITS YOU AT T1D3 ORBAT EXnTBITION Or riANOB, TIANOLAS, TIANOLA PIANO OROinTRBLLBS, 0R OANB, ETC., AT BILBRS TIANO HOUSE. THE PIANO BROUGHT HOME OTIRI8TMAS EVE WILL GLADDEN THE HBAETS Or THE WHOLE FAAIILY, IROM THE OLD TOUTS DOWN TO TIED LTTTLB TOT; AND TIDDf IT L3 NOT A USELESS ORNAMENT, BUT A MODERN NBCRS. SITY, A SOURCE Or PLEASURE AND MEANS Or BDU0A. TION, AND A STEPPINO STONE TO inOIDBR CULTURE AND REFINEMENT. THINK SERIOUSLY OVER THIS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATH; IT IS NOW, OR PERHAPS NEVER, MANY nOMES WILL bb l I MADE HAPPY THIS XMAS. WHY NOT YOURS? OUB DLSPLAY IB THE OREATEST WE HAVE - EV3I1C . MADE, BOTH UJ MAONTTUDB AND MAONmOENOE. SEE THE BEAUTIES TOR Ji3-$S.00 DOWN AND JJ8.00 A 1 MONTH. THEY ARE WORTH $475. BEE WHAT 8185 WILL DO. SEE WHAT A NICE PIANO $164 SO A MONTH WILL SEOURE. THE PLACE TO OBT THE .BEST. OF AT THE HOUSE OF TTnvnTTB. XMAS PRESENTS IS PIANOS DELIVERED AT ANY TTMB DESD2BD. COMB, WRITE OR TELEPHONE ETLERS PIANO HOUSE, O. W. SI MON, MOB., Y. M. O. A. BLDO, A Legal Separation. Bigger & Corby have separated, aad Corby will hereafter occupy tho corner room in tho samo building, together with Hall & Downing. ia-18-lwk Consoling. "Atf how's yer wife, Patt" "Bare, oho do bo awful sick." "Id at dangerous she 1st" "No; she's too weak to bo danger ous aany more." Exchange, Jl lftltlimmtMtlflmnM . . ' 11 1 111 fw.w. p,m ''MKvm99mwmwMx&s)tB:Mtmms NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY WOOD AT SALEM SAW MILL $1 .75 Pet Load The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. $ SALEM. OREGON ttMMMMlgaMMtMSlllglMtMlMSMlMlMBHB8HHliMagfr . &.,-Lajc-misLMitlmM M