Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 21, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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... a Imported figs havo just
i"1 . ... . fine as ovor.
f Inilbai.J'2lbBfi8kot8
H , Jb Im'k. Tlio atoro that
fr . . i-.-tar for tfooil Ikintra
kW "'""
i 'i feeding groeera. Gonfectlonora
.. 156-460 State atroot. Phonos
BBBAD Jt the .best in town.
(viorf n"! Vr
-v pera nousc
ff hire jot received a delayed
tomtit of package porfuines that
nrt erfer! for the holiday trado. A-s
nt Urt arrived so Into, nnd we do
? nut to carry them over, wo have
Ail fWr lhm out at once.
itt tit ttMi goA In Salem.
Come and
See Us
u.uay uvc, December 23
Melville B. Knymon(1, Sudcerfu,
toon Comely.
Buster Brown
With the tor comedian v.-... ,
By arrangement with Hiebard V 01-
", John I.r and the tfw YOrk
OWMrea ahottld not fait to brin
their parent to wo tfcle fBy
Prieee-BO., 7fl fl. sat snls t
box ofllee Saturday mn. i.i
Buster Brown pttule answers to Frank
,rw""' managnr Grand Optra houss,
win in inig 111 iiiiiin-
The cartoon mk4 (in..
Brown," ith chorus, .ballet ami hand
some atago MtUiHH. will i. n,. ...
traction at the Grand Opera llotwe tor
Snturdny. The title is widely knows,
that almost everyone will recognise
iw, that it is a play founded oh
th ahp(ttre of that fanny littt fel
low with the Innocent look n.l Hi In.
flnlto capacity for mischief, that Rich.
" l- OtitcniiH has made known In
tho pRg.R of the New York Herald.
I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 C 1 1 I II 1 I H t 1-"
New Edison Theatre
T. M. MEDLBY, Manager.
Salem, Oregon,
The tnhlc athlete
Talking Sour.
anfrtng an Dancing.
Child Artist.
Xew Rot.; tier?.
MonelegnJets ami Conversationalist.
Thrilling Motion Pictures,
j "" "
H P"
Edison Vaudeville.
HUHHttF tiv. xSHLtrhiiiwSfll
U ywi eatatt4At buying.
Ik Tewder, Tmo Oroaai, Hair
Swke OmA, Rubber Oooda, 8yr.
!e Atomlwra, Boapa, Talcum row.
Ut, Pitnt Medlolnw, Tooth Bruaho,
1WA rowder.
Of aytkja h 1 the drug line we
U re you money.
At a ipMlai low prUe.
Red Ctoss Pliatmacy
t 6aU ami Cowmerolal BtreeU,
8le, Oregon.
At the B4iM.
A targe awl eefttelalty attract Ire bill
open ai t4t WMm tmilgMt for a foer
lay' MMBUMHMt. Mx Mople make
up tbe bill, and all are m clever m Id
wake It dimenlt le aaiM ftae ai better
than the other. Perkane Bortt and
Wlleon. monolofulate and eoaveren-
UoaallaU. taawi out m tke elerereei
ef Mw rarlre lott yet CIom. the table
fttWeU, U a wonder, aa U al the Ar
tella atetem, la war aa4 daaeea. Marie
Ye) gave great MtWaelloa ever alt
tke airtttlM of tke eattatry In her very
p4a4ner talkinjc iMMtgo.
Kveryoae attwHa at tke neat lit
U vaudeville UU week la Mtre te be
Heated. Tke beaNtifvl tea Mt waa
elven away lat nlirht. Mr. Marlon
Skepardt reeeivinfr tke aaate. l'rlday
altjkt aaeeker beaMtlfwl eeld watek
will be given away, giving one were
okaltee for receiving a iae Amaa pree
ent. All ebildrea ar geia; to tke
matin) fatetrday at p. m when
Ireeat4i will be given away.
Master Walter Rice, na Buater Browu.
Jf' -' li Bmy, W-w-.
LfP'g-. OM T4. ULHSA.ytm. p.
Wd la Salem by s. O. Stone.
Friday Meraisg Speotal.
Tomorrow wenUnff, fren 9 to 11, tke
Yokoluuna Tea Oo. will sell fer TEN
CENTS all tke white XtalUa eUUury
that they formerly aeld at 91.04. See
tho big table, aad take yeur ebeieo fer
ten oeuta. None mi at tkU pne be
fore 9 or after 11, o be e ka&d at
that time.
o -
For Inf&nti and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The mtrprieint; manager baa acquired
tke aole rlgkta to Bueter, InelwMnf tke
wewbera of kie family and kie dog
Tl. They have all been Incorporat
ed Into a rtry awnting farce, witk
imwle that ban proven equally attract
ive to niidltor of all age. There U
a bevy of girl who have been grbl
la the wteet and meet Inxariant ntyle.
Buater m an amteallnv awl aiiitMnr
litUe fellow and kla dog Tig le tke
moving spirit In n vaot number ef bn
morotta eowplieoiioM ami iMe njdlt
htg adveHtwree.
' e ii .
Te All Cherry Q rowers.
Yen who have Iteya! Ann ekerriea
are requested to make no eentraot
until ytm eonfer wit the Mutual Onn
nerv Co.. who will Uka all ilia fruit
r - ., ....- ..... ...... .... vv.t.v n-v
yen ean grow at let market flgurea.
If the eannery geU your Royal Ann
ekerriee tkey will Uke all early eker
riea, both wklte and blaek, cracked
ekerrieN, aloe.
mjutual OAG co.,
li-ll-ftt Snlewi, Oregon.
Bear the
Bignaturo of
Holiday Goods
Reasonable Prices
your frlwtda U8eful Chrletmas preeentej a nice dreee ptta l
tkipd 1U value; $1 per yard black dresa goe4e, sow (J5
7 P yard black dress gooda, now 45
vttbrelke, gloria allk of beat quality: very fia kan4lw exeleat
- -I vj lM m 9 9 eeet ee ee eeeteeeeeeJA.'ej
?" k aufflere, only 50(
e1! wol 8lf glovea, apodal value 45(
g'. 75 "hIrt8 now only 43
W Imitation eilk hankerohleffl, ooly .. m81;3
iUl-K nieo dreM hat, lesa one-third; w vaml Jew jk.
names, tipc, wins8 on.thrd reduetion.
" youtha' and boys' clothing at two-thlrda our regular prieej
'Uee, 25o value now'., 10
iay neeit rlbb ,,! 10d
Miae JahU Vaugkn, ef Seattle, who
has been tke guoat ef Mlaa Nellie Tuk
or. loft for borne this mernlncr. Mies
Twekor gave aa "Informal" taet night
la honor ef her friendi
Prod Waau, flrt sergeant In tke ea
dot eorpa at tke Oregon Agriftnltural
College, la komo for tke keMdaya.
MIm Uurn Wolf, ef Dallas, la tke
gwoet of Baiem frien4s,
Josopk Pont4iae and wife are mov
lag from Feeeil to Salem. Joe Is n
young lawyer of ability, and- Is well
known in tko Capital Oity.
Reduced Round Trip Rates.
To all points en Soutkern Pacific lines
In Oregon. Account Christmas and New
Years holidays. Fer tke above oecasien
tke Soutkern Pacific Company will soil
tickets on December S3, U, , SO, 31
and January 1 to all points on Oregon
lines at rate ef one and one-third fare
for tke round trip. Return limit Janu
ary 3, 1906. Stopovers will net be per-
mltted, 12-10td
Marion Looney, of Jefferson, la in
Sftletn today.
Rev. Cheitor Gnt, of BrooKs, Is In
the elty today.
Bishop Barclay, of Woodburn, was n
9nle.iv visitor UHfcty.
Cmy Sltenard is home from the Ag
rleitlturnl College for the holidays.
Bookeener Tom Wilson, of tho ponl-
, .
tefttlnry. is a Portland visitor toUay.
M. G. Royal nnd wife left today for
wnlla Walla to spend tho holIUBj-s
Attorneys Oarson nnd Adnino have
Uueiness before the Portland courts to
Mrs. W. A. Ouslck went to Portland
this morning te visit frlendo for a few
Dr. W. Allan, of Jefferson. 1 In
... ... g ,
the city toimy on prefeesionnl busi
ness. Mrs. Dexter Ield returned this
morning from a short visit to Port
land. President Oolemnn nnd Prof. C. 0.
Bojer, of tke University are In Port-
laud today.
Wm. Rebban, a medtoal student, left
this morning for his homo near
Mies Guosto Randall, a University
student, loft yesterday for hor homo
nt Oregon City.
MIm IMna Jones canto up from
Brooks this morning for a short visit
to Salem friends.
Mies Jessie Hawley, a student nt tho
Oregon Agricultural Collcgo, Is spend
ing her vacation with cousins In this
Mies Daisy Bella Freeman, of Port
land, who has been tho guest of Salem
friend for two weeks, returned to her
home yesiertfay.
State Ifogineer Lewis Is In Port
land today cm InudnoH connected with
tke bounoWy dtmHtte between this
etejto nml Washington.
Mies Leon Ulroek wont to Portland
for an over-OWrmtmas stay with Dr.
nn4 Mrs. Byron LoomU. Mrs. Loomie
and Mien Hlmok are nieicrs,
tNato Printer Whitney And wife re
liairned ycetonky afternoon from n
short visit to Albany friends and tbls
morning went te Portland.
W. II. Burghardt, 8r.. hns returned
from n tour of Ifcistern, Orotron. fo was
gone two months nnd visited most of
the eountlec of 10 interior part of tho
Superlntendoat James, of tho peni
tentiary, returned, returned, ycoterday
afternoon from Hodlanda. California.
whero ho Imdl boon to glvo ovldenoo in
a ease that i bolng tried In that olty.
State Superintendent of Publlo In
atructlon Aokermaa will leave Satur
day for California to attend tho mon
ater teachers ' and educational mooting
ef that state, which le to bo held in
Berkeley and San Francisco from Dr
oember 30th to 30tb, inclusive Prof.
Aelaorman will bo accompanied by
M. Aekerman. Ho ia down on tko
program fer two Addremoa ami to lead
a dUcuwdea. Tho subiecta of t( n,i.
dreooos are "Tho Tcaober o Sue
oeods" and "Tho Publlo School Bv
torn, from the Standpoint of a State
oupennienaont." Whllo thero ho will
oendtaot a dlsousslen on tha llliran.
queetlen. This will bo tha ortt
meeting cf Ha Una over held on tho
ooast, and aa attendance of 7000 U
LL--a- ---
1 1Sifrr w J' I
It la nono too oarly to select your prosonta for Xmaa.. Tho picking
la hotter now than it will bo lator.
Everything's Fresh, Ideas New , , -
You dan find things-horo to ploaao tho caxonu urosaox. iuuo ,
Ncckwoar, aloves, Umbrellas, Shlrta and tho many other things hat
go to complete, a maa wardrobe.
Not tho commonplaco fumiBhlnga that orory otoro solla.
WeVe Smart, Snappy Things.
Our pricou aro always roaaonablo, wo know no fancy prices.
Wo aro always tho friend of tholBoys, vra ard looking ont for Mm
now. And to mako onro that ovory boy will lmvo a prcaont wo hayo
"mado a largo roduction in our Boys' Dopartnwnt. Our units from ages
3 to 8 wo havo reduced to Just ono-half. Our iraita from agon 0 to 10,
short and long pants wo luvo roducod in tho following manner:
Si. to f 4.C0 Bultfl now
80 to 87.00 Salts now
Q to 2.70 Suits now .... 31-35
fO. to f3.76 Suits now ....1-85
And similar roductions up to
31.00 to 314.00 BUITS NOW OABfflfi&fSffll'f9
'94.35 I J
Salem Woolen Mill Stoe
Holllster'a Roekv Maiilrv tu. i-
elmply liquid electricity. It goeo to ov
ory part of yor body, bringing nvw
blood, Btrongth and sew vigor. It make
you wJ and kens vou wli sk -...
JJf. Btoao'a Drug Store,
ribbons, 26e values, now, per yard.
298 and 300 Commercial St Sa,em
Some Things YoaWant
Your list of gifts is not complete
yet. We kavo bad a splendid trade
tku year. Our large stock is less
than it was, but still Is very com
plete. We have a alee line of
Ladlca' Desks, 35 to 39.
Bookers, $2.60 to 37.00
Ofalldren's Chairs, 35c to 32.60.
High ohairs, ?1 to 32.50.
We have some of the finest goods
in tho city at reasonable prices.
Among other things we would call
your aitentien to
,ugs in various designs
Odd parlor pieces
Center tables.
And other articles of ornament and
J. A. Patterson
71 Commercial St.
Phone 017 Main.
Bridge Repairs.
Street Commissioner ICmfl, i.. .
force of men at work on tko Im-H-
acru U1I creek, on Front ! before to yea had
atrceL & nart of 4.U. -. .,.., . ' 7""" w bat
..... "i.J. 7. -V . " "'mwoH5,.Wmn twentv thnu,i
yesterday by tb Wh fa.
This bridge, like a nnmbjir of others
throughout tht oito., haa bean in a bad
shape for some time, and bbe heavy
rains of tho last few day, caused the
creek to rlso to such an ., .....
some ef the piling were washed oufJ
and the flooring allowed to dran ' H
floerlng allowed to drop.
Notioo of Sale of School Buildings
JSotioo is herehv frw ... ..
dorslgne.i will, up to 7:30 p. m. on
Satunfay January 0, 1006, rMelvo
"ma thepnrohase of the two
old eehool buildinw knnm. -. , I
Oentna School and LItHe Central School
bul dings now located oa -the north
ialf of bloob 3 in the city of Salem
Oregon. Certified check- f !"?
of tho amount of tfie bid ,.. .
pany bid. Successful bidder must on-
!m , TtraCt removo tuildlnga
within 30 days of acceptance of b
wV 10 inject any or all bids is
Dated at Salem. Or n..
any of Deoember, 1006.
J. Q. fJnrTMrrra
Clerk of the sohool district No! 24 ' In
Cambridge, Mass., 27 Years Old.
Cambridge, Mom., Dec. 81, Under
tho auwpleea of tho Cambridge Histor
ical noolety tho 876tU anniversary of
tho founding of this olty will bo eolo
lmttcd at a publlo mooting; wlJcU will
bo hold at Saundora' theater this ov
onlng. Brlof adUromoa nnd rosponaos
will bo given by tho Hon. Herbert
Parker, attorney general for tho corn
mduwoaUUj Hon. Augustlno J. Daly,
mayor of Carnbrlndkwj President Ohne.
W. Bitot of Harvard1 university, and
tho Hov. Aiexaador MoKenalo. of tho'
!4- l a mm, ... .
'w wnuroM or Cambridge. Col.
Thomas Wantworth Hlgglnooa will al
no deliver an addiroes and an ode will
bo road whleh wna irpeolally written
for that ooonalon by William Roeooe
Taylor. Riohanl Honry Dana, tho
prealdont of tho Cambrldgo Hlatorloal
society, wlU preside. Thero will bo
tnuaJo by a largo chorus selootod from
tho Cambridge pubHo ochools and by
tho orchestra of tho Cambridta lt!
sohool. Tho members of tho eltv eo..n.
ell and many ofllclala of tho stato and
municipal goverajnents will attend tho
In conneotlon with this anniversary
the following paseacMa fram .TnKn
llako'a "Tho Beginning of Cam
bridgo," ra interet4ugj "When the
Company of Mawaehusotts Bay trami
f erred itself from London, to Masa
ohnsetts, brinirfnir its mvAn... t.
Watbrop, and its charter, the' move-
worn was so popular la Bagland that
Hore than a thousand nrnn ..
over in the course of that year, and,
elapsed, more
bad OAI11A n
th 'flr6t "enwats of tho
Inthrop party wore scattered) along
the ooaet near tho Charleo river, mak.
lag the becinnlnpa f n.o-i-..
Boston, Doroheater, Roxbury andi Wa-
Keep Him Warm
That husband of yours, wo rofer io, ,
Oot him a comfortable wlntor lap'
robo for his driving theso cold days.
Wo bavo cut tnTrprlcoa on alp, our
hoayar plush and woolen robes 9er.
oent. "
Tboy wero Iwught Jor' from tho
nwnufacturers for cash, and wo 'own
them right.
A splendid rubber and pluab robe,
A beautiful double 'pllfsh-fanfty pat
tern, 33.38.
Others at a wldo rango of priooa.
Make your vit happy by getWag
sr a now machine.
Sho'a waited lng enough, no doubt.
Tho White Rotary Shuttln '
abo, Is our newest, and it is a beau.
"Olden oak drnn tm.,1 ....
-aa clearly marked for pro-emlnenoo
y Its geographical position, but it
was not, at first, the intention of the
oompany to mako it tha tt n,
ermnent. A position m.j.. ...
.nio.i ,' : " inur
t T , n,ako 4t moro aHy do.
fended against tho warships of Kin
Charles " Tho ohoico fell upon a $
rituated 0n Charles river, between
Charles Town and Water Town, where
a new town was founded. It was
named New Town and wa. J
Si t0 tmhrl The eito was
1630, and before tho end f i ., "'
ZZnZL ". bouses 1
Tho anniveraArv .. -i ,
, mr... , ""D oDsorvod
founding of th .1.. j:.S . tUo
ing of patrlo U .T1 ZF Bla
"wu, .uoroaeater, Roxbury and) Wa. hi. 1 . x M uulPtIo
tortown. AmoBff tii i... ... ntt baU bearing, stand, with ... i...
.1.1.. ", " . """ "08lonlimnrovrt-i !... ' "" loos
head. w"BIWB8,nR ary -bhuttle
Como and seo it, ad yoU know -way
wo aro proud of It.
Oldmaoblnea taken"ltt.. ,...
obinea sold, on oaay installmouls.
F- A. Wiggins
Implement House, 258-257 t., -.
Farm Implements. Whai. a-.
,...- . . --w.v
-, -wxng.MacdaM 8apUc
.. wvuiij, uregon. IS.21.llt ,
chlldrea, ' Bcnol
itUMZ,"-.. CU
atl T"'.
- uiWtta
BnananBinfaii ..
cMMBteMmnB .... .iiMiiBMMfTmaBannnlMsalstMsnsnsnnnnnnnsnnnnnnnsM