jawaiJ-LuwuRMi'JWwwW'1'7'1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1005. o "'j XJre? Arc you wearing a Jersey. If not, you don't know what is comfortabls for this weather -Ltf&6&hh The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's Stablco. Up-to-dato livery and cab lino. Fu neral turnouts a specialty. Tally-ho for picnics nnd excursions. Phono 44. Ohfta. W, Yannko, Prop. 847 nnd 849 High Street. THE TAX RE VISION ISSUE Fight Started to Do Away With Direct State Taxes on Property All Woven Wire Fencing Jin UUJjng who icucu uu mu n.w. nnd weight per rod mutt bo taken into consideration . Bxatnlnation Trill convince you that I havo tho strongest fence at lowest price. I also sell poultry sotting; gates shingles, and ready roofing. WALTER MOELBY, CO' Court Street, Balom, " & -Z Don'tJLct It Escape When you have nt last Ued suoh a geeO opportunity of having your laundry work dene In snoh porfeat condition, and of stiah an Irrepresoh able color nnd finish as you will And everything that leave our establish meat. Wo havo aimed to ronko tho work done at tho Salem Steam Laun dry perfect, and to keep It nt tho top notch of perfection, nsd wo havo suc ceeded In gratifying our patrana be yond our fondest hopes. Drop us a peital aid or telephone, and the wag on will step. Family work, rough dry, 0 eenla per pound, Salem Steam Laundry Phono 90. 136418 8. Liberty 3U The Woodbunr Farmers' and Ship pers' congress Inaugurated a rofonn that hao long been needed' i Oregon establishing indirect; taxation. For the past ten years by tho reck lessness of tho legislature there baa been a oonetaat lnerenao im tho state tax levy. BILLS TO TAX GROSS EAENINaB OF CORPORATIONS OTHERWISE UNTAXED HAVE ALL BEEN HILLED AND THEN CHEATER BUMS TAKEN OUT OF FROFERTY. Now tho MoMlnnville and Woodburn Farmers' and Shippers' congresses (have tko tho bull by the home. Indirect taxation shall take tho place of d treat levies on tho property of tho people. TAX REVISION1 LEAOUE8 ARE TO BE FORMED TO INTnATE Tina BILL AND TUB FIRST STEP WILL HE TAKEN AT SALEM THIS WEEK TO PUSH TIDE REFORM. It will bo a wnsto of tlmo for tho people to wait until tho official class bring about theso reforms eo often promlsoiK Tho people must act. Thd Oregonlan correspondent at Woodburn IhuJ tho following mimmnry: The climax of tho convention oamo at tho evening season, wbes tho commit tee on tuc revision, appointed at tho McMlnnvHIo eoKveiitfon of November 11, made ita report. This committee Mated that It had' eompUed nil the tax laws and regvlaUoM for 40 yearn back aad from tho mam had1 evolved a new law to be given to tho people at to Jum eteoUo for their Mutctle. It was eoMeaded. liy the eowmlUeo that a complete revision of tho Oregon tax law was Heeewary before aM property would bear its equal ami just burdeav ami all tike people of the ntate would shares equally la tho rape of the state KOVonHMont. Aeeortrlstr. to Dm now kw whleh "has leon drafted ami is now being printed for distribution! tho fl Bounty pell tax wltl b transferred to ttio Toad fund and eolleated as tho road poll tax la now collected, Tho penalty or deWaqtieat taxes will be reduced from 10 to 5 per oent and tho rate of i4errt from 12 to 10 per eat. Tho 3 cent relat on taxes In to b abolished. The amount of state tax paid by each P cHioHrartn-a KNQLiaM EHHYR0YAL PILLS .i ". jr.1" Mniw"ram M 111 It'll rmCll'M A.1UI.I.1II U UKU UI4 iMtutU Un mih IANhhUm Takaaaatktr. UtUn PuiwiM aV.tltaliaa aai ImlU llaa. l J. IHtl M Ml 4a, U H4ju M HtnlHltn, Ta.ilaaalaU a4 ''U.lUt tht I4Im Mw. k ra. Ian UTl. ll.lllilMluull KaU l ... i . -...'.. - jti . . :s MBIMI1" --j 1VA y ) -X' l' VmOm Ult aM. tlkl.kaUakalalra. MUbw , riitUkm k'X. The Best-Selling Hook In the United States NEDRA Dy GEORGE DARK McCUfCHEON MU You will b clmmeil wuli l) is tjejigluful now itory & Mr. IJ McCutchcon's. Between two young men ami two b wtdunghaoinellorconiueiabcaufifiJycomplicatodlovcairair, with many exciting adventurer at a witting. Dut Fate brings about a smooth and satufying denouement tlvrough the rnoani of a sliip WTcck, in which the four are coupled and the couples soparated. ' Picked la the brim with remaa. "It woukl tclj hy lh iheuumli atul lhoUMnd ctea if HmTuen Rthr had not ihtwn the mj prrttxat el giih (e lie Untt( hkh hold w in their p iwbl every line UijJtlphu fitter J. -"rw ". snp iwbi every line u read. ra V2tb several handsome Illustrations lu color by Harrison Ff&her 12mo, cloth, $1.50 9ut poatpatd oa receipt ol price, or at your bookseller DODD, MEAD & COMPANY PUBLISHERS 372 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK county will be based on current ox- rensco. Tho aasoesinent roll shall be published beforo bolng acted upon by the county loard of eqtiallraiioa. Taxes on gross premiums of Ineumnec comp' nies havo been raised from 2 to 5 per cent, A 1 per coni tax will bo lovled' on tho gross earntnge of express, tolograpbj and telephone companies. Tho atato shall be represented at tho appraisement of nil estates over $10, 000. Helm will pay 1 per cent of the ameunt: feherlted. llelnt of tho sec ond ttogrco of consanguinity pay 2 por coni, BTtd! all otihors 3 per cent, nnd for sums over $10,000 and, up to $100,000 n graduate up to 10 per cost will bo levied. Tho governor, acoretnry of stale and state treasurer will be ereateiv n eUto oxcoutivo counoit for tho determining of all rallroodt values, based on reports of oamenga and all other Information nvailablo. Bleeping onru, iMnlng cars, oil and Unk oara not owned by railroad win- parries will also bo taxed. Tho bill, It Is estimated, will produce an Inoreapo from Inauranco tax of $80, 000, railroad assessment 40,000, cars 110,000, InherlUwco tax 100,000, pub- lietty tax raJw W,000, grosi earnings '&37 of 4a ?"- --.&. :S f- Tub faiimrii itKArs what ho has pro vloiialv sowed. Tho human body renps llknvle tlm natural crop of weaknwe, pain ami death If tho feeds o( disease have lKon sovn by tmd hublts of careless ness In cmtlnK, sleeping and exorcising. Kr-nr wgm, ir rou can nnd when you need a little holp In keeping well ute Xtiturc't ronmlle, that do not roughly stimulate but gontly nulokon tho action of NnUiro's functions In n natural way. Nature's laboratory furnishes tho follow ing plant which entor Into tho manufac ture of Dr. Pierce's Oohlcn Mpdlcnl Dis Dis eovery: Golden Seal root, Queen's root Btone root, Ulaok Chcrrybark, Uloodroot and Mandrake root. If In doubt as to your trouble or need ing advice, you can conmlt, free of ctiargo. Dr. It. V. Pierce, chlof consulting physician to tho Invalids' Hotel and Burglcal Institute. lltifTalo. N. V,, All totters are connldercd confidential and answers bearing correct medical advice returned In tccuroly scaled envelope. "I Buffered for nearly clRiit joari,',vrltM Philip A. Fatch. Em , of Motille, Ala.. Deuatr Fhorlff, "with maiaiia. rrhleh polsonou my entlrn mnUim and deDrltcd tno of mr vi I u eurvd nr In tliwa tnontln lr nslna Mt to mr tn)ul)io until i eurva Oiiiiion Mrllcal larirelr due to nctl IMufirnrv. ana alltr. I)r. rieree-g knew II wm mM lfllln Kltnntlnn lxcame nt run-oown ana woaK tnai i Knew I bad to do wmeUilncr at once to regain my health, I txtaan to (mI hot tor within four dar after I tyed the Oolden Mrllcal ula covcry.' and after uitrur nine boltlea I wa rratortd to my uanal health, focllnff better than for years." Tho most valuable book for both men ond women is Dr. Pierce's Common Senso Medical Ad viser. A splendid 10U6-pngo volume, with engravlnRs nnd colored plates. A copy, papcr-coverou, will bo sent to anyone sending 31 cents In one-cent stamp, to pay the cot of mailing only, to l)T. it, v. riorco, iiuunio,n. y. CIOUl-l fcsfl Wn sW '- $L bournl, ai stamps. of telegraph, oxpreM al telephone eompanles $25,000. Total increase ao,ooo. Tho eemmUteo suggests the oreatloii of a tax revision league to circulate the petitlone for the enactment law. Let the people of every neighborhood Uke up 6Ws battle to save the farms and tho homes and the merchant's stock of goods from higher taxes. THE STATE, IN ORDEB TO DE VELOP, MUST HAVE LOWER TAX ES AND Tins IS TIIB WAY TO CJET IT. Tax revision leagues to initiate this bill can he formed by throe citizens anywhere, ami petitions and copies of the bill wlH bo sent them. Then It la simply a question of get tine namos to tho potitlorw and filing the potltions through one oentral or ganisation. Tho people must form theso organ! safe! rw and get up theso petitions and do- this work If they want rollof. This bill will meet with somo oppo sition from interests that have hereto fore escaped taxation. Tho bill was drawn up by n oommlt too of substantial buelnees men, TOR THE DIRECT PURPOSE OP WIPING OUT THE TRESBNT SYSTEM 01 man state taxes. Study the provisions of the blU, whieh wMl eoom be printed" In pamphlet form, ami will be ready for dlstrlbu tlos. Santa'o Headquartcro. All tho poor children of this city who nro Intending to wrlto to Santn Glnus, should address thotr lettors to tho Salvation Army, ns that is his stopping placo this yonr. Tho tlmo Is llmitod, nnd Santn Glaus Is vory busy this timo of tho year, eo you had bettor hurry and get your let ters In. Call at the Salvation Army hall Christmas night,' nnd get an nn swor to your letter. Christmas Presents A Fishing Rod, Basket, Fly Book or a dozen rJco Fly Hooks would mako ft very nlco present for your friond who likes to fish. Come to our etoro nnd wo will suggest some thing that will bo suitable. Hauser Bros. FOR SALE Fiftcon acres, all In cultivation, within ono mllo of Salem. Hottsc, barn, and 3 acres of fruit, This is the finest kind of river bottom land and can bo had o t vory cay terms for on 1 92000- Don't forget our COOS BAY LOTB 'or 936,00. Buy ono and In a few yean it will make you eorao money, Derby and Willson o jb m a o m x .a. . DMntbs Tr KM Yw Haw Alinri BootM rc&m M&Sk The Home of Great Things at Little Prices VTIRRffflsflfKfn wis mm ml iji 'mmW vaw .CjaitaaaaiaaaBa-aa-aiaaaaaaSila TheHome of Great Thingsjat Little Prices TODAY AND MONDAY WILI. BE NOTADIVE DAYS IN 'SALEM'S BEST BOOK STORE." WE WILL BE TRANK WITH YOU. WB INTEND TO BREAK OUR inQIC EST BBLLINO RECORD, AND TO THIS END WE'VE ARRANOED TOR THESE TWO DAYS A BRIOHT, SPARKLINa PICTURE SALE TIED RBDUOTION8 WB nAVB MADB ON TIOS ARTISTIO LINE WOULD NOT BB CONSIDERED TOR A MOMENT IN THE' RBOULAR COURSE Of BU8INB8S, COMMENCINa BRIOHT AND EARLY MONDAY YOU CAN rUROHABB YOUR CHOICE Or TID3 OEMS FOR 20c THAT ARE NOW DISPLAYED IN OUR WEST WINDOW. COMB EARLY?' GOOD JUDGES OF LUMBER Tell ub they eaa get tho beet grades of lumber from our yards. Thoy ought to know, bocauso they have tried it. Wo know because we selected it. You will know if you use it for your building. We havo everything seeded in lumber. lM . jaM.f. u Goodale Lumber Co. Stop Figuring Oa what yeu have to get tT Christinas. Oar store offers hundreds of pleasing sugges tions. BLU Book for Father, Nice Books for Mother, Fountain Pea for Brother, Panoy Stationery for Sister, runny Books for Baby. Booidea hundreds of ether good things for relatives and friends. Wagon Loads Of books from the very best publishers and all the laWat sue eetwes oan be found here. We make our Book Department a feature of our business.. Book Lovers appreciate our efforts. We save you money on your book purchases. Coma in and soo our prices. Magazine Subscriptions We take thaw, no matter where pub Kepd. We have all the elubhiag pb. llaatloM oa file, thus saving yeu mm aaaayMee la wading away. Wo meet every prise, no matter how lew. Oar Calendar Line This season wo ehow a more attrac tive line of Calendars than ever. From tjio moat expensive hand-painted kind down to the very commonest. ODAK Make a Nice Gift. All Prices $.00 op Any Lady Would be pleased te receive a ae nelly Bex ef STATIONERY. We shew hundreds ef atylae, varying frem 85 seats up. RarmBRQs. SJIM1E I Offers many wonderful opportunities in Book Buying. In same eases we give you fifty per eeat reduetloa frem pub. lisher'a prieee. ALL THE YEAR GOODS. Our line of oddities for the children is inteaeely interesting. DOLLS Only a few left. Remember you oan get any of our $S.S6 doll v&l uuea for 15 cents. Better select now, And ether famous makes cm be found here. Our expert p"r aa will show yen the merits of eaeh pen, ALL STYLES FOB LADIES AND OENTLEMEN, TREE DEOORATIONS Of all deseriptlonseandlps. dolls, etc Better buy now aal avoid the smothering crowds. Wo tiro showing an entirely new line this season. OUR PATRONS Will fiadJ this oeason our etow well heated by a new up-to-data heating plant, well lighted by modern methods, well handled by competent salespeople who will show you every courtosy, wheth or you purchase or not. Our prloea will not flatten your pock t book. Bo come today to "rubber," as tho street gamin says. You're welcome any time. Tha experience of everybody supports early shopping. Crowds will soon grow to immenso proportions. Avoid tho Jam, come today and gain easy comfort in shopping. You will find u botter prepared than ever to serve with better good3 than ever before , PATTON'S BOOK STORE yw j5 THE HOME OF GREAT THINaS AT LITTLE PRICES.