ZSSpwvriptm-' r W' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY. DECEMBER 18, lOOg. Smyrna Figs rnw 0r line of imported flgs Imve just ,J aii'X are as una as ever. CRESOA WASHED FIGS In 1 lb nmli 2 lb Baskets FANCY" STUFFED FIGS SMYRNA LAYER FIGS In boXi' and' In bulk. Tho 'store that it nlwrtjs headquarters for good things teat. FULLER & DOUGLAS Sslem's leading groeers. Confectioners ad bakers, 460400 State street. Phones 182 and 187. OUR BREAD Just tbe best in town. THAT'S ALL. RIoTMIIHMMBRIBIlinilHiH AMUSFMFNTSlS . . , HtillERBIIBKIIIIISSniRBHHIHS TONIGHT. The Grand-reotoall benefit, "Jest Laid Flaas" and "A Regular Fix." Edison Vaudeville. New Bdtoa Theatre. Committing tonight a eomploto change of program, except the singer, Supremo satisfaction elta on tho JBdw. DeMos. who will continue with brow of him who has tho pleasure of ( k pleasing songs until Thursday. The inoklag iv La Corona elgar. It looks Traveller hoop roller and novelty jug good, Bfflolls good, tastes good In ov ' Mere, are performers of wonderful abll cry way equals elgaTB at doublo tho Uy, and will please all. Graee N. Win- price. La Corona from all dealers for 10 cents. New Edison Theatre T. fit MBDLEY, Manager. Salem, Oregon. EDW. DE MOSS, In pleasing songs of mirth and senti ment. THE TRAVILOS, Kxpert beop rollers and noveltv jugglers GRADE N. WINTIIEOTE, Splendid violinist. ROBINSON ft DE MOSS, In song and shefchs-a team hard to beat. IIARRY MOYBR, New song story. Kdisonoeeope. All new motion pie- tares. Prises glvpn Tuesday, Friday ami Saturday matinee. Annual School Mooting. The annual school mooting of tho 5a Itm sohool dlstriot was held Saturday evening, ami Ah ore was not a voter present, excepting noms bidders on the eeptl" tank, ami tho agent for a ebemieal Are extinguisher. That kind of an annual mooting levies a tax ef eight mill andf transacts other imper tant buMneae. In tho past large crowd of Interested taxpayers have attends! tbew meetings, and It Is to be regretted that the sohool beard did not publish Mtitable notlee to the people to some oat and hear their annual report and help tranoaot the Important buainem. For laek of apace the report will appear in Tuesday's Journal. If you want tho latest selection for the Christmas entertainment or the home olrole, see tho flno oeHostieu ef sheet music at my storo. Nowhere ebw will you And ono no eomjklete. Store open tv&ry evening this week. Geo. G, WW, the Xfuale- Store, 11 South Oomr nmeJal street. '11....1- 1.l IMI i III I moioi wtif vreniMBi, wiu rrceiro more attention and praUe than any violinist who ha ever aptearedl In Salem, for she m especially popular. Robinson & DsMom, the eolored team, In soaps, dances ami new eketehes, will make things look bright. This pair are hard to beat, and will more than please. A pretty tea set will be given awn(r Tuesday night. Some one m sure to have a most appropriate Xme pres ent for wife er sweetheart. On Friday night m regular price night, whea an ether gold watoh will be given away. Bveryeno should take advantage of the liberality of tho IMbtoa's now manager, and so euro ono of thee gifts. Tho reg ular eoupen system is need, and thoeo at tending the most performnaoes re oetve the greatest number of eowpou. thereby enlarging their opportunity of receiving the present. Xmm gifts wilt bo givea tho ebttdren at Saturday' matinee. If you want to bo eerlaln that your Obristmaa jewelry la right In quality and Is correct In style, you should pat roniie Hinge' new store, lift Cemmor rial street. Why suffer wish you atomaoh, kW ncy and liver whea Helllster's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you weU. If takoa this month, keeps you well aM tho jyar. 38 cents, Tea or Tablets. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. HllllllllllllllllilHIIH: PERSONALS J A Logal BeporaUen. Bigger & Corby have separated, and Corby will hereafter ooeupy the oornor room in tho same building, togothor with Hall & Downing. l-181wk DEAR HANTAt Pleaee bring me a gua and wateh. Then you ean bring xne a train, printing press and magU lantern. Mother says If I am good you will bring me a let of good books. New, Banta, If there U anything else you think I might want, just bring It aloag. JACK URNDBItSON. P. 8. Tfco Geldn Rule Raiaar have all tho things I want. PER rnwT ON SALAD BOWLS, OAKB PLATES AND SUGAR AND CREAMERS Golden Rule Ba$aa MRS. B. T. SWART. Y. M. 0. A. BUILDINO. 20 DISCOUNT i mum ii in 1 1 1 1 b 1 1 1 1 in- Johnny Kobcrts went up to Albany this noon. Werner ltreytnaa wa a paesonger for Potimnd thm morning. Sirs. 9imto, of tho reform seboel, was la the city this morning. Juetlee Tbomao G: Halle arrived from Pendleton this morning. Mien Gmoe Carter, of Hood River, m vieltlng remtivee In tMe eity. Henry lewnlng, of the state fair boardy is in Albany today, on buelneee. K. W. 1UM, of the Otttaens' Light and Traotioa Comimny, went to Bugeno today. George WHeon, of Portmnd, went up to Eugene today after visiting Salem friend. Hob Gate left tbia morning fer On tario, Canada, en nn extended Vlett with relative-. Mrs. Prank Abram Pewell has re turned from a vioit with her mother at CorvaAie. Mian Vera MeWa, of Portland, re turned homo thin morning, after vWt ing Salem friend". Mm Pranoos Newoomb, a student at the University, returned to her homo at Obemawa thle morning. Waiter Mitos returned to hie work in Portland thin morning, after spending Sunday with frleadu la thin city. Mra, O. B. Wolvorton wont to Port land this morning, to mnko nrrnnge mento for moving down next week. N. J. Judab and' Geo. Prltehnrd; for merly newspaper workers at Balonr, nro now emidoywll on tho Dally Aatorlans MIm Kllsaboth O-irlotv, a student at tbe University, loft Saturtlay nflernootf for her home In Abcrdoon, Washington. C. It. lUshep, of Portland, who has loea tho gueet of bis sons ami daughter in tbia eity, wont up to Albany today for a short vioit. Preohtont Colomaa, of tho Unlverolty, wont to Portmnd Saturday afternoon, whore yesterday he eoeupi tAo pulpt of Otaeo Methodist ehuroh. J. O. SaMoa, working in tho loek binding dopartmont -of tho Aatorian, was la Salem over Sunday, to vWt his paroata, Mr. ami Mrs. I. a Bulton. Mr. MeCtow, of PorWand, who has boon vWtlng hor pa renin, Mr. and Mra. If. PoMo, at tho oornor ef Court and Ittk street, returns homo Saturday Mra. W. N. Gateno and Uttlo tlflugli tor, 0I, who havo been tho gucsta of Salem frieada for a wock, returnodi to Portmndi Saturtlay afternoon, lt com pany with Mr. Gateni, who spent Bin day with them at their homo In tho mo tropoM. n A rcsxful rato. It Is a fearful ralo to buvo to et dure tho terrible torturo of rdlo. "I con truthfully my," wrltee Harry OoV son, ef MasenvlIU, la., "that for Wind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, Dueklea'e Arnica Balve is the lxt euro made." Also boot for outs, burns, and injuries. 95e at J. a Pr ry's drug srtore, q ... i O ' ($165 $7.35 $9.45 j M to H 7-35 Os4S 1-35 I Our $7 to $3.76 yotftbs out'ls, l 14 to ID.. 0w $0 w tio.7 yutltfl ih, ng& i9; Our 111 to 16 youths' stilts, agoa M UJ0. Our $B to i.76 boys' suite, age 9 to 10.... bur 3 to $0.75 boya' suite, ages 0 to 10.. , Our $4 to $4.45 boye' suite, age 0 to m ;g Our $4JJ0 to $4.05 boys' surte, ages 9 to 10 . .. a j it ... ioa Oar $5 to $.45 boys' suiw, agco -.. Our $.60 to $5.05 boys' suite, agos 0 to 10. Our $ lo$7 boya' suitiageoO to 10..- ,"" OUR OinLD'S 'SUMS, AQES 3 to 8, AT HALT EBZOB ,... ei .... X85. ..IK- .1. .. !"'- n&l k .U '3'.8S 4-3S SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE .. ggtateBOBgaWKmmKm-.. . .a.m.mmmKmmmtmmmmmmmmmtmHmmmimmmimmmmmmmimmHmmmt . z twaammmammmuammmmamnammaammm HAND CARVED NUT BOWLb A splendid Idea fer tho Christmas dinner table. Can aiae be need for the parlor, Made ia Japan, and carved by hand by Japanese artists. Spoeial price for two weeks 40 CENTS. Have You Seen Y-DO-I? Coma to our storo and see her. The funniest Japanese doM. Does what you want her to do. Almost talka. GoaeraUy softs for M eoats. Jut now only IS seats. ORIENTAL IMPORTING CO. Branch Store 408 State Street, Corner of Liberty, Salem, Oregon. Pictures Framed In Time For Xmas Suae aa Inauruwo Company, Laura Krebbs, through her attorneys. Carson & Canaoa, has brought suit for damaged agalnot the Boeurlty Trust and Ufa luauranoa Company, of Phila delphia. Mm, Kret had takoa out a polioy with the defendant eompany in Ma rob, 104, whereby, by the payment of na annual bum for 10 years, tbe eawpnay would pay to her husband the aunt of $10,000. It ia aMeged Jb the MMpUlat ttat sha made her payments regularly aa Mretod by the eompany to their OWoago agoat, Mr. Charles II. Swdo, audi that eha roeolved reooipts ihorofor for five years, but whea she nt ia tho oertlfied ahoek at the uwal Umo for tho 106 pafsnoat, the letter was rettKaod he hor. Sha shea seat the ehoak to tho aanmay dlroot, but they wsna) H to hor with tho soatoment that Sotdo was no longer their agoat. aad that hor fXy had! lapsed. Aa alalma that aha bad not boon I proporly notined of Boole's eaveraneoaf eoaaootioa wttk tna oampos-, ana oo wands damagos la tho sum ef all the payments that she has mads, with ia Ureot thereon, aad awa la the sum of tMO, wbioh is tho dMreroaee that she would now bo aoatpoHod to pay fer a nimilar polioy at her present age, and the amount she had) to pay. at the time tho pottay was first takoa out. The to tal amount of judgment asked is more tha WW. X-RAYS Tho oat nutomobllos ndd greatly to tho grand total of tho inheritance tax. e Tho big road roller finds thAt "Jor dan" is not tho only "hard road to travel' "Rash breoEO that sweeps tho ocean Brings tidings from nfar, Of satlens in commotion," Dut most about the Osar, Horace MeKJnley parted Ma hair In tho ldne, and divided bis forged load eortlfleatea impartially, showing a well baianeed hoadL - Ohs of tho "Best Laid Plans" was trying It on tho patients at the aryrutn, they eouldn't get away. Juntlao conv pehi us to add, however, that thoy didn't want to, e IIenty Is to aid In tho presoeutlon of Kansas Und frauds. Ho evidently has no doalro to mix further with MoKln ley ami Puter. Thoy woro really loo smart for him. Mr. Harrlman thinks that Mr. Ry an's motive in tfio lfqultablo woro not puro, nnl JCr. Rgmn thlnka Mr. Harrl man's tnetlvos woro Impuro, and both nro flno judges of men. Hor ago Mefclnliry and Btophort A. DeupUa Puter are said to bo In Ban FrsAoleoo, aad aro going to Borneo, whero, tho dispatch naively adds, "tkero Is plenty of timber." MalU t Joy and Puter aro reported to bo in Ban Praaoisao, Thoy read that roaaa of nenoy in tho Ban FrauoUoo Post, aad know whore that luminous le gal Aurora Borealla Is not apt to be. Mrs. Athorten, tho author of several rather Interesting books, eaysi "There is top much bustle in Ban Frasoisoo to really onjoy life." Mrs. Atherlon should put aueh Ideas behind1 her, or do llko tho X-Ray man, look higher. Lawsonboasted net long ago that he oould start with nothing, aad- bo a multimillionaire In a low months. Now, although ho atarted with mlllleao, be admits he is gelng broke. Still Lawaon is not tho only fakir. Thoro aro others oatoldo of tho Panama canal ono. Tho examination of Bonalor Mitch oil's papers has, so far, fallod to dls covor any will. It is a otrong comment on bis accusers that, after 20 yoars' norvico in tho aonnto, Oregon's dead senator loft oo Uttlo property that bho matter of his will Is of no moment. dotting Abovo Its Eustaces. (A Pablo.) Onco upon a Time, no matter when. A certain Talntor, -who bad acquired tho Habit of reproduelng his lady Friends on onnvae, dono In Paint, so artistically that they looked) on natural on tho real thing, used to plaoo his finished Product, on a, oonvenloat "Wall, whero all passing oould seo It, Ho also provided a Table upon wbleh those who viewed tho picture might not any Defects, or suggest any Improvements. A passing Shoemaker noticing a mis take. In tho iadng of the sandals, noted tho fast on tho tablet, and next morning was Delimited on finding tho artist dur ing the Night) had) corrected tho Brref. Emboldened by tho suocess as nn Art Critic, ho called attention to a faulty draping of tho ladled' Scant Wardrobe, Next morning hurrying to tho market place, whero tho pioturo was on ISxhlbt tlon on tho tlokot ofllco Dead vrnll, ho was mortified) to find written on tbo tablet, this nentetioot "Tho cobbler should stick to his lasU" MoraL Tho Oregon Journal's Buggestlons about Portland aro within- the Range of Its; InteMigenoo but concerning tho bal ance of the Btato, its knowledge extends no higher than & Shoe-top, Christmas Groceries Are Here This storo is toady to supply J1 things neeeesary for tho Christmas din nor tnblo or tho Christmas stocking. Among many other things wo navo n full lino of Nuts Bpfcoa ; Fruits . ' BoJslna ; Candles Currants Pools Fig Alt tills week wo will sell two quarts blgli gnulo araaborrks far 90 cents. As an extra, wo havo soma very Jtfeo winter pears that aro Just right for eating. Phono 210. t A. L Harvey We don't wait till New Years to finish them. We have a fine selection of pictures boin iramea emu unframed that make splendid gifts. Stege, Carnes and Co. 445 Court St. Phonc 349 Furious Fighting. "For seven yoars," writes Geo. W. noffaaB, of Harper, Wash., "I had a bitter battle with chronic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I wen, and oured my diseases by the use of Beo trie Bitters. I unhesitaUngly recom mend them to all, and don't intend la the future to be without them in the house. Thoy aro certainly a wonder ful medicine, to havo cured ouch a bad ease aa mine." Bold oador guarantee to do the same fer you, by J. O. Perry, druggist, at We a bottle. Try them today, .... - OO RHUS lino Groceries. COURT and man JIT. Torture of a Preacher The story of tho torturo of Iter. O. D. Moore, pastor of tho Baptist church of Harpersville, N. Y will Interest you. Ho eayat "I suffered agonies, becaus of a persistent eough, resulting from tho grip. I had to sleep sitting up la bed. I tried many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Conuptloa, Coughs and Colds, which entirely oured my eough, and saved) me from oonsump tlon." A grand sore for diseased" con dition ef Throat and Lungs. At J. a Perry's, drug store. Pries, SOo and 1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. SOCIAL EVENTS Criterion Dance. Tho event of tho eoiuon, for tho younger set, will bo tAto collego vacation dance, given by tho Criterion Club, Thursday evening, December Sflth. Ovor 200 invitations havo been Issued, and tho affair will bo a very enjoyable ono. The patronneeaos will bo Mrs. A. N. Mooree, Mrs. It. Catliny lira. J. F. CaJ. breath, Mrs, 0. P. Bishop and Mrs. H. O. Cross. Tho Criterion dub was organised, two years ago, and its dances that wlUr were the leading events, Tho orub has again organised, and this is but tho first of a aeries they propose to give. Among tiho prominent mumbertt of tho club aro Ralph Croaiso, Ralph Mooree, Qoorgo Gray, Howard Oatlin and Curtis Grose. Kverythlng is being done to m&ko it a, sueooss, and it will add greatly to the yulelldo festivities. OJLHITOaiA. Bstrsths las tlfrd Ym HlW Ahnrt fotflt ti a 01 1 LDREN'S CHRISTMAS SHOES S w What better Christmas gift can be made than to shea up tho children? We've everything bhey want ia sturdyand comfortable winter footwoVr. ' POR TUB OIRL3 Sabool Hhos, dross shoes, rubboro, loggins, dress an.nouao,sUPotc.i etc. TOR THE BOYS - Soboel,sheee, dress shoes, house slippers, danlng purap8 rul)bor 1 n , FOR BABY . . - .. ' ' Gunning little bootees, MoeoasinsTshoee, slippers, sandals, otc'., etc. "SHOD. UP" TUB rmTv.-ntJtrM' ... That dUmtnd ring U fbetufl tZ EZZ f yUr QhrUtmR8 ght, Wnt Itf h M8 b BWB ,a ur ehow laa. U ba given away , , t SALEM'S BIG Shop away , nex'SaturOny OREGON SHOE STORE COMPANY R S THE SHOE I IflBJBJBJMnSBmSSB BHjmjMBBMBMl 1 f .i 4 V,