p jpf vniwyi1"' r 'Tfr T'.IV rWT-w-' jg -- "J" r VT"" I ! DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1005. A Miiisnsns ST1 mi sssna-assnssi oa-nn-nnsnaw snasanni asaai-ansM assnss--saannBnanasasassnasnnw TTTTT1 -. " "" i Till- II llll mil III III I I II M-AVMrfftWimiln& IT YOU 1LAVE A OIIILD EIGHT OR NINE MONTHS OLD YOU SHOULD OET ONE Or OUR BABY WALKERS. THEY ARE JUST THE TIUNO TO TEACH THE CHILD TO WALK WITHOUT HAVING THE NUMEROUS TALL3 SO COMMON TO CHILDREN LEARNING TO WALK. OUT OUT TIHS COUPON AND BRING IT TO US WITH YOUR NAME ON IT AND WE WILL LET YOU TAKE A WALKER ON THREE DAYS' TRIAL. IT NOT SATISFACTORY, WE WILL CALL AND OET THE WALKER AND YOU ARE OUT NOTHING TOR THE TRIAL. I K. m J fc I BUREN & HAMILTON, SALEM, OR. Please soud mo ono of your Baby Walkers on throo days trial If satisfactory I will pay you $S.C0 on demand and kcop tho Walker; If net, I will return samo after three days' trial. (NAME) . .. (ADDRESS) (DATS) itwwwfrmifmrmTiimiBiiiiM,, KESTNER DOLL FREE SITS OR STANDS ALONE, OPENS AND SHUTS EYES. THE SAME DOLL SELLS ELSEWHERE FOR $lZ.G0 TO 15.00. WE WILL GIVE IT AWAY ABSOUTELY TREE TO ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS. WE WILL BE GLAD TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT. THE DOLL CAN BE SEEN IN OUR STORE WINDOW. LET THE CHILDREN SEE IT. DOLL IS 32 INCHES 111011 The CHINA HALL, Next Edison Theatre, 475 State Street BOURNE TAKES A STAND In Favor of Direct Nomina tion of United States Senators First Man Elected by Direct Vote Will Break Into the Senate From Oregon Jonathan- Bourne, of Per tlaad, who 1 wetl-kctown iwt pollution and iwinsng Jung, ha decided to enter tbe race for Unit (4 Statm MMkir, ami ndtreme a letter to Mm pre of the state, setting forth hi view oh the question of now ImllnHi Bourne' Letter to Uio Pro. UndentWadlng that you Imve given Uio direct primary law Muek thought. nmr rendered vnltiabV aa-tbitattce In of footing it mleptloH, T take tho lllwty of writing you m to tho deslrnldilMy of using your IniluoHoa Ih urging Uio vet ore to regbrtcr in January, so that the letter ami spirit of the low ohr lie mad were effectivo by aeewiag a vary largo representation prior to the primaries to bo hold Afil )tei, next. A4I pentOBH familiar with United State Hceatertal eteetiemi, net only In Oregon, Imt iir all tho state of tbe Union, must Im eejenlannt of tho foot that eft-UoKM flHmwdal, eftletol or ether personal eoaldratleiM ro frequently tho deeMI factor. Certainly the great huum of voter throughout tho etate have but UtUo voice or any In tk eieotien- of United 8teta senator. Tho olorfttlow of Vbe general jvsJIUo ai tone ami tho elimination of personal, oolfliih eoHrthkurnttoNr must ha moot de sirable to over honest eitfsen ami rot or j hoiMo tho enforcement of tho spirit of our prmooi direct primary Uw cer tainly mm. appeal to ovor thoughtful etlsee. If eaforeeji, thee- political ami eMtorhtl oembinatieiM oro oooommkUj 4lvrotl ttm ro4o4iokl ah4 pome lowa loMhtUcTH In oor M loffiilakiroa. It hoo xh fqiqitMily 0m that oom tortol vUm Imvo boon aoottrotl i ro tyra for tho ooooiwoot of JogWotkM VtHiHOo44 to tho oUto m a witolo, ami 4b JaUftwUt of )oUl privilofos to U onjoyotl 1 & four. Uottar omt ohl RjrotOMt 41 woHtbow of tho loflWtro ooutd oloot tho Uoitj QiNtoo HMMMr, tmd jww'orful ltrMlo, when olliotl, oorUioly oouid mkko oool y IhAuohoo, oooo, tortmth or onJujo this ituwbor thoa thoy ohm tho Hugorltx of tho volord of the otto UNtWr out jvreoonti tUroot rUuwy law. BOTH FOOD AND MEDICINE. We like best to call Scott's Emulsion a food-medicine. It is a term that aptly describes the character and action of our Emulsion. More than a medicine more than a food, yet combining the vital prin qiples of both. It is for this reason that Scott's Emulsion has a distinct and special value in all wasting diseases. There is nothing better to remedy the troubles of im perfect growth and delicate health in children. The action of Scott's Emulsion is just as weak' It is the iirtOHtloii and spirit of thin low that tho people etmll ileal do ami loot the Usltod States seMtor, and tho fltolo loglsktlvo members aro eimply to ratify tho will of tho peoplo, as ex pressed by tho peolo in tho Ronoral eloetlon in June, and when tho logtnla' luro eonveneo In. January oleot tho poo pto's eholfle. The operation of this law shoHbl be slmihir in effect nnl reimlt to our HaUeaal low for tho oleetiott of I'roftMoftt. Tho Natloonl eleotors simply ratify ami oleot, in tho olootoral ool lej, tho mmk for Profldoat whom the people have uesIjpMted m their ohotoo In tho prvlow notioMl eieeUeK In No vombor. It to trHo oor proooNt law I not m 4tory, slojly looaoe of tho Uoltol Itoteo eoofVittiUoft, Tho law U, how evor, a4vUory, ami tho spirit ami In toot hi iwoatktory, h4 IU eporttoi eon lft molo m offootfvo ao if tho letter of tho low wm NMMMhitory. Uowf iMmply ly those who brieve In the spirit of tho htw, hihV who fool thai tho people should rule, allying thomaolvoo Into league ami j1IrI thowsolvoo to oaeh other that tftey wlU vote in tho primary otee tlon for only those lof(llatIvo oanU- 4tos, who, In their petitloM for noh1 trntlen, 41fe tbomoolvof, If eleottni, to oto In tho Iefclatlre asombly flrnt, last ami nil tho tlioo for that eamMhtte for the UhUo1 BUtoo swto who In tho prHHot Jhno Kttorol oloation meiroil Wto ploralKy of aM the veto oast In tho ntato, OotUoot T am a4vh4 that a effort w4)l Ih) m.lo by oowo of tho adyooatoo of ImMyMoal "booeMw" rfml "ma olilns" pollUoa to mmIm thto law Inop oratlvo by ewloavoriag In the dtffer OMt eownUio to got ljh4otlo oaM otto to M0 Utolr Mtpport to tho oowH'o oholoo, ImHoatl of tho stoto'o oholoo for Unit! Statoo Moator. ShoMhl this lo aeeoMpUahed In twverol oonnUos, of oooroo, tho law wooM Hat HroNy bo iHoporatlvo for tho reason that lt wwW bo ImpoMlltlo to souro -IS momboro of tovo loKhdatwro who bail hlf their support to tho same imU HthMtl. Tho objoot ami UtoNtioH of the law U to foroo tho ljfWative oamli datM to plt4 thotr support to tho oao ImUvttual oolootot) by the atato. ami not by any om eouoty, as tho state 'a oholeo, aa oxpfifcMotl by tho plwrallty vote for Ualtotl Matoo sioajor la tho Juno goo antl oIoqUoo. Iot the diroot jwliuary advocate U oaoh eowny oomnoomo a eaatpaig of oduoatlott ami awahoa Uo people to a roaUaatioN of tho importaMO aad boa oJtt of ooforoiag Um spirit of tbU law, owd oo to it that ooly thooe legtolatlve eawMatos NONjUiwtod who Arot plosKo shoHMolvoo, if eleottd, to voto first, last ami all tho time for tho )o plo'a oholoo, aa dVetf-ootod ia tho Juno oIooUom. Ii thia ia aoroly doao throughout tho tot, thoit tho spirit of tho law wisi bo Mwdo oporaUvo, ami Mm oiToot wiN bo tho samo, la Oregon at loiwt, ao if wo had tho iMroot o)oe tiou of tho Uaitod States souotor by tho pooplo. BANQUET CLOSES CONGRESS Fight Started to Secure Road From Salem to Siletz tfhe Woodborn Farmers ' ami (Ship pers' CeHfsrev ooaototod of almost ooa tlmietw program from lOiSO a. m. Prl day unMl tho loot baaquet soeoh wao MMh at X o'otoolo Katurday mornloff. Threelargo AudtoMM paeked tho UaJon IIoM, ami ever 100 aUemVetl the bam quot at I. O. 0. V. baU at 10 p. in. The people of Woodbor, hoadedi by tho looal oommitteo, wore the setl of hofpltaMty, and oxpreosed it la many ways. Their 'houso wore O'ttaodi to moH) of tho delfateti, nd nil the to oal feature of tho program wero ear rled out to tho letter. Tho looal workers woro W. U Toete, Grant Oorby, Iter. D. If. Loeeh, Iloy. J. A. Lovowiuo, Tre.1 Dose, Henry Hall, John Tyler, Mayor Geo. ir. Ileebo, Itoy M. IIIk( 0. D. Hemleroon, J. H. 8ettlomler, Thow. Drown, Win. Seolknl, John W. Cook. Those wero tirelosi li their work to mako the orowdu thlok Woodbur all right, Ono of tho markod oxprosdomi of the hormoof of aH iNtorooto whew It somen to booU)r Wootlbura, was the astivi ty of tho OatholU prleot ami tho Meth odist pastor working aide by aldo la a br ad, publlcsplritotl way, that at traotod' iwieh atteatien ami favorable eemwooU Judge Oalloway referred' to it, ami stated that oo of the early Metholiat mliwloaariw had bio first ro Kglouo sorvloos at tho house of a Cath olic, At the -tight ooavootioN J. A. Carson reported the new tax oodo, and it wao endorsed1 la opeoeheo by P. T. Wright mas, Judge GaMoway and othoro to the J audience, ami a resolution was adopted . r favoring tho enactinont of tax re vislon leogiies. ItesolutioM were adopted at tlo close of the convention's endorsing the im provement of Coos Bay harbor ami ask ing a federal appropriation. Aloo fa voring government ownership of the looks. A eommltiee was created to push for the orwtruotloii of a railroad from Solem via tho Silstz country to Yaqulna, Day, ami B. Hofer, C4m. K. Moulding and L. Gerilngsr wero ap pointed, wth inotruetione to go to Bos ton, New York ami ftaa Franoisoo, If noeossM-y. to get eapital. After a speoek by L. It, Soiaooti, tho congress adopted, the following resolu reselu resolu teon: Itasolved, That ft committee of three, consisting of M. Hofer, C. K. Spauhllng an! Ia uerMnger, lfe appotnledi to make the Southern Paeifle build a lino front SlleU to Salem, Paul Shoup, of tho Southern Paolfle, seoondett tho motion to adopt tho reso lution, amid grant Inughtor. Tho oonvonilon wno honored with delegates fromi tho Portland Commeroi&l Ckib, tho Portland Board of Trndo and the Portland Chamber of Commoroo amll JfoOTrs. Shoup and MeMurray, of tho llarrlmnn system. Tho utmost bar mony ami good wiU prevailed, and tho publication in tho Portland papers, read by Aeeletant Gonernl freight Agent Shoup, nhown that Oregon io entering upon a most remarkable era of railroad eonnt motion. AH effort to run she oonvontion in STRANGE'ADVICB! Or. O. O. prn itui attrt nrttl atitstUa te hit !' aumaalurfsn Mtrtt. (Jin our Almanac for many years past w have given unusual advice to tlioso aftlie twl with oougha, colds, throat or lung troubUs or ooinKiinptloH. Wo havo told thru, if they dhl not receive any special bonsfit after the ue of one 75-cent site bottle of Ccnnan Syrup, to consult Uietr tloctor. qVe dhl Mot ask them or urgo them to use a largo number of bottles, as Is tbe case in the adrortitlng of many other remmllM. Our confidence In Ger man Syrup niakos it no.slble for us to give such atlvice. q We know by Uio ex perlenceof over 35 years that one 7S-cont bottle of Oennan Syrup will speedily re lieve or cure tho worst cougits, colds, broneliial or lun; tnntbles and that, even in bad cases of consumption, oue Urge bottle of Oennan Syrup will work wonders. (JKcw trial bottles, ajc.: reg ular alio, 75c, At all druggists. 4 Bold in Salem by S. G. Stone. 'political channels failed. Thoro woro mBny prominent public men present, and. some of the more active candidates but none of them were given pkees on I the program at the sessions of tho con vention, or at the banquet. The mine polloy wis! b pur-med. at Albany in January, and it is thought by tho oftl einhi of the development League that will bo the loot eonvention until after the Juno eleetion, Coos Bay aud Freo Looks. The interesting part of the dayVo business was reaohod in the evening in the adoption of resolutions petitioning the federal government to appropriate money for the development of the har bor of Coos Bay, and the purehase of tbe loeko at Oregon City, wbieh aro at present owned by a private corpora Mom These two subjects eamo up for a large amount of dtoeussion during tho day, and t4ie gonernl opinion was that thoro is so great need of those appro priations that tho matter should bo urged by Oregon' dologatlon in con grnn The resolution adopted are as follow t Whereas, Tho comploto and fuH de velopment of Central, Eastern and Southern Oretron Is In a irreat measure dependent upon tho deepening and tan provomont of tho harbors of South western Oregon; and Whereas, A railroad I now In towroe of oonskuotton into the Coo Bag eona try; and Whereas, Tho harbor of Coos Bay is tnte moot fonotbie sMmwUit point for tho product of Contrai, Xnatorn and South ern Oregoaf tsWefore bo It ltosolved, By the Parmer awl Shln- per' oongros In convention aMontblM tbm day, at Woodburn, Oregon, that tho federal government is earnestly re quested to appropriate, at the oarlicflt powlblo moment, an amount suflleient to give a 40-foot channel on the Coos Bay Imr at moan low tide, and n 93-foot channel from tho bar to tho head of navigation. Wheroa, Tho farmer and shipper of tho Willamette vallty havo lcn laying tribute to a prlvnto corporation ror looaago at tho look in tho Wil lamette river at Oregon; City, amounting to about 1100,000 per your for tho past yoarj therefore bo it Resolved, That tho Farmers' ami Shipper' CongroM held at Woodburn, Oregon, this Iflth day of December, l&Oft", request our representatives ia con grew to urgo upon our federal govorn moat the necessity of purebaaiag the lock, aad thus making this great water way a freo ami open ono. R-olved, That a copy of these reso ltttona, properly attested by the prwl dent and esaretary of tho Wlllawrtto Valley Development - Loatrue. h. far. warded to our representative in con- gross. rrienda of Columbia, It is thought that these resolution will have much weight in securing tho dtwired appropriations. The rrt()s q, Improvement have been agitated b tho people of that oeetlon of the a,,' for a long tlmo, nndl it is fdt that U deepening of tho channel nt this tit,. wowldl mean much for the Industries U Oooa oounty and tho entire virinsty Tho eontfmoitt of the congress sukL to bo tlmt, while tlio Columbia river 1 provements are to be secured tHIhh fail, tho peoplo of tho Mate should se. In mind tho noetfci of Improv ommtTst other harbors, ospeetaly that of Com Bay. Railroad Dovelonmsnt. llntlroad extension in Oregon tad hi lmiortano also oamc up for a krn share of owdderation at tho evesisc oessioa. Majror P. W. Watn. of h.u- spoko of tho oloctric line projects, f nmmi k muoa nowco w bIng taken k tho WillamoMo vnlioy nt present. H, callciJ particular nttontion to tho ,. powi x-oriinuBOJom road, and of Ui bonoflt whlob woubl bo detlvml It by Uio peoplo of tho Willamette r ioy. Paul Shoup, of Uio Harrl-nan frefgit dqwrimont, (told oomothing of the tx tonstona which aro beinir mads 1 &, SouWiom Paolfle and! O. II. & N. in Of gon. Jlo epoko of the vast etnas W monoy which ho boa sot aside by tUi oystom for expemUture in Oregon, t( what it wouW mean toward the dtrd- opment of U14 state. 0 .. now' This? Wo offor Ono Hundred Dollar J ward for any case of Catarrh that m not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Osri P. J. OITKNHY & CO,, Tole-Js, a Wo, the undroslgncd. have kaflwal". J. Cheney for tho Inst 15 years, tad U novo him perfectly henorabls is U uuiunces tronoaotlcno and fltustliSt ablo to enrry out any obligation mUi by ais Arm. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVI.V. Vbolpoalo Druccltt. Tolsda, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken UUt- nally, acting directly upon tb M and mucous surfs cos of the ;r!a. Tettlmoniols sont froe. Prlss 75 cU per bottle. Bold br all druceUU. Tako Halls Family Pill for Mtutif Uon. If you buy anfy thing fr"m IIleJ new Jewelry store, you can be asmM it I tho very latest in style, You may bo sure it is right ia srtrj wn(y if It comes from ningos' new Jl 4ry store Jf'erything in the stew.I tho very latest. rs, sjsnBsjMsMraysMsiBsiBBiSHasnsM it nai - .i '" " ' II t Women Aro Indignant. I Anjrele. Cal. Dec, 18 Mm' B. Ooroy. wita of the prosideat of l stool trust, left last night for tie s en tho Santa Fo, going presumiUr I nttaburg, where, it is umwrstoe. cial honor are being arraaged' iw 1 by tho women of that city, as a jk against tho action of ber husband. . " v . fiffa IA( Turner Store Robbed, II. S. Karl's store at Tumor was en torod Saturday ninjht ami relieve' of about ITS worth of toodu, coasUtiug of poolaot ksdv-M, stora and sHvorwaro. It I thought Utat it vaa tlo work of tramps, who loft on tho southbound froight train Saturday night, and tho eflUera of tho town along the lino havo boon talepboaed to look out for them. 1 o ' ' 1 Mrs, Soott Seriously 111. County dork Roland this morning ro eeivod a letter from County Judgd Soott, la which he state that his wife ia olill very low, though some bettor, and ttiat the judge wiM not be able to AfTnrstiue m trantiner neSS and wasting in adults. r be in the oOioo before January 9o Jh ILvxctuM V ( WiiALtn' ( . v I IMsiVJlV4V JEfLJT "V"T W"'s?raTwfE5iJk .StnCBBBBK7. V K iSL. I i t. S t -.mm-1 r. kk nr a mx y7 , .. j Cawe.v v . h- n m K I v: A ,B. M ' ' 1 EOT .. L 11 L.W'N t. FiBVait.4Mll IfUiW tiVti 1 A ftl.Vl M 1 iwBM'"ni. 1 mwn-aia..' .1 h1 " si n mm : 1 Mi MM i - pt No Disappointments in Cloth ing from G. W. JOHNSON & COMPANY a If yu think Roady-mndo. Clothe" aro all alike, you hav' 60a "Alfcrd Benjamin's" Ono big difference is tho way they look on your back. It gh to paint a pretty platuro, er mako a fine display in the wiadow naaking clethe that look right on. your back ia thing. Ad Wat's whore Ban,amia'a Clothe look their best. ' Well gladly shew yea that kind. Come in and eee bow .hoy on TOU. You'U find these roal olothea, better out and better k ing throughout than any picture you ever saw. Instead of dinf pointing yu we'll Burprlsoyou -with bettor garments thin J over expected to see. G. W. Johnson & Co. SCOTT & BOWl, 40PilSu,NwVwV. fc , iiii-iiiii.tfiiaiiiliTili-WSwrmi LIKhi- M-1 . -. V SjuyLyiiySJllMlttggMKaaMjM 2 t ,,.,,, Hfi , tiSSnisiM ajj" t-ft avaa rfrtfrrti-iBt'