,.jrH tf ' w vr ' VOU 3TV. rDs rW0 EDITIONS DAILY, AT 2'3tf P.M. AND 400 M' AILY CAPITAL JQIffiSAL SALEM. OEUQON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 100& S IAN FLEET BOMBARDSRIGA PROVINCES IN OPEN REBELLION THE DAYS FIGHTING SHOWS 1250 KILLED AND 3,000 WOUNDED A Train Carrying Nearly One Hundred Million Dollars is Lost, Supposed to Be in the Hands of Rebels ft, Petersburg, Dee. 18. It li re ported a mlHthrfjr train carrying troops to Orel was dynamited and 90 Cos wukfl killed and many injured. It In MdewtooA te troops at Mgt have jelsd tho rebels. The town la bolng tanbarited nadi la afire In many pwoe. Hundreds aro fleeis t Germany. There is an awful reign of Weodeked In tho Saratoff rfietrUt, where Mnxlmevltoh Id trying to Mtprrm the revolt-, foMewag the nMmsninailott ef TakharofT. H, IVlondmrg, Dec 18 A train bearing ISfyOOOyOOO ruble, due at 11 oVkk Saturday night, ban not yet arrhetl It wao atffongly guardod Vf ol'Vent, but it in feared it i loot. Casualties reported today ftt IMg aw TOO killed, ami 1000 weundod; Mltnu, Wi killed, 000 woundedj Derpnt. IM killed, -tOO wounded; Weimar, 100 killed, 100 wounded, Otkor places, M killed, and hundred wounded. RIOTS AT . SHANGHAI uvWntou, Dec 11 The state d partmoal wm btf Mined this morning, by eahta from the American oommI at Bhangta!, that toe rWtM resulted in the doaak of several foreigners. Two Chi mm were kilted and a number of build injM burned. No American are re ported killed. CHICAGO BANKS FAIL Other Banks Come to Their Rescue and Depositors Will be Paid in Full CMoags, Doc 18. John It. "Walsh's basks, the Chisago National, Home Sav ings ami Bquitablo Trust, tho Insolv ony of which was nmfcunccd. JLlHn morning by the Asosclatlon of BnnkB of Chiengo, were besieged nt nn early hour by depositors in nn angry mood. Tho Home Savings was especially tho ob ject of small depoiltorn. Tho bankers of Chicago bavo guaranteed to mnko good every liability, and pay orory $1WS64,108.D8, awl of the Home savings 3,048,477.13. Walsh was born in Ireland la 1887, nnd earn to Chicago whilo young. Ho mi a clerk for J. MoNnlly, n news doftler, nml finally formVd the American News Company. Ho was Interested in numerous enterprises. Tho eomptrollor of tho ourrcBoy Is placing tho blamo for blsl falluro prinolpally upon rntlw(y Invtatmenta. Waleh was n fnetor in peljtlca. Ho haa been ill for threo months, nml the past week has roduood his vitality. Walsh resigned the presidency of tho Chicago National nt a meeting of the directors this morning. Washington, Dec 18. Comptroller of t,RiirrAnv ltlifcdY. Who lfl At Chi- ' cngo, telegrnphotli tbnt ho saw the situa ' Jnn ritmn.t In- ihn clenrlns bouse 'coromltteo nml Bxnminor "Wosworlb, i . . .... .t.i i. it... who, oy nppointmcni, ynh run mo mwu banks, and1 tho guarnntco of tho other bank to pay all uaiiumea. . ..... t- oii nml1 lias not oloe1 its doors; but is ombarraesod by Invest mentfl, and has a largo amount of assets unavailable as eccuritles. It Pfn for 'buritwss, and! every dollar will bo nnld immeiHatoltf." .uopoimo . to get tiholr money readily. They sought information, whiob. was donlcU them. Ono of tho hoavloBt losors Is the ea tato of tho lato Martin J. Ituwell. Mrs. Itussell invet4d heavily in "Wnlsli's pri vate venture. Flnod Tlicm a XJttlo Bit. Chlongo, Doc 18. -Tho " brisk trust" caoos wero callod today in Judge SmiUb's court. Tho defendants wcro nccuaod of violating stnto tho nntl truit laws, and did not deny their gulltv nntl woro fined 2000 as follownt mi.. ?itlnta AttMrlenn and GhicnaO Brick Companica ami1 Ceo. P. Frusslng, Presidont Mines, EUwltt J. xomuna ww John Gray, mica ngonlo of tho compan- C4, and rnUlox jucAiann anu umhm Free rrench. AmbaaaAdor at Chicago, fhwago, De, 10. Jean J. Jmtr4, ambamador ttvm Franee, rrivel la tlia city this rooming. A reeaptlo wm t4ret him by the French Alii a'n thia afternoon, and a banqtMtt will lo given him by tU aama organiaatioN tnnKlt- The ambamMdor will prop t'e hoaltli of Iloosovelt, ad a&js he wjil f.Werva the Sabbath atrietly. Tkero wjil 1 another reception Mndy nigW, It 1 lU)y tkat ho will vlait Praidnt ITsrper, of tke vnivoralty, before leav- "if rUTBR ItBTURNB OOMINO IN. 'AseUier Prooinet, That of Chisago la Ile&rd rrem. ItUhac K. Mww, ef Chleago, cKfldn wonl t the aUio land oflleo that 1m kftKb 18 ertJnati of aale to Oregon aekoel land, wkiek he bad leenred from 8. A. D. Piitr an neewrity for lewuw to Mr. Intar. By eho number anl tho b Mriptlowt of tho ertifloate sent in by Mr. Mow, Clark Brown, of tbo utate )an board, at enoo prunowAeed 13 vf tbm to bo forgorias, and aayn that tt otbor Ava aro nndotibtedly tho same Tho forgod eorMlUalM purport to oo or nbont MM are of land in DovgUa and Coos oonniiea. It la not known bore jmi how mneh Mr. Mow low will amount to. BUY YOUR PRESENTS EARLY Before the assortments are broke. Many store ar skewing met year's Holiday Goods for this year's trade. It boeanw kWr prieea woron't right Iwt ear, Our prleoa are always right. That's why wo always oIom ont H uJay Qoodu the year they aro bought. free Free! f 100.00 WORTH Of MININO STOCK ABSOLUTELY rBBB WITH BVBRT BHAKJlOr BTOCKOP T1D3 J. O. LEE CO., BOUOHT AND PAID TOtt AT PAB, f 100.00 PUB 8IIABB, OK OB BETOBII THE XTBaT Or JANDT. ABY, looo, Tina orrim iNOLUDEa 1 00 shares Great Northern 1 00 shares Crooked .Creek 100 Shares frccland Consolidated 100 Shares Steriinc Gold Mine thoae aro All activo stocks. Great NorUKcn is paying monthly dividends and increfuring JU capacity, fltorlhig mill is running day and night with 10 stamps and la building a 00-ton cyanido plant, rreolaad is vrorkinff two thlftti with $2,000,000 worth of ore in atefct. Crooked Creek la a placer mino folly quipped with hydraulic ele vator for not ne&aon'o run. Tho 3, O. Loo Co, is Incorporated under tho laws of Orecon with a capital stock of $00,000, divided Into 500 sharea of a par valno of 1100,00. This company does a general conimtailon and brokerage buaiuoas, beeides proa pectlng, looating, devoJoplng and operating mines. Its aaeeta conaista of unencumbered poraonal and xoal property on a conservative valuation of $50,000 (a schedulo of whioh will bo furnished on application). This stock la be ing sold to pay for a fully quipped mlno with a 30-ton mill and 10,000 tons of froo milling oro in sight that will plate $l0 a ton. This property will pay a dividend of $3.00 per sharo, besides tho stook la now paying a month ly dividend of 2 per cent Our books aro open for prospooUvo purchasers, Not more than flvo oharoi of thii stock will bo sold to any ono person. Tor further particulars call ou or address THE J. C. LEE CO. 337 STATE STREET, SALEM, OREGON &a4 'faufzhs e z?'Jfigez n oaly new Holiday Goods to show you. Great value la oilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Shaving lets, Collar and Ctiff Boxes, Dolls, rames, and a great variety of Christ- tas Novelties This year wa have added a line of , High Grade Silverwear Novelties We save yon frem forty to fifty per seat on all holiday linos Men's "Cravenette" Raincoats Make an Ideal present. Wo have just roselred another shipment. Our lew prices on theee standard goods have mado them peat sellers this season. ffancy ''Velvet Grip" Hose Supporters Just opened. Wo marked them at eaah store prieoa. Yoa get an idea of the business wo o doing fxes: tho faet that e hare t ecetved direct from the "Velvet Grip" factory tly $587 worth of "Velvet Grip" Hose Supporters g the past ten months. It is because we handle goods in cacta quantities that wo can boy at the ght prices, and we give oar customers the benefit of every special discount. T.KM'B CHEAPEST ONE-PBICB CASH STOBE. OUB STGEE WTL LEEUAIN OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 O'OOLCK elaim. Prit utoeulatioa, oporatless in railroads, ooal lanV, quarries and other ett Haos are wld to bo tho ea. OomfUoUer of tho Curreaoy B(d) Imw boon la tao elty three day. SuBduf aftoraoow ho oallod a meoting U tae oihor bjakrs at tho ofllee of Freldot Porgun, of the Pirot National, wJtUh te4od from 3 o'aiook p. m. to SiM this mousing. Tho- annouaoomeM vws made at 4 o'olook that too Nation al had 1,000,000 of Oopoolta and tho Home ft.000,000 bolMgiag W Hm thou saadti of dopositora.' Tho total liabili ties of tho threo Institutions la $M,000, 000. Dlreotor Walsh and bankors of the oity have turned over soeuritloa amount ing to 3 ,000,000, and garanteo tho re waindor. The banks opened at tho usual hour tUa morning, and paid depositors, but Teealved no BMnoy, tho oloaring houflo being in ohsrge. Wabth arrivodl at his otBeo at 0 o'eloak, but refuood to talk. His broth-or-itlaw, Co). J. O. Cooper, president of the National Heron Exchange, said that depositor would be paid in full, but he did not know how the stoek boldors would fare. Chief Colllna is present with a detail of police, direct ing the exalted crowds. Two Unos bave boon formed, mostly depositors of the savings institutio. Tho but statement showed the lia bilities ef tho Chicago National to be Now York, Dee. 18.--Leeal bankers do not anuelpato any trouble here aa the r-ooult of the Wale bank failure. Pallwrou have had a bad offeot in opeo ulaUvci eirolo cHoeku opened weak ami Jowor, tho gvorage ots ranging fro 1 to a par et Anmlgamate.1 Cojgor haw a bad for minutes am) dropped t T, whoall.OOO ahareowero dumfod; proiHimMblja liy LavrwB, and It droipo to mk. The market was MmoraUao then Cojtper ralllod, galn lag 8 par coat. National Bank Rzamlaor Charles M. Beewertt w4th a .sle-rjnal force from the oloaring house, .has takes the plaso of tho resigned president. All members of the oloaring bouse committee and Bos worth have been elected dlreoters. IUdgeiy issued a statement that a "nUo understanding appear to exist. Tho "WHEN YOU "WANT SOMETHINa NICE In the line of fancy cake box stop in and look at ears. Wo have an aa sortmeat this year that yoa oannot lad abMwaere. Wo on fix yon up with any style at any prise. Bemombfr our Lowney tnarshmal- lows in boxes IS, S3 and 50 seat oiaes, freak from the factory. THE SPA Ma State Street. W. T. Btola T. G. Myers THE HANDKERCHIEF'S PLACE Did yon notice tho best dressed man t (fee feet roeoption you at t!. Do yau know what mode Mm seem no wish bettor droseod thaa waay j the others? It wasn't tho oleOdng nor tho shoea in faet yoa oouMnU toll just what it was. Did you notice tie handkerchief and tho tiot Not vwy prominent but of that exceptional otyle that denotes Toggery excellence and up to dbt. neas. JJandkerohiefa aro yory p. proprlato for Chriota aBti g stock is eompleto. You can buy aa order it you wish. The Toggery 167 OOMMEECIAL ST. Hank, a gents of tho Brick Workers' Union. Norwegian Steamer Last. Tunis, Altera, Dea. 18. Tho Nor wegian steamer Albula was loot off jvraii nnvv wgni, only one pereen was aavod,- Teddy WU1 Deport Him. WaBMngteu-, Dee. ia.-Boprootatlve v-, w. vmuiernia, introduoed in the house today a bill extending the Obi. nose oxohuion lawa to the Japanese and jiviwitui rh' iaWr aeseondaats. Stock Flurry Over. New York, Dee, 18. 8to.eka had a) most wholly recovered! before closing. DtiUniiAinJda Subway Opened, t.i..i.ii.iB inn.. Dec. 18. The ...i .. LMtrnnn Fiftieth Street now !uni;i ..-- -and the Schuylkill rivor, wna opened to trnfflc today. Tho terminal station nt Fifteenth strcot is not yet completed but has boon put temporarily in u ---iin i,n i mav bo used by tho public Tho terminal nt Twenty-third street in flnishod and bo is tho bridgo norow tho rlvor. Tho Lancnstor nv onuo linos, including tho enrs whioh run to Hnddlngton, via Lancaster nvenua; to Fairmont park, via inucacior vo nuc, nnd tho Baring strcot cars, which run over tho nam cross street, will bo tho first to uso tho underground route. Thoy will dip into tho subway at Twonty-thlrd street nnd run full apood without n stop to. Fifteenth street Thoro thoy will turn nnd go westward again. Trying to Oct Jury. Chicago, Dec 18, Tho attempt to euro n jurfor In tho packers' cnoo wnn eontlnuod today. .o ' Chicago Markcto. Cbiwjjo, Doc 18.-Whenl 84 88; oorn, 4CV4(8M5j oats 80l6($30ir. Doctor Wright's Office OOENEE COUIIT A1TD LtDBETY Streets la Salem in tho pkco wlroro palnloM donUnlry in tho watchword. During tho pnot threo months thin oflloo ban bndi more pationtn tlmn usually falls to the lot of a ilea tist in n town tho nfoo of Salem, but not ono of them miffored THE LEAST IOTA Or TAIN. Dr. Wright baa tho beet equipment for dental work in tho elty, nnd guarantees to ovwy patient that all work will bo done without pain and at a price imiek below what oW ntylo doatiota charge. No charge will bo mado for oxawlnatien, and tho ox not ooet will bo told you Before tho work begins, TUB OOLD WATOnES Ato etlll on display. The tlma is running short for yon U gat a ahawa for $T ef theao 1vat?hot and you $.!!' lHda weel' Orowas '. 0Q nod up PIteo 5.00 and up l!ing 00 and up Examinations , F DR. B. E. WRIGHT PAINLESS DENTIST Btsualoff Building, Court and Liberty Btreets, Salem, Oregon. & njmrfjrmwj-r'h,M-rrrzMrTT7' w m. rJLi WEDNESDAY ONLY opeciai Bargain Sale No. 259 w , Advance Holiday Special wo aro notia tho furniture business but for WjdnoW., iii preproonvwhUh tho girls will approctto TOY BDEEATJS 10c EACH Bo aaoag the early nhoppors. SEE BIG AD ON PAGE THREE .3 M 'i Ml Balea.