rWO EDITIONS DAILY, A 2:30 P, M. AND 400 V. M. DAIIjaPITALJOL J VOL. XV. SALEM. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 100G- REBATE PAYMENTS RESUMED TELEGRAPH FIFTEEN WEDDING IN HIGH TAGGART , . i NUISANCE AGAIN WHAT CONGRESS IS DOING THOUSAND FOR SALEM SERVICE WRECKED Ji LIFE Panama Bonds Taken Care of and Naval Academy to p Investigatca -Statehood Matters Washington, Dee. M' The senate rawed, without opposition, the bill glv log Panama canal bonfa all the rights ltd privileges aeoorded to all ether UaiteJ States two per cents. Bepresea Utive Loudy of Mlebigan, a former jural officer! introdueed In the house a but authorising the house oomtnltteo en ural affairs to Investigate the situa tion and conditions, especially in re ftnl to hazing, running and fagging at 1 tao naval aeadomy. Among the presi dential nominations aro to bo chief Ue of the supremo court of New Mexico; William J. Mills, nmeiate JmUcm, Prank W. Parker nnd John It, Mtttf. For Slnglo Statehood. Washington, Dec. 14. California and Washington ltepublleaaa today agreed to refiiM to be ben ad by nay party tfrecsnent or caucus fer joint statehood for Arltoaa aad New Meorioe, contend Uf fur eingle statehood ef both, or fer Antona alone, at this time. Will Mako Two States. (Four O'Cloek; Bdlllen.) Washington, Dee. 14. Late this af- ttrscon a conference of the hettee He- publicans, by a vote of 110 to Go decid td in favor of the creation ef twe new Hates, Oklahoma and Indian Territory m one, and New Mexico and Arizona m the other. Small pox Oloioa School. Eugene, Or., Dec 11. On account ef tao outbreak of smallpox in the boyi d-.rfflit"ry at the State University, kW'1 vm dismissed today until Jaau irv 31 There are six ease, all light. Washington, Dee. 14. The interstate eommeree eommiseioa annual report, submitted) to eongroM today, discussed proposed rate regulation. It urees congress to delegate authority to the commission to determine what rate should be substituted in plaee of the one found unlawful, and1 that such rate should be made to take effect within a reasonable time, unless set aeide by ju dicial proceeding. It la designed to glvo authority unmistakable, and in oetrformily with deeiiiiom ef the su preme court. It hold that refrigerator charges should be put en the same basis as other frftlkt -krM t ..i. authority to fix a llmtt to the navment of terminal, elevator and private ear charges. It says payment ef rebates has ben resumed, and declares that more frequently the unjust preference is brought about by methods whleh may escape the penalties ef the law. but whleh placidly operate to defeat me law's purpose. .. Q,. Memorial at St, George's. London, Dec. 14. In memory of the death of the Prinoo Oonoort and Prin ce Alice, the king and , no well aa other member of the royal family attended a solemn memorial aervice at it. Ororge'a. Floral tribute wore placed near the mroophagns of the late prince oonoort aad the beaoUfal marble memorial of Princes AMoc Kill rivo Iltuulred. Mydtklngbe, Dec 14. In the mm ore of Jews yeetorday at Tnrtsk AM were killed. A priest Incited the mob and afterward preached, praising it Four regimen U in St. Feterebnrg have nonl wont to the worklngmen not to fear the government. They eayt "We won't eiare cartridges, but will not dl rect them against you' m .iii Drowned tljo Deck Hands, IlrowMvllla, Fa Dec 14. Tha tm- iteager steamer Kcapito collided with a coal barge and rank this moraine. Four or five deck hand were drowned; Ore of the moot tmoeemful lines I our entire stock during the put four twn years has been our Splendid Assortment ef HOLIDAY GOODS And it U one of the greatest Money-avM for oar en stem era. This year w h wade greater preparation Uaa ever before to provMe for vny r'Ba' requirement In desirable goods wltaUe for Christmas Presents Dolls, Games, Dressing Ca sesf Manictife Sets, Glove Boxes, Shaving Sets, Collar and Ctff Boxes d an endless variety of nevelty Uiakete.Xfany nmeaaata doable thoir ! on Holiday Gooda, Remember that oar usual extremely low prion Kdy to all Holiday .Goods, u well as to regular Maes. Don't Foget Practical Presents Thy are oftea more acceptable than useless trinkets. Olvo a N13 DKBflg PATTEaN, LAOE OUBTAINS, TABLE LINEN, BLANKETS UN. DHRWBAIl, SHOES, OVEaOOATSUTTS, HATS, e any article yosr tritn&t Bead. Spwd yoar cub tar Christmaa preoaata at a caah etorc ThU yor wc bOTrinff urj, u,! of M& grado silver aoTOltf ia 1 ; T fade woUi, mlliury .ete, otc, ft! boat ooo-bilf tt Jliy W for Bamo quauty. i ., .ii diZMl New York. Dee. 14. Many members of the most prominent families of this elty and Newport attended the wedding at St, Bartholomew's church of Miss Blla Morris do Payster ami William Broek Shoemaker today, Tho brido is the daughter of Mrs. Frederlok J. do I'ayster ami comes from oho of the old est famsjliea of New York. Misa Au gust de Fayeter waa maid of honor ami the groom's brother was bwt man. The ushers were Bdward L. Tinker Kokml Stebblna, Charles A. Dana and Bdwanl If. Kshor. Tho New Edison. Six star performers arrived in Salem today to pen a four-nights' cngago-i ment at tho over popular vftutovillo. The lwnutiful Fletcher Girls' Trio; heads the bill for oloverness, but none of the numbers are bolow oxtra good.; Mdw. DeMesa, the popular songster, it. sure to please. None havo forgotten , Wm or bis great aeng, "A Hero Till Judgement Day." Levergne, tho hu man puaale, is an enigma to all. Dick Robineon, the "Ace of Spade,' a come dian of the first rank, ami dancer of much note, is sure to pleats. Salem tel dom haa performer of thin high olae. Remember toalaht vou reaelva MMntiti for the ladles' ooM watch to be Riven ' i away tomorrow night. o Will Demand ReoegnlUen. Shamokin, Pa., Doc 14.-r-H(gkt hun dred delogaten of the United Mine Workern, of tho anthracite coal field, met at 10 o'clock this mernlng to form ulate a demand for full recognition ef their union. Celurabus, O., Bee 14.-Oaptnla Tag gart aays he don't boliove bla wife fled with tho ohildten. Ho sayB tho mattor Jo in tho hands of his nttornoy, and if thoy nro really gono stops will be tonk- en to reoovor them. Attornoy worte sayB the weaan is in contempt of ourt, and expects jio traublo in leoat lag her when aho Ib wanted. 5 iosllo'a Wookly Fifty Years Old. New York, Doc 14. Fifty yearn ago today Frank Leslio started tho migazlno bearing tho namo of "Los lif'a Wookly and tho annlvorenry will bo duly celebrated by tho publish ore and employee of tho magaadno. A Apodal Jubilco mimbor of tho publlcn tion ban boon- imrucd, which contains interesting romlnlsccnt matter. Tha Hon. John A. Blolchor, who In now nt tho hcnl of tho publishing confront, will giro a banquet to tho employes of tho mngnzino thia evening. I Chicago Markota. (Chicago, Doc 14 Wheat, 6016G 80j corn, HV'J-I6; oats, 3OM0 JK). (Four O'clock Edition.) Bydtkuhnon, RuboIh, Dec I4.-Tho Russian government is making little hoadway in crushing tho tolograph strike. Tho wires of tho few linos ovor which service was tompornrily restored havo boon cut, and not n singlo wiro Is ,vtn in St. Petersburg. Wcoks tmtst paBi befora the sorvico is restored. B- OUR PllIOBS ON XMAS CANDY Are fhwer thnn ever before At Zinnfs Order mippliec for your tree early to avoid the ruoh, MIlMWUMBatMsMIHllHIHIHIIISHIlM MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES I'erhapt Vu aro undeeided what to gt, lpt us fUK'Kt a merehandiae certificate they rm then Boleet their own gift. Collars and Cuffs There are two qualities in collars and cuff, and both aro good for the price asked. Ono quality nolle at two for a quarter, and thin is the k4nd nouto men buy. Hut tho faatid loua man, tho ono who wants) tho beat and the latest, wear only the U. L W. brand) ooUnro and cuff, which nro conceded- by all to bo tho bent In quality and alyle. K cents each. Wo are oxtluslvo agent in Salem. liny a collar order aa a Cbriatmaa gift. The Toggery 167 COMMERCIAL ST. Join. Oregon. Honoring WAahlngton'B Memory. Washington, D. 0., Dec 14. Today is tho anniversary of tho death of George Washington, and thousand of peoplo went out to Mount Vornon to visit tho tomb whoro Uio ratnor ox mo country ia rosting. Ab usual n ropro eontatlvo of Lodge No. 4 of Maoono of Frodrioksburg, Viu, nml sovcml other prominent Mosona nrrivca noro xjus morning and wont to Mount Vornon, bonring n wrontb of ovcrgroona which they deposited on Washington! Barco phngue on behalf of W mothor lolge. George Waahington waa roado ft mnaon in thlo lodgo and tho record nhowlng his initiation, paraing and raising, and boaring his nlgnaturo to tho eonoUtu t4on, ftlso tlvo Hiblo on. whleli ho was obligated, aro ancredly precerved nmong the treasured relics of the lodgo ami are object ef groat intercut to visitor to Fredrioksburg. Pronocutlen a rarco. Sacramento, Gal., Dec 14. United States Attorney Devlin said this morn lag that he had not received a circular letter from Moody, but would vigor ousiy prosecuto any and all Infrnctlena of tho interstate commerce law brought to his nttention. Ho onlls on the mor chants of Snoramonto jind Ban IVaneis oo nid htm in securing ovidonco. Ho 1ms enlied a federal Jury to meet In Stn Frtfnclwo Monday, to tako up these matter, and oxpeta to hear from Moody In a few day, o Will Remain Governor. (Four O'clock Kditlon.) Mndlnen, Wis., Dee. 14. Tho gover nor In writing a special mom go on the. nubject of unanimity, but In aald to have docldett not to go to the lonatc necauao tho legislature killed Ma favor ite bllbf, he will remain ami acok a fourth term aa governor. 1 1 1 L. i i 1 1 ii . t9 w - w-vrw -W W ICiFaiah4ilkBBJWIP"- Fulton Introduced Bill Pro viding Tliat Amount for Postoffice Grounds (Four O'clock Edition.) Washington, Dec. 14. Senator FuK ton today introduced blUa appropriate ing s100,000 for tho erection of a fodfcr; nl building at JJftKor uity, nvi"" printing $10,000 for completing tho p proaohoa and improving tho grounda of tho fetlernl building nt Snldm. . o ' ' Civil Sorvico Reform Loaguo Moot. Mllwnukoo, Wc, Dec 14. Dolb gate? from nil parts of tho country aro horo to nttond tho 2Gth annual oonvon tlon of tho Natlorml Oivil Bervlco Ro- form Knguo wblolt will open nt tho Hotel Tflst thla afternoon. In tho af ternoon Bcwlon roporto will bo recolvod ami a number of pnpora road. There will bp nn evening eeswlon nt wbJoh Secretary of tho Navy Charles J. Bon nparto will deliver t4io principal nd dretc Tomorrow tho oflloora for tho ommlng yoar will bo eicotod and) var Ioim oivil nerrice problomn will bo dto Hwtod by Joseph W. Brrant, proaldont ef tho Chicago civil sorvico comralmloir, tha Hon. Alfoni Ww Oooley of tho United States civil mrvieo aommiaaion ami other a. Thoro will bo a banquet in tho evening. - May Tlioy Marry Soon. Washington, Dec 14. Congressman Lonpvflrtrr is ovonvholmod with con gratulatlonn porsonnl, by tolograph ami mnll, thin morning, and is boclcged by Intervlowers. Ho is good naturod, and eays ho did) not know officially that ho was engaged!" until tho announeomont. Anked if thoy plighted their troth nbonrd tho ntenmor returning from tho Orient, ho aald he could not tell, as ho had been in a trnnco so long ho was mlxod s to dates. Ho enld tho plana for tho wodiHng wore in tho hands of tho Roosovelte, They would tako no ftxpenslvo (rip while oengroMwas in sosalon. He will mako Cincinnati his homo, no eays thoro will bo no family troublo on acooust ef his political dif ferences from the President. GLOVE CERTIFICATES If you do not know what airso or shade to get, you aan easily make a gift of a glove certificate, either for lady or gentleman. " Holiday Shopping In Ftdl Swing Only Nine Shopping Days In Wfacti f to Make Yoist Christmas Purchases SMART FURS From this eolleetloa of tun y may caoom a chape, a style w a color to satisfy ovary fahliUc denaad, and thoro 's a aaviag it you, too, of ao ewall proportion on every pioee we show. Look thaw over while the stock is ooaplete. OHBISTM&S SPECIAL PEIOES, KEISEB TIBS TJNflUBPABfiED. Tho Baane ia a guarantee of qual ity. Coplte Chrlstsus ahewiag ef new Lmo Stocks, Tab Stocks, Lin gerie Collars, Hand Embroidered Ties. The smartest of New York's latest styles. Sacrifice Prices Prevail On TOYS, GAMES, DOLL OAEBIAOES, BUILDING BLOCKS, MAGIC MNTEENS, BANKS, BXEAM ENGINES, HORNS, HOBBY HOBSES WAGONS, IBON TOYS, PBINTINa PBESses, BEIO-A-BEAC STAt' UABY, VASES, CHINAWABE AND A THOUSAND AND ONE GIFTS TO GLADDEN THE HEABT8 OF OLD AND YOUNG. DO YOUB SHOPPING TODAY. Do Yo SWppihg Today BCa values 8A0BIFI0B SALB 1 9C 25c 36e values BAOKIFiaB SALE wc values 8AGBIFI0B SALB 39C 7Sc values 8AQKIPI0B SALB 55C 1.00 valnea SAOBIFICE SALB 85 C fcl.GQ values SAOBIFICB 2.50 values SAOMPIOB 4.00 -values SAX3BIFIOB 3.00 values" BAOBIFIOB 0-00 values HAOBIFIOB SALB ,$1 .20 SALB .$2,00 salb 3.25 SALB .$4.05 mb $7.25 nJFlFiHpHVFHJ Xn HOUSH COATS, nundredy of mon aro wishing tbejr'd receive You'll aevor bo sor ry if you give him ono of these oploadid house coats for Christmas and will ao vidonee of his appro elation overy day. Our prices 8?o so low and! tho pattarna eo hand somo that gift buyors don't think of going elaowhero. AH tha practical and) latest stylos for young men, bachelors, piddle-agod men and elderly meD, HOLIDAY NBOKWHAX ' Por Particular 'moo, HaUro now Uno of tho latest styles and oo orlngs, put np in aoat and mJiM.. variety la beat. .j l m Al i M i fl A XI v l