DAILY OATITAL JOURNAL, BALEM. OREGON. wr.nwr.BDAY. DECTEMBKB 13, , i mlZMmmmW9MWWtri'mmmumW0WMl - r MMMMB l""-w " - " I MIIMIWHIIWMHW""" .ym r IL&2&&&1&UM M'cgclable Prepnralionror As similating ihcFoodandllcdiiia Iwg UicStoinaclts andBowcls or Promotes Digcation.Chccrrul ncssantincstConlnlns ncllhcr Opuim.Morpliine norNincral. K TIxVltC OTIC. '4 afOtABrSANUELmatai "nyJan Smt .IxSmmt Ancrfccl Hcmctly forConsUpn Hon. Sour Stotnafch.Diarrlioca Wonns.Convulsions.Fcverish. ncssnnd Loss OF Sleep. FacSlmilo Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Ohildron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the t Signature Aw f Ivv in Use For Over Thirty Years tXACT COPY Of WRAPPO. THtetNTwneMM)ir twvoorr. Notice We have HMO farms to rent, chicken reaches to sell on Installment plan. Alto bouses and 2eU. If yon bare property ( sell or rest ooll and ieo ua. If yeu want to buy any kind of property or wast a loan on real estato or notary Strengthening New York's Defonsos. Washington. D. C, Dec. 13. The quartermaster general of the army has provided for important contract work at Fort Totteu, New York. Tkis work includes repairs to the building now luwd by the electrician sergeant at tached to the School f Submarine Do fence. Considerable interatt is taken by the artillery officers in that inetltu tion, for which it ie desired to obtain at the -present session of congress a liberal appropriation. An effort will be made by the chief of artillery to accomplish this when he appears be fore the hottee and senate military com mittee in regard to the army bill. The disposition of congress is to do little for the establishment at Pet Totten, not because there is any feeling that the school of submarine defence is not a valuable part of the artillery system of education, but It ie realised there is neeeeetty for economy in the military establishment, and the sehool at Port Tottea will be restricted in its development accordingly. Openings iu tlio Olvil Scrvlco, Brooklyn, N. Y Dee. II. The Unit ed States elvil service eemmiseion is holding aa examination here today to secure eligibles from whisk to make certification to Jttl vacancies aa tkey may occur In the noeUien of topograph ie dranghtemaa In any branch of the service. A large number of applicants la taking part in the examination. The supply of eligible for tkis position lias never leen eonal to the demand Two days of seven, hours oaek nro ntlowod for this examination. Thero will bo tests In drawing nnd lettoring nnd mathematics, Ineludings arithmetic, al gebra, Including problems Involving quadratics, plane nnd solid geometry, plane trlgnotnetry, logarithms, m on jur ation and projections. This oxnmlnn tion is open to all eitlsens of tho Untied Mates of SO years or over who comply with tho requirements ltoston, Maes., Dee, 13. An exam In or of china ad glees ware Is wanted at tho appraiser's department la tho Boston cuetom kouM at an annual aal art of ISM. To nil the petition the rlvll frvlce eoutmleeioa m WoWlag an examination of candidates today. On iv a fw applicants Vara entered their nam for this eoMulnatloa, M HUMHinnMHI1111 Zn.,""?? FOR nntic For Sale Smnll dry nr wood, at $3.25 .... -,,1 Pt,nnn Tllnck 2001. T. U. arv wa ua . ww Davidson, Jr., Mornlngsldo. 1-20-tf For Salo, An upright Weber piano, in excellent condition. Original cost $060. Will soil for E0O Inqulro of Honrv W. Movers, caro of Meyers & Sons. 8-4-tf For Balo A John Docro doublo disc plow. Inqulro of P. B. Bhafor, tho harness dealer, 120 Commercial street, or Slmfor Bros., Turner, Or. ' 10-fl-tf For BaloAbout 00 yards of oooond- band oarpot, In good condition, ana a flret-okot organ. Call at room over Coo. P. Rodger paper house, Court street botwoon 2 and 4 o'olook f. p. m. . MISCELLANEOUS . ..a.'i.-i . htsnt blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kind, of nawoill machinery. Ifop and fruit drying stoves, otc, SLmctnror. of tho Soni Iron Worka Hop Press. ll.2Q.lm Wantod,-Turkoys, gocso, duck ,JJ one and aU farm produce. Highest cask Price paid, for uno. Capital Commission Company, 207 Commor olnl stroot. Tolophono 170. Hotel Bcottr-Nowly tumlaned, ovory thing oloaa and first oU. Room at roofloneblo prlcoa. In CottW block, Salem. A. Bcott, prop. 7-tf. WANTED. JosltloTby thotoughly comj Wpotont woman as ocM ron or soamstross. -tf Addroae, oaro of "' Wantcd.-Wnitross at Wlllamotto iio tol. Aply at once 188,tt WantotlzBxporJoncod salos bolp t Yokohama Toa 8tor). Call early. 12'Olwk i JJOBT. , sr-U ,-w",- i'fXJrTZ For Salo-We havo a number of small farms In nnd near Bast 8alom, Fruit Farm addition. Also somo town properly. H. J. Geedo, agent, Salem, ' Kouto 0. work of any kind. or want work of any kind- call and rtvg riorlda Confederates Held Reunion. Jacksonville, Pin., Dec 18. Accord ing to a coneervatlvs estimate there are between WOO and 9000 members -1 ii.. 1M..1I. ai.i. .11. .!.!. TTll...t I - t... .1 - tl.. u.tlw'Ol riwnwn (MX IVIOIU UHII ... . X ' i TIT Cnfederat veteran, and ether visit- If you want help of tt. ; groeorles wo aell. q( lhft I no IRRM BV Bmll nv ""- . ... ,. . ...... , , . ,, , - . , .,.. wa in tw euy to auen ino nnnuai roun not aubstantUte, offer o nti w- , J dvUIn u a liter your wnnta In our employment Bgency, " R. R. RYAN & Co. For Salo, Tho old homo of oxCounty Judgo T. a Bbnw, on Front street, also North Balom property. Boo O. - W. Corby, ndminlotrntor, 384 Stato nlreoU "! Ohrlatmaa Trece All alxcs and ohnpes, at modornto prlcoa, dollvorod, T. H. Dlundell,, phono Jfaln 1372 Morn 4 Ingsldo. 18-8-W For Bala Piro proof eafo for oalo, with burclarvproof chest, ft bargain. Chne. II. HJngos, tho Joweler. 12-8tf rror Slo.-Chrlslmaa trees, all altea. Ring up Main 1372. All tree deliv ered Ctaroneo anil Porey Blundoll. la.o.tf For Salo. No. 1 dry wood. Corner of BUtc and 10th streets, or phono 1410. All orders filled promptly. M. P. Dennis. IMMl- i At Your Stopmotlior'o Tho Balom Dyo i. I. whnrn VOU an uoi. clothes cloaned, dyed, prcssod and! xollned, buttons sowed on an ny oowod up, from ft pair of glows to tho most olabornto nllk gowns. All gooda paid for If Injured, Mrs. O. H. Walker, Prop. Phono Main 1245. ZTTWLi.. 41in nln hOUSO at Mill stroot, on Winter otroet, ft pa of gold-rimmed oyo glasses. Finder pleaso roturn to tho Capital Business College. i Davey & Bavago. Roal Batato, Loans and Inmiranco, Convoyancing anu Bxalnlng Title. Notary work done. Bring ua list of your property for sale, 492 Stato stroot, near High. ' 3-8-tf Bay-Hava you trlod H. H. Pauls for moatat Ho baa tho best aatwago la town. Cemo and try It, and bo eon vlnood. 410 East Stato etrot. Tha tWllaon OCv Doalers In ehoppod foed, oeed bran, hay, our drtod fruit, otc. High street, adjoining opera house, C-l-yr. Found Polnlor, brown and -wblw, with etrnp on nock. Pay for no. aau get address. 1 la-U-tf OSTEOPATHS. t w t. Mnmar. Graduate Of Jvlrj vUe. Mo., under founder of ostog pntny. Rooms 25-20 Broyntan bldtf., Commercial St., phono 010. Rffi denco 419 N. Summor st.., phono 01,. Treats acuto and chronic diseases. Examinations iroo. FOR RENT. Tor Rent for Ono or Term of Years, Owing to sickness In my family, I have ooneludod to rent my hop yard of 08 acres, or part thereof. Ono .f tho beat yards In Polk county. . p ply to Samuel Orr, RIckroall, Or. 1.27-lm. cannot show, and queto no prices we cannot make good. Got our quotations on groserlc?. Baker, Lawrence & Baker Baocoesors to Harrltt Lawrence. 44 SI 8 HB4mtHIHH6MMmtlltltHllflj s Holiday Sale of Bu lbs M In order to sell our largo atoek of nyaelatks, Tulips, Gmus, Nar- 2 elwws, Snowdrops, Japanese and OUna Wly Bulbs, wo bnvo plaeed them on aalo at greatly redused prises. These bulbs are all first sUfl and guaranteed to be true to nans and eolor, I SAVAGE & FLETCHER S 32-322 Commercial St. jtattl1)ss)WWsWW 44HE4I4 .-. Mimimiiiil ye)swecaiasisjBiisisisiisiwsiw.w-- - S HUE WING SING CO., 346 Coart St., Next Altey g J Special low price sale of ladlefl' aklrts now going on. g 5 TaffoU silk underskirts, 18.00 valoa for fO.OOj 7.00 Tlno for ?5.00; m S Wa also sell all kinds of Japanese fancy foods, silk bandkerohiefs, 5 Udiea and gents furnishings, whita underwear, drees goods, blank- J S eta, waists, klmon, holiday goods all prlcoa reduced very low, i Thu u hm AinMfc nhfnaaa store in town for good goods. m 4zuuammuM9mMm9mm which opens here today. The city la Ik holiday attire and all publlo build ings as weH as ninny business houses and private resldeaseu nro decorated with flags In honor of tho veterans, The local veteraaa and tho cltUena In general have made every effort to make this reunion the most Interesting and eucceesful over bold In this state and have prepared an elaborate program for the eatertalnmeut of the visiting veterans. Ono of the principal fea turei of the reunten will be a grand pa rada, in wblek the old captured Con federate flags, ence carried by Florida troops during the civil war and re cently returned to the state, will ba displayed. . o Burs Core for Filec Itohlng piles produce moisturo and eauso itching, this form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles are eured by Dr. Bo-aanko's Pile Remedy. Stops Uehlng and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. Wo a Jar at druggists, or seat by mall. Treatise free. Write me about year ease. Dr, Bosanko, Phila delphia, Pa. For Roat-Tho Oakes," North Cap ital street, with or without tho ad joining acreage. Inqulro of Dr. E. A. Pierce, S10 Commercial street. 12-7-tf For Rant. Pivo-room cottage, with basemont) piped throughout. Fine well water. A. Schrelber, COO Hlgb ntreot. 120-U Xmas Holidays Will soon be here and we have an extra large assortment of goods to select your holiday supply from. We make it a specialty of keeping the best brands of Bourbon and Rye whiskies made by our largest United States distileries. Also some of the choicest imported, and domestic wines. We would be pleased to have you call and inspect our large stock and get the holiday prices on any goods wanted. Standard Liquor Co. ror Rout. etoro room In McCornack block now occupied by W. W. Zlnn, Apply to B. P. McCornack. 12-13-lm MUBIO BXUDIOB. Muaio 8todto Praakil Gburcblif, Musical Studio. Associate teaaher Western Conservatory, Chteago, HL, representing Inter-State System at Salem, Oregon. In tho Gray bloofc, room 3. Studio hours 0 to IB and 8 to 0. 8-19-tf 8tryod Prom pasluro in Capital Park bay horso, with black mnno nnd tail, ono whlto foot, weighs about 1100. Suitable roward to finder. M. M. Oray, 454 South 17tU street, Salem. 12.12-3t Foathor Renovator. Makes old beds nnd pillows now, taking eut all Im purltlos, making them perfectly pure nnd healthy. AU work guaranteed, called for and delivered. J. Rlplejr, 48G Cottage street, Balom, Or. w-ia-awk- Xr, B. H. "Whito, draduato of KIrk vilol, Moy under founder of osteo pathy. Boom 21 . Breyraan bldjf;, Commercial st, phoneW,Reldne C00 State, eftr, Church,- phono 1110. Treats acuto and chronlo diseasecv Examinations froo. PZiTTMBSBa. Theo. M. Barr Suceocsor to Barr Potcel, tinner and plumber. Hot sir water and steam heating a spoclalty, Balom, Oregon. v , 8-2 Bemardi & Dcnaford, Plumbers, steui and gas fitters. A U, kinds ht plumb ing supplies. No'. 69 Stato strovt. Phono 118 Main., 10-atfl 11 7 1 A8H AND DOOR rAQTORDBil Frask M. Brown Manufactnrer of easb, doors, mouldings, All kinds of bouso finish mad hardwood work. Front jtroet between Stato and Court nOBPITAZi ,,, Samaritan Hoepltalv Salem, Oregon Nonrsectarlan. Rates, $1.00 to 3.00 per day. Mia Agnes O'Koefo, Su perintendent. Miss Anna Stout, Aset. Supt. 11-fl-lm DRAVMBM. - K t Wkito & Cttmmkk Do a general ;drly and transfer . business, meet ', Vi trains. 'Phone, down town, Mala 170. Stand 1C0 Commercial stroot. 8'liHwf AXOHXTBOT. The Beley Btudios. Thorough Instruc tion in music, Mr. and Mrs. Frances eo Seloy, specialists la Voleo Produc tion, Interpretation and Harmony. Opera House Building, rooms 0 and 10, RWdeaeo phone Mats 074. 11-Mlm W. D. Pogl Architect and superin tendent, plans furnished for all elass ao of building and structural work Office 119 Stato street, Tioga block, Balesi, Oregon. pHPJWWATONO. Mrs. Xi. Campbell, South Commercial at., near oometory, is prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking. Phono, Main 1270. 10-17-lm T0N80RIAJ and up to date. Finest porcelain baths. Shaving, 15c, baircuttIng25o baths 20c First class bootblacks. O- W. Bvans, Proprietor. L0DQB8. rorestcrs of America Court Bh.erwood Foresters No. 10. Meets Friday ia Turner block. Ira Jorgonsea, O. IL A. L. Brown, See Central Xde No. 18, X. of P-OftsOc Hail In Holmaa block, corner State and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each week at 7i30 p, ra. T, J. Oroaise, a O.J W. L Btsiey, K. of B, and 8. Modem Woodmea of Amertos Ore gon Cedar Camp, Nd. 0240. Meets ovory Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, nolman nalL B. E. MatUn, V. a A. L. Brows, Clerk. A Scotch Entertainment, Tho Indies' Aid Socloty of tho First M, B, church will giro a Scotch enter tainment, Friday voning, Deootnber 15th, No admission will be charged. At this tlmo thooo who havo been earn ing dollars toward tho organ fund will bring them. Two handeomo prizes will bo given to those who havo earned their money in tho moot unique way. The experiences must be written and hand ed in. Later, as many as aro willing will tell bow they earned the money. 148 to 156 South Commercial St Salem, Oregon Patronise Yottt Home In dustries and keep yo&r mon ey at iiome. Not a now business, but the old black smith, wsgoa and paint shop of Jacob k Arthur rtry much enlarged. We are prepared to do all kinds of fancy paint ing, sign painting and buggy, carriage and wagon painting) repainting and re pairing furniture and musical instru ments, A. first-daea painter employed. Light and beery wagons and buggies on hand and mfdo to order. Work jailed for la any part of the city and returned free of charge by O, W. Johns or William Cross. JACOB b ARTHUR, Phone 14M MUn. 2220 N. Front St. 022-tf YOUR MEALS Will always be right if you get them at the White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Phone Mala 842L State Btret O. C T. Go's' Steamers Pomona and Altona leave for Portland Monday, Wed nesday nnd Friday at 10 a, ra. Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 7 a. m. For Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday nnd Satur day about 0i30 p. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent. Bock Foot of".ra4 gtxetl BRICK Brick furnished In largo or small quantities. Pressed brick made to or der. Yard oa State street, south of penitentiary, SALEM BRICK YAM. A. A, BTJKTON, Prop, SAVE YOUR NEW BUGGIES For sale, seven old buggies, trst class order; new and second-hand farm and spring wagons, also one nearly esw Studebaker eurrey, end a top express or baggage wagon, Werner Fai proprietor, North Liberty St. H-Stf New and second-hand Goods bought and told. 170 South Commercial St. '.O. L. McPEEK, Phone 1283 Main, 170 Commercial St WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATiCOMPAr OPPIOB OTXY HALL. For water servloo apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance Make all eomplalats at the office. U. J. LEHMAN on ana doors. All kinds of house finishing, 'Phone isi black. Also two floors of warehouse for rent; elevator nd switching faoflmas. NEW LANGE HOTEL tel, next door to the Imperial. Bat 500,760 and 1.00 per day. FJeetrlS l& belelevator7Vtem S rooms with Tanning water. 0 c 3 aet x jil. V 'f '?! .x. f J- Phone Main 175 t&x&kv .ST JSF M r BH ,.gf''3 b" TtJu. "- - lK4