Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 06, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Discusses? Streets, licenses
and Parks, But Docs
Little Business
Good streets was the principal sub
ject of discussion before the city eouhr
oil last nig1t. The large sum In the
city treaoury accruing from the collec
tion of the i" road tax from every man
in tho city, most ef the eeutwllmen
thought eheuld be expended for the
purpose for whleh It wu collected.
Roads lending to the city, and city
streets were falling Into disrepair.
There Is sufficient money on hand to
put these In condition, but it has not
yet been applied to the work.
There wh r dtffereiMe of opinion
among tho founclimen how It should
be applied. Borne favored a distribu
tion of the money, as, for Instance,
$1000 should 1 expended on the
etreets in tho old ity limits, 100 for
tho sixth ward, an equal sum for the
noventh ward, And .$600 for the fifth
ward. This manner of diverting tho
tnonoy vrim objected to, ami tho matter
was finally referred to the street com
mlttco ami the street commissioner,
who was given authority to expend
mi oh money for street repairs in out
nldo wnrtbt as he considered necessary,
Tho gambling ordinance also oan be
for tho council for discussion, The
oommlttee in charge reported en It,
nubmiltlng a number of amendments,
tho most important of whleh km one
premising informoM Immunity from
prosecution. This amendment provoked
oenslderalde dlocttosion, and' Council
man Bayno submitted, a motion that It
h stricken out, which wno carried af
firmatively. Tho ifUMtlon of the elly asuemlng
control and eare of the Mbrary wn
left In abeyance. The oommlttoe on
way and mean, to whleh the matter
was referred, requested further time to
The eeuuoll, on motion of 8 knife, do
olded to roooMor lU Intention of Is
milng one license to II. Ifekorlou, that
would authority him to soil liquor In
Ills saloon anl reatauraaU The mat
ter wau referred to eommlllee.
Authority was given tho committee
on health and H' t compel all per
sens owning property along mill dlteh
running through the city to remove all
nuisances that may palate tho wutor.
Tho rk committee submitted a reg
ular report, as 44d tho onnvnastng
beard that wont over Monday's else
tlen return, ltoth report wore adopt
ed. Jt wu announced In the council that
work on South Commercial street,
which had beja Interrupted tbrcmgh'
Inability to obtain suppM, would be
resumed tbi morning.
The eounoll audited Ute monthly IdlU
against tho eUy and ordered thorn paGl.
n i
rurloiu righting.
"IVr seven years," writes fleo. W.
Hoffman, of Uarpor, Wash., "I bad a
bitter battle with chronic stomach and
liver trouble, but at last I won, and
cured my disease by the use ef Wee
trio llttters. I unhesitatingly rseem
mend them to all, and don't intend in
the future to bo without them in Ute
house. Tho aro certainly a wonder
ful medicine, ta have cured such a bad
ease m mine" Sold under guarantee
to do tho same for you, by J. O. Ferry,
druggist, at We a bottle. Try thorn
A Oreat roast,
Tho buMa of the Unitarian chunk
will servo a cklake Hlnitex this even
lag from 5 to 8 o'elooV. They aro pro
pared to food more hungry people than
evor before. Their diaaoru aro bosom
lag famous among tk who eat church
Defer sending away westey come
and buy a bank draft. You save
something by so doing. Our drafts
are good throughout tho Uaitod
State and Canada. And our ebarr
oa are as fellows i
Oa Portland gad ether Qroffe
On ck item not waeodin $M
., , ,,,,, )
Oft eob How evor M and not
coodlag $100 !
Oa sack additional or fraoitoaoi
" Qa San Fran!, New York and
other polntoi
Oa; aoU ItOHi not exceeding $ .06
Oa oaob Item ovr $5 and net ox-
ceedingJlOO jj 10
Safem State Bank
I,. K, PAGE, P
E. Vv'. HAZARD, Caslde
By Somo Tbought to Dcnoto Eoflno
mont. "What antlsUkel In place of re
finement pale faces donote debility.
"A blwwlloM fase Indicates anaemia
or impoverished blood, pure and sliM'
"What Is the result? A weakened
condition of tho entire systom, the
development .of humors, disfiguring
eruptions, ami finally a general eol
In pee.
"We wish your paper woHbl tell ev
ery man, woman and ehlld1 in Salem,
yes, and every old person, that we are
so sure that our famous eod liver oil
preparation, Vlnol (delicious to taote
and without oil) will make rich, rod
Wood, create strength and restore them
to a normal condition, that we will pay
for all the Vlnol they take If It does
not mtecoed,
"Why arc we so sure! Simply be
cause Vlnol contains In a highly oon
oonlrated form all the vital, medicinal
principles of eod liver oil, actually
taken from fresh coda' livers, ami
Without tho usoleso system-eleggln oil
to timet the stomach and' retard Its
"Vlnol in n natural mannor will
tone up the stomach, mako risk, red
blood, and1 strengthen ovcry organ in
the body1 to do Us work ns naturo in
tended. Wo do not nsk tho pooplo of
Salem to take our word for it, but elm
ply to try Vlnol on our guarantee." O.
W. Putnam Oo.
Ohrlsimart at tho Fen.
The-prisoners at the penitentiary, in
preparation ef the usual Christmas buy
log, have prepared hundreds ef trin
kets which they are anxious to eell to
the public, to Imj used for presents or
souvenirs. The convicts, despite their
unfortunate condition, think that the
holiday may bo mado pleasant to a oer
tain degree for them, if the public
would show a liberality and purchase
the mementoes they have made in
their sells during spare time The
money thus reallaod tho prisoners would
two In rmrchastng little articles of
comfort or pleasure.
Tho convicts, or a portion of them,
are at present greatly Interested in re
hearsals for n minstrel show, to lo giv
en Christmas week. There is consider
able talent among tho prisoners, and
tkov are trotting hh a creditable show.
Jina not yet boon deebkxl whether or
not the puldic will be admitted to see
the entertainment.
Indoor naseball.
lNr the second time this soason tho
Y. M. C, A, Injy defeated the soldiers
last night in a very warmly eontaotcl
gama of Indoor baseball. It was any
body's m until the last minute, and
tho final score waa 19 to 18.
The remarkable feature of the game
was the wonderful Improvement whleh
the Military team btl made since tho
last encounter with the association
player. The game was fast and furi
ew, much good ball being played, and
somo that waa not to good. The win
nars may bo soldi to have won tha vic
tory beoawso of their ability to run
A large crowd was out last night,
and a great deal of Interest U beiag
taken ia tho eerie of games wkiaa is
to b played during the season.
i . o
Opposition to OhoroklU.
Bdltor of Journal Yew exptaes sur
prleo at the bug veto for 1. A,
Thomas, whoa, as you say, many peo
ple did) not know ha vms running. Tho
apposition to Mx. Cburobltl Is not polit
ical or personal, but because bo has
stood la with a few of the old city pel-
IUomm, who refuse to allow any of the
taxes we pay to bo expended' ia the
wsmi WAD.
BrokoHls Arm.
Aissstb MxWks axo C. W. OlaKceft
broke, Vic iHarm Jwet below the el
bow. Tbo bono was mending rapidly,
and it would bavo boon well in a short
time, but lat Wednesday be fell and
broke the arm again, in tho ebi place,
and1 also above the elbow.
Ro,UnlOH Friday.
A social and entertainment will bo
given at tbo wow of tbo Oapitol Bus
iness College Friday, Deaowbor S,
1908. A abort program will bo ren
dered, followed by games. Refresh
weaU will bo served during the even
lag. All students cordially invited.
In New Quarter,
Pratt & Uanred bare moved Into the
now briok banc at tbo roar ef the Y,
M. C. A. building, a Cbeneketa
street, where they will in futoro earry
ia tbo livery basin. Wo bare an
entire new stock of TubbeMlred bug
gies. When you want a flret-olasa Hv
oa you want a flretolasa liv
ing up tbo old telephone aum
73, theTRcd Frfjnt Stables.
ery rig, ring
ber, Main
Bun tit
41111)111111111 IH1IIII1
-iiinni.ninn.mil. n
Tho federal officers appointed In this
state aro unanimous In not haVlng tho
ondersement of Senator Fulton.
It would make a path a yard wldo,
that a man travolidg Iff miles a day,
would require 10,000 yeara to travel
but what's tho usof
Oregon baa 00,000 square miles of
lanl In. one bunch, that bas no ratlrond
facilities. This would make a belt
tyk mile wide around the earth.
Mrs. Vanderbllt kissed one of the
horses at the reaent horse show in New
York. Men must have deteriorated or
women become particular in the far
Oregon's 00,000 square miles of land
that awalto railroads would, if strung
out, make a roadway a quarter of a
mile wide to the moon, with land
enough left over for a garden patch
for the man who Uvea there,
Oregon's 00,000 square miles ef rail
readies land now has a population of
about 00,000, or one to the square in He.
How long would It 1m after the rail
roads furnish transportation facilities
before it will have ten time that!
From tho line of the Oorgon and- Cali
fornia railroad, to -the eastern bound
ary of tho state tho distaneo avoragos
300 miles, while from the onds of tbo
lloppner branch and tho Columbia
Southern to the southern boundary is
about 900 mile. That's a pretty good-
sixotl ranch.
Oregon's 00,000 square miles of land
'at present, without railroads, would, if
put in a strip two and one-half feet
wide, reach to tho sun, ami then put a
bolt around It, It would take electric
ity, traveling 150,000 mile a second,
and tnal is going some, 10 minutes to
travel the length of it.
A natural Ilesult,
It is very reasonable to suppose if the
foundation of a structure was romovwd
that the building itself is bound to
come down. This simple principle can
)m applied to disease. Take medicine
Into tho system that will removo tho
cause of tho nltknets, and illness will
leave of itself. Dyspepsia, Indigestion;
sick headache and biliousness bavo
their foundation in stomach disorders.
Remove this weakness and tho other
symptoms aro no more. Thero is one
euro fer this that all druggists sell
for Mc per boxj it is Dr. Dunn's Im
proved Liver Pills. They get right at
the beginning ef the diseain and make
tho cure by taking away tho cause,
Refused to Honor Requisition,
Governor Okawberlaln yesterday re
fused to boner the requisition of the
governor of Alabama for tbo arrest and
return to that state of J. L. ITlll, who
was accused of converting to bis own
hm property In whleh he had only a
part Interest, The requisition was re
futed because of the conversion ef
partnership property Is not a crime un
der tho statutes of either Oregon or
Alabama, and for the further reasen
that the extradition papers were not
properly authorised.
Santera Star Electa Offloers,
At a meeting of Obadwiek Obapter,
Xe. ST, O. B. 8 last night the fellow
tag officers were elected for the ensu
ing yean lUtk Brown, W, M.J J. S.
Wyani, W. P.j Mrs, S. O, Dyer, A. 3df
Mrs. W.'IL Hall, trans. Mrs. Ida M.
Babeeek, Sm. Mrs. Lottie a Smith,
Con. Mrs. Jetwl Kyle, Aesr, Con.
Commissioners In Session.
Tbo board of county eematiseieaer
aro now in session. Among the many
thing Uiat will em tip for MaaldcM.
tioa at this torn of sourt will be that
of the application far a. franchise far
the running of a street ear along tha
public roads from this elty into the
RoAodalo neighborhood. The franchise
will probably bo granted.
Revival Services.
United nvaagellcal eburak, oa Cot
tag street, between Center and Marion
stroeta, every night this week, except
Saturday. Service begin at 7:10.
Gladiolus Bulbs
Several thousand very choice, finest
strain aad variation, Oregon-grown
bulb, about twice tbo siao of Bastora
or Imported bulb, and produce tba
finest (towers, two to four inobes aero,
anl-12 to SO 'B a stalk- Who bulba are
f two grade. Largest, selected, oo
per ilaaen. 3JW per hundred. Medium
larMlxflba?!, pej doses. $.90 pec
HpffcWJ "
E. Hofer
A Colloctlou of Important Para
graphs for Your Consideration.
For quality and prJeo got your moats
at Farrlngton's market.
- TheChlnft Storo, Stnto street, Is open
Uw in, a. now fllilnmont of classwaro.
Some of the new designs aro very pret
ty. Seo thorn. ' It
No advertiser oan usurp the field' un
less permitted to do so. You oan do
what has been done, and moro, In busi
ness building, if you advertise in this
The Oriental Importing Company
open tomorrow at 408V4 State street,
with a stoek of Japanese art pottery,
including the egg-shell thlek Ooga
That which oan be turned one way
can bo turned another. Tho purchaser
who ho ben induced to buy the goods
ef one advertiser oan, be Induced to buy
yours, If you offer as good or better.
All the prosperous stores use The Jour
nal. Oris, if you want red lips, laughing
oyes, sweot breath and good looks use
Holllster's beautifler known. 35 eonts,
Tea or Tablets. Dr, Stono'e drug store.
Contrary to tho usual custom, Salem
merchants aro reducing prices on thoir
holiday goods boforo Christmas, nnd
tho result is a largo inoroaso in tho vol
ume of merchandise sold. ' Watch Tho
Journal advertisements for news of
these special prices.
It make no differenco how long you
have been sick, If you aro troubled
with Indtgeotien, constipation, liver
nnd kidney troubles, Holllstor' Rooky
Mountain Tea will mako you well. 345
cents. Dr. Stono's drug stero.
Merchants all over Salem aro trim
mine; their window with Christmas
goods, They report that holiday trade
baa starlet! up well, and will bo much
better than Inst year.
Thero have been more people from
tbo country in Salem tho last three
days than fer the name period in aev
oral weeks, nnd it has a stimulating
TJffect on trade.
A fine chicken supper at Unitarian
church, 15 to 8 o'clock. It
'O '"
Will Lay ia Supplies.
Tho state Is shortly to advertise fer
six months' supplies for tho Asylum.
Tho sum of 178,000 will probably be
spent In properly provisioning the in
stitution whore Oregon cares for the
ineane. Almost every conceivable sort
ef article is included in the requisition.
Hundreds of tons of groceries, miles
ef cloth, ami car load of flour, are
soma of the thing that are required.
Out Fee
Christmas Gift
Solid Gold Ring
All our customer have equal obanaa to got tbfc. sfrieaoMd gift free. It
is oa display ia our wiadow. Ask about it.
Oregon ShoeCo
Wo bavo a well-selected stock of Japanese cups, sauaora, vases, tea sets
and otker Oriental goods. Our stoek will include the celebrated e-shall
rajUk Ooga wars, BvoryUiBg at low
Oriental Importing Co.
408 State street, Corner ef Liberty, Salem, Oregon.
Gorman nnd British Rivalry.
The Cologne Cassette, ono of tho
loading newspapers of Gorruany, says
that In no department has tho prog
res made by Germany within the last
doendos boon so obvious ns In tho njor
ohont rtarlno. Whllo in 1884C01O ilW
blirg-Amorloan Lino had registered
only 00,000 gross tons. It bas riow nn
Weeon steamer flooE 'of 710,000 gross
r6glstor tons. Tho North Gorman
Lloyd a tonrmgo In 1884 was 10B,000
gross register tons in 1D06, 070,014
tons. Thoso lines stand now at tho
head of nil oconn transportation linos
In tbo world. The largest forolgn
company, the British India Stoam Nav
igation company, has only 440,000
groos register tons. This success is
due to the establishment of rogulnr
steamship lines to all parts of tho
world and to governmental aid In the
form of subsidies.
I Bngland, Germany's great rival, is
to have turbine ship. These will sur-
j pas the Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wllhelm
II, with its 10,800 register tons, by
nlottt 0000 tons. They are to bavo
70.000 indleated horse power. The trial
trip ef these steamers will bo watehed
with great Interest in Germany, be
cause German) onglneers aro of to
opinion that tho advantages which
the turbine doubtless possesses in some
respects are not so gToat for fast steam
er that it would bo justifiable to aban
don the piston onginos, which have
always done sueh good service. For
this ronsoa tbo North Gorman Lloyd
bas specified) for its latest fast stoanv
or, Kronprlnaessln Ceoilto, tho samo
conditions ami measurements as nt tho
time for Knlser Wllhelm II. Tho Ham
burgliVmorlean lino linn discontinued
tho building of fast steamers, nnd will
hereafter build steamers of oven larg
er dimensions, which will, however,
bavo only a speed ef 17 miles per hour,
but greater comforts fer passengers
and lower passenger rates.
Bast Bldo Depot,
The new depot at Mast Morrison
ntreet in Portland, will be open and
ready for business oa aad after Decem
ber llth. This will bo a matter of in
terest'to a great many Salem peepht, n
all passenger train will stop on tbo
Mast Side, and tickets oan be purchased
and baggage 'checked at that place.
Heretofore this waa only possible for
tho local train. Tbo company will put
in a force ef employes nt tho now d
pot that will bo ablo to accommodato
tho wants of all passengers,
Japan to Have Now Oftblnot.
Toklo, Japan, Dec 0. Tho audder
postponement of Ito's expectod arrival
today la thought to be indlcatlvo of n
change in tho cabinet. ITe Is expected
to arrive Deocmber 8th, and a how
cabinet may then be expected.
Cbaunoey to bo Weaned.
Washington, Dec o Ohauncay De
pew' resignation from tbo directorate
ef tbo Rqultablo will be tendered at
tho next meeting of the board,
prkes. You examine tho goods free of
Tax tho Women of Salem tho Bamo as
Ilrird to attond to housohold duties
With a constantly aching -back. r,
A wqnjan should not havo & bad back,
And eho wouldn't if tho kidneys wore1
Doan's Kidney" Pills mako well kid.'- ',
neya. "' - $
Mrs. Wm. Rainwater, wifo of Wm. '
Rainwator, employed in Veal's Chair
Factory, residing at 93 Bast First
strcot, says: '"My kldnoys troubled
mo off and on for eight yonrs. Every
tlmo I contractod a cold it settled on
my kldnoys, causing my bnok to ache
often so badly that I could hardly get
about to attend to my household da.
tios. Accompanying this wns a very
annoying nnd distressing difficulty
with tho kldnoy secretions. I was
treated by physicians and took a num
ber of highly rocommonded remedies,
but tno ronei x ooimnou was only
tomporary and I. was about disconr
ngod. Finally I road an advertisement
about Doan's Kldnoy 's Pills, and get
a box at Foshoy & Mason 'a drug store
nnd began thoir uso. I expected semi
relief, of course, but to my surprise
they went quickly to tho root of the
disenso nnd I had no mero trouble
until rocontly I felt symptoms of a re
currence. Donn's Kldnoy Pills are
tho boat kldnoy modlclno I ever osod,
nnd I havo rccommondod them to ay
For salo by all doalors. Price, 60
conls. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
Now York, solo ogonts for tho United
Roraombor tho nnmo Donn's and
toko no othor.
Pardoned tho Boys, '
For shooting oao duck each, with
out tho permission of the state of Ore
gon, Fred) Strong and VI 1 ber Oirard,
of Portland, wore yesterday seateaeeJ
to five day la Jail. Thi Morniag
Governor Obamberlaln, who was tcid
in a petition that the punishment wm
(oo severe for tbo crime, commuted the
sentence of tho two boys, and they
were accordingly released from jsJl.
The boys bad gone bunting without
license. ICach bagged a duck, and wm
returning homo with tbo game ia bit
possession. A stonyhearted gaVse
warden mot them, saw the birds, ascer
tained1 that the beys had been sSootieg
without a license, nnd arrested the.
Cbiokon Supper.
At Unitarian ehureb tonight, from
0 to 8. It
Wo aro well supplied with all sbfet
in the medium and long bike cap.
These are double on the shoulder, and
extra grade rubber. Call and get fit
ted out. Qeed for bike riding, plowing
or any othor outdoor work,
Stom Apcms
We have a good stock of these in all
sisoa for buggiea .and backs, in the
medium and heavy weight rubber car
ring eletb.
Also warm lap robes of all sorts at
popular price. Call and inspect
BBgi 'wulps, axlo grease, l-uggy
oils, etc, etc
F. A. Wiggins
Implement House, 255-267 Liberty St.
Farm Implements, Wbeelx, ABtoau-
olles, BowiHf Machine and SupplJe-
Northwest Ntitscificu ;
Wboleealo and Retail.
Fruit tree and shrubbery of aH
kinds. All stock free from pests a4
diseases. Large stock. of best wiat
apples, lata, keepers a specialty. Tree
delivered. 5ree in Salem. Now is
good timo to put out cherries saa
Salem. Or. Proprietor.
' Trade Marks
rVinvniOHTQ &C
Anyone eud!n s eketch and deteiipt' nt f
quUklr uewtjUa our opinion free tnuier m
InTontloa U probably MtenuWe. "?" ", ;
FatenU taken through Munn 4 Co. ec"
rjxtioj netUi, wltboul en arte, in mo
Scientific JHuerKaii.
A naaiUomely lllattratad Mkiy. '",: a
Mtatkm of any acieaUSo Journal. Tef- J"
year j four menthS. IL Sold by ! pw,1Jrt
MUNN & Co.38'8"' New Yori
Sraneb Offie. OK y 8U WsaUnstoa. D-
sntf jSnSBSsJinnnsS"""1 " '"'MMMBMMaM" t PI M W I III
sfsnasWaaasI 1&- aakaflljB K