1gTI"iiCTfWjpwtn.y wipiijUMyi DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OBEOON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1005. 4 . irTr. imu in in i j LrDi-jrwin.Ti-n-i-j asai) -iiimjnm n - - --- - -- - . ., mswin inn i,Mw, ir. iv - M: TSie i Delicious Fragrance from a hot Royal Baking Powder biscuit whets the appetite ROYAL Baking Powder improve the flavor and adds to the healthful nesi of alJ rifott flour-food. It rendert the biscuit, broad and caiu mora digestible and nutritious. Royal Baking Powdor makes hot breads wholesome. Food raised with Royal will not distress persons of deli cate or enfeebled digestion, though eaten warm and fresh. THE PKlWIDHNT'tJ M118HAOB. The annual message of President Roosevelt to Congress, whleh met Mon day, wm delivered Taesday, k4 Is loager tbaa mmmI. It sonants of about 16,000 word, More than any ordlMiy mm or woman euro to rood, area from too ahlef e esullve. Contrary to Ita aewel saetom. Too Jowraal oaly girts too boot potato In a eowdoased for In the word of too author. 11 m Km promiMot oootroi of tor poratloM aad tho trusts, aad the mm alt for their eabordUatlow to the la tereete of the poop! a. Oh redleel pro pool tloa, aad II will reve eatehy with many people, la that wwy rebate be Mado a book rata by MOaaa of a eotsewJaolow. 11a alaa proposes government eoalrol of the groat laearawee eompaule. All that schemes will oaly haetea goNoral aoeefitaweo of seelallskx. The government regulation of (koto groat trnata dee not aMOaat to Mak wbaa they '"twawee" tka oampalga manager of tka gororamewt. To Awe tka ma eager of tka boof tntot WWOO eeeh, Instead of patting tkoM In jail for violating Uw, In ilka fialwg a mmwoi law breaker I eewta. Tka people will apprealate all tkat oaa bo dooa agaloat tka groat robbor trweU If tka dolag It dooa not really atreaglkoa It. A NatHral Result, It I vary roaaowablo to mppoii If tka foundation of a street wm removvd tkat tka building Itaotf U boaad to oatNO down. TfcU simple prlaalpla aaa Ue applied to disease. Taka medietas lata tka system tbat will remove tka oauee of tka alakaaM aad tllaftM will laava of Itaolf. Dyspepsia, indigestion, atak beadaeke aad Ultewsaess bava their foundation la stemaeh disorders. Remove tkla weak aad tka ether symptoms ara ho more, Tkora U oaa oar for tkla tkat all druggists Ball for Ma par boxi it U Dr. Owaa's Im proved Idver PUk. They got right at to beftwalag of tka disease aad make taa euro by taking away tka eauaa. Throe poiuida of pork sausage for 81 eoMta at Prriagie's YOU SAVE SOMETHING. Defer aoadtag away money eoaie and buy a Utak draft. Y aava aotuatktag by m dolag. Oar draft are goad tkroNgkoat Uo Uaitad tata aad Uaaada. Aad our akarg o ara a followai Da VoilaNd aad otikor Oragoa PtstA Oh It t oxoaoalag 20 OS Oa aak I low ovor M aftd ai ox aaodjug $100 10 Oa aaak addiUoaal or fraotloaaJ S100-... 06 Oa 8& laaaisao, Now York aad otker pMrftflj Oa aaab ltaw, Hot axraodlag 6 .06 Ou eaeb itaaovoc 6 aJ ni ox aeadlagllOO 10 SfUem State Bant L. K. PAGE, President E. W. HAZARE, CasWe SALEM CITY ELECTION Men Who Stand fof Progress Elected in Nearly Every Ward 'atoat war Jt Ji. Dowstag, ItM(bIlaaa ..IIS $ 0. CA lirogo, Don-partlaaa . ... 64 Blsak 1 otoad war d 9. 0. JTaoo, AotMblloaa 1M J. , Uaa. DoNMorat Ii4 ' Third wad Aloaao Ooaaar, Kepabtleaa.... 68 tf Btak '. 1 orth ward W. 8. Iow, Ktpabllooa 148 lU 3. A. Bcrnardl, pogloegoi . . t0 fifth ward , Ooo. H. Jaaobt, Hopabfloaa... 48 U Blath war K. C. OhorahlU, JtopttbMoma.f. .' ft P. A. Thoataa, ladoptadORt...'. ft Soraatk ward Aiox Dona, KopabHtaa 60 Joha llayao, DoMoorat M It Total rot fM Tho ally oowwall for tka aoxb yaar will m oOMWMOd aa fetlowai lint ward P. Vf, Uaalar, DoMo trat It. It. Dowalag, ItopMblloaa, Kooaad ward Clalra Itaker, V. 0. llaaa, JtapaWlaaa., Third wardlaI Wallaw. Ahtaao fJoaar, Kopabtlaaaa. M"orlh ward-I, C. Ooodakj, Jr., W 8. Ioa, NopoblleaNa. llftb ward P. T Prabor, Domo- rat Ooo. B. Jaeoba, KopabllaaaJ Sixth wartt-J. H. tkalfa, ladopotid oat) OkwrtklH or ThoMaa. ovoath ward U U. Atkaooa, pablloaai Joka Bayat, DoMOonit. MBpSVMS8Xlt8j W DoMoorata, t. Hdopaadaat. L No- If OhtiroMIl draws tho lot thoro will ba loa NopaWMawa. If ThoMoa draw It, thoro will bo two l dopoadoata. Tho way Thooaaa raa wm a oarprlaa to all kla frtoada. Maay 4M aot ovon kaow that ho wm a aaadtdata. 11a la a OMtraotor aad a Maa of aaorgy, aad a Itfo-loag Nopoblioaa. There h no pepper In Schilling's Bout pingur; there's nothing wrong in Schilling's Best anything. Momtybaeic. ' -- J Tomorrow BvoHlMg A Sae ehirken supper at the Ualtai" iae ehureh 6 to a .t'rluvk. It THE I $8.50 OH I HSBjaSHatS BSS StaPl Si "tnMH BaaHt B WIMP" nens- eajem smHI M Th Htoai ologaat dosigna, a vn rfoty f MUtOriM and tka boct work MaiMp known to tka art of Bed arafU This is oxaatly what is haw la tills mow aad onriatlre Uaa of Iroa boda. Tkalr dsoiga and aabjh aiartt a aow oopartwri la this wt iMdfoon fkjrtlifcrt. Oar atook of farxiU throagkoat was aovor loforo so oomploto, and of. fors many mggoslioas for tho holiday Smiles From the Typewriter ItrOVMYUte TImoji Bortfaml wUI Make a Mighty osTott lit septate, the a to towalor MUeaoU. Obeorvaat Albaay DoMoorat Maat 2MH Maaf taiao botwooa AJbay laad PartUad wlthoat a apooay ooaple oa bajard. If , the people really waaf a aiaa la aa okke they will rtoo ap t tMr wa Jfsity aad pat hi there whoa they Mt ready. "... V ft 4, t VttwMotte "tTaWertlty 'orfa play oaagraaoloMl potltloa aa well aailt plays football iU oaadldate will eat ftllte a awatk. The koraa editor Maa has wot tka heart to oppose wowaa safiTraga. Taka It la sekool oleotloaa, they always waat good sokeeta aad good dlroators I a Ml goo UMeber. Realdos a lady gave him a boaqaet oaoo. TU OroapaJaa aayst "The editor of a groat newspaper la aot golag off, la his advaaelag years, la pursalt of baabiea." Prom wklak It way be la- ONE GUE JcmJKJ A JL Jl JZiJ Without Any Consideration Whatever AKD ONE QUBSS ADDITIONAli TOE EAOH DOLLAB'8 WOETn PUROHASBD BBFOttB JANUARY 18T OF THE TOLLOWINO ABTlCLES; ANY OIIAIR OR ROOKER 003TIKO MORE THAN Sl.OO EAOII. ANY EXTENSION TARLB OOSTINO 88 50 OR MORE ANY SIDEBOARD. BUTFBT OR OHJNA OXOSET, OR ANY UBRARY OR PARLOR TABLE, ANY DESK, BOOK OABB OR COMBINATION DESK WB ARE SHOWING. OUR ENTIRE LINE OF LAOS CURTAINS, PORTIBRS, LADIES' DRESSING TABLE, MUSIO CABINETS MORRIS CHAIRS. PIC TURES, IRON BEDS, MIRROES, HALL SETS, PLATE RACKS AND OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION On Deoomber Slth, wo will wind up one of our olghtlay Misotea olosks and tho obo gnsaoiBg the nearest tko time at wbloh it will stop will be on tiUed to the olook, Tho one guessing uoxt nearest will bo entitled to tho next beet oleek.. One of tho docks to bo given away is worth. 886 00, thi other 5180, Remember you are entitled to one guess, whether you buy anything or aot. Come ia aad examine the olooks. A book will bo provide! in wntea xo register guessee. jisuvf jruur guwe waeu yea buko your HOUSE FURNISHING The Latest and Most Atthtic A SPLENDID SHOWING OF NEW 'DINING-ROOM FURNITURE Tho appelated timo to repleaish tho noeda of tho dintag room. la Dia lag Tabloa wa ara displaying tha latest aad Moot eotnpleta Uaa, both ronfld Sad sqnara la tho goldon oak, fumod oak aad woatharod oak. Bnlfots la alllha diffsroal woods aad flnlshts,aad wall ooaatrualod to tha nsads most ooaoalul la tho oarxloo of tho dialog room. Dtoing shairs la a varloty of d saigas, tliaa affordiag aa opportanity to Matoh aay aoloetloa. la dialog aots (MMptoto aro shown Maoalva aad aarrad pioooa la Mahogaay aad goldoa oak. Oar Mbarfoa Sots la famod aad woathorad oak, roproosnt tho boot workmausbip of tho arts aad crafts, A dining room oa triad oat la tkto elasa of fnraltara la most affoetira. .jwium ferred that Bro. frolt liss discovered his limitations and will mnk no fur ther attempt to butt Into the United tolas. Haaaiew Prtherille Koriow. A yoaag dog, avworlag to the name of Borer, klgd to ehUdrea and a good watoh 4oig aad haa ether vlrtaoa) has ooMo to lire at My house. I do wot need a aether dog. His polities Is right neither ohaooa outs, soaks eggo nor kills shlckoaa. Anybody oaa have htm aad ao tfaeetlona ashed. E. Itofor, I4aool Park Ptaoo. riirleiu righting. "Par seven years," write Oee.KW. HShmh, of Harper, Wash., "I bad. a bitter Imttle wltk ehroaia stoHwek aad liver txoable, bat at last I woa, aad oared my diseases by tko ase of Klso trio nitters. I wahosttAtlagly reoew mead them to all, nad ikn't iatead In the futaro to bs. without them la tko boose. They aro oertalaly a wonder, fal Modlolaa, to have eared seek a bad ease as wine," fold under guarantee to do the same for yea, by J. 0. Perry, druggist, at 60a a bottle. Try thorn today. o Oaioken Supper. Tomorrow evealag at the Ualtariaa ehureh. It FOR ISfSSIITTty JJ7 LIBERTY STREET Designs in Lon Beds Mamfamn i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b ST ATE NEWS:: 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i n i ii i f Mumner is the only (own In tho Coos Boy country that has a rural free deliv ery. The steamer Pomona made the trip to Corvallls Suaday, beiag the ftret boat to roaoh that point this fall. The Underwood reoldoaoo, owe of the tweet la Kngeae, haa boew sold to X. J. Praaler, together with the property. He will Improve tho plaes, aad root a two story bulMiag nearby, The powltry show hold la QorvallU lapt week eloeod Batwrds, lt,'w the met swoeoaafal ever hold la Kowtow oouaty. There were over -100 ewtrlos of 8m ehlohowa, and, in addition to Utta, there were Utrkaye, geese,' tMy plgeoM aad many varieties of pheas ant. The 5y ear-old daughter of James Iaman, reotdlHg near Crow, Ore, wm severely burned owe day mot weak. Tho Wild wm playing wear a brash 8re, and bar elothlwg oawgbt tre, and, before assUUMe eewld be rendered, the little girl's elothlag wm la tames. Jfer father put out the tre as sooa m he could reach her. being attracted by har laud' MrMMa her loud stream. EACH puroaase. and Cuibs In all tho most appropriate W. room soiors and eombinfitions, rf trlmmlnp of polished and J braas, Oils oompleto line sogt,' Bometblag ontiraly different tin tho dosigaa of previous s.-a,0Bli A color wbiok bas become cx'ciMiatj. poptilar is the now brom, wliiekk mwak Ht,ir. y Rrp N0 , lag soYoral patterns 0i Nnp.1 boda, l m lllri! "II! j. j Tks largost taldos for th l.t mnttj. If doslrod all plooos purcLnH pn. vlous to the holiday miui, will U held for future delivery. 118 I I I I H I il II I I I I I llllh i t- X-RAYS i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 : iiiin xne loggers novo been lmi mg )i railroads la Oregon limn V lUnl mans, Hills, Ooulda and f. ira. Too Bona to a4Jaurael rniy til memory of Seaator Platl, v( t oB6ral out. If owly oaowgh Ben it, t$ wfl die to keep every day that mr, mo thing Might be' dowo toaur i gmajj the Iwteostato eemmerse entnsdMwl more than JwatgriaMMg pgrnr. In MJut.OtMise. MUllows rwh in mad el3M slw healdh, from one fktreaie of lttoi to another, whoa, If they aoall so) oat good food, sad keep tbir brwih regular with Dr. King's Xew !ih lilb, their trouldes wouM all pw away. Prompt relief and quitk ew for liver aad atomaeh trouble, Sfc, a J. 0. Perry's tkag store; gusrMteei rorroU & HoHllae Have removed to 0. K. Buqcs's Uj ber shop, No. UJ State street anJ vij be pleased to Meet all old cuiombJ and new one aa well, 1-1 lwk CO u sajfioS VAw- laaoBBM9BsVBHiBoMHSngi I f'sal ' 1 bV 1 Sal I H . - & mf sBSaV Jt4m. I BSh 1 --' liL i , . jldM - qsto -m g-,- . susai .-