DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 100B. 2. .- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BROS. OFFICIAL CENSUS SALEM. MAY, 1004, 13,287. fTTmtirv W Ht" 3CaffT NEW FBDERAL PEOBHOUTOK. v.- W. C. Bristol, of Portland, hfta been uamed m United States district attor ney. JIB IS A OLBAN MAN OF PRO NOUNCBD ABILITY a a public prMMMIor of mora than average abil ity. A native of New Tork, be ae Mred far mMty years am this oea-la Weal ingien. and Oregon. At sm tame he was ia tka ton of Gotten, Teal and Minor end later opened an offlce for himself In tba Bea ton building. Mr. Briatol waara a pleasant smile, but la known to ba A MAN OF TH OXBATBT BXUKQY, AND OAT ABLB OF MOMTAINBD ACTION AND VIGOR OF PBRFORMANOB. Ha haa tha energy, tba legal learn ing, aim) the executive foraa and pow r of initiative to carry large aaoas to Meeoeeful eoneluaiooe. Tha atata and tba nation art to b ooagmlalated on this selection. Mr. Bristol wan tba choice of Vf. Vf. Cot ton and ether gentlemen who atand high in tba profeosioa. lie la especially qualified to handle ike Oragoit Itwainoaa, owing to esrperl Ma and familiarity with tba pebllo lands, mm! all tba prebleNW arising In tb wdw4n4atrntlow of tba Land depart' OOOU BAY ON TIIB MAP. Tha mw railroad map kaajod by tba Hnan-imu ayutem bare tba pro'iosod lino front Drain to Ooo Bey printed In fait m eoeatreeted. TICS PUTS OOOS BAY ON TUB XAILROAD MAP Or TIOI WOULD TO STAY. Tha Harrtmaa system la Healteriag tNoneaudn of tboaa maps. If tba MariittMn. ayetem were not la earnest nboat bulldiag Into tba Cooa May eouetry they would not laaaa tboaa It will laka aoaM time to got tba Ooon llay eitlea onto tbo railroad lime totlalaa oitJotv world, bat tba are aoiaa thai . t 0 wUPmaba a iriiiisjanui digram la l&o davolojpmaai of Wetter Oresma to bar tltia Una eonsirueted Into Cooa Hay. BUT TIM CJRUAT 01 IAN (IB WILL COMB OV3IR OX 110 OK- WirX PIRST Uim I BUID? IUMT;A WJMiT A OXOI Tint LAMMiOOKHD INTBKIOK. It will ba a brighter day for all Or egon. It will mean tbo opening of a long-nettlf tod commonwealth for ptoitatfou. All Humors Are Impure matter which tbo skin, llvar, kUlwty whI olltar orgaae oaa not halt oara of wltbowt liolji, tbare !i mioh hi) HoriinmwtioH of Uhmm. Titoy Httor the wbob) tystom. Pimpfe. IhjIU, oooataa ami olhar omittloiia, low of ajUM-Uta, tlmt tlrad faoltiig, Ullluua tunu, llu of huUgo Uon, dull haatlaotHM ami many oUtor trouliloa ant duo to Um. Hood's Sarsaparllla and Pills Romeve all huinora, ovareomo all (their 9ffeot. 6triigUiw, touo aiul luvltforata (ho whole syntam. I bad wit rbeuitt en my bands ae that I etxrid net work. I took Hood'a Sariuiiarilta aad it drove out the humor. I continued tie uie till tbo aorM diappaTtxl.H Mna. Iba O. DewH, Rumtord Falls. Me, Hood'a Saroaparllla promlaoa to oure and Koopa the promlao. The prudent, far-aeelag maa laya tbo loutvduttefi of a forUio who a4mevubatMe a brisk wall a brink at a time. The was wee will not lay U.d first brink 1um it falla oboH ef IV eeadvWt wall, will .jpta? & 1P people Uvo up tikoir iaeewes aud d$Kue tq save boeaue tie amount walale to ota wi appears toe mtJi, RewomVer you eaa start a ,aavlie! &9UBt with ua with only oae deUT aaj) rhea oaoo atarted it k sure to grow. Many a fortune has resulted from oueh a beginning. pst oaviBgr today. SAVINGS PAJ)J.PAB Capital "je--Pf& oio ivianu Birthd C J ausi Jf A VICTORY FOR MANHOOD. The Journal rejoieee over tbo mi prema eonrt decision annulling the poiltax exclusion from tha Salem ally ebartor. Tbo Itttefttions of tbooa who put it in there may bar been areetlent, but TIIB ATTBMPT TO RBSTRIOT SUF FRAGE WAS FATAL. ft baa, la etatos like Mbwiaalppi, Peumtytvania and Delawra, boon tba taoaan of prodnalng exfeeaelre poUtianl oomtptlon. It did eotleet noma rovonao, bat it enabled eorrant elty enmpalfR aommlt toot and ritb mea la polllleg to bay rotors. J kopl many boaeet, doaoat man from rating at tba ally eleetlons. Any law that reetrlcte miffnige IS IN IQU1T0US FROM ANY STAND POINT IN A FRBB COUNTRY. Tbo Journal alwaya oppoeed' thin law a an not of lnjooiiM toward the labor er. It wan aloarlyi intended aa a elnh for the rich man ngalnat bla poorer neighbor, It was pat Into aha charter ngalnat the nrotoaU of Tha Journal. The Joarnal alwaya foaght It and objeeled to It AND OBJECTED TO ITS EN FOROBMBNT AS AN OUTRACB. The Journal waa almoet alone In pab lie eoaaaUa ia Maadlng ap aakitiat thla baldVfaood, nattaatod spawn of fedora Hem. of Oaaaariam, of plotoeraey ahai woabf vole the dollar aad not tba man. Tint TinOKY OF OUK QOVBRN MBNT. Tba grant dapartateaU of tbo gor oraweat are the exeeallre, legialatlre ad Jadlelary. Tba jadaaUry waa ootabllahod for two parpooooi 1. Tbo proteetloa of tba gorora moat agaiaat tba ladlrldML t. The proUetloa ef tbo ladlridaal agaiaaa tbo gorernwoat. The theory aow aeoaM to be that TUB aOVBRNMBNT ALONB IS BN. TITLBD TO PXOTHOTION BY TlfB JUDIOUUY. Bverv thing la done to hare the courta eoaulbate to build ap aad pro tect tha goveraaieat. The ladlridaal la oaaJtlod to aa proteotioa. The old abeery of tbo dlrlae right ef tha goreraawat, tbo moaajrohlal aa aumpllon that the goreramoai eaa de ao wrong, la beiag rapidly ri latab liahail. NO MATTOX HOW DIl'BOl'IVJt TlCH LAWS, how rot tea the prartleoa f mummyaVd departmoaio nndor which the eitiaea neto the eltlaoa moat be cinched, Tim OOVBRNMBNT IS pjutraoT. The eitiaea who la aoaaaod or ladtet ed by the gorcraanat la ajnwaow to bo guilty. IU la glra a ooaoaH ef tktubt aa to hU gailt. The depaHmiaaa ef Ike gororaaaoat aalto to aooare bk eoatictloa. The troa. la aaraod looea agaiaat him. Of coatee, the htom la aovar proja Mood, It bj aerer la pelltiaa. It aorer erlagaa for favora or eaten to power at loaat not la Oregon. It la a now theory of oar owa gov erataoat f ai Tim aOVBRNMUNT IS BVBRYTHINQ, THU INDIVIDUAL NOTinNO. e THB WAY TO DBVBLOP ORBCON. 'It's mea thai dorolep a aoaatry. It 'a aoe the boat eeeatry alwaya that U ftrat doraloped. Oftoa it la tba re veroe. Tee oftow mmm of largo wealth aad wtanaaeltaWi got bold of the bH Wyjd aad held it ia largo aeetleea, ahai itlag oat the alaaa that aeotlea ap aad develops a eeaatry. OREGON IS SUF FBRINO rROMSUCHA SITUATION TODAY. AUea ownership of l&adl and large acreage bold by eorparatloae aad iadiriduam. has reduced the available, acreage ef the state uatll the younger state of Waohlagtou baa pasaed w ia Dyspepsia Tubleta, for oae grata or me populatioa ami oatwpritw. Tim WILatlve prlaeiple la them Is eefilelent to LAimTTH VALLEY IS TODAY rsBLiNa Tim retarding ef. FBOT OF TOO MANY LAROB HOLD INCS, That the popubulon ef thj rl- loy ia ao greater U due almoet entirely to the maay large holding, latead of families, headed by man, beat e the 4oelopmeat of the eouatry aad Uwgt the feed for the stomach and give beUarmeat af hkeir eaadltioa. Uv,Harst mea with small eapihHl, rather than la.) veetore w Iray up lead to let it lie, la the Wfltamatte vsUey." ' v I The aVove ie t-rom Vhe pea af "WrI tor Itfoa, editor of the' Idepeadeace Baterprlae. He is right la Wyiag tM ltlsl&admoaopellaatlea that Is holding back the aottlemeat of Oregon. Tho timber land syadleates aad the cattle baroua and sheep kings do aot wish to have the state settled up aad devaHped, TURK ABB OTHBR LAND MONOPOLiSTS WHO ARE IN TUB SAMS BOAT. But theyie alt to blame so much .:. . . had Stops UlCSC ircqucm oiiuiuays. ii gives all the early, deep, rich Color to gray hair, checks falling hair, and keeps the scalp healthy, g-feffi&g.; who hnre allowed tbem iifi aetftgrti w.H, . --.. - . -vr . lnrgohoWlnga,aiHlwnoareeMHaoiing, an ngenta to promote the intaraots of , monojioij. . ) The common people bare been le fraadod t of their right to k&nee liy theee pilelee, that hare tarmM1 mil lion ef nam erer to the rlak and WlhajB BarporaUona aad pluoerats who are holding tbo laada. How nay man aalliag Wmeelf a Dein oerat and aUadlng for the priaalpaU of Jnakaoa and JefTeraoa, or a Aopabll eaa, dating hie poHUeal prlaolplea from Abraham Ltaeota, eoold favor land1 monopoly Is n myaiory. The whole ayatew la thla ataU baa boon built ap to make land grabbing and robbory of the atata, net only of Ua landa, bat of iU taxea, poaalble nad axpedlUoutf. Biaoa eortUcatea are eaally obtained are naatgaablo, and the jtamot nro m arranged that the hoiara eaenfw taxatloa antll they gat randy to "per feet tklo." Hopablioan and Demoerntie Ute of Heinle bare plneed few if airy ob- ataeloa in the wv Gba4 InVd ' grab- bar and the Innd moaopalUt, Inetead jof aUnding p against monopoly they . bare Xp'wflte'J t land the grab.., aad MADB NO EFFORT TO OHANOB Tim INIQUITOUS SYS TBM. Tbo day will come whoa the homo leaa ami btaiHeaa will arlae in olltlcal rerolntlon aad denounce theee itoMalpa aa unrepabllaaa aad aademoaraUe. When the editor of The Journal ex poeed the failure of Governor Poaaoy or to atop land grabbiag im WAS ORITIOISBD BY REPUBLICAN POL rriOIANS who wore afterward la land oMeoa, nad helped ether monopo lize la tara. I a the aula legiemtare of IMC The Jearaal editor tJH MM nloMkod tbo waMewaehlag lnvoettgaUor tba aiaU aeboel mad board, amier Davla ne aobool ajprx. Ho waa rldfenleil and condemned l.v A Great Physiologist Oaoo Said That the Way to Keep tka StomaoN Healthy Is to BxeroUe It, Bat Ho Did Not Toil Hew to Make It Healthy. The muaeies of tbo body eaa be a rosoped by eforolse aatil their atreafkh I baa taoreaoea maauoia, ua a proper naaouat of training each day will aompllah thla reealt, bet R la aeate what doubtful whether yea eaa la ereaee the difoatlra pewera ef the MOaaseh by oatlag ladlgeetlble feed la order to force it to work. Nature has furalahod ua all with a perfeet set of organs, aad If they aft aot abased they will attend to the bejlaeas repaired ef them. They need ao abnormal atreegth. There la a limit to the weight 'a man eaa lift, and -there Is also a limit to what the atomaoh eaa da. Tha eaaoe of dyipopala, ladigaetiaa aad many abatlar diiaasoa is that tbo atemaeh ban boea exerehiad too maeh, and It la tired or worn out. Not ax ereiae, bat root la what it needs. To take something late the atemaeh that will relieve it from its work for a short time something to digest tha food will give It a rw-t and allow H time to regala It atreagtk. The proper aid to the digestive or gaaa Is Siaart'o Dyspepsia Tablets, wbleh euro dyspepsia, iadlgeetlon, gas oa the atOfiMeh aad bowels, heartburn, palpitation of Ua heart, ana au mem- dlaoaaea, Rt and lavigeratloa ia what the atemaeh gets, when you use Stuart's digest 8000 grains ef food The tablets lnerease the flew of gas trin julsa, and prevent farmeatatsen, aeldity and sear eruptieaa. Do net attempt to sUrve out dya pais You aewl all yetir strength. The eommea sense method is to d(- Btaarfa Dysjtepsla TaUats do not make the euro, but eaable tho organs throw off unhealthy eeadltiaas. PArfaot dlcreeUea means nerfeet health, for under these eonditlons oay do the dicrereut organs of tho body work right aad reoelve the building-up 'material, found ia pure blood. j Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a (natural remedy and are a sa'eeifio for stemaoh troubles. The ablest pay oUbs preeeribe them. The TaUetr are pleasant! to the taste and are eempesed of fruit and vege table extruets, gobies aeal aad pepsin. At all drug storea SO eeats per You must have had 60 at least I What? Only 40? Then it must be vour erav hair. Ayor's Hair Vigor the maehine politlemne at the time, ' and they threatened to defeat him If ,ho ran for offlee again. Hut a HUle (later the fraud wa dieeloeed, whw it 'waa too lnta U raeorer. Now State Land' AgeaU Weot reports atill fnrther gigaatie'ffan tint, pat eload on rmblta Itwid la Oregon. THeae franda nro made poeelWe beaattae TIIE -tath IVND OFFICE ALLOWS - " - - OTrAnTrn w LAND SHARKS PRIVILEOES XiW Known land abarka and fraudulent operators should bo kicked out of the tale bouee, lneteml of being given dock room and aeeees to the nubile records. Has no one the taettbone to do this act of common Justice! THB WAY TO DEVELOP ORBCON Js to aerre notice on the world that there la one commonwealth that WILL PUT AN BND TO LAND MONOPO. LY. "What right baa any man to mora land than be eaa Bee for a home aad farmt That waa good Jtepablleaa doc- 4 . trine eaee. i That would not preretrt men from aelling the timber oft their land. It would) prevent the formation of land holding monopolisle corporation. THAT WOULD SAVE Tim LAND FOR Tim HOlsm-MAKER AND THB HOME'BUILDBR. No doantTy baa over prospered that allowed mml to be menopollned. A wrong done to land meat bo wiped oat la the long ran with interest. Let theee who wleh to hold office meet thla laeue, aad tell tha people whore ahoy atand before aeklag their frnaehlaea. Shall Oregon begin a now em of ra tional development ! Or shell wa go on nMowlag the land all to go Into large alien heldtanaf Shall the 4 continue a policy ef creating large hoi-Mag! The law la teada that ao oae shall hare more than 980 aaree. THEN W1EY NOT HON ESTLY BNFOROB AND rNTBRFRBT Tim LAW7 Why eeailaae ho adettaleter abe law la the later eat of the grabber, the lead abark, the mea8poHet the aorporailoa, the ayadUate aad against tbo eitiaea and heutenmUderi WW answer! Tert4ire of a.Proaahor The atory of the Uhejfe t'f Rer. a I D. Moore, paetor of the BapHat eburek of Harporarille, f.,Y- wUl, InUroet yo. He sayat VI j agfforaaV agoalea, bseaass of a peralnUat oowgh," reawltiag f sewi the grip. I had tt lep silting up la Md. I triad many remedies, without relief , uatll T took Dr. Klag's New ntseerery for Ooaaamption, Oougha aad Colds, which eatlrely cured my oough, aad saved wo from eoucump ilea." A graad sare for dlaoasod aoa iltloa ef Threat and Lvagt. At J. a Perry's, drug store. Prtee. 50a $IM, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Refused to Advertise A special to the Indianapolis News from Marion, Ind., aaya that after a hard fight of serenteeQ years against competitors who advertised, Gunder Uros., dry goods merchants, tho oldest mercnntllo firm in Marlon and at one time tho largest retail houso In north era Indiana, have gtven up tbo hope loss struggle and sold out then busi ness. When gas was discovered in Marion the town begau to grow rapidly, and competition in all business waa noon encountered by all the old local mer chants. Tho new merchants adver tlaod, but many of tha old eot&bltabed firms were alow In believing that It waa necossaryfcT Uiem to use print era' ink, as thay knew nearly every man la the county. All of them who are now in business concluded that tt waa necessary to advertise In order to hold what trade they had and to In crvaso It, except Q under Bros., woo absolutely refused, claiming It waa money thrown away. Tbo Ann had tbo best business alto in the city, but the store was never filled with shoppers. Thousands passed and repassed the place day after day without stopping. The firm -juried an excellent line of goods and treated customers well, but only a few farmers and some of tho old citlteus of Marion patronized the place. The aftre Is now closed for in voice, Hut laareluintinow ntrroeIutf o-4 rartUlna la a a.jeoattr ind that tfca Vfcrt eudlnn La lm leoal payer. r rSBaenTgaaasaSj. .& A LSmSSaUSm-mmS yjpnaifjf jDM BOO- 1 ill V K n,.M i n a v ntum.vATK oask rather than lash It Into action if you wo nt to mo Hood progress made, . lhts 18 as truo when It ?s a faulty human system as when It is a baulky mule. . Alcolio Uo stimulants and alcoholic mod lalnaa whit) the digest va functions into qulok action but doVrt prevent the weak enlng reaction whWhfoltmt) i so ffdu. In eaoea of Impaired Pl5Set Uon-mal-nutrltlon and wasting $ M(a and rrllabe tonic Is needed and Is thooSly thing that can be rolled upon. Dr. lVros dl-Mrtveml. fortyrears ago, tbeWalure had provided fwly for Uieee JMdaef her chlkfren and that it; , Nrte honilorv wcro the remedls. Olycerla Mtraeta of OoMmi Seal root. Queen's root. omtaUtut tho mt offwtlvii ffi" tonic, alterative simI tlrnuo rebuilding remedy ever offered to tho public Around ot tm ialtit Lavfrc "'"TViiSSI .Ht VJ..J7 .riimi "I hre tiU Doctor t&VnnlJn Mwdlcal Dlcprery.pff ana in rests IjrB.iu.Kwf ika iirtc acid imm Uie nritcrn. tinm. Tour Ootrtwi Mliri pUeorcry' Situ... iil 1 1 nut I hftTB never been wi atei te itb never been without the hotMe. Tltyrel l noDU.M aHdioIno i.i ui mui-h of. nor none I ininK iif it in ui 1 think muni. !. Kverr oo to wlvow, I re?,Bl???pr2 iSrTKtama- lirue,..n Is a aaiepdld 1 W'tl rn TuiMh mw ,".T "-' "T - . I. Ik.uil jor ... ..- .-.",.,-- , i.t.l. m iTRlS J.t. kiiTu U only sure euro I know jmxir ior fnw iltVt. I n.v" C""U. -' .- ... . ftp(Maa Dr. Plerea'a ritnmon Sense Medical Advbw is Nnt (rwn receipt of stamps to pay oxpenae of mnl In only, tsend 31 oneoiit aintupa for the Pcpvorl At the Old Standstill Mom arc bora great, seme have groatiMma tbruat upon Utera-other ad vertlee. Toe iMorehant who attu down aitd wait for bualneaa to oome to htiu will Aad hinmeif among the left over baggage wbou tha Empire State ex-IH-eaa of boalnoaa auocem. (Htlbi out llHlHtMn urt nrxMla tliroo thlnva -UHHvletlK, tuah nh4 Koil wdvwr IUIhit. Advertieing me't nu art; It'a Just ap pUetl eontmon mweu. Advertlelag Is naturaliy a creative force, Waco It las been applied to modem commerce there Have bem ereatetl doseaa of com modities and branches ef trade that did not exist before Ita advent. The $400,000,000 spent auHually in this country for publicity has set many hundred of million of dollar running Into wholly new channels. DiuliMtaa vrarfa.ra-1. m aauaa, m bard, cwu4iu)( abt to the finlati. AAvortLmlnm ia ttt tmalneaa man'a tut utuaoro, utoat raaoly, vreavon. Once in awhflo we bear some old ffel low aaytog, 1 baro never adrortised and aw atlTi doing bwlneoa at tha old stand." He Bit-ana that bo Is doing boatneas at the old standstill, M. L. Oorey in BetaHer and Advertiser, The moat aoceaaafal ravevebaata la thla town akdrwrtlaa raaralartr ibl P&9V. Mm ( ia twrr. 1 HI 1 1 1 I I i 1 1 I II I I II 1 The Fashion Stables FORMERLY SIMPSON'S STABLES Up-to-date livery and cab line. Fcneraltfifnodts a spec ialty. Tally-no for picnics and excursions. Phone 44. Chas. W. Yannkc Prop. 247 & 249 High street. HrrMiHIHUlllilHI. SlW nrdoctor or otner imne: WmQ FOR SALE Fifteen aeres, all ia ealUvatlaa, within oae mile of Salens. House, barn, and 3 aorea of fruit, Tfcis Is the finest kind of river bottom land aud eaa be had oa very easy terms for ja y 3,000. Doa't forget our COOS' BAY LOTS V 35,00. Buy oao and ia a few years it will saake you seme money. Deby and Wilison MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Mako Salem a Good Home Msrkt Poultry nt Btoinor'a Market. Eggs Per doson, 30a. lions 8 o. Frys-8V&o. Ducks 9e. Poultry, Eggs, Etc. Bggs Per down, 30a. Butter, rotill Sfie. Hens Bc Prys 8c Fruits, Vegetables, utc. Potatoes Ks. OnloaolVlc, Appleo 8ee per bushel. Carrots 36s por bushel. Beets We per bushel. Poors $1.00 per owt. . Tropioal Fruits. Bananas 6fco lb. Oraagos M.Ofl. Leuioas $-l.GOi5,00. Llvo Stock Market Steers Cows IV&Qi'a. Blieep 4c. Brcssod voal Ce, Pat hogs 5e. O rain, reed. Baled Glovor $7.00$7.50. Ohoat 40.C0$7. Timothy $0(J$0.t50. Ornln-$7$7.C0. Bran . Bhotlo-tttl. Butter and Oream. UyCommorolal Cre-un Co BuUor'-SIVie. Butter faleOa at station. hoaU-Oea. llour, whelewle- 75 -t buttti jneur, rewiu f i.wa per miu ' Portland Market. -Wheat, Olub Tftroe, Yalioy-730To . ltlueetMH-Tyr7c. Oata-Choloo Whl(e, .--. Mniaiuff Ilran, 1. B"ay Timothy lltl' Potatoes 0t70tj. Poultry Average old bm, llthjl young roostora, 10Jillei tinv liyl isvhe; ttroMou eaicacns i it; mi keys, live, 171e turk;, dr choice, 20tte; geete, live tt t9t geeee, droned, p-r i usl, 1 llcjducha, UQUVie',', w, i tM iH)uals, 12 50, Pork Droned, GTVc. Beef-Drotsed, 1(&MH Mutlon DroMOd. flHf 7V. UojM-Ooalraot, IMS! KH(i 7&10. Wool l0i elip, valley, tm wedlttM, UQWti Kastrra OfifM lQtle, Mohair Nominal, iov, Butter Paaoy ereamcry, SOgMV store, lftdlU'c. Notice We have sows farms to r:t c raaohoa to sell ea installment rlta. heeeee aad lets. If you U p a sell er reat eall aad see us. K; vaat to buy'aay Wad of propsrt' . want a leaa oa real estate w werk of any Wad. If you wt or waat work of any Had eU ' Ister your waata ia our emj k V . V- V-- R. R. RYAN & Co J Do You Weafr : Woolen Undemcar The oaly ptese- ia which f bats' properly cleansed aad sun'18' THE Salem Steam Laund e guarantee our work sga crt i. .a .laiiifA. tham hi to a "b --- -m .m,Ht whea aew. woojeas nc - - , sieauc tawe win v werk at 5e per lb. THE fisilfttn Steam LaDflft as the at&te l&wa aad state ottclals, p&ekage. Decl-i-S PJwno 95. 138-2166 8. Ltt