Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 04, 1905, Image 1

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yEWO BI3aqi?a.rVlt.Y, AI"SSO
' P. M. AND 400 P.
-i- ' -- ' " "'z " " NO. 384.
, - i ', -
Goes Insane, Drives Out Pass
engers and Refuses to Let
Any One Enter
Girard, Kan., Dee. 4. A woman ar-
riving on the oars Saturday went sud
denly insane, and, with a revolver
drove all the other passengers from the
cArs. She Is supposed to be Mrs. Iaa
Berry, and that she was Ao wife of
Certain Berry, who shot himself a lew
dns ago on receiving the news that
the President bad confirmed the court
martini findings, wbieb wero that ho be
(llinonurauiv iiinuiiHivu aiuiu who hiihj
for attempting to assault a brother offi
cer 'a wife.
Saturday sight a- durnmy wa fixed
jp and" moved toward the deer of the
toilet room, which aho has boon using
i a fort, and aho fired a ehot from
nbovo tho transom, striking tho dum-
Iny squarely on top of tho bead. Tnt
ruie was repeated, but aho could net
te induced to shoot at it Again.
Oirard, Kan., Dee. 4. The alleged
InMno woman, supposed to be Mm.
Inna Berry, la eUll la posscMiiea of
he ear thla morning. Mfaerlff Walsh
tod Deputy Meriwether entered the
ar this morning, but could set ap-
roach tho woman, who Aimed a re-
olver when tho men nearcd the doer
f tho chamber in 'which she la barri-
uded. Tho only conoowJen nho made
to Allow tho officer to stuff pyjows
3 to the broken window, but refused
accept tholr offer to build a fire.
e woman look weary and wsrn. The
Nicer nro unwilling to use forte, and
ro settled down to a gnmo of frecse
it Tho closest eluo to her Identity
a photograph taken in Spokane And
it tfr.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
jfJimrd, Kan., Dee. 4,- The woman
bid out nil nternlng, rejecting all at
inpts to relieve her from hunger or
ild It appears she la afraid tho WH-
want to turn her ever to seme one
bo, aho says, Is after her. Inqulrle
ivo been rceelved from Washington,
C Spokaiw, Wash Tulsa, 7, T. The
r la about two bleaks from the sta-
f' a and la surrounded by a erewd. A
year eld boy, OheleeA Kelle, was
rown from a train and1 killed white
ng. a ride from a neighboring
m to see the worms.
Lea Angeles, Dee. 4; Mrs. Sarah L.
Winslew, whe was divorced last year
by a Missouri eourt from IMwin C.
Wlnslew, has brought suit in tho supe
rior court here for $000 back Alimony,
at $eH) per month, which the doeoasod
was allowed for the rest of her Itfe, If
she remalmi unmarried, from the es
tate of her former husband, who died
London, Dee. 4. Balfour visited the
King this Afternoon, and romained 46
minutes. It is reported that he has re
London, Dee. 4 The resignation of
Balfour was officially nneuneod this
evening. It la believed Campbell will
succeed him. Dannerman has an ap
pointment to meet the King tomorrow.
Salt Lake, Dec 4. Tho nppolntmont
of Donald Stubbs ns district freight
I nml passenger agent At Boise, en tho
I Oregon Short Ltna, a sen of the traffic
director en the Harrlman lines, is ore
Atlng dissatisfaction, he being the third
relative of sftubbc to hold a position
on the Oregon amort Lko recently. One
official In lino for the position resigned
today, and others have threatened to
do so.
Fat Orowo on Trial.
aha, Nb., Dec 4. Pat Orowe
arraigned thU morning on the
irge of shooting with Intent to Mil
iceman Jaeksoa. Tho dsv was nent
pfonng a jury.
Paris, Do. 4. There was a panic
on tho Beurso thin morning as a result
of tho JntersatlenAl complications in
Kussian, Turkish nnd Moroccan affairs.
Trouble with Germany ever tho Turk
iek situation Is threatened.
Ilusslau Troops in Revolt.
Berlin, Dec 4. The dispatches today
state that there are wuUaIm of tho
troops at Warsaw, Kursk walk, Sara
toff, Novgorod, 0 red no and Kharkoff.
Carman Za Speaker.
Washington, Doc. 4. The house at 1
o'clock, by a party vote, eleoted Oca
noa, speaker. Ilta Demooratk eppo
Ht was Williams, of Mississippi.
Ohtosgo Markets.
Chicago, Doc. 4.-Wbeat, 84141
84 j corn, 44t14 oats, MYM
New Yerk, Dec, 4. Senator Arm
strong, chairman of tho insurnnoo in
vestigation oemmtttco, said this morn
ing that ho hoped by holding fivo ses
sions a week to end tho work by tho
end of tho month, but bo would, if
necessary, continue after Jnnuary 1st,
without a new resolution by tho legis
lature. George D. Mbridgc, vice
president, and Actuary of tho Mutual
reserve, this morning resumed his tes
timony concerning belated payments
on petioles.
Mbrldge said the company usually
paid Ave or six mo.ntht after proof of
rfrath. Tho mass of correspondence
between the company's attorney and
the benoAeiarles, Introduced1 by Hughes
hewed there wero many delays. Liens
ami asosiimenta were taken from the
face value.
TLat .tatai-ufoM Ola ! 1 wttk of an article. Prloe linked with flual-
ty makes true value. An article whloh gives satisfactory service wakes
pe tmyor a pormanent ourtomer. Jt Js ue renaiMiiiy or. t """""i
pgether with prices marked or the spot cash basis that keeps our business
' tQMMO&
This is a very quiet election day for
Salem. Aldermen nro being elected In
tho seven wards, and In four only are
there contest. A fair veto is being
At t o'oloek this afternoon tho vote
oast was only about enefeurth of the
total veto. This shewed an unusual
lack of interest. Of a total veto of S68
1a tho second ward, about 93 votes were
In by o'clock. Tho proportion was
tho earne in the slxVh, seventh and first.
In the third ward SO out of a possible
J were in by X a'eleek, and In the
fourth 97 out of about SM.
There la a spirited contest In the
first ward, whoro 0. 0. Savage, run
ning as an Indopondont Republican. Is
contesting tho election with R. H
Downing, regular Republican.
In the saeaod Fred Haas and J.
K. Lin nro struggling for the election.
Both oAAdMatoo Are working hard and
the result is expected to be vny elosa,
Thomas, Republican, is fighting for
vietery over Church !M, bis Demeorat
ic opponent. They ore sixth word oaa
didates. John Bayne, Demooratk candidate,
and Alexander Dane, Rpbllsan, are
the opposing candidates In the seventh
(Four O'clock Bdition.)
Cebu, P. I., Dee. 4.- Lieutenant Ohns.
Pendleton, of tho constabulary, has
boon Arrested on a ohnrgo of murder
ing a native pollocmnn. It is alleged
Pendleton was driving one day, and
ordered four eoldlera to get into tho
buggy with him. A native polloemnn
orllered him to light his lamps, when
Pendleton shot Wm, nnd delivered tho
body to late police. The four soldiers
confirmed Pendleton ' story that ho
found tho man dead in tho rond until
todn, whon they said Pendleton mur
dered him.
Washington, Dee. 4 tienater Per.
kins, of California, after a call At tho
Whlto House, this morning nnoouneed
that to Prealdent had deolded to ap
point Franklin Lane, of Ban Francisco,
a member of tho Interstate oommcrce
eemmUsien, to succeed ox-Oovernor
Fifer, of Illinois.
Ghoyenrto, Wyo,, Dec. 4. Tho reocu
era in tho Dlamondvlllo rnlno nro near
Ing tho lith level, and expect to
earth 18 dead today.
Wlsooruilri Legislaturo Moots.
Madison, Wis., Dec 4. Tho leglsU
turo met at 3 o'eleek thla Afternoon in
special ceeslen. Tho governor guarded
well to tho moment of eenvoning his
reason for calling It,
Kansas Ctty, Mo., Doc. 4. Fedornl
Judge Philips today dismissed tlfo con
tempt proceedings brongbt by tho gov
ornmont ngnln.t various rnilrends, for
tholr alleged (k'sobodienoo to nti in
junction iwwed In 10M, forbidding the
granting of rebates on certain oommod.
It Is expected thirt Justleo Yolverlon
will Into thin afternoon relinquish his
ecat on tho stnto supremo bonob. While
this could not bo positively Asoor
tAlnod, as Justleo Wolvorton, would
tttako no statement, It Is known that
&o, intondn to go to Portland thin After
noon, and thnt nil arrangements for his
taking tho oath ah federal judge hAV
been made, Tho oath will bo Adminis
tered by Judgo Gilbert tomorrow morn
T. 0. irnMey. of Pendleton, who has
been appointed to tho vacancy left by
Wolvorton, Is today in Portland, nnd
will Arrive In Balen by tonight's train.
If Wolvorton resigns this Afternoon
Halloy will tako his onth before the
Clerk of tho Supremo Court Murphy
tomorrow morning nnd Imtnoditttoly as
snmo bis Inborn as a judgo of Oregon's
hlghtot trlbunnl.
Justloo Wolvorton, ngroeablo to tho
wishes of tho department nt Washing
ton, would havo Assumed bio place as
federal judge ten day ago, lud It net
been for tho pending decision of tho
Mnrqunra ease. Ho wished t'o rotAin
bin neat on tho'supremn beiiob until the
decision was handed down, for other
wise tho oaso would Iiava had to bo
heard ngnln, nt great cost of time to
the eourt, and largo expense to the litigants.
First BUI Introduced Is to Ap-
the Panama Canal
Washington, D. C, Dee. 4. Repre
sentative William A. Smith, Republi
can, of Michigan, today resigned tho
directorship of the Pore Marquette"
railway, on tho ground that ho dlda't
WAnt to bo hAMipered by nny railroad
ooanootlon during tho oonoidorntlon of
rato legislation this winter. Tho fltst
tariff flurry In tho honso occurred when
Willlnms, of Mississippi, wnrnod tho
now mombors not to voto for tbo adop
tion of tbo rule of tbo formor house,
m it would dcprlvo tho revisionist of
nil hopo of gaining tholr point. Ttia
old mien wero adopted, tho IlopublN
enns voting solid.
Hepburn introduced a bill -to nmond
tho iVnairiA onnnl Iaw, to fncllitato tbo
sale of bond, nnd appropriate $10,600,
000, to bo immedlntoly nvnllablo. Mc
Cleary, of JOnneRotaj Lltlauer, of Now
York, and Wllllami of Mlwiscippi, wero
appointed a oommltteo to wait upon
tho President.
Oongrem Met Today,
Washington 0. 4. The fl'ty
ninth oongrooo was called to order
promptly at noon by Fairbanks, prerf.
dent of tho oonato, and clerk, MeDow
ell, of the ieuse, Tito nonata ad
journed At IttSO out of Tespeet to tho
memory of Piatt, of Connecticut.
ITnlrAn I'tumil.r tnrg ' Just BOW WO 0X0 Offering A&Ottt 150 VBMX'U
Igh-grado suits At 20 per cent discount. You'll find them on our bargain
sble. They're valuea you can't Afford to overlook, ,
Ove 200 Boys Knee Pants
3ult nn"nnr Turcr&ln tiMni it SO ta SO TMT Cent discount. AgOS 3 to 14.
ling your boy in. Wo can fit 1dm At "money saving" prises. During the
Iny season you need absolutely solid footwear.
Stave stood the test for 14 years in Salem. Bvory pair is built to give
laetioa, Bhoes for every memDer i xne iauy.
vn Oeauino OraTenetto" Bala t& "ca woib jc- -u
St weight for our Oregon cUnuta.. Wa save you from two to tnrec
oa ttry rain coat.
Hit Dygoods Department
a busy place. Salem ladies appreciate oar efforts to oopply tea with
. - a OAF .4 Iabma 4VttM
Boat deaixablo dress goods at prices irom a w per ;. 4 .
uar stores" uk lor same qualities. wou aavo o" i.ou -far
. i ... v. tv.Iuu- inth. w&isa will ffivo too ample
i to tBoko year aeleetleas from the net complste line of IloUday Nov
Victor Beoords Cheap,
There has been a big cut in prices of
Viator Talking Machine Itceerds, and
sew you can buy
7-laah records far 36c
10-incA recerdc tt 60
12lnch recorda for fl.00
This is nearly - half former prises,
Get them at OHO. a WLL,
Tho Mesie Store, lftl South Commercial
Street, Salem, Oregon. It
Boundary Lino Dispute,
The papers in tho boundary suit be
tween Oregon nnd Washington reached
tho AttorHey.goaeral'a eiUce this Morn
ing. The complaint almply states that
the ime is In dispute, and alleges that
a number of Islands in tho Columbia
river are claimed by Oregon, when in
fact thor belong to tho alitor state.
The United gtatee supremo court Is
AUd t imU the matter.
Teh answer of Oregon to tho sow
plaint has ot yot been prepare!. The
case will be argued iu Washington by
the AttornoygonerAls of the two states.
Tbroor Years for Bobbing.
Sheriff J. Ww Ambrose, of Grant
oeanty, brought to tho penitentiary
this morning Mauriso Fitzsnaurise, whe
win serve three years fer robbery.
Wo havo opened up a portion of our
new Christmas boxes, in order to ao
eomssod&to people who wast a nice box
of candy tor t&o Thanksgiving aeaooa.
Just tbo thing to tako with yon, either
Lowney'a or our own make.
The Spa
KW. T. 8TOLZ. y. O. UEYJBa
3S3 State Street.
floasoMng BOW la IndbUa BaJkota.
Basket Ball.
The University basket ball season
wau opened Batwrdoy afternoon, whon
the second team defeated the mute
school team by the close score of 87 to
M. Jt was a very interesting game,
and showed that tho mutes were to be
reckoned with in this year's games.
Tho Willamette team woo aa fellows
A. Price, centers TL TM nnA x..i.
guards Moore, Wlnano and CraBdalli
Manager Matthews has already be
gun tho arranging of the schedule for
the first team, and hopes to bo able to
give it out in a fow days. The prlnel
Il games will be with the University
of Oregon, tho O. A. a. D.lln- iw.
nnd tho Portland "All-Staro."
VsHo thro eraembora of loot year's
team will not bo in the garao.-thls
year, the manairer exuMta nt -. -
good team, nevertheless XMii. I
-"w eiCftVj
Bmwuic jasi jnae, wWIo tho duties
of Pollard and Judd will not permit
either of these men to play.
Whipple and Simpson will bo the
only wembera of loir. vr. -
tlon that will b, la tho game. Simpson
has been ohosea as Captain, Other
good men who nro trying for pliee on
tho team are Long, Jeraan, Granule
and Forbes.
Healdea deciding the Marquam ease,
the supremo court today handed down
tbo following dealslenat
BaraU M. Marka, ts. H. tt Herron, nf
firmed, lrtto vs. Joalnh 8. fimlth, afllrmed.
Iwiaa I). Mills vs. William . Mtlls,
H. H. Loavltt vs. J. It. Wiook, tt.
MAtthew'Ooldard vb. J. J, MarshaU,
reversed And remanded.
It. D. Hume vs. B, D. Burns, the
lUgue lUver Packing and NnvIgAtlon
. ouiors niiowea In pnrt on mj
tlon to strike out. Tbla is the Iiogue
river nabing eonteet, and so far la a
vletoryfor Burns.
Arthur T. Puller, Jnji L. Fuller,
minora, by. IUto A. Foora, vsi. J. M
UAger, Afflrraod.
Multnouuih oountv n,n.i . .
bearing in the ease of Multnomah ooua.
a, (ue xirsi national Bank, In ro
gard to buying ud nronertv Ri -
They Liked Qnn&a,
Some person or nrun. v.v i.
seal and eatered a ear at tho South
The oar woo loaded with ..u.
freight, bat aH that wa -mUulng y, ,
few orangey, whkh wonld ooae to isda-
Beform Sohool Board iLrf-
Tbo reform- school board held its rog
nlar monthly meeting tblo morning.
BiUo wero audited, and only routine
bualaeoa transacted.
If ono of your teeth- U tteeayod a
, pasaago epena through the tooth, to
t tha center. In tho center of overy
tooth la a nerve that goes down
through the root and on to the brain,
Whon tho 'air atrikoo this norvo It
semis a thrill of pnln to tho brain
And yoti call it tdoth aohe. Ao noon
as you shut off the Air tho acbo
8y our own Ntath64t fif palnleaji den
tlstry w ct kill e noryo In the
tooth. Tkte is kno Abaolu'toly wh
out pAln And forever stops the tooth
from Mhing, Wo tbon el owe tbo op
oniBg flit tbo tooth with porcelain.
silver or gold, and tho tooth will lat
'When you next have tooth aho And
you will never havo another in the
eamo tooth. Bavo yon aoeurod, &
ohnnce on tbo gold watch T
Dr. B. E. Wright
Tho Painles Dentist,
Steualoff BuUdlng, Court and Liberty
Streets, Salem, Oregon,
wo aavo over slows.
. V, WM ,Ba W9rfe 0(
j" s'vse ji i i jnssjjssMSMSjasjmaejaMJMasjl
MMIisasjiiisjj-BLasssiij1 -u7&