?!WPII)ASP.JPIIPW,11 " TVm- " DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OBEaON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1005, . MM PIW MMM Mm,. 8 I! b jsn ksPMvvBaMBUflMMHMBllBMBIIHHHIiHiBBiHHMHHHIHHHBMBBHBBBHHBBIH KesBw8H8mmBam?swjmjeaBssmi Stockton & Co. The Old White Cowie ftf SIUJAM f. ACAD. rHIUOlLPMIA. SALE OF Dess Goods It Is our Intention that overy anatomer sbnM receive full value for every dollar opent tiftdor our roof. We value tho ondurlng appreciation of those who transact business with h Wo eell good, rcllablo goods nt jiwt aad honest prices. An exandnn tion of our stock will readily provd this. Any store eon put big prices Into tho papero, but so firm oaa show ouell real valHea as we are showing la Dreea Goods. LISTEN TO MY TALE OF WOE tff$Itflfti t.TOH.'U m M SB M L JSLtL& XJr 'V-. - JrJK.miJJ THK QtAMCN WCAVtS. 15c a yd Heal too values aad Me values are in this assortment to be olesed out nt 16o beonuse we bave an eBorraous stock on band. 22c a yd Ileal 80 nnd 40 values In plaldo, homespun and novelty cloths . 50c a yd Protly Oxford wuletlngii varying 1 price up M $1JW yard, Mit on eolo t 60a a yard. 4 1 c a yd Bighiy different patterns aad 80 dlf fereat qualities of Dress Goods, werth Wo to 76o n yard, are on sale at 41e n yard. 98c a yd An nmorlment of real $1J6 and $1.60 plaids. Mxec-lleut fer skirls, waists ami raisccs' dresses. Gunn Makes Portraits for 87c Providing Jen purchase a dollar's worth ef gootbi at our counter. Divorced, Charged With In sanity, and Her Boys Put in the Reform School With a tale of woe longer than the petition she carried, and the paper was well signed by almost the entire Ital ian colony In Portland, Itosalina Deaeco appeared this morning before Governor Chamberlain. She had a right to pull a long face, if her story, teld principal ly by violent gestures, and by a mess of papers written by illiterate Italians, is anywhero noar tho truth. Itosalina Deaeco is a hard-working Italian woman, sober and industrious, which she claims is not the ease with her husband, who some weeks ago pro cured a divorce from her. Ills name whs Antonio Deaeco, and, after the separation, ae a protection from her better half's rage, she was compelled to asked the court to put Slgnora Deaeco tinder bowls. To inereaso tho disoarded wife's troubles, tho fermor husband had her arrested onoo or twieo as- In ami secured an order from the Norwich Union Fire Insur ance Society. rranlc Meredith, Resident Agent. Office with Wm. Hrewn & Oo., No. 129 OorornrreUI Street. NEW TODAY A SMOOTH SWINDLER Peoria, III, Nv. W. Newton 0. Dougherty, ox-presldoHt of the Nation al IMueatloaal aaseelatleB, oxprel- : .1J t it.. 1M NUtlniui) TlanV at tl 'tr'"'.r?-"?"r sa: -rt.. . - .- lJ.uj.ni I HoboolB, jlaaVed BHllty to aMlMMMla ' meat tk hmh-hI was given an Wwlilug. lnmily wiMthlng r " (IndrttawlnnU aenUaca t the Jelltt (WW North -10W. WiHtr wwrk Kmw In rxxl h)mh and xom- ly. Mm. Wm. WaatoN, We-t ft Imh. ll-W-lwk Tor HaloA bMMd new Ammt w4M b soM f r lO0 wnat WIWni Object to the Ailmlra. (Patir O'GlMk IWItlan.) Aimih4U. Md.. Ncv. W Tha d- hallaiiwl Admiral MaOarmlak. Amvh f long mmt m anii- " obJ-t U kia accvlag furtJw. It WON. m pameHWM mhi m mt 691, BalM, lr. lW.lwk ADAMS SWIPED THE DUST llf4 that: WcComUk kad MWM wtta a klfh mrilmX 4Hcf, Dr. Wattoa. "wo expreMd ajUitoays wkleh njct lUaia Jaetaaa. a Ma man af Cot- i-mm tk admiral's judjaU It Uk" On; we4 with a iom tmiAmi aU-t4 that MeOwnrfeWa JdjtMMit la nt the powwr koM at that da Mc m ,, yth what he k U day. A break oeaurrad la tk tm yt ha la not ameaaWe to armi- Una, and a kd to rofMOr It U It oolrd McOwnwUk tek aa la ta art of bfla4a tU mi f MMB H aMdad ataiid that It 4ttall the kt broke wim tofther, whow tho hw ts , frthr. The court wm cmrroat woo tariiMl oo. la mm way ,oad, aad MoOomlok rotlro to r' cmm. vrtro had oaankt In too oHora la mH aiooaoatoa of tko ckaUottfo. U ImU, and bo roeolvod a iwvoro n alMok. aat wcui badly bwro4 Made a Qeod Haul. a. imvh a mrm mwu, wui U9mi q , W.-JTWo hoak glvo a oxklbltlo t Oo(Uo Otoro oo dyilwllU4 ,1. It Thankaglviot?. , lkt 8,000 waa aotorod ky too robbofc Seattle, iask, New W.-Georgo B. Adama, oaaMer of tho U. 8. aay of fice, obarged with ateallng gold dott, admltlod his guilt to Furl- and lUchas this Morning; who imwd4ato)y with drew from his bead, and Uracd him over to tho United Siatoa authorities. Adam w said to have mm aggrogat lag IJW.000 oa dtot la (Ntforoat bank, and hkoy, togothor, with i 11,000 whlok was found oa Mo poraoa, would laiMoate a largo steal ohaa waa at irot opooaod. 1U nrollaUaary hoarlaf tot for Docowbor In. Royal Ann Cherries and Strawberries, CASTOR I A 50c a dozen tomor row only, at Salem Cannery, For Infants and Children. (tie Kind You Have Always Bought Hoara to UKaumt of &a&Z7Ju$iu Beatttift! Richly Ct$t Tito eatUnga ef all tho many aUwoUve pieooa w u 4ewK w ' peoUlly ana ileep and rjtiu I I ' " ' I s1 The wy latosfc dls and A m J kaJ In (moaOo plfr olival plaoea in atook) ot are litro In eeieat -artHy and at aoJMoaOy BMdorata oot to wake it pooeiWo fW 149 tkoir toU for beautiful oat gcase. ABOUT ELECTION FRAUDS Xotr YorH Nov. .--AIU . lark or, tt MoUIoMa, and AuMla U. Fox, for Hoturot, amoarod boforo loupromo Ooort Jootloo Amoad today. Pte aokod that tko eaoo bo poaoail to Jo tlce Ooigora, who U altUaf la extw ordinary I'woloa, hoariog tho oloetloa eaaoa, and- Jootloo Amood ao ordered, doopiie l-arkor'a aoJsaUciat. Coaaaoi aweared bofoto OolgoHoh' court, who seat thom to too appellato divi-doa. which tribaaai, ho aald, ahowid say who sitould hoar Uto aoaioot for tho oooalog of tho ballot boxoa. sano, court giving hiving him. tho custody of their two little Irtyn, on the ground that the mother was Incompetent to tako earo of' them. Then, to cap It nil, tho father put the two boys in the reform sohool, in formed his former wife of the fact, and thn gloated nt the sight of her speech Icm rage. Bttt this la not all. The hoys, cast into tho reform school, kaew no reason for their confinement, and, la lighting for freedom, brought the fath erly punishment of Voperintendont Loonty down thom. The mother called to see thorn yesterday and tried to secure thotr freedom, bat waa in formed that tho matter would have to bo preosatod to tho governing board at Its meeting the th of December. So, with her loag and woefal tale, (Mgaora Deaeco this morning sought out Governor Obamberlala, ami, cheered by tho acooaata she had heard ef his, klndwoM and charity toward the unfor tunate, lint here again tho sorrowing mother met mmfortHno, for she was told that she weald have to wait until the beard met aoxt month, when her oaae woaldi ho considered. JRBQ&JLES JBARGA1J&.J&9JJ3J& Will Hold Autopsy. AaannoUe, Md Nov. !. Joot afMr tho proneoMtloa in tho MotiwotiMr oas rootedl thia aftoraooi IJoaUaant Gommaador Robin, for the acoMood, moved the ootrtmarUal to ordor aa axamlnatioa of tho body of Broach. Thf dg-advooato Mggootod that par mlwlon of Um famlk)- bo nrt obtalaodl An axooHtlvo oaciloa waa hold to oaa stdor tho mattor. Admiral Howaoy an jacmoed lator that tho court had de cided to gcani too raa.aaot for aa toay. Tho dofoaoo aoktsd too naval Borgoaow, Amos ant) Ontowood, to be nrotoat, and the ooort ooncawtod, Tko antopy will nrobaUy bo hold towor tow. Olty Ileoonler Hslda Rooeptien, Whisky la a medlelHO, aooordlng to some phyalckiaa, and In the opinion of nemo pa toot medial no maaa factor era, bat Hocorder Mooroa this morning of totally rofwsod to coaotdor whiaky aa anything omo than lltfttocand an laiox leant. Tho gonial recorder roads Col lier 'a and conotdtwn nlmoolf mb to aautf on patoat modlcinoa, and he baa always known more or iota about tho propor tion of wWoky. Two drnaegt who onwo boforo Mw for triad, aUoMHttod to toll him that tho oora jolco thoy hod abaorbod wm ai aolntaiy naiaaonry for tho prcoervatloa of tholr hoalth, Wt tko Judge waa skeptical, lie carried Ma akoftwom so far that ho roqaWod oao to pay a nas of 440. and wod tko other iT.M. ' Joe Tower, who waa not abio to nav ifrtto loot aigot, alor ho had ahippod a heavy cargo of booae, told tho Jodfo that ho had takoa aboard tho boavy load to drive from hkt ayotom tho poi son that had aiorod thronga wonad oa hia iacjor. A 110 too coovbwod hisn thai blood noisoobAg way bo warded oa! much mora ohoaply by sowo othor mod kabjo. ajoTaooow V oojaBaiacooar oocpc vaja aoroaaopynaajo pVP thw whisky to prcoorvo hie hoalth. lie took a a overdoso, bat felt in all tho mum. Whoa ho wo naked If his hoalth woald bo boned t tod by tho payment of a aao, ho bopta to fool a Uhtlo alokly, and whoa ho wan reqnJroo1 to fork ever ITJ0 ho almost eoUaoMd. READ THIS Prico list over carefully and if you dWt trado with na it will keep yw from paying too much for your goods olsewhoro. If you appreciate gen. uine bargalno nndV-ttng goo1 B00 nl the loweat ioes4blo mhrgin of profit tradb at tho Chlongo Storo tbo tftoro thnt has grown faster than any othor storo on tho Pnolflc coast. Silk finlehed relveteoM, yd 30e and 40c O0 O 00 OOO Bilk velvets, nil ooIots, yd 75c & 05e BOo wool Henriottao, all colors, yd t ,33c OS AM wool Preach Henrietta yd a V&e Dove colored eaebmerea, yd 80a M.M W iw ra'n pf00' lfeM ei yd 76c hs protty school plaid drew goods, yd I5 Co fancy black dross goods, yd 30c 76c all wool block dress goods yd m 66c Scotch all wool suitings, yd 48c (a West; of Bngland broadcloth, yd. M0 fancy drew goodn, yd. 36c 3Co 1.75 rain proof cloaking, yd. $1.86 86c Alleo lltuo t-ifTola silk, yd- m 76s fancy droad ailks, yd.....60c flOo taffeta silk, nM colors, yd..40e 12 wrapper flannolettco, ld. 818c 1000 7ki outing flannels, plftin And fancy colors, yd 6c, 8 l8c nnd 10c iOa black mercerised oAteen, yd lc lSVC ooVcnliui, yd 81-80 Mc fdarti nllk liaing, yd 16o 16o drwti canvas, yd 9 1000 ydn ttaadard caIIcom, y-1 4c 30 In. bWoked mooUa, yd &, OMc, 8c 76e eortaln drapery, 64 in. yd 46c 100 doKen lortolrt, reeh 4c, 6e, OVic, 8c ami 10c 18o pillow oAvtrt, each lSe 76o bloaehotl nhoeta, largo nine Be Table linen, all ivrlceo yd ttc, 86c, 40c, 76c 60c wool eiderdown, yd 36c "Wkltu cotton bats, roll.... . ...6e 76c outing flannel night gowns 40c $1.36 ontfug fianuci nlghi gowns 06c Pull slao blaakota, gray -5, Big gray blankets, 36c 40s, 75e, M Dig comfoTte, onoh OOe, 76c, 85c, Ht Knit wool oIkvwIs i .... .. ,.10c, 16c, 36c, 60 & 7fc Shopping bags . . . .86c, 35 and ih New patent leather bolts 15c & 2Se Silk boltfl, nil new, S6c, 85c and 50 UmbroUas 30c, 46c, 75c & 1 $1,05 fur neck scarfs.. ., . 14.50 long furs, very new, prloa UK Bkek Batooni petticoats, price M $1.76 accordion plaited pettleo&tt, 98 39o ollk chiffon, yd ,,2Jj SOo silk mnllno votltBg, yd..l2 1000 yds rlbbona, all klndo ,...lc, 3c, 6c, 81-3c, 12ie & 15o Jjlnon Iacoo. .... ,,,, le, So, 3c, Ce, OVic, 8 l-8c, I 10 Dross trimmings, tho latest,. ,, . ...6o, 81-3e, 10c, 16c, A 25c ji Ladies' hottlory, all kinds ,, 10c, llfte, 15c k 25t Ohildron'n hosiery ...,0c, 10c, Vi, 15c k 25c pr Ladies' 76o union wits, price Ait Ladieo' 36o wool fleeced uadorwesr rx Ladleri' hose naportors. . .. .... 10c, 15c t 23c 1000 spools Baafl nllk, spool ...,2 80 doc )Al(e-j' white H 8. hand- krchlofs, oaoh., ,,ic Mon 'a $10 milt, while tbey but $5M Men's $16 swell ralto, price 0M Ladlen' 11,86 drens (more, prico $1 Ladled' $18 mln eoatr, price 1790 Ladles' $10 silk iottlooMn,..5e Ladion' $8.60 polo turUa hid IHJ Lidies' $6 trimmed bats,. .($!M Iadleo' trulta ..$800, $10.80, $12.60 and $11 M SalemsGifcatestGifowingStofe MCEVOY BROS. ciTand Conrt0S!reets OILA.RLHS IL 1 UNO 11 8 OpoHa a SpbMdld tk of Up-to-Date Qooda. BLOW7T OUT" Or WBLL. NeotorRaHMi PrebaWy Killed by Bx HloaioH of Dynamite, Tbo Jooraoi hi today Hothoriaod to nsMMNMoo tho ojtonlncj of an elegant now storo la la I am, for noxt Monday, via., Hmi of Oban. It. lllag, tho Jow oior ad optiolan. A (tor nearly a year's abaooco from tho nurka of 8a lom'ti bnnlnsan men, this aotlvo yonng paster la hot line, retnru to his fa vorite town to rsaoms baalacoa among rhoao who hove accorded him their friandohln and patronage la tho paot. Mr. lllngos aayo thai ho aperceiatea all thooo favor woleh tho pooplo and too MtrroMJanlManoT -" - HO.VA WottaiAOMoWl un. on him la tho past U. yoara, and JoS U, rotoraa to -how these frlendo that M f u lr -.lfif Pondlotoa, Or Nov. 2 V-" ltaaan, a iaaadtwavkn farm '"''. m at tho poor farm boopltal, probtUy fahahry hart by aa explosion ,.f mi mite Tnofday In awoll ho wos 1 Banan waa comimr ont f ! laftor bavin? nrosarod a ( 1 " btaoU. While tho man was I '" V foot from tho anrfnoo the nrt 1 piodod, bhrowUtg him to tli-' t foil bock again ot a - wood oa. Thia amo throw hr top, and bo aia dropped 1 nomosookon' Bxeurstoo. Now Ooleaoa, Ia, Nov, 84. Tba homagoakora' oxommIoo from tho nan thorn .and norcWwootom torritorios c? State and Liberty Sts., Salem Ore arrives bore tkis ovoning over tito IV Hneia Ooaoral roaVond. A doiogtlond ttat k- wU, . toy t Ilaids for Pull Term, Tbo oaeotioa of wbotbor a coonty mporintoadont, appalniod Uy a aoonty jndya to Ml a vaaanoy oanood by doath, could hold tho odioo tho ro Maindor af tho fall tana, or only waill tho noxt general oloetloa, wm submit tod yesterday by State School Sopor inioadoat Aokorman to tho attomoy goaoral for a a opinion. Tho naestloa aroao through tho appolaimoftt of D. & llaxtor U IU tho pooition of av poriaiaaditat. made "aoant by Uto death of N. A?. Koaoody, of Wboolor oasutty, woo tMod while In oanoo. Tho attornoy-gonoral statod that, in Ida opinion appoinimoota of sohool su parinioadonaa by county Judges would bo legal for tbo foil tern of eee to wsdoh tholr prodeoassora wore olootod. This moona that Baxter vW boldthe omoo 0 auporiotoodont of gahoato of Wheeler county for ahwocit three year, la appro-dative. ' H will, noa-t Monday, opoa bio otoro adjoialng tho Capital National Bank with an oailrely now ootdt of nxturos, Uto inoot that monoy oaa boy, aad an aboobitoly now stock of goodw. TUa stock has boon bought after Mr. Hinge bad spout six mouoka among tho waa ufacturors nnd wholoaala houaoa la Sastorn oltbrn, wA coniaiaa everything now ana up-tdo4o lu hla lino. Ho baa ahto put in tho moat modorn applionooa for doing work In tho jewelry and op tical line. Among othor tUaga, ho kw put In luaohinory for manufacturing optical good from tho rough, grinding aad anting lonooa in tho moot approved manner. His bono work wiH, as la Um paot, bo only of tho higncot oantrao tor, and, aside from hla own pcroonal skiU, Mr. Ulngos will bring iato rooui aiUoR taut aaaiotanoo of a compotoot hufcjtor. OrdoN ontraotod to him will, aa of yoro, bo given tho moot punottl low attention, and ho invites hla old tame patrons, and, U faet, ovarybody, to Inopoot hi plaoc at tholr oarUoat ooa vojtlonoo, wh othor thoy couw to buy or not. arm waa brokou, and ha waa "'' bruiaod aal over bis body from ' foeta of tho powder aad the ' f oil oa hisn. During tho ai tor noon tbo man won brought to Uto poor t attended by Uto county phsi tlo bono to onbnrkalnod for bis n ao it m hoMovod that ho a ' lator nalry. ! 0 Oablnot "WU1 Not Beaigu. London, Nov. 8d. Tho eal-i ' decided to apponl to ti counts trnggoflUon that Uto oablnot re" raooivod unfavorably-, boeause ? atUtKdo of tho Hboralo. red in-l t lurf TM WM tM f stode eWomh' amt otnow lntor- od in tho ooroataatiea plan boarebsd Una a M iL. .HOuBjdAnloiii daVloa ox on! Utn t U -wwmo - - and wiM oaort tho homoaookora to tnia etty. 1 oleoUon nuct Juno, Big Banco And ooppor at Liberty hall, Novem ber 29tb, 11-28 lwk ADDITIONAL PBJiSONALS. sVigaae Bono la in Solo on bitmr. Mao. Jt. D. OUbort ia among the opoo WOora at the O. A. C.-W. TJ. game to day. Mrs. Paul fehosidt, of Albany, k Uto guoot of her sister, Mra. W. M. Arm strong. BOBN. BSATTY. At Ohomawa, VTeJr, Novombor , IMS, to Mr. ar Onrl Beatty, a daughter. iay, Mr tijfht Th woU-know oaoo, at Eu JoooAhan J. Thomas agaiaat tbe ' fCaltav t i Riibmav. where n lattor was sued for damages, alK have boon caused by the con miH race ovorfiowiag on the "' land nt Oeburg, has been appe tho sunrome court. of Ml tb n1 M to Money to Loan THOMAS K POBP. Over Ladd k Buah'a Bank. Salem Or nlillliM.iin 11 JMllljMlpTini