Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 24, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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n 4i i
' f
r v
In making Boston Brown Broad is as
sured if you uso.
It is already prepared, requiring on-
If tho addition of molaseos and water.
Directions inevery package.
Paoiflo Const Factory, Ban Jose, OaL
Bash and doors. All kinds of honse
finishing, Thane 13; black. Also two
floors of warekeuao for rontj olovator
and switching facilities.
The Proper Thing for the
Weather we are Having
Under the Ban.
It is stated? that postoflloo depart
raont baa resolved to put a ban on the
publication of hdim of winners in
social oard games. It is held that tlioy
come undor the rules of tho anti-lottery
lav,', and their publteation way eause
the exclusion of offending newspapers
from the mails.
The local post office officials have not
yet been notified of this nation on the
part of the department at "Washington,
and until they are it kt time enough to
comply with the expected order.
In eeme slates the newspapers have
Iwea apprised! of the maker by post-
maeiore nnd editors have ashed the in
torvention of their congressmen. In
one Instance a newspaper telegraphed
the department at Washington and was
advised by it thai ike report of a raffls
lottery or other gambling devices
wooM ox el into a newspaper from the
malht, but the department bad not
seea fit to enforce the rule against re
port of ooeiety can parties.
A Dm Moines newspaper asked In
shrwetlowo from the poet office deparh
meat in tfeat city aad was advised
that papers publishing the winner
woaid lie axcludod- from the malls.
The newspaper in question stales
that I to presses were stopped one day
last week awl SO ml mites' delay en
sued in order to remove from its col
umns a statement -that Mrs. Jones had
won a eut glaos water pitcher ami Mrs.
Smlsk had' won a chafing iKak at Mrs.
Johnson's enrd party.
Awl white tkls order Is maturing the
big 'newspapers are advertising guess
ing ooateeVe ami contests for prises
ami sight-seeing trips, Raker City
VcaratU yj ! KM YW Hi Aiwirj BHffl
rr Gswi&bt
Oast (Mr shadow before, ami this
announcement m h Hrtet of the many
good thing we have provide! for the
um khiI heaoat of our )mtrone, 1
The ax km Itrea buoy oh the xm,
and thH rosult 1m a regular ThaMkogly
lag INaast la valuta Ih groceries.
Bnkcr, Lawrence & Baker
Sueccesoni to llarrltt At Lawionco.
277 Commercial Street
flood rv4ee am) quick delivery,
Try mm aad you will be better
pleased. OnM aad sec as la ikvsow,
or send la ytmt orders by phone,
SOS Mala.
Sealod bids will bo reooived at the
Executive Ofllco, State Capitol, Salem,
tin-til S o'clock p. m Dseomber 11th,
1006, for furnishing wood fer the
several State Institutions located? at
or near Salem, as follews:
Insane Asylum, main building, .4800
oonm first growth fir.
Insane Asylum, Cottage Farm, 1600
oordo first growth fir.
Penitentiary 1SO0 cord first growth
fir; 800 cordo grub oak.
Reform School, 000 cents, first
growth fir.
Deif Mate School, -100 cords first
growth fir; M eordw split ash.
Blind School, 100 cords first growth
fir or lflfi cord second growUs flr or
flrst-olaes slab wootk
Capitol BaHdlng, M0 cord first
growtk flr.
Dido for second, growth flr for all or
nay part of tho above will afco be ea
terUtlnetl, exoetd. Aaytaia, main ImtidV
iwg, ami Capitol IMldtng.
llids wiM Im received for all or any
part, Cordwood mast be cut while
green from sound timber, four feet
long, reasonably straight, well sea-
nened, delivered) as designated, at or
near the several tnetilMtloae, closely
corded wit hoot bulkhead. Delivery
moot begin by May let, and must be
eomfdeted by Octolter 1st, 1900.
Hack bid most be nocompanled by
n certified check, myalde to the clerk,
or cask equal to tS cento jter eonk, to
be forfeited to tke State no damages
In ease the biddor receiving the award
shall fall to oxecMte a contract to de
liver the wood and fHraleh a eatm
factory boml. Saceceofal bhlders will
(be reqaired! wHhla tea days after no
tification of Acceptance of bid to ontor
I Into a eoairaet aad furnish a satis
factory bond. IMdders should leear
fttl to state la their bid the name of
the inotltatioa ami tke klm) ami nam
ber of cord to bo famished. Itida
most 1h sealod la envelopes, endorsed
"rroposam for Wood," aad nddreoeed
to Ute Mmrerelgnod. Anyfnrther la
formation may le kadi of tho under
' signed.
The righti is resorveil to reject any or
all Iddo, or any jwrt of a bid, nad to
waive defect la nay bids. If It he
!rfetnd to the Interest of the atoto to
do no.
Hidrior will take notice that there
In no appropriation- available fer the
Anyhim, I'ealteatlary, lleferm School,
Doaf Mato or Wind. School. Tkr
fore, elalnw for wool aaw only lm
awtitH by the Secretary of State ami
cortiflaatee of evidence of allowaaoa
imoed) to claimant. Aa toe na Utorc
la am npKOHatloa Rvailablo war
ranis wiM bo mn4 la Ilea of tho cor
tiflcatos. Ity order of tho Hoard) of Trustee)
of the several InetltMtlone.
W. N. 0ATBN8,
Clerk of the Hoard.
For eenturies the diamond lias been
recognlaedi as t4e hardest of all known
substances. The polishing powsr of dia
mond dwst, tke boring powsr of the
diamond drill are familiar fasts; so Is
the fact that nothing can polish or eut
a diamond except another diamond.
lint a now substance has mad Its
appearance which, if it can be obtained
in sttHleloMt quantity, will probably re
place the diamond alihe in the opera
tions of drill boring ami in the lapi
dary's workshop, for it Is harder than
diamond so hard la fact tltat the only
effect predueed by a diamond drill,
working day and night for three days
on a shoot of the u beta nee one twenty
fifth of aa inch thick, with a speed' of
8000 revolution per minute, was a
tight dettt Ik the sheet and the wear
ing eat of tho diamond, Tho sabstance
is pore metallic tantalum.
Tantalum m not a common metal, yot
It l also one of the rarest. Its ex
istence was discovered more than a
cenlary ago, but no attempt to separate
it from ltd eonipotindM bad succeeded
prior to 10M, when Melssan obtained a
sample In tke electric furnace. The
metal which he isolated was very hard
and brittle, and we now know that It
was so muck contaminated with carbon
that most of its characteristic prof
iles of the jmre metal had disappeared.
Tantalum differs from all other known
substances In combining extreme harcV
nees with extreme thtctlllty. Of Its
hardwetM wo have already given an
example, so need only to add that
whoa red hot It Is easily rolled Into
Tho Indian novcr liked work but ho
wanted bis squaw to got woll as soon ns
posslblo so that sho could do tho work
una itu ii i m
bunt, tberoforo
be dug iMi)Hrtc
root fur Iter, for
that was their
freatremody for
o in a 1 o weak
nesses. Dr. i'lcr-e iwa
the same root
callpd llliie Co
hosh In his" Kn
vorlto l'rr-crip-tlnti"
combined with
other agents
that make It
.. uinru I'lii-i'iiiu
and protect tho '
fitomacn ironi
functional dlattirlmnce.
Dk. 1'ikhor's Favowtk Piiifflcntrno
Is not nor over waa a "patent medicine,"
but It t the carefully wmuiht out and
Utlkl . Mil' i
Tj Hft'jjjUjpBi'
thoroughly testod rU jm-tj1oh of n
tui imyfctn in a rem lmtcttce.
Dr. I'li-rco's unimralloleil success with
this reined; was such that more wanted
to use It than any one doctor could attend
to In a private practice. Tills induced
him to manufacture It on a suftlcletitly
liberal scalo to mwt the demand.
Jly bl own inclal processes, he ex
trncls, combines and pranervee the medi
cinal (jiinlilii id the several IngredlciiU
without tho uso of alcohol (using chem
ically pun jtlvcerlne Instoad). thus ren
dorlng It Ml-ilutily safe for any woman
of any ur ninl In any condition to use
freoly. Thr namesof tin-Inured lent arc:
Lady's Mllpier mot, ltlack Cobob root,
Unicorn root. HI no Coltosb root and
Oohloii Heal root.
Mh May Ilohrback. Ko. 78 Amsterdam
Avrniif. Now York City. Treasurer of the
Woman's I'mgrnwlve union, writes:
"I liso btHiilkchi'. hfti-kkrln. rihI wan very
tierwtti i M-sn-rlr W to lr-ti rnnto than
two (Hitim at a ilitM. f wm adrlvl to try
l)r. I'k'trp's Patoriti PncrJtHlon, ami wss
Throo Trains to tlio East Du7
Through Pullman standard Isj
tourist Blooping oars daily to ni-
Chioago, Spokano; tourist le5i,
oars dally to Kansas City; thr!!
Pullman tourist sleeping cars (Jl
sonnlly oonductod) weekly to CwT
go; roollnlng ohBlr cars (seaU tt
to tho Bast dally. "'
ho Cbaait of c
5 70
o 15 a, ra
Wylt lukfi, Doer, n
Worth, Oaub. rim.;
Clty.et liont. om,..,
UpIWIumI with Hf mult.
w ylorolmt ftiii'MlUlr. toniltiuwl uslmr
tlw ' l'vom I'rictlpihm'fcir Phrtit weeks,
uhI llffti HtontHit. for I was trftilv m.
Brer since Own rir medlrine hai lwwi wu
'rnwrtio I'rrnniiun,' too. I uxjohumnki
It Hi every me "
Const I im Hon althouRb a little III, bo
Keta Wk mms If noclerted. Dr. Iterto't
rlciWflUl 1'elleU cure eoiwUpatlou.
Mrs. 0. A. MePariand, aa aged reel
doot of SpringOeld, died at the home
of nor oWghtor, Mrs. ImWc, la Un
bar aad naeefci nnd drawn Into wire, g Tueoday. Death reeaMod froat aa
1:15 n. m,
Fan Mall
v r. vx.
Hro trans
IrsraretUatH), Or
Worth. Utaaha, Ku 7U
Cltr.rfi. tonu, CmcsT' '
ami Kmu i
Walla Wall. Iw,..;. .
Spokans, Wallawi, - ,.'
?". Mlnneaioila t
Caul. Dulyth.V.iw. v
Ohlcato, ana Kaat I
Ocoan and lllvor Schodnla.
For San Prnnolsco-Bvery firs dm
ftt 8 p. m, For Astoria, way pohu
nnd North Boach Dally (exerpt Bit
day) at 8 p. m,j Saturday at 10 p. a,
Dally service (water permitting) (i
WHIataotto and Yamhill rivers.
i a
" ' ' ''.'". "-' !
It In seareoty affecleih by tho oxygon
of the air, even at red heat, aad not
at all at ordinary temiieratHres, am)
the strongest acids fall to dissolve It;
aor does it fall 'to amalgamate with
Mtoteary. It moUs only at the highest
attainable torn perntu res, and) is there
fore well fitted' to serve for filaments
In Incandesoent lamps, being muck
stronger tkati carbon. A pound of It
will make 110,000 lamps, and tkeoe re
quire exactly half as much Kwer to
light thorn na do carbon fllamcnta giv
ing tho same brilliancy.
If only it can bo procured In sufll
olent quantity, tantalum should Hovc
a most useful metal. It will furnish
better taring loom thnn tho diamond
drill, aad cheaor electric light titan
carlton, while tho possible mm of a
plate or wiro harder than diamond and
yet tough and strong, are almost la-
nnltoi for every other bar mtlwtaaee
In brittle; and this faet ha hampered
tlw engineer for centurion.
injury received front a fall oa the 10th,
in which oho fractured her left kip,
nad, oa account of her extreme age, she
could not stand tho shock, Sho was
8? years old, ami leaves six children.
"Make Bfllem Oood Home Market"
all ilMalaaealaBcf
Wc have a number of excellent lots for sale if taken im
mediately at the very low price of $35 per lot, and also
there goes to each purchaser an abstract of title to the lots
bought in OCEAN VIEW Addition to the city of North
Bend, Coos County, Oregon; these lots are high and dry, I
and are situated on Coos Bay. It is predicted by many,
that inside of a few months they can be easily sold for more
than double the price asked now. Tnese lots if sold im
mediately, will be sold at $35 P lot. They will not be
held at this pice, however, very long. For full particulars
call at our Office, at No. 110 Commercial Street, Salem,
Talth and raat
Faith la one thing and fact la anether,
It flometlmed takes any amount of
faith to produce eno fact. Years of
earnest work and faith have produced
one fact about medicine that is deserv
ing of maatlcn here. If people who
are troubled with general weakness
through overwork, dissipation or ex
posure eaa get a remedy that will
make rich red blood from the food they
oat, their return to health is aeeared.
Oood blood is the life of the body aa
well as the nerved. Weak, sickly, pal
people who suffer with imltgeotloa,
dyspepsia, sick headache, lota of
strength aad ambition, havlag dluy
spells aad always tired, can ho cared
aouad and well with Dr. Oaaa'a Blood
aad Nerve Toalc fold by druggists
for oc per box, or I boxes for . This
Tonic act Ik a eMuaou ea wey,
earing dlseaae by firing atroeftk 9
'V '
fM t am 1
Rocky Mountain Ten Nuggets
A Baar Mbeuw far leey Nesk.
BehtM OeMae Jhatik aad lasewd tW
X m"10u Fitr r-.i.(iiauta. In HoeaHnSL Ue
p-r itviiikiin.. nitiBwit, coaeoas. Ian
I sad Uot..-b.' ii ' ft h k v Uouauiu tWiaub
let form, s i-u u U. K-uum Made r
Unuwui Mar.. V.ty i, MtlUon. WU.
Foultry at Qtciner's Markot
lJggs rr down, JK).
Ducks H.
ToiUtry, Eggs, ntc.
Mggo Per deees, Mc
Wuttcr, retail Wt.
rVyc So.
rrulU, Vegetables, Btc
Onloa IVI.
Apples-Sec per bushel.
Garreta-Soc per bucko).
Recta Mc per bushel.
Pears $1.00 per owt.
Tropical Fruit,
nananas (Va B.
Oranges d.M.
Lomoae UMQ&M.
Live Stock Market, """"""
Oow IttOlc.
thoep U.
Drosfiil veal Oc
Hat ege-c
Ckaia, Feed,
Baled Clor-tfMtfM.
TbooUy fftJO,
Crraia T7J0.
For fuller information aak or wrHt
your nearest ticket agent, or
A. I ORA10,
Gonarnl Passenger Agwt
, Tho Oregon Railroad St Narlptki
Co., Pertland, Oregon.
We nave juat reeeiretl another
Urge ahi(.u:i m 1 f liver In the, Tu
Ipe. Calm Lit! a, Crocos, Aae
Itonoa. Niirei-uua. Jonquils, e0. The
rk ro tul Kw. auU it aill pay
u to buy uow, white yoa eaa eo
lue a nice colcctioa.
D. A. White & Son
255 Com'l St. Phone 160
Xaesar and Oraaw.
Oy OowMoreial Oio.iw Q
ButUr fat-90 t sUUea.
Flour, wholesale-.! new bairL
Wheat, Club TTe,
Valley- 7 J 78 .
Oata-Choloo WWto,
Milbituff-Bra. $U.
FMateco MafTOe.
PMllry-Aeotate old henn, iliee,
rM rooMera miUi u
ItHo; UrescoU cMeke. UQiUi tuT
kfyt, live, 17is; turk Jr-
tW, Wg2acj gcc, Uve, po,
IHi fceco, droased, per poMdT 1M
It8; aquabc, !W. W
Pork, Dressed, 6Tc.
Bccf-0ccl, lH,.
Muttoa Drcased, effifH,
Tr00"'"4' 1905'rMHfi old
saediua, 83',?27o;
Mohair OI.. ia, 3u
Butter -i,,,v creamery. 3032e
store, li , ietc. "vzic,
vmiTjm itATua xo YAqimu bat
Oregon's aroatont ItecTcctloa il
Health Ilosort At tho Nertrpt
XI caches.
An a wlntor health and retrtatta
resort Newport la tho one par and
lonco. KocognUIng this, and wlihlsg
to glvo tho pooplo an opportusity b
brcatho tho fresh, pure oaono cf Us
ocean, tho Southern Pacific asd C
vnllla and Haatern railroads will rt-
sumo tho ealo of tickets tnrouck t
Yaqulna bay Saturday, October II,
and will atoll samo througliout tke wit
ter and spring on every
Wodneoday aud Saturday.
Tho rateo will be the same i ow
ing tko summer aiul will be good ttr
return SO days from date of sal.
Dr. Mlnthom'R Sanitary Sea Bathe
will be in operation during the aiu
winter, and treatments will be fu
dally. Ilet and cold salt water batae
cen be taken tvry day in the aaw
tarium, and for Anyone during rxt,
recrcatlea im health, no fiare oa U
Pacific Nerthweet can be fyunJ ccctl
to Yaqulaa bay.
Other Health Iteeorta Olooed.
During tho winter nearly all otto
health resorts are dosed or 'UflUaH
to reach, aad none of them '.are
ifillT M
; leraat
r 1 irti:a
; ia-
advantage of Newport aot
regarchi allNiata, paints
rocrcaUoa and amuaoatent 1
doslrlng to eajoy iahing, 1
aaal( the oceaa in suasini.e
thai faiaooa reaort Is unequ
awrroundlngs are ldU beauin
ory, aJImate mild, hcaltliful .
Oottago aad Sent Cheap
Xeat clean cottagec, tilth, t .-
r PwUy as, cm k roated u ' -
MoHtata HaiffliUcKhood of t: ntarr
hatha at about $f per mut- i"rBtv
of freak milk, vegelables, huifv, frut,
ad all heusehald neceecities cm U
. lasc
valler. erarse to
Eastern Oregon,
taiaod at tko lowest s .1
while all klad of Ash and t.
rock oystora can bo had in ui
for tho trouble of securing 1
People troabiod with the 1,
PUtc, Insomnia, rheunatim
dowa from ajay eaaee, will 1'
Pt m 14ni aJtM to rv
acalth aai vtmor, or for re.t
Fall laiomatiou as to r.i'
lt i oagMure. etc.. eaa b
from any P. or C. E. agt 1
A. L. Oraig, general pa&si .
- P. Oo. Pertland: of J '
foaoraj aasoouger agent '. a:
baajr, Oregocu
Batea tioni aciesa to Y..t
Nortfewest Nurscties
uf ap-
- .iS
U i0,
Beta J i
Fruit trees aad shrubt
kinds. All stock freo frou'
diseaaes. Large stooik of t
pples. late kt'vpers a cpcciaJ
dottrereo free ia Salem N
good Unto to pat out cl.
Salem Or. 1 "
Write for catalogue.
s ei