Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 24, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    --r, '
1 I
MAY, 1904, 13,287.
Tho Journal has just closed Its sec
ond special Mle day with muoh satis
faction to itself and its subscribers.
tTliaro have been several hundred re
newals and several hundred new sub
scribers added to our lints. This may
net sound large, bttt it is satisfactory,
and moans a healthy and rational
growth, suoh a every well-eenduetod
paper oan be preud of.. The Journal
is ooastantly reaching out for new
patrons, but 'it dees not enre to de the
MtMfttteMftl act. A saUsnsd sue
toner year in and year ottt is what
builds hp a newspaper and enables it
to de a solvent, permanent business.
This olaas of hnsineoe Is what the
Journal strives for and is proud to
nave. It in, however, not content to
rest npen its ears, but is constantly
atrlvln; to nolo its subscribers a well
m Itself.. Fer this reason it ha an
other great oiler to make to eld and
new patrons alike. We don't believe
in a "something for nothing" cam
paign, ami therefore don't pretend
that we are giving away all we have
and mere too, hat we have a good
thing which we want to share with our
'faintly of imbrorlbara.. My an adver
teeing deal with a largo assist son
oom we are enabled to give, our pot-
'' en .7 nsnu eg- JjotJ s fPrTnsn rVHpVonaW Was
pMH M wWjMOOs J 1919 18 OUC pfOpOOV
Una: To ail who will nay a yoar in
advfcaae wo wlU gtvo m a pi mnm,
wHMwt any mOUHmal jay, a yogr'a
JwheertpUftM to mom of tttt following
valuable pnbUeaUette:
"Ma4Mo," a honto tnagaalne atav
iter Um Ladles' Hatae Jonmal
"Tho ram and Boats ftmUaet"
"TIN Ajrtonltnrel MpttwHt"
And their eboloc of as of Um Art
lowing papsrai Weakly later Ooaan,
tho Orag Jrntd ratwor, or Um Xow
York TrltHwn, oaoh of wfchsh is worth
a dollar a yoar.
TMa la Mm Moot liberal etftr eror
wad in tbo snhseTtatson MM, and
iwolMMON a oumh of papers that to do
sornMo In any bents, toad as a yogr'i
tmhsarlpttoa In a4ano to tho Daily
Oapttni Jowmal and ys oan haw
ttatm imJait Itmt mf huum ataa.
SSgg'SnrnSeW VOVV Vfj anjsBjcnsngsBj mejBBfBW
lately rroe for a year.
' .
Ptoral OonninlrnnML
Win herb U moot injagiens to bona
0 1 Thjrsao,
Why to green grass like) a snaaaef
wiui ik eat tie oat It,
Who I a nato of baad like a root
l.u.lf When It la mainred by telHag
What em Jack PYost any whoa ho
kissed iho rasa WUt than And It
Why l a widow like a gardacrf He
eau mm tries to get rid of bar woods.
Whea in a Man an aorltf Wao loaf
xprlee haa awdo hint tafo.
Way is aaparafoa Ilk a dry aer
moat Too ntoat onjoynoja part U the
Why k a jroaag hva Uha a ofcoa of
wiMNUf Sao la arot aro4lo4, taaw
thnwhod, an4 laill hoaoosw the aonr
of Mm fatally.
What to tho ana's trade la too month
of Mayf Moasoa.
Why la a wMnn' ago Uho a aoral
iMAdif It to aover told.
Tito prtHsoni, far looinf nwa layo
tho fowtthtiia of a furtnao maak
rji a HoHon knoVto a briok walV a
brisk at a Uao, Tho ata 4k will
ot lay Mm Arot briok htoaaas it
fails ahori of a sentploU wall, will
nut atako waoh yrantaas. Xanjr
laoplo Uva-ap tbjoir laoooMO aad
daao to gave beaaait too amonat
HvalUbN to stoat with annoata too
taaU. RanwMtibar' yon aan start a
eaviafo aooaawt with m with only
oao doihw, and womsb aaoo started it
U saro to frow. Miaa a fartoae
haa rOiwHod from h a bginnlag.
Oagia saving today.
Capitol NatffMl Bank.
y y "W-fe
-MJVJ Sr-kiSV "
Why Is the lottM- V like a honry
snoklet Hwiiiup a H follows it.
Why Is an Dsster lily like a poor
nmrkenmitf It shoots before it has
Do Not Try to Drive and Ferae It to
Work When It Is Not Able, or You
Will Suffer All the Mere.
Yon cannot a (fort to treat year stow
afe aa somm won treat a balky bono;
foroo, drive or even starve It iaio do
ing work at which It rebels. Tho stom
ach is a patient and faithful servant
and- wiH standi maeb alms and ill
treatment before It "balks," hot whoa
K does yon had bettor go slow with it
and wot attempt to makn It work. 8onw
people have tho wletakon idea that
they can make their stomacbe work by
starving tboaaolvoa. They might care
tho stomach that way, bat it wonM
take so long that thoy woald have no
we f or a stoma oh whoa thoy got
Ihrottgn. The sensible way oat of the
difficult? Is to lot th stoma root If
it wants to aad employ a sabatltnto to
d its work.
Stuart's Dyspepsia TnbMrto will do
tho work of yonr stomach for yon and
dlgeot yonr food Jnat aa yonr atomaak
tttmd to when It wo wall. Yon oan
prove tale by patting yonr food la a
glass Jar with oaa of tho tablet and
anfleloat water and yon will so the
food dtfootooV la jnat tho saaw lima as
tho Aiffeetlve fluid of the etonutah
wonM do It. That will satisfy yonr
miad. Mow, to satiafy bath yonr
Mind and body take oaa of Stoart's
ftrspepeM Tableta after eating oat all
arxt what yon want ad yon will foal
la yonr miad that yonr food Is betas,
aMgsatsil booaaoo yoa will fool no die
Ivbanao or weight la yonr atonment
la fast, yon wIM forgot all abont hav
lag a stomach, Jast ae yon did whan
yon were a healthy bey or girt.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta act la a
natural way booaaoo thoy contain oaiy
the nataral eUmeats af tho gaststa
Jalcea and other dlgoatlve fluids of the
st smash. It wakse ao differanoo what
coadttloa tho stomach la la, thoy no
right ahead of tholr own accord aad
da tholr work. Thoy kaaw their bnaS
asaa aad snrroandlag ooaditioac ao not
laflaeaee them la tho least. Thsy thaj
relievo tho weak stomach of all its bar
dona aad give It hs ftuohaoedod real
ami permit It to become stroog and
taart's Dyopopeia Tablots are far
sals by all druggists at M eoata n bate
Thoy are so wolt known and hsslr
popnhurity Is ao groat that a fragftoi
wonM aa soon tMak af aolaf ant of
alcohol or fuialao aa af thorn. la fact,
phyaleuas aro praaarlblnf Uam all
ever tho land, and If yonr awn dootar
la real beaost with yon, ha wilt toll yon
fraaaiy that aboro to nothing aa earth
ao good for dyspepsia as sXuart's Dye
ponaia Tabiota.
rrafsanisnahi In Oatlage AUdeUaa.
Kow York, Nov. !!. A pocalhur aa
lection has boon mads of a subject for
lbs annual debate botwooa l-eaasyi-ranis
aad Oelambia, which wUlbohoM
hero today. The qaestloa will bet
"Meaalvad, that any bona Ada college
stndont andsr tl years af ago, aad
having completed one year's work la
good otandtaai bo altowod to repro
seat In athlstlos tho laaMtetlae at
which sash work to done, regardless of
any snaspaasallca ha may have pro
vionsiy roooivod far hto athlotle
Thd Ualvoralty of Peaaaylvaam.
will bo ropresontod by apaakors from
tho Iclossphlc literary society and
t'olambia by the muaard society. It
is beUevod that Um rsaalt af the de
bate will be af saaaldarable weight
raamrtling the fntnro policy af tho
large colleges la this eonatry con
rcrniag tho ntuoh-diseasosd o,noetlon of
profssslnaallam In college athletics,
Tho master haa bosoms partlclnariy
lmpommat la eaaasaueaoo of aevsral
rases at the bogianiag of tho asaoi
la which protests wore made afaiast
certala asmiprofceeional college ath
Maa's Uaroasnablcfts,
to often as great as woman's. Bat
Thos. . Austin. Kir- the "XeanhU
can " af Leaveavcorth, lad, was aat
aaroaaahablo, whan he rofnsod to al
lew the doctors to operate on hto wife,
for female trouble, "Instead," ke
says, "we eonslndod to try Rlctric
Bitters. My wife was then so sick,
she could hardly leave ker bed, aad
five (8) physicians bad faitod to re
lUve her. After Ukiag Bleotrle Bit
ters, she was perfectly cured aad oaa
kow perform all her haniehnW duties,"
GuaraBteed by J. 0, Perry, droggl?
price 60c
Yes. 100.000 time3 each day. Does
it send out good blood or bad blood?
You know, for good blood is good
health; bad blood, bad health. Ask
your own doctor about taking Aycr's
your own doctor about taking Aycr's
Sarsaparllla for thin, Impure blood.
statu I Wp.MIh J.O.AT.rOo..
Oregon and Washington Each
Claim Jurisdiction Over
Sand Island
ScmhI Island, which has grown since
1S41 from a bit of trsaohorous saml
bar In the Mouth of tho Gohimbia
river to reepcctablo else, large enough
to support a small Ash lag vUmgawilI
be the principal prise in tho boundary
dispute shortly to be argnod by the
attornoy-aonorals of Oregon and Wash
ington, before tho supreme court ot
tho United Statra. This meager bit f
shifting saml has gathered to Itself a
good dtml of tho silt the mighty Co
lumbia tears from the moontnlns near
Its hendwnters, and carries dnwn to
the ocean. It hae now a length of
ovor four miles, and n width in some
parts of almost two miles.
This labsact Is bisectod by tho Imag
inary lias that, at ths time Oregon be
came a state, was tho bonndnry p
nratiag this commonwealth from the
than territory of Washington It
was valueless until the Ashing indus
try assnmsd largo proportions. Thru
It was eagerly sought after as a loca
tion for Ash traps, nets and wheels.
Tho land was sold by the state for
high prices, as was laad on a large
number of aoigaborlag saad bars
which tho river by Its bnUdtay ap pro
cess raised to tho dignity of laiaads.
If the bonadary lino Axed 84 year
ago by congress Is recognised ao nn-
chaagiag by the United States sopteuio
eonrt, then much tho greater portl'.n
of tho new Islaml will belong to Wash
ington, though thlo state has atwa
claimed It, ami haa sold the laad !
private poroses, Tho money will ban-
to bo refunded In that ease) to tl
purchasers. aad sovereignty roll it
According to tho onabliag act whin.
Aied tho boamlartes of Orogoa, aa U
aginary Una commencing oaa Uagao
from tho shore lias, soatlaolng to a
poiat la tho cent or at the main cbaa-
act of tho Ootnmbto, was to bedrawa
to das oast, natll it arrack the north
ship rhanasi of tho river, aad he eoa-
tlauod throngh the coaler of that
channel, up the Columbia until It
strlheo the Mth dagraa of totltu.to.
TWo liaa Iks time It was Asod,
passed to tho north af what was than
Saml Island. At preseat the line
panose rhroag tho lalaad, giving Um
greater aortloa to tho state of WnaaV
ianjlan, This state will probably con
tend that tho Uao to not atatioaary,
bat a Anotassiag one, and to Axed oaiy
by tho center af the aorth ship chan
asl of tho rivor. Waaklagtoa wW
moat Hkoiy nrgo ahat tho boundary
aAsft BMMflU-lfll HAOanajgafAaaMtant smMll aanml
" w Fcw ips snmsnFmrs ananpss) osmrv
f ha ago with th varylag movements
of tho rivor.
Tho bonadary salt has boon inotl-
tntod by Wnshlsgtos and tho
plaint papers prepared. Thoy
not yet boon AJod to tho atoto. bones,
of osnrso tho atioraey goaoral af
state ban theraforo not eomawnoed
to propare Oregon's side of tho easo.
A Disastrous Oalamlty.
It la a disaitrana calamity, when yon
Um yonr h-alth, boaanso iadigoetion
aad asastipatieB have sapped it away.
Prompt relief oaa bo had ia Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They bnild up year
algoailve organs, aad earc headache,
dlaalasae, calls, constipation, etc Onar
antsod at J. 0. Parry's drag stars Mfc,
Installation af Now President.
Uacon. On, Nov. U, Pistinslsajsnl
odaoators from ail parts of tho scajh
have arrived bore to attend abf ho
ataUatton of Dr. Charles Lee Smicn,
tho nsw preatdent of Xoroar ualvoc'
ty, which will tabs peace here that
eveaiag nt ths City Aaditosiaja.
Antemj thooo preseat at' the taahnelg
tloa tonight will also bo many prog
laoat Impttoss of Ooorgia aad adjea
lag states.
Sure Oare for rtJot.
Itshtag Pitas prsdnoc mototnro ami
canto itehiag, this farm, as wall as
Ittlad, Thinning ar PretnnNng THtos
arc eared by Dr. Bo.se.n-kn's Pile 1t
dy. Stons itahlng and blessing. Ab
sorbs tamers, SOc a jar at druggists,
or seat by mail. Treatise free. 'Write
ae abont year ease. Dr. 'Bosaaka,
Phlla, Pa.
Colonial Supper.
Friday ovooiag, Nevombar A4th, fi
S to 8 p. au, in tho lostwro room at tho
First Presbyterian ehnrch.
Pennsylvania National Guard.
Pittsburg, IV, Nov. 24. The most
limiouittt niihtary gathering ever
hebt her was opened May when, the
a iwuml convention of the national guard
aesoctotion of Pennsylvania was sailed
to order 1 the convention hall of the
rfcncilor hotel at D:80 o'eloek tills
forenoon. Col. A. J. Logan, the pres
ident of tho association, opened the
meeting and delivered his annual ad
dress, in which ho outlined the var
ious Important matters which will
come up for eommloration at this con
vention, Tho morning session was de
voted principally to tho transaction of
row tin business ami' the discussion of
various matters of interest to the na
tional guard. Among those present
at the convention wore Governor Pen
mypacker, Drtgadier Generals John A.
Wiley Of the Third brlaads, J. W.
Bchatl of the Mrst brigade and J. 8.
V. Oobtn of the Fourteenth regiment,
and many other ooVere of the national
guard, ae wail aa some officers of tho
regular army.
There will bo another session this
afternoon lar which a number of in
teresting papers will bo read by of
fleers of tho national guard. The
reading of the papers will be followed
by dtoenaniona. The question of stats
armories will 1m thoroughly dlenad.
It was this association which framed
the bill Matt reatted in an appropria
tion of 50,000 for stats armories.
This evening a banquet will I giv
es to the delegate. Several promin
ent regular army officers wilt be pres
ent aad wUt deliver addresses on mil
itary subjects. Tt Is suggested that
soma valuable suggestions will 1m
mads for the betterment of the mili
tia service ami for placing It upon a
more strictly military basis than that
upon which it Is now.
Now Yorkers' who visit this Inter
est liiic plaon on n Winter day put on
tlits grant Scotch Cheviot D0UI1LI!
n long, looe, broad-shouldered coat
of unequalled ntyla and the moat
comfortabls unnnont over made fur
tours and out door occasions.
flaus) amMktnmiai nsmhnVttstamnal. sua AaUnL
it tirttlna" thto UWt
We ar asstms samits hoc.
G. W. Johnson Co.
Tie New Fastion
Consolidated With
Tic Club Stables
Modern Management,
First-class Livery and Cab Una
Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally-he
for plealcs aad excursion parties. Now
Fashion phone 44. Club phone 7.
Chs. W. Yannke Prop.
Whoa you have tho supremo satto
faetloa of putting oa a collar or shirt
dona np by the Salem Steam Laundry,
with a osier and Aniah oa It to salt the
most fastidious, and no roagh edges or
torn edges or tarn bntton baias to an
noy you. A man to in keck to be ble
to have his lias kset In.sush porfect
condition as w keep il whan htaadrisd
at ths
Salem Steam Laundry
Family work, rough dry, So par lb.
Pions M.
330 Liberty St
'r " ' - i
vnasn T " Vfiu 1
nVg ' tfff I
jmk3 " niam( I
Hi W
L aaaarl I ' U Wtr
1 eared M V emh with Oernwn Syrupl
lit wrote to fir. O O. Ocmm;
"An m tm as t tell you. doctor rfesr.
rw fectin' Aocr taaa etr I've been 1
QThe tor consumptive abottbi not be
the victim of experiment, as lis often is,
bnt the moment the ilreml disease inani
fosta lu weocttce hs sliotild be given lk
Kbce'a 6emmM Syrup a pure, itoit-slco-Itollc
mcxllcirte that is tnsde sttccially for
the curs of consumption, and has a world
wide fstne as a certain rnnwly for catarrh.
enlda, coMghs. croup, wwe uiroai sum
allbrof lital affections in okl awl younx.
rlltiall in all rlviliwl countries, and
has been famous e a consumption cure
for almost half a eenttiry.
GTrial Iwttle. c Iltg bottle, 75c. At
all druggists throughout ths world,
Sold in Salem by S. C. Stono.
Opening Bids fer Army Supplies.
WasWnsrton. Nov. H.-lHds for a
large variety of army supplies, to 1m
be delivered .1 the depots of tho qour
termnatow nt elrbor New York, oo
Uuls, wore opened at tho Wnr Depart
moot lodor. Among tho supplies for
which bids were received, ore various
hinds of wear I nor apparel, lmrrack
ehnirs, mosqults Imrs, water moler,
rubber hose, dectrlf batteries, nnt
fnns ntnl Are how pipes.
The Proper Thing for the
Weather we arc Having
la Ladles' aad Idea's Dress Shoos. Xothlag aver better slttsq is Si-
IVlcns Heavy Working Shoes
Warranted water proof.
In order to reduce my stock I am selling Women's, Men's and t'UMrca'i
shoes at prions lower than ever before made ia this city.
All the shoos offered at this sals are lata, up-to-date styles and ska.
Oome in ami see these goods, for I save yon money oa every purrUic
State Street,
De not wander at yonr neighbor's
baking lack, for she aeea
Eppley's Perfection
Baking Powdet
s Try It and your luck will cbf-
Successors to Burroughs t, Fraser.
Plumbing, Tinning
and Roofing
Ooraie Work, Heating and Building Work of all kinds; estuasW
made aad work guaranteed,
367 State Street, Salem. Phono 151L
That tho boat Printhtf and
Oflloo Stntlonory codts but
a few ootits more than the
oommon kind, and tbo gat
isfnotlon you derivn from
qunlltlos ia iuttnougov
you with the liEST?
Phene: Malnliii
217 South Commercial St
We aro exclusive dealers la 4
Paper, nntl oarry tho finest asd (
complete line in the elty. W
please you with gools sad jrWu
Oome and seo us.
E. L. Lemmon
299 Liberty St.
Phone 2475
L M Clltl'lllATI II s 1 x.lJB
lll.ir -' Hll S. Iff wvj
!.- HaK.il,, 1 . m4(4i
Haa.. .;.,... 'tf-'uZ
4 "ll.ll.r Fi-r I a . . ",1 . . Jr
Ihh Mall. Inn.... . . . Tt.
HIintttH. M.k,i! tt'tiiZ
MMIIr.M. illULiiri.
Gold Dust Flour
1R COMPANY, 8ldufj, Or
gen, Mada for family ties. Aik
yonr grooor for It Hraa iti
ihorta blwaya on hand
P. B. Wallace
Opposite Patton Bros. Store
vr ."fc.-
ye p
ttajsVatM M
vrostaw-irrTWil,! "JHHn-y.