Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 23, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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- ll'TtylslnTujnujjiM
la making Boston Brown Broad Is ns-
sured if 70U use.
It la already prepared, requiring on
ly the addition of molasses and water.
Directions in every package,
Pacific Coast Factory, San Jose, OnL
Sash awl doers. All kinds of bouse
finishing. 'Phone 131 black. Also two
fleers of wAreltoueo for font; elevator
and switching facilities.
etsey s
The Proper Thing for the
"Weather we are Having
Oust tbolr shadow before, and this
nnuouiteomtmt w n portent of the maty
goe.i Iking wa have evidl for tko
wso nl iMNMflt of our paUona,
Tko ax )nm lna bwy oh the vtim,
wul tla rwall la a reiralsr Tkankv
lag Fwt Ih Yalnwt la gwewlw.
Bnlcr, Lnwrcnce & Bnkcr
fluecewors to lUrrttt Lawrenee,
Wc have a number of excellent lots for sale if taken im
mediately at the very low price of $35 per lot, and also
there goes to each purchaser an abstract of title to the lots
bought in OCEAN VIEW Addition to the city of North
Bend, Coos County, Oregon; these lots are high and dry,
and are situated on Coos Bay. It is predicted by many,
that inside of a few months they can be easily sold for more
than double the price asted now. These lots if sold im-'
mediately, will be sold at $35 per lot. They will not be
held at this price, however, very long. For full particulars
call at our Office, at No. 110 Commercial Street, Salem,
Santa Yammer Criticizes the
system, and Grows Con
templative A dispatch yeelerday, dated at
WuoMngVon, D. a, tatod that the agrf
cultural departmaat wtm a beat ready
to begla the tHatributioa ef 10,000,000
packages of free seeds to the great
American public, regardlees of mx, age
or color, and being aeeietedi by the
eomsrseomsn aad senator. Wo aro
told what our good and grandmotherly
old government spend half a million
yearly la Mattering her llttks seods of
kl mines, beside paying the freight,
for a long suffering and seedless pub
lie. But re with thle outlay the
remit la moot satisfactory, There le
ho Judgmsut need la tending (Hit the
vegetable germs, aad thoee who got
them are far from being aatieUed. The
fanner la Mai bo gets a ohoiee eollee
lion of orange, lemon and other eeedo,
mi I ted to tko tropics, whilo down In
Florida the eoon who voted right Is lia
ble to get a package containing mostly
winter radishes Or ooraetbing whoso
habitat is About tho snow line,
It la worse than a lottery in its othr
or workings. Tho innn who wants to
grow celery or tomatoes gets r price
package of string bean, oarrets and
augur Ittot while tho lady who pre
pare MlUe corner around tfco porch
for konayauoklo, woodbine or rose,
And that aha la up against Marly
York or Flat Dntck eahtmge, or mam
moth pumpkin.
ThfM MtUa Idiosyncrasies are to be I
oxpoclod, am) should be borne with
equanimity. It In the pamphlet pre-
pared by ike department giving fall
inotrueUon for planting and eultlvatioa
thai load a to believe the elvll iw
vloo m deueedly uncivil, or ewe the
clerk have dovoloped a nanso of humor
that borders en tho fiendish.
A LltUo Exporieuoo,
It wan only a few years ago that
a neat little paekngo ef variegated
Ihmkm together wlk domb allpo look
ing Ilka licorice root, reached our
qHt ,tUa j,,,,, through tho postef
fl4C teogaWng tk ckgo by Its
fnk expression, where tho postage
mv u rt j wo tMrBed ,t
avr jj,e jtin 0f Mr bowm am
Uay,. tf mr wealth, trowUlw ami otk-
w m j. U n tkwgktleM mo-
mt, opoaed it. Wa saw ker jdek up
the nMreotloaH and then we eaw tko lit
U wriaUaa gather oa ker forehead,
between ker gaaelle-like eyes, aad we
know sba wm up agalaet eetuetklng
3t3J Y
that 11 eet her thinking. Bxperienee
had tatight m to be very careful when
she did that, aad we wore just prepar
ing to take a short walk for-our health
when she looked" up with a rmaaled ex
pfoeeion la the wyes tkat assisted in
oar fluleh in pre-nitial tlays, and re
marked, "I don't quit understand
thle, do ym1" We eonfeeeott at once
that we didn't, ami eliaehed It with
the statement tkat. if she oeuld not un
derstand Hr H was tmroly iaeompre
benalblo. W ttwught that ought to
feteh hr, but it didn't. St pwv1
the pareel over to us with the mqiteet
that we read it, at) thie is wkt we
Some Minute Direetrfene.
"The eneloeed slip should bo (itont
d in May, also In the ground. They
abottld be st in a well mA bod, the
soil being worked up until perfectly
loose. Tho slips will sprout la two
weeks and when In bloom a wooden
bfoek should be-irtd In the flower,
The block should be ehangod and a
larger one Ineerted eaeh day, until the
slips beeomo large enough for your
pillows, when tho bed should be sped
ed for a now orop. Too variegated
seeds, If planted in palekea, will eoon
make a eraay quIR over eak bed, and
G. W. Putnam Co.
Toll Why
They Endorso
Vlnoi So
Mrett Vinol eontalna In a oenoen
trated form all of the modtelnal oura
tlve olemeato of eodi liver oil, aettmlly
takon from fresh eods' livers, but with
out a drop of oil to -mueeato and upset
the atomaek. and retard' its work, there
fore whore eld-fashioned ood liver oil
or emutetoM will do good Vlal .will
do far more good.
lesoadt Meeawse Vlnol la not a pat
eat or seoret modloinot) It eoataiM mo
injurioutt drnga to reaet upon the sfn
tom, and you know juat what you are
taking, as everything it eoatalas to
jH'lated a the baek of every bottle.
Thirds UeoaHoe Vinol asta first upon
ike etemaek, eroateo a healthy pje
tite, toaoe up tko digestive organs,
purlfieti and ewrlehea the blood, and la
n natural manner health la restored,
And atroHgtk is created;
l'ourtkt Wae wo fcava put Vinol oa
Ike market our admiration for it has
atoadlly Inereased, beeaueo it rarely
disappoint a eustomer, in faet we can
truthfully, my we never eeul a mdi
elno 'more aatlafaetory to areata
atreatrtk for old noeitle. weak, alekly
women nml eklldTon, nursing motkora!
ami to Imlbl up strength after a severe
AgalR Vinol la endorsed by emlaeat
pkyalelaM and guaranteed by over two
thousand ef the leading druggktts of
tkU eountry. Thte are soiao of tko
reason why wo believe in Vinol.
0. W. Putnam Co., Druggists.
JLs'L 1 1
by the ue of a few newspaper the
beds ean be provided with shoeto,
whiek rmr aeo bo tisod for shams,
The bod, if made early, will lmve lU
own epring, nnd a few eaator beaaa at
the eoraora will provhlu botb tko eas
tore and tko oil for the bod poeta, tkua
pormltttng tho bod to bo takoa la whoa
it rain without disturbing the pmnts.
The doimrtmont reflueeto you rejwrt
the result of your experiments,"
Wbat'a tho Us7
Vf eoufeflMd our Inability to throw
tlgfct on the Mbjoet, ad, for a wonder,
our bettor half did not insist on our
making tho experiment. That's what
we object to about tho seed booine.
Why should the toHiag maeee be
taxed to furnish vegetable baoteria to
burrow in tho earth ' epidermis T Why
should tko unwary aad unwise boa-
baudMun be made to bow kls baek by
an euthutlaotie kuobandwoman la a fu
tile attempt to ralee bike roses from
mustard seed, that oot tho government
1 . ....
9 an ounoo, Troy, nnd the pouH
Ay skoukl be bo compel' 0
delve in tko earth with a misfit sbovel
and an ovorgrown hoe in a vnia at-
tompt to grow flu from oaetua, or
radbmos from dnudeliea down, ami all
the while smile at a meaoly woman
wkth ker head tied up, In a sling, or a
sunbowaot, and smile again, and be
that muek more a villain f Why should
ho be foreed to undertake to grow prlae
pumpkins on a oity lot that cost Wm
$100 a front foot, ami blow himself for
17.76 for garden tools to do it with,
when be oaa buy all the "punks" he
waa4 In a year for two bite, Mexleanf
We tried a whole package of seeds ones
and under our beet glrl'o all eompeM
ing eyes worked like a Soaegambiaa
helot beaeatk tko' lank' of a Spartan
mooter for a whole summer, ami pro
duced tko fluent erop of Jlmooa ever
raised la tke atate. Wo also produoed
nine varied) of nlesa vegetation un
known to these parts, tkat stumped all
tho botanical savants, ineiudtng K, L.
Smith of Hood Biver and Dr. Withy
oombe, beaides the senior abvsa at tke
0. A. &, audi tke flh kaUkery exports
oa tko Ctaokamas, Tkeso wore aoeom
panted by a orop of mixed profanity
also unknown to Oregon, but IndCgoaous
to Nevada. Down wltk who ooetl
(ckome. If our congressmen eannot
lm oleoted without tko n!d of asHto
profanity gorma jtuU up by a I1WK) a
year dudolet la 'Wwtklngton, let them
stay at home, A department tkat gets
Hp a aohome ef nubsolllng for those
who plow tko raging oanal, m not eal
eulatod to suporintoud tko neleetiou
ef hwm for tke uninformed, aad tke
nuggeatloa, made by It, tkat by plant
ing an almanao a good crop of daUw
mlgM be ralsod, plaooe It beuaatk eon-
I I TLaIU ' ' lal iLiaa taaaJki tlMAiaLift a
Talth and TaeL
Faith la one tklng and faet Is another,
It aMetlmei takes aay amount of
faltk to produse one faet. Years of
earnest work ami faltk have produced
one fact about wedloine tkat is deserv
lag of mention hers. If people who
aro troubled witk general weakness
tkrougk overwork, dteoipatiea or ex
posure ean get a remedy tkat will
make rick red blood from tke food tkey
eat, their return to koaltk is aatwred.
deed blood is tke life of tke body ss
well as tko nerved. Weak, sickly, pale
people who suffer wltk ladtgectlea.
dyspepsia, siek headache, lees of
, strength and ambition, kavlag diaaj;
ispelw aad always tired, can be cured
sound and well witk Dr. Owna'a Mood
aad Nerve Tonic Sold by druggists
fur 6c per box, or J boxes far $. TUU
Tonic acta la a common sauce wry,
euriag disease by giving strength o
reeUt it.
"" -'111
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Bmt UMm k Bct FMelc
Bitot. CM KmIw mJ Km! Wj
X M"iaa fur Cum
iuy. laJlgwUca. Ure
ami Kiouair TrtuiU,
Muol nJBrMU.
njuOL JhtU Bra. WuKvuti Bewk.JtJftBfcc
hwA iUokaaW. ItiR-AyMoMta,lla tW
Ut form, M cuf h OeiU aMHU by
IIcuT Davu ;MrAav. Vedktoa, WW.
Wo Ite jut reived another
largo abipiaoat of Hyaoiataa, Tu
ipa, Call IitUioa, Ocoew, Auo
uoaec, Kareisoaa, Jcmejuila, tc. Tko
rkos are stiU low, and It wilt pay
reu to buy now, wail you oaa se
cure a niee eeeeeUoa.
D. A. White & Son
ZSSConVISt. Phone 160
From the time of our birth till wo llo
down for the last time.
Tlic bmt defense from Uio uangnrs or
dlseaeo is vigor of
body ami artlvlty
of the natural func
tions. The Mnd of rw
sfrtttce) Is Iriport
ant. It must not
be stimulation for
that gives but tern
jxirarr efTnct, and
tho reaction is moro
than deprnailng,
Tnkc n tonic ono
tlis,t will re-estab
lish normal dlsos
tloii and asalmlla
tlon ami prova a reconstructive ralhor
tlian a iiromnUr of waste. This will (tire
naturr a jnlr rhnnoe to put In motion
Such n Umk' was grown In Nature's
Laboratory, hidden fii tho ground ami
broujiht thence forty years ago by Dr.
It. V7 llprw. who has made the trr-at
mont of Unerring diseases his life-long
study ami cur.
lie uss glyrorle extract Instead of
aloolinllc on, exactly proportioned And
cowWrwxl by prncossos of his own InvSn
tlon, first usnl in his private practice and
now given nut freely to the world In his
"Ooldpn Medical ulscovery," which Is
oompoemt of Uidden St I mot. Queen's
root, Suimmot. lllack Chorrybark, illood
root ami Mnndrakp rtNit.
Mrs. A. T. Jir. of MM Itsyes Btreet. Ban
ranclnco. Cat., wrttcui "An a child I vrss
Pranclnco, Cat., wrltcui "An a c
ilallmln. hihI rrmit para w tat
delicate, ami great care wm taken of .me
IwcauMt mne of mj- rrlatlres had iIIm) of
otmrntintHlon. aIUhiimIi mr fatlter and mother
were itealUir. 1 icruw un wlUi wily (lie or
ulnarr ! ot all clillartw. but atxHit
two rears aou i ootiiracti a wrure cuiu.
VMirx aou I eontractMl a m'
which wuuhl not rlelil to audi Itome-treat-mMt
aa win linitlr. Doctors wero trtM. liul
mi 1 rucii itome-inMi-IctoM
were irlwl, hut
after Hire montfrt.of tlH treatment 1 was
lM I KM fUlt-lMX
iMerce's Golden Medical Ulcorerjf, anil
ilr worm. 1 ln-n i was aunei to
trr Dr.
ind am
elnil to ay that tlire ImttlM not otilr cured
Goof tho cold ami cotwli.lmt made mo fori
liter than I errrliad liofore. I will alwars
hare a bottle of thU tmllclno In the Iiouro."
ThMD lint. uifnrAititMl anil'
. MIUwn frranulcs mrutato and
rtitjf lnTiirornio Diomnrii, uiror anu
Vuimtm imiHiv uproi mo lint
it euro rotMilnatkm. One or.two
each dar for a lanatlre and rvirulator. three
four for an actlvn caUiartto. unco tnoa
always In fanr. Put up In Vials t alwaxs
froth and rrllabl
Now Iko in Oanada,
OUawa, Oat., Nov. . A now lake,
not so far shown on any Canadian
maps, baa been tHecovorett norm ami
west of Lake Tbltlbl. This lake was
dlietvered by tke surveyors of tke
traneeonUnental railway. It la twelve
jullen long acid tkreo miles wido nortk
aad south of IJake AblUW aad for 180
miles west tke soil Is good, being clay
losm. (
"Make Balem a Qood Home Market"
Foultry t fltoinor's Market,
Hggs rr down, 30c,
lieas 8 VtO.
reultry, Eeg, Btc.
Mgg Per doton, S0.
Ilulter, rettll Mc
-Trulta, VogeUbles, Et.
Oslo 1 Vic
Applea-Me per bushel.
Oarrota Mc per bushel.
Beets Mc per bushel.
Pears $ 1.00 per owt,
Trdplosi rrulta.
Tlaaaaas SVs ft.
Orangot $4.(m.
Live Stook Market.-Stears-lVsc
Dreacd tcaI Ck.
Pat koic-Kt.
Orala, Feed.
Haled Olov-$rJttltM,
Butter and fjreaaa.
By OwBWeroial Qretm Go
Iluttur fataOc at statleu.
rjour, MMl-:II.TS attr barrel.
Flour, retail 11.08 pr eack,
ForU&ad Market.
Wheat, Qub Tl7c
VaUay-TaTfc .
Oats-Ckoiae WUta,
MiUutuKIkau, $U.
Hay Tlcaothy $ai$.l.
Paejltry Average old koas, llAllet
yatMg roeotara, lOlle; aaHage, U
int.i irMwa cateceaa 11014c; tur
Veya, live, lTia,j turkovs. drceaod
ckoioo, S0laci gooeo, Uvo, par pound,
Wmi gvuse, arecaea, par pound. 10A
1II duaka. 14HV.c; pigooac, ?1A
tMi e,aabs, $Atafi.
Par k Dressed, fQTttc.
Beef Dressad, l4Vc
Muttau Dr8d, fi7Vtc
Uaue Ooatwet, lu06.10ltUa- old
TWc -,--.
WooV-liOJ dip, TaUey. fc., ta.
medisua, i87c; BaaUea Orceen
Mohair Xonmul, 30c.
Butter Farcy cream. Sfkffiseu...
cV J Jfc&iGm V H
'Tyr li w
store, 16316,e "
fiwn ufB'ririiru
Threo Traina to tho East DaUy.
Through Pullman standard Ibj
tourlBt Bleoplng oara dally t0 0yMp(,
Ohloago, Spokano; tourist slwpj,,
oars daily to Kanena Clj tlreirt
Pullman teurist sleeping cars (J
eonally oonduated) weekly to Cktea.
go? realising chair oars litU frM
to the Bast daily.
Ms Cnaof e of C
lera ionlaui)l Or
kit Lata. Ihmtt m
o 1 a. m
Forth, OaulM, Kan-a
st ,
lilS p. to.
tU linut
' Ht.l'anl
Tun Malt
e if r. a,
ftftll tVlt. tlAflVA lr.
Worth, Omaha, KauMu 7 Ut
Cttr.Bt. L.ml, (Jilcar "
anu iuuv.
Walla Walla. Lewltten
Bpokano. Wallace. Iti.t
man, JtlnnoarolU at
Pun). Dnluth.MilwaBk
OhlOfcjt), and Xmi
Oco&n and Blvor Bcheduls.
Tor Ban Francisco Drery five dtjt
at 8 p. ro. For Astoria, way rh4i
and' North Bach DaUy (eievpt Bcc- fl
Anj) at 8 p. m,j Daturdny at 10 p, ra.
Dally serrleo (water permlltlsg) n
Wlllnmotto and 'Yamhill rivers.
For fuller information ak or writ!
ysur n.arvtl tlskck agent, or
A. L. ORAJ0,
General Pftaseager Agsat.
Tho Oregon Railroad Mavlgitki
Co., Portland, Oregon.
Oregon's Oroatost BootmUob iJ
lloalth ItonoTt at tho Newport
An a winter health and result!
rcoort Newport la tho ono par rxed
lonco. Itocognlrinf this, and wliU(
to glvo tho people an opportunity U
broatho tho freslt, puro oaono of U
ocean, tho Southern Pacific and Cf
vallls and Bnotern railroads will r
mimo tho aalo of tickets through Is
Yaqulna bay Saturday, 0tobr II,
ant) will aell aamo throughout the wis
tor nnd spring on every
Woduoeday and flAturday.
Tko ratcu will bo tho same as dar
ing tko summer and will be gyl ftr
roUirn SO days from date of sale.
Dr. Minthom's SanlUry Sea BUn
witl be in operation during the eatli)
winter, and treatments will be girat
dally. Hot and cold salt water btttt
out be taken Yy day in tie at.
tarlum, nnd for anyone desiring rtrf,
recreation nw health, no place or toe
Paoifc NerUiweet ean bo fouul ccssl
to Yaqulna bay.
Other HealUt Bosorta 01oe.l,
During tko winter nearly all oth
kealtk resorts aro closed or !iOsM
t reach, and none of them Ima U
adrantagoa ef Newport and vi- ty u
raganU cMmate, points of .'?'
recreation aad amuactuont. For :uUu
desiring to anjoy Asking, km ' rS,
seeing tke ooean in sunshine ar. itora
tkis famous reeort is uswjuaU
surroundings are Ideal bcautif
ory, climate mild, bealtkful
Cottage and Bent Cheap
Neat clean cottages, either f
ar partly so. can be rested in
e ia-
(Uuasate nejgfeborkeoa of the criUry
baths at about 5 jwr month 1'Jeaty
af fresk milk, vegetables, koaev frsH,
and all kousekold neceesltieo can be eh
taiaad at tke lowest possible eor.,
while all kind of fish and the famous
rock oystera can bo bad la alurJs
for tke trouble of securing tkpn"
People troubled with tke loss of sp
patHe, insomnia, rheumatism cr ia
awn from any cause, will fin.l New
Irt an blenl place to regan. tU"
health and vigar, or for rest ani f-m"
Pull Information an to ratos, c'
lag af baaweu. etc. ana be oltaiacd
fra any S. P. or a B. agent, or fr
A. L. Orajg, gnaral passoager sgest
a- P. Oil. Pmrtlandl af J. C. Miy.
gaaoral passaager agoat C. & J &
uaay, Orogaa.
Bataa fra Salem to Yaquina 550.
The Cnvior Club's Annual
Ciacinnati. O.. Nov. S3. Tbo
banquet of tke Ouvier Ciub will "
uia evcalas. aad it is axru J
will surpaee all its prodeeescors
Boy and xmmbar ef partiwpatt'
Ouvier OJub is a faauMts orgar,'
sjsu aumbaw among its konorar
ATnRl B k
h SItjSkvUSI'
" many or taa moat dtsu'v
a of both hemispheres. To?
members wil bo initiated on tiat