37AH.Y CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1005. 8 'II II III III III !! " mil" I' "' " IKfeUitWMMiraBBgWte. Stockton & Co. I STOLE ARMOUR'S LETTERS RAILWAY FRANCHISE TONIGHT PMOJPXJG&JBARiAmJHmjr&& THE OLD WHITE CORNER . i $1.00 Misses' mereerlsod petticoats, witb two aeeerdeon plaited bands, odged with ruffles and tailor stitch od straps on ten inch blind rufilo. $1.00 each. $2.00 High grade -neroeriited poltl oat, with 98 inch accordion pkiltal flounce ami five leek ruf fle. 1Nht taller mitehed bends which glc skirt a rick expensive appear Anoe price Is only (MO. $12.50 Beat jmmllts taffeta silk In nil colors; made with N inch aoeerdlon 4nited flounce, extra full plaited runic t nit, ladles rave ever these. -r DON'T rOlUIET TIEAT "aUNNM YOU BUY A DOLLAR'S WORTH A S PORTRAIT TOR 87 "AVE YOUR riOTURE ENLARGED MY AN ARTIST WITIt A NATIONAL REPUTATION. Norwich Union Fire Insur ance Society rrank Meredith, Resident Agent, Office with WW. Brawn & Co., No. ISO Commercial Street. NEW TODAY Per Bale. The okl borne ef ex-Oeeety Judge T. a Shew, en Front tercet, nlao North Salem property. See O. W. (Wby, administrator, 854 State 11 HI tf Notice te Creditor. The nndesutnusd give notion iknt be wW net be e eyeutdble fer bIMs soueracsed by nnpbedy except hints elf tie and After turn dsd Netiker In be e spensikto fee the dufcta ef Mm. A. GMinVa. Ahr Mali. U-tMt NeUea. Tbbj fa HMy- k be sb ImH wwk f tluk Mllrtn tMti ft mtsWui t Itt M lit till ft lfiftftslU peww rrsnFsevTiviSt?rs4 v tsT asBBs wr Btor, oppesito tb YukeAsimiv Tea Qe. DNt bjii it, (!tr yn iHwy Rvyitr ROt anUmt eh t. hsara Uh ek bi.iiHM. It When The Eyes Get Old It makes ne diufereaee hew well agjl aUwg U19 $' kv bw when the prime of life is past, they inevitably bieawe faMghted, and for com fortable use the eyes, weak efavax ftascs are nHsary. If you notice any difficulty wbtvr In reaag er working, it is time to have your eyes seen te. Oewe and let us fit yen with the proper glaMa no charge fer the exawiaation. A &? c& j;sa& New Petticoats Another pesrloss Bale of well mails, itylisl. petticoats for ladles ami misses. Wo nevor before offer ed! eush matohlcs opportunities In sessomthte garments. If we bvo ncrer offered tbcm you can rest as sured they havo never been offered elsewhere. Study the stylish materials, tlio perfect workmanship, the ohlc and daintiness of these garments, thon note the wonderful lew prices. You will readily eeo while tfils storo lint suok n gigantic business. $1.25 Ladies' blaek mercerized petti coats with SI inch accordion plait ed flounco, edged with 5 inoh rufilo, A skirt with a History, $1.85. $3.00 Brim quality mercerized with 30 inck accordion pmited fleuaoo, two rwa fagoting set in, flounce edged witk fine two inek ruffle. A wonderful value fer $8.59. $15 to $18.55 Drek (tlllHi rondo up niter the French inedtsta' IiUmh. Very Into things just from New York. ltxceUent Christmas gifts. TIED ARTIST IS WITH US. IT Or QOODB HE WILL MAKE YOU rer ltntt-0Nd hop yard, 06" nertM, Untd in lVitk eeunty. With rry oVNtiiee. AddrtMw "It.," oare f j4NMfa4. lllllwk BORN. ycnjlJiWOj At tbe Salem btxUU, Nywwbf II, IMS, U Mr. aa4 Mta, X. II. MAIeaH tMHKUer. llotal Arrivals. Willamette Hotel. l"fej Tnnty. W. Keie , Saw Hmsslno. J. 0. OntimiM, Iortbu4. eat .r.tsi w sss"twer.Tsmsj D. UrWMs INtrtlrutd. Wwt. KWo, Qftgiu CH. Wm. Xle OretTM Oit. MwriM Knowm, Iartliui. m. x dhk prt.bMa. i 3Dr. Mrt J. K. OtuwbeJ P-. D. D. WwMr. Balew Hetel. J. t. Mlbw, OMtf Orov. W. ti PlMbr, WlTortM. OASTODPC.SJV.W BuntU TblllsWllsAI!sB!lsl ftjTk3Ks w . State and Liberty Sts., Salem, Ore (Four O'olook Edition.) CWoago, Nov. 11. Wilbur Cole aim! William S. MeSwaJn, aoeusoil of steal log letters from the Armour Company, ami attempting blhekmalk. were ar ralvod before Justlee Prindlvllle this afternoon, ann) valvel oxantitmtloav Bach was hokl' to the grand, jury in $3000 bomta. Tito govornmont is to tko no hand in tbo ease, but if the letters prove to be really important tlto government's attorneys will prob ably dotnAthl the books fromwhlek the eoplea were taken bo prohted' at the forthcoming trial i the packers' eon spiraey easo. ROBBED DENVER BANK (Four O'Glosk Bdltion.) Denvor, Colo., Nov, il Two men drove up to the alley door south of tbo Denver Bank, in the business seotioM of South Dearer, nt 1 o'oloek this af ternoon. Tboy hastily adjusted nmmkn, opened, the bak oor, aovoredi tho eak iw, Gabriel Jonet with their guns, and forom) Mm to give up iO00. Tboy thon JMmped lno thok buggy and apetk The elorb wore at hinob. Cloudburst in 8an Diego. (Penr O'eloek Bditien.) Sa Dkgo, Oal., Nov 11,-AiiiHkorj,, jj, Ujriwt j lWti(e half inch of rain fell last night and tW morning, making 3JM inokos for the Tirod of Trotting Doublo. To offset the recent victories of Cupid in this country, for sines tke first of the month ho has entangled over SO ooudes in kls meshee, the dl vorco mill has again oommsneel to turn ont Us grist, Henldes the oases that are soon to eemo up for hearing, yesterday nad todny three (Mveree nj plioaVionH bavo been made in tke cir cuit court A. Sekafer baa asked to lie separated from kls wife, Katie Scbafer, stating that they have leen married siaee 18S$ lwt hnve now Ueo-ered imt they are net sultwl for eack other, lie wants tke custody ef their tkroe okUdren. Minnie Itynw wtnts a dtveree from OknrleM Itynw, neking for alimony and tke poimsselanj of vkeir two yoong cktl- drew. They were married in 1900. A Splendid Kill. Tke program op swing nt tke KtMiow tksatre kt nlgkt Meek Astybking Uwt 44fl M HfMW'rWes I te !( I Jr vdJH PpNWff Ne This w a bIH having nil feature acta, 0 oFfle ee.so VeTW orWePsBPew ePc 0 swuBFsencv uproar from tke time tke enrtala gees up until it leweie. Iveiiy and Davis, HcMopUM omperee!! f imng, do nn ewtepttaually eenileaj net, IncdudSng clever dnneing and many tateky eengs familiar to tke Kthtaeiee. Tke Kellye nkm here a good not en- etUfd "Tke Stag Struck Olrl." wk4k ki very taegknUe an wine tke an pmnee ef their nadlesMo. Pre. W. DeeeoM, tke dsstlnfukmed winfor, dsvneer ae)d moneioojet, m di rect fewt tk Orphauis. eirenlt md Tke new lUnetreted song entltced "No One Cam Take Your Plaee," ae sung V)- Hurry eioyer, is vry pretty nud kae innuy beajutlful sUdea. One t hennaed feet ef very exeUIng pletttres are dusked' off ee eke Kdieeno seepe, skewing tke experiences ef tke New York petiee, ed keeps tke pjp? highly nmueed te tke end. A Small Suit. Jeke D. HaeViek ka entered sujt Agninet Titteea & Oe,, to recover $4fi. weuek be attegea ie due kite ne payment for drying tTOO powsnki ef prunes. Man's Unreasonableness. is often as great as woman's. But Thee. S. Austin, Mgr. ef tke "IUpubN can' ef Leavenwertk, Ind, was not unreasonable, when be refused to al lew tke doctors to operate en kis wife, fer female trouble, ''Instead,'1 be says, ''we eenoludeu te try HlsetrU Bitters. My wife was then, so sick, she eeuld hardly leave bor bed, and. Ave () physicians bad failed to re lieve her. After taking Bieatrlo Bit ters, she was perfectly cured, and oa new perform all her household duties, 'M CJuaraateed by J. 0. Perry, druggistf 'price we. Money to Loan THOMAS, K FORD. Ova Ladd h Bush's Bank, Balsm, Or The amend franebise of tbo Salem link in tho Wllknwtte Valley Railway Company's proposed! system as pre pared! by tlw ooumU eommittee and the reprosentatives of the eompany, will be brought before the eounoil tonight for flnal aetton. While, the franchise, in its main point, is praotieally the same as was originally asked for by the eompnny, minor ebanges have been mad tW fully proteet the taxpayer and eklzene. Perhaps tko two most important amendments are the one shortening the life of the friHteWw from SO to 30 years, and the otbor roqnlring the om pany, m a eondltioni of Its noeeptanoe of tbo fnwwWlso, to d)oeit as a forfeit with the efty tba sum of $000 m n gnarantao that witMn two yonrs it will somplote ami place in operation at least 16 mites of traok. Another minor obnnge in tlio frnn eMse prohibits tba railway oompany from using steam ns a motive power, except during oonstruetion or temper ary periods. Tbe oompany is alee re quired, in ease of street improvements being undertaken Along ita right of way, to bear tbo cost of all work done a distance ef four foot from the oenter ef the track, ami all work between the tracks. The right of way that will be given tfee oompany, if the franchise is granted, is as follows 1 Co mm owning1 nt the eastern inter section of Mill street, tbonce westerly along or near the oenter of Mill street to tbe wost botMHtary of High street; thoaso along or mmr Mto oca 1st of lligh street lay a northerly direction to the along x cr Uw oonter of Union street to like oast boundary of Cottage slceot; thence Along or near the con tor of Cottage street to the north (OHndnry of D street, in Boise's sec end addition to the city of Salem; thence easterly along or near the eon tor of I) street to the seat boumkiry ef Seventh street, thence northerly along or near the oenter ef Seventh street in IteWn neoend ntkMtlen to Sa lem nnd In Norsk Salem te where Seventh street interseeta tke pre. posed AxtcnNtott of Maple strtMt: tbenee nlowg or near kite center of tko propoel extension of Maple atrvet in a northerly direction to tke preyit NontkerH extremky of sab Mnplc street; thence northerly nlene; w aenr the oenter ef mM Mnple street W tke northern stde of Highland avenue; tkoMee easterly nteg or near tke center of Hlgkland nveswe to tke eastern beunoWy of a eertnln higkvny extenb tag alone; tke cent era boencWy lines ef btoeke li, IT, M and M In Hlgkbuid Aveenie Addition, to tke city ef Salem; tkeaeo nertkerly sJone; or near the eon Ur of seJd peblle highway to tke nor Ik em Unsite of tke city ef Salem. TO AID CONVICTS pcfts)o)Mgftj4Jo O flJU tV'oWloW-Wlfe o9 tk ftcmamwdssmW Ift tA UoNamAsft LdsjAift4BjA4c4smil. Unnll sew vesmnm c te scsp cece;e svsMsnsBPfstvceuui esssn rreH neterc) sowviet prison eti nt tke Oegen institutbMi a opportunity to aattsre a tfMMtiolsU CMlluutiOfl MP eeived from tke Armour Institute, in OkieAge, stating tkat a number of free AJinajWAttftAaftk UlAjBftsaA nkftST liAAu We oustessfcsfeBBjBBBjBf , eSfeMSJnVPflSftBfee s'F IrvofM nJletted te tke Qregea penitentiary. Oenviees who ke' a dejlra fer tanm tag will be iaeirn octet nkeelutaiy free, lu bfwneketj ef nuy peAetieal seienee or Tke free eekcenrebip pUn for eon viets hw keen sueceWsfuHy tried in meny priseuM, It hue etimumted pris- eew to work kerd nml properly equip tkeuweh'co for a new start when tkeir torme ef son! 11 anient ended. So en eeuraging h.ve beem tke reeuUe tkat test era pkitantkrepicts ase now aiding ta the werk. Mnuy men in Arisen have been taugkt useful trades and prefee sieM through tke aimiitnnsa of tke A meur Instituto, so tkat when tke' left tke penitentfkuieu they were able to earn honest U rings. Phe sckokurekepe nwurded to tke Ow gon penitentinry are for these convicts who wisk rnestly to try to live bettor lives, after they have finished tkeir different terms of imprisonment. These men will be permitted te study any of tke eorieeposMtenee eousra affora.1 Kv tke inetituH hke oetjy eemMtlea at tached being tkat tkey week doJK geaUy and earneedy. ADDITIONAIi PERSONALS. . T. WH of Pendleton, k in the city totUy. J M Price, of Oregon Cty, is look uxg eitor tw istoreate bere today. READ Prioo list over oarefully and if you uWt trado with ue It wi'l kjop to, from paying too much for your goods elsewhere. If you appreciate a ulno bergAltia and getting good ookh at tho lowest) posolblo margin ( profit trado nt tho Chisago Storo tho etoro that has grqwn faster Hh any other storo on the Pacific ooaet. Silk finished' velveteens, yd 30c and 40o Silk velvota, nil ooiors, yd 75c & OCc 60s wool Henriettas, all colors, yd 33c OBa All wool French HonriettafJ, yd O60 lie Dovo colored enshmeres, yd 30o 11M M ineli rain proef dross goods, yd '. 76e 5j protty oehool pkid dress goods, yd Hto 5c fancy blnok dress goods, yd 30c 75s nil wool blnok dress goods yd 40o C5c Scotch All wool suitings, yd 48c tB West) of Bnglnnd broadcloth, yd. $1.40 Fancy drcefl goods, yd. JICc and 36c $1.76rain proof cloaking, yd. $1.6 eec Alice Bluo taffetn silk, yd' 05c 75e fancy dress nilks, yil 80c 09c taffeta silk, aM colors, yil..40o lift WTApier flejoneJcttes, jld. , 81-lk 1000 ytki outing flAnuets, ptainj ami fancy oeiers, yd ee, 8 Me end 10c Mo black mercerised sateen, yd : in ISI60 sekmlAS, yd 81-kc Sfee giaM silk lining, yd 15c llto drewi canvas, yd 9c 1000 ybi Standard oallesM, yd 4c 36 in. bteaebed muslin, yd So, 0Me,8c 75c curtain drapery, 54 In. yd 45c 100 decen tewem, each 4c, So, OUe, 8c ami 10c 18c jdllow eavee, eack UVla 75o Wcflshod ithoete, largo also '60c Table linen, all prices yd See, See) 40c, 75 SOc wool eiderdown, yd 35c White eetten bats, roll 5c 75c outing flannel night gowns 40c $1.55 outing ilanntd night gown 05c Salem'sGtfeatestGflowingStoife McEVOY BROS. HALEY FOR SUPREME BENCH Interest in tke sueeceeor of Juetiee "Pfuteortun, en uke anpreme Week, ie net ytj rift among peHUeians. Aepbmnta. tket m if there ure more tknn one, ke ne so fur duekired themceives, tsssuiok it nrnsr be r keek ef time, as Juetiee Weeverton'e Appointment to tke vneemt federal jwtgeekip wee only nsineunsed tnis weminsj by Preeident Boeeeveiia So fm Hem. T. Q. Vat?, t ImwV Um, w tke only must out tt tke sent on tke supreme eeurt bench tket will wetkeut dVmbt be vuentedt as soon an Juseiee Werverte oemmmsion oomec from WuekinfPtou. Mr. Haley kimeared on the neid Mverul weeks age, wue it wee kuowu csmt there was a likelikood of a vuenney in tke sureme court. From a Mgh emeial source it wee learned today by Tke Journal tket, as mutters stand new, tke annelnimeat is prneticsdiy Aaeed to Itaiey. He is weii iwehetl by Demeeraes (a tke Bast em pert ef tke state, anart frow tke feet tkat so fur no rivals have ap peared. Tke appslntmenr. ef ceurea. k enlv good fur tke unexpired term ef Juetiee W&Hferto, wWek eweb tke ftest ef next July. Not a cent wnted unless veu are cured. If yen are stak er ailing take ileltster's Rocky Mountain Tea, A great biasings to the human family. Alakea you wellkeeps you well. 35 lets, tea or .Ublete. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. TOR SAIiB. Feur-reem oettaee. MorainnBide ad. dition. Plastered walla, let 50 br ISO. Just tke place for small family. Will seu ier cask or easy paymeAte. Price. $4560. Stop paying ren. own ronr own kome. Address O. M. Loa-swv1 214 N Oommereial t. Bulem, Oregon. THIS Full siao blankets, gray..., h, Big gray blanlroto, 35c 46a, 75, f. Big oomforto, oeh 00c, 7C, 85c, M Knit wool nlmwls lOe, 86c, 35c, G0 4 ;j Shopping bags . . . .25o, 3'c sed ik New patent leather belts 15c i jj, Silk belto, nil new, 25c, 3"c and ct UmbroUsjj 30e, 45 76c k l $hOC fur neok scarfs.. .. , j $4.50 long furs, very new, pv 1 Black satoon pottLeoats, prleo $1.75 ncoordlon plaited pettiooets, ; -Hi 30e slllc cWffon, yd. , g, 20o ta-Illc nuiUne volllng, yd ,lti 1000 ydu ribbons, nil kinds , .. . ...lc, 3c, 6s, 81-3e, 12'3c Ik XilBOn IftOOfls e coco ceo c ectt.. , lo, 8c, 3c, 6c, 0e, 8 1 3c, t Ik Drees trimmings, the' latest ...5c, 813e, 10c, 15c, k S5 yi Ladles' hosiery, all kinls,.. ... ....10c, ltte, 15? tU OWldren's hosiery.. .. ..,.0e, 10c, li, 15e & SScsr Ladies' 75c union milts, price 45c Ladies' 36c wool fleeced unlrwf , Ladlee' boos supporters,. ., ,, . 10e, ir L 1000 siKwls Sam silk, spool ....tt 50 doc Indies' white H. 8. kui- kerckiefs, oaok Si Men's $10 suits, while they hut (IN Men's $16 mveil traits, price tlM Lndieu' $8.96 uVess skoes, pmi l LndlH $18 rain neat, price VM lilies' $10 silk petticoats,... W Ladies' $8.50 olo turban mil Hi) Indies' $6 trimtno4t bats,. .,1M LAdies' miits :.,.. . ..$8.00, $10.60, $12.50 ntvl $11 M Corner of Commer cial and Court Streets CHANCE FOR FLAX MILLS! Mr. JuftU K. Teies, of N! k Onltfernki, ken been in tb . '" " pent two dkys in a effort f Mt immeiscm kMsd interest to w eetaldiahmimt of a ax fa. i &' " pUme. Mr. "PubeJ And the u ? represeuta kawe been expTi r tBT tke nnx industry nt Stark t.-t; f-r d puet two yenrn, and be sas ' sr kf we en eetabiisk a joint m.-wt t tweeaOregen ami Culifrr a 1i wilt revoeutionine the rax tu-'.'i estabWuh one of the mn.ls( ur, 1 riMnunarailvo IndustrUe on t) Oanltal la um xuik tA SfCO n i bstttt a max mill kere, but it must ' ' nesurrnnee tkat enough K rtu hue been aroused to insure t A tion a mtflielent quantitv '.he t nbre to keep tke mill ia ., Tkeru ie ne Mmlt to the an .. t tW? earn use. The only questkn is ge'tu enougk te start en. Mr. Teles says tket this i-io'ir1' very fortunate In kaving si1 no sk HMMt ne Mir. Besse here to lfa-1 .a deveiepmeut ef tke industn 1 n 0 Wkerr are yen kick? nea.bu-K f tongue, ne appetite, lack rnerjv. p U yflmr semaek, oaneUpatioc ! HU tor's Beek Meuntain Tea w ! yew weH and keep you well. & a,t Dr. Stone's Drag Store. "I Thank the Lord"' cried Hannab Plant, ef Li't BJ; Ark fer the relief I got f r -1 B" len's ArnJea Salve. It eured rv ft ful running seres, which not' g 7 would heal, and from wbieb I t-,u fered for 5 years.' It xa a -"' healer for cuts, barns ani w-31 Guaranteed at J C. Perry's dnrg "' 25,