Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 21, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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In making Boston Brown Broad la as-
suretl if you uso.
It ia alroady prepared, requiring on
It iho addition of molasses and. wnlor.
Directions inovory package
Faolfic Coast Factory, San Joo, OaL
Sash and doors. All kind of house
finishing. Thono 131 black. Also two
floora of warehouse for cent; derate
and twitching facilities.
May Canonize Columbus.
Romof ,.ov, -tl. The matter of tho
oanonizaifon of Christopher Columbus,
w&ioh haa been usder consideration in
feho congregation of rites for wmo
time, will bo given a now impetus by
tho express order of Plus X. Noxt
May tbo fourth centennial of tbo death
of 'Columbus will bo celebrated under
Spanish1 initiative and it is considered
desirable at tho VaUonn tbat bis core
onisation shall bo coincident with tho
anniversary. Thousanda of bishops
from U otct tho world havo peti
tioned the Vatican to have tbo canon
ieatson of Columbus considered by the
congregation of rites. A work pub
lished under Pius IX., designed to
prove that Columbus was tbo father
of An illegitUmate son, caused a tem
porary stay of tbo cause of canoniza
tion, but it was resumed under tho lato
pope. Pius X, coon after hU oleoUon,
received n memorial from many Ital
ian bishops, ihwuJoA by tbo Arehblahop
of Turin, asking for a new considera
tion of tbo easo, and tho popo baa now
given orders that ft tVefltrtto decision
must soon bo roaobed,
Why Suircr Wlicn by Merely Sending
Nome and Address You Can
Have a Froo Trial Package
of n Remedy That Will
Ouro You.
Catholic Priest of Omaha Saya It Ia
"Unqualifiedly Bad."
Trie Proper Thing for tfae
Weather wc arc Having:
A Question of. Color.
Ashovlllo, N. a, Nov. 1. The tri
al of tbo nmndamuA suit, which Itobort
Oilliland iheul Instituted to oompol tho
Btmcombo county board of education
to admit Ms nix ohililTon to tho pub
lic edmols of tiho county, was opened
hero today. Tho children bad boon
dismissed from a county eolrool on. tho
allegation tlrnt thoy had negro blood
in tboir veins. Tho caso Imis attract
od n great deal of attention in tbis
and other southern states and promis
es to 1k WffWy sensational. Oil Bland
olaimn that bis ancestry oaa bo traced
for a hundred yearn. Should tho iralt
bo decided in favor f QIIMland the re
twit will affect about 000 persons Uv-
Ik; m IHtncofflta, Madison .and Hoa-
dersoa counties.
Wo rcceivs hundreds of letters like
the follewing: "I have beon feeling
bo goodi I could hardly beliove it, after
suffering with piles for a year, to find
tbat I am onoe more feoling like my
eolf. I wish you eouldi havo seen me
boforo I started using Pyramid Pile
Curo and jook at mo now, and you
would say I nm not tho same man. I
havo gained SO pounds, and all on ac
count of the Pyramid Pllo Ours."
Walter Bharkley, CO Park street.
Springfield Mass.
Tho Telepliono an Old Invention.
Lende, Nev. !. News has Just
le received hero that an Hngllsh of
fleer In IMndeesIa has discovered that
marry ftnoieat Indian templnt in out
of tho-wny pbiees were eon nee ted with
mob oUier by metalHc wlrea Ami n
Cast their nlMdowM boforo, and this
announcooitmt bi n pertewt of tho many
good" things wc have provided for the
dm nit benefit of our patrons.
Tho ax Imm Imh busy on the prism,
anjj tho rwult In a regular Thanksgiv
ing Feast In value in groceries,
Baker. Lawrence & Baker
Bueceeooro to llarritt k Lawrence,
Jdad of telephone Through arehoo-
logical investigation tho name oflleerlj,0 could hardly walk, sit or aloept ho
"I bought a 50-eent box of Pyramid
Pile Owre and Mel as direeted with
the meet unexpected restiHs, a eom
pleto OMra, I have been troubled with
piles for thirty years and was much
distress and panied muck bleed, but
at present am free from- any kind of
piles." P. JMCny, WeavervllB, Cal.
"I'yramid Pllo Ouro has been! worth
thousandfl of dollars to me; it cured
mo after using tturaberti of other reta
odiea and taking mediolnej from doe-
tors. It alio cured my son. althouuh
Eev. Pather Ityan devoted part of
his sermon at the 0 o'clock mass at
St, John's Oelogiate etnirch in Omaha
reeenily to donounsjlng yollow journal
ism. Ho pronouneed yellow newspa
pers, as the torn is commonly under
stood, a "unqualifledly bad," Ho dte-
elaredl they should nevor bo taken into
the homo, awl tbo parents who per
mitted their children to read them,
meet particularly tho Sunday issues,
were guilty of a fault little short of
a orime.
"A person does not need to go to
yellow journals for any Information
that is worth having," eahl Father
Kyan. " Thoro are ploniy of othor
newspapors of restraint andl decency
that contain alt tho real news and
opinion of tho ltay. The ideas of mur
der, arson, awl aduhory so constantly
ami vigorously oxplolled by the yellow
press eannet fall to havo a bad effect
on tho readers. I am at a loss to un
derstand why peoplo subscribe to thom
nt all. What does it matter to you or
me if we do hear of some detestablo
ersrno or perversion of morals happen
ing in seme far off corner of -the earth f
"The mind Of tho ohild is peculiarly
suseeptiblo to tho kind of matter
made tho most of in the yellow press.
If you yourself must rend this Wml
of a newspaper, for pity's sako arrange
so that your ohitdren cannot do so."
The sermon ooneorned dangers to
faith ami moral through Improper read-ing.
Br fortifying your system with a reiiaoio
blood mcdlolno.
would do
thnn trood
tlon from It
An alcoholic stimulant
moro iiarm
and tho rcac
would lonvo
you nonror
complrte pros
tration than
over before.
With ttomnch and
blood in good order
you can Unlit tho
bnttlo of llfo sue
cossfully (iRalnst
nil odds. GoMJKH
Hkal nooT (Ui
dnutlt), Is a famous
remedy for dyspop
ala, nnd Qukkn's
hoot Simmgia),
has a direct action
In promoting tho
ronowal of tho
blood. Both of those are used In Dr.
Plerco's (loldnn Medloal Dlscqvery In
such a way. by skillful extraction, com
bination nnd solution without alcohol,
that tholr best ofTects nro secured.
Many yoars of actual proctlco con
vlncetl Dr. I'lnrco of tho, valuo of many
native roots ns medicinal agents and hu
wont to great ofyanno, both In tlmo and
In money, to perfect his own peculiar pro
ceeees for rendering them both oniclnnt
and safe for continuous uso as tonic nnd
rebuilding agents.
The enormous popularity of "Golden
Medical Discovery" Is due both to Its
ftatmiLIHe emtnwiiimllntf nnd to the actual
medicinal value of the Ingredients. Tho
publication of tho name of the trwrafl-
Tbxoo Trains to tho East Dm.
Thxouffh Pullman .u-j... ''
tntlrlirt alnnnlnr. . .1.ti . . M
Chicags, Spokane; tourist iLT
cars aaily to Kansas City; thr2
PuUman tourist sleeping car, (
::r:L;,:rv:;.,. ur
Bv, ...B iionir oars (seat, f,i
to tho Kftoi dv. "
No Chaste of Cr
iu nn me
hereafter to be m
b ves in
ance of Its non-alcoholic character and
full assur
removes all objection to tho uso of an
"unknown remedy."
SVv. ""'o OHglnal LtTTLa LIVBR
VASSa. PltLS, llrst put up by old Dr.
Xeo It. V. Plnrco over 40 years
ago. Much imitated, but never equaled.
Llttlo pill, Little dose, but glvn great re
sults In a curatlvo way In alt derango
menta of Stomach, Liver and Howols.
"Common Sense Medical Adviser "will
bo sftiit free, pnpnr-lKJiind, for 31 nno-cent
slnmiM. to wiy tho cost of mulling only,
or cloth-bound for .11 stamps. Address
Dr. K. V. IMorco, OH Wain Street, Lui
falo, N. Y.
olBa. m
ti Hont
1:18 p. m,
tl Haat-Inxion
Tun Halt
wi.uie, Vtnrw. ri
north. Omihi. tra..j
VSo tit . "l
viij, nu uoaif. rniM
Shil t?J v.
fUlt .Uko, Doniw n
WortB. tnaaha, Ktnut
na iun.
Walla Wall. iwtm'XT
8pokno. WalUcs, l-o i
lnl. rhiliiUi.vii.i.
ObloMro, and jui.
Itas discoveredi that practical tele
phono eomunlcatlon eomethlng Hkxi
tlmt of tlio preeont day, wai known to
the inhabitants of India moro than
8000 yoars ago.
"X Than): the Lordl"
cried Hannah Plant, of Llttlo Bock,
Ark., ,(for the Tellof I get from Buck
len'a Arnica Oalvc. It cured my fear
ful running aorea, which nothing o!m
would heal, and from which I had Buf
fered for 8 years," It is a marvelous
healer for cuts, burns and wounds.
Ouaraateed at J. a Perry's drug W.,,, J,,
Is now nil ilcht." II. fltrlnofellow.
Pontnuutcr, Hlko, 8. O.
I)y tho use of Pyramid Pllo Cure
you will avoid an unnecessary, trying
and oxpenalvo examination by a plty
slolan and will rid yourself of your
trouble In tho privacy of .your own
home at trifling expense.
After using tho freo trial package
whieh wo gladly mail you, la a perfect
ly plain wrapper, you can secure ig
lac fulbdUo packages from druggist
at 60 cents eaeh, or we will mall direct
ia plain paekgo upon receipt ef price
Pyramid Drug Co., W7U Pyramid
Faith and Fact.
Faith Is ono thing and fact is another,
faii.li 4a nm.lui"A nnn tit tit Ymm ttt , trllS
earaeet werk nail faith have preduaed
one fast about mediciflo that is deserv
ing of mention here. If people who
are troubled with general weakness
through overwork, dissipation or ex
posure oan get a remedy that will
make rich red blood from tho food they
eat, tholr roturn to health is astured.
Good blood is tho life of tho body as
well as tho nerves. Weak, sickly, pale
peoplo who suffer with Indigestion,
dyitpopnla, alck headache, loss of
strongth nnd ambition, having dlexy
polls and always tired, can bo cured
sound and well with Dr. Gunn's Blood
and Nerve Tonic. Bold by druggists
for 5c per box, or 3 boxes for 2. This
Tonio acts In n common ecneo way,
curing uisease uy giving strength o
resist It,
The ObrysantheBMtm show, which
was to have been given at Cervallts
week, has been deoiared off on
account of th recent frost, which was
iieavy in that noetlon, nad destroyed a
great many of the blooms. ,
Where are yen sick? Ilesdaehe, foul
tongue, no appetite, lack energy, pain
In your stomach, eesstlpstloat IIoUIs
ter's Hook Mountain Tea will mako
yor. well nnd keep you well. 18 cenlfl.
Dr. Btoao's Drug Store.
Ocoaa and Hlver Bchednla.
For San Franclsco-Brery flT dtn
ftt 8 p. m. For Astoria, war t-i
and North Deaeb Daily (exerpt 8
T) t 8 p. ni Balurilay at 10 a
Dally serTicc (water permllllcg)
niiiameiic arxj xatabUl rivers.
M t . . .
s.n uw imrmuis Mk or irriu
year nearest tiki agent, or
A. Ia CEAI0,
General Paasengcr Agist,
tdc Oregon IlaUroad k NarlgiUn
uo., i'oriland, Oregon.
"Mko Salem n Good Horns Market"
Wc have a ntimbct? of excellent lots tot sale if tafcen im
mediately at the vety low price of $35 pei lot, and also
tlietie goes to eaci purcliaset an abstract of title to the lots
bonght in OCEAN VIEW Addition to tbe city of Nortb
Bead, Coos County, Oregon; these lots are high and dry,
and are situated on Coos Bay. It is predicted by many,
that inside of a few months they can be easily sold for more
than double the price asked now. These lots if sold im
mediately, will be sold at $35 per lot. They will . not be
held at this price, however, very long. For full particulars
call at our Office, at No. 110 Commercial Street, Salem,
Old Printing Press,
T4o ancient Daye printing pre,
whieh up to a recent date bad 1hh In
uso at Harvard University, is mw m
exhibition ia the room of the Vcrmest
Historical Society at Meat poller. This
press has see servica aiase IMS and
waa (ho frit initromeat of its kind in
use la the ecieaiea. It was brought
ttmt Hagknd, and set up in Onm
bridge, Mas, the swmmi year that John
Hanvard found)! the unl varsity skat
larc his name. aHaphaa I)y saw
prosjtecta for the 4ahHhit f a
prosperous printing bud In the sef
onies, ami wctfc suclr pkas in viaw he
left Ragiaad hh4i set klwMlf up la the
eollega town.
The nrst AmaricMR basks, the earli
est editiM af stat tawa, aalnwlal
RMiiiey sad sariy ncwiiyxipcfs wre
printed uoa this ancicat prew, and
far were than 1M years it has
walade ia fairly gM4 caaditica.
The Itataenjawwuar Piatsla will raw
off at Albany WadSMMday night.
Kf paWjiaiiW 111B II .sssiiiiiW.
It taxes tome, nrrrnnojr ajtd oos
mon sense arguments to make people
believe tn buying your goods and come
back for more. Too many advertisers
empty their appropriation sand boxes
on the first grade, and tbo road to ad
vertising success is strewn wltto. ths
bleaching skelotons of the victims of
one Insertion.
uonn nanBukr ono. .aid, Io
dl.coutlnaa advcrtUias U Ilk talc
Inar dovra rour !-.
Ton havo a sign above yotrr door to
let people know who you are and what
yon are doing. That's, what your ad
vortislng does. It merely multiplies
your sign. It lots thousands of peoplt
know what you have to sell. U. I
Corey, Secretary National Retail Hard
ware Dealers' Association In Retalies
od Advertiser.
Kp rear ad. la tiU U yt
rta to ttM99 your Xrstaa Wfov.
tit XtAOpI.
ronltry at owner's Market
Bggs rer dotcn, 30c.
Ducks 0c.
ronltry, Eggs, Etc.
Kgge rer doten, 30c.
Ilutter, rcUll J6e.
IIeB 4V4o,
Prye 8c
Trults, Vegetables, rtc
PetaUes We,
Ofllea IVic
Apples 8o per bushel.
Oarrets-Mc per bushel.
Beets We per bushel.
Pears 1.00 per unt.
Troploal rrulta.
DaDanas 8 Vic lb,
Oranges $1.00.
Lewcas $4.S0f9CJ0,
I4vo Stock Market,
Steers Sc,
Sheep le,
Drooseil veal Oe.
Jat hogs 54.
Drain, Teed.
Baled CleTer-7.00$7.80.
Oheat fl.60$7.
Timsthy 6ej.
Orals I7$r.f0.
Braa lit,
Butter and Dream.
By CoramerolBl Orenm Co
Butter fat We at statlen.
Flour, whlesale-$3.75 per barrel,
Flour, retail 1.0S per sack.
Portland Market.
Wheat, Otab TS76e,
Valley-73eJ75c .
Blaestem 7677e,
Oats-Ckelsc Walts, MQ$So-,50
iaiiatnff Bran, lg.
HayTiBethy tllfji5.
Potatoes 5O70,
Poultry-Average eld haas. HSBlSc-
yeuag reesters, 10nC; apri, 11ffi
ISVje; areaMd ehlekeas 18eji4e. tur.
keys, Uve, 17S19: turke jj
ekcie, S0M g per .
89o; gesse, 4ra, per pound, 10
lej ducks, UHKC;. p, JJ
15; squabs, $2i.S0
Pork-Dressed, oiyi
Beef-DrMa lc.
Muttoa Drewed, fiij7i6e.
cIIb. vallftT a... 4.
takU & " ll
wiub, SMaOTe: BaitArr.
Meair-4l6iaal, 30c.
Butter Paaey creamem 3032Ue
"tore, ie16e. " 8'
Oregon's Oreatctn Becrcatlon ui
ncalUi Honor! at the Newport
An a winter health and reorntJ
roeori nowporl fa the one par end
lence. Itecognltlng this, and wliibf
to glvo tho peoplo an epportuaJtj It
breathe the .frech, poro ozone of tt
eeean, the Bouthern Paclfle aa4 0m
vallla and Rwteru railroads will tt
sumo tho Mlo of tickets threoji U
Yaqulna bay Saturday, October V,
ami will sell same throughout Us i.
tor and spring on every
Wedneoday and flaturday.
The ratca will be the same u Ow
Ing the summer and will be geol t
roturn 30 days from date of sk
Dr. Mlnthom's Sanitary 8 BUki
will bo In operation during the ntitt
winter, and treatments will be jtm
dally. Ilpt and cold salt water ttU
can be taken oyrj day in the sail
tarluia, and for anyone desiring r
recreatjen ixm health, no plaee oa tk
Pacific Northwest can be found eeu!
to Yaqulna bay. i
Other Health Resort Closed, i
During tho winter nearly all etUr
health resorts are dosed fr ihflWt
te reach, and none ef them lave Ui
advantages ef Newport and v.runty u
regards climate, points f mteiea,
recreaUon and amueemeBt F r firUa
desiring to eajpy flsWag, hr-ling, ef
seeing the ocean ia sunshine a" J item
this faraeua resort is uaequaW Ttt
J(irreun.dJngs are ideal beaut ifol sees
ery, climate wild, healthful aoJ is
vigeratlng. Cottage and Bent Cheap.
Neat clean cottages, either furnleW
or partly so, ean be rented la t '
meoaato neighborhood of the sawUri
baths at about $5 per monfi e; ',
of fresh milk, vegetables, honey, rs.
and all household necessities can be ee
tained at the lowest possible " '
while all kinds of fish and tbs fiaosJ
rock oysters ean ba had in abuaoaae
for tho trouble of securing tbem.
People troubled with the Joss of ap
petite, insomnia, rheumatism or ra"
down from any cause, will find N'
port an ideal plaee to regaia their
health and vigor, or for rest and pies
Pull information aa to rates, eieei'
ing of baggage, etc, can be tbtsUei
from any 8. P. or a B. agent, cr fr
A. L. Craig, general passenger ages
S. P. Co., Portland of J. C, Xfr
general passenger agent C, & E-.
bany, Oregon.
Bates from Salem to Yaqufnn e-5
For Deotitate People.
Any one having any east fff !
ing for desUtute families wl, ki
leave them at Mrs. B, A. Croesan's.
Winter atreet, for tho Woman's a
lief Corps, to distribute.
Final Account Approved.
T4e final aumint tt Q. IT. if ti
administrator of tho estate of Ja
Morris, deceased, waa approved by &
county court yesterday.