0 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1005. f- nBnmmmmm Mone y Manufactured As a result of our removal we have been forced to sacrifice goods, and now as we get settled we find it necessary to knife them still more. T HURT But the goods must go, and some will be sold as low as one fourth their value. Fancy Crockery, Silverware and Novelties Cut to the Quick M v r'' a vw- 10 inch Dorfttl Cake Pluto, formerly 1.30, sew G5S 10 IMk Fnaey ialnd Bowl, Royal Aldenberg Ofelaa, oat from $1.60 to 75. A beatlfnl IS JiTeh Fruit Bow), Beyal axe, German, China, out front fa,K to JJJl.O'O. BUver Bonbon Dish, quadruple pinto, from t,70te l.OO SUvor Benbea Bowl, quadruple plats, from (1.70 to $1.00. rJtlver Bread Truy, from M.30 te $100. Magnlfieont kKHI decorated Syrup riteher, rnro China; Howl, with Silver top, from (tio to 910(A Ornamented1 Glass Cracker Jar with Stiver top, from $8.00 to Si. 00. '.' .. ... . . . . ,:.,....-, Zi jure China urnener uoni, mo xamoua jni .uaTBrin, lermerij .w, on io ;pxVt - ' French Gold Ploturo Frames, M Koral gold finish, tegular prleo, BOo, now 25 Hndleso) variety " ? Bisque bust of noted character, regular prlco, 78c, redueod to 25J ' wf- 1 tJ . fcj-. ' L'iV c1 r H. ' t . .i i Child1 Ten Bete, cut down moro thnn one-half, ranging from () to SjH.OO A largo nasortmont of Shopping Bags, Maikot Baskets, Work Baeketc etc, out moro than one-half. Top nod Game slaughtered ah novor beforo known. m Tho now goods wore bought at sacrifice prices, and. wo aro going to g'lve our customer tlio benefit, and have marked tko goods at flgurw tkat will astonish them, Wo invito you to eomo and m un in our new Josatlen, for wo tan inako It aa object to you If goods and prices count for anything. Itomowbor tko place tko store wkere kundrods of useful keuookeld article" can bo bougkt for UUlo monoy. The Economy Store In Storeroom formerly Occupied by Mrs. M. E. Frascr, Next to Strongs Restaurant, 175 Commercial St. CO-OPERATION A MONEY SAVER EVERY INTELLIGENT FARMER NEEDS EIS OWN LOCAL NEWSPAPER AND A GOOD AGRICULTURAL FAMILY PUBU. OATION. KB CAN'T RUN ITJ8 HOME OR FARM SUCCESSFULLY without eotier or tiiem. A COMBINATION OF THE TWO, AT A COST NOT TAB TOOM THE REGULAR PEIOB OF ONE, IS CO-OPERATION .WIIICII SAVES THE FARMER MONEY, AND GIVES IIIM TWO PAPERS. TUB NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER ONE YEAR, AND THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL ONE YEAR, OR THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL TIDIED MONTHS, FILLED WTTn ALL NEWS OF LOCAL INTEREST, AND ALL UP-TO-DATE IDEAS IN MODERN AND SUCCESSFUL FARMINO. TUB CAPITAL JOURNAL FILTA THE BILL FOR LOCAL NEWS. THE NEW YORK TRD3UNE FARMER, NEW YORK CITY, PUB. HISHED WEEKLY, HAS NO SUPERIOR IN THE LAND AS A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL, HELPFUL, ENTERTAINING, LLLUS TJtATBD AGRICULTURAL FAMILY PAPER. A SPECIAL CONTRACT ENABLES US TO FURNISH BOTH OP THESE PAPERS ONE YEAR FOR $1.96, BUT IP SUB- SCRIBED FOR SEPARATELY THE REGULAR PRICE IS $2.00 gEND ALL ORDERS TO THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OR. YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ON A POSTAL CARD TO OEO. W BB8T, TRIBUNE FARMER OFFICE, NEW YORK CITY, WILL sima you a free aAMPLB copy. FREE TEXT BOOKS C State Superintendent Acker man Presents The Situa tion From Both View Points St to SttRMintaadeat of Instruction Atkorwan Jwva is tkia month's issue of tha American Sokool Board Journal a masterly nxtlolo reviawing tko ad-' vantages and dlsadvantga of tie free text book system. "The importance of the paper Ilea in tko faet that the sya toa of freo text books may bo serious ly considered by tko next legislature. Professor Aekormaa's artiele- followst "Tbo ttee text book question) has been, a mooted one for many years, and many arguments for and against tko system nave been advanaed from time to time. Personally, I kavo net kad tko opportunity to inepoet its praetieal workings, heneo oannot speak from axerie08, so wkat I shall 6ay on tko subjoet bas bean gleaned from ! peilagogioal literature and from tko .reports of state euporindonts of states having tko freo text book sya- tern, and from what my own judgment , may uiotate. Economy Arguod. "Tko argumonts usually given in favor of tko system are: Pint, that it is more oeoaomloal in tkat tko parents of different families seod not aeaes s&rlly purekaso a different text book for eaek child passing successively tkxoQgb tko same grade, an tko saao book earn bo used by several children, tkereby materially diminishing the per oapita number of books to bo pur okotttd, consequently tko aggregate expense to tke diotriot i dimiaUked. Again, tkat tko state or distrlot will bo able to pwokaso books at whole sale rates, tkereby roduolsg tko per oapita oxpoaoe, and tkat book eompan log will giMtly furalsb books at a re Motion, owing to tke foot tkat tke otato or dfetrUt is a responsible party and Wwt fowor loesos wirl bo Inoorred. "Snoanil, tke freo toxt book systeoi teado greaUy to wake sokool work mora eflteient, as it enables tke toaok r to kavo all pupils supplied at oneo wltk tko needful and neooMary books, (bus enabling them to begin work im mediately. As it is, tbey aro oem poMel to await tke aetien of tke par oats, who may nogleot or may not be able to supply their children ai tke first. Moreover, by baying books for distribution at all times many more oklldren "will attend- school for more days in the year, making a decided gain in school economy. To my mind tko better eftieieney' argument for freo books is tke strongest one tkat oan bo urged in its favor, and tke one moot general in tbo minds of its friends for its retention wkerevcr adopted. Uniformity Lessons Burden. " Third, that in states not having state uniformity in tko adoption of text books used in schools the burden rests upon the parents who change from one county to another and from ona district to another, as the case may bo, and probably aro eompoHed to pur ekaso one or more new books when tho book already in tko hands of tko pupil wiM answer tko purpose so far as tko child's educational progress is concerned. Opposition Arguments, 'Tko principal arguments in opposi tion to tko free text book system are in tke main as follews: "Firat, tbo sokool district has per it whou it has provided cnoh and ev ery olitld within Its jurisdiction sokool sites, school housoo and good toachora nnd nil that pertains to good sohooln oxcopt books, and that it is tko duty of tko pnrento to boor tho burden of furnishing the text books that n groat prinolplo is violated when tho parent is not so mndo to fool his responsibil ity in that ho will) loso interest nnd fall to fully npproolnto that for which ho kas mado no snorlflco. All aro will ing to concodo, however, that it is tko duty of tko district to furnish indigent ohihkon with books, and most stntcB havo mado suck provisions by legislat ive onaetmont. "Second, that tho system deprives tho child of a sonoo of ownership, ono of tho olvia virtues that should bo cultivated oarlyj that ho will not fool tho eamo necessity of caring for tho properly of the district ns ho would of his own-, nnd that of his own book ho may retain possession of and prlr.o tho highest of Mb possessions as n ro membranco of his happy school dV8. How many of us havo a book or relic in our possession, ami' how hard it would bo for tw to part with It! May wo not say that tho ownership, nnd hence tho posstblo rotontlon, may so oxert a moral Influence on tho child tlmt is ns groat nnd far ronohlng; Uiat tho nosthctlo nnturo of tho child is oaorlfleod at tho tlrao when it is the most responsive namely, when ho ins just beon promoted from ono book to another, nnd ovory sonso is nlort In happy anticipation of that ovont whioh oan never oomo to him tho posses sion of a new book by giving him n book which Is moro or lees dofaced In stead of one that Is a delight to tho eye. BanlUry Condition. "T-hird, that tke sanitary conditions are not observed by tke system of freo toxt book, as a oklld Is forced to ue a book hat may have been used by one not at all cleanly or by ono aAlkt d by a contagious (Usoaco, and la all probability transmitted by means of tk book. It is true tkat In most oekeol whore tke system is in vogue tko books are periodically subjected to a roasting preeem to minimise ttyc danger of contagion, but many parents admit thnt there Is a possibility of a germ or two which may not havo been tiufllolontly roasted to make them hnrmloM. Then, ngnln, where tko sys tem Is gonoral, many schools would entirely neglect to fundgato tko book, and all sanitary precautions bo neg lected with dmdly results. FAYorod in Home Cases. "Summing up tho arguments for ami against tttt toxt books, I am rather disposed. to bo not in favor of tko sys tem la states having state uniformity la tko selection of Its toxt books, but wotttd strongly incline toward its adop tion in all oaM la w-kick toxt books are adopted- la nay etkor manner. It Is only fair to say, however, tkat so far a I know no state or dfetriet kas returned to tke obi method after adopting tko fro toxt book system, which hi a otroag argomoat in Its fav 0000 NEWS.' Many Salem Readers Have Hoard It and Profited Thereby, "Good news travel fast," and tke thousands ef bad sufferers In Salem aro glad to learn tkat prompt relief is wltkin their reack. Many a lame, weak and asking back is bad no more, thanks to Dean's Kidney Pills. People arc tolling tke good news of their expert once with the Old Quaker Xemedy. ITere is an example worth reading; Mrs. L. W. Meneck, wife of L. W. Maneek, cabinet maker, residing ear ner Fourth and Main streets, Albany, Oregon, says: "Aftor any over exer tion, or when I contracted a cold, pain seated itself in tho Beat ef my back, causing it to ache severely, and there was a difficulty with the kidney secre tiaNS, On such occasions steeping lifting, twisting or turning was always followed by sharp shooting twinges through tho kidneys. When I was bad. ly in need of something to bring relief I read about Dean's Kidney's Pilla and procured a box and took them strictly according te directions. They thoroughly relieved mo of the last at tack, and up to the present time I have not had a trace of symptoms of irri tated or inactive kidneys. I W1H be pleased to allow you to use mr nan. if it will be tho means of doing good 10 oiuers. - For salo by all dealers. P-?. k cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Baffalo, Now York, cole agents for the United' States. Remember the namo Doan' tako no other. U. J. LEHMAN Saab and doors. All kind. t, finishing. Phoao 131 Wick. Also two floors cf xrarohousa for seat; elevator and switching facilities. i J JRoiS KIDNEY Increasing Ameng: Womci. r Sufferers Weed Wot Despair THE BEST ADVICE IS FRE Of all tho diseases known, with u.i nbow that tbla disease is on tho & among womon. MSH L J "51 IstsrksA' w ' ' 'SsBiv--fl $)n UsBKjflPBsB&uLBvSBBBk ill tjpfrjjimma Sawyer Unless early and correct treitmMii. applied tho pationt seldom inrrlra w lion oneo tho dlseoso is fastened opn her. Lydta B. Plnlchntn's VcgottMi Compound is tbo most efficient tmt tnont for kldnoy troubles of woota, and Is tbo only medicino osptcuit prepared for thin purpose. ' When a woman Is troubled wllhpiU or weight in loins, backache, request painful or scalding urination, swelUif of limbs or foot, nwelllng under Uu oyes, an unoony, tired feeling In th region of tho kidney or notices abrhk dust sediment in tho urine, aho hmJ4 loso no tlmo in commencing treatises! with Lydla 13. Plnkhnm-'s VcgctiUi Compound, ns it may bo tho muni oj saving her Ufo. For proof, read what Lydla E. Mtfc, ham's vogotablo Compound did for Ma Sawyer, 11 1 CAnnot expreoi the terrlbk) nffwiaf bad to endure, AdsrAngemenlotUMfteu orsans devoloped nervous proitraUon tal enous kidney troubta. The doctor ktb&fei no iui n ;i-i uu. ui kcih nuin,im I was unable to do anything, and I nu.i m mv mlthl I oatilil notUroL 1 flrullr AtriJLJ to try Lydla IS. PlnkhanVa VefUbU Cw. pound as a ut rneort, ana i am touy swm woman. Ieannotpnute Ittoohlfklr.sadl foil CTfry suffering- woman about my can Mrs. Emma Sawyor, Cony en, Ua. Mrs, Pinkham gives freo advice U womeo audrcM in conaueucc, Lju, MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Marktl" Poultry at Utolnor's Market Eggs Per down, 30o, Hone 8o, Fryo-8yjc: Ducks Oc. Poultry, Eggs, Etc. Mggs Per doxen, 30c llutter, retiil 3Gc Hens 8 Vic, Vry 8. Fruits, Vegetables, Etc Potatoes Me, Onions 1 Vic Apples Sic per bushel. Oarrets Me per bush eh Ueets 31c per buskel. Pears H.OO per ewt, Troploal Fruits. Rananas fiV4o lb. Oranges fi.OO. Lomens $4.605.00. Livo Stock Market. Steers 2 Vic Cows IV&fftC Sbeep te, Dreeeeil veal Oe. Fat kogs &c Grain, Food, Baled Gtover-7.00$7.60. Okeat $0.50$7. Tlwetby tOIO.50, Grain 77.CO. Bran . Shorta-m Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co Butter-3e. Butter fat 30c at station. Is Wheat-65e. FJour, wholesale $3.75 per barrelol xlour, retail $1.0$ per sack, Portland Market. Wheat, Club 7B7fle. Valley-7375e . Bluestem 7677c. Oats-Cholco White, $85d$$M.50 Mllletuff Bran, $18. nay Tiraotbyw$ii(rjp$i5 xeiaioes ooxnyYVc Poultry Averaeo old young roesters, lOllc: 2A& . . .1 ,,,-- Ta uioMtm cnionens assjii t' "W" "o, -ugi-va tursoyo, uiw,7 -, npnei geese, uvo, po i"-rsj 80cj geese, dressed, per pound, l0 lie; ducks, 1414cj; pigeons, 1J i.o; squaDS, ss(58a.ou, Jfork Dressed, fl7V6c. Beef Dressed, l4c. Mutton Dressed, 6le. Hops Contract, 1905.1012V4e; ol, 7Wrt10n Wool 1005 elin. valleT. oearse toJ w m m oiub, sevarnc: jfiastern uregv-i locaaic Mohair Nominal, 30c I Butter Fancy- creamers S0tf832VS ! store, 1616Vae. k wmmMMmmmmmmttitiKM