Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 14, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    w"?" !&mw c ' jw ' n 'yJd''' PJ'W "
Stockton & Co.
A most remarkablo value in Hen's
hoes for
Set Royal Bloc
Famous for goodness. This lino of
shoes is known all over America.
They fallow the flag.
Price $3.50
Legal Tender
Legal tender m good, yeu knew.
There la mvw any discount en It.
You will also h with these okee
for men.
Price $.50 s
Odell dot ft l'looo of tbo rio.
(Four O'Ulock Kditlon.)
Now York, Nov. 14. Hydo said that
former Governor Odell hnd been paid
070,000 in settlement of a suit he
brought against the Mcrcantilo Truit
Co., because of losses on shipbuilding
trust stook. Hydo said ho paid tho
urn at tho suggestion of Hnrrimnu.
Od ell's Investment amounted to $180,
000 ,Ih addition to the 076,000. Hyde
aaid Oddl got th warket value for bis
0. A. Jiarr'c Home Hums.
The Mttie farm homo of a A. Dorr,
on the Pettyjohn plnoo, four wiles south
of town, wnn bnrnod yesterday, Mr.
Darr save! the bedding and nemo fur
alture, aw4 tho root was a total lon,
amounting to about 400. Oharlio will
rent n nonce In tho neighborhood and
be as good aa now In n few days. There
was no ImHtrnnee on hia home.
fjtfu K"M Y Hw W asrt
Is hereby given that Len Uwrwater
la not my ngont, nor authorised by we
to offer tor sola any land I have listed
or contracted for sole.
30-D-lw Hoom 9, Moeros Btook.
i ii i. . i. ii
Wednesday Special
Umbrella racks, worth $1.00 for 3,
nt Huron & Hamilton's. t
A Bargain,
House and lot on North Mill street,
oouth aidtt, two doors from Com
merola), keua'e, story and n half, six
rooms, lot 60rl45 feet. Terms cash, or
will tako a two horse team In part pay
meat. Call on premises. 11-13-lwk
-get a movoment that you oaa rely upon.
It lau't necossary, however, to be extra vagant In order to own a good
dependable timekeeper. We eaa sell you a 17jewel Walt ham Watch in
a 20-year guaranteed gold-flllod eajia for $ULM.
Wo bavo a full lino of standard accurate watches of the best makes
at the most seasonable prices at which good watches have ever been of
Xerea in saieiu. ,
i '
A Knowledge of Fit
ting Shoes Is as Es
ential as Good shoes
It seldom follows because ft salesman
consumes a great deal of tlmo fitting
your feet that he is taking on unusual
amount of oaro. It is far more reason
able to bollevo ho la lacking In foot
knowledge Did he possosa that thor
ough understanding that is most requi
site to success, he would at onoe diag
nose your requirements for shoes, as
your deetor would if you were ill.
That knowledge which our shoe men
possess will save you much time and
Men's high grado dress and street
hoes in all grades of full stock.
PntonU, Colt, Box Calf, Viol,
Kid, etc.
$4 to $5
Water Drivers
Our stook of high Puritan Cut
waterproof ohees Will oxeell any
ether lino shewn in all Oregon for
the prices.
Kangaroo Kip
mair out
A 10-Inch top waterproof shoe.
Used extensively by formers, labor
era and sportsmen.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Jackson, Onl., Nov, 14. -Clarence
Murphy was last night acquitted of the
murder of Mrs. Phoebe Williams, at
Lueana Plana, on tho 11th of last June.
The jury wan out two hours. Murphy
was rearrested en tho charge of mur
dering Chester Marker, the grandson
of Mr. Williams. It is believed the
charge will bo dismissed, an tho evl
donee Is the same is In tho ease on
which ho was acquitted, last nlghU
Harry Love, arrested far tho murder,
made a eonfeooion that he and Murphy
killod Mrs. Williams and Chester Mark
or, but he claimed Murphy did the kill
ing while be looked an. Love was sow.
toaeed to Ufa Imprisonment on the
charge of murdering Mrs. Williams. It
who proven that Murphy was at homo
at tho Umo tho murder was committed,
and that Love 'a oonfooalon wna fahtc.
Iove wilt now bo tried for the murder
of Chostor Marker. Tho crime wna tho
moot noadiok In the history of this part
of the state.
"I Tbauk the Lord I"
cried Hannah Plant, of Little Itock,
Ark., '.'for the rellaf I got from Buck.
Ion's Arnica Salve. It cured my fear
ful running sores, which nothing else
would heal, and from which I had suf
fered for 5 years." It Is a marvelous
healer for outs, burns and wounds.
Guaranteed at J. O, perry 'a drug store
. ?
State and ,
Liberty Sts.,
Salem, Ore
(Pour O'clook Edition.)
Hongkong, Nov. 14, All Protestants
In Lie Toll en district have boon called
to placos of safety, owing to the con
tinued hostility to foroignors. Native
Christians are fleeing toward Canton.
Tho British minister to Pokin has
mado a strong representation nbotit the
neglect of the ofllelals in dealing with
the missionary outrages.
WlBoacroa Adjourn.
(Four O'olosk Kditlon,)
Washington, Nov. 14. The national
association of presidents of universi
ties olosed its sessions today without
considering the resolution condemning
the present methods of football. Pres
ident Itiehc.'d C. Jesse, of Missouri,
was oleeted. president of the associa
tion. Tho noxt meeting will probably
be hold at the University of California.
President Boosovelt received tho mem
bers and their wives nt tho White
House this afternoon.
Bone, Nov., Nov. 14. Tho minors'
union in Olinghouse canyon recently
drove two Chinamen from tho camp,
and warned all ethers to keep away.
Tho celestials wont without trouble,
but the second was driven out with
force and his cabin burned. Ho is now
in San Francltoo, and notifies tho Ollng
homo miners that the Ohinose consul
has taken the matter up with his gov
ernment, which will make a protect
ngolutjtho treatment of Ohlnese labor
nt mining camps.
( Four O'Oieek Hdltlen.)
Stockton, Onl. Nov. 14. Philip
Lllovioh, an Austrian, was killed by
tho premature explosion of a blast In
tho Oneida mine, at Jackson, Amador
county, last night, and an American
named Wilson was injured.
Moba in Vladivostok.
(Four O'clock Htftlea.)
Washington, Nov. 14. A dlopatok
from tke ombasony at St, Petoroburg
says there w rioting at Vladivostok.
St. Petersburg, Nov, 14. Many have
been killed In rioto In Vladivostok and
foreigner have Hod to tho ships. Riot
ing kaa continued and anaroky boo u
poroodod law.
i ... n. .,1.0.
Want President to Intercede.
Now York, Nov. 14. The board of
nldormon today adopted a roeolotton
requesting ProoMont Kooeevelt to in-
toreode in behalf of tho Jews In leaosia.
O i n i
Krivdrog Saoked and Burned.
(Pair O'Olook lWIUon.)
Krlvojrog, lUwIn, Nov. 14. It is ro
ported thot rioters have soekod tke
town, and half tho buildings have boonj
nMttrj-u uf urn.
Late Utlo aftornoon tho body of Ida
gohlniUr wos found in the river sev
eral mlleo below Salem. Tho news was
at onoo tolepbonod to the anxious fam
ily. Details eftho diseovery oeukl not
be obtained in time for the lost edition
of this paper, but tho body gave evl
'deuce of having been in tho water over
48 hours. It is believed that the girl
drowned herself at the steamboat land
ing, where she had early la Yaa morning
tried to find a beat to take her down
the river. The ourront is supposed to
have oarried tho bedy under the sur
face a considerable distance, before air
lowing it to come to the surfaae.
Tho body will bo brought to the Big
doa undertaking parlors and prepared
for burial.
Omaha Nov. 14. BarUett Blchnrds
and James 0. Comstook appeared bo
fore Judge Monger in the Federal court
Monday ami pleaded guilty of having
Illegally fenced 218,000 acres of gov
ernment land 'n Shorldan and Cherry
counties, Nebraska. They were fined
$800 each and assessed the oosts of the
ease, amounting to about $600. They
were also sentenced to remain in tho
euetody of the United States marshal
for six hours. This latter part of tho
sentence was merely a formality to
meet the requirements of the law, and
both men were permitted to go to their
hotel without osoort. ,
The Comstock and Itiohard ranches
were the largest in the country, and
the caeec have boon beforo the court
for two years. Defendants filed affi
davits and other evidence sevoral
months ago, signifying their intention
to fight the oaso. This decision, how
ever was ohnnged.
" 0 '- .
(Four O'clock Hditien.)
Washington, Nov. 14. -The president
received a call this morning from rep
resentative of the Itallrond Conductors,
Firemen, Mogtneers, Trainmen and
Switchmen's organisation, representing
a million ompleyea, pretesting against
the proponed lowering of rates, and do
daring that wages would be reduced
correspondingly. Tho President prom
ised tke administration would work for
a bill fair to both roads and shippers.
(Four O'clock Ildltlen.)
San Diego, On!., Nov. 14. llornordo
demerle, who mat night put two 38
calibre bulleta into the baok of kia
wife's bond, and two more Into kls own
head, to otlll alive. Tho firot shot at
himself wont Into the temple, and shot
out both eye. Ho then fired again into
to baso of hla brain. One bullet kaa
boon nbotmotod, The doctors think
ho will die, but tho woman will rooov
Died Upside Down.
(Four O'Oieek Bditien.)
Chicago, Nov. II.-A dlcpatck to
the Tribune from Toledo, 0., oayst Af
tor ha vino; boon atood on hU hood for
SO boors to ailmnlato heart aetion,
Frank Perry diod Sunday night from
a largo dooo of notrodonaol, taken by
mlotoko for wkioky. In tho effort to
aoolot him, hU family discovered that'
when ho was hob) bond down tho heart
action wna strong. So they kept the
poisoned man In that poolUon, and kept
on administering antidote until ho
Japan Plays Baseball.
Toklo, Japan, Nov. 14. -Tho Wasedn
University basaball team won tho ham
pionship of Japan. The Wa&eda team
played Stanford, in California, last
spring. They also played U. of 0. t
Hugona last spring; boating thorn like
Attorney Anderson M. Oannon and,
wife returned today from a visit' to
Chief Justice Wolverten returned
this morning from Pendleton, where
the supreme court has boon In session.
for tke past ton days.
Rev. T. B. Ford, of tke Sunnyslde
Methodist ohurek, arrived today on a
visit to his son and two daughters,
who aro students at Willamette Uni
versity, i
Superintendent J. H. Aekerman
goes to Portland tomorrow afternoen,
to deliver an address beforo the con
gress of mothers Wednesday night in
tho -Taylor street Methodist church.
His subjoot will be "Tho School and
tho Home."
For Destitute People.
Any one having any oasUoff cloth
ing for destitute families will kindly
leave them at Mrs. B. A. Croesan'a, 430
Winter street, for the Woman's Be
lief Corps, to distribute-
Greatest Wonder
Is the CHICAGO STOItKj built up in n fow yonra from nothing ftn, j,
now ono of tho loading business establishments of the city, employli-twonty-one
olorks, doing tho biggest business, soiling the most goods a4
selling them ohoaper than any houso that over oponod their doors in a,
lorn. What lins done all this in such a short timet Knowing the tnoido
traok of buying, little profits and n big volttmo of business.
We have them here in evory dain
ty style and shade and nt prUeB
that will induce quick selling,
30c Indian Silks, all colors, yd.. .S3c
?5c Colored Taffeta Silks, yd.. .40a
76e Black Taffeta Silks, yd.... 40c
$1 Alls Blue Taffeta Silks, yd. 06c
$1 Fancy Drees Silks, yd 06e
$1 Protly Plaid Silks, yd 0e
$1.40 30-ln. Blaok Bustle Taffeta
Silks, yd 08e
7Go Colored Satins, flno quality, yd.
76o 811k Finished Velvets, yd.. 40c
$1.35 Imported Fine Silk Velvets,
yd 85o
COO yds. Plain nnd Fancy Dross
Goods, yd '. .. 345e
OOo Broadeloth Dress Goods, yd.UPe
76c Black Wool Drone Goods, yd.46e
76c Ilannockburn Suitings, yd.. 48c
$1.30 IUln Proof Dress Goods, yd
76c Fancy and Plain Mohair Dreoc
Goods, yd 48c
$1.36 Colored Hngllak serges, yd 80
Novelties in lino Dress Goods nnd
Waistlngs at email prices.
1000 yds, 8 l-3c Outing Flannels, yd
600 yds. 10a Outing Flannels, yd.
1000 yd. Velvet Wool Flannels, yd.
GOO Full eUe blankets M
76o llxtra Heavy Blankets 46c
11.60 11-4 Velvot Wool Blankets,
pr 03c
Fine Wool Blankets
8.05, $1,80, and $3.05
MCEVOY BROS Corner of Comrner-
miLTVl unuo. cfal and Court Streets
Forgory soowm to bo a family trait
with tho Stock, a soion of which fam
ily woo arroatod in kU city buk ntoht.
chartrod with tho muoing of a worth
Iom chock. Whlto the young man,
Poroy Stook w In too naada of the local
police, nw father io boing hunted by
too Iortiand oHioora, aloe for tho orimo
of forgory. Ho is said to have obtained
money In that city on a wortnlcoa shook
drawn on a Seattle bank.
A letter found on yonus Stock whoa
ho waa arroatod yeoterday, may load to
nm miner 'a arrest. Tho letter was
written by Stock's otop-metker, and
stated that tho father was ill la San
Prauolseo. The Portland auLharttitu
have boon notified of too fact.
Percy Stock forced a cheek wltk fc
name of Fred William, and pawned it
wtta a local saloon keeper for $0. The
chock was drawn for $86. Later Stock
returned and tried to got $15 addition
al from the saloon keener, who beaama
suopieious, investigated and found that
the check was fraudulent. Stock's ar
rest followed. The young man has a
very propoosooeing appearance. At the
prollmlaary hearing this afternoon he
was bonnd over to await trial for forg
ory before tho circuit eout, and i now
in the eoooty jail.
Sura Cure for Piles.
Itching Piles produce moisture and
oauso itching, this form, as well as
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles
aro cured by Dr, Bo-ean-ko's Pile Bera
edy. Steps itching and bleeding. Ab
sorbs tumors. 50a a jar at druggists,
or sent by mall. Treatise free. Write
mo about your oase. Dr. Bosanko.
Phlla., Pa. '
Money to Loan
Over Ladd ft Buah'a Bank, Salem, Or,
-? JrJtw jj
Wo cannot get them fast enosrt
Small prices does It.
$10 & $18.C0 Boln Coats, prico tfjo
$10.60 Hngllsh Bain Coats... $1199
18 Swell Suits, sale price.... $12 jo
$S6 Tailored Suits, price... $1494
$0.80 Bilk Petticoats, price.... jo
$6 Bilk Waists, Just arrived,, $3.75
Whoro tho Hats nnd Bunnell p
to is a mystery. Wo sell 10 mat;
of them. Smnll prices does it,
Chlldron's Trlmmod Hat , ti
76c, 06c, and 1.
Ladles' Polo Turban Hats, prl
Trfif1ti.af rpt.H.MA.l r.i
...$1.05, $2.60 and 3J
IBN1flOLOTinNa" "
Men 'a $0 Suits, salo price,... HM
Mon's $12.60 Suits, sale price II.J4
Men's $16 Suits, sale prico,. .jc
Bey's Two Pieoo Suits, sale prtoc
Boy' Knee Pants, salo prltc.tfc
Boys' Overalls, sale price,. C,U
SliOBS. ""
Wo are showing a nwell lins tl
Ladles', Men's, and Boys' Foot
wear. Did yeu get our prices!
is whore your dollars stretch out a
long way.
Ladles' $.M lino Dreec BhcH,
P'l" .11
Ladles' $4 Patent Leather 8ki,
P'-M , ,!.M
Mon'a , $0 lino Dress Qkm.
."a I1M
In tho following departments:
outino flannel gon8.
and nbckwj:ab.
Norwich Unlou Fire
ancc Society.
Fran Meredith, Bwldent Ajon
Offlco with Wm. Browu & Co., No. a
oomrnerolal Btroot.
Wanted. By a young girl, 1 . h-l
work to do. or earo of r1 . A.
11 mi
For Sale.CtittiM eut ehrysanti.pmo
Phono in your orders for -r &
dny and Saturday flower B
Mnson. Phono Main 3('7. Vilk
otroot, South Salem. 11 13
ror Eit oJCx-room house, ltarl
Ishoa Inquire nt 816 t.n.mtd
street. Soo Damon, the exj ru nvu
11 13 St
For Sale.-Choap, fine he:f.r
(Jorsoy). Wm. B. Wiaans, 453 Nr
Winter street,' Salem, Or. 11 14 3t
Wanted. .Lady or gentleman for bs
nose position. Salary $2 5fl per dij
Address, with stamp, O. W, Kelloej.
general delivery. 111411'
Wanted, Lady or gentleman ot I"!
ailuaatlnn in t.flval fnr ft fifA
$oM)9,000 oapltal. Salary $15 to $
per week, and all expenses, P
weakly. Address, with stamp, gW
name, street and number, O, W. -v
.. .. .1 it
logg, general delivery. 11 1
A Pleasant Wav to Travel.
The above is tho usual verdiet V
the traveler using the Missouri P4
railway between tho Pacific const
tho east, and wo believe that tbe i1'
Ice and accommodations g;ven B'WJ
this statement. From Denver, CoJt
do Springs and Denver there are
throuch trains dailv to Kansas &3'
and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lr
est standard electric-lighted sleepW
cars, chair ears and up-to-datu dial
cars. The same excellent service
operated from Kansas City and 6t
Louis to Memnhia. Little Bock and B
Springs, If you aro going east
south, writo for particulars and full rj
W. a MBEIDE, Gen. Agti
124 Third Bt, Portland, 0r-