"5or" rtpvp 'CT5J f TWO EDITIONS DAILY, AT 2S P. M. AND 4i00 DAILY CAPITAL JQUBNAL VOL. XV. SALEM. OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1000. VALL PORTLAND VISITS THE GENTLEMEN THE CAPITAL IS YOURS Salem Welcomes You as the Har bingers of a New Era in the Northwest, and a United Oregon A special train lft Portland nt Men today, carrying olghtyfeMr ef Pert ls&J's representative business men, who lire to make a lour ef Western Oregon as far south as Ashland. The object of the trip is expressed en the title page of a very pretty itinerary, prepared by the Southern Pacific, en which they, the ImilneM wen, extend the following greetings 11 To your vnileye ef the "Willamette, the UmiMun nnd the Itegue, to your fir- cIa1 mountains and. green vales Inter lacisl, Portland sends greeting. "We come, business men from your gateway city, Oregon 'a gateway te nil the world, to olnf hnntia at heme with you, the limine men of the great in terior. 'Wo wish to know mere of the great interior, the magnlfleent cornu copia of Western Orrgen. which for moro than half a century has poured lis riches through Portland into the lap of tho earth. Wo wish to know ye beyond the buMnpffi Acquaintance that mere Inter change of truffle brings. In friendship we visit you who did so much to create and maintain that beaeen light of the Northwest the Lewis nnd OUrk Itxpo i'ir, Your Interests are our Inter fte; we wlh to know how we may s-r them and, above nil, we wish tUt personal friendship and under standing that will enable s to engage ia effective team work en behalf ( tie greater and United Oregon." It is an event of more than paaalag Ir'frcit, for it is undoubtedly a fact M'U a goodly portion of Portland's iMl-f-ss men nre not acquainted with Uf wn fair state of Oregon. They know that Salem, Albany, Itugene nnd Itoseburg, Grant Pa, Medford, Ash land nnd hundreds ef other thrifty towns deal with them and pay for their goods. They know in a desultory eort ef way, that come where south of Port land n thousand rivulets of trade meet and mingle, pouring Into Portland's harbor a continuous stream of wool nnd hops, wheat and hay, and all the varied product of farm and fleck. Yet, of the great slate they know little. Most ef them, even In their visits to Dan Fran cisco, take a steeper, leaving Portland In tho evening, nnd seeing only a glimpse ef the Itogue river valley. It Is time this sheuld be changed, ami all Western Oregon extends to tho com ing visiters a welcome, sincere, frank nnd heartfelt, nnd tho moro heartfelt because It sees In the present visit tho forerunner of closer relations, a better understanding of mutual needs, nnd tho awakening ef stato pride. It means the exploiting of Oregen, Instead of Washington awl Idnho, ami a knowl edge of the unsurpassed opportunities thatllodermanln forest and field and mine. No man with red blood in his vein can look upon the fertile fields of Oregon, can grasp the beauty of glea and grove, of wide sweeping prairie, ef balm-fringed streams, without a thrill of dellghti nor can he see the sweep of foothill, Ike timber.eovered ridges lift lag stop on step, up to the blue sum mits of the Cascades, from which the snow-peaks lift in silent and imposing grandeur, without realising that na ture lavished here the surplus of her rlohes and her beauty. There has been too mueh of bickering, too much of fault finding between sections, too mueh of a desire to find out what our neighbors needed, nnd then knocking it. Yet, nil the time we nil know that Portland oannot grow nnd prosper without tho valley feeling tho good of feeto in somo degree, nnd wo know that everything that bonefllr) tho val ley, Is of direct benefit to Portland. In spite of this knowledge, petty jealousies have earned mutual distrust and mutual neglect of onch other's in terest. For this reason, and for mnny others, the visit of our Portland brothers is well-timed nnd welcome They will go homo imbued with tho idea of Oregon's grontnees, and with n prldo of gtnto thnt will bo nn impoor tant fnotor in getting us all out of the old groves, nnd which will cause us nil to stand together on tho common plane of "nil for Oregon." The train will nrrivo nt tho orosslng ef Commercial streot nt a few min utes after 7 o'olook, nnd tho distin guished visitors will bo met by n com mittee of Sflloni'd businees men nnd oseerted to tho Willamette Hotel, where Introductions will take place. nnd a short program will bo carried out. The following is the committee on nrrnngementsi Mayor F. W. Waters, B. liefer, Clee. F. Itedgers, F. T. Wrlghtman, Henry W. Meyers, J. L. ftMockten, L. It. Stinjen. Iteception eommlteei A. Welch, Thos. Kay, It, I). Houston, W. II. Dews nlng, Ceo. W. Johnson, J. 0. Graham, M. Itredomler, John II. Albert, L. IC Page, J. M. Lawrence, J. F. Hughes, K. F. Douglas, 0. II. Hinges, W. P. Nabeeck, a H. Brewer, H. 0. Hpley, 1. F. Morldlth, Wm. Drown, J. P. Itogers, F. F. Gary, D. J. Fry, Fred HaanHn! I). Pntton, K, J. Hondrloks, It. T. Barnes, Otis Htickestcln, F. 0. Doekabacb, John H. MeNnry, R. B. Fleming, a A. Park, F. W. SteosloiT, H. 8. Olio, W. 0. Tlllson, Roy Bishop. F, N. Derby, J, A. Carson, Geo. K, Waters, A. F. Hofer, W. I, Btabley, B. L. Irwin, Ray Farmer, Bqulro Farrnr, H. J. Ottonhelmor, W. T. Rigdon, 0. M. Wppley, H. A. Johnson, II. B, Thlelsen, Clarence Hamilton, W. II. Daney, D. II. James, Otnud Caleb, R. P. McCormnek, Jas. MeWvey, J. A. Jeffrey, John Rayne, W. M. Kaiser, W. T. Slater, C. IC Spauldlng, J, A. Richardson, B, 0. Crees, 0. A. Gray, L. L. Pearce, A MeOIll, 0. F. Lansing, W. 8. Melt, M. P. Baldwin, F. A. Wiggins. INSURANCE GRAFTERS ' SHOWN UP J MERCHANT Who Skimps Quality fof Prices la inviting his beet customers to go elsewhere, ttona wake Certain business eoadl It possible iot some merchants to undersell others on the same quality of goods Fzceaslvo store expenses and looses from the credit system raako it im possible for "regular store" to watch tho prleea of an economically man aged epot cask store. Nj!w York, Nov. I-i-KxpeolIng Hylo to bo coiled as n witness in tho jnsuranse investigation this morning, n largo crowd, inoluding many ladios, was present. Seats usually occupied by witnesses and attorneys woro given to women. Hyde, ncoompanied by bis nttornoy, Untcrmoycr, entered nnd np ponred unconsoious of tho nttcntion ho nttrnotcd. John McGuinnoss, comp troller of tho Equitable, was tho first witness. Hughos rend a numbor of lot torn from Bquitnblo oftlclnls to A. 0. FiolJs, oxproslsng disapprovnl of cor tnin legislntlon pending nt Albany. Hydo was oallod. There war a stir in tho room as tho young financier was sworn. Asked first nbout bis connec tion with tho Hqultablo, bo dcolnrod ho waa educated by his fatkor In tke life insurance business, nnd was brought up to understand that be would succeed bis father. He entered the service in the fall of 1868, as second vice-president, and felt qualified to fill tho position. Ho de clined a salary when ho entered into of fice. In 1000 he accepted a salary of 10,000, which continued to lPOt, wkon It was increased to 176,000. When his salary was Increased he was made chairman of tho finance committee, with increased duties. Ho Insisted that In both eases tho salary wan offered, nnd inoroased with out a suggestion from him, but on the volition of tho members of tho oxoeu tivo 4ommittoo. Ho could offer no ex planation of tho testimony of Depcw before Hendricks, In which tho senator was uncertain -whotlier Hydo had naked for the Increase, but thought bo did, and thought ho asked moro than Alex ander. Hughes nsted Hydo if he would hnvo continued nt $75,000, if $100,000 had been refused. Ho answered: "Yes, because I did not bollevo I could get ns much olsowhoro."' The galleries laughed. Hydo said he hnd beon given author ity to rcooivo money from tho onshiar, without any vouchor othor than bis own. Ho beenmo a director in tho Ifquitnblo Trust Co. previous to 3D01t nnd vioe-presldont lator. His salary of $000 was increased to $18,000. Ho olnimed mueh oredit for the building of tho trust company, nnd disoussod syn dionto oporations. Tho Squire account, which was part of tho "yellow dog fund," was tho subject of inquiry which Hydo could not explain. Those accounts had not been ex plained nt nny tlmo. Ho told of tho "K. W. Aloxnndor," fund which wns used to cottlo suits nnd purchaso stock, and for politlonl contributions. Hydo, who is courtly, nffnblo And nt caso among womon, nnd in tho ball room, was uncomfortable on tho stand among mon, in a drama of his own making. Ho appeared liko a sehoel boy bofoto bi matter, expecting to be sent to a cor nor in dlsgraeo. Hyde said whoa the banking depart ment called for tho repayment of $048, 000 by Alexander, Thomas D. Jordan made up what he eeuld, ami "be paid $111,000 himself. NEW YORK ELECTION CONTEST Official Count Is Being: Made Today, and It Will go Into the Courts Now York, Nov. 1-1. Tho official count bogan todny in each of tbo four counties inoludod within Greater Now York. Lawyers for Hearst nnd tho Democrats nppearod boforo ench board. Hearst fights to lmvo tho discrepancies io tho tally shoots corroded, protestod ballots counted, tho ballot boxes oponod nnd tho ballot recounted in districts' whore tboro is ovidonco of fraud. Mo Olollan fight to contlno tho canvasiors ns closely nn poselblo to tho fnco of tho official returns, -which chow McClol Ian olected by about 3000. A contoct la tho courts seems inevitable. The forces of tho mayor and Joremo aro notive in proparing for tho prosecution ef the perpetrators of frhud. Held Up tbo Station. Ohtllleothe, Me., Nov. 14. Four highwaymen bold up tho Wabash rail road station At Gallatin Crossing last night. Thoy lined up soven pnssongorc nnd tho ntntien agent, and took $100 nnd n lot of jewelry, Ono woman's belonging woro untouohed. Atreits have been made, nnd it is enld mem bora of a prominent family aro Implicated. W1U right for Elght-Hour Day. St. Petersburg, Nov. 34. At tho workmen's meeting today It was decid ed to demand nn eight-hour day, and Now York, Nor. 34. Tho ante rooms were filled with wIUmwhi when tho grand jury resumed its Inquiry la to the election frauds this morning. It Is roported that member of tho eloction beard in Murphy 'a district bas con fessed. Alderman- Haggorty waa re arrested this morning on complaint of assaulting a Hearst watcher. IIo pleaded not guilty, nnd wan held In $1000 bail. Wornt Storm of Season. Norfolk, Vn., Not 31. Tbo -worst storm of the season in raging off tbo Atlantic coant today. Chicago Markets. Chloago, Nov. 34. Wheat, 808!Ui use violence. If necessary, to secure it. corn, 44&44; oats, 80Vi(8)8lT. LOOK FOR THE YELLOW TICKETS gg reMdS GOOD GOODS HONEST VALUES DID NOT FAVOR STANDARDI OMoaga, Nov. 14. Before the sfHMiial xjNiare' bureau on corporations to- was m favofiUwH s4uwn Standard Oil. my uvtMureu tne ratea on us Ml were taty the staple rate. LAWSON IS ARRESTED Tomotftfow's Special Sale aWUrwaMaaWe flnroMrtk "M-tive special sale, we offer a splendid grade of depend- Knit Shawls anc Fascinators V I Sets. Ij. colors black, red, pink, blue aad wklte. Tkr are not wasy ef m kind, so eome early ia order t get the kind y want. Values ranee un aa high as W. Challenge ffele prfie ' L3&?yvez& (CMZdi JFS: . T SSIJH & Offers you the best at prices usually asked for medium grade On Dy Goods Department Contain the choicest fabrics, that have met with tho approval of Ba lm 'a beet dressera. Most store add extra profits on novelty drew goods to insure against loasea from style changes. We mark at prieea that close them out in their aeaeoa without losa. Balem'a cheapest ono -prieo cash toi. Everything for the whole family. Boston, Nov. 34. Judge Wentwerth today decided te issue a warrant for the arrest of Lawsou, on the charge ef criminal libel, brought by C. W. Barren, of the Boston News Burean. 0 M ! Bully for Ida, (IJour O'clock Edition.) Los Angeles, Oal. Nov. 34, Mrs. Ida Hanaeek, a society woman, donates $10,000 to the fine arta association gal lery in the fine arts building. The don or will double the amount if necessary. LADIES' SUITS To see them is to enthuse over the. There's a dtetiactlan t them that appeals at ease to critical eyes Try them ea and the satisfaction itf increased. Then the price sure to suit as well as the garments, CHALLENGE SALE Reduced One-third IlIHMXlKBBMMIlMiraBIUlBl Try Our Fruit Tablets 3 OBANQB LEMON T.TMK Cinnamon Squares at AT Z' f itnis NEW COATS More new coats received yester day, including the wanted mannish mixtures, which aro so nonular. They all are included in thie great Challenge Sale H M M 8 ranfCISHISMESIRBUIMHHM DRESS GOODS Croat special bargain event In tb popular plaide. We aro showing a vory fashionable licht erav t,id,i Regular $1.86 values. Challenge Sale prise. 79c LADIES' NECKWEAR New deifgnB ia Fanav W..1, Stocks, embroidered in wanted col ors of unique designs. Newest styles shown. Challenge 8ale price XOc FATCCY WORK New ia the time t get year faay work ready for tho kaljdaje, We have a splendid aseertmant of all Jhe requisites far working out your own designs. Battenberg Patterns and Braids. -Point Laca Patterns and Braids, Cushion Topa 33n.bro!dered, Gusli ioned Top Patterns, Doiliea, Center Pieces, Lunch Cloths, Scarfs, Challenge Sale HAND BAGS Wo have just received a swell line of new hand bags ia tho newest styles, such as the Envelopa Bag ia Morocco leather .with etrap handlo outback in brown, black and green. 84nch Envelope Bag of walrus grain leather ir black, brown, green and navy, three inside compart meats, fitted yith mirror and pow der papers, Patent Leather Envelope Bag with purse and card case. Also a full lino of other styles, ia black, brown, green, wine, blue and tan MEN'S CLOTHING Winter clothing as demonstrated by our showing ef eorreetly tailored and perfect fitting ready to wear garments make buying easy. We are prepared to meet any clothing . requirement ta respond wh every style, durability and consistent price demand. During this sale we are making groat reduction out" of this section. Come in and let ua fit you out at Challenge Sale Prices KNIT LEGGINGS Ladies' and Misses' Jersey Knit Leggins, Black, buttoned up tho uu u great proteetion this feciry "VUD1' -..eguiar )0q Challenge Sale prices 65c qualities. GORDON HATS Tho -well-known Gordon brand of Hats for men, strictly thin season's ylo. Kegular $3.00 value. OhaJ. longe Sale prices $2.35 CLUETT COLLARS regular Soa quality Olaett Col Jars. Challenge wile prloe, a for 'I i I . vaaucnge Sale I 50c