Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 04, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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New Yerhv Nov. 4. The two do-(house dresses RBd far nralHg gowns,
partmaats whleh are most Interesting J Tke colors art usually light grays, del
to women at the present tims, the ees-: leate shades of brews and tke simple
amea aa the millinery, Rre fall ef trimmiags are peaeeek grCen, or ochre.
possibilities for the woman was aims, xaia eonraroy mm no wwramg ybi
to tires well on a 11 tailed Income, To
fergin with there are tome charming
examples of the graceful Umpire touts
that ever: woman of taete loves. Om
of green broadcloth woa very simple,
yef- extremal y smart. It had a wide
all round border if eat embroidery
Trltk a scalloped edge, and. the yoke
and canTs were piped with a darker
ihade of grevn. A relet eollar was
decorated with Freaeh knots la a
lighter shade of grace ami with me
dallions of lace, the edge belag de
Inhed with heavy twisted eord. The
puffed sleeve had a deep aariag
stUT within which were frills of shift
and laee.
Aaetber Empire eoat M of vary
dark olive green broadcloth. The up
per part wae heavily braided with silk
eesitaeb, and the velvet eollar la a
lighter shade of area was decorated
with PVeaeh kaots aad a green aad
while silk sard. Beautiful buttons of
dali tllvsr with a leaf deeiga la relief I
and a few tiny rblnettenon finished
this beautiful wrap. A smart little
waist soon In the same department
bad n b4rft jacket f Mack baby
frith laee ever pink ohllten. It opened
, nvor plentlng ef laee and ehlfloH, the
whole bleastag over a wide pink satin
fjfrtllA. Tib sleeves wore of elbow
length aad wore dumbed with pieatlas
of laee aad skiffs.
IdUle leather bbfUeef made la Ike
VMMi MHMI Wl 9 Pf 'H IHa, Vmi 4 IHi MXAJT
are taklag the plaee of sautmor ealrla,
both for metering aad drttrlng, aad for
wearing with tweed skirto la the open
try These are beautifully eeft, hav
lag the Kfaoaraaotf of sella, aad will
be mare worn thaa aaytkleg else this
A lovely gawa suitable far autumn
wear to of Aae Idaek doth, the leeg
with huge diamonds af btaek velvet
eaUtaed with wide black silk braid,
With It Is wara a short Wack velvet
belera, arranged with a strap effect ef
the same braid that figure aa the
shirt A taaek ef Hahtaos m Intro
dnoed by a eaUar aad eeffn aad under
vest af wklu aicee lalat with old rose
dletK embroidered with the Haott pal
prea aad whit braid. A daep Waek
waUtbaad UghUy faUod Nader the be
iera aad faftoaod with three largo
blaek battaao set la gaH Hm mn
pteta this eaotame.
Oaahatove M usee more oa vogao to
Tic New Fasnlon
Gofteelidated WIU
The Clab Stables
Madera Maaasemeat.
Firt elax Uvery aad Cab Una
Paaeral taraoau a specialty. Tally-hf
or ptealea aad exeerataa parties. Xew
F(14oa phoae U. Rtab phase 7.
Chs. W. Yannkc Prop.
at the
The Chinese
1M High Street, UhJ,
1rt-elM la all sppatatmeau.
plaee for ladles aad geatleaiea t
lit kinds af Chlaese dtihes aad the
we LI Ilang Ohaag Chop Baey, aad
' Yakaaaa.
WUEY BEN LOW & 00, FR0F3.1
Gold Dtist Flour
ER COMPANY, Sidney. Ore
gon. Made for family use. Ask
your grater for It Bras aad
shorts clwaya on hand,
P. B. Wallace
y:Mwt)aiaf ))
- - - " ll&Ka HA..1 Sim i tW A Mlt Mtt. WMV
Vfff linm RHH IB IQHQV vm BIIIOI Ktn
or ehestHHt, is also coming Into favor
for coats and is admirably salted for
aatomobtle wear. Jaekets art alto
made of thia, velvet-sllk-eordaroy of
drosses bare extremely high waists, so
that the skirls meaat oa ooraelet, so
high so to form a sort of blouse, or
Xevar beofre htm so mask attaatloa
beta paid to aadorwaar. It It ef gos
samer tbiaaoM, to esmbte the Areas It
self to Mteleee Ota aatllaes of the
form. It Is te oemply with the new
law ef faebtea that the "eemWaed
anderaarmoat" aae eeaie lato faver.
Thia bow Idea, Is praetleally a petti
seat aad half paajtaleoa; both por
tloaa belag emrojesd with light Mrn
ges awe. There are Moaaeoe to the
lower pertlea ef this somewhat A ma
aoallke drapery, bordered sometimes
oa each side with pleated law, aad
through the ope hemming of whirh
Is a ribbon Insertion. The favorite
materials are the Aeest ef white ba
tiste or eambrie. It Is a sort of di
vided aadersklrt, aad la attached t a
belt ef the thinnest kidskia that torn
presses the waist ander the eorset. and
makes that artMe more pliable. Never
lefora havo iHeh vast earns of money
been lavished apon anderwear, the gos
samer aothlngaoss ef whlsh it abeo
latoly aeoessary to laare the beauty
llaes whleh Is the pttlar and found
tioa atoae of the moderaited IXre
plre gowa now la favor.
In the ordinary llaes of mllllotry
there le no end ef beaatifal tblaga.
Oao smart little ehapeaa with a rolled
brim, fneei with gold, was trimmed
with only a koe soarf, whleh ended
la streamers at the baek, aad a fleeter
of rosea. Aa all over laee hat bad a
stiver rim with a willow feather partly
at the sMe aad oa top a greea and a
ptak rose, both silvered.
A large black velvet hat had laser
tioa oa the brHa, white embroidered
ebtflon rosea aeeeatwaied with lines ef
Week. There waa nothing oa the top
bat a bit ef btaek velvet tM around
the erewa, bat anderaoath at the bark
wore two white ptamoa aad a mass of
HwHae. A MtUe eotoalal shape ef
dark Who velvet bad aa embroiJird
gold brim aad was Aawhsd off la front
with -a baekle aad two aavy blue
idawios, eae goteg apward te the slIe
aad the ether down, toward the baek
A light bkee Ml tnrbaa had aa tw
brotdorod faelag ef blae aad was Aa
letted aader the brim with ptak roses
aad light blae wiaajH, The top was a
trapeieg ef ribboa, taaght here aad
there with little baeUaa, aa odd bat
etfeettve ttiasaUag.
mall plalda aad saeoka ia two loar
eaToets of daM colors are a good dal
sooa saw eg the ealtlafja. Among the
imported eoeiamee, saeh materials an
made ap iato some of tea most siua
alag models, beiao; leached up with
fft or bright roloeod waiatrnats.
eoilars or caffs, or the Uks.
Pars do at prvsnat aa dbjsoarsgiag
aa item of the wariiruae as has beea
tho enjo of eaeae isaasas, for irso
tieaily every klad aad ever.v llr of
far aarmeat, tie aad aoshpiere will U
Worn. Xeehpieesa, roasisling of ihr
ealiro aatmal,. iarluiag hrl as. I
taUs, are'aaeo more extremely iliafc;
yet, at lae same time. Hat stulo .!
reaad, aairtaamed boas have loot suae
of their popaUrtty. Kvoa the jues
tioa af sleovee Is not aa arbiirary
oao, far a-aart farrier hi awkiag
seats with Mf atgot stoovoo, moder
ately ttgesti aHsevf attiaja aad blous
ouate with Howler aleovas. 1
H are osediagty Urge thu sea
soa, a fat dao probably to the ire
eat ftmhioa af wahjeg outi.lr gar
meats with abort sleeves. Th-re are
some big, reaad maaTa, especially iu
fox, bat ia tho short skias the square
shape to tho beet style. Some o( th
bag moJhi are MM to be ores, but
they abM are vwy large. MuaTs are
much fleeerated wdtb beads aad tails
but la) aad artiflatal dowers arc aot
aow uted la thia seajisettea.
Alpaca will faaaJoa several uf the
dresses whieh tho Priaooas of Wal- u
haviag bailt for her Iadiaa trip, aad
alpaea will aadeabtedly aajey a lu
To finish house dresses and their ilk
there are innumerable tiny buttons,
florae exquisitely eaamelled or jewelled
and some'single imitative jewels with
out rims, of the old Bail-bond sort.
These dome Is clear sryslal, jet and all
"How simply eharralng,' ft what
most women exelalm when Ihey see
the bow gilt belts that ar geiag t be
warn thie wiker te ealtvea the dark
Meases aad skirts. Belts la geld braid
were worn through the gammer. A
bow style is ballt of gold Males over
lapping like eh sealos. It Is very
smart aad beeomlag to a slender figure
Dalgftrlaa embroideries, embroidered
batietes, Madeira work aad Oarrick
across laee are seen en some ef ,the fin
est of the aew bl eases. Indeed they
may eae aad ail be eomwaod la eae
waist, so lavish Is modern last.
Aatoag the colors to be wera U!i
smoke gray make the most soajipleaoas
showiaajs, alfhoagh there are hosts of
rose shades, yellow reds, greees, btaes
Tho newost shade of red Is known as 'pompadour taffeta, embroidered taffo
v..i. !, bn!n(r s near alta. Messallno dneheste. printed moire,
.V..u, -,- . a - . .
flame eler as wool and silk Will yield
itself. Bronzo Is the most fashionable
shade of green, and olive and reseda
arc not far behind It. The Dalft and
Allse blues -re the only ones te play
a prominent part la the eOlor sehetne
of the season.
The long seat la one shape er anoth
er, at its smartest at Umpire extrac
tion, Is the model of models la the
wrap department.
A broad taraerer collar, te fall over
the sheatdors af a light evening wrap
is slashed and bordered with Baglteh
eat work. The embroidery Is made ia
small se.nree, wbtea are then appil
oaed oa to the linen.
The wemna whe has bands of far
trimming stored away In her treasare
cheat Is bringing them oat to freshen
aa evening drees. Tfrtx and rieh laee
form aa excellent combination ea a
light silk.
Tho avowing silks aew this all nrs
brocade Mewallns, orabreldored satin
brocade and faille nltero.
Tho prise of a pretty fnco le $1.00
three pnabagos dfllolllstor's Rooky
Mountain Too. Brings red lips, bright
ayoa and lovely color. 36 eents, Tea
or Tablets. Dr. Stone '8 Prog Store.
For Infante and Children.
Uio Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Blijnaturo of
aad even browns which, though aot i exceatleaally lovely. There are new
written down to be among the leaders, fabrics as well aa aew patterns aad
rertaintr not in the background, "linden. Among the most beantiful arc
When you visit Portland, Ore., be
sure aad stop at The New Lango Ho
tel, aext door to the Imperial. Bates
50c. 76c and $1.00 per day. Electric
lights, call bells, elevator, steam heat,
free bath and free bus. All outsido
rooms with running water.
B. B. Bynn & Co. and Cr., 5,
Spraguo & Co. have consolidate 1 t),s
uusineeo as rem csiaio ueniers, nsj ft
business will bo conducted at the
Georg'o D. Spraguo stand, :.0,
State stroot, opposlto tho Court Hon
uiiuio no u uo iiuawju to tnfrt )jL
our oiu cHBionwtB, niso new onrg r I
you havo property to sell, rcrt or tp
ohangoj or want le buy, rent cr hy
proportj'. Or if you want a low M
real estate, er havo money to loan m
good first mortgage realty we can pk,
It for yon oa short seUce. We Dm
eaa give yea the best of fire lif iti
accident Insurance at lowest rates. Nv
tary work of all kinds don.
R. R. Ryan & Co,
ejaasaaaoaaaaaaaarasasaaasaaaaaaaaaaaasm stamBsaaaaaaaBaajaasBeBaaMaasaaBBsaMm 1. .. . m '". ' ' laaaiBjaj
More Light at
Less Cost
This is the secret of the latge consumption of
gas in Salem. A Dollar saved is a dollar
earned In no way can a dollar fee eatned so
easily as Iby ; d
Butnmg Gas
Perfect Light
C&tpet iSale
I will eleca out my Use of Carpets
at COST, See a befjere buying.
. New aad seeoBd'haad
Qoeda beaght r-ad sold.
170 Seath Cemmerelal "St,
aitiact vogao, both ia Bogtaad aad this
I country. Barely nothing eoula he
SNurter thaa a tailor made white al
paea, with a wahatruat of white' benga
Use, embroidered with aald aad white
braid, whleh is oao of the Priacees'
mow go wae,
A big jo welled bettea ea the top at
a dainty uveala shoe ia quite be
witching. It is a ftare of the faacy
battoa' whfah "ialehos tailonaadoa,
eoita, ete t have -rim and oeater ia
marked eeatraet. Amber, jade aad
other stoaea are iatxedaeed late theaL
Investigate tfiis matte and profit by tHe . ex
perience of otlietSe Phone your order and
we will install gas fixtures in yotir home.
$2.00 pet 1 000 feet
Qj A. WELCH, Manage.
m ssss-S'S'Sessssse
utRddUH. 1
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