Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 28, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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one But Not
The money you might have saved, hut
didn't. Open a bank account, save
yout money and become independent.
The ideal limit of banking will not be
reached until cveiy person who has an
income keeps a bank account. There
ate hundreds of persons in this vicinity
who do not keep a bank account, but
should do so. We ate always ready at
their service.
alem State Bank
L. K. PAGE, President
E. W. HAZARD, Cashier
Ti " London Time, nuking of the
(wt new Cnnadlnit provinces, prdfifl
ti.ij.'litj future for them in the fol
lmii k language! "Their creation I a
riurp of the progress of Canada, and
Mon1 imrliculurly of the progress of the
gfoifc Northwest, Tm year, mho It wm
ti:! crying for settler. II enormous
KhAt field, wkick are doetlued to ox
tri iiirh r powerful influence on Mm
4 rlApmnt of tke eueplre and the
tr of Uio world, remained m yet
fn-tlally ttuexplollod. A grvat fu
turo obviously lay before them, but It
-ml to bo Indefinitely postponed.
V'W thank U HO HMMlt dUftTCC to the
t , rows Immigration policy adopted by
r W, Laurier. government, the "
I t of tke Northwest an nndr0
a fcrrnt ehange. Settler have boon on
t ung tbo unoccupied muds at the rate
of 100,000 a your. A lorge fraction of
t: -in have l American from over tko
Vrder nt no'er-do-weel, with empty
r kf. but ttpkal forworn of tko
Northwestern slate, who bad a'ready
Pehhyptol, PILLS
m mi iiiwimrn twiwi.inu
J..H V-AU.
fo v$
KMU tUi fr
ii.tt. luouui
' ' - .r . ' rj .
M.Mxt us rllll.
done well in the Union, ami wero at
tracted by tk prospect of still better
laud ncrorn tko frontier. Bveu tkoee
who ore moot jealous for Ike peopllat;
of British Wrrltory by Ikitlsk aottlon
ennnot rofnoe to oee In tkis Amerioon
InrMiton n rineere tomftiment to Ae
rlekneiM of Cmwdbtn toU. Ii kiw now
.Imhim to Hv im oome forUiote of IU
nbMndjinoo. ImM. year It irodnooil
jiu,vw,uvu iwwwein or eertwi or an
kindw, n4 tkh toot, when tko knrroot
proopooto are oxeoUont, tko wkoat erop
nlono l oxpootod to ronok oiooe on 100
000,000 btwkekt."
Loom Ooontjr.
Uio of Okio, CUty of ToMo,
Prank J. Okono Makoe oatk Uwl bo
aonlor partner of tko irm of P. J.
Okenejr k Cfe, doln)r bntinoH In tko
llj of Toledo oonat and lUto afore
Mid, and tkat told ftrm will pay tke
for oaok and every oaee of oaUrrk tkat
eannot be eared by tke of Hall 'a
tworn to before we and RbMrlbed
In my preeonee tkti tk day of Deeom
ber, A. D. ISM.
(oal) A. W. QLBAtON,
KoUry Publle.
Hall 'a OaUrrk Core la Uken later
natly, and aeti dlreetly on the bleed
and momm nirfaeea of tke eyitew.
Send for tettimenUW free.
r. J. OII1INRV, Toledo, O.
Sold by all drugRUU, 7S.
Take Halt' Family PllU for eon-itlpatlon.
uu ;
TMa pbm wm h wnrttw tk ekatew mmI inotbodo of tko
MM w d(r.ootd Ue Prowk RAitf, bao bew mto Uto peoity
well.flUUg op for tko AmU mmm m. tf-JM- iw H oo tko
oreed f tbe AjnorUaa "OopUU of Inooory.'
Here, oog onrelf, ww m. a MWo U
tlonwko be trn a dU or mm! w tafc a bw "
one tkrwgb .port of -torprtoe. mobtaf 'rk' tf ida
vanUb U "Jig tW ttw -V W fl"
of owpaor aorttUg, W wafoO!- mnIt "
Ua nerve iritk btol" - Uta t. tew H kfc kU
"spurt" look hbw.
Bat tboy roallM tbat 'AdMly.' 7 P pwy-,,,t
be tkeir okUf rdtaMtf tbat tM. J ' " " ""
out of tke deep xU-t mk. tk. WW ere H-irfUWbliwr
peasea a matter of eoorw-blrfor et poita po-dbU.
Whoa he fiwt trie, to dr.ro fobWty A-4ootty to- tko
merebamt ban bia ioglWg. . "w.y. H - vWo of beU
piekod uP by tbe 8kriff, and of being MBt U tke "Pwllfb noepJUL"
And oaee ! a Umi tl- tM. W'-Vt -t ftw ta
The aerohant who k tako. the nteM- tkhfl. wUh
require nerve and ege wtU ro-aU a M aWKoko,"
the keeper of a 8all .tore-aw tkee. tin Wili " Vlte tJ "
you must admlt-untll he aeqolre. enwfk anoteolty to dtowbe him to
"break leoae" and start the leadors.
Use the Journal'. Adverting oolus for "Audacit" and you will
get results, Mr. Storekeeper.
Island Planters Quit Spreck-
les and Will Operate
The relation, hitherto oxbtlne; be
tween the Western Svgar lUflnry,
eontroUod by tko SproeMo. loioroU,
and the ragar pUnters of tbellnwnlUM
inland, kare been roptnred. The plant
er, have required a controlling inter
In the retlnery at Croekott, CnL, wklok
for aomo year, haa been eloaed nndor
payment by the trnot of a big Indem
nity, and are mnttag preparation to
operate the plant In competition with
the Western Sognr Re4nory. Tkoy will
refine there ongor which, If the old con
tract and boo renewed, would hare boon
told to the Spooekles concent, Tbla
product amount, to about 180,000 tone
for the toaaon. To keep it. plant go4a&
the Weoteni Snfnr Refinery will now
be compelled to buy raw mgnr In Jnvn
and elsewhere
For eomo month negotlntlonii bnvc
boon In progroM between tko Sprecklos
interoat nnd tke uland grower. look
lag to a renewal of tko agreement. The
rock on wklek tkeec negotinAono have
split In tke do ne lion made on tke price
of Mgnr landed in San PrnnelMO, a.
compared wltk tke selling priee In Kew
York Under tktt old contract, wbleh
expired on September lot, tke Western
Sugar Refinery paid tke planter, a priee
tkreo-eightka of a cent per pound loo.
tun what la known a the "werbFa
bowM In Xew York. Tke planter. ad
mil fciurl aaMM dodMotiaM akowbl bo
nmd, but maintain tkat tkree-eigfctk
of a cent per pound la too muck. Over
nnd ofr again during tko negotiation
tkoy knvo amort sd tkelr willingness
to sign nn agreement Involving a. re
duction of one-eighth of a cent. To
tkla tko Werner Sugar Refinery woubl
not Mnena, although It offered some con
comion from tko old rate. It m bo
Uevod that the trust, a the Wosetrn
Sugnr Refinery is gonornlly known,
would kare signed up on the bams of
one-fourth of n cent reduction, but
tkis wna not snUsfnctory to tke pwut
or., wko bare recently manifested .more
!udpeu4euc tkan for soW year. pnst.
Tko sHompt to ronok nn agreement boo
now practically boon abandoned.
The planter have ronowod their old
contract wltk tko American tract, unbr
wkitk somotklng like 800,000 tons f
raw sugar la skipped to Xew York. A
clause In tko contract prohibit tbem
from skipping Mast that portion of the
erop which ha ' hereto om boon deliv
ered to tko Western Sugar Refinery,
amounting U 140,000 tons, nnd, falling
In tko renewal of tko arrangement wltk
tko Sprockobt concern, tkelr only re
course wm to refine that portion of tke
yield tkemcoives either korc or in the
lataudu. lrominont pUatcra already
hold a soueldorable number of shares
In. tko Orockeet rafinery, nnd purchases
made since the oomm.n.em.nt of tbi.
year have enabled them to acquire a
controlling interest In it It wtkls fast
which haa made tko growers so Inde
pendent of tko Western refinery.
The Croekott refinery cannot be
cpened by Mm pinniow before Xareh
1. lfiOt it being tied up by the o,ipo-
alfclou until that date. Per tko past
Uiroo years tko Wester Sugar Re
finery bna boon paying 000,000 a year
to tko OniifornU and Hawaiian Sugar
Refinery Company to keep tko Crockett
plant ahyt down, and the contract cov
ering this arrangement la la force uatll
next March, It w presumed tbat the
punters wlU operate the plant the old
name 'of the California and Uawsatsa
Sugar Refining Company. The growers
nrc now making arrangement. U open
the refinery n. soon after Karrh 1st
no psasihlt Of course, there i. still
the possibility of the dbHeuIti be
tween the Sprecklos aad the growers
being i.i'm mr-t. but U the present tem
per of both parties aoch nn outcome
U extremely improbable. Those who
know say it will cost the Western 8u
gar Refinery millions to fight the lade-
"Fr.r the utilisation of peat on a
commercial seals some more effloiont
way of harvesting it tbnn the uocaI
method of digging It by band from the
bog I. emctitlal. The mean adopted
will deprmi to a groat extent on the
aomparatire dryness aad solidity of
the bog. In some ease, much of the
water eaa be drained away previously
U attempting to remove the peat. lint
If that i. impossible owing to vhe for
mation of the land a dredger, similar
ip thoso need for harbor work, Is float
ed on tbrsurfaes nnd delivers peat, in
the form of mud, to bargee la attend
ance. An nerlnl ropeway forme a con
venient system of transport from the
barge, to terra firms. In the sasos of
fairly dry bogs the surface U cleared
f growing moos, stomps of trees, etc.,
which will serve as fuel for the drying
plant. In some of the Canadian bog.
portable tramways are mid on the top
of the bog to convoy the pent to the
work. The surface of the bog ! then
harrowed, nnd when- the loosened peat
has become fairly dry, by the notion
of wind nnd su it Is raked together,
loaded Into trucks and hauled to the
brlquettlng works. At other bogs me
ehnnlral dredger, running en board
wheel, are employed. An cndla obnin
fitted with alternate knives and scrap
ing plate, work along the face of a
trench nbout four feet deep. Tbo peat
elieed off is raised to the top of the nta
cklne and deposited en to a conveyor,
wbleh deliver. It tnle a casing eonUln
lug a rapidly revolving Middle wheel.
The bhtdus of tke latter drive the peat
out In. a continuous shower, whisk fnll.
on tke ground 10 or 16 yard. awAy.
Tko layer thus formed Is about half an
lack tklols, and soon become, fairly
dry, wken It Is raked and Uken to
tke work,"
It Is thus scon tknt by tko applloatlon
of engineering metkod to tke utilisa
tion of pent fuel (be groat dopooiU ex
isting la Ireland nnd elcewkere may be
made available for manufacturing pur
poses, and it U not lmpoalble tbahj In
tke event of a failing coal eupply, other
natnmi resource wilt bo called upon,
tke peat bog of Ireland may come ti
tke reccuo, In part, at least, of tke de
pleted coal measure, of Ragianel ami
Wales. Knginooring.
The Geat 'Dtess Goods
Sale Now On
M. E. Fraser Stock now at Rosteln & Greerifcatim's.
Wc purchased all the dress goods at half price. Lis
ten! We will sell:
Velvetta 75c grade, In colors . 30c yd
Fraser's heavy blacfc, all wool 46 Ijich salts
$.25 goods for 65c yd
Fraser's 35c saltings for 20c yd
Fraser's $ J. 00 a yard black dress goods for 60c yd
Fraser's $i a yd colored dress goods for 50c yd
Ladles' raincoats, this season's redaced to $5,00
Fraser's 52 Inch all wool flannels for 45c yd
Fraser's 75c blacfc dress goods for J 5c yd
$ ,35 a yard cravanettc for 90c yd
25c figured suitings for 1 7c yd
52 Inch all wool broadcloth for $ i ,00
Ladles' coats, this season's, values up to $9
reduced to $5,00
Mercerized chambrays, Fraser's 25c to
35c for J 5c' yd
Figured sllfc neck ribbons up to- 5 Inch -
wldth lor 0c yd
Pretty collars values up to 25c for J 5c each
Heavy fleeced suitings, i 5c grade, for f 0c yd
Woak, NorvouB Teoplo.
We kavo received letter, from, nil
pert, of the U. 8. highly recommend-
lug Dr. Qunn'a Rleed and Nerve Teolc,
until tko faltk we had in tko remedy
ka. been fully toiUlned. Wo had con
fidence from tbo very beginning that
tkl. medicine kould mako cures, but
kicked that amuraaco tbat cemea after
many MccoMfnl trial.. New tbat wo
have been upheld In cur belief wo want
to Impart to etker. our ccnfidoaie.
Nervous, and umteady people, weak,
fickle, people, plmpl P' er M'
lew people are all victim, of weak,
watery blood. Make new, risk bleed,
U be forced through the .ystem by
the way of the arterle, and dbveaie
cannot remain. Thl. tonic cure, dl.
oaee by giving you strength to roust
IU All drugfbH. mU H for Tie per
box, or S boxes for R Tbo tablet,
are to be Uken after sack meal. They
trn the food you oat InU rich, red
blood. Person, who take thl. Tonic
gala In good, Mild flesh from 1 to 3
pound, per week.
,. o -
Dttti will be received by tbo under
sign up U November 4, IWi, at 7tt0
p. ml, and opened at said time, for the
construction of a ecpiU Uk at the
Park School. SpeeifioatloM may be
seen at our omoea. A. O. CONDIT,
Okalrasa XHstriet School Hoard, Die-
trlot No. Si.
J. O. Ooodalo, Jr., Clerk. 10 ftotd
98 and 300 Commercial St.
You will be agreeably surprised to find out how muck belter your bis
cuits, pic, cakes and other fancy baking will bo If you wee
Eppley's Perfection
Baking Powder
The Imking 'Powder tbat I. abielHtel;
pure, put up In glass Jar, and never
ThA MMMBssts are or a tbree-eornered
fight U this market after iUreh. The
Honolulu Plantations company kas for
tko hut year been making washed gran
ulated engar, whisk has been a com
.,.1. ij wink tfca refined article
of tko 8prkloo compaay, and the for-
i -.. At Its.
mor sorperation now . ..
pUatiathe ieUnda. The partioetothe
proapicilve triajujuear duel will there
fore be the Western Sugar Sefiaery,
the Honolulu plaaUtioas aad the inde
psswent growers operating the Crockett
plant. When the eoateet begin, very
w prUes for sugar may be looked for.
Good reading ekeepwread Tk Jw?.
.,,. 1.1. mUv sd of "Anetkr HJ2
a8"' . . 'l
15c lb
Better got seme of thisj U ia the
best in the BMrket;
A. L Harvey
The Popular Oroeor.
Cor. Court and High Sts,
Phone 216,
Are you tired of paying
Bltmde Taxes?
Many a business man pays a. much
money for the luxury of blundering a.
a steam yacht or a privaU touring oar
would OMt.
"Wonder Taxac" cannot bo evaded
whaUver also walU, these muet be
paid. If a bueineia man got. laU the
habit of making tbo wme blunder,
mora tkan once, the (axe. will aeon
amount to confiscation.
"Wonder Tazo4" arc levied with
ajuaeJug freajuonoy uponpUro advert
or.. Among the Uundor. wklok are as
sessed at "full value" is advertising
are tkoset
8 election of poor medium.)
Using too little space in good medi
um, j
Devoting lew atUW to prsparUg
the daily .tore advertisement tkan
to tke storing of .ems empty boxes
In the basement
topping the ad altotfetker for mm or
more day. now and than)
Figuring the advertising appropriation
on the basis of what you can "af
ford" after all other expenses are
provided for;
The wee of "program.," scheme, elr
cuUrs, pester., feaoe-slgn., placards
and jiM-oraok., under the impression
that you are securing real publicity,
and that semewbore, .emebew, some
time someone will bo inlluenoad
by1 seme of those things to
come to your store and buy some
thing. YOUtt "BLUNDBE TAX" BHili
Continuous Publicity In
The Journal
Will prevent paying "Blun
der Taxes"
t nrr7rv".i-Tja9&
L MmcMjmmamaaMMB,paMSMsnnnmnmnm "'' " 1M" ""nr-eim i isuii minimi i...