AXE'' CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, SATTODAY, OCTOBER 28, 1005. 1 f 4eHHI9IltIHI!SBHKeMKaatMSMSHaaX e . - -i -v tr irkim MlabUUKi'a GREATEST INVENTION l4 M H M revolutionise the method of oaring far earH roads." (Signed) S The Split-Log Road-Drag Has Revolutionized Road Building in "Show Me" and Will in Webfoot 0 w 4StlM8eiM9ItlMHSltieMtlKtleH9I0gaHtHeBMl? Tho split-log road-drag that is mak ing Missouri' famous, has torn to Or egon, and threatens to revolutionise tic whole system of dirt rend building In this slato. Costing no more than A good jaek knifo, and so simple that bo of iSt years eon operate It, it yet work eueh marvels that one must see to believe, Missouri is tho mother of this ter vekusly simple invention, nnd D. Ward tho Inventor. la this state County Julge Beott, of this eity, has taken it up, and ha beeeme fully as enthusi astir ovor its prospects as the most op timistic of its admirers iu the "shew mo" ftntd. Tho id wi of tho promoters ef the rev dragging theory is, te Induce eaeh farmer to drag tho read in front of his place. Though the theory first origin ated in Missouri, it has rapidly spread all ovor tho whole country, ami tho motto everywhere is, "Prom, your own fr-nt gate to your neighbor's front gato toward town." The greatest difficulty that Is to bo encountered is to overcome the ekepti (im of tl'o farmer ami convince him that the drag will do what U claimed for it. IU very simplicity k llr- lie grf alest foe. Mrery one who has tried it in thla vicinity ie loud In IU praises. 3hn Jefferson, on the Bilverton read, Harris, Jn district No. II, and Jeha Hunt, on a aide road near Mosodnln, have all experimented with the drag, ac-l have become euUmotaota. Tho Missouri state beard ef agicni turo has issued a bulletin in whleh Mr. King dMrlb the drag, Its results, and give nemo rales for it m and construction, Judge ieett has tent a tea months and in passable condition for the remainder of the year at an expense of not to exceed H to $J per mile." HON. DAVID DEARMOND, MEM BER OF CONGRESS 6T1I MO. DIS TRIOT ENDORSES TID3 DRAG. "Onee last summer In going out In to the eonnlry a few miles from my home my attention was arretted br n sample bit ef dragged work, A heavy HBNKY HARLOW, Mayor. J A Great Probloav-Tho depath of tfajf mud road problem I have appreclat' 'V' road with n drag for tho Inst nino years. Tha resulto that fellow persistent dragging of the tetdn after eSeh wet spell eannot bo pictured with whte. I met Hon. & II. leather, vIe-nrosl- for many years, but a renliwUion hi dent ef the State Jionrd -at Auricul hire, of Tarkfo, recently in St. Joseph and as we shook hands ho ealfit "I did not takfc mueh stoek in your drag ging idea at first, but I'll tqll yoil, you ean not talk leng onotigh or hard enough to a man te snake him bellev'o what It will do. Tha enly way for him to comprehend It in to buUd n drag am) use it." WORST ROADS BECOME BEST. When talking wit read men in the Its other proportion!, oame to mo onlj within the year. When I heafd Ohlr confess the fifty per cent of her pub He highways are still of soil; when Maeaaohftsetts editors, almost in slgh of the Hub of tho universe asked) to feproduee my speeches; when tho most prominent good road advoeate In Iowa speaking from a rostrum I had just left, announced that Iowaps would have reached the height of their ambU Uon if they could secure a stone sur yiver bottom; they Invariably bewail face on fifteen per cent of their road-, ways; then did I begin to comprehend1 the immensity andi endlessness of thft straggle between civilisation and an Imperfect system of earth road man ngement. Do we recognise it as a fact that many veneration te came will (ho lack of drainage, white the" clay hill folks envy tho rivfr men because they have no washes. Both classes are quick te sayi "If we lived on tho black toll ef the prairie we would have seme faith In dragging, but here" and werdN full then. Now be confronted with this problem! It tho truth of tha matter la that either has been handed down te us from the rain bad fallen recently, and much of "- Aad until this "Missouri the way the road wa bad, bat at one Mm 9f rd dragging was devat pel at, for a distance ef half a mile the read wna as good as a dirt road ean be. The reason was evident. This stretch of road hadi experienced the magle In flueneo of the drag. One eenld deter mine almnst te an Inch whore the man with the drag began and where he tpait. In front ef hia premises the read was excellent, while upon either side, with the natural conditions the same, the read wa bad." (Signed) DAVID DB AKMOXD. TID3 MAYOR Or ONAWA, IOWA, SAYS THE DRAO WILL RBVOLU XI0NI7.B Tim METHOD 01 OAK XNO TOR EARTH ROADS. "It given me plcnenre to afmnljr with year request for a statement ef the wwk ef the King drag. Abent a month ago I received word that tite Xerthweetefn Hallway would bring I). Ward King to our city. I had heard Mr. King nt it. Lenin aad when I re eelved the railroad potter, I Immediate ly madu a drag, bnlldlng It precisely as directed. I finished It before noon, and pnt It io work at one e'eleck en n Ingle Mock ef .onr main street. The soli is gumbo and the street was al oped, the only answer was "aurfasa lay or gttmbe will make a mere sub stantial read than the soft prairie wdl. The self-samo oharnotorlstlefl tlmt kmIm1! alo.v ar crumtwi an linnl ia the read with stone or gravel." Tkaljgefinte good order, after It onco gols inw a newer has been inndequate is exceedingly bad will epcrnto to keep c py of tbbi iHilletln to each road sn meet impascabla, the mud being hub ptrvisor in the oeunty, with the re ,) R me place. Wo put tha drag qtirst that they ooaitruct drag ami Miovr tho iMtnietlea eJaeely, Hn han also dUtrllHJte.1 sixty of tho 1ml lttins among the farmers In different parts of tho county, with the request' that thex give It some attention. Tho following fl,uotUon are ftin this bulletin! "Tho great problem in Missouri for many years to oome will bo tho maintenance of dirt road. It has boon oenolunivoly domonotrated In n number of counties In this state that tVo dirt roads can bo maintained In first elaso condition for some eight to right en to mud and kept It going. At five o'clock, just four hours after be ginning te use the drag, wagons load ed with forty hundred. (4000) ef baled hay were being drawn over the block and wore making scarcely a poroepU Ida rut. Dut when they went ovor the eroedng the wheels again sunk nearly to tho hubs in mud. I had a good deal of faith in tho drag from what I had hoard and road, but I wna not pre pared for ouch an Mtonloklag change aa was made. Our people are all thor J oughly convinced that the drag will I " ' -Jc . Tbo. Split Log Drag. proven by Ohio. Hero we see a wealthy state, ono hundred yearn old, wlUi unlimited quantities 'of reck anil gravel and yot with only fifty per cent of her reado maondamUed. It is prev on inadequato by tho tager manner In which tho homo of tho Plymouth IV thern nNd other Atlnntle state arc seeking on inexpensive way to remedy their lmpalblo muddy highways. That road dragging eolVes tho prob lem la net dttaled by any who have given it a careful tost. The statement mndo by the advo cates of read dragging aro not bated on visionary theories but en actual re sult obtained by actual work. The writer baa oared for half a mile of 1 CO-OPERATION A MONEY SAVER EVERY INTELLIGENT TAItMBR NEEDS HIS OWN LOOAL NEWSPAPER AND A OOOD AGRICULTURAL TAMILY PUBLL SSZfS ToAN'T RUN ins HOME OR FARM SUCCESSFULLY WTTIIOUT BITID3R Or THEM, T COMBmATION OP THE TWO, AT A COST NOT TAR TROM Tim REGULAR PBIOB OF ONE, IS CO-OPERATION .WIHOH SrTHEARMBR MONEY, AND OIVBS HIM TWO JPAPERa xtm NEW YORK TRIBUNB FARMER ONE YEAR, AND Tim S5 OAPITAL JOURNAL ONE YEAR, OR THE DAILY SSl journal three months, filled with all SSwBmT, AND ALL UP-TO-DATE IDEAS IN MnnEMT AND SUCOBSSFUI. FABMINO. OAKTAL JOOEKAI. TOM TOT MLI, FOB LOOAI, NEWS. s ? ZST.3SS5 SSriTI SSSaS&SK iima YOO A FBEE SAMPtB OOPr. I a maximum of value at a minimum: of cost, untirino Attention to detail, extreme WATCHFULNESS IN EVERY TAltT OF CONSTRUCTION, UNFLINOIL Xno STEADINESS OF PURPOSE MARKS Tim DISTINCTION OF OUR OLOTinNO rRO MTHAT OF OTHER STORES. TOP COATS RAIN COATS MEN'S SUITS $15 to $30 INVESTIGATE s iv I The Toggery I STEELHAMMER & YANTIS It from getting Into )md order after it Is onee put Into exceedingly good or dor. It stays good just as tenaciously under good ntgthddn an It stays lwd nndcr bad methods, Ily the way, a clay hill, a little over a half mllo south of my houso In tho best pleco of read of wblek I know, taking Into account tho short time it has been dragged. Defero it was dragged, It was noted far and near as a tough preposition. At present It Is good, oven In bad weather. Fuddltag-MarvebMM Is the only word that in any measure .describe the result secured by continuous drug Ring. 8o wonderful was tho bardnecs of (be road and tho persistent manner In wWek it teemed to defy bed wonth or that I for years searched for acme adequate explanation. At mot I have enncUdod that the greatest factor Is tho manipulation of tho puddled earth while It Is motet. Net only Is earth in this condition water proof, but it baken hard an a brick. It mny also be wll te observe tho aetlcn of the split log drag In thla eounoetion. Now a gmdar or oven n single plank temper tboi) with Iron or even the front slab cf the bif when It is abed w4U knve a OHLing action with a ItMUtMoy to leave I tfco svall at tho enffAoe cf the road rMjhcwod and aUgfccljr lifted op. TWk ccDdltton in not fnvcmUe for shod dteg skin. Ht tho cfdltdcg dreg (vvltk only cno front etal shod), lonvoe the. turfnco In a, vnciry dlKotont oon d4tiH bocantc the hind rdab, not being snod, bascules polUfced and at it i dnwn ovw. the inolot soil smooth anil smotua and pack. Tula is better MUnUUfciAiil ucV cwuiiLil lUMeaULfi vliAn t niA WWCSH WW vFj cojcc iiVJjpvwoi ti frwH s jcof wtfd "cement" ic need inotead of puddlejiL Nucncfoco practfeal road drnggore have oxprett.od to me their appreciation cf this cementing effect, anl awerta that to MtU effect, in torn henatinn with tho grade soenrod and tbo smooth nroc, In due those mar vHs Kceulte. Tke meet difltuK part of road drag Hisg U getting at it. All tbo rest is so staple that en looms it U the doing. The firat notfceoblo effect la the tajftching of the road surface and bis in tsuw ullcwo tho rain nod saow water to flow off, and onoocMges the dittri bntjea cf travel over tbo road from old to-atda. HOW TO USE THE DRAO. Don't drive too fast. Bsu't walk got on the drag and ride,-. IJgaU wait for yocr neighbors to take held: thoy may be waiting for you. iDojvit wait for the big grader to come and shape up year road. All you can do first will help to make the work; of the grader permanent. Dea't bo. particular about material. With as ax and a two-inch augur al most any kind of a log can be made in to A drag. Tha one I used for several years Is a box elder. Don't try to drag with one piece; use two. Ono will scoop out tho hob lows in tho road and deepen them. Whon two aro nsod tho ono keeps tho other up; nnd in a month or so tho hollows will havo filled and boeome level nnd bard Hko tho Imknco ef tho rond, ROAD DRAOOINa OATEOinSM. Would It. ttot bo bettor to plow the road bofora dragging? No. Plowing given n soft foundo tlcn. Plowing the middle cf the rend Is a relic ef the old dump scraper flays. MWhat do you do where tbero oral deep ruta in tho rood? Drag them. If you drag when the ytfrfneo Is quite loose nmj soft yn V0 be surprised new scon they wMI dm up Jtvlre . .How do you get the dirt to tho mid dlo of Jiio road7 lly hauling the drag slantwise with the end) that m toward the center of tho reed a Utile te the rear ef the etb But suppose tho road Is too narrow? First drag tho whcol tracks. After three or four rnlru or wet spells, plow a shallow furrow outside tho dragged part. Spread this over the read with the drag. Only plow ono furrow. You may plow another furrow nfler the next rain. At each plowing, you widen tho road bed two feet. How many berooa do you use? Two generally. Three if It Is as handy. Peer when breaking colta. A good Mdid team In tbo center and a celt on each side Two men oh the drag, one to drive, tho other to eon trel the colts. How do you drain the road? If tho earth la pushed to the mlddU of the road continually tbo read wilt drain Itaclf. Why net wako tho drag out cf plank? You can, and da good work. Mr. Ctmrles Hill ef Mexico, Me (quoted elsewhere) usee ono made ef three bard wood two by fours. Hut tho split log Is best. Tho plank drag U not no stiff nnd quivcro and flouneo. Why not mako tho drag of hoavy sawed timber, nay OxB or 8x10? llccnuso they have a tendency to dip ever tho humps. The log la better than the plank beeauso H Is more rigid and better than heavy timbers beeauso Jto thin, tapering edge scrap mora surely. Don't yen grado tip tbo road first? No. The grading Is done with tho drag, gradunikyv Ily so doing, the read U seild all the time and Is built en a solid enndntloM. At what angle do yen haul tbo drag? A We answer la 4t degrees, or is eemmsn parlanec, exactly quartering, llut bear In mind thnt the proper angle ef a drag like Uc proper tenolon of A sewing machine depends somewhat en drenmetonees. Tho angle of tho drag will need to bo varied as the sell Is nflrtst or ity and ah the surfneo la more or tarn convex. These slight changes ean be made by tho driver walking In ono direction or tho other on the drag. What dooa it cost to drag a mllo of rond a year? Tho cost Is variously estimated at frem 1.00 te (0.00. TOR SALE. Powreem cottage, Merningiddo ad ditto. Postered wails, lot 10 by 1S9. Just lo rdseo for email family. Will sell for cash or easy payments. Price, M0. Stfp paying rent, own yew own homo. Address O, lit. Lookrrood, SU N. Commercial stv Balem, Oregon. i I.. Kileld A Dosen Deer. Dr. 0. H. Xeherfcten, Attorney John If. McXnry and Tom Kay have re turned frem a hunting trip to Seuthcrr Oregon, whleh resulted In the bagging ef IS line door. 4KKeKllBtXKllKlEKBH0SOMSHl8XHl M S Men Ate Well Dressed s 2 S s If Tkey Have Their Clothes Made y JOHN SHOLUND, The Opera House MERCHANT TAILOR Cleaning, Pressing; and Repairing. m 4MttM9KMUU9n&aMUM9MSMU9U9KX9WaV 1 ILnnnnnnnnnWKJ"yBSiajiHKl. J'SMaftX i;W3ieLinnnl MannnHPl4 wHnBB" nanuBI LnkkHRPVE. ' " BKnT-j-' uktMHuilinU sninnnnnnnunxlair flHL, ennnnntk- naniWr RaWManiH nnnBmr'JHw 9 JfSnleBSnmai LnnnnccngWc "SanW Wk 'IrsnnnBiXiBnnnl LnnnnnnWaKFleL t ; wUffianl nnnnnnnHfrW MBBB& lnnlen9B'' mSMlI""K vHhPt .tdSHBeSaWi s m!qbS HaMjansB SHBnpHf " rJK' ' JcBsXranflH 'WHB LWBt'Sr .anVaBnSannnnnnnnnnnnnnnHH Robert Earr.