Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 26, 1905, Image 1

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jtiost ramAY night.
Given a Warm Welcome With
No Yellow Fever Germs
On It
Xew Orleans, Oct. C President
Rjtioiclt, aoeompanled by Secretary
Lotb and Surgeon-General Itixey, nr
rive lore by special tenia from Mem
jl''s nt 0 o'clock Wils morning. A re
r-pfi.in cormnlttee, headed by Mayor
M'rtinr Behrroen, received1 the president
n tho station. An onermous crowd
was assembled in front of the station
wlen the president arrived and greet
cl blm with onfcbuslastie cheers, which
continued until tho onrringe bearing
tta president ami tho othor members
of tho party as troll as tho members
of tho reception committee, had van
ished1 from sight down Oanal street.
Dctichmenta of mounted state troops
formed themlll tary cteort of tto
Tho carriages passed along Canal
to Liberty street, thoMO to Camp and
Leo Tireto, thence on t. Char lea to
tho City all. All along tho route tko
house- wore hAndeomeiy decorated
bmI thousand of people lined the
atreds, cheering the president while
ho paeeed, Mailing ami bowing. A
large audience awaited the President
at tho city bJI, where ho was formally
it troduced by tho mayor and delivered
riii address. Ills remark wero often in
terrupted by applause and the cheering
continued for some minute after he
L vl notched his nddrees.
Then President Iteosevelt waa taken
to tho Ht, Charles hotel, whore ho hold
ft'i informal reception at the Palm Oar
don of tho hotel for about one hoar.
L:itr ho was tho guest of honor at a
lunrhoon served In tho banquet room
of t&e hotol. Numerous addresses by
representative oIUmm .wero deltvcrd,
Ttan the president wan taken ok a tour
through tho meet beautiful ami safest
part of tho city. At 0 o'clock Ud
evening the president wMl embark on
a lighthouse tender, en whlok bo will
spr-ml the night ami early tomorrow
morning ho will bo transferred' te tho
cruiser Wont Virginia, In which bo will
make tho voyage te Norfolk. "Vs.,
beiee bo will continue his trip te
Washington In tho Mayflower. Ho ex
ists t rotura to tho oaplUl oft tho
)i TBing of October SI.
It was an uneventful all-night run to
Memphis, No stop wero made In Miss
All models, wttb hose supporters attached have Velvet drip fasteners.
Thomson's "Glove Fitting"
Were awarded Oram! Prise and a. Cold Medal at tho St. Louis World's
Pair last year. The jury of awards' was composed of the most eminent
specialists, and their yerdict Is tho highest recommendation, that any eer.
set could have. Wo are showing a very oemplato line of beta staple and
fancy models at much lower prices than "regular stores" ask for the same
The New Plaid Fancies in .Out Dess
Goods Department &te Strictly Correct.
Better seo them before tho assortment is broken.
issippi, oxeept to tako wator. but
crowds of Mlesieslppians greeted "tho
train as It flashed' by tho statl&ns.
united Htatos Senator Footer and- Con
gressman Davy, of Louisiana, mot the
Prestdont nt irAmmond, 30 miles from
bore. On arrival here ho was again
transferred to tho doeko, whTre the
President, with 400 oltlapns, on board
t4io steanmhlp Oonnw, made tho trip n
tho rher. A high wlndi was blowing
and h-spt most of tho passengers be
low, bat the President paid no hood
to tho wind or weather A light buffet
knob was served on, board. They dts-'
ombarleed at 11:30, when there was a
parade of the prlnolpal. street. Tho
fever lafeoted houoos alone Mie rente
d4d not worry the President In the least
He considered kfotsolf immune, beoanoe
ho was una(feetol In tho midst of yel
low fever in tfee Oobaa oampalgn. A
otriWng feature of the parade was the
batUo-searrwt Confederate veterans
mareWng bn foot. Tho doooratlons
wore said to surpass Ufose In honor of
tho victorious fodornl troop's returning
from tho war with Mexico, half a eon
tury ag0. Tho national colors' have
never boon flaunted so Mofusoly In
thlo city irliwc. Tho multitudes oheored
Itoosovelt with ont4nMmmn as he rode
along, enob person being apparently ox
nsporated beesHse of the physical lim
its placed upon their vociferous by
natmre. .
Tho crowds were so largo tho Prest
dont had a bard time reaching the city
ball. Tho illoe fought their way
tferottgh to give the Pro-ddcnl a pascsgo
way, women ami children wore or mm id,
am) for a time it foohed as If the jam
would end fatally. Pickpockets wore at
work, but tm pdlco Intercepted them,
and made man' arrests, Finally Kooso
volt get Mpea thw s4nd. The place re
served for him was so crowded that he
bad. te oUml upon the back of a bench
supported by three men, before he
could my a word.
Tko President spoke only Ave minute
on account of- tho crowding. If re
peatedly naked the crowd to give way
and he quiet. Others kept trying te
get closer. He thanked all for the dem-
onetration, commended the qualities
shewH In the fever fight, prawed the
LeuMauA mill tury and naval farces,
and I-Wa Midi '! am gelng away new,
ami I want you aM te be good and go
There we a flurry in eetteu ycetCA
mft Miller hetding back the fjeverm
went reert, which should have been
bvwed At 18 o'clock, until S. It is
rialmed by d-Mler teuU UtU wae dene
Ia tho Inter t of cerUU people. Oct
te advanced charply en the beets of
the heels of wo report
Another Latge
Shipment of
New Models in
Glove Fitting
JaajA '&&
Czar Flees to Pcterhop By
Battleship, Wltte May
Be Dictator
Odessa, Ituseta, Oct. 10. It is re
ported that an attempt was made te
mm a anerchisUc mecMng aboard
Mm battleship KaUierine, and In the
fortress, and that 400 arrests have
D9tl MMMfw
New York. Oct. IftV-Tk Itusetan
strike news eaused Ttussian steamer
Meeb te take a serious dron en tho
Paris bourse tedtgn, In London Itue-
slan Imtsrlfll fours dropped a point, to
Bt. retorsbwrg, uU 10, After a
night of inexpresMblo terror, lteda
tmhty m idunged into the deepest gieom
Potlewing the declaration by the
wetkingmen yesterday afternoon ef a
general strike te reinforce the railway
strike wbish he paralysed the indus
try ef the eeuAiry, rioting and street
fighting kept the city In a state ef ter
rible unrest all last night. What makes
the eituatlcA seem hopeless Is that tho
erleU apparently, Is net yet reached.
So serieu aro the ceedlUen that It
Is sold) be Cuar will seen leave Kusia,
paying a two months' visit te Den
mark. Tho Gear's visit will be estenv
eddy te recuperate from the strain of
the met two years. In- reality, it hi
Mid, these behind the geverneteut de
sire him out ef the way and In a pmee
ef Mfety should an uprising evolve
Itself out ef tho present labor uimcul
ties. Count Wltte, according te Infor
mation from Pcterhef, will held ah of
fice equivalent te that ef regent dur
ing tho absence of the emperor, ami
will held full power a head ef the
A meeting cf the council ef ministers
wn held 'but night under the presiden
cy ef Count Wltte te dtteuH tho strike
aitufttlen, and the danger which threat
ens, tho empire wnles the movement
can be checked It U understood that
no attempt was made te disguise the
fact that, tho government faces a erlei
And that eeJy radical concessions te the
jd-rikeru and the people generally can
have any effect 1a bringing order out ef
tllal ItffituusW. ttnVnnUUi
at. Petersburg, Oct. M M, Peter
burg he the appearance ef a beleag
uered city, general Trcpeff command.
Aa imperial order places upon blm the
respemilbllltQ' tt the safety of the
eity. Martial tew be net yet been pre
elnimed. All fjte ministers today roe
ferret! with Trepo. Til city ia pros
tle Isolated. The tie-up in the in
Verier hi mere sewfdete than ever. The
cuy tmlw operated are handled by rite
mlMUry. The emperor and court are
nt Petwhof, neai eupplled by a warship.
(Peer O'CAeck Mdltiea.)
St. Peteiobunfc, Oct. . About 4000
tree are ready for any emergency at
a unmeet u notice. The etreete are full
ef bete me, but there "have bee no
ojaeho yet. The police are Instructed
te enfage Is a eentrevereies, unices ab
eajuiely nccnnnry The etudeat tried
t create disereW, but were unable to
incur the enmity ef the polios. The
strikers are Ja eeeirel at Kursk. They
wade a dsumud e the onleiaM of the
Mal geveremeet te cease work, and tk
eineials ebeyeil. Such a surrender en
the part of ItuseiaB officials is without
precedent It is rumored that the Oaar
la te grant a eesetitutiea te grant the
industrial, but set the pelitie 1 de
mands, and permit te freedom of the
OUeage, Qefc, i.-Tho Dally Newa'
special cable from St. Petersimrg sayst
"Newa comes from tho Palace ot Peter
hof that the Czar has signed a eoneti-
a 9
if tin s
TirUItflDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1905.
tution granting liberty of the press,
freedom of epeech, freedom of worship
and equal 'right to all citizens. Wltte
has been appointed' premier. It Is ox
peeted the manifesto will bo promul
gated' toduy. If this dees not estnl)
lbm peace, martial law wilt bo declared
throughout the empire.
Sevastopol, Ru4a 0t. iflr-It is re
ported) that the battleship Potollnwn,
formerly the Kiss Potemkla has been
destroyed by an Incendiary. Tho Pat
oilmen was left behind, last night when
tho rest of tho fleet sailed' under tho
direct command of the minister of ma
rine, supposedly to fore Turkey to
irrant ths demaMSs of (Jm rwnt far uImi
IneermOfonal suspension ef Mecedemi's
lev I Of I Of Ml94Mi
Louden, Oot. . A news agency dis
patch from at. Paul says tho Gear hur
riedly departed for .Darmstadt today,
after a prolonged conference with
(Pour O'clcck Kditten.)
Ptmmi Or., OcL to Tho world's
record was broken this morning when
ten vessels were chartered1 at union
rates te carry a ml lite bushels of grain
from this and Bournl ports,
Chicago Market.
bOhleage, Oct. ScV-Wfeeat, MVIi oera,
4e4 eat, M0.
Xumer aro growing Idaho that Hoy
burn accepted fee for pressing land
claim before tho department. This is
the same offence that Henator MitcMl
was convicted of.
I Good
I Goods
Is Characteristic of the Best Business Principles
1. By offering tko meet extraordinary inducement ever brought te tko attention ef tho general shopping publle;
to create a desire that will simply urge you to visit this seasonable exposition ef newest styles and
. By selling tfee beet and meet wanted merehandUo at tho lowest price that can be asked for good ef equal
3. By giving you the best store service that time, money and experience have devised.
4. By giving you precisely what you ask for; wo Haver permit nUarcpresentetieM or subsUtsttien at Ud store.
B. By having the whole establishment Join In giving you the promptest, meet careful and meet earnest attention.
II Units
of Fabrics
rwfett Wtrk
tnt risks.
Tba fries
Rain Coats
IUUb Oeate are a most popular gar
ment in this eeuBery, and owing te the
aeVanee prices ef dacha they well cer
tainly be much higher. Be wise and
buy new. Ojr aeeeBtmesjt is new and
targa. Alt tste very ktet styles and
shades. Beet ef teller sg, Bvery one
bear the name of
ad are guarr steed rain proof.
$8.75 to $22.50
Toll Fifteen Stories.
Chicago, Oot. aO.--Plungiog down 11
stories In n vontilating shaft It tho
First National Itonk building yes t or
day, Bruno A. Baber, ngnl 18, mot n
tragic doatbt The fall was from tho
lfitb floor of tho building to the fourth,
en wbtsh Is the bottom of tho shaft.
Through curiosity or mistake, tho
toy openod a door loading from a lava
tory to tfee sieve tor shaft. Ho took n
step ha the darkness, ami, then, realis
ing bto peril, grasped frantically up
ward and caught tfee key in ia the lock
of the door, ami to this ho clung des
perately ami deferred for a brief In
stant tho fetal plunge.
Soon losing bis held on this frail
support, ho whirled down through the
11 dark stories ef tho shaft, ami half
aa boor afterward bio body was picked
up at the bottom.
In tho course of his fall the bey's
body struck a water pipe en tho 13th
floor, breaking the connection and al
lowing the water to flood two shaft.
Tbls leabago started an investigation
and resulted In tho discovery ef tho
Oommitteo Will rratno Bate BUL
Washington, 0L 10. Senator 11
kins, chairman of tho senate committee
on -Interstate commerce, yostordny
called a meeting of that oommitteo for
the list of November, for the purpose
ef considering tho testimony taken
early in tho summer relative to the re
folio of r41redi rates, with the ulti
mate view ef reporting a bill te the
Shipload ef Halibut.
KealMe, Wee., Oct, SS.-The ncMng
steamer 0a Juan, arrived today fem
AmebA with a cargo ef a quarter ef A
mlMcH pounds ef fresh halibut, the lar
gest similar cargo ever brought la a
single ffbip to-any pert in the world.
Won't Talk About Alleo.
Clncineatl, O., Oet. M. Congrsev
man Longworlfe returned today. He re-
fustd te dieruss his rumored engage- j
meat to Alice Itoosovelt,
c&fl$wi&&&cmA Hoflest
Oee ef the meet interesting places
In em- eotnldiahuioat is the piea.hU
Alrhough tkw is not a season of
novelties Ia ujowa fabric, there are
iWatlu stive features werklag the
mweut preducU. Among the
meet pbpedar fabric are hhe
Now so much iu vogue. lln you
have a big eolieetio to select from
at much less than their real worth.
Oae gUnae at their quality k
worth a celuass ef our description.
50c te Wc values la Mannish Mix
ture at the yard.
$1.10. values in StbeUnes, Twtede
and Meltons, at
$L&5 value is Mannish Mixtures,
best ef wanted oelors,
$1.60 and $1.65 values in plain and
mixed suitings, at, tho yard,
P. M. AND 4:Q0 P. M.
NO. 362.
W. C. T. U.
All-Day Session and All-Day
Evangelistic Services
Held Today '
(Feur O'olook Bditlon.)
Los Angeles, 0U M Tho W. O.
T. V. held All-day evangelistic servleos
In the Trinity Methodiet church, con
ducted by Mies Mis W. Greenwood,
of the New York "Y" conference, and
an all-day session led by Miss Cora B.
Sobort, ef New York. Thoro wo a
discussion upea the advisability of in
serting prohibition in the pledge, and
tho conference agreed that moro can
be dono by persuasion than by rule. Tho
first meeting of tho Loyal Tompornnoo
Legion was held this afternoon, and
there will be a reception this ovenlng;
The visiting White Itlbbonors' conven
tion open tomorrow morning.
Burned in Tholr Bods.
Hot aprintpt, Ark, Oct, lfl. Throo
bodies will probably never be Identified
no they are burnedi te a orlop. Tho ho-
avl m9)V W rOvvVii JivOtHOren In vwO
second story jumped, nnd several wero
badly injured. Fred OnrorsoA was dan
goromdy burned. All who escaped were
ajIRW VW4 1H anWi lWBVt OffVVsTC-e JL wwvJr
wero housed la the city jail, where rai
ment we donated by cl Usees. An in-
i. ' o -i
It) Honor of Togo,
(Peer O'clcck liditlcn.)
Toklo, Oct. a A grand reception
was held today In honor of Admiral
Togo by the lluainea Men's Associa
tion, Values.
All good judge of rightly made
clothing to get acquainted with
our Use. Wo want them to see
hhe cellectfea ef high grade nov
allies we are shewing for fall and
winter. We want thorn to eeo
hew easy It Is to be fitted. We
went them te knew how it feJa
te have a wetl-mado suit or over
coat on their back ae that will
always look ths same and retain
its shape. Nothing better for the
price ens be shewn anywhere.
You know our reputation for
making good, and backing up our
statements. Yen '11 find i splen
did assortment of newest fash
ion and fabrics hero in a choice
variety of 'patterns that aro tho
equal of b tores' $15 value at
So Snap
GnW Suits
liW At
aew4 AB1BJ
'&&08aMk 3&'k
?12 50