PAIXT CAPITAL JOUBNAL, MlfflU 000 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1905. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFEB BEOS. OFFICIAL CENSUS 8ALEM. MAY, 1901, 13,287. $MQ ffiwLABED LIGHT ON THE RAILROAD PROB LEM. On the eve of President Roosevelt's battle for railroad reform MeClurtf "s begins puhfieatio-, la the November number, of -the results, of Ray Stan- nard Baker's lavestrgatioB of this great proMa. More than a year ago Mr. Baker started out te make Just ouch an iBvsstigatIe: as every eon Bcientiou voter would stake if be could. He has gone to the bottom of the subject from the, standpoint of the citisen. Id tho first paper he takes hold of the erax of the problem, the railroad rate. He tolls the almost Iudiereas story of hew rates are mode and shows the appalling power which rate making places in tho bands of the railroad interest.') and bow the wielders of this terrible ireapon have made or unmade not only individual enterprises bnt towns, cities, localities and whole sections of the country. His story is an exposition of the utter chaos, in justice and immorality of the present system, which the railroad men are trying to tell congress i tho best that can possibly bo devised. Mr. Baker's fairness and thorough ness havo already been established by his masterly articles on tho labor problem. His reputation puts the stamp of authority upon what ho has to say. In searching out the complex ities of rate making he has traveled np and down tho country, talking with farmers, elty workers, railroad men, academic experts, the sufferers and the gainers by the system, so that his etory gains the live interest of per sonal experience. If lie tells tho grievances of the Spokane merchant, or the eastern pow er or the Minnesota manufaeturer he gives tbo railroad side, too. "Wo aro At this moment facing a now conflict in this country," sayj Mr. Baker, "tbo Importance of which wo nro only beginning to perceive It lies between two groat parties, ono a progressive party seeking to glvo tbo government more power in Imslness af fairs, tho other a eonservativo party, striving to retain nil the power possl bio in prlvnto bands. Ono looks tow ard socialism, the other obstinately dofends individualism. It is Industri alism forcing Itself Into polities. And tho crur of the new eonflltt recognizor! by both sides is the railroad rato in this case." No greater or moro fundamental problem confronts the country than this ono of rate rogulatlon. Its com- Does Your'i Heart neat sss Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. Ask own doctor about taking Avers parilla for thin, impure blood. immcru wcmiua tU hmilii ti all MrntfolM. J. C.rrCo KsOWlMl, Jaa. plications are appalling, bnt they can be solved, Mr. Baker thinks. "I take it as fandatnental", he says. "in rate making as in every human aetlvlty that thsre are orderly prin ciple to le dissevered and" juetiee roaklag laws to be laid dawn. It is not osly weak, bat aboard, to assert that the American eas sot rise to it. Asd in solving bts own problems he will establish new principles for tho world." Hood's Sarsaparilla Has won success far beyond tho effect of advertising only. Tho icvi'ft of its womlorful popular ity U oxpmincd by Its unapproachable Merit. Dosed upon a prescription which cared peoplo cousldoml lncurnblo, Hood's Sarsaparilla Unites the bust-known vegetable, rem edies, by such a combination, propor tion nnd process as to bare curatiro power peculiar to Itsolf. Its cures of scrofula, eozoma, psori asis, aud every kind of humor, as woll as catarrh and rheumatism prove Hood's Sarsaparilla tbo best blood purifier ever produced. Its cures of dyspepsia, loss of nppo tlto aud that tired feeling make it tho greatest stomach toulo and strength restorer the world lias over known. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is n thoroughly good medicine. Begin to tako It TODAY. Get HOOD'8. OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities for making money come to every nun, but only those with available funds can take ad vantage of them. Got ready for your next opportu nity. Start savings account and koop it growing. It will surprise yon how fast It grows. It's a sure way of Rotting ahead In the world. One dollar will open an account. Interest paid At tho rato of throe per cent compounded semi-annually. Savings Department CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK THE NOVEMBER MAOAZINES. Pearson's Magaatnn for November contains an unusual eoUection of bright short stories sad clever articles for tho long indoor evenings. There are six special articles: One ea Richard Mansfield; another, "Tho American Diplomat in Foreign Eyes;" "A Sailor of Fortune," and "The Story of the Y. M. C. A." "Night in a Marconi Station" is a vivid pen pic ture of tho work among chained light ning in tho interior of that most holy of holies a wireless station. "The Casualty Eoll of Peaco" will intoreet you, perhaps, more than anything else. Read this by Bene Bache, the jugglor ef statistical figures into stories. Tho November McCluro's begins a new volume with the opening ohapters of two great new sorics and a big Kipling story, which promiso tho mag azino's contlnunnco as torch-bearer in public affairs and the leader of excel lence in present day literature. In this number Carl Schurs begins his "Rent- inisconccs," tho life story of a patri ot-eoldier-statosmaivauthor, a fighting idoa;lsts who never compromised with his conscience. Ray Stannard Baker, with tho "Railroad Rate" opens his series of articles on the greatest national per plexity, the outeomo of moro than a year's dlggiig into the most difficult subject American voters havo over had to master. Last of the "articles" in Novem ber is the second half of Charles F. Lammis's breezy story, "Pioneer Transportation 'In America," tbo epic of tho herole age of travel which wait ed till now for a writor. Kipling's most remarkable story is "With tho Night Mall," in which' ho projects bis wonderful imagination into tho twetv-ty-flrst century and takes a thrilling air-ship flight from London to Quoboc. He bos invented a new world of me chanics and found strange highways in the sky, whisk are pictured In oolor by Beutsrdahl. In passing he glimpses a transformed earth so vividly real that it is hard to wake up to the fact that Utopia does not exist. Frederick Trevor Hill, the author of "The Accomplice," "The Case ami Exceptions," awl other books, has just completed work ea a series of articles to be ealled "Lincoln, the Lawyer," which the Ceatury will print, begin- aing in December. Notwithstanding the fact that Lincoln's practice as a lawyer oxtendetl over twenty-four years, bis achievement as a statesman so transcended bis legal accomplish ment that his ohlsf biographers have necessarily given, but brief space to bis oxporionce as a lawyer. Mr. Hill's articles are largely based upon tho examination of oourt records and othe personal investigations in the old Btghth Illinois Circuit, over which Linsela travoled. Mr. Hill has had the assistance of Robert T. Lin coln, Robert R, llitt, Judgo Lawrence Weldon and many members of tho bar and officers of the Illinois Historical Soeletty. Lucas County. 8tats of Ohio, City of Toledo, Frank J, Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the city of Toledo county and state afore said, and that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence tbU 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. 185(1. (Seal) A. W. GLBA80N, Notary Public. nail's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on tea blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY, Toledo, 0. 8old by all druggists, 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for eon-stipation. Confedcrato Veterans of Virginia. Petersburg, Va., Oct. 25. The eigh teenth annual meeting of the Grand Camp of tho Confederate Veterans of Virginia has attracted a large namber of vetoraBs and other visitors to this sity and it is estimated1 that there are more than .16,000 visitors in tho city at present. All hotels are crowded and many citizens havo opened their bouses to accommodate the visitors. The session ef the Grand Camp opened at noon today a4 Past Grand Com mander G. L. Christian, of Richmond, responded. Commander L. L. Marks welcomed the visitors on behalf of the local camp and First Lieutenant Grand Gommasdor John H. Fulton, of Wvtheville, Va., responded. Miss Elizabeth BtKett Lumpkin, of Colum bia, S. C, delivered the oration of tho day. Tho Grand Camp will hold a meeting in tho afternoon at tho Y. M, C. A. hall to transact business and nfter the meeting there will bo a reception in honor of the Grand Camp, sponsors and Molds and Sons of Veterans, at tho Petersburg club. Tonight tho grand Veteran ball wll be given at Center warohouse, Washington street, under the auspices of tho A. P. Hill Camp, Sons of Confedcrato Veterans. Tho convention will last tbrco days. ' Tomorrow there will be a business .g.wwn in morning and afternoon T -r a -. St. a ani in the evening a recepuou i ." oeiejfstes will be held at the residence . f Mrs. Walter D. Lamar. The eon atin will dose on Friday night with -i..t n ti fair. Amese the proini- I - . :.. AMmrr tliA i-nnrention are Mrs. Clay Copton and Mrs Bish op Weed, of Florida. HOU.ISTER'8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bur MfcUUa for Buy PwpU RHt OoUa Halta sad Kiatvtd Vlfoz. A. specino for Ooottlpatton. Indlfeitlon, Lire , nj KJdoer Trouhfra, Pimple. Ecjema, Impure Wood IU4 BrMth. Nuretah Uowel, Hoadacha and tUcXacho. It's Hooky Mountain TM la tU ut tana, ss cnu a box, Qtaulne niAJo by Uouumt Dara CoxrAXT, J!diou, Wl. GOLOEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PE0P.J2 DOING XULCiii DUTY. Scores of Salem Headers Aro Looming tho Duty of the Kidneys. To filter the blood Is the kidney's duty. When they fail to do this the kid ney's are sick. Backacbo and many kidney ills fol low. Urinary troubles, diabetes. Doan'a Kidnoy Pills euro them alL Mrs. Conradina Arnold, of 440 East First street, Albany, Oregon, says:' "Doan's Kidnoy Pills did mo considor-j able good. I used thorn for rboumatie pains acress tho small of my back and down through tbo sides which wero very severe when I stooped to lift any thing or sat in one position for any length of time. I got Doan's Kidney Pills and commenced their uso. I be gan to get better right away and con tinued taking them. They soon re lieved mo and I have bad vory littlo toublo since I shall always try to keep Doan's Kidnoy Pills in the bouso and will recommend thenm at every opportunity. Plenty moro proof llko this from Sa lem people. Call at Dr. Stono's drug storo and ask what his customers re port. For salo by all dealers. Prleo, SO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United States. Remember tho name Doan's and tako no other. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS Pi "r WjiVjAfi fftfr ten "No, Sir Yoa cannot psln off any mtetltutw on me fTebeenurinrAnjBitFwwerilnec I wu A boy, and I'll have no other." QForty million bottles of August Flower sold in the United States alone since its introduction 1 And the demand for it is still growing. Isn't that n fine showing of success? Don't it prove that August Flower has had unfailing'succcss in the cure of indigestion and dyspepsia the worst enemies of health nnd happiness? rrn, i, -r nfTnnl ttii liet evidence that August Flower is a sure specific for all stomacn ana intestinal msorucrsj mm n lm t. fkA, nf nil ltv-r r.1l1fllnm? (JAugust Flower has a matchless record ot over is years in curing uc aiunj; iuir lions of these distressing complaints. qTwo sires. 25c and 75c. All druggists Sold in Salem by S. 0. Stone. Now York's Municipal Ferries. New ' Yorla, October 85. Tho mu nicipal lino of ferryboats from tho Battery to Staten Island was formally opened today and tho boats were well patronized during the morning and the early part of tho afternoon. Tbo ac tual test of tho boats will como dur ing tho rush hour this evening. Tho boats -are largo and swift and are con sidered a great improvement over tho old boats used heretofore. Building Material Of all kinds and tho right kind can bo found nt our yards. Wo sell only tho boat lumber, and those who havo used our buiMing material havo always been satisflel. Let us figuro on your next bill of lumber. GOODALE LUMBER CO. Near S. P. Passsenger Depot. Phono C2 Main. Somebody Said Sallie Simkins' sister's son Sammy said Sallie selected such suitable Suits so se lect, so stunning. So Sa mantha, Sallie's sister, sent Sallie seeking Sammy's Sea- ennahp .Miir. :ne saw srvi- numm- ish Suits at several stores, suiting Sam's size, but she selected Sam's Suit at G. W. Johnson & Co.'s because the price was so much lower for the same kind of Suit. Moral, motherc should come here to purchase Cloth ing for the boys. G. W. JOHNSON & CO, Salem Box Factory O. F. MASON, Prop. I am in South Salem, whore you wUl find mo for all kinds of fruit trays, orchard boxes and hop baskets. Miller street, Salem- Phono Main afW. cAponiA. WlWc'HwJCBfl,. mu&m2& JC N United Daughters of the Confederacy Moot. MaeoB, Co., Oct. 25. The Georgia state division of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy opened its an nual meeting in tho Wesleyaa Me morial chapel this morning with a largo attendance and under tbo most favorablo auspices. Mr. Walter Har ris weisomeii too (toiegates on behalf of tho Sons of Veterans, whllo Mrs. Walter D. Lamar welcomed the dele gates on behalf of the local chapter of tho U. D. C. Appropriate responses wore mado and some routine business was transacted during the rest of tho morning session. In the afternoon an other session will bo held. Toalcht a recoption will bo tondored to the dele. gutes at tho Volunteer Armory by tho Veterans and Sons of Veterans, whloh promises to be the most Important so. eial function during the convention. Dr. Stone's Drag Store does a strictly caah business, owes no one, and no one owes it; carries large steck: its shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet axUcles, wines and liquors or all kinds for medieal pur poses. Dr. Stone is a regular srad-ata U medicine and has had many years ef experience In the practice. Consulta tions are free. Prescriptions are free. and only regular prices for medicine. Dr. mono can bo found at his drug store, Salem, Oregon, from 0 in the morning until 9 at night. COPYRIGHT. A GOOD MILLER. That solects his wheat from tho finest shoaves that aro cut, must make good Hour, and good flour for your daily bread is tho staff of life. Thero is no flour on tho market that is ground from bettor wheat or by a better pro cess than tho Wild Rose. It makes wblto, light and dellciously flavored bread, and is the favorito with Louso wivos ovorywhero. Manufactured by Salem Flouring Mills Company, Salem, Oregon. SALEM FLOURING MILLS. 2i Salem, Oregon Tho best school to obtain a knowledge of how to do. Promo tion and preferment in business is tho result of ability to do. Thero is a constant demand for competent help. If you can keep books and do atonographlc work, thero is a placo for you. Can Yon Do Such Work? It has beon years since a young man with a knowlodgo of book kooplng has c mpletod our short hand course, simply because tbey all sccuro positions beforo gradu ating. What better opportunity do you wantt In comparison to tho benefits derived, it costs but littlo to sccuro a usablo educa tion. Send for catalogue W. I. STALEY, Principal. &U EAT Strong's Restaurant SMITH It SEFFEBT, Props. You will always bo satisfied. Ertrjl thing first-class. Regular 25c dinner from 12 totJt Merchant's 20c lunch from 11 to I SHORT ORDERS SERVED lEOI 0 A. M. TO 9 P. M. Httie Wing Sang Co Ail kinds of fancy Dry Goods, Silks, Embroideries, Laces. Mako up now lino Gants' and Ladles' Furnishing Goods, Suits, Wrappers, Skirts, White Under woar and all kinds Drees Goods. Sale cheap. 2s6 Court street, corner alley. Phono 1107. Pleased Customefi Aro thoso who buy their mestisH market, for they know they wUl ihw get the best meat an J promjttRi vice in tho city. E. 0. CROSS, Stato Street Market. Pio ! Capet .Sale I will closo out my lino of Carpets at COST. Seo mo before buying. New and second-hand Goods bought and sold. 170 South Commercial St, Ot L. McPEEK, Phono 1233 Main. 170 Commercial St PLEASED HOUSEWIVES ARE THOSE WHO USE THE FAMOUS Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder THE BAKING POWDER TEA PUT UP IN GLASS CANS, AND ABSOLUTELY PURE. JACOB VOG1 (Across street from Patton Ml 1 ALL MY WINTER STOCK IS MEN'S, WOMEN'S a OHILDRENS' 8H0E3 In best quality. Especially besrj Rubber Boots and St"rm Ww- Tne New Fashion FORMERLY SIMPSON'S STABLES Consolidated With The Ciuh Stables Modern Management. First-class Livery and Cab Line, Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally-ho for picnics and excursion parties. New Fashion phone 44. Club phono T, Cns. W. Yann&e Prop. A. L, FRASER Successors to Burroughs t Fraaer. V1 t-Ti xr uimpmPo iitmmiy and Roofing Cornice Work. tTmII- .-a Tnti;ii- wv kt all kinds! es"1,J made and work guaranteed. 367 State Street, Salem. Phone 151L