Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 23, 1905, TWO EDITIONS, Image 1

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    "jpiff""W"'1Wyr "
f P. M. AND 4:00 ' M.
rr:: Tjtrwm aw nfiTnnr.n o "fOAR.
VOli. XV.
salim, owaaoN, Monday, October 23, 100s.
)fficers Subdued Them, But on Landing
in New York, the Men Kesistea,
and Wounded Three Officers
h r v '
now York, Oct. 23. Following tho
iutlny on tho schoonor Ida B. Gib-
in, in-bound from orfolk, tho cap
ita was stabbed and ono man shot
ills morning, ono of tho missing men
hollnvcd to havo been murdered.
l.n shin is fast settling and will prob-
fcbly soon Ho at tho bottom of East
liver, at tho plor whoro slio is uou
Tho mon mutinied whon when tno
ship ran aground outsldo Norfolk.
Tho officers subdued them with belay
ing pins. When thoy camo nshoro in
this city this morning tho offlcors triod
to arrest thorn. Dotcctlvo Ilarlick was
shot and is in a critical condition.
William Acmnnn, a watchman, was
shot seriously, and Captain F. H.
Branloy, master of tho ship, has sovor
nl serious stabs. Mate Modloy has not,
boon soon nlnco attacked' by tho crow.
Loaned $600,050 Without
Keeping Any Record of the
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 23. Receiver
Cunningham, of tho Enterprise Nation
al Bank, hns discovered that largo notos
hold by tho bank for monoy loaned by
Cashier Clark, who commlttod suicide,
nro missing. ' All papers and books havo
boon carefully oxaminod, but no traco
lias boon found of anything to revonl
tho whoronbonts ol about $600,000. An
amazing system of flnnnco Is rovcnlcd.
Clark kopt no records of loans made,
much less of soeklng tho approval of
tho directors.
Santiago, Chllo, Oct. 23. Ten woro
lllod and hundreds wounded In a bat-
i botwecn polico and rioters hero Sun-
ky. Tbo riot started nt a mooting
lllod to petition tho govornmont to
bolisk tho importa tar on Argcntlno
ittlo, Tho troops wcro absent at tho
nnouvors, and tho polico wcro unnblo
quoll tho disturbance. Stroet enrs
id oloctrio lights wore destroyed. Tho
Ho dopartmonts woro ordorod out last
feht to aid in restoring order. Sol
ers aro oxpected to nrrlvo today.
rokio, Japan, Oct. 23. Japan is on
to today over tho naval rovlow which
Is-cdi oft! without tho slightest un-
tasantness. Thrco hundrod and olglit
Irships woro In lino, including tho
pturcd Russian vessels. Tho omporor,
oard tho cruiser Asamn, lod by a
blscr, and escorted by gunboats,
ssel nlong tho lino, which was lieadod
I Toga's flagship. After tho tho ro-
tvr tho rmporor recolvod'tho British
hiilnl, Noel, and his officers.
Alico Oota Home.
3in Frnnclsco, Oct. 23. Tho Siboria,
It'i A'ko Roosevelt and Hnrrimnn
oir1, was sighted 35 mllos out at
fef t' a morning. It is oxpeotedi that
will rcich port about uoon, nnd
jrk "i hour later.
Sockloss Jorry Dead.
U Vn, Knn., Oct. 23. Jorry Simp-
'-J at 0 o'cloek this morning.
V-'.rsm of tho heart caused his
'h. Tho final sinking spoil followod
r;cro heuiorrhago of yostorduy
rrj!g The funoral will bo in oiiargo
Bt'"o bcal Scottish Itlto Masons.
Joffcrson City, Mo., Oct. 23. Tho ox
ccuttvo mansion caught flro this morn
ing tho tho big reception hall beneath
tho sleeping apartments of tho gover
nor nnd Mrs. Folk. Tbo smoko nwak
onod tho governor, who assisted Mts.
Tolk from tho building, turned in tho
alarm. Ho donuod an old rubber coat,
nnd took command of tho flromon, di
recting tholr operations personally.
Soon tho firo was oxtlngulshod, tho
losi being about $1000. It was caused
by a dofoctlvo electric wiro.
Steamer May Bo Lost
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Cleveland', O., Oct. 23. Tho steamer
S. J. Hockor, Captain Stowart, with a
crow of 23, ono of tho largest on tno
lnkos, is boliovod to bo lost. Sho was
duo nt Sault Sto Mario Saturday night.
Tho End in Sight.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Now Orleans, Oct. 23, Thoro was
ono now enso but no deaths reported up
to noon. Tho hoalth officials told in
quirers that tho end Is in sight,
Bobbed tlio Bank.
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Lima, O,, Oct. 23. Tho Inst chnptor
in tho robbery of tho Amorlonu Nation-
nl bank, sovon years ago, of which in
nocent mon woro noouwd, was elosod
todny, whon Thomas K. Williams
ploaded guilty and! was sontoneod to
flvo yours.
rrolght Trains Wreckod.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Montbolior, Idaho, Oct. 23. In n
hondl-on collision between two freight
trains on tho Idaho division of tho Oro
gon Short Lino today two tramps woro
killed, and1 Fireman Dmnont Injured.
Tho wreck is blocking traffic.
" High School Literary Associn-
in ( shlnnd is becoming ono of the
lh fnctors of that town.
San Trnnclsco, Oct. 23. Wro. H.
DUlard must sorvo flvo years in tho
ponltontlary for selling fraudulent Ohl
noso certificates. Throo years ngo DU
lard, who wis a clerk in tho olHco of
Internal Bovonuo Collector Lynch, was
convlctod, and hns slnco boon in jail.
Tho United States circuit court of ap
peals this morning nfllrmod tho decision
of tho lowor court.
Met by Booker T. Washing
ton, and Is Given an En
thusiastic Greeting
Tresno, Chi., Oct. 23. A rownrd of
thousand dollars for information lend
ing to tho nrrcst nnd conviction of tho
Owl train wrockers, authorized by Vice
President Calvin, of tho Southern Pa
cific, was postod today. Thcro is no
doflnito cluo, and thoy -will probably ro
main unenpturod.
Tuskogco, Ala., Oct. 23. Not slnco
President McKlnlcy's visit In Decem
ber, 1807, has Tuskogco beon so thor
oughly aroused nnd excited ns during
tho past fow days, which prcccodcd
President Roosevelt's visit of today.
Tho enthusiasm which Prosidont Mc
Klnloy's visit aroused was insignificant
compnrod with tho wavo of onthuslasm
which engulfed ovcrythlng in this dis
trict and culminated In ono of tho
most Tomnrknblo ovations over wit
nessed in tho South.
Presidont Roosovelt hns always taken
tho greatest interest in tho education
of tho negroes In this country, and it
did not rcqulro much persuasion on tho
part of Mr. Booker T. Washington, tho
bond of Tuskogco Instituto, upon his
recent visit to Washington, to induco
tho Presidont to so nrrango his Itiner
ary Mint it permitted: him to spend tho
grentor part of tho day in'Tuskogco. In
anticipation of tho President's visit
tho most olnborato preparations wcro
mado at tho institute. Tho original
plan, of Bonding n lnrgo oxhlbit from
tho instituto nt tho stnto fair nt Birm
ingham, was nbandonod, so ns not to
woakon tho complotoncss of tho exhi
bition at tho Institute, which was pro
parod for tho boneflt of President
Upon his arrival Presidont Hoosovolt
I was wolcomod by President Bookor T.
Wnshlugton nnd tho ontiro faculty of
tho institute. Tho students and nearly
tho ontiro population of tho district
for miles around wns assomblod to
groot tho , President, and ho wns
cheered with n right good will.
Without dolay tho Presidont wns es
corted to tho roviowing stand on tho
public squaro, and from thero roviowed
tho pnrado of tho studonts, which ii
eluded a numbor of hnndsomoly decor
atod floats.
Aft or tho parade tho President, ac
companied by Mr. Booker T. Washing
ton, visited tho instituto. IIo went
through ovory department of tho largo
school and carefully oxamincd tho ex
hibition of tho work of tho students.
Lator in tho aftornoon ho dollvorod an
addross boforo tho faculty and studonts,
Montgomery, Aln Oct. 23. Tho
Prosidont ronchod this city nt 31:3.0
this morning. Ho had made sovon short
spoochos from tho end of his car. Ho
said tho last tlmo ho visitod Alabama
Los Angoles, Cal., Oct. 23. Tho na
tional W. O. T. U. convontion opons nt
tho First Congregational church Fri
dny, Novombor 27. Tho White Ribbons
special, carrying 1000 peoplo, half of ho was with his rogimont, nnd pralsod
whom nro ilolegates, Is duo Tuesday tho stato and tho pooplo. Ho sold I
morning. Tho tlmo between their ar
rival and) tho convontion will bo occu
pied in receptions nnd arfxexoautivo
sossion, Tuesday night, a roocptlon to
officors and dolcgntos of tho chamber of j
commerao; Wednesday ovangollstioal '
sorvloes; Thursday, a rocoption to vis
win soo you
nil upon my roturn to-
Elegantly Equipped Sloop, Laden With
Stolen Plunder is Captured at
New York.
Now York, Oct. 23. Tho polico nro
trvlntr to solvo tbolnystory rovcnlod in
tho ennturo of tho sloop Doroda. Sho
was luxuriantly fitted out with silver-
waro and Oriontal rugs and londod with
oxponsivo bric-a-brac, supposod to
havo boon stolon from tho homes of
millionaires alone tho Sound, and car
rying tho effects of Midshipman Jack-
Bank Will Resume.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Sart Frnnolsco, Oct. 23. Depositors
to tho amount of $00,000 today deoldod
itors by county nnd olty federations, not to withdraw their deposits from tho
nnd a gonernl wolcomo at night.
Chicago Markets.
Chioago, Oot. 23. Wheat opened nt
87, closing at 80; corn, opening nt
15, closing nt 44; oats opening at
20, closing nt 20.
Ilnltnil TlnnV nml rn..t rvn.....
which was olosod by tho bank commis
sioners Saturday, By ngroomont with
tho commissioners, tho bnnk will abol
ish Its branches in this olty and su
t PPI l"k MX ITV ' ' wainurnw us stooK, amount-
A r r I H III C O ,ns to 80'000- reprosonted by promls-
' a-a-r j sory notes. Undor thoso conditions, It
) is understood, tho -commissioners will
T1 ... . . ., -, . - T allow tho bank to rosumo businoss.
jb nun iv nuuuji iu luu iriuiiun ui u
lYott May be
U. uyan, and ho 1ms Hundreds o tnom tu- siboria -nraaUii tim vatA
here, ns well as nil over tho United j San Francisco, Oct. 23,-At 11 a. in.
States, whon tho rumor circulated tJ.nt tho SJbcria is ontoring tho harbor, and
tho supremo court had affirmed tho low- will brenV tho rocord from Yokohama,
or court in tho caso of tho State vs. J. established by tho Korea by- two or
O. Ryan. Ryan, it will bo romombored threo hours. Tbo Korea mndo tho pas-
"" luu ''"' """ ' . Bngo in iu days and' Jl hours,
iao parties uoing n man nameu jnurri
the One
son and ono Huston. Tho raco was for. Orogon Is Not Alone.
$200 a sldo, Huston bolng'baoked by a (Four O'Clock Edition.)
man named. Roth, nnd both parties and1 Mpsaow, Idaho, Oot. 23. The federal
Roth selected Ryan for stakoholdor. ! court eonvoned this morning for tho
Whon tbo raco camo off nuston stum-1 land fraud trials, on indlotmonts re
turned! at Boiso Jast July, against
prominent eltizons of Lowiston. Tho
To get ono of those solid gold watches to bo given away absolutely
'f--o January 1st by Dr. B. E. Wright, th Painless. Dentist. A ladles'
acd a gentleman's solid gold hunting easo.watqh, valued at $50.00 each,
wU be given on tho abovo'date to patrons of Dr. Wright, and you can
i T a .
fini out all about these beautiful gifts by calling at his office. Bettor
seo him about this now. Tho watches nro on exhibition in he win-
dow of Thompson's jewelry store.
under bonds for more than a year, , and. q p - -- .
Hinr.n thnt tiftiA hn nr.tnn nit nflir.Inl I wv -. vu
fcctloncry is Strictly Pate
'TnAa fltfif tlfn lna nlnti nm aAIoIrI
timekoeper In tbo college contests, and
has held and paid over wagers on theso
contests. Ho awaits arrest for this.
Ills friends are already preparing a pe
tition for his pardon, and) it will un
doubtedly find many signatures.
bled nnd fell, end Roth wanted an
othor race for tho samo amount, whleh
was finally agreed to. This was to como J trials wont ovor until tomorrow,
(off at 2 o'clock Saturday. Ryan hold
I the money until evening, and, ns Roth
failed to appear, turned tho stakes over
to Morrison, Roth came up Saturday,
but, instead of making1 a raco, had
' T? wo r n -vAstail "H"- TV v n linn Via Art
The Spa
and Wholesome.
382 Stato Street.
(Four O'clock Edition,)
San Frnnclsco, Oot. 23. According
to a roport rocolvod horc, Jim Jeffries
nnd Qovornor Sparks, of Novndn, killed
a 430-pound cinnamon bear Inst Thurs
day, after a 25-nilo haso with dogs, in
Qrlzriy valloy) Plumas county,. Sparks
shot tho bear through tho heart. In
falling it killed n dog. This is tho
fourth bonr bnggod by tho party.
Foreign Nowb.
Tho now Gorman import duties aro
said to bo. much hlghor.
Prosidont Loubot, of tho Fronch re
public has gono to visit King Alfonso,
of Spain,
Anothor railroad strlko hns tiod up
sovon lines out of Moscow, Russia,
Shortogo of tho wheat crop Is Im
pelling Mexico to romovo nil dutios.
Tho prico of corn Is ndvnnclnjr.
A monumont to Popo Pious X. hns
boon unvoilod In the villngo whoro ho
was born. It wob contributed to from
all ovor tho world.
Tho Belgian parliament is consider
ing building now fortifications at Ant-
Oomploto ratification of tho tronty
of poaco allowa tho homeward shipment
of troops to' go forwnrd on a largo
Russia will float a now loan, of $300,
000,000 in Franco, Amorlco, Qormany
and Engl nnd.
, p- . .
Ohargo Discrimination.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
j Olovoland, O., Oot. 23. The inter-
stnto commoreo commission mot horo
todny to hoar ohargos of discrimination
in oij r"tos, proforrod by tho Frank CI.
Clark Oil Company, ngnlnst tho Now
York, Now Haven nnd Hartford rali-j
-- - -
Wednesday Only
Special Sale No. 251
Tor Wednesday's soiling wo offer a high grado, hoW ficallopod back,
eoveral -Ifforonb styles la Back Combs that aro gopJ, values. For Wodnos
day only tho price will bo 10 V
A ealo worth your tlmo to como to. You '11 neod a fow of thorn.
son, U. S. Nv who disappeared from tho
battleship Missouri, apparontly going
with Olga Maxwoll, whoso effects woro
also takon with tho sloop. Jacksou was
found somo tlmo ngo by his fnthor, in
Canada, in a dazed condition. Ho said
ho didn't roraombor leaving tho ship,
nnd could recall but llttlo after joining
tho woman.
Tlio Oorbott-Erno Fight.
Philadelphia, Pa., Oot. 23. Young
Corbett and Young Erno nro schodulod
for n six-round "fight boforo tho Na
tional Athlotio Club, of this city, to
night. Tlio bout is to be at catch
wolghts. Tho match grow out of tho
recent Erno-Attoll fight, in which Erno
dfcfoatod Atoll with enso In six rounds.
At first a meeting botweun Young Cor
eott ami Atoll wns to bo nrrnncod. but.
aftor Attell's dofoat, Young Erno wus
soiooted for tho contest. Both Agistors
nro In excellent condition, nnd nn lntor
osMng bnttlo Is oxpected.
-- ' O'
Union county has hncl its assessment
roduced ono-hnlf by tho commission-
orr court, nnd it is now $0100,000.
Claim Government Has No
Jurisdiction, and Cite
Garfield's Report
Chicago, Oct. 23. All tho indicted
packers this morning onterod plena de
nying tho jurisdiction of tho court.
Tho defendants collectively plcndod not
guilty. Tho nttornoys claim tho United
States lacks jurisdiction, ns thoro is
no Inw providing for conviction n
punishment for nllogod violations' of tho
intorstnto commerco not. Thoy asked
that nil bo dismissed from custody.
Tloy dcclnro tho government ox
haustod its remedies whon It sqcurod
nn injunction under tho nnti-trust law,
and say tho election of thnt romody pre
cludes tho legality of procodlng ngnlnst
them criminally.
Tho defendants lllod ns part of tholr
plea tho roport of Commissioner Gar
fiold, which, thoy dcclnro, shows no un
lawful act was committed la restraint
of trndo.