jrwVffl$HW$r' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. t. nttCQON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1005, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BEOS. OFFICIAL CEN8US SALEM. MAY, 1904, 13,287. mmm gs TAKE YOUR B1IABE, BROTHER, Tho Orcgonian is shedding tears over tho deplorablo oondition of Ore gon, polities. It should not fall to tako its own share of ibo blame. It helped a littlo ia 1002. When tho Multnomah delegation was turned ovor to Furnish, tho legislative delegation was supposed to be turned over to Scott for senator. Now, don't Iodco, Brother Scott. Yon did got In boil with tho Mitchell machine, now didn't you I Wo don't blame you for that, as you tiro only human and it is mortal to orr, But, tnko your sharo of tho blame, Brothor Soott, tnko your sharo of the blame. Anil aren't you in with tho machine today! o r rLOWEBS Afl A' MEANS OP AD- VEETISINO. Mayor Lane has hit upon a prlzo Idea, an annual roso cnrnival for Port land. Portland has been advertised as the Boso City of Oregon, and tho idea is a growing one. It will bud ami blow in frngranco nnd freshness and dollars will literally grow on tho bushes. FLOWERS OAN BE MADE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MEANS OF AD VERTI8TNO OUR CITY, AS WELL Afl PORTLAND. Lot us make Salem the riowor City of Iho Northwest. It can be dono with in a year. i A plan should 1k adopt ml to socuro iho co-operation of our peoplo ami public organizations. Let us enter upon a gonoral cam paign of planting rosea, bulbs, shrubs, vines nnd ail kinds of flowering plants. MARION COUNTY VERSUS THE MACHINE. Marlon county nsplres to bo tho best governed county in Oregon. Salem nspiros to bo the best governed city in tho stato. Tho Marion oounty ldonl of govern ment without graft wfcnt up against lho Portland maehine lnit week. If tho Morion county idcnl could pro vnl), thorn would not bo a dollar of graft loft in stnto politics. MARION COUNTY POLITICIANS WHO QO IN FOR "BTRAIOnT ORAFT, ARE IN A HOPELESS MI NORITY. Portland machine politicians cannot coo anything in government but oppor tunity for graft. Which will win out in tho coming campaign, PorUnnd machlno methods or Marlon county idonlsT Lot the peoplo of Oregon tako their cholco nod follow the Hag of good government or pursue tho anarchy of graft. A KIND WORD FOR MR. ROCKE FELLER. John D. Rockefeller tins recently cel ebrated tho 5&1 year of his citizenship nt Clevolnud, Ohio. About 600 peoplo assembled at his liomo to show their osteom for tho man who is much oritloixed. It Is hard! to soparato tho man and Ms attributes from his reputation for great wealth and tho questions as to tho legality of his possessions. But let us try to think kindly of Rockefeller as n manwho has dono tin moro than tho genius within him impollod him to do as any ono would. Ho has furnished1 our country ami tlio world good oil and at fairly cheap prlcea. 8amo with gasoline. Ho has tried to make go u,m of his w D Trust octors If you arc suffering from impure blood, thin blood, debility, nervousness, ex haustion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him all about it. WOiMMKCKtil wBoll J.OVAytrOo.. (k4 Isra.Ul Mill Mr MtaldtM. nil. u monoy. Ho has dono tho best ho could with It. Wo know it is not popular to say a kind word for John D. Rockcfcllor. But let us think of hint an a human being and a noighbor and friend. WHEN NEWT WILLIAMSON WAS TRIED. Congressman Williamson is under conviction in tho federal courts for complicity with land fraud. TBX EDITOR OF THIS PAPER RECALLS A TIME WHEN PLAIN JOHN NEWTON WILLIAMSON'S METTLE WAS TRIED. A fow years ago thero was a groat battlo in tho logislaturo to ovorthrow the Text Book Trust in Oregon. It had held unbroken powor for odd years had a princely Incomo and owned things in general. Tho text-book commission bill lacked thrco votes in tho lower house and was up on a reconsideration. NEWT WILLIAMSON HAD VOTED AOAINST THE BILL AND THE TEXT-BOOK TRUST HAD DOODLES OF MONEY. Ho changed bis voto for tho bill nnd saved tho measuro that meant so much' to nil Oregon. That was a tlmo to try men, and Nowt Williamson stood Are. This ro cont trial savors of a political job. The Way To Wealth Benjamin Frnnklln said: "Tho Way to Wealth. Is as plain as tho Way to Market." Ho gives these directiens: Bo honest, work hard, save some. Excellent rdvle.e ,and the last Is as necessary as the first. Our Savings Department will help you save. It. will tako your savings in sums as small as ono dollar and tnako them earn moro. Interest compounded semi-annually at three por cent. Savings Department CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK LET US ALL WASn HANDS. (From Collier's Weekly.) Mr. Rockofellor said, in tho celcbra tlon of his fifty-two years of cltlzon ship in Cleveland, that ho hoped tho young mon nbout him would succeed as tho older men havo succeeded. Wo can not help wishing they may think moro of other things than of success; but to proceed. "Don't think," said Mr. Roekofollor, "that moro money get ting is nil thoro Is in this world." Who has dono moro to instil tho ifloa that mouoy is our groatost orator 1 "What shall tho frultago of your work bof Hospitals, churches, schools, asylums anything and everything for tho bet torment of your follows." If you do this, thinks John D., "when you spend tho quiet dnjs, ns I nm doing now un dor thoso oaks, you will havo great joy." It Is a familiar idoa that hos pitals can justify a llfo 111 spent. What wo need most in Amorioa todny is to lower our regard1 for monoy, in pro portion to tho othor goodn of fife. Mr. Bryan vtitlidrow an nrtlclo from a re ligious publication beoauso it would not nllow him sufficiently to enstigato Mr. Rockefeller ami tho powor of gold. Ho also drubbed tho lawyors who "sub stitute tho iovo of monoy for tho law of oonselenee," and does not spnro his own profession, declaring that editor and publishers nro to bo found In abundance who allow monoy to affect their polleios. Mr. Bryan, in tho snmo issue, prists an advertisement of "oan eor cured to stay ... no knifol no pain!" Also "cancer cured with soothing, balmy oils." Also "opium and whisky habits oured at home with out pain." Is all this .for tho good of tho universe, or tho onuso of truth, or for tho money which thoso swlndlors pay! Wo havo no desire to bo hard on Mr. Brynn, but thoso foundntlon troub les of our civilization must bo taken frankly nnd radically if any chnngo is to bo accomplished. What is tho dif ference in spirit between Mr. Bryan's business office awl Mr. Rockefeller's. . o . Typewriter Smiles. Tho Drain Xonparcil attacks tlio free pass system. Clackamas county granges havo been holding succonful country fairs. Tho Klamath Republican I a red hot paper for the development of Kla math county. Something bright 1ms happonod to tho Albany Demeehat man. He had & good word for somebody the other day, if It was Heuoy, When Plttoek of the Oregonian holps to make Coos Bay a deep sea harbor tho aqueous elements of tho infernal regions will certainly congeal. ( Important if true oelared waiters are to bo restored to their inalienable rights in tho Hotel Portland dining rooms. They have been displaced for the past six months by wblto waiters. Qlvo tho colored man a chance. It makes littlo difference to Marlon coun ty people who mostly camp at tho New Lange. The Eugene Journal, narrison Kin cald's paper, has this; Our country schools need a stronger tinge of farm ing sentiment. Studio, text books and teachers are all kejed to the tune of tho city. Tho pupil should be given at least halt a chance o appreciate tho meaning -and beauty of naturo and country lifo. Tho Capital Journal editor is accused of this and that. Hp makes no dofoncc. Ho was in Portland on tho day of tho peace conforcuco but did not at tond tho sessions simply for thojroason that ho had important privato business that required his attention, rio was pleased at tho nblo way in whloh Ohair man Davoy brought tho convenilfin to a harmonious conoluslon. Tho Eugene city council advertises for bids on $100,000 wator bonds and $100,000 electric light bonds to con struct wator nnd lighting plants for that city. That is a bold stop but in tho right direction. Tho point is this: Any community will do well to en courage tho Investment of all tho pri vato capital possiblo in publio utilities. If privato capital cannot get in and public owncrspip is thought desirablo get in and do that. Just as good pears and winter apples can bo raised on tho foothills of tho Wlljamotto valley aa anywhere In tho world. Telegraphic advices from Now York stato that a car of Medford pears, from tho orchard of JW. Perkins, sold for $3429, tho highest 'prico over roal hod for a carload of pears in America. Part of tho car brought $7.70 por box, tho highest prico over recorded for singlo boxoa of tho fruit. It wns a flno compliment for tho Marion county ltopublicana to tender Hon. Frank Davoy tho chairmanship of tho stato conforenco at Portland. Ho mado a flno presiding offlcor and kopt harmony and good will woll to tho front. .For such a sorvlco it takes ability and Mr. Davoy possossodi It. It is to bo hoped tho party managers will not ovor look bo nblo a man as Mr, Davoy when it comes to handing out something moro tlwtr empty) honors. jf8CSWJP,J5w&" EjSSi fsry I ' BREADMAKINa TO BE SUCCESSFUL Naturally demands n high-grade flour. That's exaotly what ho now celebrated product of tho Salem Flouring Mills is a high grade, satisfaction- giving, flno broad making flour. Qood reasen: Good whoat nnd good milling. Ask any bakor'a opinion of Wild Roso flour, SALEM FLOURTNa MILLS. ALL ABOUT YOU Builders are using our lumber for outsido work, for heavy construction ami for Interior finishing, to the satis faction of themselves and patrons. Why not profit by their example, and favor us with a call. We select only tho best varieties of lumber, and our long experience enables us to properly houso and season them. Drop in next time jou're this way. OOODALE LUMBER CO. Near 8, P. Passeonger Depot. Phono 5S Main. Ho is compotont to fill any office that pays something. p Toledo Keporter: Tho buslnoss in terests of Salem, Indcpcnuonco nnu other valley olUes aro agitating mo building of a railroad from Salem to ik. w.n..inn br wav of Independ ence tho Luckiamute, Pcdco and Siletz . ITT A AM. valleys to Yaquma Day. no -vocatod tho building of such a road and wo bclievo that it would not only bo tho best investment in railroad building that could bo mado, but it would add immensely to tho wealth of tho counties through which it ran and to tho Willamette valley generally. Do Yon Bcllovo In 8ign3. A mark, noto, token or symptom, indicates that by which nnythlng may bo known, that Is, wo aro forowarnod If ovil Is to befall us, or wo havo tho pleasuro of anticipation If tho elgns botokon a fortunate occurrence. Ac cidental occurroncos all havo tholr signs, ovcry disoaso has its symptoms. Tho point is to hood tho former, nnd counteract tho offoct of tho lattor. Spoils of nick headache follow Indiges tion and Btomneh disorders, belching, billouBnesa and dyspepsia aro nigna of oickneea. Peoplo that bolloro la thoao signs and know that thoy aro trno front oxporleneo, can got lmmsdlato rollof and a speedy euro by tho vibo of Dr. Onnn's TraproTeJ Liver Pflltt Bold by druggists for 6o por box. OMy ono for n docn. ' mBmmammmmmmmmmm HI i i 1 lliaiSfi 1 iipll B If ffl osIinti W Vjt " a ml! I ntf III Clothes )W $Ml H Wrimow xiJKW? CM' III 1 aKQB0' hRy ' Full of Tragic Moaning. Aro thoso linos from J. H. Simmons, of Cnsoy, In. Think what might havo re sulted from this tcrriblo cought If ho bad not taken tho medicine about which ho writes: "I had n fearful cough, that disturbed my night's rest. I tried ovorythlng, but nothing would relievo it, until I took Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which completely cured mo." Instantly rollovcs nnd permanently cures nil throat and lung diseases; pro vents grip and pneumonia. At J. C. Perry's Drug Storo; guaranteed; GOo and $1.00. Trial bottlo free. COOL MORNING BREAKFASTS Aro not comploto unless you havo hot cakes mado from tho faraor. FALCON or f OLYMPIC Brands of Proparod Pancako Tlour or IL O. BUCKWHEAT and uso the Best Maplo Syrup on thorn, OLD MANSE. You get theso of A. L. Harvey Cor. Court and High Sts. '1 r IF YOU EAT AT Strong's Restaurant SMITH & SEFFEBT, Props. You will always be satisfiod. Every thing first-claw. Regular 25e dinner from 12 to 0:30. Merchant's 20c lunch from 11 to 2. SHORT ORDERS SERVED FROM 6 A. M, TO 0 P. M. CAPITAL NORMAL. First National Bank Building. Salem, Orogon. Normal, Academic, Business, Civil Ser vice, Music. Wo are fortunate in securing the. services of Dr. Parvin for this de partment. Wo have also arranged, a Primary department, and shall have elasMS In all grades from the first to tho twolfth. " Address, q J. J, KRAPS, Salem, Ore, Save Kioney We havo many articles la our second hand storo that we can soil you at prices youkwill save money on. Highest prico paid for second baud goods of cfrery description. Come in and see us. O. L. McPEEK, Phono 1233 Main. 170 Commercial St IF YOU HAVE $15 IN YOUR ROCKET I when this ad, strikes your oyes, you can put it to no better uso Uu to burv ono of our $15.00 Suits Our suits nt this prico aro certainly ono of tho bost, if not tho tcrr best, bargains it has over been our pTlvilcgo to offer. Every suit is new and mndo for this season's trado. 'How wo happonod to have these suits and how long wo aro ablo to offor thorn to you at this price U i long story-too long for now, but como In and lot tho suits speak for thomselvos. Como soon, or thoro will bo no need of coming, for ih suits will bo eold. G. W. JOHNSON & CO. :.$lUu (IX y,a i ft 1 , Tho oaglo is Undo Sam's muesli Ho soars highor than other bird. & ovo is koon and his mind alert. If you havo an eaglo cyo for viltu swoop down on us for Groceries. Baker, Lawrence & Bakcf 1 Successors to Harrttt Lawreoe Eppley's Perfection Baking PowcJe IS PUT UP JN GLASS JARS, AOT WHEN THE BAKING POWDER U USED, THE JAR OAN BE USED FOB PUTTING UP FRUIT IN, AND MANY OTHER USEFUL PURPOSES. i SCHOOL DAYS ; A. . . I,rw1 anil trood W -"- Jl ablo footwoar Is aa necessary M Jj chUdroa as books and teachers. l will find our footwear especially . . . . iv. I k od for growing feet; footwear v -. durable, neat and comfortable, WW ? price and high in quality. JACOB VOtf Ttc New Fashion FORMERLY SIMPSON'S STABLES Consolidated With Tne Cfob Stables Modem Management. First-class Livery and Cab Line, Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally-ho for pienlea and excursion parties. New Fashion phone 44. Club phone 7. Chs. W. Yannke Prop. A. L. FRASER Successors to Burroughs fs Fraser. Plumbing, Tinning ind ,Roof inz Cornice Work, Heating and Building Work of all kinds; estim . lade and work guaranteed. , v made 367 SUte Street, Salem. Phono 151L