Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 13, 1905, TWO EDITIONS, Page 4, Image 4

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(raiDford c f
I Behold, a copper tinted man, .V 1
The noble chieftain Powhatan. H ill 1L I
This Injun goodwho once I mt
I Of Pocahontas was the dad. I 1 v v5l
Kis moccasins he highly prized 1 w
8 Until he grew so civilized, I w Wf
I Such footgear he'd no longer I vKftji JF
But tomahawked in Crawford I rmSv 1
Oscar M. Johnson.
(Continued from tint page.)
vldod for nil tlio orator to linve spok
on thoir llttlo piece. Thnt would have
iniulo it n real Invo feat. All tlio
candlrinto lid not Ret to sing tliolr
writ In melody of the sunrlso niplrn
tlons, nor. tlio swan song of tliolr po
Ittlcnl onreors, ns the cane might ho.
Somo of the overly enutloim Republl
can mnmiger did not show up nt the
convention, hut confined thcmselvos to
book-room manipulation of tlio wires
with trusty lloutonnnts to bring thorn
reports of progress. Hut thnt Is noth
ing now, niul, all things considered, tlio
oonvontlon, which lu renllty bnd noth
ing to do but blow olt n nttlo foam
nnd let the world know thnt the party
organisation (till oxists, wh n sueceos
ful performance ami hue Uitl the
groundwork for the party' future ex
istence. Marlon County Leadership.
Marlon eounty hHl sot only the
ntrongeet delegation present, but ns
nerted leadership throughout tko con
ference in a rpiiet and determined
wny. Chairman Uitl 1). Patton ealled
the delegate together nt hi headquar
ters in the New Lange Hotel and, 16
minute liefore the tlm for the meet
ing at the Umpire theater, In n well
worried speech, had seeiired the unani
mous support of the sixty delegates
to the support of Freak Davey for
chairman of the convention. J. X.
Smith nud W. 0. Hawley were appoint
ed to present tko name to the mvv
tieiu This was done in a pleasant
manner and when A. Ij. Mills, spanker
of the last kotuM of representative,
had ptaeeNtwl' the name of Senator
Halaee, of Waahlagtoa county Davey
wns elected with a whoop, lie took
the gavel amid great applause and
muilo an eloquent opening harmony ad
dress and never lost his grip of the
Kvel nor his grasp of the situation
until he had' declared the oonveation
Feed a cold yes, but
feed it with Scott's Emul
sion. Feeding a cold in this
way kills it. You cannot
afford to have a cough or
cold at this season or any
other. Scott's Emulsion
will drive it out quickly
and keep it out. Weak
lungs are strengthened
and all wasting diseases
are checked by Scott's
Emulsion. It's a great
flesh producer.
8C0TT SHOWN K.oPuSimi, Kt Yets.
adjourned slno dio, and ho was warm
ly congratulated by tho pooplo from
nil ovor tho stnto for his ability as a
presiding oMaor.
After Stnto Chairman Bnkor had de
livered tho opening nddros in calling
to order, in which ho plead for har
mony and nskod tho oonvontlon to ro
solvo ltsolf Into "nn old-fashioned
Qunkor meeting," tho speochirnkors
wero turnod loose. Sonntor Pulton
spoko on national Isnues, eulogized tho
president nml fnvorod . tho lntorstnto
eommereo commission having power to
fix reasonnblo rates. This subject was
brought boftire tho platform commit
tee, but was tabled ami did not ap
pear in tho report of the oommltt'ee.
Before tho oonvontlon adjourned,'
Stephen' A, Lowell anllod up tho roso-j
lution (indorsing a rate law, had tho
convention take it off the table ami
the convention adopted it after strik
ing out reference to any particular bill '
but indorsing the principle. Manning
of Salem and Lee of Portland made!
speeches against the resolution. Frnnkl
C. Ilaker refusal the honor of tomjM)-'
rnry chairman, saying a Tinker was'
chief of the ushers. If a linker were
eiwlrmnn, they might as well move to
the linker theatory and take the whole
llakery. This raised a laugh and Mr,
Maker's reputation for modesty wns
fully sustained.
Toozo "Scores a nit.
Walter L. Too, oandldate for eon
grees from tho first dlstrlet, scored a
bit ami had the oonveation by the
heals and the nape of the neck by his
spirited speech for tho recognition of
the interior and tho coast harbors and
rivers. His remarks were directed to
the plea of Judge Caples that the
whole stato was lack of tho Improve
ment of the Columbia to a depth of
3R feet to Lewiston and 40 feet to the
sealoarl. His talk was the hit of the
convention and finely offset the narrow
view tAt it sometime expressed at
Portland when improvements -ure
talked about. He said In part:
"It is all right to talk of Increas
ing the waterways along the Columbia
river, but we of the Willamette val
ley do not think we have received the
atteatleu of development of our por
tion of the stato. Southern Oregon is
a coining portion of the state. You
jwoplo of Portland forget wo have bnr
bora that need improvement. Wo will
stand by you for yonr deep harbor,
but don't fergt us.''
Marion Scorca Again.
In the eoawttittee on resolutions,
Hul D. Patton, Member of tho commit
too from Marion county, banded in a
substitute far the treatment of the
primary law. It fully pledgee the
Republican party for the honest,
faithful and just enforcement of the
direct primary system of making
county, state and congressional nomi
nations, and then provides for holding
county conventions to ratify the eounty
ticket and make a stato platform. This
wns hastily disposed of by Walter J
MeCammant secretary, nnd Grant Dim
ick, chairman of tho committee, nnd by
tho committeo ltsolf. But boforo tho
convention adjourned1 tho Pntton res
olutions wero tnken from tho table
nnd, nftor somo specchmnking, substi
tuted for tho committeo 's rathor' cur
sory trentmont of tho "Bominatlon
problem. Tho plan adopted" provides
for recognition of tho now system,
continuity In tho patty . organization,
nnd prosorvntion of tho oonvontlon
systom, but subordinates It to tho
people's control of tho nominating
Tho Marion Delegates.
Marlon County Frank Davey, W.
L. Tooze, H. D. Patton, J. 0. Grnhnra,
W. C. Hnwley, J. X. Smith, E. T. Judd,
J. D. Simmons, B. F. West, George O.
Brown, Lloyd T. Reynolds, Tkomai B.
Kay, Frank Blaekorby, A. M. La Fob
lett. Charles B. Moores, E. Hofer, A.
X. Moores, Lot Pearce, Walter L.
Tooae, II. II. Mount, George Riches,
W. O. Hublmrd, A. A. MeCermlok,
Zadoe RIggs, L. M. Gilbert, E. W.
Hnanrd, Ellis Rlebnrdeon, K. D.
Horgan, Judge J. II. Scott, William J.
Ciarko, Jamas L. Cook, Professor E. T.
Moores, J. II. Sottleroler, Oliver Bears,
I. A. Manning, Daniel Webster, Ross
E. Moores, W. A. Moores, L. R, Stln
son, W. M. Savage, W. I. Staley, S. A.
McFaddea, F. T. Wrlghtman, P. E.
Sbafer, J. C Cookie, Jr., R. C. Rlsh
op, George F. Rogers, Claude Gateh, J.
A. Simpson, O. 0. Sfcelberg, Dr. Ap
ply. A. B. Deatel, George Ouseiter, R.
M. Hieka and T. T. Geer.
There were many others who were in
attendance from this county.
I mn ii innni i inmm
1 1 1 1 it m imn ii i ii i mil i
Will F, Fiaeher is vmttng friends in
Misa Rona Boney l.i a Fair visitor to
day and tomorrow.
Miss Ella Hirst is the guest of
Portland rotative.
W. W. Bale, of Halley, Idako,-ls vis
itlnfc relatives near Liberty.
Frank Martin, of Hubbard, was a
bnsimtfy visiter to Salem yesterday,
0. W. Johnson and wife returned
last ovoning from a visit to the Fair.
Recorder Moorea ami wife have re
turned from a visit to tho exposition.
Tom Wulker and son were nmong
tho largo crowd going to th Fair this
Mlsa Hdith Byre and Miss Burrel
Mka BsUth Hyro and Miea Beryl
J. J. Laitor, of Eagene, U tho gutst
of Mr. and Mrs, J. TlwfMs on tho
Garden road.
Mrs. Sol Durbln left this morning
for Bolso City, where bo will visit
with relative.
Miss Helen Jones, of Brownsville.
pasaed through Salem on' her wny to
me xnir ima morning.
Street Commissioner Kurtz will go
The Parland-Newhall Com
pany at the Grand Opera
House Tonight
The "Parland Newhnll," a company
of musical specialists, will glvo one
of their fino entortainmonts at tho
Grand Opera IIouso tonight.
This is tho first attraction of tho
Y. M. C A. cntortninmont courso and
promises to bo first class In every par
ticular. Reports from Albany, whoro
tWs company fllleil nn engagement lost
night, are very flattoring. Tho malo
nuartet was encored titno nnd timo
again. Tho voices' In this quartet havo
been together boforo tho public for
five years and their blending is as
nearly perfect aa practdco can make.
Tho peoplo of Salem, who havo beon
fortumito enough to securo season tick
ets to tho Y. M. C. A. entertainment
courso will bo glad to know that thoy
are to bo given such high class attrac
tion. Maro, tho Magician, who is tho
second attraction of tho course, is a
woador in his line. Singlo tickets to
this ontortaJnment will bo worth $1.
Tho management of tho Y, M. C. A.
Is to bo complimented on securing
such fino attractions and at such rea
sonnblo pricoa 'for season tickets.
An English Author Wrote
"No shade, no shine, no fruit, no
flowors, no leaves, Xovomborl" Many
Americans would add no freedom from
catarrh, which Is so aggravated during
this month that it bocomes constantly
troublesome. Thoro Is abundant proof
that catarrh is a constitutional disease.
It is related to scrofula and consump
tion, bolng ono of tho wasting diseases.
Hood's Sarsaparllla has shown that
what Is capablo of eradicating scrofula
completely cures catarrh, and takon in
timo provents consumption. Wo can
not boo how any sufferer can put off
taking this modlclno, in view of tho
wldoly published record of Its radical
nnd permanent cures. It is undoubt
edly America's greatest mcdlcino for
Ajnorlca'a greatest disease catarrh.
to Portland tomorrow morning to see
tho Fair go out in a blnzo of glory.
David Eyre, of tho Salem Stato
Bnnk, goes to Portland this nftornoon,
to bo present nt tho last day of tho
Frank Sanner, of Marysville, Wash.,
who has been visiting his parents of
this city for a week, returned to his
homo yesterday.
Mra. Ida M. Baboock and daughter,
Grace, MIm Beatrice Shelton and Ros
ooo Shelton formed a party for the
taking in of the closing days of tho
Mrs, A. A. Sanborn, who conducted
classes In sewing in tho Salem public
schools last year, has beon elected to
tho position of teaeher of domestic
ecloneo in the Portland schools.
John Fechoter, traveling secretary
of the Y. MJ7. A. for California, ha's
arrived in Salen to get his family
and move to Pacific Grove, near which
place he is now working with the sol-
A total of 340 people went from Sa
lem to Portland on the two trains this
morning. Following Is a partial list
of thoso going down on tho lecal: D.
M. C Gault Mlsa Field, W. M. Mcln
tyro and family, 0. L. Stolner, Lon
Wain, Mrs. Wolverton, Mrs. A. A.
Wheeler, W. T. Rlgdan and wlfo, At
torney and Mrs, A. M. Cannon, John
H. Ooleman, Grank Durbia, Mr. C. B.
Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert,
Otto Wilson, Mrs. A. A. Culbertson,
Mr. awl Mm. Hughoa, Max Buren and
wife, Jay Phillips, 0. T. Poweroy and
wife, and R. D. Gilbert and family of
Webfooters Hold the Children
of the Orange Groves
Down to Cases
By playing tho Unlvorslty of Cali
fornia football team to a standstill yes
terday at Berkeley, the team from tho
Orogon Stato University at Eugen
again demonstrated tho fact thnt tho
stato of California is not tho wholo
show, and that thero is going to bo
somo great footbn'll played in Orogon
this year. If either of tho big south
ern teams should hnvo tho ncrvo to
leavo thoir own fields and como north
it is a safo guess that thoy would both
bo defeated this year by all throo of
tho big collogo teams of this state.
According to tho roporU which havo
been recoivod, tho gamo at Borkoloy
yestorday was a good one, though
Oregon did not succeed In holding
down tho Callfornlans qulto as well rta
did Willnmotto last Saturday. It will
bo romorabored that tho Willnmotto
goal wns nevor .In dnngor, while tho
Bcrkloyltos wero twlco on tho fivo
ynrd line of tho men from Eugcno, nnd
only failed to scoro through tho lack
of judgment of tho California qunrtcr
back. Neither did Orogon got so close
to tho goal line of tho oppononts as
did tho Salem team.
Gordon Mooros, of Salem, who
played end on tho Oregon team, was
tho star of tho gamo. It Is said thnt
ho clrclod tbo owl of tho opposing lino
four times, and made the only eonsa
tional run of the day. Moores is ft
son of C B. Moores of this city, who
is a graduate of Wlllametto Univer
sity and n member of tho board of
trustees of tho Salem institution, yet
his children go to ovory othor school
In tho stnto except Willamette.
Frlessell. Oregon's new mnn from
Nevada, was also a star player, es
pecially on tho dofoneivo, when ho
would leap over tho lino and break up
tho California plays.
It seems that Oregon was weak on
tho offcnslvo in tho first half of tho
gnmo, and it was only tho magnificent
punting of Captain Lamourctto that
saved 'the Orogonians from disastrous
dofont in this period. Their team work
was better in tho Inst half. A Cali
fornia clearly bud tho bettor of tho
first half, so Orogon put up tho better
gamo In tho last half,
Tlds gnmo goes to show that tho
gamo botween Eugene and J3alem,
which is to be played in this city No
vember 4, will be a hummor. Tho
greatest ever played In this olty with
out a doubt.
Marlon County's Commission Providos
for tho Little Folks.
Bide wero opened Tuesday by the
state library commission for supplying
the various counties of the state with
booka to form the nucleus of school
libraries. But two bids wero sub
mitted, one by Gill, the Portland sta
tioner, and the other, the succossul
one; by A. C. MeOturg & Co., of Chi
cago. The establishment of school libraries
has been made possible by a law of
tho last legislature, which delegated
the duty to a board to be created and
called the state library commission,
Tho law has also provided that funds
for the libraries be obtained by a tax
levy in each county of ten cents for
every child of school ago.
Tho only money available for the
purchaso of booki this year will como
from and benefit Marlon, Yamhill and
Douglas counties. These counties
were tho only ones in the stato thnt
provided for the library fund in the
last tax levy.
About $2,000 in all will bo expended
this year by the library commission.
The books include a wide assortment
of all kinds for all ages and classes of
Thousands of pcopla take Hostettor'a Stomach
Bitters in preference to a ny other stomach remedy
is because they found it the only one that could
cure them. When the appetite is good, complexion
sallow, or the tongue coa ted you. too, ought to
commence taking
at once. Xature is calling for usslsta'aee and the
longer you delay the aicker you're going to be. For
any ailment of the stomach, Liver or Kidneys
you'll find it the best. It positively cures
In order to guard against counterfeits we urge you
to see that our Prlvato Stamp on neck of bottle
it unbroken.
Llko begets like." Had j
famous Journalist been satisfy
with "good enough," ho never
would have "had this superb palace.
To tlo your best, dress your bert
fJood enough" clothes cost u
much as the unequalled CORRECT
The makers' cuarantfo. and min.M,J
garment tearing the above lAtL
no nrq ciuuiih agcnuMft. j
G. W. Johnson Co,,
is m
Hard Hearted Company asi
water segregate Him
From the World
Owing to tho continued fall al i
rlvor, tho 0. C. T. Co, will U tr.
polled to discontinue steamer (err!'
to Independence. The water tt 1
o'clock this morning showed a kir
of ono foot fivo inches above low tt-
n fall of t -air inches In the list !
Tho Willnmctto, on account tl t!
rains of last week, has been UjV
than usual nt this timo of the jk
At this timo Inst yoar tho rirer n
a tenth below low water. It Is proh
bio thnt a steamor will bo able Ur
up to Independence Sunday, tit k
until thoro is higher water.
Salem Citizens Should Welch Ti
This Evidence
Froof of merit Ilea in the tIb
Convincing ovidenco in Salem.
Is not tho tostimony of stranger!
Dut tho endorsement of 6ilea;
That's tho kind of proof glrealrl
Tho statement of a Salem cltliM.
William H. Spayd, living at tti
ner of JJortU Winter and D iwi
says: "Words cannot exprem
opinion 'half strong onough of Dl
Kidnoy Pills. I havo known tteu
marknblo morlts for the last h1!
years hnvlng usod them in ClintctOJ
Mich., where I was living. Jiyi
neys wero a sourco of annojawtij
nulto n numbor of years. I bm !
naln across my loins and tho "
from tho kidneys were irregular M
tion, causing mo to rise often m
night, and at times there wai a l
Inc. I also had more or less
I procured Doan's Kidney Pilli I
Dr. Stono's drug store and gTH
to a person visiting us and the p
linr wnmlnrfnl relief, and In BJ '
I was benefited In every w7-
backncho was relieved ana mo i
with the kidney secret! -mswai
ed. You nre at liberty to refer U'
na aia whft n Andorra 136 "
wa uuu iimv v --- -
raado for Doan's Kidney Pwi Ji
nln lrnnur nt n. frrftnt DlinV OtM"
have used them with the dm4"
For sale by all dealers. PWVJ
An TA.rUhiirn L0 "1
New York, solo agents for tbo t 1
Remomber tbo naine-Do'"1
take no other.
Slicod Cucumber and Onion P
Select cucumbers and cnioas t
slices nbout the size ana tbw-
l.-fl JA11A. CrtrinVlA With
. t l ArnitL V
stana over mgni
quarts vi cuuuuiuv - .
onions. Mix IVj cups cf Mlsd .
olivo oil, 1 cup of celery
.,r. ,-Mto nnA 1.3 CUT of hU
tnrd seed, with vinegar sec
-- ! nnlnna nnd Cl- Umb"-
nil thoroutrhlv. Put in e1"' (
!,.. .t .-.I nrk. h UU
several months before US
m. ,. tem of " TJ
vauou j -j- u
tlea. Nqw is the time to ' ;
ter'a Rocky juoummu . ,,
, i, .. vAn voa'1
mane you ireu " -v- ' -j-jfl
cents, Tea or Tablets. Dr 1