w " WflM," lWCW s DA2LT CAPITAL JOUBKAL, 8ALEH. OBEOOS, TBIDAY, OOTOBEB 13, 1905. a t aye Ycm i M j 4 r4 " forms of throat end long tr Then tii t -si tcirt Arers Qterrr Pe tcral. Tell him bow H cured your bird coagb. Tell him vhr roei always keep it as bind. Tell hint to ask bis doctor scoot it. Doctors use it great deal for troubles. ClTtfO DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFEB BSOS. OITIOIAL GEKSTJS SAT.KM. STAY, 1SW, 13S7. graiw eu THE HOP MARKET QUIET Prices Hang up on Account of Immense Croo In England The dry was jnastosday threaded with boy growers who osTeted their crops to anveapaaaire dealers. Not a eiacV tale m seawrted for the oatir day, b4 WaaW'dsy a less thaa fmsr anas bart amtatttios Taaadag from 1W to MO halo. PrfoM wavered aboat the l- coat mark, frith a tcademcy to Aecltae. Oary oae bay at 1SV4 was mad oa Wednes day. Boston wore offeriag 114 oat, bat eooU fad a UWs. Tboy eri doaily aspect prfe to drop whoa tbo reeeacjy received oaatJat report from Kaadaad shoot tbo aaaw4s ly mrpre ctop hM hod tim to faHy af feet hop yiawccs. A hoy of M6 holot was ropsrtad y terday moraiac by 9. Harris i Oa. TVt prieo paid Is soid to hare beca 12 12 coats. Look Lachaasad A Co. report a boy of 400 halo from the West JsUd, 1HM trap, at prieos W twee 10 sod 11 eoais. Krehs lire, bar givoa oat the por ch of J bolos at 19 1- coats. Cat Ita & Umm have mad the bswast of ret boys. Thojr alo;cd aeRatm tioos with aa Iaispsadinii grower yesterday for hU boMiag of ISO bales it 1CH tent. e ENGINEER WINS OUT of tbo lear scaadtar; 9tMo Taiar Low- in aad tbo Dosrhates IrriaatJea sad Pawar Compaay bo probably baa ar raaejeJ. Lewis. r t .arms of the Mimprnmtw. for saeb it eaa bo called, wt all bis eoatoatioao. Tbo irrl tioa tompaay wfU withdraw hs appli ratsm to bar tbo stato apply for for ruwM patoats for D tbo mad la It Croat ia Crook aoaaty aad aabmh a mWo rapPW Tbo aow appttratioa wOl ask that lb state apply' to tbo jiemaanu for patoats oafy oa haads wall fat the aatgabathaol of its kriaatfoa oaaals. Tbo oaaapaay bad riaaamd that the state eaciaor etrtify as reelaiaaed 0 the mad fat too nao. 5400 seres ta ML This Xr. Ias rof a.od to do. as- ortiaa; that all ibe mad was aot re- !cs of the iaaaeial system of t eoaBtry. Aftr taaekooa tbo eoasldoraUoa I aatfaisiiel basieess wao takes p an '. Tarioo eoauaitteo rsporU wiQ be e a steered, weradiaf the report of ta eoauaitteo oa aoaabmtioas. Aftor th eteetioa of oaators tbo aow ooSoars w.il at oaeo bo rastallod asm tbo osbte Uob win adjoars. Aftor adjoarameat avaar ot the doMfatos will go to Ar lisjrtOB sad Fart Moyor. Ia the erec tag a fonaal laeipiila wiH be girea by the BoaWs' Asoaeiatloa of the District of Corambia ta tbo Aaaorieaa Baakors' Assoeiatioa, ia tbo assembly rooms of tbo 2w WObfcrd EatoL The Caagriiswlsaal Ubrary wiB bo brllUaat ly Ulamiaatod taaifbt aad will be tbrowa epos to tbo riohiax baafcors Iff JBP omimed. He bad his refasal oa the fact that a great portioa of the mad wa sitaated miles rom say irrigatiaghdaee aal aad eoald aot possibly be eoa- sidtcsd a nebiiimed. The eoaapaay. aadiac that the state oaiaeer was obdarato. has dotlded that it was hotter to take part of the loaf thai aoae at all aad has agreed to be saOsaed with tbo approral aad osrtiioatioa of part of the mad ia the graat as reclaim i. The exact amoaat at Ua4 tkat will a MrtMad la will aot be pirea oat at tbo pretoat time. It , aowoTor, a saasll portsoa oaly ot ta oatire gsaat. At the aasetiaf of tbo state mad board aext week, it is probable that aetioa wiB be to to ask for pat- eats from tbo goearamcat oa tbo load cortsaod as roemimod by the seat aag ia i ar. What the Dseobatos Irri?tioc aad Power Compaay wiH do farther tow ard haviag tbo bslaate of its mad ac cepted by the scat is a problem. Som of tbo load lies 96 mOos from aay irriaatimr caaal aad still more if of sack a aataso that it Is irrtsmim Ke Staeeazes is the Treasury. Wasaaaftoa. D. C OeC IS, Aa order has booa sagaod by Secretary Shaw aad today seat to tbo chiefs of si: baroaas aad diviaiaaa ia the Varionf oaoeatiT dopartmoats, which, if aeta aUy carried oat. will pat aa esat to t aameroai iaorares held by prrrUere-i clerks aad employes with pothieal paiL The order reqairos that the chiefs of the rarioas baroaas aad dtrisioss mast certify to the work doae by their sabordiaateis before the btttor eaa ob taia their pay. JSaeh diridoB heal k- oath that the perse ia whose faror tbo roacbor is drawa has rsalariy ia attoadaaee at his of work thro,,', the perie-i corored aad actaally dsdag the work. The order' k aimed at the aasaeroas employes who aaaiatala tbomsolvos apoa the federal payroll witboat perform lag actaat serrices, or performiag them rory irrecalarly. Has OaVBaxhasked Barbs&k. Great Balls. Xot, Oct. 1.-Seia- tists aad aayicaltarists are hljfbly ia- ! terosted ta the dtseorery by D. D. Darst j of a aew method of jrrowiag potatoes. I which is as remarkable as aay of the afhtoremeaw of tbo "Wlasrd" Bar. ! baak. A muaber of tcieatlKS aad rep . reseatathros of affrkalraral societies ' are hero at proseat to iavastigate aad Jtst Xr. Darst 's Aiseeeory. Hit ex- pertsaaats aare boea ooadacted ta a box sitrbt feet i goats. Ia the bottom of that box Xr. Darst placed a myor It takxs tivx. axrrrrno5 axd con- j of a oortaia proparatioa of which ho laaa soaso snranieou to make people i has tbo secret, to the depth of three beemb-ytacyottriwdaaawme;! o top ei that layar a aambor back for aeore. Tea may adTartiseri esapty tbesr appropriatsaa saad boxes The aamos faWfaK pWs)Mfa ots. of potatoes ar plaated. aa tbo test crada. aad tbo read to ad-' ateee- of the recHssas sexreas U ttrewa wttk the Uyor of bteaefcta? skoletoas of the Tictlms afjeoo. aad so oa aattl the box is fall, eae buectioa. Xr. Darst assorts that the box may be J.h Waaamakoa o.e -M. -T.!01 T " "T dUramUn adTcrtutBc ti ilk tJt.:nr layer of pstateei aad ta dor 7r in." aatoa, witboat aJSaetiac tbo predaoias; Toa bare a tig shore yw door tamtt " T1 ,Ht " let people kaow who yea are aad wbat WOMEN WHO SUFFER HAVE 3TEGLECTED TO TBY DB. Vn.T.IATS' PEvK PILLS. 1 Tscotariaas Meet In London, i L .:m "t. 13 A uniqoe congr of Teeetansas assembled in London . .ir to exehaage ideas and discuss paas for spreadiBt the doetrine of regetanaaism. Amoac; those in at tviaaee at the openieg were a number of mea aad womea who hare passed their foar score milaatOBe aad who at-f-ibate their majority aad also their tooi health to their abstention from eatiac "Aesh, ftsh or fowl." The eon tree will ooatiaae several days. ' e roaabt ia War With Spain. Spritxaekl, Mass., Oet. 13. The first rooaioa of the Seeoad Regiment Mas Mhasetts Vohnteor Iafaatrr. whih Mrred ia the Spaaish-Ameriesn war wis held today at Xemorial hall ia this erty. A bosiaess session for f r aal organisation was held aal tvis was followed by a camp fire :cehrg for the exehaage of remiaisenees of :.e Jays of "9S. The risitors were " r taiaed at diaaor by the Woman's Be lief Corps. o Xatarsl Hietoriaa. Boston. Xass Oet. 13.-Xany f the leadiar sehoob aad scientific i- ues of Xew Bagtaad are represented at the aataral history eoagress wbi-h -rened here today. It is regard-! as kiad erec bold ia this eouatrr and moch iatarost is maaiiested ia the pro eeediags. Ia eoajoaetioa with the e c zress there k a large aad eompretec stre exhibhioB of aataral history sp- I imu. metkods. aaaaratas aad recor hs. o i . Gt. Haniey Spoaks to Clab Wonen. Viacoaaos, lad.. Oet. 18. The fea tore of the ehxiag day of the annual eonreatioa of Iadiaaa elab womea was aa address by Governor Healer. The Tororaor took as the sabjeet of his re marks, "The Helatioa of the Indiana Federatioa of Orab Woasea to ladi aaa's Keform Problem." 1? You Cannot Buy Puie Whiskey than IIAYNER, no matter how much yon pay or where yea mt h cave Deca uuuuus 1. - . - ,. ..w ,B uucol lano$tiBO(!" and best equipped distillerfts in the world. Wo know of nothinTjf would improve our product. Perfection In the distiller's art has Ci reached In HAYNER WHISKEY, which goes direct from oardbtuLn! YOU, with all of Its original purity, strength, richness and flavor. ItdA oass through the hands of any dealer or middleman to adulter. thu3 save the dealers' big profits. You buy at the dlstuler's price u f'i cost. Don't you see the economy in buying HAYNER WHISKEY uSI Uclted State Sate. WtM. "1 hare ned H AYNER WHISKEY for ratUciol parpott. ia or(i fouod it rtry tsUSfictary. I beUere it to b m namber-coe medic.-, whui 5ffreaVtriJ HEP, WHISKE1 FULL QUARTS I FULL $ 9 QUARTS .00 EXPRESS PREPAID IC.20 FREIGHT y . PREPAID The Oae Eeasedy Particularly Ssited for the; Most Cecsen Tes ' lsise BK . j To womoa who saffer Dr. Williams', Ptak Pills are worth their weight ir. gold. At special periods a woman aeo-S ' medieiao to rgwmt bar blood-sapplv or bor life woald be a roaad of pain! aad saaToriag. Dr. Williams' Pink! Pitts are ahxoratoly the aesi modi-; dae that ever a woman took. They I aetaatty make aow blood. They are, Sed for mea too bat tbey are good ia a special way for womea. "I: was three- years ago last spriag that my health failed mo," says Mrs. Artaar Ooaktia of No. S Coldwator street, Battbt Creek, Xlch. "I saf fored from ioachorrbooa aad other troables that. I prasame, were eaaseO by the waakaow it produced. I bad siaktag spells, aorroas headaches, was wak aad oxbaaetod all the time aad leaked Uhs a walkiag sholetoa. "Xy back aad bmbs weald aebe al most teitiaaally aad there wore days whoa I was absolutely kerploM from sick headache. I tried oae doctor aftor aaother bat eaamot my that they help ed me at aO. Xy liver was sJagglsh aad I was treaUod soma with eoasti- Risk and taken out-of extravagance ccCm bkr ; imriij ntrct od by Schilling's Best goods sr dealing. Your grocer's; pioneybac r a. & v o n xa. . JMn& IX Kas Yw Hw Uift teg "fc'csca j l ST ' ?&' K&ZlEe asvrffiv ti yeo ar doaag. Tbafs what yoar ad' TerOstax does. It merely aesltipeies yew alfa. It lets thoasaads of peopli kaow what yoa bare to sJL M. I Oorey. Secretary Natioaal Betail Hard ware DecJors' Assoeiattea Is Bcarler aad AdTertlser. KeB Tae aA. ta tata paper U roa wSaa to ka-cp Ttr kiuta a(e t pet. The Way To Wealth Beajaaua rteakUa a "TW Way to Woaa at as alada as Hat Way to Masiiat." He it tboso darocatasM': B beams, wk hast), v amaV UioeaSat rdriae aM be bvn a aa aaoauacx aa ike last. Oar Ssriaa Iipartmsat wtV hatp yoa save. It wM tak yoar saviagis ia saahs as seaaM as aao Jalar aad make tbem oat moss. Iaeiput urns i aal ad iasi-aasuasjy at tbreo sorts that by bis method he oaa raise potatoes far tb maikat ia aay esimatc at aay time of tb yoar. Gormaa Crasser oa Visit, OalTootaa, Tax, Oct. U. The dor. isor Jtsmiia arrteod ia this port today aad was reeohrsd with aarsj All ship ta tbo harbor ware with mat aad flerama asm Amorieaa s was displayed from maagr haWiliagii awag the harbor froat. A dilegattoa of city eCciato aad rap. rosoaUtiTos at Gereraor Laaham paid their rosptaw ta tbo eamaMaJir of tbo araisor aad iarHod htm aad tbo oca oars aad moa to be lb gaosta of tbo ctty. Tbo Oormaa sacletios of this city haoe mad stiharate arrant imsat far tbo maptlta aad oateetaiamoat af tbo rieitees. ami hare oxtoadod wvita taaas far serosal imparl at social faao- Uaas to tb asaoars af tbo crasser. Savings Department CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK ObMSKf af Baakars OoareaUost. Wataiagtoa. D. C, Oct. U. Tbis is tb elaelaf day of tbo thbrty-arat aa- aaal ooaraattoa ot tbo America BaaVk oes Am tie, which apoaed bare Wsdaeeday. Aftor tb macatag s seaa bad beoa called to ardor by the rwesidoat, Mr. X. P. Swiaaey, the das cassioa af peacticsi baaktaf eartiai was takoa ap aad soatiaaed far aboat aao boar. Tbo Mr. Harref L. Scold er of Oereiaad. O, deiirere4 aa ad dress ac. Oar Osmmeree." He was fal- bwe4 by Mr. LesKo iL Sfcaw, the sec retary af tha treasary, srha delirereJ aa address desks; with Taxiou prsb- "Oae day a phyaciaa who has aow reatrod from nractieo mot my hasbaad oa the street aad bsauired aboat my health. Ho adwised my hasbaad as cot of Dr. Williams' Piak Pills far said tbay were good medielae. better far my troable thaa he pat ap. I took six bozos aad aireey eared. As sooa as the leooerr- was oared ta hoadaohee aad paias siapped. I am eanrely wH aow, bat iateadod to eoatiaa to ape Sr. Williams' Piak Pills as a aprtac toaic" Xrs, OoakMa permits the pabUeailesi af bar statesaoat ia tb h-pe aad bHf that U wd hp saXoriac womoa to nad she reaaedy that will care them. Ami so it nha. Dr. Williams' Piak ruts ar tbo groatost earo there is r the omasa aUmoaU af mea aad womoa far tbo weak aad back acbas af Jaiamia. the heeri aad diseross of iadJfostKa. the paias aad acaos of alwamatiim, Setatiea aad Noaralfia; rh atfeory of Sptaal Weak aces aad tbo in health that fellow? aay asmoarbtaee of rafalanty ta tbo blood sapply. All those sihrneaas are by bad bleed, aad Dr. WH Piak Pubs actaally mak aow Tboy doa't act oa the bowoes. Tfcoy dstt botbor wtth mare symp toms. Tbey nk straiat at the asm moa root of daamt. B, af oaacae, yaa mast p tb coaaiae pills. Sab. staMass aad iaaitartoas arr oared sornay. ? gata Dr. Wttiams Baak Pitts aro sold by aB drmfcisas, or by tb Dr. WHImsas XsdaabM 0a Sekaeeaady, X. Y. S A MOE JUICY EOAST. Taader aad appetising is the main item of the good diaaor bill of fare, aad if yoa bay the roast at oar market yoa kaow it will be the boot to be had, for we make a specialty of selling only the Good Kinds of Meats. " - E. 0. CB0SS, State Street Market. Phone 291 rroe school blotters eaa be had at all the stores that sell Zppley's Per foatsaa Bakiag Powder. 3.A.ISrJC,Oi: r - . oWrju oltafaa 1 Bra Atari agqfl ttaxu. ef SfA fae 1 Bra Atari The eagle n Vncle Sam's mawot. He soars h.gher tfcaa ether bird His eye is keea aal his auad alert. If you hare an eagle eye for value, rweop dowa on us for Groceries. Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harrltt Je Lawrence, Tte New Fashion POSMEELY SIMPSONS STABLES Consolidated With Tne Club Stables Modem Miaajeasect. Rrst-aass LiTery aad Cab Lis. Puneral tarneuts a specialty. TaUyba for pieties and rxesrsiea nartiea Vr Pashioa phono 44. Qnb pkosa T Chs. W. Yannke Prop. Seal us tfce abore anocst and we wjfl ship !a ptafa sealtd cat? wltli no mr's to show cosiest. Trr Uie whisker. he yncr !;; rt :tl! ererr bottle If too wiih. If yoa doa't fia4 ItaHrUht. it:plt r - kti ci at OUR EXPENSE aod your mooer wfll be prozajxlr reranded. How cooklnroBerD tairerr ..,... Yoa re moser or orderioff 20 quarts br btizbt. If you caa't tie io nocb. tret a frtead to Join you. You ca have either Rye or Bourbon. Remeaber we pay tbe exprets or freisst chaises. Write our Dearest office and do It NOW. $s THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY SL. Paul, Minn. 6t Louis, Mo. Dayton, O. Atlanta, Ga. Dsjtfflery.Troy.O. Cstftll. $500,000.00. paid ta fuU. EUbUiedlei fe5! itr Labor Unions InUiiestcd. Washington, D. C, Oct . 13. The American Federation of Labor ha bad its attention tallt'l to a peealiqr elau in the tonstitatioa recently draws ap by the separate statehood eoareatioA for the proposed state of Soaaoyah. The elaase reads as fol fel fol eows: "No person shall be deaied or refasod employmoai for the reason that be is or is aot a member of aay labor aaioa, proridia be is otherwise oaaliaed." The ameers of the Feder ation who here mokod into the matter declares that tbis elaase if adopted woald meaa the opes shop aad woald precipitate the rain of every labor aaioa in the aew state. It is pointed out that under each prorisioas all eon tracts between employers aad employes proriding for anything bat the opea shop woald be unconstitutional aad taas void. This woald etteetaaUr de- steps taken to rrcv zt If poaiH, adoption of a c.zz' t.'n for ty state so long as it embodies mi elaase. Snro Core for Pllts. Itching Piles produse doWci eiBso itching, this form, u rtl Blind, Bleeding or Protrndiag VH. cared by Dr. Bo-rsn-ko'f PiliEeJ Steps itching and bleodlrg. Au3 tenors. S0e a jar at drugjiiti,! by maJL Treatise free. Writs about year esse. Dr. Bouskn ndelphis, Pa. o Hair Tonic. Alcohol 2- -uE,',, rsstw el oaaca, salphate q'.:- m? 2 guitt,tj tare eanthsriJw. l, driesm. iM twice dairy, rubbirj well into thei with a stiff brash. etroy the power of all labor onions, . , .. aaos oiakiBir mil Dri lnir na nrnnnr T- "- ar-m.m, T - M.a:.. .-. a-mi , -"-' l"" , Enters "" up at the coming American Fcdem d YM j i Hatt L'aaM iik Jrlr3 I aSs a&sSi .hasy ale Bay Feefanc$ amalawlm. Gonsoiidatel Now 5 Cts pet Shate rhe price will positively advanco in a few treaks. rkis nine will bo a dividend-payer, and tno stock will be wcrtS M per share in IS ntscths. This it not a prospect, but a developed cine witn more than 2,Wfl werta of ore ia sight. Bny now, but do not wait until the stock bocs to 25 cents p tfl 10O invested now will aako a fortune, Wa will show yoa tilt fsfl erty at on- expense, if not found as represented you ire under M litigations to buy. What more can you ask. For particulars call t ca fire. The J. C. LEE CO. Inc., 337 STATED SCHOOL DATS Are "new at hand, aad go3 "? able footwear is as ceceesuT tt children as books and testis ' wiU find oar footwear espe'l ed for growing feet; foot durable, neat and c.aforty,'V price aad high ia qcsl-ty. JACOB VOt A. L. FRASER SaeecaMrs to Burroughs & Fraser. Plambinga Tinning and Roofing Cornice Work, Heating aad BoHding Work of U fla, roads aad work guaranteed. MT 8tat Street, Balam. Phone 151L