& TONIGHT WITH LIOHT rWO EDITIONS DAILY, AT 230 JST. SAXUiWWivx, hum. P. M. AND 4:Q0 - M. DAILYOAPITAL JOUBNAL. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1005. NO. 212. EPUBLICAN LOVEFEAST CONCLUDED WITH GENERAL SATISFACTION REGON'S ALLEY fORCES ON TOP lorning Twitter and Farewell Song of Swan Shut Out by Business lany Who Had Fed on the Dictionary Cut Out by the Statute of Limita tion but Everybody Pleased Tho Jtopubllcan penco conforonco ind harmony convention was a groat iicccss In many ways and a lalluro In fow that it can bo written down hat it wns moro than a satisfactory nthorlng from a party standpoint. Stato Chairman Baker and tho atato Icntral committco havo great reason to satisfied with tho outcomo of thoir abors in diawing togothor tho Itopub- Scan workers at n strenuous timo in bo history of tho stato. With our delegation in congress kractically destroyed, with our stato Ipproprlntions suspended In tho ncbu- pus region of tho inltlatlvo and refer- adura, with a new, untrlodi nnd un known method of making n party tick- on thoir hands, a serious situation broil tho Oregon Republicans in tho nco. ' Add to this tho demoralization of bailors, tho rotiromont of somo of tho tost prominent politicians, and tho' ro-apponrnnco of tho old factional lights, tho rotton condition of land ad ministration, tho progress of Demo cratic conquest, nnd tho stnto commit too facod a condition such nB fow po litical contrnl committoos havo ovor porformod. Tho Faithful Woro Thcro. Still tho Republicans, faithful to national principles, wcro thoro to tho number of about thrco hundred. 'Tho fighters woro thero, tho mon who go out nnd do battlo for protection and sound monoy, for good government nt homo and triumph of Amorlcnn prin ciples abroad, woro thoro. It wns a spellbinders' I convention, from ngod orators liko Caplos of Mult nomah nnd Yornn of Lane to youthful stump orntors from Eastern Oregon nnd tho Valloy counties. Tho com mittco mndo but ono mistako an over sight, porhnps, but it should hnvo pro ( Cont I nuo on pngo four.) 1 iiC?. i&rftantfSutiG3& White vS VH lliuupiy ' SS Lgrt Line of New Shoes in the City Tho urcnt succoss of our Shoo Department is duo to tho fact that wo loop up-to-dato Show, und every pair glvw satisfactory wear. Our prises ro based on tho spot onsh plan nnd our ooonomloal business maungomeni pmlnates all unnecessary oxpenses. That's why wo undorsell "regular lores." In addition to tho stoplo shapes, wo show a full line of tho oxtromo y!cs for dress wear. ittt Blue Ribbon School Shoes built for School Wear, and they stand it, Tho styles aro neat and attractivo nnd tho solos pnd upper leathers are ecially selected for service Wo havo built up an enormous business on Joe Millet's Napa Tanned Shoes pr Meu and Boys. For the roughest service In mud and water they aro the lost satisfactory shoes ever built. Although heavy, the leather remains soft id pliable. One pair of Joe Miller 'a Shoes is equal to two or three pairs of ordinary hoes for hard wear. DIAZ IS INSURANCE A DESPOT MATTERS St. Loul9, Oct. 13. Tho Mexican) Now York, Oct. 13. Tho trustees of editors nrrostcd aro still in jail, but ' tho Equitable havo elected John B. expect to glvo bond. Thoy declnro Diaz Kcrimn, of Utlcn, N. Y., and' William Kodficld, of Brooklyn, directors. They havo proparod a circular and sent It to policy holdfors asking them to ex press thoir opinion ns to tho selection of mon from thoir own number, to bo is a despot, but deny being a rom nnnt of tho Maximilian regime. NEW YORK WINS TODAY New York, Oct. 13. 8horo wns an onormous crowd nt tho fourth gamo nnd tho playors woro cordially grootod. Bubo Waddell warmcl up. with tho othor playors and only throw n slow bnll, and apparently with somo ef fort. Tho battorloa aro Plank and Powers for Philadelphia nnd for Now York Broannhan and McGlnnlty. Tho stands woro filled nnd thoro woro many pooplo back of tho ropoa whon tho gamo bognn. Tho wonthor is fair, most too cool for tho specta tors. Bondor and Malhowson will llkoly oppose each othor tomorrow. Thero is very Httlo bottlng on todny's gamo. Now York raado ono run In the fourth, nnd tho final scoro was: Now YorkJ. run, 6 hits, 0 errors, Schoolmasters Olub Moots. Bloomington, 111 Oct. 13. Moro than a hundrod principals nnd teachers aro hero for tho annual meeting of tho Illinois Sohoolmastors' Club, which opens with a banquet tonight in Coop1 or's Hall. Tho foaturo of tho program is to bo n discussion on "Stato Inspec tion of nigh Schools Shall It Bo Con ducted By tho Stnto University r by THE RED TAPE PART Washington, D. C, Oct. 13. Tho ratification of tho peaco treaty bo tweon Itussla nnd Jnpnn takes plnco voted upon by In Decombor. trustees, for directors THE TOWN -BURNED (Pour O'clock Edition.) Bouldor, Col., Oct. 13. Firo startod in a general storo at Ncdorland this morning and Is spreading rapidly. Tho I town is cut oft and Its destruction is feared. Tho tolophono station is do etroyod. Population 700. Philadelphia, 0 runs, j 5 hits, 1 orrlr. Later Tho firo was controlled by tho liberal use of dynnmlto to blow up buildings in tho path of tho flnmos to savo tho remainder of tho town- and mine workings. THINK HE IS ONE Equitablo acts Light Chicago, Oct. 13. Attorney Edgar L. Mnstors, Clarcnco Dnrrow's part nor, today filed a suit to recover $1,000 from tho Equitablo company alleging thecompany rofusod to pay him $2W, tho cash valuo of tho $2,000 policy, which hv". Vjoon running seven yirs. Tho company relics upon tho techni cality of tho contract nnd offers to loan Mnstors $280 at 5 por cent. SSI-Raf(MB0KRtBataBBHCH8l9BtM9MaMnMWNHI S I Fifed E. Weight Presents fYotfk State Folks M At tho Grand Opera llouso tomorrow night, but you can get dontlstry 5 all right at any timo of Dr. B. E. Wright, tho painless dentist, who, in H 2 tho past two yoars has built up tho largest dental prnctico in Snlom. m Thoro must bo a reason for this, and thoro is: Bccauso Jio does tho best 2 work at tho lowest prices, nnd always satisfies his pationts. All his work is dono in n painless, scientific manner, nnd ho only charges $5.00 for gold crowns, $3.00 for plates, nnd insorts fillings for m COc. If you need any dentnl work dono, it will bo to your ndvnntngo to JJ consult him, m ?BBBaBtIBM0BlBBMBBBBaBflRBMBBMNH tho Stato Department of Education t" Prof. J. H. Barton, of tho Unlvorsity of Illinois, hns bocn assigned tho unlvorsi ty end of tho proposition, and Princi pal J. Stnnloy Brown, of Jollot, will nr guo from tho opposlto standpoint. ' o Chicago Markota. Chicago, Oct. 13. Whont, 8I54, com -14, oats 28. tomorrow. Tho troaty will bo slgnod as ratified by tho Mlltndo at Tokio and by tho Czar at St. Petersburg, simul taneously. Notification will bo com munlcntod by tolcgrnph to tho respec tive governments by tho Amoricnn om bassy nt St, Petersburg awl tho French logntlon nt Tokio. J . zs'jv&i (0&A& UsCCfer : &&H8bnek&yK Df y Goods, Clothing Hats rerythlng in ladies' and Men's ruraishingfl. Salem's Cheapest Ono-Prfeo Cub Store. Billings, Montr., Oct. 13. Tho po lico tonight arrested a man giving his namo as Tom Jonos, on suspicion of bolng ono o ftho bandits who hold up tho Northorn Pnclflo limited botweon Puynllup and Tacoraa Soptomber 22. IIo was caught prowling around tho railroad yards. Ho corresponds In ovory detail with tho description of tho robbor, o Plan Ohlo-Laka Brio Canal. Pittsburg, Pn., Oct. 13. President Joh,n E. Shaw and tho board of direct ors of tho Lake Brio & Ohio River Ship Canal Company, accompanied by num ber of oncineora nnd othor advisers, started from hor today on n two-day trip to examine the two routes pro-) posed for a ship canal connecting the Krlo Lnke with tho Ohio Itlver. At' Ashtabula, O., tho Pittsburg party ( will be joined by tho offleerB of tho' Ohio & Pennsylvania Ship Canal Com-j pany, of which Jos'eph II. Cossldy, of Cleveland, Is president, and the two organizations will oontlnuo the trip togethor. Ono of the two routes is from Ashtabula, O., to Pittsburg, the other ' from Erio to Pittsburgh. Bseh route I is about 105 miles long, nnd the cost j of olthor would bo about $30,000,000. President Shaw is of the opinion that the work could bo soraplotod and the oanal opened to traffic in the summer of 1011. Good jQc&jJleiiei&8& m r j s w vjruuob f & JB-Jg Aj mBaiJLXYW fsiKJmJAAMSUf Honest Values THE ADVANTAGES Of this storo nro many: Soiling morchnndlso mndo by tho best mnkors of tho world, buying It ns low ns our great organization can possibly buy, marking it at n small porcontto of profit, giving good service, good dollvcy, a big, bright nnd inviting storo in which to dlsplny It, an enrnost offort to meet tho wants of nil. Thcno nnd innumornblo othor advantages aro to be derlvod from buying here. This great, Increasing bimlnww demon strut oa tho public's npproval of our methods. Judgo Resigns. (Four O'clock Edition.) Washington, D. C, Oot. 13.-Tb resignation of Judgo Eugene A. Tuck or, assoclato justice of tho supremo court of Arizona, has boon suspended. Tho attorney general announces that bis successor will bo Paul Jesson. o - . - Tha Taggart Divorce. (Four O'clock Edition.) Wooster, Ohio, Oet. 13. Taggart was today granted a dlvoree. Mr Taggart is prostratod. Spa The CANDY FACTORY Oar Ft esfi Home Made Con fectionery fs Strictly Pure and Wholesome. 332 State Street. W. T. BTOLZ. F. 0. MEYEBS. "AttiRODB" OhnJ Finliktd) UNDBRWEAR Ladles' Suits Tho moot powerful argument! ovor brought forward In favor ot roady-to-wonr garment for woman nro found in tho correct style, beautiful fnbrUs and good tailor ing that characterize tho garments in this store. Tho most orltienl enn find no fault with them thoy aro man tailored throughout. Through our well organized corps of fitterH tho garments aro guar anteed perfeet fitting as well as it is posslblo for any tailor to make them to your order, $(4 to $37.50 Underwear With tho blowing of tho wind and the snap and sharpness in the air these wet days, one feels the need of good, warm underwoor it's essential for comfort. Now is the timo to make your selections whilo the stocks are at their best, and nowhere el so can you find such assortments of thoroughly reliable and dependable garments for misses and women. 50c to $3.50 Men's Raincoats Genuine Priestly Cravonettes in a fine line of new and wanted color ings and patterns late style and up-to-date in every way. Dress Goods Thoro is an air of refinement per vading our dross goods section, to say tho least about It, that is soothing. Nothing to offend tho most cultured and artistic taste. Here is a wealth ofwarlety and a richness of material that afford a choieo that you could not expect to meot with outside of metropoli tan fashion centers. Of special lntorest now is the Mannish Mixture In wanted colorings rthoy como in 40 to SO inchea wido and are being ing offered at much less than their real worth. $1.00 values in desirable pat terns 73 ei.zo values in warned color ings 38 1.60 to $1.65 values in mannish mixtures $1.23 Copyright 1905 by Hsrt ScbifTner & Mux If Yotf Knew Our clothes thoroughly, intimato ly, as wo do, know tho Httlo de tails, niceties of hand tailoring and fashioning embodied in each garmont, you would know that "quality" is. the. sesret. QUAL ITY all the way through. TRUE WOETU merit' will tell in clothes as in men. Salts $Oto$30 4 I insjsrw jMaatgSB MM L4