It DAILY CAPITAL JOUENAL, SALEM, OREGON, THUESDAY, OOTOBEB 12, 1005. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has heca in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho sjffimtnro of - i ftnd has hccuniado under his pcr- J sj&tf,?JL,A, sounl supervision slnco its Infancy. 4uzf7K &CCSU4Z Allow no ono to deccivo you In this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-ns-good" are hut Experiments thnt trlilo with nnd endanger tho hco...i of Infants and Children Expcrlcnco against Expcri ..nt What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pnro gorlc, Drops end Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Nnrcotio substance. Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fovorlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea nud Wind Colic. It rcliovcs Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signaturo of MUST BEGIN OVER HeatHIWmtWMWWHllWltiWMMlMMiWWWMMBWitj OXj absipibp 1 MieasieMeMeMSMMraMaMSKivKdieHtxMMsjtKMtMMfrfri FOR SALc. , BAKERIES. Officer's Bullet Makes Earl A. Sargent a Little Child Again cSxw The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tim enrouifl ohuy, v? muhhat strcct. mwvawncmr. For Salo. Soven-room residence, barn, largo ball block, oloctrio lights, batn, hot and cold city wator. E. Hofer, Journal ofllco. For Salo. -Stnall dry nr wood, at $3.25 per cord. Phono Block 2001. T. L. Davidson, Jr., Mornlngsido. 1-20-tf Survived 2200' Voltu. Prof. L. B. Judaon, of tho stato uni versity, oxporloncod a. narrow1 oscapo from death tho other ovoning at his homo by oloctrlclty. Tho profossor was In tho bath room, and In turning tho light socket -with ono hand and tho button with tho othor, ho recolved an electric shock that rendorod him un conscious. When ho rogalncd con sciousness ho was lying on tho floor with tho globo brackot cord in lila hand, which ho had torn from tho wall. 1 Upon an Investigation of tho affair yostorday, It was ascertained that a wlro had been grounded In tho block and that two wires woro crossod near tho transformer, ond that 2200 volts of oloctrlclty recolvod by tho professor had pnssod through tho transformer and into tho wlro conncctod with tho globo, Tho professor is suffering from a sovcro burn on tho arm, and also in othor places, but his condition is not sorlous. Moscow Mirror, Earl A. Sargent, tho Oregon univer slty man, and thief, must begin life anew as a littlo child. Ho cannot ex press tho simplest Bontonco, though ho can think. Ho has beou shot away from all his past so fnr as expression is conccrnod. Now tho doctors aro try ing to mako a new man of him try ing to give back tho power to say through his lips tho high things or low things his other self may fcol. Tho doctors will try to mako him romcmberho phrases of an educated philosopher and forgot tho phrases of an educated rascal. Ho is tho man who was. His post is a nightmare; his present is a blank; his futuro is a problem. Earl A. Sargent, cducatod at tho Unt vorsity of Oregon, ambitious, young, prosscdi by necessity, stolo a bicyclo from a student of Stanford University a fow days ago. Policoman McCreadio shot him through tho head. Ho fought on, for all that, but was subdued and taken to tho hospital. McCreadio 'a bullet has cut a furrow that keeps Sargent's thought on ono sido of a field and his words on tho othvr side. Tho two havo no mingling. That ho can think is certain from tho fact that ho Is over alert to oscapo. That ho cannot talk is evidenced by tho mumbling guttcrals that strain his tonguo when ho attempts to glvo ut toranco to his wants. Physicians 'say ho Is practically n child again. Ho will havo to learn again ovorything ho onco knew. Ho Is In n preenrious condition still, as part of his brain has boon shot away. If ho rocovors nn attompt will bo mado to drlvo out tho sido of his naturo which led him into crime. For Balo. An undent Weber piano, In excellent condition. Original oost $050. Will soil for $200 Inqulro of Henry W. Moyers, caro of Meyers & Sons. 8-4-tf For Sale. nouso, barn and aero of laud, close to city and school house. Very cholco fruit trees. Ono 'of tho best bargains on our list. Call at A. E. Bell land ogoney, 841 Stato stroot. 013-tf For Salo. IV, lots and house, with modern improvements. For furthor particulars inqulro at 749 North Commercial streot. 0-10-tf Capital Bakory Ullom Ss Buthorford, proprietors, 430 Court stroet Fresh broad, pies and cakos dolly. Maeca xoons, lady fingers, angol and dovll's food cako, candles, nuts, etc Deliv eries made to any part of tho city. Phono White 321. B-l-tf "MISCltCAN eo'CTs. Shirt Waists and Bummer Downs Made in tho beet stylo and workman ship. Torma roasonablo. Address or call on Mrs. H. Mllnor, 20th and Conter streets, 5-20-tf a CUT IT OUT says the doctor to many of his lady patients, because he doesn't know of any medicinal treatment that will positively euro womb or ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knife. That such a medicine exists, however, has been proved by the wonderful cures performed on diseased women, in thousands of cases, by WINE OF IT CURES WOMB DISEASE. It has saved the lives of thousands of weak, sick women, and has rescued thousands of others from a melancholy lifetime of chronic invalidism. It will cure you, if you will only give it a chance. Try it. Sold at every drug store In $ bottles. U WRITE US A LETTER Pat Mld all timidity and writ, ui freely and frankly, In trlctot confi dence, telling us all your lymptomi and troubles. We will (end freo drlco (la plain, sealed enrelope), bow to care them. Address I Ladlei'AdvUory DepL, The Ghatt&aoog Medlclae Co., duUUnooga, Tean. GAVE UP SUPPORTER. "I wore a ropporter for fonr yen, to kp op mr womb, which hid erowdol titrjlhinj down Uforelt." write Mr.8. J. Clirluuan. of JInoTUl, N. V. -it J dorter u14 me n roxUctiM would kelp me. I marred nntold rontry,nd coula taritlj walk. AfteruUng !wo tiotUA of onlal 1-T0 up my tupporttr. ,'ow 1 uUUm hit flfllibotile, & no tad eltniri u formerly, od can, be onmr fJ Alt drt time. I ttronnlr reooumwud Card ui to erery tuHerlns woman." For Salo. A good stoam wood saw; al so good bargains in now and second hand vchlclos. Inqulro at 2170 North Front stroot. 0-21-lm ror Sale At a bargain, a lot of Wole bach self-lighting gas fixtures, good as now for half price. Call at Jour-' , nal offlco. 0-27-tfo For Sale. A John Dooro doublo dlsa plow. Inqulro of F. E. Shafcr, tho harness dealer, 120 Commercial street, or Shafor Bros., Turner, Or. 10-0-tf Salem Iron Works Founders, machln- , ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturer ' of all kinds of sawmill machlnory. Hop and fruit drying stoves, otc. Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron "Works Hop Prosti. 11-SO-lm MUBIO STUDIOS. Music Studio. Frank E. Churchill, Musical Studio. Assoclato teacher Western Conservatory, Chicago, HL, roproaonttng. Intor-Stato Systom at Salem, Oregon. In tho Qray block, room 3. Studio hours 0 to 12 and 2 to C. 8-10-tf PHYSICIAN AND 8URQEON Dr. E. O. Dalton Physician and Sur geon, Booms 1213 Bush Bank building. Phono Main 52. Best donco Wlllamotto llotol. Phons Mala 207. Bavoy & Bavago. Beal Estato, Loons and Insuranco, Convoynneing and Exalnlng Titles. Notary work done. Bring us list of your property for salo, 402 Stato stroot, near nigh. 8-8-tf CmT.THinTT GET FOB FLETOHEB'S OABTOBIA. Oregon Exhibit Preserved. Crngon's exhibits at tho IiowJs and Clark Exposition aro to bo presorvod. An arrangomont has boon completed whoroby they will bo shippod to Salem immediately at tho closo of tho fair nud distributed among tho various pub lio building. Hero tlioy will remain for tho of visitors, and will b In roariincai for uso nt fairs and expo sitions of tho futuro in which Oregon may caro to participate. This arrangement was nnnounced yostorday foronoon by Prosident Jef forson Myers, of t'uu state commission. Ho also said that all fixtures and fiirni turo purchase-! out of tho state's ex position appropriation will bo shipped to Salem. Thoro it will bo uttlitoJ by tho various stato offices, f tor a confer ence with Governor Chamberlain and Seorotary of Stato Dunbar, President Myora said this courso was decided up on in order to avoid sacrificing tha proportji at public auction. Tho fur nlturo and fixtures aro In perfect re pair and can bo readily utilized hero. Only exhibits that aro not porlshablo will bo retained, such as mineral, for estry, preserved fruits and vegetables, fish and gamo, educational, grains and grasses. Tho manner of distribution is not yot determined upon, although it is understood that on exhibit will be located in the penitentiary and another in tho asylum. FARM for SALE 293 awes in Waldo Hills. Well fenced, new eight oom notise, big bafn, several oat buildings, fine ocnad, about twenty acrss in gwib oafc timber, balance all cleared. Two fine springs near bouse, 11-4 miles from Stayton, 2 1-4 miles from Sublimity. Good German community. Price $40 an acre. Time given if purchaser desires. FOE SALE Lot, now houso, C rooms, pantry, 2 closots, bathroom, wood shed, $700; $300 cash and bnlanco on time. P. O. box 421. 10-ll-3t FOR RENT. For Eont. A now flvo-rooui cottago, with bath room, full basomont, good location and walks. Inqulro at 2170 North Front stroot. 0-21-lra Cottago for Eont Near business part of city, call on Mol. Hamilton, or phono Main 117. 10-0-tf WANTED. Wanted. 1000 head of shoop, small hunches prof erred; state numbor, condition and prlcb. A. I. Eoff, cor- nor 18th and Forry atroots, Salem. O-lS-lm Wanted. By Chicago manufacturing houso, person of trustworthiness and somowhat familiar with local terri tory, as assistant In branch offlco. Salary $18, paid wookly. Porraanont position. , No lnvcstraont rcqulrod. Provlous oxporlonco not ossontlnl to engaging. Addross Manngor Branch es, Como Block, Chicago. 10-3-14t Hotel Scott Nowly furnished, evory; thlnx clean and first class. Rooms at roasonablo prices. In Cottle block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-fr-tf. Hollo. Hero I am again with a full lino of crockery to bo sold at three gallons for 25 cents. Also tonts, camp stove and all kind of new and second-hand household goods. Glvo mo a call, corner of Stato and Liberty stroot, Salem. Conrad Dill man. 8-8-1 m. The TUlBon Oo. Dealers in chopped feed, seed bran, hay, flour dried fruit, eto. nigh streot, adjoining opera houso. 0-1-yr. OSTEOPATHS. Dr. W. Jm. Morccr. Qraduoto of Kirk vlllo, Mo., under founder of. Osteop ophy. Offlco Broyman building, Commorolal streot. Booms 25 and 23 Phono Main 010. Boetdenco, 419 North Summer stroot. Phono Mala 014. Treats acuto and chronlo dla oasos. Examination;! freo. Dr. S. U. White Qraduato of Kirk- villo, Mo., undor tho foundor of os teopathy. Offlco Broyman bulldlag, Commercial stroot. Boom 21, paoae 87. Night calls, Main 1105. Treat acuto and chronlo dlsoasos. Exami nation freo. 0-25-tf Say Havo you tried H. H. Pauls for meatsf He has tho best sausago in town. Como and try It, and bo con vinced. 410 East Stato stret. PLUMBEEa. Theo. M. Barr Successor to Barr Jb Petrel, tinner and plumbor. Hot air wator and steam heating a specialty, Salem, Oregon. 3-2- Bomardl & Dunsford, Plumbers, stoam hud gas fitters. All kinds of plumb ing supplies. No. 60 Btato street. Phono 118 Main. 10-2 tf Wanted. Good shipping applos, pears and all farm and dairy produce want ed. Capital Commission Co. Phono Main 2231, opposite Willamette Hotol, Balem, Oregoc Salem Stoam Dyointr and Cleaning Works When your boat girl says sbo will bo a sister to you, give bor your clothos to press. Then you will bring them to your etopmothcr, and get them flxod right, np matter what thoy neod. Suits pressed by the month. Gloves, neckties, silk gloves or nny fobrlc, no mattor how dell coto, mado to look Hko new. Mrs. C. IT. Walker, prop., JOB Commercial St. WANTED FEMALE TTETiP. WANTED. Housokeoper for country. References oxebangod. Address 'Z," caro of Journal. 8-0-Jt-tf Wanted. Girl to do general housework in small family. Call on Mrs. J. Q. Wilson, or phono Main 70S. 10-S-tf Wnntod A good lady cook Apply Cottago Hotel. t- nt onco. 10-10-3t WANTED MALE HELP. Wanted, Man for stook ranch, in Klamath county. Btoatly job by tho year. Connor, Wlllamotto Hotel. 10-0-tf SALEM J. P. ROGERS OREGON w To Trade, For a dairy cow, one rod pollod bull, 2 yoars old. W. O. Dun can, Turner, Orogon. 0-2Mf AEOH1TEOT. W. D. Pugh Architect and superin tendent, plans furnished for all class es of building and structural work Office lio Stato streot, Tioga block, Balem, Oregon. DRAYMEN. White it Cummins Do a general dray and transfer business, meet all trains. 'Phono, down town, Main 175. Stand 150 Commercial street. 8-12-lm HOP BDYEES' DHiEaTOBY. Wm, Brown & Co. Hops, .Mohair, Wool, Hop Growors' Supplies. No. 120 Commorolal stroet, Salem, Or. Phono Main 115. .10-5-3n Squlro Fftrrar. Hop merchant and purchasing agent. No, 158 Commer cial street, upstairs, Salem, Oregon. Phono Main 140. 10-5-3m 'l!eii Hop Pickers We have, the only facilities for prop erly launderine your camp bedding, quilts, blankets, etc., at Tock bottom prices. Send us your woolens h wiu pay you. Balem Steam Laundry. Phono 25. Salem Steam Laundry COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Prop. DOBOTJB D. OLMSTED, Manager. 230 Liberty Street. Pnone 411 Leave orders in Dallas with J. J. Fldler, or at the Boy Confectionery Store VETEEINABY BUBQEON. Dr. O. X Korinek Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. City and eountry colls promptly answerod. Office at Low's Capital Stables. Phone 100 Main, Salem, Oregon, 10-5-tf SASH AND DOOB FAOTOEECS. Fraik M. Brown Manufacturer of sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houso finish and hardwood work. Front stroet botwoon Stato and Court A. M. Hanson Manufacturer of all kinds sash, dorrs, mouldings, wood work, bouse finish and offlco fixtures. Estimates furnlshod. Cor. Mill and Church street. Phone Bod 211. L0DQE3. Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of World Moots In Uolman Knll overy Friday at 7:30 p. m. Paul O. Hansoa, consult k- Frailer, clerk. Foresters of America Court Sherwood Foresters No. 10. Moots Friday la Tumor block. Ira Jorgonsen, O. B.J A. L. Brown, See. Central Lodge No. 18, K, of P. Castle Hall in Uolmau block, corner State and Llborty streets. Tuosday of oaea wook at 7t80 p. m, T, J. Cronlso O. O.J W. I. Staloy, K. of B. and S. Modorn Woodmon of America. Ore gon Coder Camp, No. 6248. Moots evory Thursday evonlng at 8 o'clock, Holman Halt. E. E. Matton, V. O.) A. L. Brown, Clork. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATEK COMPANY OFFICE OTTY HALL. For wator service apply at office. Bills payablo monthly In advance. Mako all complaints at the office. JO. C. T. Co's Stoamors Pomona and Oregona leave for Portland dally oxeept Sunday at 7 a, m,; for Indo poadonco dally) except Bunday about Op, nt M. P. BALDWIN, Agent Dock Foot of Trsdo Streot U. J. LEHMAN Bash and doors. All kinds of bouse finishing. 'Phono 131 black. Also two floors of warehouse for vent; elevator and switching facilities. HOLLIBTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Mtdlda lor bmj xtoti. Eriirt Oolien Eallh sod Btaivtd Vigor. A ipeclflo for Constlpatioo, Indignation. LIT. C&ur. Edison Phonograph Agency. Gasoline Lamps, Mantels, Gasoline. Typewriters, New, Second-nand. Bent, 214 Com'l Bt. Phone Main 401. WALL PAPER We are exclusive dealers In Wall Paper, and carry tho finest and most complete lino in the city. We can please you with goods and prices. Come and see us. E. L. Lemmon 299 Liberty St Phone 2475 let form, (toll a box. denulne mads by UoLUrru Iaoo Comiuxt. Mdloti, WU, MUEN KU6CET8 FOR SALLOW PEOPJB BRICK Brick furnUbed in large or small quantities. Pressed brick mado to or de'r. Yard on State street, south of penitentiary. SALEM SBIOK YARD. A. JL. DUiTON, Prep. Strong's Restaurant SMITH & BBFFBET, Props. This popular restaurant has been reopened by Smith & Seffert,wh) will conduct a first-class, up-to-date restaurant, Begular 25o dinner from 13 to 0:80. Merchants' 20e lunch from 11 to 8. gHOET OBDXDUs SEEVED FROM 0 A. M, TO 9 P. M. I 1 i r mm m mnum' attwn MwMMHrr&rc