" -"" " 'T1-WPB3,3rP!?S9SI'"" QAZX.T CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. THTrESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1906. sa fft M PRINTING! THAT IS RIGMT that'is THE KTS'D we doj No Job too small, nor too large, for tu to handle. LET US FIGURE OX TOUR NEXT ORDER. Yon will bo pleated with both worle and price Bids for Sever. From Oar Exchanges. Notice Is hereby given that sealed The moral consciousness of the worM bids trill be leeeired by the City of .lies fallow for tke call of one who shall Salem at the office of the undersigned! be so filled -with the power of tke at the City Hall at Sales), Oregon, op. Spirit that he shall be completely is ELLIOTT THE JOB PRINTER Phene: Main 1213 217 South Commercial 8L A Pleasant Way to TraTeL The abore Is the usual Terdlet of the traveler using the Missouri Pseifie railway between the Pacific coast and the cart, and we believe that the serv ice and accommodations girea merit this statement. From Dearer, Colora do Springs and Dearer there are two through trains daily to Kansas City and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat est standard electrie-lighted sleeping ears, chair cars and up-to-datu dining cars. The same excellent serriee is operated from Kansas City and St. Louis to Memphis, Little Rock and Hot Springs. If you are going east or south, write for particulars and full In formation. W. a M 'BRIDE, Gen. Agt, 124 Third Bt, Portland, Ore. mm FROiaiFESILE PILLS. asai.Ctf4is utr frf Siiiimim Hiw nil 8WS TO f.'U S" t If I Stl. hMm to mi I M4tr lufnftil. $t wnl4 vific WHMHrM. if nmt uwnrttMa mi am fmt ) tHmt to U vn rrt m t oicklcou. m T4. tBa.rn. m. to 10 o'clock a, xa. of October 18th, 1005, for the construction of a six-Inch alley sewer through the Charles Cart- wright addition to the City of Salem; thenso across Capitol street, and thence through lot No. 2, In block No. EG, in said City of Sales, Oregon, to connect with the alley sewer in said blpek Xo. 6, to be built in aceord aacs with the plans and specification thereof new on file in the oEce of the City Recorder. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check to the raise of ten per cent of the amount of the bid sub mitted, as a guarantee that the bidder will qualify by giving bonds as pro- Tided by said specifications, to be ap- prered by the mayor, and enter into a contract with eaid city for the con struction of a sewer in accordance with rpecifieatioca and bid submitted within six days after baring reeeired notice of the acceptaneo of his bid, said cer tified check to be forfeited to the City of Salem in case the bidder fails to qualify and execute said contract as aforesaid. The City of Salem reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and the bid of any person who has bid before or contracted for such work and been delinquent therein will not be reeeired. Plans and specifications can beeeen at the office of the undersigned at the City HalL By order of the Common Council. W. A. M00BE8, 10-i-llt City Recorder, o Recklessness. "Gabble ten is very fond of criticis ing his neighbors, isn't he!" "Yes, he indulges in an extravagant use of projectiles for a person resid lag in a conservatory." Puck. o different to that whole mass of ataii which criticism is discrediting, sad who shall dare to make his appeal to tho moral idealism of mankind inde pendent of verbiage. Here lies the path tho new ago must travel, straight through the wilderness of doubt sad sin to the naked soul of humanity which eannet and will not reject Jesus when he is brought to it In the naked ness of his own spiritual beauty. That Man, that Master, that lere so tender and true, will yet some day triumph over the halting, compromising argu ments of doubting disciples, and the intellectual agnosticism of the world, with the charm of insistence and inspi rattan which will over go forth in hu man experience from his great heart and faith. We ihall keep our faith in Jesus when the last word of criticism has done its perfect work in making clear the difference between the imator CIRCUIT COURT AT' ROSEBURG Case of Barnes on Trial for Murder Is up at This Term In the circuit court this morning, upon request of District Attorney Brown a grand jury was ordered by Judge Harris to be drawn. They are: Joe Harvey, Roseborg. foreman; P. Sweariagea, Drain; W. H. Larkias, Oakland; M. L. Brown, Camas Valley; Jo Turpia, Toswalk; S. H. Wilson, Oardfaer; Wss. Buxton, Broskway. Taking of testimony in the trial of John C. Barnes, tiMrged with murder ing "Six-shooter Bill" Graham, a trooetor. near Gfoadal. an the 25tk tsl message of the Son of Man and the of last April, comaienced in the circuit message true. When logic losoa its court here this afternoon. There are clue to the dfviae Hfe, the eoul will find it hid within his own deep hunger after righteousness and love. The Universalis! Leader. Do we need such reiigionf a reli gion whose first article is the transla tl8n of tke Gospel into dally life, a re ligion whose primary task is tho prac tice of Jesus Christ I It seems to us that we do need it that it is tho over whelmiag need. It seems to us pitiful that so maay are missing the real issue and are on the wrong side of the bat tle. Bat truth always wins and it is only a question of time when tho thoughtful and hosest will see and will say "amou." The greatest epoch of Christianity b just ahead. The Amer ican Friend. Btanths IhtlLudTwRxn atari Bagt ..,fcTV4.K- 'W iuWMHUHUinuPnuuuuuMMuuSsBBunuHlsislnuHUwuBuuuuuWi OViW Ul CMMUI UJ O. W DWOC, LHuuuuuOSnuLVTV susnWWsWaW'U ITsSF' flLsHnklSsSHBSHSHIsf At jflPv' J3U' J jA -BVMlmk.9 It may be asserted with entire safe ty that no assumption is more baseless than that salvation and church mem bership are equivalent terms. We need a revival ef obligation. When tho church of the Kving God comes to a place where those who compose it are doing their utmost, when Chris tians come to feel that indifferonco is ain and that failure to do one's best will bring upon us the condemnation of our Lord, then will the kingdom -enlarge and tho forces of evil be defeat ed whenever and wherever tho battle Is joined. The Standard. about 40 witnesses in attendance, 34 ot whom reside in or near Glesdaie. At-1 torneys J. A. Baebanan, J. E. Sawyers' and Cardweil 4 Wat son are defending' Barnes. District Attoraer Geortre M.I Brown, representing the state, is as sisted by Attorney J. M. Williams, of Eugene. A queer coincidence in the ease is that one of the jurors, W. H. Graham, of Days creek, had tke same name and initials as the murdered man. The other eleven jurors are as follews: A. L. Butler, Edward Hancock, Marion Byau, A. L. Blaok, Lee Love, W. H. Coats, Xorman Agee, C. X. Moody, J. D. Strong. S. n. Knirtt and W. A. Psaree. Barnes, the defendant, appeared very ill at ease in court. His small, steel gray eyes, set far back into his head and almost obscured by heavy brews, were never quiet his jaws worked eon Your Life Current. The power that gives you life and motion is the nerve force, or nerve fluid, located m the nerve cells 'of the brain, and sent out through the nerves to the various organs. If vou are tired, nervous, irritable, cannot sleep; have headache, feel stuffy, dull and melancholy, or have neuralgia, rheumatism, backache, peri odical pains, indigestion, dys pepsia, stomach trouble, or the kidneys and liver are inactive, your life-current is weak. Power-producing fuel is need ed ; something to increase nerve energy strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles' Restorative Ner vine is the fuel you need. It feeds the nerves, produces nerve force, and restores vitality. "When I becan taWnc Dr. Miles rtesterattvo Nervine and Antl-IJaln PflSi I was conAned to mr bed- I bad severe nervous spetls. the result of two years Ulness with malaria. X cradoallr grew so weak that I was unaMe to sit up. The vUa irouM commence wth cold chills, and I would become weak and almost help leas. Mr circulation was .poor I had doctored risht along but grew weaker and weaker. The Jervtne seemed to strengthen me right awar and my ctrculaUon was better. I havo taken In all seven botUes of the Nervine and I am entirely wen." ROSA B. WKAVBB. Stuarts, la. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druooltt. who will quarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind iR (SHruusisBBsnf ShotE, (BnnBPixiHQ Throe Trains to tne Et Dm Through Pullman stand '. tourist sleeping cars daCy to ow Chicago, Spokane; tourist ilJj ears daily to Kansns Citv ti " : illmaa tourist sleeping cars tit sonally conducted) weekly to CuT go; reclining chair ears (seal. ., to tho East daily. ', 70 HOUR? , POkJLAND TO CB CO Po Cnasic of C 70 DXFAKT FOB Chicago Portland Bpedsl IS a. 9 via Hont-Inrton Atlantic Xxpreae 103 P.O. TtaHnat-Intfoa St. Paul rut Mall ilfT.m. TU TWE SCHEDULES From Portland, Ot salt late. Dearer rt worth. Ociii. Vi-,i..l VtlT, Ok U3UU, l ,lr Salt Lake. Denver n. Worth, Omaha, Kasist CltT. 8U Loull, Ca-CifJ w "1 "Hi Walla Will. LMIrr, Spokane. Wallaos, It w man, Mlnnearoiii St I t . Paul. Dulmli.lllw-itL Bpokanr IChloaco, and Eatt. CAPITAL NORMAL, i First National Bank Building. r."!!7 "S V!f rrrij" ' ekT l '-Normal, Academic, BnslaV Civil Sor- Oirla Will Be Girls. Jack I met Gertie Gabaway last evening and had quite a chat. Madge Witb,pr from, her J Puek. If tho lovo of God is in the heart, that lovo will servo as a moving, liv ing foreo that will ultimately briag man's life into order and bring all tho affairs of the world into proper shape, It is the funetien of tho church to work upon tho conduct of men by means of tho truth operating from within through -their understanding a ad eon seieaee, to make life mora beautiful and the state of human societv more heavenly. New Church Messenger. , wane ma nagers were often ap plied to tho ends of the moustache that eovers his thin bloodless pair of lips. Oaly oaoe, however, did his face lose color and that was when the district vice, Music. W.e are fortunate in securing tho services of Dr. Parvin for this de partment. We have also arranged a , I , , am j UUUWiiHVUt ttUtt 47 UhlitU r:.z B w. p ckMW iB aU dM from th0 M t0 "'""" viupaasis on me woros, i, -i.i, "eanital T,nn!.l,ra. I " twdfth' Ocean and Elver Schcdals. For San Francisco Every flrs iiu I at 8 p. nv For Astoria, wav t.1 and Xorth Beach Dally (aeept 6a, day) -at 8 p. nx; Saturday at 10 p.nj uauy semeo (water perzaittlag) uj Willamette ana Yamhill rivers. Fr fuller information ask or uriii yens nearest ticket agent, or A. L. CSAIO, General Passenger Ajtd. The Oregon Bailroad ft Karlpthj lo., Portland. Oregon. in GEORGE W. PERKINS. George W Perkins, whose tostltuonv at the Insurance Investliratlan Now York attracted touch attention. Is one of the vice presidents of the N York Ufo Insurant comany ami a partner la the Arm of J. P Morgan & Co. He began work for the New York Ufo at 2o per month and rose from tho rank to a position which paid hltn I75.O0U n year When he entered tho Mersua flna bo had hU ealary from the New York Ufe reduced to f23JXXJ. tusb TRrnn akd t&tjb A1WAY8 aATISFAOTOBY Eppley Perfection Baking Powdet SOU) BT AXX aROCEEa AOCKPT NO SUBSTITUTES Among the Christian people of the United States a great spiritual awak ening has already begun. It is not yet a revival; it is an awakening. It Is tho new perception of a oocasaon prob lem of a great opportunity, and au in tense desiro to rise to the great occa sions which Ood's providence unfolds. W. J. Daweou, D. I)., The Coaffrejpi tionalist. Lot as not think of salvation as something sousing to us as a reward hereaftor, but as a glorious pastossioa to be enjoyed aye, aad to he lived up to new 'Bohoid' wrote the apostle ef love, 'now are we the sous of God." Wo have not yet eatered ia to tho full ioheritanee; but we have eaough to make life rich and jovous aad well worth living. The Biamiaer. I SALEM SAW MILLS Now is the time to buy your Winter Slab Wood Single load 1.7S 10 loads 2.50 Tlooring, No. 1 BfJ.OO Flooring, No. 2 ,.., , 3 .BO Flooring, No, 3 isiw The Chase K. Spauidtng Logging Co hMWSutuWWWsMillrfltWailMlurilllllltlllllllll I Wesi. Nerrosi rooplo. Wo have received letters from all parts of the U. 8. highly recommend ing Dr. Gunn's Blood and Nerve Tonic, until the faith we had in the remedy has been fully sustained. We had con fidence from the very beginning that this medicine should make cures, but lacked that assurance that comes after many successful trials. Now that wo havo been upheld In our belief we want to impart to others our confidence. Nervous, and unsteady people, weak, fleshless people, pimply, pale, or sal lew people art all victims of weak, watery blood. Make new, rieh blood, to bo forced through tho system by capital punishment, In a statement to the jary, explana tory of the ease, District Attorney Brown roviewed the evidence of the state at some length, commencing with ' tho discover;- of tho charred remains of Graham in a firo near Gleadale, by Ed. Holtz, an a P. trackwalker. Ae cording to Mr. Brown's statement, the evidence of the state is, in brief a f oil ewe: ) Murdered man was identified as Graham by the hat and belt found near the spot whero his remains were dis covered, 08 feet from a spot on the Southern Pacific railroad track, whore there wore fresh blood stains. A path had been made by tke dragging of the body from the track to the pkoe where the body wus huraed. Barnes waa arrested fellow! a g his sale in Gleadale of a nugget which Graham bad owned for years aad which waa known to many people ou aasouat ef its peculiar shape. Tho arrest of Barnos was followed by tho discovery in hk cabin of Ora bap's " six-shooter, knife aa ring. , Barnes told a frioad that -ho had bought the "six-shooter" nm Qra bam "several days ago." and ktor told the district attorney that h had owned tho weapon for several years. Barnos also told the district attorney that the uugget which he sold wus his own property; that he had awuldod it in an ordinary stove, when it takes S00& degrees Fahrenheit to accom plish such a thing, Address, 3. J. HEAPS, Salem, Ore. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" I Last Hope Vanished. ' When leading physicians said that W. M. 8mithart, of Pekin, la, had in- curable consumption, his last hopo vanished; but Dr. Klng'a New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, kept him out of the grave. He says: "This great specific completely sured me and saved my life. Since then, I have used It for over ten Tears ' and consider It a marvelous throat and lung cure." Strictly scientific cure for Coughs, Sore Throats or Colds; sure preventive of Pneumonia. Guar anteed, 50o and $1.00 bottles at J. a I Perry's drug store. Trial bottle free." Poultry at 8toinex'i Market. Eggs Per dozen, 26c. Hens S0& Frys 10c. Ducks 910c. Baker, Lawrence ft Baker. Eggs Per dozen, 26c. Fruits. Vegeunies, Etc. Potatoos-Soe. Oaions iy,c. Apples $1.86 per cwt. Pears $1.00 per ewt. Tropical Frulta. naaauas He R. Oranges tM. Losaons M.60l5.Qv. Live Stock Market. Steers-SVSe. Cows lVfcefSc. 8heep it. Dressed veal oe, Pat hogs Sfte. Baled Glover-$7.00$7.50. Cheat 16.50$7. Timothy I9t9.50. Grain 77.50. Bran 122.50. 8horts-..50. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Crcum Co Batter 30c Butter fat 30c at station. Wheat 5S61c Flour, wholesale $3.65 per barrel. Flour, retail $1.00 per sack. 65; ftt,Sk unw a .. ..0..-2... 3 31 ... .,-, .uv .i.c, bu oueaso aJtsarnt-k, - oanno, remain, mis tonic cures dU- fc, - U lad Yk nift Aton fwja ' v v &". j" cHgvu o resist Kgnatut Sv7i it. All druggists sell it for 75c per' (-AaXJVrJ!. bor, or 3 boxes for $2. Tho tabUta1! nro to bo taken after each meaL They I turn tho food von eat into t! tJ I blood. Persons who take this Tonic gain in good, solid flesh from 1 to 3 pounds per week. Oeneroaity. Beggar Beg pardon, sir, but this nickel you gave ae is lead. Benevolent Old Man Why, so it isl Well, keep it, my man, as a reward for your honesty. Translated for Tales from Lo, Journal. Hay, Feed, Etc. Baled Cheat 10. Oats-Chniee white, L35U0. Millstuff Bran, flO.00. Hay-Timothy, $13.00. Potatoes $1J5L20. Poultry-Chiekens, mixed, 12 ISe; per lb; hens, I3e per lb; roosters, ., auc per id; tryers, J2e per lb; dueks, R009.00 per doz.; geese 8 per lb; turkeys, 1718c per lb; dressed, 20S1C pM jb. Huaba 3.00 per doz. Porn Dressed, 78c Beef Dressed, S5c Veal 5Sc I Mutton Dressed. 67Uo. AU kJnda of fancy Dry Goods, Bflka, Hops Contract, 1905, 16cj 190 crop, Embroidexiea, Lacoa. Make op now Una 5c ,or ehoie 2324c for primes and asllta, and Ladles Ftirnlshiiig aoods, a,lna Sui't Wrappecu, Skirta, Whlto Ttataw medfiSu Vt .? to chai, 310 Oourt streot, earner aUay ' Mohair-NoadnsJ, 3031e. Hasa 1107. Butter Fancy eroaaery, 20SlUei j dairy, l8t417e; rtoro, 1515c CORVALLIS & EASTERB RAILROAD TIME OABD N. O. No 2 for Taqulna Leaves Albany 12:i5 PJt I Leaves Corrallis 1:45, PJt j Arrives Yaquina 5:45 PJt No. 1 Betomlng Leaves Taqulna 7U5i.lt Leaves Corrallis 11:30 lit Arrives Albsny 12:15 PJt No. 3 for Albany-Detroit Leaves Albany for Detroit 7:30 ilti Arrives Detroit 12.30 PJt NO 4 from Detroit- Leaves Detroit 1:30 PJt Arrives Albany 6:30 PJt j No. 5 for Albany- Leaves Corrallis 6:30 AJll Arrives Albany 7:10 Alt No. 8 for Corrallis Leaven Albany 2:40 PJt Arrives Corrallis 3:20 PJi No. 7 for Albany- Leaves CorvalUs e.OOr'Jtl Arrives Albany 6.40 PJt No. 6 for Corrallis Leaves Albany 915 PJt Arrives Corrallis 9:55 PJt I Train No. 1 arrives in Albaiy u timo to connect with the S. P. ! I bound train. Train No. 2 connects wi th & I trains at Corvalhs and AL&ay, gfrisf direct servico to Newport crA adjtetw beaches. Train No. 3 leaves Albany I Detroit at 7:30 a. m., arriving U iu ample time to reach the Breilo bush hot springs tho same dsy. Train No. 4 between Alisny sad D troit eonneeta with the Ejcess loo1 at Albany, also with local from Co ralliu. Train No. 5 leaves Corrallis at t J a, eu, arrives at Albany 7 10 a. B,a timo to catch Eugene local ts Yaw and train to Detroit. Train No. 8 leaves Albsny f i rallla at 2:40 p. m, after the srH of S. P. northbound orerlsnd. j Train No 7 learos Corrallis at ? p. ns arrives In Albany at 6:40 p "Vi in time t,o connect with Us lotal i Eueeno and war noints. Train No. 6 leares Albany ta 0 rallis at 0:15 n. m- after the arrlTsl" the a P. local from Portland. Vnr fnrfhor Infnrmation SDplT tS J. a MAYO, Gen. PH. if1 T. COCKEBELL, Agent, A'hssy. H. H. CBONISE, Agent, ComlU. Httic Wing Sang Co Not to bo Influenced. "If you nro very gcc. Otto, V ttrw. .. ni i.-nn . lift n rre US'1'I er I am good or bad, PFa-""",l lated from Tales from Fl.egcne Bj ter. o - CASTOR I A Tni. Tnf.nte and Children. tk m In IUw Alwajs Bin- Bears tnn Signature of dLvem