Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1905, TWO EDITIONS, Page 5, Image 5

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Try Our
They're the Kind
That's Good
I Salem's loading grocors, DaKcrs ana
Lonfectloncrs, 450 400, Stoto fltroot.
1 .. i . net., ibo
WOW J)UU"W iuuiu v-.
J 5 Volume J
S 95c
9 Sec West "Window
I Display
New Studio
Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Scley
Singing, Theory, Harmony,
Public School Mask, Accom
paniment Playing.
Opera Houso Bldg., rooms 0 and 10.
Hoars, 9 to i 2, 2 to 6.
at the
The Chinese
163 High Stroot, Upstair.
First-class in all appointments. A
placo for ladies and gontlcmcn to got
all kinds of Oblnoso dlsbos and the fa
mous Li Hung Chung Chop Suey, and
Get a
And you'll bo better pleased than you
have ever been with any machine you
havo owned.
Botarles are right in principle.
And the white is right in practice.
The Non
Clogging Shuttle
Of the Wbito puts it away in advance
of any rotary machino ever made. Bv
cry rotary machino yet produced has
had this tendency, but tho late style
Call and see how it is done,
8implo as A. B. C,
Machines sold on easy Installments.
Old machines taken in exchange.
Now machines for rent.
Needles for all machines.
F. A. Wiggins'
Implement House, 255-257 Liberty t
rarm Implements, Wheels, Automo
bile!, getring Machines and Supplier
Dance at M. B. A. Hall.
One half mile west of Chemawa, Fri
day night. Ladles and gentlemen invited.
'Hlllll Wll I U 1 1 1 1 8 -H4-H
Gnand. Opera House
-H--H-H-M-I t m I H H-t-H-M-H-
Thursday, October 12
Thirtoonth annual tour of Jacob Litt's
Incomparable Company in tho Most
Popular American Play Ever Writ-
ton. ,
In Old Kentucky
Writ tea by C. T. Dazoy
An entirely now $20,000 production
built especially for this tour tho
countless familiar ontertalnlng feat
ures prosonted bettor than ovor boforc.
50 Rollicking, Frolicking Comical
Pickaninnies, 0 Kentucky Thor-
oughbrod Horses, tho Greatost of all
Horao Racos tho Famous Pickaninny
Brass Band, Mndgo's Thrilling Swing
Across tho Mighty Mountain Chasm.
Watch for Stroet Parado
PRICES, 35c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00
Owing to tho length of tho perform
ance, tho curtain will rlso at 7 o'clock
sharp, as company lcavo on 10:50 train
for San Francisco.
II I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'
Grand Opera House
Saturday, October 14.
First Successful Season
Tho Prettiest of All
Pastoral Flays,
Direction A W. C. Cunningham.
Prices 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00.
Sont salo at box ofllco Saturday, 0
a. m.
i 1 1 ii 1 1 1 in m ii i mi inn-
New Edison Theatre
Salem, Oregon.
ii tiiiimni t in iiiiiiih
Commencing Monday, October 0.
Tip-Top Vaudovlllo Colcbrltlcs.
Supremo Mastors of Club Juggling in
their astounding performance.
Chnractor Chango Artist on tho Silver
HARRY MOYER, Now Song Story.
Threo nights only. Admission 10c.
Reserved 10c oxtra. Matlnco Satur
day, 3 p. m. Ohlldron 6c.
Southern Pacific May Cut Out
the Classical Element
I of its Laborers
It Is very probablo that tho South
ern Pacific will seek some other source
of supply for grade and section labor
ers than tho Greeks tho corporation is
employing eo extensively at prosent.
The troublo of tho past few days at
Glendale, near Roseburg, it is believed
In local transportation circles, will
lead the railroad company to change
its class of laborers. Such a change
will be urged on tho company by many
Tho Greek gang, whoso disturbances
resulted in military interference, is be
lieved by deputy sheriffs of this county
to bo tbo same that last spring was
engaged in track renewing a few miles
north of this city, narry Minto, dep
uty -sheriff, said this morning that he
had soveral times seen this gang, and
that they were not silk bound. He said
bo was not a bit surprise! at the re
ports of (be trouble.
What class of laborers the Southern
Pacifle wlll substitute for tho Greeks,
provided it decides to make the
change, is still unknown. On practi
cally all the railroad systems of tbo
country foreign laborers are employed
for track and section work. The
eastern roada mostly use Italians and
Huns. Some yeara ago most of the
northwestern roads used Japs, but
lately they have fallen into disfavor.
Only last yr tbo Northern Paeifle
replaced all its Jap laborers with Ital
ians. This is the class of labor the
Southern Pacific Is expected to use
entirely if it does away with the
"York State Folks"
."York State Folks," that most
beautiful pf all pastoral ploys, comes
to tho Grand Opera. Houso next Satur
day night with tho entlro orlgihal cast
and tho comploto scenic production.
Tho triumph of '"York Stato Folks"
in tho largo cities, like Chicago and
Boston, Philadelphia nnd St. Louis,
wliero it has ployed lengthy engage-
Simon Peters Martin in "York State
nicnts during tho past year, has been
remarkable. In both tho former cities
montionod tho demand for scats has
been such that tho orchestra had to
bo put under tho stago beforo tho end
of tho first week of tho run, andi re
mained! tlioro until the end. It will
bo scon hero wih tho comploto pro
duction used in tho Chicago and Boston
runs. Tho sale of scats will open Sat
urday, morning at D o'clock.
Wants His Board BUI.
Benjamin Haymond today made n
second nttompt to hnvo allewed: a
claim of $400, which ho alleges is duo
him from tho cstato of John Ashmeal.
Haymond is a resident of Rock Point,
Jackson County, nnd in tho court
Ui I
that county last spring brought suit
against Ashmeal 'a cstato. His claim
was dlsallowod nnd ho appealed tho
caso to tho circuit court.
The caso camo to trial this morning
beforo Jud'go Burnett. Haymond was
ropresontod by Attornoy John A. Jof
froy. Tho Ashmeal cstato was rep
resented) by tho administrator, W, T,
Rltcklo, and his attornoy, A. O. Cow
dit. John Ashmeal dlod about two yoars
ago, nftor a rosidenco in tho homo of
tho claimant of ovor fivo years. Ho
was a bacholor without noar relatives.
During bis ltfotimo ho paid Haymond
$100, which ho said was to apply on
his board. Ho dlod, ncgloctlng to pay
tho bnlanco of his board" for fivo
yoars, which Mr. Hammond claims Is
$400, or $100 for ouch year,
Sues tho Organization.
Mrs. W. S. Mott.-wlfo of Dr. Molt,
of this city, has brought suit against
tho Order of Washington to collect an
amount alleged! to bo duo upon an nc
cidont policy. Tho complaint alleges
that tho plaintiff holds an accident pol
icy In tho (Uifondnnt organization, and
that she suffered a fraoturo of tho leg,
which caused her to be confined to her
room from May 14 to July 23 of the
present year. Sho claims that there Is
$05 duo her on account of the Injury
and sues to recover that amount.
Mrs. Edna Moody McOormack.
At tho resldenco of her parents,
ox-Governor and Mrs. 55. F. Moody, on
Court street, Salem, Oregon, at 4-45
o'clock, a. m., 1005, Mrs. Edna Moo'v
McCornack, aged thirty-six years, threo
months and four days.
Deceasod was born nt Tho Dalles,
Orogon, July 8, 1809; was married to
non. E. P. McCornack, October 20,
1898, and has lived a good part of her
lifo in Salem. Of a quiet and lovable
disposition, sho was loved by ull.wbo
knew her and will bo greatly missed
in Salem society.
Details of the funeral service, which
is to bo held at her parents' resi
dence on Sunday, will bo announced
Walker-Bualck. At the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. L.
Buslck, Wednesday, Oet. 11, 1905,
Miss Myrtle E. Buslck to Mr. Newton
Walker, Rev. P. S. night offlelatln.
Only tbo immcdlato relatives nnd
frlenda were present. -
The young eouplo are well and fa
vorably known in this city, where thoy
will reside. Mr. Walker is a son of J.
L. Walker, tho well known nurseryman,
Petera-Braircb. At the home of the
officiating clergyman, on East State
aetreet, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday,
October 11, 1905, at 4 o'clock p. m.,
Mlsa Dorotba W. Peters to Mr. Ar
thur Branch, Bey. F. Bfl Culver of
ficiating. The young couple are resident of
the Union Hill neighborhood, where
they will make their home.
o '
Your ajpetlte will bo satisfied if you
buy your meats at Fsrrington's.
ft n-inil. j rn m ml, 1
Willamette to Meet Pullman
on the Gridiron Wed
nesday Next
A largo number of studonts and cit
izens gathor on tho Willamette football
Hold ovory evonlng to witness tho pig
skin warriors going through their pre
liminary training for tho big gamo
with Pullman next Wednesday aftor
noon. Tho work of tho team last night was
very satisfactory to Coach Bishop, nnd
nil concorned. For tho first tlmo in
ovor two wcoks O. B. Long, who plays
right knlf, and who captained tho
team last year, was out in a suit. Tho
other members of tho team havo groat
confidenco In Long, and tho vory fact
that ho was thoro added fresh spirit
to tho work. Ho is always, cheorlng
tho men on, nnd tho plays go off with
moro snap and vim when ho is in tho
gome. As a playor ho is always suro
of ono or moro ondi runs in ovory gamo,
nnd his run of 30'yards against Mult
nomah last year will novor bo forgot
ton by thoso who saw It.
Curtis Coleman, who Is playing loft
ond, has cortnlnly found tho placo
whero ho bolongs, for his playing last
night showed that ho will soon bo in a
class all to himself. Ho Is a euro
tnckler, and nearly alwaya carries his
man back for a loss. Two- of the prot
tlcst tackles over scon on tho 'vnrslty
field woro mndo by him last night,
whon ho brought down Coach Bishop,
who was playing with tho socond team.
Tho team work now scorns to bo
.. !..
porfect. Fumbling has boon
cut down to n minimum, and cvorymnn
gots in to every play in tho right way
at tho right tlmo.
Patton is making good nt quartor In
a way to surprlso tho nativos, whllo tho
playing of Rndor behind tho lino gives
Wlllamotto n back field which is hard
to boat on tho coast, and thoro Is cor
tnlnly nono hotter In Orogon.
Whllo tho boys expect a hard gamo
with Pullman noxt Wednesday, thoy aro!
confident of winning. Pullman has a I
sivlft, heavy bunch of players, andj
nil undoubtedly bo champions of
Washington for this sonson.
Tho Washington farmors will arrive
in Salem Tuesday and will rcmnin un
til Friday,' whon thoy go to Corvallls
to moot tho O. A. O. team. Whllo horo
thoy will bo gmntod tho use of tho
Wlllamotto gymnastum and baths as
well as tho field on which to practice.
At the Old
Some- ar born great, corao havo
grentncM thrust upon them others ad
vertise. Tho merchant who slU down
nnd waits for business to como to aim
will flrul blmsolf among tho left over
bassaco whon tbo Empire Btato ox
prods of business success pulls out
Hnalneia iumcm ned (tiro thing
knovrletJjte, push and Koo4 4vr
Advertising lan't an art; if a Jnat ap
plied common sense. Advertising la
naturally a creative force. Since it
has been applied to modern commerce
there havo been created dozens of com
modities and branches of trado that
did not extat before its advent jrhe
$000,000,000 epent annually in inn
country for publicity has set many
hundreds of millions of dollars running
Into wholly now channels,
Btuinaaa la yrmvtartf In !
bard, coaatul flvbt to tbe flnUh.
Advavdatnic ia tbo baalneaa umn'a
moat niodara, moat flcUa, rrcapom
Ones to awhile wo bear somo old f el
low 'saving. "I havo never advertised
and am still doing business at the old
stand." Ho means that be U doing
business at tho old standstill M. L.
Corey In Retailer and Advertiser.
Tb moat aacccaafol marcbanta la
tbla terms adrartlaa rllr " U
ajBr. Tk m-ri ia Vrl'.
1 Q
ijsmmmmmmb! -.
" fiSCsJ M' If i T
coFYitiakT mos by thc makers at
Tho now and np-to-dato stylos in Suits, Cravenottea and Ovoreo&ta.
Bomo epoclala wo wish to call attention to. Wo carry tho largost lino
of Boy's Woolon and Cotton TJndorwoar.
Watorproof Slickers See our now lino of crack-proof Slickers. A
largo assortment of Boya and Juvonllo Swoators at less than cost,
Salem Woolen Mill State,
a. v. Bisnop, PROPRIETOR,
By the Ad Man
Advertising, to bo "mndo to pay,"
should bo lookod upon as a profitable
invostmont, nnd not a moro oxponso,
This Is essontlal to advertising suceoss.
Many merchants look upon it as an
unproductlvo oxponso item, llko book
kcopihg, lighting, hoating, etc., and in
so doing loso tho point, glvon abovo,
which la of such vital Importance to all
ndvortlsors, or thoso contemplating ad
vertising. Without advertising in somo form no
merchant could sell goods. When he
hangs a few pairs of rubbers or shoes
or a few bolts of calico outsldo his
storo; whon ho puts his sign ovor his
door or windows, or over tho walkj
whon ho drosses his windows' or eounr
tors; when ho is unusually accommo
dating to his customors or his sales
peoplq; when ho doos any of theso and
many moro, ho is advertising, oven
though bo has nover a lino In print in
newspaper, booklet, circular or card.
But tho mothods ho is using reach
only tho passersby, fow of whom real
ly becomo his eustomor.
Do you supposo that a woman who
lives in another part of tbo town is
going to como down and look ovor
your windows or counters to find what
she wants I Sho has not time to waste
that way, '
If sho has go( to find it Iji this fash
ion sho will stop at tho first store that
has an attractive window display, and
probably will never seo your store at
And again, don't imagine, like a man
I talked with the other day, that, be
cause you keep a dry goods store, for
Instance a woman will know that you
keop the article she it looking for.
How is she to know that you keep
K. & B, corsets or Onyx hosiery un
less you tell herf
If she does know that you keep
them, bow is she to know their superi
Now is thc time to buy your Winter f
Single load
10 loads
' Flooring, No. 1
v Flooring, No, 2
Flooring, No. 3
f The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging
' TMiimaii
-!"iu rnnii Winn guiiismnjiw i
ority ovor anothor brand that sho may
bo using, unless you till her about
thorn 1
Can sho really toll what you do han
dlo unloss you toll borf
Do you eupposo that sho is earning
to you for an artlclo, uncortalu
whother or not you havo it, whon she
knows 'from your rival's ad, that ho.
has itf
No, sho Is going whero sho can got
jutt what eho wants, and that with tbo
least expenditure of tlmo, money and
Will sho know (without your tolling
hor la your ads) that sho can purchaso
an artlclo at a groat reduction by buy
ing of you tomorrow; will eho know
that you havo just received a lot of
new goodsj will sho who buys of your
rival knoir thut sho is paying him a
llttlo moro than sho would have to
pay yon for tho same article, or that
you havo a better artlole for tbe same
You will havd to answer no to all
thoso questions, and yet many suppos
edly progresslvo buslnoss men do not
bollevo in advertising.
It is a well-known fact among ad
vertising mon that a merchant's ads,
worded and displayed correctly, and
held before the public continually, cre
ate eonfidonco in that mercbaut and
bis goods. Thpy show that his stock
is continually changing, and that,
therefore, ono is sure of getting an
article fresh and up-to-date.
Properly placod thoy reach out of
town pt-oplo who nover heard or nover
traded at his store, and if properly
wordod, when they do eomo to town for
that artlclo they como to blm.
If a merchant "makes a bid" for
business be is sure to got it; but if ho
sits down and waits for It to eomo to
him ho will havo tbe privilege of see
ing it go to his rival who has "bid."
.... .... .... 20.00
,,,, .... ,,.. 22,60
Co. i
v.afj a
Waft "f T'liwii ii iBSf