wgr DAILY OAPFTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1D05. s mmmmMMmKmmmmmmammmmmmmmmammmtimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmtmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmL CHICAGO HOME OF J. OGDEN ARMOUR. J Ogdcn Armour, bend of tlio so cnllcU bcof trust, which Is now being osccuted by Uncle Snra for vlolntlon of tbo Sherman net, has n beautiful In Chicago and Is worth many millions of dollars. Ho became the bead the Armour Interests upon the dcatb of Philip D. Armour four or flvo nrn ago. unuor uis management tiie beer comuino una grown more and oie powerful. TYPES OF FACES lollege of Music Willamette University Opens Sept. 26 Helen I. Calbreatb, B. M., Dean, piano; Frodorlck W. Goodrich. London, piano and pipe organ; Wm. Wallace Graham, Berlin, violin; M. vrelyn JUurlor, New York, voieo; Era Cox, B. 1L, Salem, piano. ifew pianos, nowly fnralahoa itudios, now faculty. iker Could Not Catch Mm. ecauso H. M. Boono, president of Palouso Stato Bank, could not run enough to givo & smooth swindler tho bank was saved that sum, it had lost $89.G0 a tew days ago, tho story has just lcakod out. President Boono was working at tho lor's window of tho bank whoa a entered with a check, drawn by roa & Grconougb, well-known roll Id contractors, on a Spokano bank. chock 'was drawn in favor of W. Nesblt, a promiuont citizen of Pa so, for $400. Tho stranger askod cost of cashing tho check at tho ok, and was told tho exchango would 1 cont no had it cashod and Mr. ono counted out $89.60 and wont to vault for $100 more. Cha stranger picked up tho SS0.50 and loft tho bank. Mr. Boono notlcod this and, thinking tho man had forgot ton tho $100 followed him to tho otrcot and saw him walking rapidly nway. Tho bank prosfdont tried to ovcrtako tho man, but tho latter wnlkod.too fast and Mr. Boono roturnod to tho bank, thinking tho man would return when ho noticed his mistake Later it was learned that Mr. Nes bitt, to whom tho chock had bcon glvon for four horses, had lost tho chock and had stopped payment on it. Tho signaturo provod a forgery and tho bank is out tho monoy paid to tho stranger. CHILDREN CRY FOR FLETCHER'S OABTOEIA. HKMIimiMHItllUHIIHHHnMI GREAT SALE OF M Dress - Goods ! The M. E. Fase Stock SNow at Rostein & Gteen- i IBatim's. Having nut chased the goods at half Its valaewc rwlll now place them on SPECIAL SALE. YARD. FLEECED BLACK DRESS GOODS, REGULAR ISc NOW 10J IGURBD SUITINaS WAS 25c, NOW. 17d RED ALL WOOL FLANNEL WAS 30c, NOW 20 'BLACK DRES8 GOODS, FRASER'S, WAS fl.OO, NOW GO !DRESS QOODS, FRASER'S, WAS 76c, NOW ..45 DRESS aOODS, FRASER'S, WAS S5o, NOW 20 DRESS GOODS IN COLORS, FRASER'S, 1.00, NOW 5() 8UITINaS, FRASER'S, WAS SSc, NOW 2UJ buttings, figured, fraser's, was 25c, now 15 ivblvetta in colors, formerly 76c, now 30 .HEAVY BLACK BUTnNGB,FRASER'B, $1.25, NOW G5 QTTED SWISS FRASER'S 25c GRADE, NOW 15 OAMBRAY, FRSAER'S, 25c and 35c, NOW ,...15 2 ORAVENETTE CLOTH M) (BIG LOT OF OUTINO FLANNEL 5 BELESIA, LINEN, TAILORS' CANVASS, FRASER'S STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES. tALL OF M. E. FRASER'S DRESS GOODS STOCK NOW ON SALE PAT BXDTJCED PRICES. ROSTEIN & GREEN BAUM 598 and 300 Commercial St Salem Associated with tho various occupa tions in Hfo thero Is undoubtedly n typo of faco which more or less betrays tho cnlllng of its owner. Medical men, es pecially in hospital prnctlco, find ac quaintance with theso types vnlunble. Th y may not bo able, with tho shrewd ness of Sherlock Holmes or of his still acuter brother to rcndi a man's past, present and futuro by a glanco at him in tho street, but they nre nblo to gauge with considerable accuracy how far tho history of tho case, as glvon by tho patient, is a truthful ono, and how far it fits with his probable occupation In life. Calling must certainly havo somo influenco ovor tho physiognomy of tho cnbmnn, tho omnibus driver, tho butler or tho groom. Bach frequently pos sesses a typo of faco which wears so characteristic an expression as to mnko it not difficult to identify tho vocation accompanying it. Wo speak also of tho logal face, tho sclontifio face, tho and artistic face, tho dramatic faco, and artlstico fnee, the drnmntic faco, and tho military face'. This is merely a broad classification, but wo dis belIoo in the claims of tho keen ob server to nn ability to dlltorontiato to n finer degress. Wo hnvo hoard hospl tnl physicians who claimed to bo ablo to say from a glanco nt tho faco that this or that man was a butcher, a ba ker, a grocer, a bank clerk, a lawyer's clerk, a commercial travolor, a stock broke., a wino merchant, and so ou. Wo think thnt tho fomo of theso modi cat men as rough and ready dotoctives has been largely manufactured for them by enthusiastic clinical clerks, but that many medical men do possess groat insight Into tho occupations of th oso who como beforo them is a tru ism, Tho question is ofton debatod whother physiognomy is a growth of vocation or whothor it shows that tho vocation chosen is in accordanco with tho particular capacity and ability of tho person to whom it belongs. In oth or words, if tho barrister does not show tho "legal faco," tho aspiring priest tho "ecclesiastical faco," tho medical student tho "physlclanly faco," tho soldier tho "military faco," and so on, Is that a sign that thoy havo mistakon their calling! Is tho man who "docs not look a bit llko a doctor" likely to fall becauso his physiognomic qualifi cation is wanting! Or will ho, what oror his original fcaturos, gradually como to acquiro tho typo of tho profes sion to which ho belongs! Tho answer to tho question is, of courso, that both thoorles aro right. A certain kind of faco, tho so-called sclontifio faco, is so ofton Bocn nmong modern modical stu dents as to prove thnt tho owner of that cast of countcnanco is likely to adopt modiclno ns a career. Converse ly, what ovor tho original east of foa tures a medical man may havo pos sossod, tho anxious, delicato and ab sorbing work of modical practice will put a stamp upon them. London Lan-cot. Good I Goods cJfeifeM&Son& Honest Values We ae not boasting about it Not cvon going to tell somo well founded facts. All scnslblo pcoplo understand) that, no storo could bring in such quantities ns como in hero dally unless it bad a corresponding outlet. This storo is not miserly It gets to give. Bnrgains to us aro bargains to you. You nre assured of tho nowest and best nt all times at tho "Safo Store." Ladies' Salts They aro tho products of somo of tho best known manufacturers in America, nro most carofully cut and made, perfect in fit and finish, and ombody tho stylo features that mako them distinctive in every way. Tho coats aro of stylish cut some in tho smart hip length, slnglo breasted fly front with Iny down collar and S shaped rovers. Other stylos includo tho long coats, some with collars, others collarless. Tho proper length walking skirts nro plaited or trim med nlth straps to match tho jacket. All tho stnplo nnd popular new shades aro to bo found in this grand assortment. $4 to $37.50 No Croup or ColdaNow Why suffer with tirodnoss, mean, cross fooling, no strength, no appetite! llolistor's Rooky Mountnin Ton will mako you well and keep you well. 35 conts Ten or Tablots. Dr. Stone's. Wondorful Surgical Feat. Tho attention of surgoons has bem nttraoted by an operation performed 8optembor 17, at Philadelphia. The story is told by tho Phlladotlphia cor respondent for tho Baltimore Sun, in this way I "Tbo removal of a man's beating heart from his body nnd its replacement after a bullet had ben extraoted from tho region adjacent to tho pulsating organ is tho remarkable achievement of medical scionce just accomplished by tho physicians at tho Qermantown hospital. The patJont is Frank Robinson, 22 years old, lie No nocd to worry about tho chil dren's health. Put them in a "Nazareth Waist" and you'll soon see a (II (Terence. Tho porous knit fabric gives tho skin a chanco to breathe, absorbs tho perspiration, keeps tho body at uniform temperaturo. Tapes from tho shoulders put tho weight of skirts or trousers whoro tho child won't fcol It. All sizes 1 to 16 yoars. Hosiery Season after season a large, ma jority) of discriminating women havo depended and wisely on this storo for their needs in hoslory, on account of tho oxcollont values con tinually offered and .tho largo as sortment of carofully selected kinds from only tho innkors who givo strictest attention to the dotnils of ehapolincss as well as to fit and finish. SB La Bonne Femme Tho French aro not only artistic, but thoy get effect without unduo expenditure. Volatllo, but thrifty. Tbo Bonno Pcmmo is ns economi cal n luxury as any housowifo over craved a slnglo curtain that fits closo to tho window nnd pulls from Bldo to sldo instead of up and down. With tho Bonno Femmo of lnco can bo usod tho ordinary window shado, nnd quito likely thero will bo tho brls-brlso ("breeze-breaker"), ns tho French so polltoly cnll it, but really a gaze-breaker that adds privacy to tho intorlor. In ovoryjduy langungo, it is a sash curtain. Tho Bonno Pcmmo enn bo had hero in tho nowst effects. $6 to $6.50 MSMaWBMSHHMtMSaSWMMMMaSHMMMMI Lace Bed Sets Attroctivo patterns in this popu lar bod dress, which ndds so much to tho appoaranco of your bod-room. Thoyi como in sovornl pretty pat terns, somo plain, somo with Battoa burg doslgns all for tho gonornl artistio effect $5 to $6,50 Lace Robes Protty now stylos, designed for tho coming social season, rcmarkr nblo for tholr beautiful effocts. Bomo aro ombroldored with tho pop ular Eyolot, whilu othors aro moro olaborato in their gonoral mnko-up. Bitch ono is ready to bo fitted' and finished and will mako ono of thoso swell gowns you hnvo ndmirod so much. Thoy como in a good lino of colors and tho quality cannot bo surpassed for the modest prico asked, $t 2.50jo $30,00 FIRST FLOOR. V " I Ml IlliSf fSJirf BF M8S3 ill 1 ii i WM I ' J Milk Aw m SM HthlintJAiltlr y There's an Excellence In tho making of our clothos, which makes thorn suporlor to nil othors. Boys' School Clothos of ovory possible pattern and stylo you can doslrs. This stock is distinguished by quantity, varioty and qunllty of morcbondiso assembled, and is es pecially distinguished by very low prico making. It la only by comparison you can approcUto tho better qualities of our garments, mmmmmmmammmmmmmmmm COOL MORNING BREAKFASTS Aro not eorapleto unless you have hot cakes made from tbo famous FALCON or OLYMPIC Brands of Prepared Paneake Flour or IL O. BUCKWHEAT and use the Best Maple Syrup on them, OLD MANSE. You get those of A. L Harvey Cor. Court and High Sis. becamo a subjoct of surgical attontion as tbo result of an altercation ho had with Pollcoman Sforloy, of Gorman town, on Soptombor 7. Tho polloo man's bullet ontorod Robinson's loft broast directly in a lino with tho heart. Ho wau hurr'cd to tho hospital, whoro, aftor nn examination, it was coneludod his heart had been struck, nnd it was bolioved ho could not livo more thnn a few -hours. When ho oontlnuod to livo for twen-ty-four hours somo of tho eminent phytJulan of tho elty wero called into uotmulhitlon' to find if it was possible to upen up tho client and removo tho heart for examination. One distinguished muster of surgery vol unteered to porform tho operntion. To earry It out portion of two ribs had to bo removed, and, holding it in his hands, made a mlnuto nnd thorough examination. As soon as it was taken from tho body, it was observed that tbo lioart seem to boat moro vigorous ly and with greater regularity. Atten tion was then given to tho fleshy en vironment in tho heart rfglort of tho chest, which was found to ba conaldor ably iaflamod. For nearly an hour the search for the seat of tbo trouble was continued beforo the bullet was locat od. The leaden missile was found to bo imbedded in the flesh within a small fraction of an inch of tbo heart, upon which it had caused pressure. There is every probability that the patient will recover. UTILITY THE SUPREME TEST If All Wires Would Bellerre. Chairman Shonts, of the Isthmian Canal Commission, said the other day in illustration of woman's credulity. "A young man ontcred tho drawing room of tho girl whom ho was soon to marry. "'Oh, John,' she aaldJfatlter saw you this morning going into a pawn broker's with a large bundle.' "John flushed. Then bo said in a low veice: " 'Ye, that is truo. I was taking tho pawnbroker somo of my old clothes you see, he and his wife are fright fully hard up.' "Ob, Johnt Forglro mel' ex claimed the young girl. 'How truly noblo you aret'" New York Tribuno Locomotives nro not mado bocauso they are wonderful but because TID3Y ARE USEFUL. Telephones aro not so plentiful be cause they are marvels but bocauso TID3Y ARE USEFUL. You don't own a typewriter or watch Or a dictionary or a lawn mower or ft safety rasor because they are prettjr or modern or customary but because THEY ARE USEFUL. Uss and worth decide and utility tips the scales when mere beauty or novelty aro tho counterweights. WANT ADVERTISING is important to you not because It la ono of the "Interesting" things of modern life, but because, tested, and measured and weighed In any way whatever, IT IB USEFUL TO YOU It Is as practicable as . street ear as easy to use as au umbrella it Is a part of the MACHINERY by which you DO THINGS In your office and tore and home aeting at oneo as salesman or buyer, YOU WILL FIND AS MANY USES FOR WANT ADVERTISING; A0 FOR YOUR TYPE-WBITEB, YOUR UMBRELLA, OR YOUR STREET CAS. JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING RESULTS 1 i f illlHllllHBMIllMIIlllltHllHlliMt"""l'" J' .,,.,. .t.irTj.-y.-M- &