Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1905, TWO EDITIONS, Image 1

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P. M. AND 4:00 P. M.
VOL. xv.
NO. 211.
New York Furnishes Another
Ghastly Story of Crime
and Mutilation
New York, Oct. 12. A ghastly mur
der was committed at a Third avonuo
boarding house- early this morning.
George Lanolo, at 2 o'clock, heard sev
eral shots. Ho thought thoy camo
from Dauor's room. Ho reported1 tho
occVrrcnco this morning. Tho pollco
wont to tho room and found a suit caso
containing tho arms and legs of a man.
Tho floor was covered with blood. In
a clothes hampor was found tho trunk,
but tho head was missing. Later la-
im borors found uio neau on a piio oi uiri
and It was found to fit tho mutilated
trunk. Bauor was arrested. Ho do
nlos all knowledge of tho crlmo. A
bloody razor was also found In tho
Tho body has boon Identified as that
of Thomas Corcoran, who rosldod with
his sister and hor husband, John Mc
Murrougb. Tho identification was
mado by tho lattor, who said tho vic
tim loft homo at 8 last night with a
Selling Out Addicks.
Nowcastlo, Del., Oct. 11. Unltss J.
Edward Addicks succeeds In getting a
legal stay at tho last momont, United
States Marshal Fllnn will today put up
for public salo tho proporty on tho Adv
dicks farm at Rivorsldo, below this
city. This will bo followed by tho salo
tomorrow of threo other Addicks'
farms In Brandywlnoi Hundrod. Tho
salos aro to satisfy a judgmont for
$5,000, which wns recently obtained
against Addicks by Charles S. ninch
man, of Camdon, N. J.
With Cross 'and Grown.
Columbus. O., Oct 11. Columbus is
For Men
Th .. .,,... nf Anr flhnn T)onni
kifm nn.twi.itA Rhoes. nml evervi nalr
ar.. K.oi nn !,.. mint ni nlnn ami our
ASSh How
eliminates oil unnecessary expenses. That's why wo undersell "rogular
In addition toHho staple shapes, wo show a full lino of tho oxtremo
styles for dress wear,
Oat BItie Ribbon School Shoes
aro built for School Wear, and thoy stand it
Tho styles aro neat and attractive and tho soles rnd upper leathers aro
spocially selected for service.
We havo built up an enormous business on
Joe Millers
Napa Tanned Shoes
for Meu and Boys. For tho roughest service in mud and water thoy aro tho
most satisfactory ahoes over built. Although heavy, tho leather remains soft
and pliable.
Orfo pair of Joe Miller's Shoes is equal to two or three pairs of ordinary
shoes for hard wear.
c8aswe ffizjA'O&s'e
Dy Goods, Clothing, Hats
ETerythin in Ladles' and. Men's Panrishlngs, Salem's Cheapest Ono-Price
man namcd-John Grout, a horse, sales
man. So far .tho pollco aro unablo to
oxninluatlon showed Corcoran was shot
crimination showed Corcoran was shot
In tho mouth and tho bullet lodged In
his brain. His left arm was found in
tho suit caso and his right arm has
not been found.
Seattlo Wants a Fair.
"Washington, D. 0., Oct. 12.
Through tho ondcavors of Senators
Pilos and Ankcny and representative
citizens of Seattlo, tho president will
tomorrow consider with tho cablnot tho
questions upon which dopend tho fato
of tho proposed industrial fair at Se
attlo next summer.
Appoints Democrat.
Washington, Oct. 12. It Is loarned
tho prosldont will probably appoint
Franklin Lane, of California, a demo
crat, to succeod Joseph W. Fifcr as
interstate commorco commissioner.
in holiday attiro in honor of tho an
nual conclavo of tho Ohio Knights
Templar. All but thrco of tho fifty
nlno commandorles In tho stato nro rop
rosonted. Tho opening business sossion
of thoi grand commandory was hold this
morning in ' tho Masonic ton?plo, f ol
lowod this afternoon by a grand pa
rado of tho Sir Knights in uniform.
Tho grand ball, tho crowning social
ovwrt. of tho conclavo, takes placo to
night. Tho business sessions will bo
continued and concludod tomorrow
morning. Dayton, Springfield, Clovo
land, Zanosville, and Cincinnati aro
among tho cities well ropresontod at,
tho conclavo.
We Caity the
Latgest Line
of New Shoes
in the City
- tnimt is duo -to tllO fact that WO
elves satisfactory wear. Our prices
economical business managomont
Mexicans Plotting to Murder
the Aged Patriot. and Over
throw the Government
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 12. On complaint
of Pcchupla, Moxlcan detectives this
morning raided tho offices of tho Mojo
lean nowspapcr, tho Regcncratlo, and
arrested Its thrco editors. Whllo tho
charges aro not criminal, tho governor
writes tbo men nro plotting n revo
lution In Mexico, to murder Diaz npd
overthrow tbo government. ,
Toys as Infernal Machines.
Berlin, Oct. 11. Tho reactionaries
havo put in forco sovcro monsuros dur
ing tho last fow days, according to
nows from St. Petersburg, and wholo
salo arrests havo bcon tho rosult. Near
ly 400 persons, comprising an ontiro
revolutionary society, havo boon placed
in charge On tho Russian frontier,
sixteen persons wcro arrested and a
largo quantity of revolutionary mate
rial was seized. In ono wngon contain
ing infants' toys it was found that
tho children 'e balloons wcro dangerous
Hanged by tho Mob.
Elkton, Ky., Oct. 12. Frank Tco
vell, a negro, wns takon last night
from tho jail whoro ho was confinod
and hangod by a mob.
POPULAR PRICES Season- tickets for tho courso of flvo attractions on
salo at tho box offlcb.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Stockton, Cal., Oct. 12. Coorgo Me
Moso, D. narrlson nnd Q. Mnttalo lost
tholr lives in tho cPnn Copper mines,
nt Composeo, Calavoras County, last
night. Whllo at work, thoy broko
through Into nn old shaft filled with
poisonous gasos nnd worn ovoroomo.
Their bodies woro rooovorcd. All were
Yesterday's Games.
At Princeton Princeton, 29; Lehigh,
At Annapolis Navy, 17; St. Johns,
At Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 38;
Franklin and Marshal, 0.
At Cambridge Harvard, 34 Bate,
At Now Haven Yale, 20 -, Spring
field, 0.
Firemen and Street Car.
Chicago-, Oct. 12. Captain James
Corcoran, Edward) Hcrrlck and Will
iam Martin will probably die. They
wero Injured In a collision this morn
ing between a hoso eart and a street
car. Two other firemen wero badly
A Polygamous Collapse,
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Salt Laio, Utah, Oct. 12. Sixteenth
Ward Amusement Hall collapsed this
morning. Thirteen laborers weio
caught, two of whom wero badly hurt
and burled in the wreckage. Tbo ball
was being repaired.
When chilled by the rain
Or wet from tho dew,
I can tell you the best
Thing on earth to do
Got a hot drisJs at Zlnn's,
It will warm you all through.
Woman and Her Husband Try
to Murder Wealthy
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Berkoloy, Cnl., Oct. 12. William
Ellis, a wealthy horseman, who was
murderously attacked yesterday aft
ernoon by William Curtis, alias Brush,
and wife, is recovering today nnd, al
though his skull is fractured, ho will
probably live. Ho claims ho lost only
$C00 Instead of $5,000. Thcro is no
traco of Curtis or his wlfo, who fled
from tho houso which was npparontly
rented for tho purposo of robbing El-
Su. Knives and scissors flnoly sharp
ened, which showed tho ovldont pur
poso of cutting up tho body, wcro
found In tho house. Ellis says ho was
seated at n tnblo at lunch when Brush
struck him on tho bead with a hatchet.
Curtis' wlfo pointed a revolver at him
as ho fell. Ho was unconscious, but
folt Brush go through his pockets. Bo
covering his strongth, ho knocked tho
rovolvcr from tho woman's hand nnd
fought off tho husband nnd rushed
through tho door and oscaped. Curtis
is six foot one inch In holght and
weighs 140 pounds. Tho woman is
flvo feet four, 20 years old and weighs
120 pounds. It Is thought thoy havo
gono cast.
Now York, Oct. 12. Armltngo Mat
thows, a lawyer ami politician, who
was to havo boon triod today for con
spiracy to wrock tho Federal bank,
committed sulcido this morning by
jumping from a window.
Chicago, Oct. 12. Mathews was in
dicted somo months ago. The caso
grow out of tho wrecking of tho Fed
eral bank nnd tho robbing of tho Wols
sel" estate by David Rothschild, presl
dent of the bank. JtotuaoblM was
tru,steo of tho estate and was bonded
by a concorn for wbleh Mathews was
attorney. Attorney Wooton, who was
associated with Mathews, was aonvlot-
ol. Last night Mathews retired at 11
nml mndio an appointmont with a
friend for the timo nt which ho com
mitted suicide. Ho aroso this morning
and recelvod u special dolivery letter,
which ho destroyed, and jumped from
tho window. A neighboring doctor
saw-tho body Immediately after hear
ing the thud of his fall and rushod to
tho scene. Ho said Mathews was
killed instantly. His caso was called
in court this morning and quashed.
Now York Wins, 0 to 0.
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Philadelphia, Oct, 12. Tbo weather
conditions were perfect and the bet
ting even. T,ho game proved an In
tensely Interesting one In spite of tho
fact that it all went New York way.
Tho final score was a surprise, even to
Now York fanciers, being 0 to 0.
Have tho Fish, Too.
fFour O'clock Edition.)
San Francisco, Oct. 12. The bcof
trust now controls tho canned salmon
Industry. Tbo Alaska Packers' Asso
ciation, tho largest canning concern in
1 the world, with headquarters at San
! Francisco, is sold to the trust. Tbo
deal was closed by B. B. Deming, the
coast representative. It controls 35
' plants on Puget Sound and in Alaska
and a fleet of vcssols.
I Fair thi afternoon and toaigMj
eoojsr tonight with a light frost, Frl-
Mation County Man Presides at
the Portland Peace
Toose Sweeps the Convention Off Its
Feet Witn a Stinting Pica fo
Coos Bay
(Four O'Clock Edition.)
Portland, Oct. 12. Tho poaco eonfor
onco is woll attended nnd Marlon
county has tho largest delegation. Thoy
mot at headquarters 'and agreed to pro-
sent tho namo of Frank Davoy for
chairman. Tho convention was called
to ordor at 10:30 by Stato Chairman
Baker. Davoy nnd nalncs wcro re
nominated and Davey wont in hands
down, breaking tho slato. no mndo a
great speech. A commlttco on resolu
tions was appointed, ono from each
county. Hal D.Pntton wns tho me'm-
Hottentots Overpower Ger
man Garrison in South
Capo Town, South Africa, Oct. 12.
Tho Hottentot chiefs Marongo and
Morris havo captured Jerusalem- camp
near Wnrmbad nftor sovero fighting.
Wormbad was a strong Gorman baso,
showing tho achievement of tho Hot
tentots Is ' of conslderablo moment.
Lieutenant Stirmnnda and six mon'wero
killed and olght wouiulvd. Tho Hot
tontots suffered no loss. They on
tured nil tho German stock nnd sup
plies. Sovoral Germans woro captured
and woro sent-to Conornl Vontrothu, j
carrying a lottor of doflnnso, saying tho!
irnnnntd .tntA IIAUI tiPAIUir All kt 4 f 1 1S '
tho offensive, ht to tho end. ICIep-
iiiuib, u Biuuu jiuni. nvur iiuuiiuuu, niuj
abandoned when the garrison hoard
that .Marongo was approaoiung. iney
burned tholr stores. Tho garrison at
Nlkas has boon reinforced inon and' n
battery of artillorf
Busy on tho Bound.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Tmwmft, Wtuih., Oct, 12. A donl
whereby Tucoma tldo lands, valued at
half a million, pass Into the possession
of the St. Paul railroad, was closed
today. The lands will bo used as ter
minals for the St. Paul roud, which in
tends to extend to Puget Sound, It Is
rumored that tho Union Pacific Is In
the deal with the St. Paul on tbo pro
posed extension.
' 0 i i !
Old Man Was Murdered,
Chicago, Oct. 12. Ps trick McOarry,
aged 63, a wealthy manufacturer, was
mysteriously assaulted last night and
died this morning. Theft Is no light
on tho supposod murder.
bor for Marion. Speeches woro mado
by Wallace McCnmmont, pleading for
harmony, Sonntor Fulton for a railroad
rato law, and tariff revision. . Judgo
John F. Cnplcs spoko for OS-foot chan
nel from Portland to Astoria nnd
Toozo carried tho convention by storm
In n swooping roply, charging all foe
tlonallsm to Portland and domandlng
tho oponlng of Coos Bay harbor to
glvo rollof to Western Oregon. Ho
was cheered tremendously. Tho con
vcntlon ndjournod to 2 o'clock.
(Contlnuod on pano olght)
Talks Sweet to Webfootors.
but Puts His Money in
Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 12. Tho
Croat Northern offers $160,000 for
crown-granted proporty on Vancouver
harbor for terminal facilities.
Butto, Mont., Oct. 12. James
O'Neill ami John Anderson, minors,
woro crushed to death oarly this morn
Ing in tho Speculator mlno by a cavo
In on tho 1100-foot lovol. They woro
burled beneath many tons of rook. It
took hours of steady work on tho part
of tho resouors to recover tho remains.
(Four O'clock Edition.)
Portland, Oct. 12. Ira Wade, de
fondant in the land fraud trial, was
on the stand this morning. Ho stated
bo asked tbo entrymen oil tho questions
prescribed when they mado final proofs
on the land claims in question. His
statements wero corroborated by Leo
Wade, Ws brother, and W. W. Soule,
his clerk.
. l
Cash Store.
I day fair.
nnrli .-j.Vil-n.'iir "
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