Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 10, 1905, TWO EDITIONS, Page 6, Image 6

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Salem, Oregon
The best school to obtain a
knowledge of bow to do. Promo
tion aad preferment in bosiaess If
tie resnlt of ability t do. There is
a constant demand for competent
kelp. 1 yee: can keep bMtJ aad 9
stenographic work, there Is a place
for joa.
Cas Ton Do Bach Werk7
It has beem years since a yenng
bmmi with a knowledge of book
keeping hi e mpteted or abort'
hand conrse, simply becease they
all secore position before gradsi
atiog. What better epportsuity
de 70a want! la eosapariso t4
the benefts derived, it costs bet
Bute to seure a wtUe educa
tion. Send for catalogs.
W. L STALEY, Principal.
Highest price paid tot second-hand
goods of every description, I hare a
good stock of Tinware, Granite-ware,
Dishes, Croekery, ete that 1 eaa save
70a money on.
Phone 1233 Main. 170 Commercial Bt
Bids for Sewer.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids wltt be received by the City of
Sales at the oSce of the undersigned
at the City Hall at Golem, Oregon, up
to 10 o'clock a. at. of October ISth,
1906, for the construction of a six-inch
alley sewer through the Charles Cart-
wright addition to tao City of Sales;
thence across Capitol street, and
theswe tbrongk 14 No. 2, in Mock No.
80, i said City of Soleta, Oregos, to
connect with the alley ter is eaH
Meek No. S, to be befit fa seezd
snee witk the piaaa and eisUees
thereof a- os tte is tie oftee e tie
City Beeerder.
Each Wd imt be sxcsonpinied hty a
ecrtrSed cheek to tte tsJsm of 4e j&er
eet of tfc asnomnt of the Wd roc
ssiUed, a a gmtrxatee that the bidder
will qoalif r Vy giving feeads as yrn
Tided try said rf4eJSea4ser, to be ap-
proTed by tbe yorf as e4r at a
eosrtraot with easd city for the eo
rtroeties of a fewee is aeordae wkh
rc-ctfatiod asd 1M snbomrUe4 wHhis
six days af tor kariag reeeire4 stke
of tho aeooptaace of Us bM, said cer
tU64 check to he forfeited to the City
of SoJea ia case tho bidder fails to
qsattfy asd ezotcte said contract as
The City of Saksa reserres the right
to reject asy s&d all bids, aad the
bid of asy porsoa who has bid before
or eoatractet xor sen wore as
been delisqaeat therein will sot be
reoef vo.
riaas and specifications cas beeeen
at the office of the sadersigsed at the
City HaJL
By order of the Cosmos Coasefl.
10-t-llt City Beeordor.
- 0 ' '
1 .
Hi!! Boosted to Give narnman
Black Eye
The Road fropi Drain to Coos Bay Will
Be Constructed
who wish to start housekeeping right
should e Wild Koto Hoar,, as then
they will sever quarrel over bad bread.
This dear is HBMirpaHed fer all par
poses where flwir is used. It makes
the lightest, sweetest aad most dell
clous bread or the fiaest aad most deli
cate cakes aad putr.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that tho fins
of Turner & Iataaa, attorneys at kur,
is this day dssoeived by rostsal cos
seat. All parties indebted to the said
first are reqsested to sake iasaediato
payment to either member of the late
firm, who are eaob anthorized to re
ceive and receipt for the tame.
We shall each eoatloao the practice
of law in Sale, and will eadearer in
the fata re, as in the past, to treat oer
elieats right.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 7th day
of October, 190C.
Th Xowbecg Graphic ivos a side
light as the parpose of the Hill ban
qoec at Ports Jd ia tkis paragraph.:
"The ff4rit of tbs H&Vritaaa bsm
oet ia Portkad, given ia Portland
sosoe weokti ago, as eoeapared with the
oratiost girea Hill Jfoadaw- night in
the saetrepotts. i indieaUve ef the dif
ferent aaBar in whiok tie two rail
way saognateq are loNcotr vpon. urea;
is Hill and greatly to be praisod,
riasjs the ehorns from Porttan4-raa4
all Orogos, too, for that matter.
expvrts and hssports orer their railroad
Iices. If they should build a new road
the SihHx tinsber not a cargo of
lumber woatd go oot orr the bar; it
wnuM be honied book over the awwa-
taiM ad to the distant ports of Port
lac 1 and Ssa Fraaoiseo.
ros Bay Harber: Bat Coos Bay also
expects fair treatasoat from the rest
of the state. It is not to the interest
of Oreton to have only oso harbor.
This report ia she Orosroaian is not as
a'ci-leoc or aa oversight. It is a stn-
Xorth Tasohin eeord:The Soathern n poUoy to keep Coos Bay in the
Pseiie Kaihroad Cosapaay has M for baekrrosmd as a deep-sea, harbor. In
A Pleasant Way to Travel,
fhe above is the usual verdict of
line iraTCinr using mo Ainggn x &uuc
! :
rntltvn Visnt w svn triM Psf(its A4itt .nA
BAixn rrouuuro mills. ,, ,.- ,A ..n.- .t ., .r.
.w ., ., .....w . . . .v..
ice and accommodations given merit
this statement. From Denver, Colora
do 8prings and Denver there are two
tareugh trains daily to Kansas City
and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat
est standard electric-lighted sleeping
cars, chair ears and up-to-datu dining
ears. The same excellent service is
operated from Kansas City and Bt
Louis to Memphis, Little Rock and Hot
Springs. If yon are going east or
sonth, write fer particulars and fall in
foruMtion. V. a M'BIUDE, Gen. Agt.,
ISM Third SU Portland, Ore.
The rif i- hi vd best if you use
tho kind of )iini; and task's wo
sell, sad we ak vu tu not the good
wear and oeoaiay of tho roof for
which wo farahh the ah (agios or
shakos. Wo carry a large stock of
shlaflos and shakos of good cjoality,
carefully selected to make a sasismI,
tight, durable roof, and wo are al
ways ready to give minutes.
l'hc OS Main
the bops loot ia tho warehouses that
banted here during the simaer. They
also paid for other property adjoining
the warehouses. The oonspany bas
shown fairnoM in this saattr, and a
of people have reason to thank
the eosnpsBy for the eovrx they bare
takoa. It ssoftM several tbouMnd dol
lars to tfee people of teas eoaswaity.
Tim paper at Drain, where the Drain
aw) Marstfieid line is to be built, bas
this item, which shows that "soibo-
teiag is being done" by Harriiaai
besides talk:
"Work on the Oregon Western Ball
roatf to Loos J(t is proOTOseiin; as
rapidly as eonditloES will permit.
Bight of way is being bought up right
along; tho sarreyora are working like
beavers near Sooitsburg, and tie agent
bore bas boos notified to make room
for tho 10,000 tons of 75-poasd rails
that were ordered ia Now York a week
ago for, tbis road. A great many la
borers are easing ia, pressuaably seat
hero by tho Southern Paoific Company,
and it is thought tbat grading will
begin very soon."
The Tole)e Reporter has this: Aad
bow it Is clAlmed that the Sontbern
Pacifle intends to build a road from
Salem to tho Yaquiaa bay by way of
Independeaee awl the Siletx. And if
tboy should, what then! Would they
stake use of the harbor and watr
transportation! Not much. The South
ern Pacific bas controlled the r. x jj.
aad thoy have used it to M --k and
destroy water traosgprtati n f.r-mg
this Portland makes a mistake. It
mar have availed la the past to retard
the growth of Southwestern Oregon,
but the dor has passed when capital
can kfr be intimidated by such
shallow methods. The Oregoaian belit
tles not Ooos Bar, but itself by this
suppression of our advantages.
The day will eocse whoa Portland
will see this error. Coos Bay will be a
deep son harbor loog before it will be
possible to begin the dredging ef the
Columbia. It will not take one-tenth
the money to elen out Coos Bay to a
depth of forty feet than it will the
river. Tk-e bay will never fill up again,
and the river will be a continuous
drain uj-on site treasury for repairs.
Therefore Portland will always need
tbe assistance of our eongresscnen and
should be kind to us now.
Under the title of "Ilasedeeh." the
Bngene Rogister 1ms this editerial:
"Since the Hill banquet the state of
ralsd of Portland needs explanation.
The valley guests who attended tbe
function returned homo in their usual
peaceful and lucid condition. A few
years sineo at a big Chicago banquet
the country cousins were herded to
gether and entertained while the Chi
sago bunch slipped through a back door
lnt the banquet hall and wined anl
dined themselves to a surfeit. Port
landers are too hospitable and generous
to be accused of such a proceeding, and
the country guests were treated roy
ally. But there wrs evidently a loeker
(Continued onpag two.)
Salem Box Factory
O r. MASON. Prep.
1 am ia South Salem, whtire you will
find we for all kinds of fruit trays,
orchard boxes sad hop baskets.
Miller street, Salem. Phone Main 90S.
To Pence Customers
Orders for Woven Wire Fencing for
future delivery are now being taken nt
special disoauat. Oa ear wilt arrive
about Nov. 1. Orders els taken fur
plain wire. Prices always the lowest.
Quality the best. Poaoe Posts, Shingles
and dates. Write us fer prises now.
Walte Moriey
00 Court Street, Balwa
Is as good as some firms sell
He and 40c
Do sot take our word for it, but
try a pound of it, aad you will be
A. L. Harvey
The Popular Grocer
Cor. Court and High
Phono S16 Main.
Commencing September 1st
The Southern Pacific will sell special
tickets to Portland and return, account
Lewis and Clark exposition rate:
One and one-third faro for round trip,
1.85. Limit: Thirty days, but not
later than Oe6bcr 31, 1009.
A, L. OltAIO,
B-fiSMf Oca. Pas. Agt
Will always be right if
you get them at the
White Mouse
Phono Main 121. State Street
nsssl L5i?3sssfi t sflL fttsft m "t A ' 4
WMllnsssffiWir kitit, , . . u, .ugmmW.. sff- VicSgy;
To tbe Seaside and Mountain Beaorta
for too Summer Vacations.
On and after June 1, 1905, tbe
Southern Pacifie, in connection with
the Corrallis & Eastern railroad will
have on sale rosnd trip tiekets from
points on their lines to Newport, Ya-
quioa and Detroit at very low rates,
treed for return twill Oetobcr 10, 1906.
Threo day tickets to Newport and
Yaqulao, good going Saturdays and re
turning Mondays are also on sale from
all east side points Portland to Ea
gene inclusive, and from all west side
points, enabling people to visit their
families and spend 8unday at the sea
side. Season tickets from all oast side
points Portland to Eugene inclusive,
and from all west side points are also
on sale to Detroit at very low rates
with stop over privileges at 2dTH City
or any point east enabling tourists to
visit the Santiam and Breitenbnsb Hot
Springs in tbe Cascade mountains,
which can be reached in one day.
Season tickets will be gosd for re
turn from nil points until October 10.
Three day tiekets will be good going
Saturdays and returning ITondaya
only. Tiekets from Portland and vi
cinity will be good for return via the
cast or west side nt option of passen
ger. Tiekets from Eugene and vicinity
will bo good going via tbe Lebanon
Springfield branch, if desired. Baggage
on Newport tickets checked through
to Newport; on Yaquina tickets to Ya-
quina only.
a P. trains connect with tho C. & E.
at Albany and Corrallis for Yaquina
and Newport Trains en the C A E.
for Detroit will leave Albany at 730
a. ztl, enabling tourists to the Hot
Springs to reach there the same day.
Trains from and to Corrallis connect
with all east side trains on the 8. P.
Full information as to rates, time
tables, ete can be obtained on appli
cation te J. Kayo, Gen. Pass. Agt, C.
k E. B. B. Albany; W. E. Comas,
0. P. A., 8. P. Co, Portland or to any
B. P. er C. k E. agent
Bate from Salem to Newport 15.00.
Bate frsm Salem to Xaquina 4.50.
Bate from Salem to Detroit $3.60.
Three-day rate from Salem to Ya
quina or Newpsrt $3.00. 6-1-tf
Three Trains to tne East Di3
Through Pullman stanza 'a
tourist sleeping ears day to (Xtm?
Chicago, Spokane; tcrfit sIS
ear. daily to Kansas City; tfe3
Pullman tourist sleeping on fa
eonally conducted) weekly te (
go; reclining chair ears (scat, tm
to tho East daily. '
.. unnnr
Mo Cbasfs of cr.
9 lis. a
Atlas tic
SOS p.m.
Tla Huat-
ir. m.
From Fcruas-, 1.?
5J"U, Denre- n.
Worth OnahL. r.n...
Cltr, BU LouH, Ci-Uft!
811 Lake, DenTK rt
nCTTU 1CAJ3A- kta
orjuua. tj
Walla Willm. 7 r l
Spottao, Wlloe.rH
aaa, Ulnnetro-j 81' !
Pal. Dnlnih.V , vi
ChtCKco, and tut.
Ocean and Elver Seteda!.
For San Francisco Every ne dm
at 8 p. m. For Astoria, way j
and North Beach Daily (ereept 6
day) at 8 p. ex; Saturday at 10 1
Daily service (water permlttiag)
Willamette and Yamhill riven
For fuller information ask or vrii
your nearest ticket agent, or
A. L. C2AI0,
General Paaseagcr Artsl
The Oregon Bailroad 4 .VrifiUn
Co., Portland. Oregon.
"Make Salem a Good Home Market"
A visitor from Mars or some other dlstaut region or ptauet nlt
arrived nt tbe Lewis and Clark exposition. This massive meteorite of 1 . .
tons weight Is tbe biggest shooting star that has over boou fouud in ;i
western hemisphere and perhaps tho heaviest meteorite ev fouud in mij
laud. It has not yet been weighed, but Its weight bas beon estimated at about
eighteen to twenty tons. Twelve of tho most powerful honws in Portland
were required to haul this mysterious mass of metal from the steamer to the
exposition grounds, Tho meteorite was found In tbe woods of Clackamas
county. Ore., about two miles from Oregon City and fifteen miles from the
exposition site. In the autumn of 1002.
Poultry at 8tcineri Market
Eggs Per don, Zfic.
liens S9c
Frya 10.
Ducks 9$10c.
Baker, Lawrence & Baker.
Eggs Per dozes, 26c
Fruits, Vegetables, Etc.
Potatoes S6S0c
Tropical Fruits.
Bananas 6Hc lb.
Orangos $5.60.
Livo Stock Market
Cows lltOSc.
Sheep 4.
Dressed veal c
Pat hogs Hc
Baled Clover-$7.(ws87.Se.
Cheat HMO$7.
Timothy HQ(M.
Orala 7$74.
Eggs, Butter and Cream.
By Commercial Cre.im Co
Butter Ma.
Butter fat Me at station.
Whoat SOl
Hour, wholesale $3.66 por barrel.
Flour, retail $1.00 per sack.
Hay, Feed, Etc.
Baled Cheat $10.
Oats-Chaise white, $1.351.40.
Mlllstuff Bran, $19.00.
Bay Timothy, $13.00.
Potatoes $1.15sfL90.
Peultry-Chlskens, mixed, 12
c; per id; bens, 13c per lb; roosters,
old, 10c per lb; fryers, 22c per lb;
Jocks, $4.00J9.00 per dor.; geese 8
o per lb; turkeys, 1718c per lb;
dressed, M&10 per lb; squabs, $8.50
3.0O per doz.
Peru Dressed, 7Se.
ueer Dressed, 2Vi5e.
Veal SSJSc.
Mutton Dressed, 6&7tfc
Heps-Contract, 1906, 16c; 1904 erop,
25o fer ehelee; 234c for primes and
Wool-IHW clip, valley, coarse to
medium, 24WS6e; fine, 2623c;
Eastern Oregon, lD22sc
Mohair Nominal, 3031c
Butter-Faney ereamery, 2021Uc:
dairy, 1617e; store, 1515c
No 2 for Yaqnlnx
Leaves Albany 12:45 PJL
Leaves Corrallis 1:45 PJt
Arrives Yaquina 5:45 PJL
No. 1 Bctnmlng
Leaves Yaquina 7:15 Ut
Leaves Corrallis 11:M Ut
Arrives Albany 12:15 PX
No. 3 for Albany-Detroit
Leaves Albany for Detroit 7:19 Ui
Arrives Detroit 12:M PJt
NO from Detroit-
Leaves Detroit 1:30 PJL
Arrives Albany 6:58 PJL
No. 5 for Albany-
Leaves Corvallis 6:30 UL
Arrives Albany 7.10 UL
No. 8 for Corvallis
Leaves Albany 2:48 PJL
Arrives Corvallis 3:30 PJL
No. 7 for Albany-
Leaves Corvallis 6 00 PJL
Arrives Albany 6.40 PJt
No. 0 for Corvallis
Leaves Albany 9.15 PJL
Arrives Corvallis 9 W P
Train No. 1 arrives u Aloasy Jf
time to connect witn i-e r.
bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with tie S. P.
trains at Corvallis anl A'.' -xj, 0t
direct serrlse to Newport '. jd a4jW
Train No. 3 leaves Albssy fr
Detroit at 7:30 a. m., a-nvisg t
in ample time to reach the Brett
bush bot springs the tame dsy.
Train No. 4 between A ' my n
treit connects with tie F-g" J1
at Albany, also with w al f c
Train No. 5 leaves CVrvallis tt W
a. m,, arrives at Albany " 10 a, !
time to catch Eugene k'a. ts rrw
and train to Detroit
Train No. 8 leaves A'.y fCjf
vallis at 2:40 p. n, after the r
of S. P. northbound overland.
Train No. 7 leaves CorvsUis at i
n. m .rrl.A. n AlhinV at 6:40 P.
in tims to connect with the Ixl "
Eugene and way points.
Train No. fl leaves Albany fr Or
vallis at 9:15 p. m., after ths arrival
the a P. local from Portland.
For further information appljr t
J. C. MAYO, Gen. P- W
T. COCKERELL. Acent, Albany.
H. H. CBONI8E, Agent, CorralH.
-A.J3Ti-5eiP .
rUl w? M iw ten Atop Basj
S V --fftsl . i
iGoifi Dast Flow
ER COMPANY, Sidney, 0
gon. Made for familr . )
your grocer for it Bran aas
hortn clwaya on hand
P. B. Wallace