Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 25, 1905, TWO EDITIONS, Page 2, Image 2

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    rq,W(IWJWrj'r "
MAY, 1001, 13,287.
Will Be the Develop
ment Convention
at Eugene
Attendance Will Be Large
From All the Westprn Ore
gon Counties
I ff
Claerry Pectoral.
Coughs, colds, croup, the grip,
bronchitis, consumption. For
over 60 years the leading cough
medicine of the whole world.
Ask your doctor.
3.0 AyerCO.,
which 00 bushels will be served, ten
sacks of sweet potatoes, ton" sacks
roasting cajs, hundreds of chickens
nnd other things appropriate to a clam
bnkc. Yamhill County Dologates.
County Judgo B. P. Hhodes has ap
pointed Prof. II. L. McCann nnd A. M.
Poory, of McMinnvllIo, and Blchnrd
Bnlrd, of North Yamhill. Washing
ton county will send n largo fighting
delegation to capture the next conven
tion for Forc-st drove.
Tho ovont of Western Oregon f6r
this wook will bo tho Wlllnmotto Val
ley Development Convention, to bo
hold at Kugono next Trlday nnd Satur
day. Tho convention Is nlroady an
nsflurred success In ovory way.
Llnu County Dologates.
Tho delegates from tho Albany Com
mercial club woro appointed Saturday
. ovonlng. Tho delegates aro all men who
aro oxpoctod to attond, thoy having
elgniftod tholr Intention of going boforo
thoy wcro named, nnd when thoy go
they will roprosont Albany well at tho
mooting of tho Wlllnmotto valloy com
mercial bodies. Those namod are: E.
W. Langdon, J. h. Tomllnson, O. E. Sox
S. N. Steele, Prank J. Mlllor, 0. A.
Wostgnto and M. II. Ellis.
Mayor Davis is oxpooted to nlso ap
point a numbor and County Judgo C.
II. Stownrt has boon nskod to nnmo n
numbor of mon to rcprosent thq vari
ous parts of tho oounty iu tho lenguo
Tho Wlllnmotto Valley Dovolopmont
Looguo, whloh moota hi Kugono noxt
Friday nnd SHlurdny for tho rogular
quarterly tncotlng promises to bo tho
lxvst attemled nnd most intorestlng yot
lield, nnd grout or Interost is mnnl
fostod In tho gnthoring than has been
shown fur previous mooting of tho
loaguo. Thir program shows a great
variety of toplon for disousslon by
speakers from all pints of tho state.
Tho Lebanon Commercial Club has
appolntod tlio follewing: M. A. Mil
ler, 0. . Montague, W. II. Booth, A.
W. Illiickbiirn, 0. Toveloo. .
Dologatoa from Marlon Oounty,
County .ludga Seott bs appointed the
following delegates: Clnranee Junoi,
Aumsvlllei .1. II. Albert, Salem; II. 1).
Thlelsen, Salem.
Wm. J. Clarke will represoat Ger
volt at the convention, and Woodburn
vWll eond a delegation.
A large delegation from the Greater
Salem OeuiMwolal Club will atteud tho
Or. A. Aupparle, Harry ltoland, W. L,
Jonos. Ed. Tuaker, 8. A. Ponse nnd
Editor 0, W. Humphrey are delegates
from JelTersou.
Laua Oounty.
President PrlanUy, of tho Coinmor
olal Club, has appointed the follow
ing additional delegate from Eugonoi
W. (. (liUtrap, 11. S. Bryson, O. W.
Orinin. I. 11. Bingham, W. II. Thomp
son, L. li. Whltaon," P. K. Snodgrass, I
U. Young. Tim of tha leading society
young ladles have consented to sarvo
tho tables at the elamlwke. A dele
gation of University students h's
boon mwurtHl to "tote elams," of
Sarsaparilla is unquestiona
bly tho greatest blood and
liver medicino known. It
positively and permanently
cures every humor, from
Pimples to Scrofula. 16 is
the Best
Blood Medicine.
Ilor Identity Established,
Tho identity of Mrs. Thurbor, who
died at tho Salem Hospital Thursday
ovonlng tins boon fully established. A
tolonhono mosmgo from Miss Lillian
McNnry, superintendent of tho hospi
tal, who went to Portland a few days
ago, states that tho name of tho dead
woman was Mrs. E, J. Thurbor, and
that she had been -provided for by her
daughter, Miss Phoebo Thurbcr, of As
torla. In responso to n telephono mos
sngo from Undertaker Rlgdon, Miss
Thurbor nrrlvcd in this city last ovon
lng, and took chnrgo of her mother's
Mrs. Thurbor was a widow, and ro-
sldcd near Amity, Yamhill county.
A daughter, Mrs. Charles Wanless, is
nt work In Horst Bros.' hop yard nenr
Independence j a son, Joseph, Thurbor,
lives at Independence, nnd another
daughtor, Mrs. John Whltakor, resides
at Crabtree, Linn county.
o '
Strikes Hlddon Bocks.
When your ship of health strikes
tho hlddon rocks of consumption, pnou
monla, otc, you aro lost, If you don't
got help from Dr. Klng'a Now Dis
covery for Consumption. J. W. IIo-
Klnnon. of Talladega Springs, Ala,,
writes! "I had boon very 111 with
pneumonia, undor tho caro of two doc
tors, but was getting no bottor, whon
I bognn to tako Dr. King's Now Dis
covery. Tho first doio gavo roller,
and ono bottlto ourod mo." Euro euro
for soro throat, bronchitis, coughs nnd
colds. Guaranteed, at J. 0. Perry's
Drug Btoro. Prico, 60c and $1. Trial
bottlo free.
Rather Modern.
Miss McCnH So this Is roally your
family oont-of-arms.
Miss Xnwrlch You.
MIm MeCall Whnt'B that quoer do
viae in the center!
MIih Nowrloh Why-or-thnt'a pa's
trademark. Ho Insisted upon ringing
that In. Philadelphia Ledger.
Incredible Brutality.
K would; havo boon Incredible bra
tnllty if Chai, J Lemberger, of Syra
cuse, N. Y., had not dono tho boet ho
could for his sucorlng son. "My boy,"
ho aays, "cut a fearful gash ovor his
oyo, so I applied Ducklon's Arnica
Salvo, which quickly healed It and
saved his oyo." Good for burns and
ulcere, too. Only 25o at J, 0. Perry's
Drug Storo.
A Happy Release.
Kind 1 "r I and Pardon me, but I
ought to tall you that Jenes has run
away with your wife.
Husband (borod) Hut why runt
Loudon Puneb.
A Big Musical Organization.
The company will present Isidore
Wttiriark'a optriitie comedy suaaesa,
"Tlio Chaperons." nt the Grand opera
house Monday night, Oct. Oth, Is one
uf the blggoat mini an 1 oomedy organ!
Mtion now touring the aountry. ".The
t'knperens" i new In its third year,
and it has ltaen prasejjtad in nearly
wary large ally In the aountry, after
having enjoyed ono of Uie moat pros
perous runs in New York of any mual
fal jitaeo aver saan tharco. The pro
duction this yaar is new la every ro-
apaet new saanary, now ooatumaa, new
propertiaa and new ntoahanlanl and
rleetrlaal etYcets, ami the eoiupnny in
cludes sueh wall-known and popular
comedian and comedlenaaa as .Made
ira Marshall. Ruth Lloyd. Deris Good
!win. Hurry La doll, John Priaa, Qaorgo
I.vdockar, Frank Wooley and others.
v Govornmont of British Towns.
British towns are badly administered
says a German critic in tho National
Review, London. "It Is Impossiblo to
find out who Is responsible for wltnt
is done or loft undone. Tho mnxlmum
ot monoy is oxponded for tho minimum
of bffect by a host of parrlng authori
ties, who arc driven on to foolish meas
ures by tho mob. Tho worklngmnn
pnys llttlo in tho shapo of rates, and
ho is consequently indifferent to econ
omy; ho knows nothing of finances,
nnd ho consequently violates its first
principles. He has no stako in tho
town, as ho can easily shift his resi
dence if it languishes or decays through
tho Immodernto burdon of debt which
ho is tying nround his neck. Yot ho
outvotes tho ownor of property or tho
company which is prosecuting some
groat Industry in that town, .though
both of theso hnvo a great stnko in tho
continued prosperity of tho plnco, and
in enrcful management. Tho local
body which has foolishly borrowed mil
lions or-thousands slips nway Into ob
scurity, whon tho mischief which it
has dono is detected, nnd thcro is no
ono to blnmo or punish."
A Truthful Vordlct.
A clorgyman who had ncccptod nn
invitation to ofllolato nt Sunday ser
vices in n neighboring town Jntrustod
his now curnto with tho performance
of his own duties. On roturning homo
ho asked his wlfo what sho thought of
tho curato's sermon.
'It wns tho poorost ono I ovor
hoard" sho roplled promptly, "noth
ing In It nt all."
Lntor in tho day tho clorgyman met
his curate, and nskod bim how ho had
got on.
"Oil vnn- wnll xvnm Mm .null. "T
.., ,.j ...., ...... ...u -.J'V
didn't have timo to prepnro nnythlng,
so I proached ono of your unused sor-
inon's." Hnrpor's Weekly.
T VXN'ER At his home in Yew Park,
'.Salem. Oregon, at 4:86 p. m., Satur-
,la ,, .September 23, 1005, James A.
Tanner, aged 07 jears, and I month.
Mr. Tanner was born in Galla coun
M, Ohio, in 1S3S. In ISO-i he crossed
the plains with an ox tanm and sottled
near Oervais. Ten years later ho
noved to Salem, In tho vicinity of
which city he lived until tho tlino of
his death. Ho is survived by four
children, all of whom wero nt his bed
side whon he died. They aro Mrs. W.
t TM,l,in nt Tumer: Mrs. W. II.
Moon, of Jefferson; Elmer E. Tanner
and Johnnlo A. Tannor, both of Sheri
dan. The funeral sorvlces woro conducted
yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock nt the
United Brethren church In Yow Park,
by Rev. M. M. Bnshor. Intormont was
had in tho City View cemetery.
OBEY. At tho family homo In North
Salem, Oregon, Snturday, September
23, 1D0G, at C o'clock p. m., Ireno
Minnie, the infant dnughter of Mr.l
and Mrs. R. P. Oroy, aged i wecKs
nnd 4 days.
Shakos Edward VII.
William Roswoll appeared boforo tho
county dork Saturday and renounced
his nlloglanco to tho king of Great
Britain, and declared his Intontlon of
becoming a citizen of tho United
Bogins its 24th yoar
Soptombor 20.
Preparing for County and Stato Certificates. Ilighor courses reco
in Washington nnd othor statos.
Demand fpr Normal Trained Teachers
Lonccr terms, higher wages nnd bottor opportunities for
award tho Normal Graduato for his ontorpriso. School director! tocl
ate tho suponor aonny oi i B'uu"rei " mo uomsnd fugl
ccods tho supply. Special nttcntion givon to mothods work In pa 1
ungraded schools.
Catalogue Containing Fall Information.
Will bo sent on application. 0 'rrospondonco Invited. Address
. B. V. BUTLER, Secretary. E. D. RESSLEIt, Prettl
Gt-pi .-jjfi V.
Aro now at hand, and good k
nblo footwear la as necessary fw
chlldron as books nnd toacheri Ti
will find our f ootwoar espccUlI; -',M
od for growing foot; footwear tlitl
durable, noat and comfortable, kvlfl
prico and high In quality. l
Tho Boomerang Throwors.
Booth Torkington has among tho
curios in his airy New York npartmont
a boomerang.
A mngnzlno editor said of this odd
woopon tho othor day,
"I do not beliovo that n nativo can
hnndlo a boomornng so that It will re
turn to tho prooiso spot it stnrtcd
"I bollovo it," said Mr. Tarkliigton.
"Why n mngnzino writer cun do tho
very samo thiug with his manuscript
if ho onolosaa a stamped envelope. "
Now York Trlbuuo.
"Hhh hor marriage to the count real
ty been Indefinitely poetponedf"
"Yos, there was soma little uiiaun
dorstnndlng, I believe."
"But does -the misunderstanding
amount to muahf '
"Only to about $500,000, I believe"
Catholic Standard and Times.
Dr. O, O. Orrtn fttvei nltrt Ptrwnat attention
to hl great uumaulUrlan contract.
qin our Almanac for many years jat wo
have gtveit unusual advice to those afilic-1
ted witli coughs, colds, throat or lung
troubles or consumption. We have told .
them if they did not receive anv special
benefit after the use of one 75-cciit sizo
bottle of German Syrup, to consult their
doctor. flWe did not ask them or urce
them to use a largo number of bottles, as
is the case iu tiic advertising of many
other remedies. Our confidence in Ger
man Syrup makes it possible for us to
give such advice. JWe know by the ex
perience of over 35 years that one 7vcent
bottle of German Syrup will speedily re
lieve or cure the worst coughs, colds,
bronchial or lung troubles and that,
even in bad cases of consumption, one
large bottle of German Syrup will work
wonders. JNew trial bottles, ajc.; reg
ular size, 75c. At all druggists. 4
Sold by all Grocers
-you will need money. You can't Ue eomfettably without it
'a a ueeeasity, and the only way of making ear tain of having it ia
to sayo while you earn.
Biekneaa, laak of work, Injury, aid age, are conMoMnclos that come
Into ovary man's Ufa, and tho hmu who Is bait prepared to meet them
la tho man who has something ahead.
Any one who regularly saves a small part of hit Income no mat
ter how amaU It way bo Sa aquarely on tho road to Independence,
Wo receive deports of ono dollar or more and pay interest at the
rate of threo per coat per annum.
Splendid Piano Purchased
by Mr. I. E. Conn
Tho Hilars Piano House Salem
braneh has opaned the season with
aonw brisk buataaaa. Tha manager,
Mr. 0. W. Simon, who has settled hem
with his family, has take vigorous
noiu or things, and is finding numerous
people In Salem and vielnity who are
preparing for the eowlng t.eaoU of in
door amwaamenta and study by provid
lug a piano.
Notable among last weak 's sales was
kandiowe and eoetly Hobart M.
Cable piano, purhas4 by Mr. I li
U8, of W Prent streat. It U boau-
tlfnlly aAHMl ia KagMab oak, and. Wing
a HoWtrt M. Cabla plaao, it searcoly
nels ward of eawwesdatioa, a this
mako is widely known to be one of
Amnrlau'a bat.
We eoagratulata Mr. and Mra 1 onn
and their largo elrel f nmaie lomg
friends on tha future pleasure in st.ro
for them.
Tho Oolonel'a Waterloo.
Colonel John M. Puller, of Hony
Grov. Texas, nearly met his Waterloo
from liver and kidney trouble. In a
recent letter ho eays: "I wua noaly
dead of theso complaints, and, al
though I tried my family doctor, ha
did mo no good; so I got a 50o bottle
of your groat Blectrle Blttera, which
curod me. I consider them tho boat
medicino on earth, and thank God who
gvo you tho knowlodgo to make
thorn." 8old and guaranteed to euro
dyspepsia, biliousness and kidney dla
aaao, by J. 0. Perry, druggist, at 50
Sold In Salem by S. C. Stono.
H trti ar av 1 u it 1 a 1
1 kw 1 1 rwi-v
1 i 1 1 ii x vc e 1
I THAT ls Rir.HT 3
No job too small, 110 r too largo, m
for us to hnndlo. B
NEXT ORDER. You will bo I
ploasod with both work aud price 1
I Phoue; Main 1213 flco-
K 217 South Commercial St I
KHHjKKfljp sM
DiiajiAAiHbii 1 .. - ai. . . . 1 1
uuctunun iu uurrougns xrasor.
Pltimbing, Tinning
and Roofing
Cornice Work, Heating and Building Work of nil kinds; ejtloatei
iuuuo uuu wor gunranteou. i
oui oioift Direct, aaiom. I'nono loll. II
Buy Fteeland Consolidated
Now 5 Cts pet Shane
Tho prico will positively advanco la a fow wcoks. j
ThiJi mino wiU bo a dlvidond-payer, and tho stock will bo worth M
per sharo In 12 months. j
Ifcia Is not a prospect, but a dotrolopod mlno with moro than 2,000,000
worth of-ore ia sight.
Buy now, but do not wait until tho stock goes to 25 cents per sW
S100 invested now will make a f ortuno. Wo will show you thli prtf
orty at our oxponso. If not found as represented you aro under oo oV
uwsauons to buy. What more can you ask. For particulars call at onrcf.
The J. C. LEE CO. Inc.,
Salem Box Factory
Q. P. MASON, Prop,
I am In 8outh Salem, where von will
find me for all kinds of fruit trays,
orchard boxes and hop baskets.
Miller street, Salem. Phone Main 303
College of Music-Willamette
University Opens Sept. 26
Lond16.,1' Calb,rea,th B- Mv Dean, piano; Frederick W. Ooodrtt
New nta ' V ' Eva x B- Salem' plsn0.
' """ uinaoa Btuaios, new faculty.
We are exclusive dealers in Wall
laper, and carry the finest and most
v j..lo ,lne , no cjt yja
Come and see us.
goods and prices.
E. L. Lemmon
299 Liberty St
Phone 2475
Highest prico paid for sw08'l
goods of every description. I 0W
cood iitoek of Tinware, Gramte5j
Dishes, Crockery, etc, that I ess
you' money; on. 7
Phono 1233 Main.
170 ComBK"