OaXLY CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8ALEM, OREOON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1005. MHefl9ieEtfH9XMKSH9lMHcWIMM tfllsxhSgxiivasroSSi Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought, anil which has been. in uso for ovor 30 ycare has homo tho Blgnntnro of r ' "ml "as hcon mado under his pa LjC&77Z3fas Bonnl Buponrislon ainco its infancy. WuxfTZ -CtftAtK ohm no ono to dccoivo you ,n tIl, All Oounlcrfoito, Imitations' and " Just-n8-go6d" nr hut Experiments that trlflo with andcntlangortho lies i of Infants and Children Experience against Export enU What is CASTORIA CostoriA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops find Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Fovorishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomajh and Dowels, gb ing healthy and natural sloop. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TH onrrun onwiirr, tt mummy rrntrr, niw toii otty. pHHgHHMNMHHHH College of Music Willamette University Opens Sept. 26 Helen I. Oalbreath, B. M., Doan, piano; Frederick W. Qoodrlcb, London, piano and pipe organ; Win. Wallace Graham, Berlin, violin; M. Kvelyn Hurley, Now York, voice; Eva Cox, B. M., Salem, piano. Now pianos, newly farnlahed studios, now faculty. Hall's Fetty Road and FERRY Shortest line to all points in Polk County. ' . U No Atitos or Steam Engines run on this road A. D. PETTYJOHN, Prop. Ferry YOUR MEALS will bo all right this hot weather if you get them at COFFEY'S RESTAURANT 205 Commercial Street r FARM FOR SALE 293 awes in Waldo Hills. Well fenced, new eight toom ftose, his -sts, several oat buildings, fine ochad, afcaat twenty acres in gtuh oak timber, balance all cleared. Two fine springs near notise, M -4 miles from Stayton, 2 -4 miles from Sublimity. Good German ctfmmunity. Price $40 an acre. Time given if purchaser desires. J. P. ROGERS SAIFM - . - OREGON "-" Signaturo of asaaa)BBasBssssMtfB t&ccJCtft Boston B Brown ' B Bread B' FLOUR FOR PANCAKES, MUFFINS AND PLUM PUDDLNO. Package for 7 loaves ..20c 10-pound sack 06c ASK YOUR OR00ER FOR IT. ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR 00. Pacific Coast Factory, Son Joso. IB A H'8 FRENCH FEMALE OPILLS. X Bin, Ck.Tiiii Rtui? ff 8crr.iMiD NIMT..ATW. folic. lju.rbU4 f Jiw.tr Ittfuifch 1 Hn prrpM k... ik.u .m.4 auf.rd.r. I. thM UNITIP MIDICAt CO.. 0 T. UMOt.TCK. f. Sold In Salem by 8. 0. Stone. arista REFORM SCHOOL BAND Will Play in Marlon Squaro Sunday Afternoon. Tho peoplo of Salem will bo glad to learn that Superintendent Loonoy of tho Reform School has arranged for tho Reform School band to fomo to town Sunday aftornopn nnd givo an open nir concert. Tho concert will bo given In Marlon Squaro at 2:30 p. m., and tho following program will bo ren dered: March-"By Right of Sword".... Thco Bondix Soxtett from "Lucia" .... Donlxottl "Tho Lizard and tho Frog" Thco F. Morso "Mberero" from "II Trovatoro" Vordl American Patrol Mcachan Trombonio Retverle "Sliding Jim" F. II. Losoy "Morceau Alita" (Wild Flower)... F. II. Losoy Waltzes, "Beauties Charms".. Tobani March or two-rtop " Yanklana". . B. E. Loftls Ono Movo Enough. Captain J. Q. Barnes and family, who havo for many years past rosldodi In tho old William England residence, on Liberty street, havo just removed to their own homo, tho Adams residence on Court stroot, opposlto tho coutr bouso equaro. Thoy aro happy to bo In thoir own homo and Captain Barnes thinks ono movo In ten years is onough for him. II. Snook Injured. 1L 8nook, tho well-known contractor, of this city, who is at Klamath Falls, superintending tho construction of tho new high school thore, accidentally stepped on ti hiddor ono day last week, and fell through n stairway holo, a distance of 12 foot. ITo sustained a badly crippled kneo, although no bonos were broken. o Poisons In rood. Perhaps you don't rcallzo that many pain poisons originate In yonr food, but Bomo day you may feel a twinge of dyspepsia that will eon vinen vou. Dr. Klntj'c New Life Pill aro guaranteed to cure all sickness duo to poisons of undigested looa or raancy back. 25c at J. C. Terry's, Druggist, Salem, Oregon. o Special Excursion Rates. ( August 21 and 25 and September 10 and IT, tho Southern raelflc company will sell 00-day special excursion tick ets to caslorn points. Stopover grant ed going and returning. For particu lars bpo ngonts LIGHT AND DELICIOUS HOME MADE BREAD Is always tho kind that rewards house wlfo or cook for using Wild Roo flour. Its always sure to give tho ut most satisfaction, and "win golden opinions from all .sorts of people" for her skill as a good bread maker. Our suporior Wild Rose flour is unexcelled for high quality and fin flavor, and is puro and healthful. At all grocers. S3,1jS!'"LsT"lo"T ' 1 CLASSIFIED ieicE9ieicfollBMMfcMIElMM DO YOU WANT TO BELL YOUR FARM? Do you want to buy or sell any. thlngT Hero is your opportunity to Insert your advertisement in two nowspapers for tho price of one. , For a limited time all "For Sale," "For Rent," and all "Want" ads will be inserted in Tho Portland Dally Journal nnd The Capital Journal for Ono Cent a Word. Tho Portland Journal is the best circulated nowspapor in Oregon. It goes daily into 23,000 homes and reaches that large army of people who are constantly buying and soiling something. When you go to Portland call at the Journal efllee and see the largest and best newspaper press In Oregon. It will print, paste, cut and fold papers In four colors with one impression at tho rate of 24,000 an hour. Visitors wel come. Tho Capital Journal U tho leading paper In Oregon outside el! Portland, and this eomblnattoa advertising rates will produce more returns for the small cost than any other in the state. Send your advertisements to the Capital Journal odes and we will send copy to tho Portland Journal, FOR SALE. For Sale Seven-room residence, barn, largo half block, electrle lights, bath, hot nnd cold city water. E. Hofer, Journal offlco. ror Salo. Small dry flr wood, at $3.25 per cord. Phono Black 2001. T. L. Davidson, Jr., Mornlngeldo. 1-20-tf For Sale. An upright Weber piano, In excellent condition. Original cost $050. Will soil for $200. Inquire of Henry W. Moyers, caro of Meyora & Sons. 8-4-tf For Bale. Kitchen outfit, inching gas range, cabinot, tnblo, linen, dish es and sllvorwaro, $25. Inqulro at Journal office. 8-30-tf For Salo. 75 nores, 6 acres in cultiva tion, 'balance Id timbor and pasturpj good spring running water. Barn and orchard, $40 per aero. 2 miles south) of Salem, a Brasher, lib North Commercial streot. 8-28-lm, For Rent. Elognnt rooms, cither fur nished or unfurnished, einglo rooms1, in suites or for light housekeeping. Inqulro of Mrs. Ollvo S, Enrlght, 340 iiiuorty street. a-ai-tr For Solo or Rent. Nino-room house, with basemont, city water and gns, nerrly paporod and painted, half block oast of Marlon equaro on Union street. Inquire at Hill's cignr store. 8-31-lwk For Solo. 30 bead of goats, half and half; also ono second-hand wagon, $15; ISO bushel of oats; 60 bushel ehoat seed, nnd ono fresh cow, In quire A. G. Smith, near Prlnglo school house, Route 5. 0-1-lw FOR RENT. For Rent. A sovon-room house. Call on A. Schrleber, 424 High streett. 6-I3tf For Rent, Furnished and unfurnished rooms, also good.slzed barn. Inqulro of M. A. Dice, 700 Commercial street, three blocks below Marlon square. 7-15-tf FOR RENT. A now 7-room house la West Salem, Inqulro of W. II. Squler. 8-29-2w WANTED. Wanted. To .rent, two to four years, ranch suitable for dairying, 75 to 100 aejes of plow land, 25 to 30 acres pasture, lW to 2'j miles from rail road. Will pay cash or grain rest. Rofer to John C. Slegmund, touuty recorder. 8-11-lmo, WANTED FEMALE inHJ. Wanted. Chambermaid at tho Willam ette Hotel. 7-14-tf WANTED. Housekeeper for eountry. References exchanged. Address " earo of Journal. BOfttf BAKERD3S. Capital Bakery Ullom & Rutherford, proprietors, 439 Court street. Fresh bread, pies and cakes dally. Uaeea roons, lady fingers, angel and devil's food cake, eaidles, nuts, etc Deliv eries made to any part sf the city. Phono Whltr, 321, ff-l-tf CH1LDEBW CRY FOB rasxcrwssfa oastorxa. ARCHITECT. W. D. Pugh Architect and superin tendent, plans furnished for all class es of building and structural work Office 110 State street, Tioga block, Salem, Oregon. ORAYMENT White & Cummins Do a general dray and transfer business, meet all trains. 'Phono, down town, Main 2181. Stand 100 Commercial street. 8-lZ-lm MISCELLANEOUS. Shirt Waists and Summer downs Made in the best style nnd workman ship. Terms reasonable. Address or call on Mrs. H. Milner, 20th and Center streets. 5-29-tf Salem Iron Works Founders, machin ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machlnory. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Press. 11-29-lm Davey ft gavage, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, Conveyancing and Exalnlng Titles. Notary work done. Bring us list of your property for salo, 492 Stats street, near High. 3-8-tf Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every thins cloan and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottle block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tt Hello. Hero I am again with a foil lino of crockery to bo sold at three gallons for 25 cents. Also tents, camp stoves and all kinds of sew and second-hand household goods. Give me a call, cornor of State and Liberty streot, Salem, Conrad Dill man. 8-3-lm. Wanted. Good shipping applos, pears and all farm and dairy produce want ed. Capital Commission Co, Phone Main 2231, opposite Willamette Hotel, Salem, Oregon. Taken Up August 20th, a whlto maro, woight about 1300 pounds, 7 or 8 yoars old. Owner can have eamo by proving property and paying charges. Call ,ot tho, Rod Front llvory barn. 8-20-lwH Tho Tlllson Co. Dealers In chopped feed, seod bran, haV, flour dried fruit, etc. High street, adjoining opera house. 0-1-yr, Say Have you tried H. H. Pauls fqr moatsf Uobai the boat sauaago In town. Come and try it, and be con vinced. 410 East S(ato atret. Salem Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works When your best girl says shq will bo a sister to you. glvo her your clothos to press1. Then you will "bring thorn to your etopmotucr, ana get them fixed right, no matter what thoy neod. Suits pressod by the month. Gloves, nocktles, silk gloves or any fnbrie, n6 matter how dell cato, mado to look like new. Mrs. O. H. Walker, prop., 135 Commercial t MUSIC STUDIOS. Muslo Studio. Frank E. Churchill, Musical Studio. Assoeiato teaeher Wostorn Conservatory, Chicago, III., representing Inter-Stato System at Salem, Oregon. In tho Gray block, room 3, Studio hours 0 to 12 and 2 to 5. 8-19-tf OSTEOPATHS. Osteopath Dr. W. L. Mercer, graduate of tho Amorlean School of Osteo pathy, KIrksvllle, Mo. Ofilce Brey man building, Commercial streot Rooms 25 and 20. Phono Red 2413. Now residence, 419 North Summer street. Phono 383 Red. 0-10-tf PLUMBERS. Theo. M. Barr Successor to Darr A Petrel, tinner and plumber. Hot air water and steam beating a specialty, Salem, Oregon. 3-2- PHYSICIAN AND 8URQE0N Dr, E. O. Dalton Physician and Bur- geon, Rooms 12-13 Bush Bank building. Phono Main 701. Resi dence Willamette Hotel. Phone Main 2001. 7-20-tf f ASH AND DOOR FACTORIES. FraLk M. Brown Manufacturer of sash, doors, mouldings. "All kinds of houso finish and hardwood work. Front street between State and Court A. M. Hanson Manufacturer of all kinds sash, dorrs, mouldings, wood work, houso finish and office fixtures. Estimates furnished. Cor. Mill and Church street. Phoao Red 211. HOU.ISTER'8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Vuj Mtlicia for Bsir Fop!. Brisp OoUta Hultb aid Etunroi Vljrt, X pCinj for Consff nation, laillgetUon, Life nj tumor 1'ioubltu. I'Jtnpie. Kctem, Impurt UUkhI lUul Unwlli, nWrlli liowels, IlejuUob and UsckaclM. It's Hock jr HouoUlu Tea la Ut let form, at wan a bos. Ueniloe mad far UoLusrra Daou Coutmr, MadUoo, WU. WIDEN NUQQET8 FOR SALLOW PEOP-'j LODGES. Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of t&c World Moots In Ilolman Hall every Friday at 7:30 p. m. Paul O. Hassan, consul; P. L. Frailer, elerk. Foresters of America Court Sherwood Foresters No. 10. Meets Friday la Tumor block. Ira Jorgonsen, O. B.; A. L. Brown, See, Central Lodge tfo. 18, X. of P. Castle Hall In Holman block, corner State and Liberty streota. Tuesday of each woek at 7i30 p. m. T. J. Croniso, O. 0.; W. I. Staley, K. of B. and 8. Modern Woodmen of America. Ore gon Coder Camp, No. 6240. Meett every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Holman Hall. K. E, Matten, V. O.f A. L, Brown, Clerk. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFIOB OITT HALL. For water service apply at oMee, Bills payable monthly la advance. Make all complaints at tho ofilce. Edison Phonograph Agency. Gasoline Lamps, Mantels. Gasoline. Typewriters, New, Second-Hand. Beat, 214 Coml St. Phone Main 401. 3 Hfife Wxug Sang Co Ail kinds of fancy Dry Ooods, Silks, Embroideries, Lacea. Make np new Use dents' and Ladles' Fumlahins; Goof, Salts, Wrappers, Skirts, Whito Under, wear and Mop Qloros.. Sale cheap. Court stroot, Salem, Oregon. 'Phoao Black 2155. 310 Court streot, corner Uey. The Cltib Stables First-class Llvory and Cab Line. Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally-he for picnics and excursion parties. Phone Main 241. Cornor Liberty and Ferry. Chs. W. Yannfce Prop. U. J. LEHMAN Sash and doors. All kinds of house finishing, 'Phono 131, black. Also two floors of warehotuo for i'ent; elevaUr and switching facilities. BRICK Brick furnished in largo er small quantities. Pressed brick made to or dor. Ynrd on Stnto street, south of ponltsntlnry. SALEM BRICK? YARD. q A. A. BURTON, Prop. SEE OUR NEW Courses of Study. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Collogo of Liberal Arts Oollego of Oratory College ofTheology Oollego of Modldno Oollego of Law ' School of Art Acadomy Normal Scliool Training Department All of tho ok'ht rtsIm of tho conv inon schools aro taught In tho training departmont. No TUITION charged la this department. For Catalogue ad dress president, Salem, Or. ICE Call Wagon or Telephone 45 1 Black Bay Coupons and Save Money. Salem Ice Co. STOP TASE White House Restaurant if yoa want the best eating the market affords. Everything first class and up-to-date, GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Phone Main 2421. Stato Street. JOHN HOLM WAaONMAKSB AND BLACKSMITH All kinds ef repair work, Coed rigs aai geatle horse for hire, 711 Oemtev Mreet, Seleso. 1! Ml A rS