iiiiiiiftiiiMiililiiirtiMBHi11ltm m I I I It I; 8 DAH.T CAPITA!, WHIM, .U1MC OttOO SAltmDASl mmmmm smmmsmm s s M"" , .ini rtMtMHMiMlMltMftHMMtMtlMHHMtBfMf 11 NEW YORK FASHIONS f IWWMiMKgBtlWiMIWMailgBtBtBWICSHWlgit. Now York, Sept. 2 There nre ccr-(Paris, tripod materials are to be ex it of Itremcly fashionable. Tbo stripes aro to bo bad Id all width from tho barely vislbto pin stripe to tho conspicuous width tbnt will bo worn by tho ex tremists. The color schemes are gen erally light. Black, always fashionable, Is to bo especially smart this winter. A block gown always looks distinguished and hus added advantage of being the most tain material which never go out fashion. Lace Is ono of them. It seems ns if this popular material is to more tho rage than over this winter for gowns and wraps. A gown made entirely of laco Is not nlwnys effective, and ns a consequence tho dressmakors aro combining it with other materials or with somo other lace. The smartest effects aro obtained In this nwnnor. Hmbroidcrcd batiste Economical in the long run. A black or linon combined with Inco is nlways edstumo for evening wear trimmed- with charming. Two kinds of lace; ft heavy a heavy and a light quality, will pro duce some beautiful rosults, and chiffon loco Is still popular. Ah said boforo, simplicity Is to be tho koynoo In tho coming fashions, and In Inco gowns mnrks tho smartest models of this sensor. Lines aro long nnd rather severe, and the trlrnlng is on tho mono order. A very charming model was made of what Is known as all-orar lace. Tho skirt is gflred and finlshod with n mo-dtum-wldth llounco and is slightly fuller in the back, forming it short train 'fllio nlt is just ns slinplo, closing in tho back, coliirlifwi and with short puff sleeves. Tho ouly trimming Is -appliques of Iwiivlcr Inco in long ilnes down the skirt. A decldodly novel coat to be worn with a cltronr colored cloth costume, Is Hindu in princotM stylo. Tho coat Is cut off- llko a man's cutaway, (Its tightly In tho bnek audi at the side nnd Is hold together at tho bust by a rosettn of Itliiok sstlu ribbon. It is cut with a low neck effect and filled In with n guimpo of Inco and llngerlo. A wido culliir of embroidered Kitin outlines tho gulmpo. 'I'lui sleeves aro shirred to the elliok and Iwvo a turned back ruff of emlirolilerwl satin with tho frilled sleeve no fashionable now rwhlug just Mow tho oIImw. According to tho bltest rejMirts from Dr. Stone's Drug Store does a strictly cash business, owes no ono; and no ono owes it; carries large stock; its shelves, counters nnd show- oases aro loaded with drugs, modJclncs, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of nil kinds for medical pur poses. Dr. Htono is a regular graduate la incdlclno nnd has had many years of exporlcnco In tho practice Consulta tions aro freo. Proscriptions aro free, and only regular prices for modlelno. Dr. Htono can bo found at his drug store, Salem, Oregon, from 0 In tho morning until 0 at night. bands of bnndtomo jet; is tho most ef fcetivo gown for a matron. Ln Mode effects stylos in llngerlo ns well as tiro 'outer garments nnd tho tendency hero as In tho caso of gowns is toward simplicity. Th6 numerous frills, berthas and other fluffy trim mings aro no longer used on tho night gowns, chemises and corset covers of tho up-to dato woman. Petticoats arc tho only pleco of underwear which still have billowy frills and flounces. TIlo flnest French batlsto and nain sook arc the material chosen for the llnest underwear and the coarsen, but inure durnblo cnmbricis seldom seen. Wlmt Is lacking in trimming is mado up in tho shocrness of tho material. Tho chcmlso, which was pushed into the background- for a tlmo lms re gained its plnco in popular favor and nppoars ln soma very protty designs. A lino of bending or insertion nnd Inco lioldw tho smartest chcmlso over tho OREGON STATE BANK Jefferson, Oregon Capital $25,000 Best facilities known to sellable banking offered patrons. Jefferson .s a good town, has good stores, good mills, a good - bank, and- good people. o Come and see as. Oregon. State Bank J. A. AUPPERLE, President M. J. CAMPBELL, Cashier "iSj Su iiclay Excursions On the C. & E; Ri'R WPORT BY THE SEA lrttnmllcr tiklm tui nrniln In- Y.itiTtMr lit: w o 4 "v ..... j -;'j --- tlo oinbrowury butterflies In various sizes and sotting them around the neck of chemise or corset cover with the tips of tho wings touching and a nnr row edgo of Valenciennes frilled into j thelrregular lino mado, by theso cm broidcrcd motifs. Tiny squares of very 'flno embroid cry aro also set into flno lingerie with valencleunos insertion or with heading. Monograms or initials aro set into tho shoulder ami sometimes tho shoulder stnip Is tnndo of ribbon. This is es pecially sultublo for wonr in tho ovon Ing with deaollutto dresses but Is nlso con on models Intended for everyday use. Kinplro iikmUiIh am tho most popular fr chemises and nightgowns with tho short wulst lino duflncd by n band of bfiMid Inntdliig just below tho bust. Itibbou is run through tho beading and tied with Ionj ends nnd loops In front. The use of riblmns is ono of tho dis tinctive and extravagant features an well of tho stylish lingerie. After ono has iMiught tho ribbon necessary for tho Ixviding, tho bowH and knots used so lavishly on modern underwear, this item of expense Is quito a largo ono. The lovely designs In embroidery, In xortion and flouncing aro pressed into service for trimming somo of tho smartest undorwear. However thceo aro better for petticoats, nightgowns nnd drawers tluin for chemises and cor set covers. Embroidered medallion mny bo used with laco nnd aro easier to handle than tho other trimmings. An effectivo J garments with Inco and look as if em broldrrod to order. KSTIJLLI3 CLAIItMO.NT. HOW'S Tins? We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any caso of catarrh that can not be curod by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHBNEr & CO., Toledo, 0, We, tho undersigned, have known F, J. Chcnoy for the last 15 years, and beliovo him porfoctly honorable in all business and financially able to carry out any obligations mado by his Arm. Wnldlng, Kinnan k Marvin, Wholesalo Druggists, Toleda, O. nail' Catarrh Curs' Is taken inter nally, acting upon tho blood and mu- cuoui surfaces of the system. Testi monials scat freo. Price, 76o per bot tle. Sold by Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ,m rtWM,m BVBHT SUNDAY UNTIL THE MIDDLE OF SEPTEMBER LEAVING. ALBANT J 7:30 A. M., RETUENINO LEAVE NEWPORT AT 5:30 P. M. FARE FBOM . AXBANY 91.50 FOB EOftI TEIP. THEEE-DAY TICKETS FBOM SALEM, OOOD QOINO ON SATTJEDAY OK' SUNDAY MOBOTN0, iM FOB RETURN SUNDAY NIOIIT OR MONDAY, ?3.00 iU xiu. iwunu imt. SEPTEMBER IS THE BANNER MONTH AT THE COAST, SAUVION CONTINUE TO RUN IN THE M AND TROLLING IS GOOD AT ALL HOURS. TRIPS OVER Tlffi BAB ON THE "LOBENS," AQi HUNTINO, BOATING, SURF BATHING, ETC., DELIGHT TID3 VISITORS. BIX IIOUES OF FD7J iM PLEASURE. Mitigation. Tho horrors of tho bakers' strlko In Now York are mitigated by theluvcn tlon of a plo-mnklng machtno In Pitts burg. Safety The Season Will Soon Be Ove Live Will You'te Alive Yoa'11 Be a Long Timj Dead Don't Forget Next Sunday V Excursion SEPTEMBER 3RI1 1 K 1 ? " IS THE BEST THING WE HAVE TO OFFER. OTHER INDUCEMENTS ARE OF A SECONDARY IMPORTANCE UPON THIS BASIS ONLj!if DO WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Alaska. "Do von know." asks William T I. rkuiH in the World's Work, "that Niimo. Alaska. Is 300 miles west of Honolulu? Do you know that Alaska has almost two and a half times as much cos line as th ret of tho Unit ed States! " Tho "panhandle" of Alaska iaeludes 1000 miles ofinUnd son, protetel by a ran go of island. The Yukon carrier as much water ns tho Mississippi. It riww witWu 30 miles of tho Pacific sad travels 3000 miles to Bering e. Tho mouth of th Yuko lg W) miles wide. As in the Arwmoa's mouth. o nwy ascend it o a clear .Wiy nitl e mi h n ore. From Caje Prime of Wales, Ameri can noil, you can see Asfa aere-w oaly 32 miltw of Bering strait. Seven railways are in operation or lMig eoMtrueted. The most famous I the 8kagway.Yuke eoaneeUag link of 0 miles. Alaska's eanueil salmon output is es timated this year at $1Q,0W,0W. one sixtu ef the umUrs ef Camp Xomo, Arctic Brotherhood re college KH'HUIM. A T T7HIT CnT yfri 9'" A wvw. rf i -vre.SLiT'1 ." i sa r is tc rs ar m vmssh im sTiiiisa i t & m .m. k. a. .m. . j m m ih b m I L K. PAGE, President I I C. W.; HAZARD, Cashier J Get What Yeu Ask For. When you see as artlele wJl ..ki.1 in the nwapers, yw ay be sure it's a goon article, for advertising only pays if the roods ar kBut ...i 1 merit. The peojde who make a special, tv of oae advertised article, like Casca rets, Oandy Or,thri for example stake their whele lwiMe eiieteaee en it's doing what they r It wiU. They must "make prod" . .,. ... t , Readers of thie pap ,M rg( t( u sure that they get what they ask for when tfcey nk for aa adverUwd ar! tide, for it is the good tales t is imitated anj lounterfeltea. Den't ae eept substitutes! Iasit a. ni. .i.. genuine' The Man Who Never Kicks, There am some peotOe who w-.j. , v - - .--wuiro ... . .miinnxt or eer terror of the., feUow ge ug. We s eu. They dUhke.'fu,.. 0,4,, rt theeelVee; henee tey come off lmd.v eer where. TU. . tL X JLriL"T Aa Altered Caso. Ascum Iluvo you soon anything of Jigglns lately I Doctor Yen. I pro serlhwl a trip ia Huropo for him only this morning. Ascum Indeed I Ho 'a getting wealthy, isn't hot Doctor Well, I can remember when I used to prftcribe for him simply a doso of so dium bromide for tho aamo complaint. Hit tho Trail on Sundays. Commenting with Sunday. Aucm.t Olh, the Trail at the exposition and all the amusement feature, aa well m th exhibit buildings, wcro thrown open, au nereanor will bo running the samo on Sunday as oa othor days. In fact tho exposition will be practically as complete on Sundays aa on week dayo. Tho Southern Pacific Company have on salo Saturday to Monday excursion tickets, $2.S0 for tho round trip, which enables visitor to go to Portland Saturday afternoon and romaln until Monday night, or return H,m,i. -... - .-teej VVVU" lug, as they may desire. 8-7-tf Ha IravoU safe and n.i r.nnw....!.. he is guarded by poverty and guided v . omrev. A Prudont Suggestion. "Many peoplo havo suffered t rnssinont bocnuso of their wtu rations." "Yos," answered Miss ft "Boforo you insist on geUiifb swim you want to make qi you nro a swimmer."" Star. Your family will need a tow not civo them Uollister'sftxr! tain Toat Nothing equals It ui Ing, llfo-glvlng remedy. 35 t or tablots. Stono'b Drug Store. Go to Q. P. Mason, Souti Bi the best hop baakots, tent P's pins, camp etools, hop icoopa, phono Main 303. ... o Thorebi nothing so uncomfwk being too happy. SA GMICHCBTCH'B inilU". Ctl lLSi w ninr'iiKsTF.lfii u lieu u4 ! 9;1Jr J IU Mat ttktoa TkMU 1 .. Uk-tl.-tlA.M' 4 "iirir rr i4i,1 tnniM.il. lu.OiT--- . .-1 ((. . I !" M. Ltlutlxup. MU Bun Bi.xi(saesaaB9KaBtMB9MMMMB9BeMirM m Special Extta Cleaifanci Sale Prices ui Till t - C1 c - Frie- .... 1.86 bow 98 C ' TTere verjr c,ose"P"c Coet Cover Embroideries, pretty patterns, 50c values, only Ju. a fiae assortment of embroideries n,i .n,Mnn, nnlv 5e a Jl w.Vr.8lT,merun,3emear25e garment. Good, serviced, H " ;7 ""'""cTgan only 25c each. UJIW sua hats, wide brims, only 25c each. LdiM. ?ET, ,READY FOR HOP PICKING urdr ii P DS Sl0VM' 10c' th&t flt 1S "QvaM euff & K Sfe a l?!lfelt wwt' material, and only 10c. jttftr HM the fllt, linen-colored crash, Just tbe thing for ROSTEIN &M5REECIBAUM DBY QOODS, CLOTmNO AND MILLINEEY, SlHHHHIiHaaHHMMBBaMHIHHHHBiMaaSMSMWMI A ono . - . oanujooCommerdalSL Sa WWMM,.,Mt,,1,,,MMmBMiM,