wririiiii nwniiiritfiH'hiiri PA1XT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, SBTTEMBERJ, ., HOP PICKE We have a fall aad complete line of supplies tot Hop Pi" Camp Stoves, Tents, White Enameled Was 1905. T InTcfC ( J AND A FULL LINE OF CHEAP TINWAkb J 0 prices'' on these goods ae very reasonable, and we can fit yot entie in this f ' line for little money! Come in and let us Hgutz with yo before yotf place yor order . : - , .. i I i t nil t m D 11 A TIo Pioneer dealers in reliable Hardware, vemc.es, Machinery lml W LM I & II Corner Commercial and Court Streets m wkw i ' 7 t ,i-- i fc r SALEM, OREGON SALEM GOING SOME Reporter Finds Many New and Substantial Business Houses and Residences Tho building setuion which is jiurt now coming to a cIoao has Icon ono of the most rcmnrknblo In tho history of Salem, It Is oven drawn oat longer thnn usunl this year, and marry per son who Have hitherto boon nimble to secure carpenters aro just starting buildings. This la remarkable, from tho fact that tho hop season ban now opened, and nil building hns usually been finished by that time of tho year. J, N. Shantr, who Is building tho new steam laundry In North Baleen, Is rushing tho work on tho building as ranldlv ns possible, and citx-cU to havo tho plant in operation insldo of 00 my. Tho building Is located on Broadway street, nnd will bo equipped with tho lalest machinery throughout. IIo is putting In a SO horno power boll tr nnd a 10 horsepower ongtnn. A blow plpo, gnsollmi honting plant, will also bo installed for tho purpooo of heating tho irons. Tho univonrity enmpns Is ono of tho scenes of gmttrwt activity in tho city. Oontranter Ifly has a largo forco of men at work on tho now medical col lege, ami tho work Is being rushed with all jHMitlltlo speed. Tho work of lavlnir thn brisk was becun Mon day nnd already tho Immmtent walls aro finished. Tho main building of tho university is nlso coming in for a share of im provement. Tho partitions, which for merly divided tho iKisement into stu dent' room have been torn out, ami session rooms aro being fitted up in stead. This was mado necesMry by tho enlargement of tho science depart ment, and tbo placing of so much now equipment In the ehemlenl nnd plyIeal laboratories. IVaf, ltyvr says that ho now baa thn lnwt working physleal laboratory in tho stoto. Tho old base ment floors, whleh wcro worn out, aro being torn up, and will bo replaced with new. Tho small window lights are abto being replaced with windows of largo panes. Double glass doors will alw 1h placed in tho east and north Ml mote t tho lmomnt. One of the woit novel and up-to-date Im provements, however, is tho glaw tops whleh havo been placed on tho experi ment counters in tho chemical labora tory. Tho itwddo of this room has been repainted nud now prwents a cheerful white aspect, which also makes tho room lighter. liv. 1 a Knight bus perfected ar rangements for tho building of an ad dltlon to Ms building on Court street This wuji mado uecewary by tho largo growth vx tho Cnplui XtoslsMS Collie, which is located in that building. Tho new Addition which will extend tho whole width, of tho two-story bulldleg will 1m BH feet Mr. Knleht Is ari- ously considering tho advisability of extending tho 28 foot addition through to Mboity street. He has tho ground Booesxtry, and ha an offer of a lease for tbo store room which would thus bo created, ThU point will bo decided later. Another Iroportaat Improvement that fa now Is progress, ia Ue tearing out of tho o)d s.Aek b&X of Eckcrlen's cf and saloon, oad tho erecting U their jlaoa of oqUUntlal brisk otcr hooHp. Tho structure which Is being' otoctcd for Mr. Kckcrlen by Contrac tor llcadrlck will bo ono story high, 70 foot long by 22 wide. Tbo crtl mated cost of $1G00, Mr. Eckerlon bus k1o announced his intention of destroy ing tbo old wooden flro traps in tho rear of tbo woolen mill store and of replacing thorn with modern brick structures. Moot of tho buildini that has bcori. or is boing dono, however, ia on real .fa.un Y vXh4..t t (m .11.4 .n.. plotlng a hnndoomo modern residenco' on hor Court street property, which will bo occupied by Dr. J. N. Smith. J. B. Taylor is putting tho finish ing touches on his new homo, just oast of tho Capitol building. This will be ono of tho nicest in tho city when it In completed, Kd Oilllnghnm, bailiff of tho supremo court, is building n neat little homo on Court street noar Fourteenth. C. A. Gray is rapidly finishing the alterations to bis property on Stato street, near Winter, nnd has changed tho old houw) iuto n modern resilience. Thn W.itinn is Ideal and tho improve ment ndds much to tho nppenrnhco of tho block. 1L C. Shtillz h making gulvstanti.il improvements to his residences in north Salem. Mr. Uarkor if having u couplo of eottages erected on his proporty at the corner of Fourteenth and Ferry streets. If S. Jory lias just completed and is now occupying bis new storo building on South Commercial. Martin Viosko has his new home on Rnntli T.Uicrtv street abnost completed. J. D. Bohannan, who resides on South Commercial street, has romod cled his lionso and built an addition. Mrs. Dovo and daughters havo ro modeled their homo In North Salem, and now havo a neat colonial residenco. H. M. Buell, on North oCttago street, has built a largo and substantial addi tion to his rosidencc. Mr. Larkins is rushing to comple tion his new residenco at tho corner of Capital and Oak. Ilnrloy Whito will soon bo roady to The Reliable Hoosier Positive Force Feed Disc Drill -i w Sot to Sow Small Quantity. Iff MgJTBls-s-sirT;i II I -PMWjl!fifr4ffM HL W sbbbs-b-bbI-bbFsbV- B-ftl U Sot to Sow Largo Quantity. Strongest, Best Constructed, Most Accurate, Most Reliable, Most Durable Seed Drill Made. A Positive Force Feed, Hence a Machine tnat will Sow Uniform Quantities Under any and all Conditions. Tim ItEABT Or A DIUXL Is tha food. Somo drills hv ,Mr hi.m but not tho Hoosier. There aro machines mado that feed rmm , .m. of what wo may call an intor-rtm wheel, feeding from ono sido of this wheel or tho other, according to tho kind of grain that ia being sown. ThU stylo of food U not a rOHOB FEED; it ! what wo may call a gravity drop tho soed practically dropping through tho oponln by force of gravity, assisted nomowhat perhaps, by tho revolutions of tho lnt-r.rim ,i r..l this stylo of feed is ot a poalUvo forco feed, to provo which, Jack up mo wwuuo bo ui -uo wneoia win run ftee, put seed in tho hopper, throw in goar and turn wheels u In soodlnjr. Plac- vonr hna -, .. i. chargo ojxmlng whoro tho grain la dlschargtng Into tho tube. You wlU una you can swp tno now. it ia not a forco fed. Try it on the Hoosier. Yoot will find you CANNOT stop the flow, because the Hoosier Is a positive force feed. Now a machine that does not havo a nosltlva for- r.i 4n . uniform quantities under Wl condlUona; it varies according to tho proa-uro w. j Bu iui mo locoing aevtco or feed opening as, for In stance. In going up hill, tho feed opening la raoro direct and thoro la lee re olstaneo to tho flow of tho grain than In going down hlu, consequently thoro la au easier flow and tho machlno will sood moro going up hill than in gouvr down hllL IK SBKDINO ON SdBBirtLLS where ono end of tho hopper la down and tho other end up, aa theao InUr-rim styles of feoda feed from the side of a wheel, tho quantity sown will vary according to tho way grain lay, with roferenco to tho aide of tho wheel that ia doing tho feeding As for instanco, if tho upper sido of tho whool la doing tho sooding, tho pressure of tho grain is against that aids of tho wheel, and tho machlno will soed mora grain than whore tho condition la revoreod. When tho lower sido of tho wheel ia doing tho seeding. Brewuro of tii enin u -. .v. ., -- - -- .j vl u KVUUZ wheol, and it will naturally bow losa grain thau when tho upper aldeTof tho wheel la doing tho woding. Tho rtaulta of thia stylo of feed in any styla or mako of aoedlng machlno la that it will not do aa uniform and accurate KVIK as a PosxrtVB roROB ryBD, suoiias is used on tue Hoosma MAOniNB. To verify thia statement we quote from th -.rrM , unles, standard or medi,un..bed wheat US f" . aB0Bnt' TLTr"'?": " " - -urate and by tho siro of tho feci JlCSStS ifSS H T bo .regulated to suit the s. of tho gntaThTiiT i? d Whec1, Jt can roU pattern of new and 1-eS flntcd '" feocU, It wUl not crack tho oralu av Z???:.! ott flod mail an amount aa H or 15 lbs. to the aTre. UUef, to aa THIS WE GUARANTEE THE CONSTRUCTION WHICH ADMITS Or SOWING BMATt n-. INDICATE!, ON A FLUTED FEED FOSin rZf'i " tho Anted food rolla tako hold of tt-mJ- ,. lJtffoM tt Plnt where widens and admlu of tho gral th?,, tho. avoiding any cmkin or grkZofll04 U hoU of '. giving a perfect, at?iiSS iLSST -Sows regulaUon and unifonn Qumtio Jv "8 -OHXT FEED-THE nooSa iSfl'S T '" M haa thia combination, a poalU?0 forco ,ffket brt tto Hoosier other machine on the market U aa atreuTwS 2 "' no good a machlno for tha fmw-7?! WeU ""--lo, accurate and Wo mall free, on application, factory ! 7"' I machlnaa aU uaing the latest iSJSJ..? Hoosier1 DRILXS, SHOE. DRUis, sOUl AND DOtmrS MWln'f " HOB with and without proa whoela as 7?. ,?P?LB DIS0 DMLU, both movo into hla now homo at the eoraer of Front and Union stroots. Arthur Glovor Is just completing lli now resldonco near tho fair grounds. Tho fair grounda thomsolves 1T, also boon tho econo of a great o!mI of building. .. A lorn? string nf ... stables havo boon oroctod and a kin ' nuuiuou nas boon mado to tho pv vilion. Goorga Jacobs -is buildin a paint shop nid a now cottago on Norti Front atreot. E. Barlow is erecting a cottagt m Asylum vvonuo; andl Mrs. Atkini li building a two story residence In ttt samo neighborhood. It. Youngorborg will soon movo kti bis now cottago in North Salem. J. 0. Ksowland has moved into Hi now cottago in North Salem, 13, M. Falmor is erecting a cottajt on- North Llborty etroet. J. D, Warner is erecting a baildlsj on D street, J. E. Stanton ono on tit corner of Sixtoonthj nnd Mill, F. E Southwlck on tho cornor of Twelfth ui Chomokota and William Kaiser odo a tbo cornor of Liberty and Utloi Btreota. William Frost is bulldiug a it homo in Englewood, nnd Sylvnnus Pr snail ono In Highland addition. Tho now ldeh school buildine is b- ing rushed to complotlon ns rapidly u possibly. Tho walls bavo been co& pleted and tho work of putting on tt roof has commenced. Numerous now sidewalks have beu, built throughout tho city, ono of tU motit oxtenslvo pieces being that is front of tho A. Presoott property i South Commercial street. Hundreds of houses havo been paint- ed this summer and' thero nro scerts of homes which aro bolng romoJehd and improvod, that tho reporter iru unablo to socuro any data about,. mJ which havo not been mentioned in the nbovo list. " Agonizing Bums. Are instantly rUlovod and perfectly healed by Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. 0. Rivenbork, Jr., of Norfolk, Va,wrltei: "I burnt my knoo dreadfully; that it bllstored all over. Bucklen'a Arale Salve stopped tho pain, and healed H without a scar." Also heals all wouudi and aorea. 25o at J, 0. Perry', Dnf gilt, Salem Oregon, o A really good! man is ono who e8 eay mean things and won't. HWIHIIMHIIIIMMMW I Gold Dust Flour j . i i Mado by THE SIDNEY POVV- J gon. Made for family use. Aik J your grocer for it Bran and aborts dwaya on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT 9v4MttAAAAAAAAAAHJMSAvWv Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co XJUUIEST &IIATJZB9 Ttt Pli, n,, SllHMsWW STATS 8TJUQW. BAUD-. OWMOW "-smto AD VEHICLES IN MARION Oom--, HRAVCII.F.fcART.MANAOER, EXCURSION RATES During tho Lowla and Clark exposltloa tho O. a T. Co. will make the foLowing ratoi Salem to Fortload, one way, 75 cents; round trip, .00. Tickets good for ten days. Boats leaving dally for tea dsTa. Raat leaving- If on lay, Wedaeaday and SViday at U. P, BAXWXN, Agl Iock roe U Trade ftzeaV