DAH.Y OAPtTAI. JOUKNAli, 8ALBM. OBEOON, FEIDAY, SEPTEMBEB 1, 1005. i sii AAAgigsisMMM Tlio Kind You Ilavo Always Bought nnd which lias been. In uso for over 30 years, lias borno tho slgnntnro of - and lias been mndo under bis pcr- sLjC&rZ'jtrfi' Bonal sapcrvlslon sinco its infancy. 4uxf7r, 'UCCJW MlQVt no ono to tlccolvo you ln th,aj All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Justas-good'ar but; Experiments that triflo tvith and cmlnhgcr tlio bed -wi of Iniants and Cblldron Experience against Export cut. What is CASTOR i A Castorfo fa a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops end Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other nrcotio gubstanco. ltd ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fovorlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind Colic It rcllovos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, gli ing healthy nnd natural sloop. Tho Children's Panacea-Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Boars the Cfiuay Jeuo&bZ The Kind You Have Always Bought . in use For Over 30 Years. TH ontTun eoMMHT. TTatVMUvrmcrr, m yok ctrv. College of Music-Willamette University Opens Sept 26 Helen I, Oalbreath, B. M., Doan, piano; Frederick W. Goodrich, London, piano and plpo organ; T7m. Wallnco Graham, Borlln, violin? M. Bvolyn Hurloy, New York, volco; Eva Cox, B. M., Salem, piano. New pianos, newly furnished studios, now faculty. Hall's Fetty Road and FERRY Shortest line to all points in Polk County. No Aotos or Steam Engines ran on this road A. D. PETTYJOHN, Prop. Ferry YOUR MEALS will bo all right this hot weather if you get thorn at COFFEY'S RESTAURANT 206 Commorclal Btreet f FOR SALE 293 actes in Waldo Hills. Well fenced, new eignt toom notise, big batn, several out buildings, fine oixnatd, aboat twenty aces in grtib oak timber, balance all cleared. Two fin cr,.Wc !, tinuse. i 1-4 miles from Stay ton, 2 1-4 miles from Sublimity. Good German an acre. Time given it purcnaser SALEM, Signature of om Boston B Brown B Bread B FLOUR roE pancakes, Murrms and plum PUDDING. Package for 7 loaves 20c 10-pound sack G6c ASK YOUB OB00EB TOR IT. ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUE 00. Pacific Coast Factory, San Joso. I1IH FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. A Btn, Citi Riun fcrCvrrewus Moms.!?. aim ibows. to iau. ''"J t"' "; 1VM w.iiMail lAraBlnI.Ut jiUfof tctt vUai.ll uin'Ml'rt.. IffMld k.K tbaa k4 jour .run l. u UNITKP l lOICAUCO.. 0 74. UllWtna, P.. Sold la Salem by 8. 0. Stone. itoflitnmim m fc m iii FARM i if purchaser desires. J. P. ROGERS AT A MAORI FEAST. An Odd Welcome and a Slip on tho Part of tlio Cook. Tolling of his cxpcrlonco at n Maori fonst, tho Now Zeajnnd correspondent of London Public Opinion says: Tho Maori girte did a pretty wel coming (lance, singing nnd dancing slowly backward all tho wny till wo got to thclnclosure around tho mooting houso (whnro purlo), whero tho speeches wero to bo made. Then tho older people cut amazing capers, shout ed thomsolvcs hoarso and mndo tho niost repulsive faces you ever saw by wny ' of welcome to their chief, dhalra wore , put for us on tho veranda of the whare, I which was prettily decorated with beautiful palms. I After some timo of this ami tho prea ' cntation of mats, etc., wo wero ln,vltcd J Into the wharo to lunch. It was laid most correctly on big tables with cloths but tho menu consisted of roast duck, chicken, bcof nnd sucking pig and, so it Is said, potatoes, peas and knomaros (sweet potatoes), cooked In I a Maori oven. I choso cold duck, -with peas nnd potatoes. Tho duck arrived ' quickly, but tho Maori girl who brought it said with broad smiles, ::Tho pota 'toes aren't cooked yotl" So my lunch consisted of duck, "bread and two oranges. Just as I finished tho po tatoes arrived in pretty plaltod groon flax baskets. An Indian Logond, Thero wns onco a mnn who llvod ln tho forest far from tho rest of his trlbo. Ho lost his wlfo and was vory lonoly. After whllo ho mndo a wooden doll , about her size, dressed' it In tho clothes sno useu to woar uuu rrai. m .u ... of tho fireplace Thon ho felt bettor. So a yenr passed away. Ono night he camo homo, and thero was his wlfo flit ting ln a chair ln placo of tho doll. She Bpoko to hlm, savin?. "Tho Great Spirit felt norry for you, so ho let mo como back to sc& you, but you must novcr touch mo, for If you do you will kill mo." Thoy llvod thus to gether for a twolvomonth, but ono night ho attempted to clasp her ln his nrms. Behold, ho was holding a wooden doll I Sho did not como to llfo again, nnd ho was very unhappy ever nftor. Poisons ln rood. Porhnps you don't realise that many pain poisons orlginnto In your food, but somo day you may fool a twlnco of dyspopsla that will con vince you. Dr. King's Now Lire Pills nro runrantocd to cure oil sickness duo to poisons of undigested food or raanoy back. 25c at J. 0. Perry's, Druggist, Salem, Oregon. LIQHT AND DELICIOUS nOME MADE BBEAD Is always tho kind that rewards house wlfo or cook for using Wild Boso flour. Its always sure to glvo tho ut most sotlsf action, and "win golden opinions from all sorts of people" for her skill as a good bread maker. Our superior Wild Boso flour is unexcellod for high quality and fln flavor, and is pure and healthful. At all grocors. 'iimi nn ir riMimrmm iT"f community. Price j oesires. OREGON I tR3pffaJ.v fmmaammttmmMamttuuuamamiMmSZLZiV:m ' ZLl-. I!??' !.7y llimi'awssw. WlllllfciWIWeSSBMII'BWeSISSjyU lBKHK0IgiISEH9MIII9ieMIlIMIlMieilICIBl(XBflEM CLASSIFIED I H t flMMMMMeMMWlMMMMMtaMtHMUMimnaWWHI MlWWaMMMMMllMi' DO. YOU WANT TO SELL YOUB FARM? Do you want to buy or sell any. thing! Hero Is your opportunity to insert your advertisement In two newspapers for tho price of eao. For a limited time all "For Salo," "For Bent," and all "Want" ads will be Inserted In Tho Portland Daily Journal and ., Tho Capital Journal for Ono Cent a Word. Tho Portland Journal Is the best circulated newspaper in Oregon. It goes dally into 23,000 homos and reaches that largo army of people who are constantly buying and soiling something. Whon you go to Portland call at tho Journal ofllco and seo the largest and best nowspapor press in Oregon. It will print, paste, cut and fold papers ln fonr colors With ono Impression at tho rate of 24,000 nn hour. Visitors wel come. Tho Capital Journal is the leading paper In Oregon ontaide of Portland, and this combination advertising rates will produce more returns for tho small cost than any other ln tho state Send your ndvertisemonts to tho Capital Journal office and wa will send copy to the Portland Journal. u. FOR SALE. For Bale. Seven-room residence, barn, largo half block, electric lights, bath, hot and cold city water. E. Hofer, Journal office. For Sale. Small dry fir wood, at $3.25 por cord. Phono Dlack 2001. T. L. Davidson, Jr., Morningslda 1-20-tf For Sale. An upright Webor plnno, In ezcollcnt condition. Original cost $050. Will sell for $200. Inquire of Honry W. Moyers, caro of Meyers & Sons. 8-4-tf For Salo. Kltchon outfit, Including gns range, cabinet, table, linen, dish' cs and ellvorwaro, $25. Inquire at Journal offico. 8-30-tf For Salo. 75 acres, 8 acres in cultlva tlon, balance in timber and pnsturo, good spring running water. Barn and orchard, $40 per acre. 2 miles Boutli of Salcin. a Brasher, 112 North Commorclal street. 8-28-lmt For Bent. Elognnt rooms, oithor fur ulshed or unfurnlshod, olnglo rooms, ln suites or for light bousokcoping, Inqulro of Mrs. Ollvo S. Enright, 310 Liberty stroot 8-31-tf For Salo or Boat Nine-room houso, with bascmont, city water and gas, newly paporod and painted, half block cast of Marlon oquaro on Union street. Inqulro at Hill's cigar storo, 8-31-lwkfc FOR RENT. For Bent, A eevon-room houso. Call on A. Bcbrieber, 4U High streott. 6-18-tf For Bent. Furnished and unfurnished rooms, also good.sized barn. Inquire of M, A. Dice, 700 Commorclal stroet, three blocks below Marion square. 7-15-tf For Bent. Eight-room houso. Inquire at 1137. Court street, near 12th. II. Pohlo. 8-30-3t FOE BENT. A West Salem. new 7-room Inqulro of bouso in W. II. 8-20-2w Squior. " WANTED. Wanted. To rent, two to four yoars, ranch suitable for dairying, 75 to 100 acres of plow land, 25 to 30 acres pasture, lMi to 2'i miles from rail road. Will pay cash or grain rent. Befer to John O. Siegmund, county recorder. 8-11-lmo. Wanted. Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for a firm of $250,000 capital. Salary $1072 per year and expenses; paid weekly. Ad dross, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Salem, Oregon. B-30-31 WANTED FEMALE HELP. Wanted. Chambermaid at the Willanv etto Hotel. 7-M-tf WANTED. Housekeeper for country, Beferanees exchanged. Address "Z," care of Journal. 8-P-fttf BAKEBIES. CapCial Bakery Ullom & Butherford, proprietors, 430 Court street Fresh bread, pies and cakes dally. Maeea roons, lady fingers, angel and devil's food cake, eandles, nuts, etc Deliv eries mads to any part of the city. PhoM WMU 921. B-l-M ARCHITECT. W. D. Pugh Architect and superln tondent, plans furnished for all class 09 of building and structural work Office. 110 State street, Tioga block, Salem, Oregon. "DTfRYWENT White & Cummins Do a general dray and transfer business, meet all trains. 'Phone, down town, Main 2181. Stand 150. Commorclal stroet. 8-12-lm kwww MISCELLANEOUS. Shirt Waists and Summer Gowns Mado in the best stylo and workman ship. Terms reasonable Address or call on Mrs. U. Mllnor, 20th and Center streets. B-20-tf Salem Iron Works Founders, machin ists aad blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. IIop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron Works IIop Press. 11-29-lm Bavoy St Savage. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, Conveyancing and Exalnlng Titles. Notary work done. Brlnff us list of your property for salo, 402 Btato street, near High. 3 8-tf Hotel Scott Nowly furnished, every thing cloan and first class, Booaas at reasonable prices. In Oottl block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tt Hollo. Here I am again with a fall lino of crockery to be sold at three gallons for 25 cents. Also tonts, camp stoves and all kinds of new and second-hand household goods. Glvo mo a. call, eornor of State and Liberty street, Salem. Conrad Dill man. 8-3-lm. Wanted. Good shipping apples, pears and all farm and dairy produce want ed. Capital Commission Co. Phone Main 2231, opposite Willamette Hotel, Salem, Oregon. Taken Up August 20tb, a whlto mare, wolght about 1300 pounds, 7 or 8 yonrs old. Owner can havo samo by proving proporty and paying charges. Call at the Bed Front livery barn. 8-20-lwk Tho Tlllson Co. Dealers fc chopped feed, eeod bran, fruit, etc. High hay, flour dried stroot, adjoining 6-1-yr. - opora houso. Say Have you trlod II. II. Pauls for moots f IIo has tho bost sausrigo ln town. Come nnd try it, nnd bo con vinced. 410 East Btato stret. Salem Stoatn Dyeing and Oloanlug Works Whon your best girl says eho will be a sjster to you, glvo her your clothes to press. Then you will bring them to your stepmother, and get thorn 11x0(1 right, no matter what thoy need. Suits prcssod by the month. Gloves, neckties, silk gloves or any fabric, no matter how deli cate', mndo to look like new, Mrs. O. II. Walker, prop., 105 CommerclalSt. MUSIC STUDIOS. Muslo Studio, Frank E. Churchill, Musical Studio. Assoclato. teacher Western Conservatory, Chicago, 111., representing Intor-Stato System at Salem, Orogon. In tho Gray block, room 3. Studio hours 0 to 12 and 2 to 5. 8-10-tf OSTEOPATHS. Osteopath Dr. W. L. Mercer, graduate of the American School of Osteo pathy, Klrksvllle, Mo. Office Broy man building, Commercial street. Booms 25 and 20. Phone Bed 2413. Now residence, 410 North Summer street. Phono 383 Bod, 0-10-tf PLUMBEBS. Theo. M. Barr Successor to Uarr A Petrel, tinner and plumber. Hot air water and steam heating a specialty, Salem, Oregon. 8-2- PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. E. O. Dalton Physician and Bur geon, Booms 12-13 Bush Bank building. Phone Main 701. Resi dence Willamette Hotel. Phone Main 2001. 7-28-tf f ASH AND DOOB FACTOBIES. Fratk 1L Brown Manufacturer of auh, doors, mouldings. All kinds of house finish and hardwood work. Front street between Stato and Court A. M, Hanson Manufacturer of all kinds sash, dorrs, mouldings, wood work, bouse finish and office fixtures. Estimates furnished. Cor. Mill and Church street. Phone Bed 211. MOLtl8T3CrV8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Eur Mfriiolo Ux Buy PmdU. Bring. Oold.a Bulla sad Eeu.wfcl Vigor. A ipflno for Corwtlpatloa, Indlgftttlou, I.It and Kidney Trouble, limpid, KcxeniA. Impure UluxJ IU4 Wreath, HWg&l. lloweU, Headache and Uackaebe. It's Ilocky Mountain Tea In tab let form, SS cent box. anoulne made bjr iioixurrsa Itui Coxrivr, MadUou, Wis. GOLDEN NUBQETS FOR SALLOW PEOF: L0DQE3. Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of the World Moots in Ilolman Hall every Friday at 7:30 p. in. Paul 0. Hansen, consul; P. L. Frazlor, clerk. Foresters of America Court Sherwood Foresters No. 10. Meets Friday la Turner block. Ira Jorgonsen, 0. B.J A. L. Brown, See. Central Lodge No, 19, K. of P. Castle Uall in Holraan block, oorner State and Liberty stroets. Tuesday of each wook at 7:30 p. m. T. J. Gronlse, 0. C.r W. L Staloy, K. of B. and B. Modern Woodmon of Amorlciw Ore gon Cedar Camp, No. 5240. Moots overy Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Ilolman Hall. E. E. Mntten, V. O.J A- L. Brown, Clerk. WATER COMPANTy. SALEM WATER COMPANY office City ball. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly ln advaaee. Make all complaints at tho office. Edison Phonograph Agency. Oasoltne Lamps, Mantels, Qasollae. Typewriters, New, Becond-Hand. Beef, 214 Com'l St. Phono Mala 401. Huie Wing Sang Co All kinds of fancy Dry Goods, Silks, Embroldorlen, Laces. Make up new line dents' and Ladles' Furnishing Good, Suits, Wrappers, Skirts, Wlilte Under wear and IIop Glovos.. Said cheap, Court street, Salem, Oregon. 'Fhoaa Black 21D5. 340 Court street, corner alley. Tne Club Stables First-class Livery and Cab Line, Funoral turnouts a specialty. Tally-he for picnics and excursion parties. Phone Main 241. Corner Liberty and Ferry. Chs. W. Yannfce Pr op. U. J. LEHMAN Sash and doors. All kinds of house finishing, 'Phone 131 blsck. Also two Hours of wafohousB for rent; clerctcr and switching facilities. BRICK Brick furnlshod in largo or small quantities. Prossed brick made to or dor. Yard on Stato stroot, south of ponltontinry. SALEM BRICK YARD. A. A. BUBTON, Prop. SEE OUR NEW Courses of Study, WILLAMETTE UNTVEBSITY. College of Liberal Arte Oollego of Oratory Collego ofTheology Colloge of Mollclno Oollogo of Law School of Art Academy Normal School Training Department All of tho eight grades of the comr mon schools are taught in the training departmont. No TUITION charged la this department. For Catalogue ad dresa president, Salem, Or. ICE Call Wagon or Telephone 45J Black Bay Coupons and Save Money. Salem Ice Co. STOP AT THE White House Restaurant If yo want tho best eating the market! affords. Everything first class and up-to-date.' GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Phone Main 481. State Street. JOHN HOLM WAdONMAEXB AND BLACKSMITH All klade f repair work. Good rigs ao4 gentle horses tor hire. 711 Oeatey Bit, Men. aimirzi.,m.'i;,ii,,$l m i n ki Li - t m a J SSSSMSISMSaSJBJSMSMSJMMBMS .j