6 DAILY OAPCTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON; WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1005. J, !1 m t't Ih 11 I r i 1 I Li .. i Summer Terrors Acne, Tetter ; Eczema vSali Rheum Psoriasis Nettle' Rash r An itching,, burning skin disease duringtlie hot, sultry summer weather, is a positive terror and a veritable demou of discomfort. The intolerable itching and stinging are'tanta Jizing almost beyond endurance, and the unsightly eruption and rough, red skin keep one thoroughly uncomfortable and miserable jnight and day. Eczema, Tetterj and, ""diseases of this type are causcd'by acid poisons in the blood, "which the heat of summer seems- to warm into life and renewed activity. These fiery acids keep the blood in a riotous and sour condition, arid the skin unhealthy and feverish they inflame the pores and retard perspira tion, when the whole body feels like an over-heated furnace, and the escaping poison burns TOitMENTINQ ECZEMA. ,' Kansas dmr, Mo., -May, 1858. t In 1896 I experienced ht times patches on Hie Inside of wy hands that itched und burned, earning much dis comfort. As Umo went by it grew worse. I had read medicine iu my early twenties (now 50 years of age) and was convinced that X was afflicted with a typo of Eczema. I consulted several physicians and a number' of Specialists, and used several external applications, one of which was claim ed to be a certain specific I confess, fepwever, I had but little faith in external applications, yet I used tlictii, receiving but slight temporary relief. feodin less than a month I experienced a'xhsngo for Uic better, and by May of that year nil symptoms had dhn Sppcarcd, and I found'niysclf entirely enred, nnd have had no rturn of ths twees since. w.P.Brdsu, Station A, Kansas City, Mo. or check the outflow of the and blisters like liquid fire -To the skin disease sufferer, summer time '.brings: no joy, but is a season of unrest", sleep less nights and incessant pain, resulting in snatterca nerves, physical exhaustion and gen eral derangement of all the vital forces. , Scratching is a pleasant recreation to one tor mented and almost distracted by an aggravating itching skin eruption. Some find tempor ary relief in bathing ancT the application of lotions and salves. . A few liours respite is gained by such inctlidd'sj. But nothing applied externally can BAD FOBM OF TETTER. For three ycarslhad Tetter on my hands, which caused them to swell to twice their natural size. Part of the time the disease was in the form of running sores, very pain ful, mjdjeausing me much discomfort. Four doctors ,cald the Tetter had progressed too fafito be cured, nnd they could do nothing for me. I took only three bottles of S. Si S. niid.was completely curcL -ritljvs2. fifteen years ago, and I Lave never since seen any. sign of my old trouble. , ,. . r Mns. L. B. Jackson, " alter the condition of the blood 8" st paul st" Knu8a3 c,ty' Kttn' burning1 fluids through the skin. Only persistent and faithful constitutional treatment can do this. The acid poison in the blood, which is the real cause of the eruption, must be attacked, and when thcblood has bc.cn cleared of all accumulated impu rities and restored to a healthy condition, then, 'and only then, will a thorough and lasting cure be effected, and for the accomplishment of alj this, no remedy equals S.S. S., which cpntains all requirements for' cleansing and building up the acid blood, and invigorating and toning up the system. S. S. S. completely and permanently eradicates every vestige o, THE ITCHING WAS TERRIBLE. Escondido, San Dieo Co., Cnl., Oct 1900. Dbar Sirs My body broke out with n rash or eruption. The itching, especially nt night, was simply terrible; it would almost disappear at times, only to rctnm worse than ever. I had tried many preparations witli out benefit nnd hearing WS. S. S. determin ed to give it a fair trial; a few -bottles cured mo entirely, removing- every blemish and pimple from my body. , L. Marno, t poison, xnus ciicciuaiiv Trcvcntinp- a. iresn outorcaic or me aiseasc. Cases that have resisted ordinary treatment for years, yield to ffects of S. S. S. upon the blood, and when rich, pure blood is again the purifying, cooling circulating through the r, the itching and stinjging cease, the eruption disappears, and the red, rough skin occomes soil ana smooiu. again. Skiu diseases appear in various forms sometimes in pustules or blisters, sores, rashes, or red, disfiguring bumps and pimples but all are caused by a bad condi tion of the blood, and for which S. S. S. is a safe and effectual cure. No bad effects can come from its use. because it contains no Arsenic. Potash or other harmful drugs, but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable remedy. If you arc a sufferer from some summer terror like Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Nettle Rash or kindred disease, write us about it, and medical advice or any special information wanted will be given without charge. Our Book on Skin Diseases will be sent free 'to all desiring" it. THE SWIFT SPEOIFH OOMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. 5yst.cn chance ron oentos. Big Prixoo Oltorod by tlons. Foreign Na- l Many no ilnubt will coneludo that tbero Is pructieally no chance of sccur- leg such doslrablo prises ns tho Inrgo suras of money flvo prizes each worth 8000 offered by the Noblo bequest whero it is absolutely nredful to bnvo attainments of both learned and bril liant nature, yet a study of tho follow ing particular prize which are bo log offered toiluy will show thnt there are other splendid opportunities well within the acopo of moat people. .Among tho many varieties of cactus there is ono which is known at the prickly pear it Is n rather attractive looking plant, but its loaves are cover ed with hair sharp onough to pierce, tho hands of nny ono who is so rash an to touch It. The plant camo originally from America, but after it ws intro duced in sorno manner or nthor into Queensland it spread so rapidly nnd to such an extent that liv somo district" it has praotlcnlly destroyed nil athor vegetation. The Queensland govern ment i still offering a reward of Jtf.OOO to nny ono who enn dovlso a method by which it enn bo completely eradi cated, f Tho British consul nt. Palermo frnot long slnco sent n dispatch to the foreign ofllco containing Information regarding n premium of 2,000 thaUtho -mnnlcl- Urges nothing ngniust' marriage in gen1 Oral, and says that his arguments refer only to tho conditions of lifo in New York. Mr. Kerr, who tnkes tho sldo of tho married man, and Mr. Wood bury himself will net as counsol, whllo a committco of single men will net as judges. Women can gain a prlzo of $200 which is being offered by tho Women's IiiBtltuto of Sclcnco nt Nnplos; it is to bo given for tho best work on any sub jeet of a scientific research, but it must be based on independent laboratory ex periments. Another interesting subject is "Tho best, least irksomo nnd least costly method of securing tho mnlo able-bodied youth of this country for scrvlco in the regular or auxiliary forces as existing and for expanding thoso forces in timo of war." For tho thrco best essays dealing with these topics tho Itoynl United States Institution offers prizes consisting of 100 guineas, 30 guineas nnd 10 guinea. A very big prlzo is that which a mil lionaire residing in Paris, M. Daniol Osiris, has instituted on similar lines to thnt laid down by Mr. Nobel. This prize, howevor, is confined to French men, oxcept during any year when nn exhibition is being held in Paris, when it becomes opon to pcoplo of nny na tionality. A sum of money has bcon sot nsido thnt will produce not less that 100,000 francs, and this amount is to be awarded every thrco years in perpetuity to the discoverer, Inventor, or producer of tho idea, or object thnt will do most to benefit humanity. Lon don Tit Bits. EEDTJOED EXCURSION BATES. DEATH BOLL IS VAST. Croat Britain Accrued of Taking In adequate Measures In India. In 1003 tho numbor of deaths from plaguo in India, was 853,000; in 1004 it was ovor 1,000,000, bolng 1,040,000. Of .'tables, etc, can be obtained on nppli To tho Bo&sido and Mountain Resorts for, tho Summer Vacations. On nnd nftor - Juno 1,' 1005, tho Southern Pacific, in connection with tho Corvnllis & Eastorn railroad will havo on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Ya quiria and Detroit at vory low rates, good for return until October 10, 1005. Threo day tickets to Newport and Yaquina, good going Saturdays nnd re turning Mondays nro also on salo from all cast aide points Portland te Eu gene inclusive,' and from all west "-do points, enabling pcoplo to visit their famillos and spond Sunday at tho sea side Season tickets from all oast sldo points Portland to Eugene Inclusive, and from all west sldo points are also on salo to Detroit at vory low ratoa with stop ovor privileges at Mill City or nny point east enabling tourists to visit tho Santlnm and Brcltonbush Tlot Springs in tho Cnscado mountains, which can bo roachod in ono day. Season tickots will bo good for re turn from nil points until Ootobor 10. Throe day tickots will bo good going Saturdays and roturnlng Mondays only. Tickets from Portland and vi cinity will bo good for roturn via tho oast or west sldo at option of passen ger. Tickots from Eugene and vicinity will bo good going via tho Lebanon Springfield branch, if desired. Baggage on Newport tickets choekod through to Newport; on Yaquina tickots to Ya quina only. S. P. trains connect with tho O. & E. at Albany and Corvnllis for Yaquina und Newport. Trains on tho O. & E. for Botroit will leave Albany nt 730 n. m., enabling tourists to tho Hot Springs to roach thoro tho samo day. Trains from and to Corvallis connect with all oast sido trains on tho S. P. Full information ns to rates, tlmo UpK' wfflflflNPAT'mA Thrco Trains to tho Em nm. Through Pullman standard ' tourist sleeping cars dally to 0mZ Chicago, Bpoknno; tourist tlj,, cars dally to Kansas City; tbr Pullman tourist sleeping cart ( sonally conduced) weekly to &L go; reclining chnlr cars (outs frM to tho East "dally. DXFABT 1'OH Cnlcago Portland Special o lat. m TH'linnt lnsion AUantlo Expire Silfi p.m. Tit. Hunt ington 'hupsoi rut Hall BVr.ss. via fcpoiinu IP slnn minister wants Is n good and relia ble system of denaturing alcohol. Mr. Woodbury, a well American philanthropist resident in New York, offers 200 to nny married man who can convinco a jury of 12 matrons. that there Is in thnt city n single speci men of a porrcctly unppy married man, Mr. Woodbury's contention Is that bachelors nnd spinsters form tho happiest section of tho community; ho h pallty of Cutnnla is offering, Iu order i to onooursgo local . industrial enter ' prlso this sum Is to bo awarded to the indlvldunt who establishes some Jiew industry In thn town) this trade Is. to , be of such a nature that ty will amplify I not fewer that 100 workmen.; a further 1000 will bo laid for every additional no hn,pda that are afterwards employed. Theso sums would bo payable at the end of Uie year, in flyo equal install ments. Five hundred pounds la be obtained from tho government of Holland. As j most people are avrare, tho Dutch are Our tTToof.rU. .! w 1..11... v. the niost. expert diamond cutters la kood health depends upon the proper tho "wor,J but ,n thU d'raon cutting Jietlou of food, and keep tho standard U '" wry to ute an alloy which Is Sf everything we soil fully vp to tho 1"BI' o health. Is It powlble Shark. If you wish to seouro both oual, ' flml method of dolng without the Sty and value try K&e&&WIlJMf i m Baker, Lawrence & Baker, frtoeeasora to IXanrlU XawTenc 1 EXCURSION RATES Paring the Lewis and, Clark exposition tho O, O, T. Co. will teiake the following yattt Salow to Portland, one way, TS coats; round trip, 11.00, Ticksts good far ta days. Boats IfMtviag dally ai ? a. w Mp 8a4y. ' 3rJMXPWlVAr VMS, JrSaj tH Tfwa aid. of this alloy I Again, to turn, to a vjtry different, source of money making by oompotb tiou, there l 30O Wing offered by the well known nrm of liicordl & Co. Iu onlor to vacournge Knglish opera that Arm has offered this prise, to be com peted for by KnglUh subjects nlone and hss guaranteed to produce the sue. cOMful work at the Hoyal Opera house, Covont Hsrdttur. M. Massenet has al ready been cured as ono of the ad judicators. ' Oae of the biggest prizes on offer aji the prveat tlmo is or, no le a u than ?,50O. This is belnu of, fered by the Russian Imperial ministry t Saaaee, and the last date for claim 1JWh1&.M?a Teu ym os t,d compoiuion, fapwerer, is of UOIIT AMD DEUOIOUS UOUZ! MADE BREAD Is always the kind that rewards t'o housewife or cook for uslug the Salora tlour. Its always sure to give the ut most satisfaction, jind -wla golden opinions from all sorts of pcoplo-' for her skill as a good bread maker. Our superior Balem flour is unexcelled for nigh quality and fine flavor, and pure and healthful. BA13i$X rLOTJKtNO MILLS, tho 1,000,000 deaths, moro than 350,000 occurred in ono provinco, nnd that pro vlnco was tho Punja"b, the ono from which somo of our best Indian soldiers nro rccrultcdi Consider trio possiblo significance of a fact llko this upon tho efficiency of our Indian army. Tho Punjab is not a largo provinco, its ac tual population being about 20,000,000, or only two-thirds that of England, and yot tho deaths in the Punjab dur ing 100-1 from plaguo nmountcd to ovor 250,000 in- tho courso of twclvo weeks unly. We bollovo thnt these figures, which havo been published boforo, havo novor been contradicted, though they seem incredible. What would bo thought, said or dono irt England if in. tho courso of twolvo weeks ovor 250,000 persons wero swept off by disease! Suroly thcro would bo something llko a panic. And' if this destruction threatened to bo an annual one, would not nny Inactivity on the pnrt of the authorities in whom prevention is vested, bo deeply resented.1 Tho Kngllsh public has, of course, tnot rcnlizod tho position, nnd though wo nro not playing tho alarmist with nny special relish for tho office, we think that tho policy of concealment or tho nbsonee of policy that has ne cessitated concealment has gono on long enough. Tho smnll numbor of deaths from plaguo in Hongkong and the Mauritius is regularly published every week in thq dally papors, nnd presumably tho Information comes from official sources but the mortality which occurs in In dia from the samo dlseate, and which by its magnitude Is n danger not only to India, but to tho world, Is nover published It Is not considered whole somo reading. Tho public Is not aware from official information of tho official tragedy go ing on in one part of tho empire in thnt part which is always termed tho brightest jewel in the possession of the crown, for whose welfare wo are nat urally responsible, and for whoso pos session and maintenance somo of the noblest British blood has been shed. We havo commented in tho Lancet upon the inquiry undertaken jointly by the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, tho India office" and the Royal society, the first fruit of which is to be the dispatch of two baeterl- iologists to the East, and while allmrin.. Is that the idea of tho inquiry is a aoand j SB, we have pointed out that we do I not think the measures to be unilrf. ea reauy meet tho eas-j. Three and a nau minions f cation to J. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agt., O. & E. E. B. Albany; W. E. Coman, O. P. A, S. P. Co, Portland or to any B. P. or O. & E. agent. Bate from Salem to Newport 5.00. Bate from Salem to Yaquina $4.C0. Bate from Salem to Detroit $3.00. Three-day rate "from Salem to Ya quina or Newport $3.00. 0-1-tf MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" jriMBBCIlEDULEO Hon PofUAud, Or, ell Lata, Dnw, jti cmn umsha, Kan City, Bt Loult, OMUgo noiu r . -i 1M I Lake, Dcnm Ft Worth.. Omaha. KantM Cftr, 81, L.mli, Chicago Wall i Walla. tawLmn 8pokane. Wallace, pnii msu, MInnotrolli El Pnal. DslnUi.uilvinkiJ uaicaeo, ma fii. s a 7.U "W S5 a Ocean and Elver Bchcdsls. "" For San Francisco Every five days at 8 p. m. For Astoria, way potiJn and North Boaeh Daily (except Su day) at 8 p. m,; Saturday at 16 p.n. Daily sorvico (wator permitting) ' WlUamotlo and Yamhill rivors. ' ' For fullor Information ask or writ your noarest tickot agent, or A L. 0BAI0, Qonornl Passonger Agent. Tho Oregon Railroad & Navigatlos Co., Portland, Oregon. of reenle hvn it,i I .. - ' - -.vi. JOHN HOLM FT ! " ---S ' TtorlotegUt to look iuto the of WAQONMAKEn AND BLAOKSMITn . tr8gwljr 8t,ikM inadwwU. .. mUU, oj. repair wors, aooa rigji " "' i-o una tnsungattaed the gtnue aorses for hire. 781 Center Btreet, Salem. NOLUSTCR'B Rocky Kounlaln Tea Nuggets 1 8 KHUo f B Pia SnaPKfiSSJ&isR: H renn. M ceiu Tu fcf .U T " ' a (Mhalcsl mature, for what the Kr GUIDE HJfiCETS FOR SALLoVpECP gentlewea with the t laqalry my be. and, indeed, w.-Uma.. lJ Ponltry at Stoiner'a Market, Eggs Per dozen, 20c. Ducks ll12c. IIcns-010c. Frys 12c. Baker, Lawrence & Baker. Eggs Per dozen, 20c. rruita, Vegetables, Etc. Potatoes 25(30c. Onions lc. Tropical rruita. Bananas 6&e lb. Oranges 4.50g$5.00. Lemons $5.50$5.00. Livo Stock Market. Steers 2c. Cows lVd2c. 8hop--lo. Dresseil veal Oe, Fat hogs 5c. Baled Clovor-$7.00$7.50. Cheat-r$7. Timothy-$9($9.50. Grain $7$7.50. Bran 22.50. Shorts 124.50. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cro.im Co Butter DCc. Buttor fat-27c at station. Wheat 0867e. Hay, Feed, Etc. Baled Cheat $10. Oats-Ohoice white, 1.351.40 Millstuff Bran, $19.00. Hny-Timothy, $13.00. Potatoes $1.151.20. Poultry-Oblckens, mixed, 12tf 3e; PM lb; hen,, i per lb J old 10c per lb; fryers, 22, p ibj ducks, $1.009.00 oer-do, . 2 Ocperlb; turkeys, 1718o. pe, Ibl dressed, S021We no, lh. ,nxl J.l 3.00 per do. '""' " Pork Dressed, 78e, ueer-uressed, 25e. Veal 58e. "-"on-Dressed, 07e. okI rfp-,ntract. 1M5, 16c; 1904 crop, choice; 232,c tot prlme, .JJ volley, coarse to Wool 1005 clip, meu.M 24Vj3o . fln 20y ' Etern Oregon. 10(322V, ' Mohalr-Nomlnal, 3031e. "-.r-ney creamery 202iyje--lry, 18H17c; store, iV! "' CASTOR I A For Infants and ehfM Hia Klnrt Ynn Mave Alu,-. d...-l. I n tta .-- ... u,o n.naji ouugni I "''7" goea a maa wlth a - Bears tho Qlfinatcre i20S 86s& fmm?trc'y' d he ha, managed to makraioHf' Myer Politician, eht Oyer-No-denUst.-Cklo.go New., CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD TIME OABD N A 8. No 2 for Yajnina Leaves Albany 12:45 P.M. Leaves Corvallis 1:45 P.M. Arrivos Yaauina 5:45 Pit No. 1 Beturning Loaves Yaquina 7:15 A.M. Leaves Corvallis 11:30 AJI Arrivos Albany 12:15 P.M. No. 3 for Albany-Detroit Loavos Albany for Detroit 7:30 A2L Arrivos Detroit 12:30 P.M. NO, 4 from Detroit Loaves Detroit 1:30 P.M. Arrivos Albany 6:30 PJJ. No. 5 for Albany Leavoa Corvallis 6:30 A.M. Arrives Albany 7:10 AJi. No. 8 for Corvallis Leaves Albany 2:40 PJJ. Arrivos Corvnllis 3:20 Pit No. 7 or Albany Leavoa Corvallis 0:00 TM. Arrives Albany 0:40 PJX No. 0 for CorvaUla Leaves Albany 9:15 P.M. Arrives Corvnllis 9:55 VM. Train No. 1 arrives in Albany u timo to connect with the. S. P. south bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the a P. trains at Corvallis and Albany, glfing direct servlco to Newport end adjacent boaches. Train No. 3 leaves Albany tot Detroit at 7:30 a. m., arriving there in nmple time to reaeh tho Breiteo bush hot springs the same day. Train No. 4 between Albany and De troit connects with the Eugene local at Albany, also with local from Cor vallis. Train No. B leavoa Corvallis at CtJO a. m., arrives at Albany 7:10 a. m-, in time to catch Eugene local to Portland and train to Detroit. Train No. 8 leaves Albany for Cor vallis at 2:40 p. in., after the orrirsl ' 8. P. northbound overland. Train Ne. 7 leaves Corvallis at 6:00 p. m., arrives in Albany at 6:40 p. bl, in time to connect with the local to Eugene and way points. Train No. 0 leaves Albany for Cor vallis at 9:15p. m., after the arrival of the S. P. local from Portland. For further information apply to J. O. MAYO, Gen. Pas. Agt T. COOKEttELL, Agent, Albany. H. H. 0B0NI8E, Agent, Corvallis. HightJc Criticism. "Vlllian; da your worstt' With. .theso jrlnging words the beau toous heroine defied tho leading heavy. But even, before be. could hiss "Curse youl" and light a-'fresh elgaretto a voice from, the gallery sheuted: -"Aw, .leave 'im alone; he eah't do nny worje'n-he'a ddin.' right now.' Clnvnlinr T-.J . . -- t , ...., lawiu, 4 s T rO-r li "!v -1 vMnst Carry Some. 'I hear that ho carries lots of lif insurance." "I guess so. nis wife lets him take off hii heavy underwear in My" Detroit Tribune. 3 II i