i DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1005. (Mil ff OH UK" II DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL' BY HOFEB BEOS. OFFICIAL CENSUS SALEM. MAY, 1004, 13,287. OffiJ!C stUf ftTI ipiilni'm""-'" '" TT " M' "i"-"- A X ' 1 ,.,- ..,1 1 If I. .. .. 11- 9 ers Hair" Vigor, To "be"surcT grnyhair is better than no hair. But why have it gray, and thus tell everybody you are getting old? Keep if dark and rich; make it long, and heavy. 3.0.AvarCa., T-wlT; Mm. ID3NEY LOSES A POINT. Court IB THE TRUST AN INOENDIARY? For tho third tltno tho flax industry is prostrated by flro nt Salem. Thrco destructive fires in succession aimed at ono particular effort to es tablish tho flax industry looks bad. "Would tho Barbour flax trust, or any cordago or twino corporation go so far ns' to havo those ilros sot t IT DOES NOT LOOK REASON. ABLE. Bnt tho establishment of this indus try in Oregon is a menaco to immense interests in tho East. Orogon cannot only grow hotter flax, but can grow it cheaper than any East ern stato. Lot it bo hoped that no-4rust will or it L6 caught attempting to destroy nn Incipient rival industry. It would bo a cold day for tho wholo brood of capitalistic vermin if ono of them was ovor caught at incendiarism. o SALMON OOINO NORTH. For tho first tlmo tho British Colum bia salmon pack oxceeds that on Pugot Sound. It will be but a fow years when tho pack of Alaska will surpass that of all tho other countries south. Tho whito man's dostructivoncss will wlpo out this noblo-food flsh on this MMst ns surely as it did on tho Atlan tic Tnko tho eroction 'of dams on the -streams ii Southern Oregon by mining and milling companies, that dostroy wholo rlvors of salmon. Could a groator outrage bo commit ted than to slay millions of thoso flsh on their way to tho Bpawnlng grounds, YET ALL Tins GOES UNPUN ISHED BY TIDE STATE AUTHORI TIES. Ono "bay and ono river after anothor leases to hnvo salmon runs, and" tho great fish disappear an if my magic, never to roturn. Tho outrage of shutting the salmon out of tho Willamotlo and its tribu taries has boon endured for forty years. F.vcn when flsh ladders nro construct ed nt Orpgon City wnys nrd found to tako th'o dofencolons flsh ns they nro about to conio oVer tho falls. Thqro is this to say for tho whito man: no find's other nnd moro pro ductive food supplies to taVo the plac of thn salmon nnd tho buffalo. TID3 NEW ORAND JURY. Thnt nugust body is lu sosMon at Portland. It doos not know what it Is callod toncther for, nor does nnypno oIho. Of course, there aro plenty of unox plored tlmbor and school land frauds that can bo unoartliod. Tlioro are men in Orogon holding "United States ofllccm, and also drawing salaries from tho stato. THERE ARE TLENTY OF FRAUDS OF A rmANOIAL CHARACTER TO INVESTIGATE. Tho nowspnpora nro filled with tho exploits of tho President, and tho in vostigatlon of frauds in all tho depart ments. Beyond convicting four professional land-grabbers, nnd oue poor old man In his dotngo, nothing has been accom plished. Let us hope tho new gnwd Jury will got busy, perform s duties and ad journ. It Is stated that Its principal tasks will bo to retmllet persons already 'In dicted, or ""who havo weeped eouvie-tlon. Denim Motion to Strike Part of Complaint. Out .Judgo Afhur L. Frazer, of tho state circuit court) in Po'rtland Monday, morning denied tho motion filed to otrlko out pnrts of tho complaint in tho $50,000 damage suit brought against Unltod States District Attornoy Francis J. Honoy by Attorney Chnrlos F. Lord. Tho motion was flloa by Attornoy H. E. McGinn, who roprosonts Mr. Honoy in tho caso, but Mar. McGinn was not in court this morning whon tho tlmo sot for hearing tho motion nrrivod, and, because of his non-apponrnnco, Judgo Fio7.lt denied tho motion. No date has yet been sot for tho' trial of tho caso. ii'-r O i' ' , jvnifl, MANSFIELD WINS HER SUIT VLHTOitnrvB amLDREN CRY FOR Q ASTORIA. A Savings Bank Account Is nn excellent means to aceuiuu- lute mouny. A small part of one's Ineamo deposited regularly will luuount U a large sum la a fow. years, IV thus who hay tdl funds, It affords an Investment that is safe, profitable and convertible into cash whon wanted, J XNTBKB8T PAID ON DBP08ITS OF ONB DOLLAR OR MORS Sftykigs Dcfwtnicrvt CAPITAL NATIONAL RANK Famoua Dlvorco Caso Ended by Do , . elision of Judgo George. Judgo George, Monday aftornoon, In Portland, handod down a decision in favor of tho plaintiff in tho woll-known dlvorco suit of Hattlo E. Mansfield against Claud n. Mansflold, which was tried In tho circuit court two months ago. Tho plaintiff was nwnrdod a ono third Intorost in tho defendant's real ostnlo, tho costs nnd disbursements in tho caso, and tho custody of tho two chlldron. Mrs. Mansflold, thoroforo, gets ono thlrd of tho famous Broitonbnsh hot springs, In Marlon county, 14 miles from Detroit, tho tormlnus of tho Corvallis k Eostorn railroad. This, It was clolmod nt tho trial, was tho purposo of tho suit, as Mrs. Mansflold now has an undlvidod intorost in tho proporty, which is rogardod oh vory valuable Tho litigants formorly lived in Albany, but thn plnlntlff now makes her homo In Portland. Judgo George also granted a motion for a now trial in tho caso of W. D. Rnndnll against tho Southorn Pacific Hnilwny Company this nftornoon. Ranr doll lost two valuable raco horses in a wreck near Jofforaon laRt fall, and sued for oxtonslvo dnmngos. Tho jury granted him $500, nnd tho dofoudnnt uskod for a now trial. Boonuso of er rors In tho formor trial, tho motion was allowed. Othor decision of minor importance wore handod down by Judgo Gcorgo this nttcrnoon. Clow to Van Dran Murderer. If tho Information In tho hnnds of tho district attorney proves correct, says tho Telegram, a negro employed as porter nt tho aVn Dran aloqn, who suddenly dlaapponrod tho oyonlng fol lowing tho dny on which tho murtlor was commlttod, will 4w brought to the olty in tho custody of a local ofllcor on tho chargo of complicity In tho mur-dor. Tho negro has been looutod In a "Washington, city, presumably Spokane, and tho dUtrlot attornoy took stops to day to cortlfy tho man's Identification, nnd socuro hl arrost. Below tho susplolon that this porter nnmmlttoiT tho dastardly orlmo has been found the traces of tho oven inoro atrocious implication of nn onomy of Van Dran, who, it is thought by many of tho oflloors interested In tho caso, employed tho negro to do the job. Al though tho traces of tho Intorost of this third party nro well grounded, no at tempt will bo made to substantiate thbm, ponding the. arrest of tho negro porter. This last elew new seems to uo mo solo hopo of tho, oflleers. Theiy hove boon following it up for several days, and first loented the negro porter Sun day. He Is ald to have given no netlee to Van Bran tfint ho would quit, but sud denly, demanded hi pay and left. Tlio negro was In tho tmlill or going nn errands and taking drinkables to tho Van Dran Bat, aud had unusual privileges about tho place. Crimes Against (Animals, Tho ook of today," write Yuan Met. a Chinese author of. the nine toenth eontnry, "think nothing of mix ing lu ouo soup tho meat of chtekqu, duck, pig and goose. But these ekeak ens, ducks, plgn nnd gfa have doubt less soul, ami theae souls will tuost certainly file plaints In the next world at tub witv tnw huvu lii tr4ti in this. A good nook will use plenty of different dlt&e. Hash nrtlsle of food will bo made to exhibit Its own charao terlstUs, while oaeh ronde dish will be cUaracterlwd by one dominant flavor. Then tho palate of the gormand will reapoud without freak and the flowers ' " 0 i i i- OJaJToaPLXjSk,. " VHfcMtw few toast feyf Smiles front tho Typo-Writor. There are still n number of peoplo in tho world who rofor to- it as tho "tol ofomo," and talk aboui using the 'fomc, nnd 'foming t6 thoir neighbor. There- will fio a bang-tip. twontioth century telophono oxchango in uso nt Salon soon, but it will bo tho samo old tolophono girl, and sho wlli wear the latest pattarn of shirt waist. Thrco hundred Chinese wpro admitted into thi United States last month. Thoro is no ov'ldoncaiat thoy have boon missed from tho four hundred and moro millions of tho inhabitants of the Chine) empire. "Yog,"' said tho prosperous Yamhill county Democrat at tho Portland expo sition, then; vnscllno engines is nil right. I'vo seen 'oro opornto a 20-horso-powor ongino on a schooner and it went all right." , , Emilo Saurot, tho famous violinist, will mako a short eoncert tour this son son under the direction of Willlaa K. Zlegfled, manager of the Chicago Mu sical Collcgo. ills first appcaranco will bo in Philadelphia ns soloist with tho Philadelphia orchostra. It is llkoly that after participating in two or throo concorts in tho East, Mr. Saurot will mako a briof tour of tho "West, going to tho Pacific Coast. This gifted artist has not beon heard in tho West for Bomo tlmo, and announcement of his cnmlng i sure to create llvrfy interest among music lovers. o FRAUD EXPOSED. A fow countorfoltifre havo lately boon making nnd trying to sell Imita tions of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and othor medicines, thereby defraud ing tho public. This la to warn you to bowaro of sueh'poople, who eook Jo profit, through stealing tho roputa tlon of romodica which havo been suc cessfully curing dlsoaso for over 85 yonrs. A suro protection to you 'is our namo on tho wrappo. Look for it, on all Dr. King's, or Bucklon's rcmojllcs, as all othors aro mere .imi tations. H. E. BUCKLEN & CO. Chicago, 111., and "Windsor, Canada.' For solo by J. O. Perry, Salem. .1 JOURNAL OPEN FORUM Correspondents nood not -sign names to communication in good faith, and not personal", and of local Intorost. Editor Jeurnal: In tho interest of tho farmers you can say in your valu able papor that broom com raised in tho Willamette Vnlloy is all rlght( and I nm willing to pay $80 a ton cash for it. Sample of tho samo can bo soon at tho ofllco of Dorby & Wilson, raised on Kotzor Bottom, by Mr. A. W. Frog leo, who has planted ono-half aero "Broom corn this year is a failure down 'East. Thoy havo plnntod one-half as much as Inst year and they havo had so much hot wind, which has injurod tho crop a good deal. Twenty-five cont brooms will bo scarce in 1000. E. HANSOH, Salem Broom Factory- Acf arirl Inibtfcf-r - C n to iv. uuu maiou UII Ue(Hg PPLEY'SnERFEfTinN F iiS When ordering your baking powder, It is the best and the cheapest. Editor Jeurnal: I writo to thimk you for tho nrtlolo in The Journal, hooded "Trials by Popular Sent! mont." It certainly is a good sign to tho pcOplo of Oregon whon a paper of ability has courago in tho faco of ro cont events to como squarely out for right and ubUcl By tho way, did Mr, Honoy loaVo his hnt whon ho left for Oalifornlat Surely thoro Is somothing tho matter, or tho papers down thoro would oro this bo tolling us how tho nooplo of Orogon stand. Now, Mr. Journal, don't you think it would bo a good idoa to roviow tho wholo mnttor, say from tho day tho presiuont had his plcturo takon with Undo Blnger. How much short of 43,000 plurality would his voto havo boon if ho had told tho pooplo of Orogon that if ho was clcctod hn vrmild retain Mr. Hitchcock in his cablnott Don't you think if some shrowd lnwyor had tho backing of tho government and tho uso of threo of tho best dotectivos on tho trail of tho Sec retary of tho Intorior, n. W. 8. and M. W. A. and ono or two others, that ho would como as noar finding a conspir acy ns Mr. Honoy did! OLD REPUBLICAN. IT'ff BOARD BY BOARD . Thntbuilds tfoo house; it'a ttTil j penny that builds a fortune, i fcS dealing horo that gives you a ( to start your houso and your fJS Wo will Mil you the best loaUf7 tho lowpt prices for the best, f jvp uuuu your nouso with our fo you aro saving money at tbj m, timo. Got our cstimato befori n build. Near 8. P. Pawonger dewt ' Phono 051. ' GOODALE LTJMBEB m WE KM IS). aiiininiiiiii "fT'lllllHHnumi Hs """'illilll! w3ll$m$k Wrjuwk W JmMml i )mSm Mk. 1 IV f IIIUTlinUWMIIMKlM. .-T II I I n llln lhivjr..i mWWt lKa v - -. : "reKLwr smjvtm d THE ONLY WAY OCT Of your (shoo) troubles, and wht, no doubt you havo lots of them, b h purchaso your" f ootwoar at Vogt'i. Ob shoos aro mado to wear ns well u u soil. Thoy nro also made to giT ttji oomfort to tho woarcr, and at the tuu tirno givo a vory neat, stylish effect U" tho foot, a combination that U nt rfi with in other shoos. LADIES' AND MEN'S HOP BHOM ?i.50 AND ?1.7B. JACOB VOGT Tonka, the usual cheat fpt vanilla, costs one or two centi for a certain amount Schilling's Best vanilla a dol lar. One is strong; the other i fine. One is rank; the other i: delicate. Nevertheless four fifths of "vanilla" is tonk The 98 cents accounts for it. nows this? Wo offor Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case 61 catarrh that can not bo curod by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney forSlne last 15 years, and bollovo him porfectly honorablo in all business and financially nblo to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Welding, Kinnan tn Marvin, Wholosolo Druggists, Toleda, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally, acting upon tho blood and mu-j cuous surfaces of the system. Testi monials eont free. Price, 76c perJjot tlo. Sold by Druggists. Take nail's Family Pills for con r ' - ' ' " -ri(Hr - -- 1 y r-'i IX A SUBSTANTIAL MEAL That will mako good rich blood iti that win stick to your ribs, yoa en always on joy whon you buy your mcU from our flno stock. The very bett bcof, mutton, lamb, voal and pork fir roasting, broiling, stowing or fryinj, you will always find at prices m lot as tho lowest at E. C. CROSS State Stroet Market Phono 01. Going to Bed In India. Going to bed in India Is a vory dif ferent process from going to bed at homo. To bogln with, it la a far loss formal process. Thoro is in tho hot sonson no shutting of tho door, no cut ting yoursolf off from tho outer world, no going up stairs, and, finally, no Rot ting into bod, which, with its bedding, is so simple ns to bo worth describing. Tho bed is-a wooden frame with n webbing lncod across it, and each bod has n thin cotton mattress. Over this ono sheet Is spread, nnd two pillows go to caoh bod, bolsters not being used, That's all. Somo people do not even have tho mattress, preferring the aool nt' of a piece of fine mattiag. SEE OUR NEW Courses of Study. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Oollogo of Liberal Arts College of Oratory Oollogo ofThoology Oollego of Mcdlciuo College of Law School of Art Academy Normal School Training Department All of the eight grades of the com mon schools are taught in tho training department. No TUITION chnrgod In this department. For Catalogue ad dress presidont, Salem, Or. A. L. FRASER Successors to Burroughs 4b Frasor. Plumbing, Tinning and Roofing Cornice Work, Heating nnd Building Work of all kinds; estlmstei mndo and work guaranteed. 307 8tat Street, 8nlera. Phono 1511. Notice to Taxpayers. The board of equalization for Ma rlon county, Oregon, will meet at the ofllco ef the county clerk Monday. August 88th, 1005, and publicly exam. ine the assessment roll for the year 100.1, and correct nil errors In valua tion, description or qualities of land. lots or other property. All "parties interested nre requested to appear and examine their aness roents for tho year 1005, and have all errors corrected by said board If any mere ue. PRFJD J. RICE, Assessor of Marlon county, Or, Salem, Oregon, August 1st, 1003. 8-35wV STOP ftE White House Restaurant want the best sating the affords. Everything first if you market class and up-to-dato. GEORGE BROS. Proprs. State Street. Phone Main 421. 1 1 Tfjp m$fi 4M4i I I I I I II ' I New Lange Hotel 1 '5 Corner Sixth nnd Washington J streets, Portland, Or., (n w Imnerian. Strictly fireproof a4 modern. Rotes lowest for to&l class sorvice. Stonm heat elevator, eloeant cafe and b in connection. On direct Un t ', fair grounds. F. Lange, propria ; j torj Sara Bauman, manager, i- ...-.V u. W...M--, ..- ....... MIIIDIIItlllll (.M-Ihtt-i A Bootless Attempt. "Ma," said Tommy Twaddles, look ing up from his reading of "Terry the ToBspot, wht is a bootless at tempt! " "It the sort your father wakes to get In without my hearing him when he comes home late from the elub, answered Ma Twaddles lar eUWely. Pu doesn't stop to remove 'em at the foot of tho eUlrs now. He koows It's no uee.-Clevelaad Leader. BRICK Briek furnished in large sr small Quantities. Pressed briek made to or-der- Yard on 8tate street, south of penitentiary. SALEM BRICK YARD. il'llA;,BUR'r0N' Prop- KIHI Call Wagon MmA or Telephone 45 Black Boy Coupons and Save Money. Salem Ice Co. WHEN THEY'VE MADE THE ROUNDS nnd sampled nil other hran.l. n i... back they come to the reliable "always the same" Salem flour, assured of sue eessful bread, pie and cake baking. It's a choice wheat fiour, made by the' best and cleanest of methods, and freedom from dyspepsia of Its consumers attests ' wholesoraeness. Jus ecjeteei In Our new line of 1905 wall pa. per has just arrived. All latest patterns at reasonable prices. van una ice 0ur stock convinced thnt our prices are right, place. and be paper and Remember the E. L bemmon 299 Liberty St Phone 2475 a 0 isisisisiH 9 fllSHsH ssisissiH flHSiMS a. IU1J1I ll" Salem Box (Facto J a. r. kason. Prop- I am. In South Salem, where y 00 find me for all kinds of fruii orchard boxes and bop baskets. MUler street, Saleeo. Phone - J.i