Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 21, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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iissionairy Writes tli.e De
tails of a Severe Trem
lor" in the Island
New York, Aug. El. From Hlrosht
thhm n rttfv nn A tnlnn1 tn
', W1!'1"! v-vj wV 'UWUU DUI
hero nro situated eorao of tho Japa-
iMo military hospitals, comes to the
Msbytcrlnn board! of foroign missions,
'torn Ecv. W. B. Langsdorf tho roport
f a eovcro oarthqunko which occurred
few weeks ago. Mr. Langsdorf says:
It was tho worst ever oxpcrloncod In
his part of Japan. Tho .natives say
hat about 30 yoars ago much damage
as dono and many pooplo Injured, but
his shock was tho worst tho city has
rpcricnccd. Many persons woro killed
r injured, houses collapsed or woro
hrown from! tholr foundations, and
argo fissures appeared in tho earth.
"There woro two shocks on Friday,
ir on Saturday, two on Sunday, two
n Tuesday, and another Wednesday
Ight. Many ptoplo refused to slcop
a their houses and camped out in the
elds thrco or four nights notwithstand
ing heavy rains. When tho first shock
me I was at ouo of tho inilltnry hos-
ltals trying to help somo of tho wound-
fed soldiers. I was talking to a poor
fellow when tho wholo building sudden
ly began to rock liko a ship in a storm
t sea. My soldier friend had to
clutch at tho sides of thq bod to kocp
himself from falling out. I shall novor
forgot tho sight as I stood In tho center
of tho room with feet braced, just ns
oa a pitching vessol. Ono of my help
ers was on tho floor bealdo a bod with
his hands over (bis head; another was
disappeared at tho door followed by a
og lino of white robed flguros, who
raddenly soomed to lmvo pressing busl
tees In that direction. All tho whilo
the building was creaking and groan
ing, tables wcro being overturned, and
flower-pots woro crashing to tho floor.
"If you tnko a pastoboard box and
push it first nt ono corner and then at
the other until you think it will fall in,
you will got somo slight idoa of tho
nj that building looked. After help
ing to make somo of tho poor follows
aomforUbU, I hastened homo. Tho
itreets woro filled with panic-stricken
peoplo and) on nil sides could bo seen ev
idences of tho visitation. You can. lm
igiao by great rollof at finding our
louso standing and all tho family unin
jured, though groatly nlurmpd. Whon
I examlnod I found how marvolloua
kid been our oscopo. Tho earth, houses
tad all, presents tho appoarance of hav
ing buckled) up, humpod liko a camel,
ind parts of tho ground appear to have
jumped by way of variety.
"All tho chimneys on both houses arc
tracked, and In ono of them tho chim
neys crashed through Uio roof and ceil
ings to tho ground. Not a room in
either bouso escaped, A. clock and
bookcase woro hurlod to tho floor, china
and glasswaro crashed, our wholo houso
nt moved from Its foundations and a
number of tho main beams and braces
supporting tho roof woro loft in danger
ous condition. Ono of many pocullar
thirds that happened was this: Ono
of my large book-cased was overturned
nd sent flying across tho room. The
lower shelf was fillod with largo books.
These wero loft in perfect ordor and up
right on tho floor, just ns if tho floor
Ud been tho shelf. Tho book-caso,
helves and all, woro three foot away
from these "books. It seems incredlblo,
but It is tho fact.
"In less than an hour I was gottlng
estimate on tho repairs, realising that
hamediato actios was necessary to save
tie bouso from comploto loss. I did
tfco beet I .could and consider the
wunt I have to pay to bo cheap for
Japan, and in America tho eamo amounF
f work could not bo dono for flvo tlmos
the amount. On tho next day it rained
Ty hard, but I kept tho workmon at
It, working with them on tho top of
toe- houses, between shocks of which
there wero that day six. Naturally tho
strain has been great upon us all, but
we are devoutly thankful that wo have
"1 escaped injury. But even yet we
not know when thero will bo a rep
titton of what wo have gone through.
Yet we believe thero is work, horo for
M to do and that tie Lord will spare
to do It." . v
--..-..n.wiwwMl.sislM .ltMMlMJIUIIWWJMBMBMa3WUWM
Columbus, Ohio, Mny so, iqo
Six years ago I had a severe attack ol
Inflammatory Rheumatism. I was laid ur
Ufl did me no good. They changed med-
pan the Use of SS. S.'mv knee anJelbow
pints were swollen terribly, and at one
ful that I could not close them when
opened, r was so bad that I could not
move knee or foot.. I was getting dlscour
aged, you may he sure, when 1 began S. S
Ziu M Ii8?wJt w.as helPln8 e 1 conUn
ucd it, and to-day I am a sound well man
and have never had a return of the disease.
7." i ' P""'161' m Wood and cured me
of this severe case of Rheumatism after
everythliiE else had failed I i,...
commended It to others with good re-
'tM(V A .ChaW.
1355 Mt Vernon Ave.
The iwisonous acids that produce the in
flamtuatlon and pain arc absorbed Into the
blood and Rheumatism can never be con
qucred till these are neutralized and fil
tered put of the blood and system. S. SVG.
COC8 dircctlv into the rtrni!nH .1
tacks the disease, itself. It purifies and it
stores the blood to a healthy, vigorous
condition. It contains no potash, alkali 01
otner strong miu
erals, but is guar
antecd entlreh
vegetable. Write
us and our physi.
clans will advisr
without anj
charge whatever
matlim sent free.
The Swift Speolflo Company, Atlanta, Ga
C0c values in Veilings in Polka Dot
effects in all tho new and wanted
colors Great valuo v
50o Black SiTknnd LImm Bolts
25o Whito and Black Leathor and
Silk Belts
Whether it Is or the nose, throat, stomach,
owels,or more delicate organ's," catarrh -Is
lwyi debilitating and should never fall of
It Is a discharge from the mucous mem
toae when kept In a state of Inflammation
t an Impure, commonly scrofolous, con.
Uon of the blood.
all forma ol catarrh, radically and
wmanently-lt removes the causa and
Treoae aU the eflocU. Oct Hood's. . .
Renowed) interest in tho Echo-Coyote
cut-off on tho O. B. & N. Is caused by a
visit of Chief Engineer Bosch o, Gen
eral Superintendent M. J. Buckloy, and
Suporintondent D. W. Campbell, of the
Oregon division, to this portion of tho
Today a special train bearing tho of
ficials just named passed ovor tho 0.
R. & N. eastward, to mako nn investi
gation of brldgo quostlons on tho cast
end of tho systom, with a vlow to plno-
Ing stcol bridges- on tho ontlro systom
next season. This trip Is mndo for the,
purposo of securing information as to
tho needs of tho svstotn. to bo present
ed to'Rjfuturo meeting of stockholders,
when appropriations covering all the
rocommondatlons will bo mado.
Gonoral Superintendent Buckloy is
hopeful of being nblo to do moro work
of improvement nnd extension along tho
cntlro systom of tho 0. B. & N. during
tho noxt year than ovor before in the
snmo longth of time.
It is tightly probablo that tho Echo
Coyote cut-off will be made, ns tho cn
tlro energy of tho system is bent to
wnfd shortening distances and reducing
grades. Tho main lino botweon Hunt
ington and Portland would bo shortened
20 miles by tho construction of this
cut-off and) tho heavy grado of tho Ilo
rlmston hill would bo avoided. Ono
freight onglno could bring 1700 tons
from Coyote to Pendleton ovor tho cut
off, whilo ono onglno can bring but 1300
tons from Umatilla to Tcndloton nt tue
present tlmo.
On tho roturn trip to Portland me
officials will porhaps go ovor tho lino
of survey of this cutoff with a vlow
to estimating moro closely tho proper
courso of tho lino nnd also to vlow the
charactor of tho grado work and tho
need of culverts and bridges. East Or
egonlan. " FBATO"E3CP08ED,
A few counterfoltors have lately!
been making and trying to sell Imita
tions of Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
and othor modlcinos, thereby defraud
ing tho public. This U to warn you
to beware of such people, who seek
to profit, through stealing the reputa
tlon of remedies which havo been suc
cessfully curing disease for over 35
years. A sure protection to you is
our name on tho wrappe. Look for
It, on all Dr. King's, or BueUen's
remedies, as all others aro mero iml
tatlons. K. B. BUGKLEN & CO.
Chicago, HI., and Windsor, Canada.
For salo by J. 0. Perry, Salem.
w CtvTr"? ' j r J jSf
jfisfi ispst1
MM IT!!'
fjyjg ls
Began Ttis Moaning ) u
Every preparation has been mndo in the men's clothing store on 'main
floor, to havo this tho greatest and most successful solo In years. Wo haven't
hesitated, In any detail. Thero aro no limitations S5r.es for ovory build
of man tall, short, stout or slim. Trousers of ovory size.
$3.50 values rcducod to. 5J52.75 $4.60 values reduced to S3.75
4.00 vaiuos reduced to 5p3.00 $5.00 values reduced to $3,95
$0.00 values roduccd to S4.75
litll'trj illVurAAnV
iff! !mn.MA
At One-fourth off
Our entire lino
mocks embracing tho nowest weaves
and patterns In full size, wldo vn
lnnco, bend and foot spreaders.
$2.00 values reduced to . . .
rr. v. ..!.... ...,i...i .
m..u .niuvo ILUUblU IV
Ono of tho most Important clear
ing ovents of tho season. Tho assort
ment comprises somo of tho very
best of tho season's styles. Tho va
riety Is sufficiently largo to pleaso.
Tho rango of matorlalB includes the
and vary from $3.60 to $40.00 in a
good assortment of colors.
Bargains in Dress
$1.60 80-io. Cloth of Gold August
clearing salo 98 d
860 to $1,26 Changeable Silk, August
clearing salo 506
$1.00 Black TiUTota Silk, August
clearing salo 58
$1.25 Boutroo Etamine, August
clearing salo 88
$1,50 grey Sicilians, August clearing
aIo $1.18
of 1005 Hnm- MiiiiiVL Mi f M. A
?1.7S $3-00 Vn'UCB reduced to . . . ,$a.G3 FlwW iyPa
o nn $5.00 vnlups reduced to S5l.7K rftEM' "r'TTr?pMi!liiri"1Ttl
u,jj - -- ---.... Mmmmm .ftiii-viifcMim.-1
$3.00 values reduced! to . . . .$2.25 $0.60 values rcduct-d to . . . .$4.88 wtMmMiim
W Wmmm
Lace Cuftaia Snaps
Brokon lots of whito nnd ecru loco
curtains, of which thero nro only
ono and two pairs of a kind. Spe
cial prices provall or nil these. A
great saving In storo for you nmong
tbeso bargains:
values $ ,80
values . $1.78
values $228
values .$2.05
values $3.00
values $3.05
Specials in Hosiery
6O0 vnlues In black laco and gauz'o
HbIo 30
25o and 35c values in ladles' black
laco hoso , 19
25o values In children's heavy rib
bed, 2 pairs ZSd
incy colored hoso In great variety
Fall Hals -
Now advatwo styles for fall wear
in penrl and black. All sizes nro
reprcsontedln this ndvanco showing
and are tho correct styles for fall
wear. Don't wait until tho last bo
foro selecting, but como In tomor
row $3,00
Specials in Underwear
35o values, pink, whito nnd blue,
aloovclc&a vests KM
25a values, largo sizes, long slopvo
vests 19
25c values, ladles' sloovoloss vests,
a for 25
Children's underwear in odd sizes
Copyright 1904 b
Hart Schaffncr 1? Marx
MEN'S surra A vory groat
sola of two-ploco outing suits at
much loss than tholr real -worth.
It's a group of tbo highest grado
clothing, handsomely tailored nnd
put togothor, just as corroctly, from
any standpoint, as wcro over mado
by any custom tailors.
$8.60 values rcducod to ....$5,75
$10.00 values reduced to . .Kft.50
$1U.60 values reduced to ..$8.50
$15.00 vaiuos reduced to ..$10.00
$10.60 values roduced to . .$12.50
Bummer footwear must movo.
FORDS, regular $3.50 valuo ovory
whoro S2.nn
MIIV'S OXlX)nDS, vicl, patent,
tan and volour, $3.60 vnluos $2,05
M I I III I I .-
fate, though small colonies still ex
ist. Tho eastern pinnated grouso Is
also practically oxtinct. In the Chat
ham inlands alono, in the Pacific, 17
spoolos of birds have becomo extinct.
On all the islands of tbo soa and
at all the shore spots to which soa
birds resort, tho work of slaughter Is
bolng carrlod on qulto relentlessly,
Enthusiastic Bird Architect.
Tho process of tho building of a
bird's nost In always Interesting, nnd
the most wonderful of all nests, thoso
of tho weaver birds, can always bo
seen In tho making by any one who will
buy h Uvi males of tho African rod
billed weaver, whiob. cost about half
a crown each. This Is a little bird
Largely for purely humano reasons much liko a small hen sparrow, with n
and incidentally In the interost of
science tho National Association of
Audobon Societies Is engaged in tho
work of trying to save the sea birds
from extermination. Several species
aro being systematically destroyed
for their feathers. Fashion, of courso,
does not care whether these beautiful
creatures aro exterminated or not.
Tho scarcer they becomo up to tbo
point of their actual disappearance
tho greater aro the prices realized for
their feathers and tho deeper tho joy
., -omna atitTtjiSAPPEABINO, , taken by tbo wearer of the ornament
" I And whea at last they aro gone-why
Many Species Havo Becomo Extinct thoro will bo another of God's creat
and Others aro Threatened. j tures to put through tho same proeww.
I This association has 40 wardens
No-ono knows"better than tho sailor guarding somo of tho key colonies of
or the shoro hunter how tho sea birds these sea birds. This may guarantee
Iv bo exterminated, and no ono bet- them from total destruction t pwsent
JfW the Indian or tbo trapper of but does not insure tho maintenance
Z woSs how LLtlmTs the of tho birds of the species in quostlon
widest and mos tabundant land Po- In such numbers a. to render their
1 LI dlsannoar The wonderful preservation sure. Instead of 40 war-
tZtVSZ' -f In j- Jvrfif 0U6ht t0 have m"
tho memory of men now uving, ""- -
hunted from tho face 01 we eau .
that its skins and eggs aro now worth
their weight in gold. Practically the
v ii wiia nlceon. which once
darkened the skies with its
cloud-like flight, has met the
The man who is on tho publle pay.
roll can see all the good points in the
vast party that put mm mere
same straining bis eyes.
bright rod bill and decked in the breed
ing eoason with d pink cap nnd breast
and a black mask; Ho is an entbusl
astlo architect and in France Is always
sold as travallleur, tho workof. Even
in the cage he will weavo any fibrous
material in and! out of the wires till
they aro covered, and in on aviary be
will construct beautiful round nests
with tho greatest enthusiasm, pausing
occasionally to swear at fellow crafts
men who presumo to criticise- his efforts
op cant a larcenous eye on his materials.
London Express,
Notice to Taxpayers.
The board of equalization for Ma
rioa county, Oregon, will meet at the
office of the county clerk Monday,.)
August 28tb, 1005, and publicly exam
ine the assessment roll for the year
1005, &ni correct all etroi$ in valua
tion, description or qualities of land,
lots or other property.
All parties interested are requested
to appear and examine their assess
ments for the year 1005, and have all
errors corrected by said board if any
thero bo.
Assossor of Marlon county, Or,
Salem, Oregon, August 1st, 1605.
Tokos Off tho Krape.
Tho Buttevlllo correspondence of tho
Aurora, Borealis says:
Butteville is not without romance.
A very interesting Incident has come
wlthlu our notice within tho last few
ihtys. Mr. Samuel Krape, originally
from Frceport, III., and a resident of
Oregon for 30 years nnd of tho Homer
Cono farm In this neighborhood one
year, was very much surprised to sea
his brother, whom ho had not seen
since ho left his native city, walk in.
His brother oamo to seo tbo fair, and
finding that Mr. Samuol Krapo was not
in very flourishing circumstances, is
gum); u iuo uiiii uimio iu uvejeeo uib
80-acro park and will edueato his two
children. Tho brother from Illinois
has worked himself up from a poor
boy, with tho modest lncomo of a
struggling dentist to a millionaire, lla
owns a hospital and has many other
largo interests. Ho expressed himself
as dolighted with tho fair, and said
Portland was tbo most beautiful city
ho bad over seen.
Agonizing Burns.
Are Instantly ri4ieved and perfectly
honied by Bueklen's Arnica Bslve. O.
Bivenbark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes:
"I burnt mj knee dreadfully; that it
blistered all over, Bueklen's Arniea
Salve stopped tbo pain, and healed it
without a sear," Also heals all wounds
and sores, 5o at 3, O. Perry's, Drug,
gist, Balem Oregon,
"Never boforo has thoro boon, such
a flno grado of wheat rnlsod in this
county ns is now Iwlng harvostod
hero," said W. 8. Byors of tho Byers
mills, this morning. According to tho
veteran miller, who has been engaged
In his buiinoss bore over 30 years, ovor
slneo whont has been grown, In tbo
county, tho wheat has nevor boforo
weighed as well as at present, nor has
thero over been so much gluten ua Is
found in this year's crop.
Not long ago somo wheat was pun
chased by tho above mill which was
found to weigh 03 jKnimls to tho bushel.
This, according to Mr. Byers, Is tho
hoavlt-wt test ovor mado by wheat
grown hero for the average test has
been in the neighborhood of 60 or 00
In spite of the Chinese boycott, tho
Byers mill has already bought about
175,000 bushels of wheat, and Is still
contracting for more. In tho neigh
borhood of 1,000,000 bushels of grain
Of all kinds is generally used by thq
mill during tho year. Kast Orogonian.
Poisons In .rood.
Perhaps you don't realize that
many pain poisons originate in your
food, but somo day yon may feel a
twingo of dyspepsia that will eon
vlneo you. Dr. Kln'a New Lifo Pills
aro guaranteed to core U sleknoM
due to poisons of undigested food
or maney back. 25o at J. O. Perry's,
Druggist, Salem, Oregoa
ft '5
' :Ct