Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 16, 1905, LAST EDITION, Image 1

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    LAST EDITION, 3:30-
Tonight showers, Thursday fair and wanner.
Burlington Vermont Holdsa
Grand ceieoranon Tor
the Old Warrior
r,-.it.,tnn Vt... Ancr. 10. Todnv in
iUll'"(5'"" I " "
Bennington Battle Day and tho city Is
. j..ui,n1li1nv attlrn. Tlinnnnnda nt
ia juiiuu.. j
tIiltor began to nrrlvo horo early In
tJJ day I" nuuuu IUO ClltUIUllUII uuu
witness the dcdicntlon of tho Memorial
Tower erected In honor of Ethan Alton,
tie bcro of TIcondcrogn, on Indian
Botk In Ethan Allen park. Tho cole
ibritlon is hold under tho nuspiccs and
Sjireetion of tho Sons of tho Revolution,
ttlng conjointly with tho city author-
,tits and sovoral patriotio organiza
The celebration began shortly after
Lnn with a military Iproccssion under
pi command of Colonel J. G. Efltoy,
Bint Vermont National Guard.
sons tho military commands that
1,-xik cart In tho ttnrado woro tho ontiro
Ifrfment of tho 15th cavalry and its
Ami. commanded by-CoJonol -Wui. IS,
Wallace, tho 23d and 27th batteries,
P. A., commanded by Major a, U. nolo,
lit entiro first regiment of Vermont
0., and a largo detachment of tho
Ilk Infantry from tho Pittsburgh bar-
itto. N. r. Tho parado moved from
III City Hall Park to Ethan Allen
irk, whero thousands of people wero
Lready assomblcd, when the head of
:t procosslon arrived.
The dodieation ceremonies followed.
rilllam J. Van Patten, who had given
U land which now forms tho Ethon
lien Park, dollvered a brief address.
ken U. A. Woodbury, chairman of tho
ildlnjr committoo, prcscntod tho tow-
m, and Miss Mary Roberto, of tho
toghtors of tho Revolution, prosentcd
fteral flags. President Dr. II. D.
jlton. of tho Boeloty of tho American
Lolutlon,, delivered tho address of
MDtanco. Then tho flag was raised
h tho towor nnd while tho audionco
,sgtho "Star Spangled Bannor," the
itillery flrod a enluto.
The Rev. Gaius Glonn Atkins dollv
ed tho dedication prnyer and Mrs.
dia 0. R. Dorr recited n poom written
r tho occasion. Then Robort D7 lion-
Uict read n blogrnphical nnd hietor-
il tketch of Ethan Allen and his
ne. Tho principal oration was do
med by Vico-Prosldont Charles W.
ilrbanks. Secretary Ethan Allon
titthcock, representing tlio Prosident,
nernor Charles J. Bell, D. J. Foster,
Iretidcn Gonornl D. J. Hancock nnd
lorernor John Mclane, of Now Ilnmp-
ire, also delivered briof addresses.
Th oround uion which tho Indian
tk, bearing tho memorial towor, is
ted. nt ono time was part of tho
km ownod bv Ethan Alien. IIo died
i Ms farm, nnd a' fow yoara ago tho
hnehters of tho Revolution had a
Irtaza tnblot nlncod on tho rock noar
ikich Ethan Allon'e houso stood at
( time of bis doath, ,
Pew Lamba for Sale.
Pendleton. Or.. Auir. 16. For sever-
I weeks past shcop buyers havo been
this county for tho purposo of pur
Bng lambs nnd yearlings for tho
later rangos of tho Middle West, but
' far they nil state that growers ro-
! to discuss prices with thorn, oon-
fcQPWQ3tofle WS
Fof Women.
BVtrv not aamU.a.. .11 ill Aa.
. qualities of a modern mado shoo.
''J1, fit and satisfactory wear are
Kteial feature nt thn Whtla TTnuse
W- Our prices are much lower thin
;" n find at regular stores for tho
' anahtv
to jr
ih f jHI
r &zr a
Cash Stoe
T. BARNES. Prop.
I soquently, whilo a fow sales have been
mado, tho most of tho buyers have
failod to securo what thoy wanted. Tho
deadlock is said to bo duo to tho fact
that thero are not many saloablo sheep
in tho county, as most of tho stockmen
old rnthor low last fall. Thero is also
considorablo locnl domand for sheep,
and, in viow of tho prices, growors do
not fcol in any hasto to soli. Whllo
thero havo boon so fow snlcs that prices
havo hardly boon established, it is said
that lambs havo beon bringing from
$1.75 to $9 per hcadt,
Chicago, Aug. 10. Tho reciprocity
convontion begnn its deliberations this
morning by voicing tho general distrust
of tho honesty of tho senato in the
past fow years In its continuod oppo
sition to any attempt at tariff rofojm.
E. N. Toss was tho leading spirit, and
voiced tho scntimonts of probably the
majority In denouncing tho senate as
controlled by monopolies, IIo said the
effort of tho convontion would bo to
tnko tho matter from tho senato nnd
put it in tho hands of congress, since
tho constitution gives tho lower house
jurisdiction on- nil matters pointing tc
tariff. IIo nrgued thnt reciprocity
treaties woro jmroly rovonuo matter
Alvin II. Sanders, chairman of tho
committoo on nrrangoments mado the
oponlng statement of tho purposes of
tho gathering. Tho dologatcs woro wel
comed by Govornor Doncon, who said
it was necessary to counteract tho effect
of dlsc-lmlnntivo tnrlffs in Europe.
Wneinoton. Auir. 10. If tho rccom-
mondntion of Attorney-General Moody
is adhered to by President Roosevelt,
Judgo R. S. Bonn, of Snlom, now on
tho Oregon supremo boncb, will bo ap
pointed fcdornl judgo to succeed Judgo
Cotton, resigned. It is not certain
that tho President wll abide by tho
nttornoy-goncrnl'n opinion in tho mat-
ter, but it is reasonably cortain that
ho will, and," if all signs hold good,
Judgo Bean's nppolntmont will bo an
nounced from Oyster Bay tomorrow.
Tho nttornojrgonornl has beon somo
time arriving at n solcction of a suit
nblo judgo for Oregon. IIo has been
confronted with a great array of ap
plications and indorsements and has
glvon careful consideration to each
man's merit, as ho has been desir
ous from tho first of soloctlng tho best
nvnllablo man among tho candidates.
Bocauso this is n llfo position, nnd be
causo tho federal judgo for Oregon is
thrown largoly upon his own resources
nt all timos, it was doomed most esson
tiul that a man of proper judicial torn
pornmont should bo chosen. Thero woro
soveral such on tho list, nnd thero woro
othors moro proficient as practicing
lawyors than thoy wauld bo as judges.
Tho lattor woro discarded, though with
out reflection upon them in any way.
Portland, Or., Aug. 16. Articles of
Incorporation of tho Waiiuia raciuc
railway wero filed today at Vancouver,
with $1,000,000 capital stock. It is
i...t,A,i iv Eastern canitnliats. Tho pro
ject Is to build down tho north bank of
tho Columbia river to us mouiu, u.r
tng to the south bank near Wnllula.
Is "
Italians Blown to Atoms,
vivin. W Va.. Autr. 10. Nino Ital
ians were blown to shreds and their
houses reducod) to atoms Dy a ayn
mito explosion at tho construction camp
of Dunlcavy Bros., about six miles from
Durbin, between 1 and 2 o'clock this
,t Tt la thoucht to be only an
other chapter in the feud between a
gang of desperadoes anu
Like all Safem Girls Is better
jtfian any other
The bpa
388 StaW Btrtet.
W.T.STOLZ. T.9.Wmm.
Peace Commissioners Discuss
tile Surrender of as
halein Island
Portsmouth, Me., Aug. 16. "Sagha-
lin has beon mado tho bugbear of tho'
poaco negotiations," remarked a mem
ber of tho Japanese sulto this morn
ing, "but tho question Is capablo of
sottlcmont satisfactorily to both gov
ernments, If tho Russians slncoroly do
siro poaco." Tho report this morning
that Wittq was sick is unfounded. It
is very cold, -and tho commissioners,
wrapped in thedr winter clothing, wont
to tho conforenco nt tho usual tlmo.
Thero is no steam in tho conforenco
room as yot, nnd tho envoys are very
Portsmouth, Me., Aug. 10. Follow
ing is tho official nunounccmontrmado
at 1:10: "In tho morning session tho'
poaco conference took up tho discussion I
of arliclo soven. The conference took
a recess, nnd will resume Its sessions
nt 3 o'clock." '
Nw Orleans, Aug. 10. At 1 o'clock
10 now cases am) four deaths had beon
Will Occupy Kamchatka,
London, Aug. 10. Tho Daily Tclo-
graph's Toklo correspondent flays that
tho occupation of Kamchatka will bo
shortly announced, Tho garrison there
consists of a slnglo battalion.
Huston for Congress.
Portland, Or., Aug. 16. 8. B. nuston
nnnouncos himself as a candidato for
congress today.
"5c Mother of Pearl waist sots
Bpocial 19
I "So fancy hoso supporters, nil
Tvnniml o.nlnm. flnnMftl 1Q(
English supcrflno twilled tape
10 yards to bolt .... 10
If you want bargains, now 1b your chance.. Every department has felt tho offoct of tho tremendous price-cutting, Novor boforo woro high grado
gooda sold llko wo sacrlflco them during this sale, Wo must clear tho shelves of all Bummer goods. Wo know in order to mako a clean sweep tho In
ducements must be raro, but you will find them exactly as advertised. ,
CfJ'mtl 1 'iVtvv'
Many pretty styles and effects to
chooso from, but they are going out
rapidly. Every one of this season'
styles and materials. Not an un
desirable one among the whole as
sortment. Prices range from $3.50
to $10.00. Materials are cotton,
cloth, Bilk nnd mohair. Whllo they
last you may select from them nt
Dresden ribbons In all new shade
and designs, including tho Alico Bine
ind Plum Shade.
Nos. 22 to 80, Special price tin
yard 25
Shaded Ribbons and all new shad
suitable for girdles and nk rib
bons 35
Bank Crushes Gang of Men
at West Cop
AUcntown, Pa., Aug. 16. Thirty men
woro buried under tons of earth in a
euvo-in In tho Lehigh Portland comont
works, at West Copley, Bhortly after
noon. Fifteen dead wero taken by 2
o'clock. It is not thought thnt nny
escaped alive.
Rovolver Bullota Answer Policeman's
Summons. '
Euccne, Or., Aug. 10. A daring hold
up occurred on Main street of this city
at fl:40 o'clock this morning. A
masked man entered tho Hoffmnn
House, ono of tho principal hotels, do
inn tided that tho night clerk opon tho
cash; register and hand him tho con
tents of tho till quick.
Tho clork hedged by snylng that ho
had,not IW possession of tho key. With
an oath tho man left tho ofllco nnd rnn
down tho street. Tho clerk gavo tho
alarm, and Officers Croner nnd Fnrring
ton gavo chase.
Tho latter, overtaking tho dospcrndo,
noar tho court house, ordered him to
throw up his hands nnd surrondcr. Tho
hold-up's response wns thrco shots from
a big rovolver in quick succession at
tho officer, tho first shot taking effect
in the fleshy part of tho left leg, inca
pacitating tho officer from further pur
suit, nnd tho hold-up escaped. Tho of
ficer was not seriously injured,
Ho Will Not Arrive In Portland Until
September Oth.
A tolegram received yesterday by
Circuit Judgo Gilbert, sent by Unltod
States District Judgo Hunt, of Mob
taun, contained tho brief statement
Today Only
We have been fortunato enough toseouro two cases moro of (he nn lot of
Much below its real worth we, in turn, offer to you a great saving for
our Wednesday special
JOc a yard, t2 yards for $.00
Last week we made you a promise about shirtu. As wo novor break a
promise, wo place on sale our entire stock of now and Into stylo shirts
worth anywhere $1.00 and $1.25
New Shirts 80c. $.00 and $,25 Values
Remember, your choice of any $1.25 and $1.00 shirt in tbo store for the
uniform price of 80c eaeb. Somotbing doing in trousers next week.
8-inch emproidery, regular 12c
valuos. Special 0
Insertion, new patterns, regular
9c values. Special 4 1'2
Pdblic Demonstration
Miss Isabella. Haggerty, demonstrator for tbo famous
Will be with us for ono week. An invitation !
extended to the ladleo of this elty and vicinity to call and w tke shUld
Absolutely odorles when washed eordin3 to direotlons.
thnt tho lattor would not nrrlro In
Portland until September 5th, instead
of August 28th. No further particulars
woro contained in tho telegrnm. Press
of business nnd tho arranging of per
sdnnl affairs is thought to be tho cause
of Judgo Hunt's postponement of his
coming to Portland.
As tho Oregon land frnud cases will
come boforo tho United Stntcs district
court September 5th, Judgo Hunt will
arrlvo barely in timo to nssumo his du
ties on tho bench. United States Dis
trict Attornoy Honey will nrrlvo from
San Francisco n fow days dn ndvnnco
of Judgo Hunt. Judgo Hunt is thor
oughly conversant with the proceedings
of tho land frnud cases, nnd his do
loyod arrival will not rctnrd tho pro
gress of tho cases. Oregonlan.
Party Tondorod Reception and Banquet
by tho Citizens.
Manila, Aug. 10. IIo Ho tondorod
tho Taft party a. magnificont reception
Tuoaday. Tho clvie and military forces
paradod at night, and tho party attend
ed a banquet at which 300 peoplo wero
prosont, Tho transport Logan sailed
today at dnylight for Bacolod, tho capi
tal of Occidontnl Nogros, whero tin In
spection of the fiiigttr plantations will
bo mado. .
Tho dowagor cmpreim of China has
inquired through tho Uhlneso consul
hero, desiring to know If Miss Roose
velt will visit Pokin, If so, Gonoral
nnd Mrs. Corbin will probably accom
pany hor. Tho condition of Mrs. Du
bois, of Idaho, who wns injurod in u
runaway accident, is greatly improved,
Jastlco to tho Jews.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 10. As a result
of the prcBsuro by American Jows, the
ministers havo decldod to admit to the
proposed roprosontntlvo assembly Jows
holding unlvorslty dogroes, owning
thoir own shops nnd merchants, nnd to
froo thorn from the usunl restrictions
upon Jows.
Is Under Bonds.
Brockton, Maes., Aug. 10. Marsh
was hold this morning without bond on
tho charge of being a fugltlvo from
justice. IIo will fight oxtraditlon. Ho
is also charged undor an old warrant
with baUrdy, nnd pleaded not guilty.
Both trials aro sot for Saturday,
Gray and Black Lisle Gloves, regu
lar $1'.00 value, August clearing
Sal C8
Ladiea" Silk Gloves, regular 50c
values, August Clearing
Bale ....25t?
NO. 192.
Court Martial Cannot Notice
Divorce Testimony as
it is Outlawed
Wooster, 0,, Aug. 10. Taggart said
tliin mo?nang that n court-martial can't
follow As tho result of his dtvoroo enso,
becnuso tho incidents revealed in tho
testimony occurred over two years ago,
thoreforo, according to tho rulos of tho
army, aro outlawed.
Attornoy Smyscr continuod tho cros
examination of Taggart this morning
nnd plied tho witness with questions
concerning tho repairs to tho hospital
ship Relief upon which Tngagrt
served. Tnggnrt said tho contracts
woro lot boforo ho took chargo, but ho
supervised the work, His nttornoys
objected to this lino of investigation,
but Tnggnrt interrupted, saying: "If
ho has nnythinp ho thinkn rontfl on
my chnractor I desiro t bo brought
out horo." Judgo Enson rulod out
Smyscr 'a question", and1 this lino was
dropped. Tnggnrt described tho con
tents of tho statoment filed nbout
Minor, nnd said ho filed it nt tho orders
of General J, F. Bell, of the regular
army. Tnggart's examination nnd
cross-exnminntion onded at noon, ho
having beon on tho ntnnd slnco last
Washington, Aug, 10. General Chaf
feo said thin afternoon that if Tnggnrt
accepted n silver servlco whllo acting as
qunrtormastor of nn army vosscl, tho
war dopnrtment would tnko cogiuzanco
of tho incident, as it in against tho
rules for an officer to accept presents
undor such circumstances.
Japanese Attack Defeated.
GodEyndanJ, Manchuria, Aug. 10.
Two Japanese torpedo boats yostorday
bombordod Port llmnrovo (Port Lnra
roff, Corra). An Attempt was than
mndo to Innd troopn, but they woro
benton off by Russian troops.
Silk covered, in black nnd whlto,
such ns you havo been paying 18o
und 20c n yard. Vory special
10 YD.
$15.00 surra roa $7.50.
As an extrn August clearing sale
offering wo havo tnkon every lino of
he justly celebrated Bell System
Clothing, that we consider oxtrn
vniuo at $15.00, and we offer them
to you at exactly one-half
Tho greatest clothing bargain ev
er offered in this valley. Not an
undosirablo pattern among them.
Make your selection today.
Straw Hats
We aro clearing tho deck of straw
hats now while the people havo use
for them. Weeks of real summer
ahead in which to enjoy with real
comfort. Every one a bargain at
the regular price, but select now for
Hew wi'M
mm Wi