DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1905. 2 . 31 sS- PS m DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by hopes bbo& official census bat.em. WAT, 1901, 13.287. i in urn i iiiwhiwbh mill i Hum mil i n n umiiii i. m m tlyers -f-7 m- air vigor. A splendid dressing for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and smooth, and pre vents splitting, at the ends. Quickly checks falling hair and cures all dandrufc . irZ? air which oW Dart and Mad. It pays to have streets pared to get out. of the dust ,ia summer and oat of the mad in winter. ' To breatho dnst H ssamer aad to bare to wade in mil J all wioier Is net ft sanitary propositi a. Those who tire lived where there I neither dut lit rammer Bar mad in win ter will net accept thee nnlraures, or lira where they are. A city covered with dart ia stammer sad streets covered with mad in the winter is net exaetly a new Jerusalem. The first fret in this city to get rM of both will adraaee the ralae of real estate fifty per eent. Weetem Humorous Publication. Ethel Watts Mumford's new humor ona book lor 1905 li to k t Terr novel "Joke Book Note Book," to be published by Paul Elder and Company. San Francisco, Sinoe the firt ap pearance of tie famous Oynie'a Calen dar of Revised Wisdom, Mrs. Mum ford has prepared! an annual volume of her clever nonsense work. The Limer ick Up to Bate Book, of last year, was a distinct aueeeac and the publishers announce that tfcoy bare just filled an order for aa edition of the book fori the Australian market. The order in- ludca as well editions of Bachelor Bigotries and Widows Grave and Oth erwisd. The Cynic's Calendar, which apart from its own morite has been appear ed, is again on the press for 1900 tinder the title of the "Complete Oyn le'a Calendar." It is to inolude nil of tho material, text and illustrations, of both the first and second seriea. The advance sale has added, another 80,000 copies to the credit of this suceeaiful nonsense volume. There Will Be Some Candidates. Present appearances indicate that the erep of candidate for state offices will bo much larger under tho direct primary system than under the old law. Although the election is 10 months dis tant a large number of oandidatcs are already in the field. Portland will have at least one eandldnte for every import ant office en tb tiekot. Of course there is tho possibility that there might be two or raoro candidates from Portland for a (tingle office, and in that event thev might so dlvido tho vote of the city as to permit aome outside eandl' date to carry off the nomination. Only in cue)) a ease would the country candi date appear to havo anything like an equal cbirtxJO'wItyj.'Ms otty competitors, nolens the country combined against the town. In order to be voted far la the state primaries a candidate mast first file with the secretary ef state a petition signed by voters equal lu number to 8 per eeat ef Uie party vote in the preceding general election, provided, however, that it shall not be neoessary to havo more than 1000 signatures. The law also provide that the Hat of aiga era "shall include elee-ters residing in eaek pf at least one tenth af the p ro ot neta in eae.b ef at least seven coun ties af the. state." When tho proper petlttea baa bean filed the name of the candidate is placed an the primary ballet. and elephant is derived from the Hindoo werd elph, which Bieaas an ex The root af the werd welf meant ene who tears or reads. Lynx1 is from the same Latin root as the ward lax (light) aad probably was riven to Ufk wildcats oa aa eeant ef fierce brightness ef their eye. Lyea is. ef eoerae, from the Latin lea, which ward, ia tarn, is lost tut back ia the Egyptian teaguc, where the werd for the king of beasts was latar. The compound word leopard is first found in the Parisian language, where pars stands for panther. Seal, very appropriately, was once a werd meaning ef the sea; close to the Latin sal. the sea. Puma, jagaar7 tapir, and peccary (from paqulres) are all names from South American Indian languages. I The eoyote and- ocelet were called coyoti and ocelote br the Mexicans long before Cortes landed on their shores. Moose is from the Indian word mouswah, meaning wood eater; skunk, from eegankn, an Angloquin term; wapiti In the Greek language means white dear and was originally applied to the Rocky mountain goat, but the name ia now restricted to the American elk. Caribou is also a na tive Indian word; opossom is from possowne, and raccoon is from tne In dian arrathkune (by further sphere si soon). Khinoocjos is pure Oreek, meaning noso horned, but beaver has indeed isd s. rssgh tiss vf it its travels through various languages. It is hard ly recognizable as bebrus, babru and bra. The latter is the ultimate root of the English word brown. The orig inal application was doubtloss on ac count of the color of the creature's fur. Otter goes back to Sanskrit, where it is udra. The significance of this werd Is in its close kinship to udan, meaning water. The little mouse hands Rcsurfc By tio Typewriter. IVra will do. SnletB people" should- get the habit af balMing prettier houses. . The ran ef sahnen continues at Ya- qalna bar and Albany has a merchants' league. A chareh should be at least aa eom fartable these days an a club room if the nrinister wants very many men to attend on Sunday. The flies shoald be kept out nd the air made cool and freh The Portland politician are again worked up about mentally and moral ly about harmonizing party interests, establishing peace aad capturing state offices next June. They had better give some attention to making a pro gram that means something to voters in general. That was what ailed them in 1902. Candidates were good enough men but had no program. It is a remarkable fact that no soon er does tho trading stamp company get into a town and begin to do busi ness than there is a merchant's league organized and the stamp company is put out of business. Tho next legisla ture will seo an effort to give the trad ing stamp corporations a legalized ex istence, for there isn't anything that a legislature will not undertake. NAMES OP ANIMALS. Tho Meaning of Soma of Those Whoso Origin Wo Can Trace. Seme ef the mum of the eowwos- est aalmas are loat la -the dlmnea ef antiquity, such as fox. weasel, cheep, herae, dog and babttoau. Of the ori gin of the the elew i forever last. With camel one cannot go further back tbaa the Latin ward-aamtlui, mouse nanus its name down through the years from the old old Sanskrit, the root meaning to steal. Tho word rat may havo been derived from the root of the Latin wosd vadcro, to scratch, or rodcro, to gnaw, ltodent is derived from tho lat ter term. Cat ia also in doubt, but is first recognized in cntulus, a diminu tive of eanis, a dog. It was applied to the young of almost of almost ani mal, as tho English words pup, kitten, eub, etc. Bear Is the result of tongue twisting, from the Latin fera, a wild boast. Vt is of ob.scure origin, but may msy have been an adjective, meaning wild. Hlk is derived from the same root, eland, and the history of the lat ir ward is an Interesting one. It meant a sufferer, and was applied by tho Teutons to the elk ef the old world en account ef the awkward gait and stiff movemeats of this ungainly aal- Squirrel has a poetic origin in the Oreek language. Us original moaning going shadew tall. Tiger Is far more Intricate. The eld Persian word tlr meant arrow, while tighra signified sharp. The application to this great animal was in allusion to the swift ness with whieb the tiger leaps upon Its prey. Detroit News Tribune. CASTOR I A Porlol&nU and Children. the KM Yog to Always Bought &&&A Murray Wadc'e cartoon in the Satur day Telegram on the great Ilarriman banquet is best thing of season. It represents "the greatest" of all rail road financiers dishing up hot-air pud ding to Miss Oregon, with Cotton and Fonton sitting on each- si do of him watching how sho taken her diet. As he stira tho pudding it vanishes into bubbles and floats awar before her eves and ber spoon goes empty to her mouth A rish Theory Exploded. Th theory that chlnook salmon wars return to the stream they are hatched and to no other I shown to be false by the experience of John Furtoy, who returned yesterday from Bocue river. That stream is about t.-f .. v....... VAiitarav !lr. whlfih I Hilll J utm .; --J1 li. nnr th feeding trrODDUS Of tne ehtnook salmon and the Colnmbla riv er. Eaeh year schools of theeo fish enter Bogue river just before the big run begins in tho Columbia. About 12 days ago a school Chinooks came Into the Bogue, and among those caught Mr. Pursey noticed two fish weighing about 30 pounds eaeh, that were marked by having the adipose fin removed. This Is the mark placed on a number of fish lumhl ot of the Clackamas river hatchery several years ago, and Indi cates that these Ash, were from that plant. Astoria Budget. TBATO EXPOSED. A few counterfeiting bare lately been making and trying to sell Imita tions of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aad Colds, and other medicines, thereby defraud ing the pnblie. This ia to warn yon to beware of sueh people, who seek to profit, through stealing the reputa tion of remedies which have been sue .Mifnllr enrinir dioeasA for over 35 .. . i- Trim. A anre nroieeuon to tou is our name on the wrapper. Look for it. on all Dr. King a, or Bneklea'f remedies, aa all others are mere imi tation. H. E. BDCKLEN A CO. Chicago, I1L, and Windsor, Canada. For stlc by J. a Perry, Balem. The Southern Pacific company Will sell tickets, Salem to Boswell 8prlnga and return up to and including September 80, 1905, 1905, limited to SO days, rate of 43.55. Wf-tf Phene: Main 2953. I ALL WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED 217 S. Commercial St. Orer The Journal. ELLIOTT'S SAFFpyT Hop Ticket! Printed on Lasting Grado Card Bom i ritu,b3 uiuux'i quiCK SERVIot, ( Off ALL WOMK. THE IM. D. ELLIOTT PRINTpdv ai7H. Commercial St., SalS j 3 ' iW& I I WsnaTlilVLV I (5 I"; II IsBBBBsWI' 3 25?Fffltiftfr vJXSUyi nMBjaiffi sa3 jBSJBBassasCA ffw BsssaSfe JssVHsBBsV4MsBBVHHsBnH9sBaMsBBl A arraimi.. That wlU make good HeliM.,1. .- u buck io yonr rih, .1 .i... . . t;ji .r.mBuiVf wocn youbnyjoi from OUr fine rtn1. m boaf. mutton, lmi. . ' '"I M1 IBd VV. rsastlng, broUlng, ,lewin8 c? k ' .w, LIT? PUl E. C. CROSS Btata Street Market. Phone z9L The irrigation congress will meet at Portland and tell how much has been done for other states, and why nothing has been dono for Oregon. Incidental ly Mr. Ilarrimani favors spending the! four millions that are lying idlo in somojj united States government repository. It isn't his money and it would develop Oregon for his railroads that aro here, and in tho mean time ho would not havo to build any roads. So far as they go, Schilling's Best take doubt and difficulty out of getting your table supplies. A4 rur (fuco't) )rWk. EXCURSION RATES During the Lewis and Clark exposition the O. C T. Co. will make the following rate: Salem to Portland, one way, 75 cents; .round trip, 1.00, Tickets good for tea days. Boats, leaving daily at 7 a. m., except Sunday. Sock M. P. BALDWIN, Agt. Foot of Trade Street. GOING OUT CAMPING? BE SURE TO INCLUt EPPLEY PERf tXTION mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BAKING POWDER IN YOUR OUTFIT SOLD BY ALL GROCf 'OMMSMMgltMMtgMMlgMMiltatl i ST0P THE White House Restaurant if you want the best eating the market affords. Everything first class and up-to-date. GEORGE BROS. Proprs. Phono Main 2421. Btato Street. IHMililliliitiiiln A Savings Bank Account Is aa excellent means to accumu late money. A ainall part of oae'e tacome deposited regularly will amount to a large saia in a few years. For these who have Idle fends, it affords aa investment that la safe, profitable aad convcrtablc !ntffeaah whea wanted IKTBXE3T PAID ON DEPOSITS OP ONE DOLLAK OR MOKB Svhes DepartmeAt CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Bears the Signature of ' mm If New Lange Hotel jj Corner Sixth and Washington ' streets, Portland, Or., (next to Imperial). Strictly fireproof and ; ; modern. Rates lowest for first- ' class service. 8team heat and '. '. elevator, elegant cafe and bar ', in connection. On direct line to ; ; fair grounds. F. Lange, proprie- ' tor; Sam Bauman, manager, for- ! ! merly of Omaha, Neb. iiiiiimiiiiiiniiintn Hops Aro Injured. Ifofa are earning eat of the burr so rapidly now that one can hardly realize the difference a week has made ia the hop yards from tha burr to the devel oped hep. Now growers can pretty nearly teU what they have got. We have not beard from other growers, but frm a pemnal Inspection of tha Campball & Walker hop yard today sftfr a week awa. fled that the 'arm" will bear but a small propor tion of tho crop. Apparently the top" crop that along tho wire-is aa good aa usual. Still we eanaot wit Ixdieve that the same drought wnd- tlona that have partially blighted the arts will nmterlally decrease the yield oa talk. With a yard lajlng so close as this one to plentiful uader-water cut short, we ar well understand the eoa- dltiea ia which upland yard are re ported, also the sealing down ef for mer estimates ea the yield a third or more. The "bear" infiueaco la the hep raar kt that has peraUtoatly sought to se cure 1004 hope at leas than their real value by fairy tales of a coming good crop, will aooB tad that they have greatly verwttaated the yield. T2u gae Guard. II TV Call Wagon "ni ! si or Telephone 45 1 Black Bay Coupons and Save Money. Salem Ice Co. a?" SBBBBBBBtai ' iff flsSBBBBBsKsl BbbbbbbbbbbI T-f JaIbbbbbbbbbbbbbI HsbH ' ' IsfsBBBBBBBBBsH Salem Box Factory O. P. MASON, Prop. 1 am in South Salem, where vou will find me for all kinds of fruit trays, , orchard boxes and hop baskets. Miller street. Salem. Phnn n.otoi !! BRICK Brick furnished in large or small quantities. Pressed brick made to or der. Yard on State street, south of penitentiary. SA1XM BRICK YAM). A. A. BURTON, Prop. Just In Our new line of lt05 wall pa per has just arrived. All lateat patterns at reasonable price. Call and sea our stojk and be convinced that our paper aad prices are right Remember the plat. E. L. Lemmon 299UfecrtySL Ptwfte2475 Reg. No. 26531 RED SEAL thuds' Rec2;l0 SIRE OP JO BEAI 2:iiy4. Sired by Ro Hoart Z:lQy, tho sire of Chain Shot fcoey,. J oea oeai a:xu, JitC Dam ALICE M. (trial) 2:25.... by Mark Field (ion of Geo. VT& um or Bed Seal 2:10 A airo of Daisy Fields 2:08 J, jawooa ziUtt. brino field, 2:1I, etc l Soeoad dam DAY BELL by Advaoco, aire of Malriika l.!i,J iam or veritna 2:15?4, index 2:20. Al i-aiTO uam uangnter or Tippo fccJb, a thoroughbred. 11 - "j " "( m oi owoctaeari, oy uuitia; i dam Minnehaha, the dam of Beautiful Bella etc RED BBAIi i lfi.1, eompaetly bnllt, with great quality aad a sure sirs ( M poeu. uo wiu msa-o tno season of 1005 at the OT?Ff:OM QTATn CAro rrmmmp w, t-a.j. i-xvixv JlJUVtUD Jl Terms $40 Season un tne usual return privilege. Good rates to mares sent from a distance. 8 SAM CASTO, Fair Grotmds, I AlHmillHHMHHtlNI pasturage at reuou (Kftlfl mfnnasiianiaisjiaiaiai,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., IT'S BOARD BY BOARD . Thatbuilds tto louse, it'i penny that buills a fortune, J doaling hero that gives joaiq to start your boj-e and pit J We wilt sell you the bett fc tho lowest prices fir tb IH1 von build your boL with o i you aro savlne n-oey t ttJ time. Get our cs'wuts We build. Near S P. Pawngtr Phono 651. nonnAT.r. LUMBEI I "''frptaiancjiinamimm.ijmiaH mEN THEY'VE MADE THE ROUNDS aid saa.pi.ed all other brands of flour r,T !Ua flour' aMw o S- ccssful bread, pi, Bd btUn choice wheat flour, m.ae by the beat aad cleanest of method ..i .. from dyspepsia of its consumers attest YOU CAN SAVE MON1 On Everv Prrfisr f T -aii run,.. CMl an4 Mea's Hfgh and Low Sndes at Oar Stew, J we are selling at Greatly Reduced Ptices. In order to close ocrt oar sammer stock. ThJ opportcnlty for the shoe Urylng pcfcllc JACOB VOGT A. L. FRASER 8uecessora to Bnrrougha k Fraser. Plttmbing, Tinning and Roofing Coralea Work, Heating and BnUdlng Work of all Wndi; made and work guaraateod. 367 Stata Street, Salem. Phone ISII. MBweaaoieaesa, -fcBa&HtaiiiMataM jMtth