Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 15, 1905, LAST EDITION, Image 1

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NO. 101.
Mrs. Antoina Grassol Does Remarkable
Blocp Walking.
If a Block in uaKersneia
California Destroyed
This Morning
jkenficld, Oal., Aug. 1C. A firo
ted by a defective fluo In Ham
's restaurant, on Chester nvcnuo,
Nineteenth etroot, this morning
rowd tho cntiro half block facing
'Eighteenth street between Chester
no and K street) with the exception
pne more, .uoiuiug remains or.
Ibner's opera house, but tho out-
ills. Tho Iobs is 'cslimatod at'
, insurance probably half that
Tncomn, Wash., Aug 15. A romark
nblo case of somnambulism has occurred
at Eatonvillo. Antoino Grnsscl, who
lives four and ono-hnlf miles west of
tills place, left a wcok aoo for a eamn-
ing trip in tho mountains, leaving his
wlfo atond at homo. Mrs. Grassol is a
San Francisco, Aug. 15". United
States Consul Davidson, temporary buc
cossor to Goodnow, consul at Shanghai,
arrived from tho Orient this mornlnz.
Ho discussed tho Chinese boycott, and
strong, honithy woman, never having a,u th0 trouble wn brought nbout by
w Orleans, Aug. 16. At. noon 13
cases and five doaths wcro report
er. John GuitcraB, tho yoliow fever
H, bns arrived. Ho bcliovcs tho
will bo stamped out Jn 40 days.
int Makos Order In Oonso
With Previous Decision.
una nny ailment, cither physical or
About 2 o'clock yesterday morning
she roso from her bod, golnir'to tho
kitchen and lighting a lantern. About
3:30 o'clock Mrs. G. D. Ingors611, whoso
rosidonco is opposito tho Eatonvillo
postofflco, looking out of tho window,
saw a "whito flguro sitting on tho post
office stops. Besido her was a lighted
lantorn. In a few minutes tho figure
roso and started briskly down tho
About an' hour lntor Mrs. Grassol,
clad only in her night robo ami stock
ings, arrived at tho homo of John An
dorson, about a milo and a .half cast of
town. Sho opened tho door and Mr.
Anaprson spoKo to her. With n scream
sho camo back to consciousness, and it
was somo timo boforo sho becamo calm
enough to understand wbaf had hap
pened to her: Sho had no recollection
whntevor of her trip.
Tho entiro distnnco traveled, was six
mirM Mrs (Jrwwnl was returned to
her homo this morning, seemingly nono
tho worso for hor noctural jaunt.
a telegram which was icprlntcd through
tho Chlncso empire, which stactd that
in drawing up tho new treaty certain
phrases wero inserted pertaining to the
exclusion of students and merchnnts. It
created intenso excitement throughout
tho ompiro, and mass meetings were
hold overywhorc. Davidson believes
thnt tho boycott will end in six
lena, Mont.. Aug. 14. In the
States court today Judgo Wil
. Hunt mndo nn order in tho suit
United States against William
irk and It. M. Cobban, orantlnc
of tho dofenso for pormis-
Water Pipes Burst Bocauso Tkoy Woro
Not Properly Laid.
Panama, Aug. 5. A sensation has
followod tha discovery by tho onginocr
ing department in char go of tho Pana
ma cnnnl work that during tho rcgimo
of Mr'Wallaco, tho ox-chlef engineer,
tho wator pipes f coding tho, Panama
acquoduct worqlald wrong. A largo
.number of breaks havo resulted because
of tho prcssuro necessary to forco tho
wator through tho pipes, and it will
cost many thousands to rebuild tho sys
tem properly.
Just Escaped Whipping Post.
Astoria, Or., Aug. 15. E, L. Mitch
ell, of Knappa, was arrested by Con-
stablo Utingor Monday morning on nn
information ohnrcinR him with wifo-
beating. Boforo tho enso was called in
Justico Goodman's court that nf tor
noon. Mrs. Mitchell agreed to havo
tho information changed to a complaint
charging assault and battery, on condi
tion thnt tho dofondant openly acknowl
edge his guilt, promiso never to strike
hor again and niso agree to support bis
wifo and family. .
Mitchell promised all these things
BankorB Butt In. nmj 1VUB relcasod upon paying tho court
mouth, Mo., Aug. 15. Isaac cots. Tho case is an especially nggra-
an, nt tho request of Wltto, had vatod ono, na tho woman has eight
early this BmnIl children, two of thorn being
on flnnnciul . twlnn onlv sir months old. and accord-
ing to tho statemont of witnesses, has
been brutally treatod by her husband.
to fllo a plea of bona ildo purchase
Icaso is similar to that of the gov
ht against William; A Clark, in
I tuit was brought to enncol pat
io certain timber lands In west-
lontana, on tho ground that fraud
n cotnmittod by tho cntrymon
Intrywomen, and, liko tho first
his is to cancol patents, the
howovor, being somo thnt wcro
eluded in tho suit originally tried.
United States district court of
na aud tho circuit court of'ap
at Snn Frnncisco each docidod
ir Clark was nn innocent purchas
ho first suit. Tho granting of tho
by Judgo Hunt takes tho olo-
bf fraud in tho entries out of the
xoronco with Wltto
Pg, it is supposed
British Scientists in Capetown.
Capetown, Aug. 15. For tho first
time in history tho British Association
for tho Advancement of Science, found
ed in 1831, is holding its nnnunl meet
ing upon tho soli of tho dark continent.
Tho meeting wilt open hero today anil
will continue for thrco days. After tho"
adjournment of tho mooting tho mem
bers will proceod by sea to Durban nml
thonico to PlotormariUburg. A visit to
tho Natal battlefields will also bo or
ganized and then tho mombors will make
n tour through Johannesburg, Pretoria,
Blomfontoin, Klmbcrly and' Buluwayo.
The ontiro trip will occupy nbout two
Convention of Florists.
Washington, D. C, Aug. 15. The
twonty-first annual convention of tho
Society of American Florists and Land
scape Horticulturists opened its sossion
at Carroll Hall this morning. This af t
ornopn tho exhibition of plants and
flowers will bo opened in the National
RIflos Armory and tho Mnsonio Tcmpla
This evening President Vaughan will
liold a Toceptlon. Tomorrow tho dele
gates will take parkin a grand bowling
tournament in tho Ilatcbakcllcr and on
tho following day thoro will be a simi
lar contest, nUtomobllo rides, general
night Booing and other entcrtuinmeut
features for tho benefit of tho visitors.
Fortland, Aug, 15. Circuit Judgo
JMrnslor today mado permanent tho in
junction rccontly granted against pool
selling at tho Irvlngton rnco course,
I thus ending racing in Oregon.
Points Agreed Upon.
Tho following points havo been agroed
upon, by tho peace commissieners:
Japan's preponderating influence in
Both Russia and Japan to ovacuato
Manchuria, respect tho territorial intca-
rity of Qhina.and maintnin equnl rights
of all nations in thnt province
Russia to ccdo to China tho Chinese
F.nstorn railway from Harbin south
ward. Portsmouth, Me., Aug. 15. Italn fell
this morning for tho first timo sinco tho
conference begnn. Tho conforenco bo
gau nearly ott time, and it is supposod
tho Ohineso rnllwny was discussed.
Portsmouth, Me., Aug. 15. At 150
Slbcrt, tho Bocond sccrotary of tho Rus
sian embassy nt Washington, officially
announced "This morning tho confer
ence discussed articles four and five.
Jur was unanimously agreed upon
Not being nblo to rench nn unanimous
decision on five, it wns decided to tako
n mile uf the divergence of vieni, And
proceod with tho discussion of tho other
urticlcs. Tho meeting resumes at 3
o'clock this afternoon."
It is reported thnt tho Russians ac
cepted In princlplo tho Jnpnncso de
mand for tho cessation of tho Chinese
Eastern railway. A reservation has
been mndo upon a number of points
for lntor discussion.
in was surprised that tho sec-
bnferenco was known. Ho said:
asked for a third conference in
fork beforo ho goes homo. I
av when that yrill bo, and can't
ether finances will bo discussed."
Wanted for Murder.
ago Aug. 15. Tho police hero
phed to Brockton, Mass., to ar
Feorgo Lawrence, alias Bonnett
nu, acusod of being "the rays-
i Mr. Dove." It is said bo mur-
William Bate in an automobile,
amont, III., ono night in Novom-
W. A dispatch from Brockton
'0 police there don't know Law-
After Foreign Officers,
Ingham, Eng., Aujr. 15. It is
M that China has selected three
three French, officers to re
develop the state arsenals,
Dauchy Follows Wallace.
Panama, Aug. 15. W. E. Dauchy,
who has boon tho engineer in chargo
of tho Culobra division of tho canal
work nnd an nppointco of ex-Chief En
gineer Wnllace, has resigned. Ho loft
for New York today.
Tho engineering operations on tho ca
nal aro now suspended, ponding sani
tary work. Many employes will roturn
to tbo United States during the idle
By .City Marshal
Portland, Or., Aug. 15. Frank gam
mon, agod 25 years, of Westfall, Mal
heur county, was killed Sunday after
noon by City Marshal Aco Carey, who
Is his kinsman. A drunken- row oc
currod in the Madden saloon, and when
the marshal appeared Camraon firod at
him. A bullet from Cary's pistol killed
Cammon instantly.
National Convention of Eafjles.
Denver, Col., Aug. 15. Delegates rep'
resenting every aerio of tho order of
Eagles from Mnino to California are
assembled here to attend tho nnnunl
session of tho Grand AotIo which opons
hero today. Tho greatest interest is
manifostod in iho election of a now
worthy grand president of tho national
lodgo. It is bcliovcd that Henry D.
Davis will probably bo elected, ns he
has rocelvod pledges of support from
many of the most important delega
tions. Mr. Davis was candidate two
years ago, but was defeated by Tim
othy Sullivan of New York.
Wanamakers Daughter Should Oo
Dowa to Texas.
Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 15. Bookor T.
Washington's appearance at dlnnor in
tho great dining room of tho United
States Hotel cnuscd a mild sensation
nmong tho diners. Mr. Washington wns
J tho guest of John Wanamakcr, former
postmnstor-gonoral, and noted ns escort
for Mrs. Barclay Wnrburton, Mr. Wan
nmakcr's daughter, whllo Mr. Wana
makcr walked ta tho tnblo with J. R. E.
Roberts. Mr. Washington proaehed
thrco times yestordny, first in tho Pros-'
bytorlnn churchy then In tho Baptist
church, and lato in tho evening in tho f
African Methodist.
ten's Manilla Hats Greatly
dvced in P ice. All Sfoaw
rts Exactly Half Pice.
re making a general clean-up of many summer goods, sud it will pay
f look them over.
Good Wool Outing Suita reduced to 33.60.
showing some great values in Men's Shirts at 35c.
mo od lots from better lines. Men's Oxford Tiea Greatly Beaueea.
1 are somo special bargains in Ladles' Dross Goods on our 76c table
kIgh grade and fabrics. '
Planning to Colloct a Millica. -
Buffalo, N. Y., August 15. Charles
P. Norton, chancellor of the University
of Buffalo, 1ms started an enorgetic
campaign today for tho purposo of ob
taining at loast half a million dollars
for the purposo of extonding and im
proving tho unlvorelty. He really
hopes to collect a full million, but will
bo satisfied If half that amount is con
tributed. Tho objoct of the movement
is to raiso tho university upon a higher
lovel of efflcloncy and improve its char
acter as an educational institution.
Annlversay of Crimean Battle.
Turin, Itnry, August 15. This is a
great day for Turin, being tho fiftieth
anniversary of tho battlo of Tchernayn,
during tho Crimean expedition, in
which about 15,000 Sardinian troops
took part. King Victor Emanuel nr
rived here this morning and was re
ceived with great military nnd civil
honors' Tho town Ik profusely decorat
ed -and thousands of visitors aro throng
ing tho streets. In tho afternoon thcro
will ho a grand parade and a revlow
of the fow survivors of the Sardinian
corns umlor General LnMnrmora, Tho
survivors of thnt battle, among them
Senator and Genernl Bnva LoccarlB,
former minister of war. Tbo Bcrsag
lieri regiments of tho Italian army, or-
ganued by Goneral LaMarmera, who
saw tliolr chief servico in tho Crimean
expedition will tnko tho most prominont
part in tho colobrntion and wil) havo
the pltico of honor in tho parado and
review. Ono of the interesting histori
cal features of tho parado will bo tho
old battlo flags which will bo takon out
of tho Royal Armory nnd cnrrlod in
the procession.
Invontor of Allen Fruitdrior Stricken
at Newberg.
Newberg, Or., Aug. 15.-William K.
Allen, invontor of tho Allon fruitdrior,
nnd for many years past closely identi
fied with tho .fruit-ovaporating industry
of tho Northwest, died nt his homo in
Newberg Sunday night, nftor nn ill
ness of throo weoks. Ho was nt tho
head of tho Allen Evaporating Com
pany, which ho organized, nnd which
own? nnd! opomtMi largo ovnporatlng
plants in Orogom nnd Eastern Washing
ton nnd Idaho. Mr. Allen was aged 72
years. Ho leaves a. Tridow, four sons.
O. V., O. II., H. F. nnd W. O. Allonj
who havo bocn associated1 with at ki in
business, nnd a daughter Mrs. 0, IX
Mctcnlf, of En go no.
Grango Day at Thousand Islands
Thousand Islands, N. Y., Aug. 16.
Annual Grango day is observed here
today In tho customary mannor. Tho
principal speaker of tho day will bo
tho Hon. W. F. Hill, mastor of the
Pennsylvania Stnto Grange, who has
just returned- from tho International
Agricultural congress in Italy. Other
speakers will bo tho non. G cor go H.
Cobb, stato senator; Mrs. F. J. Bolton,
nnd George A. Fuller.
Yoshltana Dead.
Tokio, Aug. 15. Baron Yosliitane,
grand master of ceremonies at tho im
perial court, is dead,
Taggart Made Thirty Gallons
of Punch for His
. Wife's Party
Woostcr, O., Aug. 15. Tho scono nt
tho Minor's dinner, nt Leavenworth, at
which Minor is accused of fcollng Mrs.
Taggart 's leg was enacted in court this
morning. Mrs. Taggart was put into a
chair nt tho trial table, in the position
sho occupied nt tho dinner. Smysor,
hor attorney, sat in tho position occu
pied by Minor. Tho demonstration was
intended to show that Minor, in tho po
sition ho occupied, could not havo
reached benenth tho tnblo in tho man
ner ho is said to havo dono without at
tracting Captain Taggart 's attention.
From tho Minor dinner tho cross-examination
passed to tho cotillion given by
Mrs. Taggart. Taggart had objootod to
tho party, becnuso it would bo nocossary
to invito Minor to stand in tho receiv
ing lino, on account vt Ws position aa
rest comntnrfder. Tnggnrt said his ob
jections hud no weight, nnd ho said ho
had nothing to do with' tho gucU Us
mndo 30 gallons of punch, as n sonso of
duty. His attitudo toward 's his wlfrt'n
party, ho said, was ono of submission.
Washington, Aug. 15. It is admittod
nt the wnr department today that
charges against Taggart havo been
pending einco April. Chnrgca wcro
preferred n yonr ago against Minor, but
Woro dismissod by Jtho chief of staff.
Taggart was tho complainant ngalnst
Minor, and Minor against Taggart. Tho
military Bocrotnry would say nothing
of tho nnturo of tho charges, but said:
"Tho charges Ugainst Minor havo boon
considered nnd dismissed." Ho statod
tho charges against Taggart wcro still
pending and would bo considered priv
ileged until tbo divorco enso was sot-tied.
Opening Lands In Minnesota.
St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 15. The books
in tho local government land office
woro opened today for tho entry of
claims by Bottlers who wish to secure
farms nnd homesteads on the 37,800
acres of land included in the White
Earth, Red Lake, Fond du Lao and
Chippewa reservations, opened to settle
ment bv tho covornment. These lands
are mostly fertile and are subject to
homestead entry at $1.25 an acre.
To Prooecuto Jews.
Breslau, Prussia, Aug. 15. A news
... i i...i -t
(paper society uaa u?ou wphumju
Blglow, where 40 Jewish houses tfere
burned recently, making 400 Jews home
less, to advocate persecution ' of the
Jewsv N
&&&8ae &Y
I Our home-made candies aro so
I delightful to tho taste that If you I
once bny of us, you will visit our I
I stores often. I
Zmn s I
A Sagnhen Volcano.
San Francisco, Aug; 15. A special
dispatch to tho Chronicle from Reno,
Nov., says A volcano throwing oil
molten lava and' in active operation,
has been discovered in Novada by cat
tlemen of Iiovclock. Tho volcnno is lo
cated in Rye Patoh, Humboldt county.
Although the section has been traversed
for years, the crater has just been
miml fur Hm flru. tlmn Tim men woro
in sou rch of cattle when thoy enrno up-1
on tho stream of lava, and, tracing it
to its source, located the volcano. Tho
rocks for some distance around were so
hot that they could not be touched with j
tho baro hands. Tho voleano is active1.
This is attested by the fact that dis
tinct rumblings accompany the flow of
Inland Lake Regatta.
Oshkosh, Wis., Aug. 14. Today is the
oponing day of the regatta under tho
membors of the Inand Lake Yachting
association and crock yachts and en
thusiastic yachtsmen from various parts
of Wisconsin and Illinois aro assembled
hero to take part In the utirrlng events
of the regatta week. Tho regatta will
bo held on Lake Winnebago, which of
fers excellent facilities for yacht ruo-
There are 21 yacht elubo that are
members of tho Inland Lake Yatchtlhg
association, among them the -Chicago
Yacht club, the Columbia Yacht club,
the Delavan Lake Yacht club, tho Lake
Geneva Yacht elub, tho Milwaukee
Yacht elub, the Oshkosh Yacht elub,
tho Green Lake, Macatawa Bay, Pine
Lake, Spring Lake, Pist&kee, Whito
Bear Lake and -other prominent clubs.
Tho association was organited in 1808
and two years ago made Oshkoab the
permanent meeting and racing place,
Bosidoa several former prlro winners
a few new yachts of great speed have
been entered and a highly spirited eon-
teat is expected in tho sonteste for
tha various classes.
Public Demonstration
Miss Isabella Haggorty, domonstrntor for tho famous
Will be with us for ono wcok, beginning this morning. An Invitation Is
oxtondod to tho ladies; of this city and vicinity to call and sue those nhiolds.
Absolutely odorless when washed according to directions,
Wo havo boon fortunato enough to secure two cases more of tho flno lot of
Much below its real worth wo, in turn, offer to you n great saving for
our Wednesday special
f Oc a yard, 12 yards for $.00
Dread on ribbons in all now shades
and designs, including the Alice Blue
and Plum Shades,
Nos. 22" to 80, Special price tbs
yard 25
Shaded Ribbons and all new shades
suitable for girdles and nock rib
bons .'. 35
Persian and Roman Stripe Ribbons
for stock collars. Collars mado
free of chargo. From 40o to 75
8 inch embroidery, regular 12e val
uer Special ., (L4
Insertion, new patterns, regular
Oo values Special ........ 4Va
Gray and Black LIslo Gloves, regu
lar $1.00 value. August Clearing
Sole 084
Ladies' Bilk Glove, regular 60s val
ue August Clewing Sale 254
115.00 SUITS FOR $7.60.
If you"don't wear n now suit to
tho Lewis and Clark Fair whpso
fault is itt A an extra August
Clearance Sale offoring we have tak
en every line of the justly celebrat
ed Bell System clothing that we
considered extra good value at $15
and marked tbcm one-half
Special prices still eontiuuo on the
balance of our clothlag.
Shoe Bargains
Men who aro looking for some
thing la a stylish Oxford at a mod
erate prlco will bo surprised to boo
what excellent shoes we can supply
at a modest price.
(3.50 values in Pateat, "Vie!, Tan
or Velour leathers in newest styles,
no reserve: August clearing price
BOOTS without roservo, rqgular
$3.60 yalue. August clearing price
2!i2 -
g& WirV.