Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 12, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Home Made
Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis
cuit home-made. They will be fresher,,
cleaner, more tasty and wholesome.
Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home, quickly and eco
nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer
cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and
muffins, with which the ready-made food
found at the bake-shop or grocery does
not compare.
Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.
things to' offer tho people of Oregon,
nml, nil tilings boing oven, tho next
mloption will boo changes.
But the new machine that is being
built up, under the skillful mnnipular
tlon of some, one, alms at a far differ
ent result. ""
It is attacking-and: seeking to dis
credit tho entiro text-book, commission,
ns now constituted, on tno grounds
that educators arc not roprcsontcd on
tho commission.
This is not tho fact, as President
Campbell, of tho Btato University, Is
n llfo-long educator. Mr. Colvlg was a
toaclicr and county suporlntondont, and
Mr. Johns, of Baker ICty, was a teach
er. It will bo interesting to see what tho
now mnchlno will accomplish, and' how
many changes, nnd in whnt direction
thoy can froco from tho text-book com
mission ns now constituted.
Backache, the First Symptom
of Kidney trouble.
Pc-ru-na Is Invaluable in Such
Persons Who
Been Cured.
""'"" vu" i woro undertaken as doliberato
bona fldo propositions,
J tlon by othor corporations when thoy
Salvation Army.
Visit of Ensign Storoy IGth and 10th
Special children's meeting Sunday,
13th. Farewell meetings Saturday,
12th. Everybody invited.
MAY, 1004, 13,287.
A Now Era for Orocon,
For instnnco many peoplo about Sa
lem holiovo that tho Ilarriman system
thwarted tho construction of a lino
to Dallas nnd to connect with tho
flerlingor road, when it was undertaken
sorloiisly by Salem capitalists.
nut oven If thoso things nro truo it
will not nav to bo unfair or imltist In
I our nttitudo toward the Ilarriman cor
tinrntinns. Tim nurmtlnn rnmninii!
Tho Journal prints again tho list of WJmt cn ho ,ono B0curo rcni)onnblo
railroads under construction, nnd prom- .,ona fldo aovclonrnantaf
isod for constniation. Wo nro on tho
ovo of n now era of development in
Tho total now nggrogntos ovor 800
miles, Including1 whnt is being built In
Idnho, that Is trlbutnry to Oregon for
commurclnl ' piirpuHQg,
It is n remarkable fact thnt tho Port
land paper iln tint glvn the Harrlman
promises vory serious consideration.
Thoy bollttlo thoin.
Tho Orcgnntnn threatens the Unrrl
mnn nynleiu with n legislature that
shall iln nil kinds of things to thnt gen
tlomnir, if ho don't look sharp,
Tho Capital Journal has ns persUt-
ontly ns any newspaper culled atten
TION. Hut It. tloos nut bullevo anything is
to lio gnlnttd by any unfair nttaok on
thn rnllrniidn, or Hint any roHuUn will
bo ncnompliRliod in thnt wny. Whnt wo
logitimnta develop-
want In actual,
Tho odltor of this pnpor spoko tho
first word on tho ultuntlon thnt attract
ed tho attention of tho lTnrrhuan man
ngors to conditions lu Orugon at tho
Salem Development convention Mnroh
32-M, 1005.
Blnoo thun thoro .bus boon ondloss
tnlk lu newspapers nud otherwise, nnd
sovornl important reports have boon
formulated and inndo public. Theso re
ports hnvo been oiilm and dlspnssion
nto. , Tho Portland papers and tho pross
of Oregon generally hnvo endorsed nud
editorially tnistalnou thus reports nnd
pollclos formulated by tho Dovolop.
mont conventions.
Hut It is unfair U crucify and condemn
tho mnnngorH of thoso proportios iu Or
egon when all tho pooplo arc looking
to seouro tho aamo end tho dovtlop
ment of the stntu lu a rational, Voa
eonablo manner.
Tho peoplo believe that TIED HAR.
Of course, it is ono thing to mnnago
a Portland banquet. It is anothor
thing to kill off a proposed moasuro of
legislation lu tho gonofnl assombly)
Still more dlffloult is the Initiative.
Hut tho railroad mnnngcrs hnvo a
general movomont of tho peoplo to
deal with, nnd tho Portland nows
papors undoubtedly express tho goner
al sentimont of tho pooplo of tho wholo
Four facts undorlio tho wholo situa
tion, nnd thoy nro put plainly boforo
tlio peoplo nt tho Salem Development
ronvouUbn Inst March: F
1. Oregon bus trontod tho rnllronds
vory llbornlly and fairly.
". Tho rnllronds hnvo not trontod
Oregon lu n spirit of enterprise nml pro
gress in return.
:!.' -No stnto iiv tho Union hnshad ao
llttio done for it in tho wny of con
struction in tho' past ton years.
I. No stato in tho Union can make
ns good a showing of ijot earnings por
mllo for tho past tonyonrs, considering
Now theso nro some of tho hnrd facts
tho rnllroad managers hnvo to go up
ngulusU Xo amount of equivocating
or hot-nirlug will ohnngo tlioso facts,
LY AVOIDED in tho discussions bo
foro tho Portland banquet.
In spite of tho hard showing that
oan bo mudo against tho railroad man
agement in Its trontmont of Orogon,
lot us bo fair nnd unprejudiced iu our
treatment of tho wholo situation, nud
go nftor actual results for Orogon.
A Now School Machine,
Hvldenco accumulates that a now
nud powerful sohool machlno Is being
sot up in Orogon,
Tho cltv superintendents nnd county
superintendents that were part of tho
old book trust combine are into it.
Thoy hnvo some now recruits, and
tho wholo inaghluo in boing weldod In-
solid combination to rostoro tno
Christian Science
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Services: Lesson sermon nnd 'chil
dren's classes nt 11 a. m. Subject of
lesson sermen: "Mind." Wednesday
ovoning at S p, in, landing room open
dally except Sunday. Christian Scl-
onco hall, corner of Court and Liberty
Christian Sclonco.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist,
1-10 Ghemokota stroot. Services: Sun-
day nt 10:30 n. m. and 8 p. m. Subject
of losson Bormea: "Mind," .Sunday
school at 11:45 n. m. Wodnosday ovon
ing testimonial mooting- nt 8 o'clock.
Rending room in tho church opon each
afternoon oxcopt Sunday. All'nro cor
diitlly invited.
First Methodist.
At 10:30 Rov. W. II. Sollock will
proaeh on "Thou Shalt Lovo Thy
Nolghbor ns Thysolf." At 0:15 Ep-
worth League, with tho-topic "Build-
Ing of Chnrnctor.'' At 8 p. m. union
sorviccs, with Hov. W. O.'Knntnor, D.
D., ns tho preacher. All nro cordially
invited. -
Danlol D. Bidwoll. Bunorvlsor, Notary Fublio and
a momborof I. O. O. F., 100 Poarl stroot, Buffalo,
N. Y., wrltes:
"Having usod Poruna for a shor. titno, I doslro to
write voa as to my prosont condition.
"When I obtained Pcruna I was suffering from
chronic Indigestion and kidney and bladder,
trouble. It seemed to hcto the circulation at once.
My digestion Is now perfect and my kidneys and
bladder do not trouble me In any way. In tact, 1
give Peruna the entire credit.
"Hoping that your romody will reach all sufforors
In a similar caso, and thanking you, I romaln,"
Danlol D. BldwollN. P.
''It ip'iM-
South American
Cured "by Pe-ru-na,
30 D'AL
First Presbyterian.
Church stroot, near Chomokotft. Rov.
Henry T. Habcock, pnstor. Preaching
Borvieo in tho morning only, nt 10:30 n.
in. Thome: 'Tho Law of Reciproca
tion." Union service in tho ovoning
at -tho First Mothodlst churoh. C. E.
nt 7 p. m. Suudny sohool nt 12, noon.
To thoso Borvlcos nil nro cordially lit
vltod. St, Paul's Episcopal.
Chomokota and Church stroots. .Rev.
Harr 0. Leo. F.lghth Sunday aftor
Trinity. Holy .communion at 7:30 n.
in. Sunday school nt 0:15 a. m. Morn
ing prnyor, with sermon, at 11 n. m.
No ovoning sorviccs until Soptombor,
3d, A cordial wolcomo to nil sorviccs.
Dangerous Kidney Diseases
At tho appoatanco of tho first symp
tom of kidnoy trouble, Poruna should
bo taken.
Tills remedy strikes at onco the very
root of thodlsoaso.
It atonco rollovcs tho catarrhal kid
noya of tho stagnant blood, and provonts
tho oscapo of sorum from tho blood.
Poruna stimulates tho kldnoys to
oxcrote from tho blood tho accumulat
ing poison, and thus provonts the con
vulsions which aro snro to follow If tho
poisons aro allowed to romaln.
It gives groat vigor to the heart's
action and dlgoatlvo system, both of
which aro apt to fall rapklly in this
'Poruna cures catarrh of tho kldnoys
simply bocAtiso it cures catarrh wher
ovor located.
A romody that
cures all the ca
tarrhal derango
monts of tho kld
noys should cer
tainly bo consid
ered a housohold
necessity. Poruna is snoh a romody.
A Prominent Merchant Restored
to Health By Pe-ru-na.
Mr. JohnNlmmo, 215 Llppfncott St,
Toronto, Can., a prominent morchant
of that city, nnd also a mombor of tho
Masonic Ordor, writes:
have been In poor health generally
for oyer four years. When F caught a
bad cold last winter It settled In the
bladder and kidneys, causing serious
trouble. I took two greatly advertised
kidney remedies without getting the
desired results.
"Poruna Is tho only romody which
was really of any bonoilt to mo. It
Connt Alfonso d' Aljoros, of 237 rim
del Torro, Buenos Ayres, South America
whilo visiting In Ohioujjo, wroto from Sfl
Cleveland avenue, that city, a? follews:
"I used Poruna a short timo ago to build up mj
system, which was all run down from overwork,!
worry ana a cold wiucn naa sotuca in my back and
kldnoys, causing mo serious annoyanco and trouble
"WhonI roturnod homo from work at night, I was o ex
hausted and worn out, together with tho pain in my back,'
that I Zolt I would itovor bo ablo to tako up tho burden, oil
llfo again in tho morning, but when morning cams
would got out Boinohow. This dragging through lift con
tlnuod for a couplo of months, whon I decided I would
tako Poruna. v
"lam glad to state that I found It fust the medicine lot
me. In a couple oi momns i was resiorea to perfect
health and strength, and my work was no longer i
burden. I therefore endorse your medicine as worthj
or the continence oi ine sicK.Aiionso a- Auorcs.
seemed to aot In porfoct harmony with
tho system, eliminating tho pobou,
stopping tho ravages of tho dUtiii
and gradually restoring mo to btalti
and strength.
Wo havo on file many thousand U
tlmonlals like tho ones glvon ken. 1ft
can only glvo our readers a alight
gllmpso of tho vast array of unsolicited
oudqrnementa wo aro receiving enrr
month. No othor physlpinn la tt
world has rocolvod suoh avolomtoi
enthusiastic lottors of thanks m Dr.
Uartmau for Poruna..
All corrospoudouce hold strictly Ma-fldontlal.
to a
GREAT THXNCM for tho state in tho .dvthronod American Hook Company,
future hut they n)o believe, ami It Is! i-Vjr twenty yenrs that corporation
tholr deliberate judgment, that tho
Harrlman system has neglected Oro
gon, and 1ms oveu thwarted construe-
A Savings
Bank Account
Is an oxcollont menus to accumu
late money. A small part of one's
Income deposited regularly will
amount to & large sum in a few
years. For tnoso who have idlo
funds, it affords an investment that
is safe, profitable sad- oonvortablo
Into cash when yante&.
Savings Department
held undisputed sway In Oregon. It
made the text-book laws, dictated so
loetlous, owned tho statu superintend
ents anil ttiren-fnurth of thn county
i Ono Captain Edwards was at tho
head of the wholo organization as a su
premo dictator, and his dictatorship ex
tended to some of tho biggest poll
tlelnui. I So far as sojiool teachers woro eon
eerued, they woro under a elosa survell-
lance, and mauy of them nt tho murvy
'of tho toxt-book trust.
That was all overthrown about five
years ago, and a text-book commission
croated that threw tho American Hook
Compauy bodily out of Oregon.
Cnptv Edwards peaoefully subsided.
He and his agents and satellites bided
tholr tlmo, whou, to their superlative
horror, Governor Chamberlain reap
pointed the eutlro text-book commis
Now there were one or two men on
tho old text-book commission who were
willing to give part of tho adoption to
the American Hook Company. They
are still on tho commission.
All the progressiva book publishers
Lave Improved publications and new
Reproduction of All tho Sallont Foa
turoa of tho Splendid Durbar.
Anyono who has road but little, aye,
oven thoso who havo road much, about
India will got n hotter nnd moro, com
prohonslvo idoa of tho splendors of tho
East and tho apponranco of its rulors
nnd retainers from tho grout objoct
lesson tho Hnrnum & Hulloy Greatest
Show on Earth will prosont, than
through any othor moans. As ono of
tho chief foaturos of the show is a su
perb roproduotion of tho recent Dur
bar In Delhi. To fully deeeribo this
magulfloont display, so full of life,
pootry, romance, notion and glittering
splendor, which Is glvon In addition to
tho thousand attractions of the oir-
mis and meungorlos, would' be tu ask
tho nllottmout of too much space. Suf
ilro it that thero are 400 characters
costumed in tho rluhest stuffs ever
woven or worn by ropresentatlvos of
tho rulors -of nil tho principalities of
India, together with richly caparison
ed horsos, elephants, clothed in fine
fabrics atlorueil with jewels, sacred
animals decorated for tho sacrifices;
emblems, insiguia of ofllce, regalia
wlrth a king's ransom, gorgeous char
lots nm vehicles of state nnd pomp,
together with fabulously rich para
phernalia of evry conceivable kind.
The. wholo interior of the big tent is
made uso of whou tho spectacle is pre
sented nnd every uvallablo foot of
spaco is filled with a vast host of men,
women, chtldron, wild beasts and cost
ly equipages, Moguls and great Mo
guls, Rajahs and Maharajah, Begums,
Buddha priests, warriors, mount sol.
dle'rs, heralds, trumpeters and numer
ous' retainers from all parts of India
aro represented in such lavish pro
fusion and numbers as to daxe the vis
itor. And all aro truthfully and faith
fully represented just aa thoy appeared
before- the Viceroy and Yicerino of In
din nnd tho Duko nnd Duchess of Con
naught roprosonting King Edward tho
VII nnd Qnoon Aloxnndrin. And with
nil this tremendous display of wealth
nud magnificence- thoro remains tho
really iuHtructivo characteristics nnd
foaturos of this truly most wonderful
production', making it nt oncj a ploas
nro nnd a study for nil classos. Tho
Social Lifo at tho Bonch.
Ono of tho most delightful ovouts in
tho Hoalnl lifo nt Seal Hocks, ono of
tho fashfonnblo summer rosorts nonr
marvolous blonding of colors In tho Newport, was tho immenso clambake
. ill ii. " '
nanusomo cosiumos wouiu cnnrni mo on tno nynci Wednesday ovoning, Au-
soul or an arustj music captivates, tno RU8t oth, at 10 o'olook. Potntoos woro
grand scones nwo, tho martial olemont roasted and com popped, nnd, tho best
oxcltos, tho plcturosquenoss enchants, 0f aii; ,hore was an unlimited supply of
tho splendor nmnzes, whllo tho realism ' 0iamg, ciaum bakod, etowed and fried,
of tho ontiro thrills nnd startles tho ntJ,i royal feast wns had. Miss Musa
boholdor. It Is romantic, poetical, Qeer, a former Salem girl, but now of
mnrtlul, processionnl, and oporntlc, and New York City, who is spending hor
withal historic and nccurato in every vacation in Oregon, fnvorod tho com.
detail. Nover beforo in the -world's
history was so grand and colossal a
production attempted) nnd only tho vast
rosourcoa of roonoy and, material could
rondor posslblo such an immonso affair,
Tho spectacle is tatter than any written-
description for telling the story
of tho great Durbar of India, Besides
this spootoclo thero are all tho other
great features of circus, hippodrome,
two menageries, horse fair, clophants,
Tho date of tho exhibition here is
Wrdnesiluy, August 28.
The Elks will "herd up" In Port
land Wednesday. In't us hope none of
them will got shot.
If Harrlman patronizes the clipping
bureaus, theso bo strenuous days fpr
tho latter in the Oregon brunch.
rpi - ..
tuv iiiugr ui me general press
buroMU for the Lewis and Clark fair
ought to serve an apprenticeship as
ievu en tue "Skoakum Chusk Kinder-
garten," er the "Seappwe
IWil Onset te."
TUe small y has net mi Interest
in the wining elreus, as is evidenced
by the way the gaudy rasters are ex
nmiaed, but there is not a kid in the
state whe daw it faal it a pwsenal
grievance that there is to be bo par-ade.
pany with several roadings, which woro
much enjoyed. Collego songs woro
sung, led by Archio and Bert Qeer, of
this city, and Prof. Burden, of U. of O.
Daucing to tho accompaniment of a
lnrgo phonograph wns indulged in, nnd
tho whole was a most enjoyable ovent.
Noticeable among tho guosts were
tho largo mirabor of Saleraitw.
Lutheran Social,
The ladioi of tho Lutheran church,
on East Stato street, gavo a very en
joyable loo cream social at tho storo
building opposite tho Electric storo
last evening. Ice cream and cake wore
served, and a general social timo was
Silver Bell Circle.
The ladlos of Sllvor Bell Circle, Wo
men oi wooucraft, gave a fine musical
and literary program at their hall last
evening, after tho usual session of tho
lodge. A large number of friends wore
present. Tho team, which won second
prue at the fair contest on Woodmen
Day gave an exhibition, which was
very fine. Dancing was indulged in
toward the latter part of the enoter-talnmcnt.
Excursion to Buffalo.
August 14th and 15th the Southern
Pacific will sell round trip tickets to
Buffalo, N. Y., as follows. Both ways
through Portland, $37.16. One way
through Portland and one way through
Ogden or Bakersfield, Doming or El
Paso, $09. Tickets limited to 00 days
for return trip For full particulars
call on agents. w 8.Mt
Wm. Wnhlo Is in Portland.
.Timtlco Wolvorton spends Sunday it
Br. and Mrs. P. E. Smith left f
Newport today.
Mrs. Oeorgo II. Jones has gone to
Newport for n short stay.
Will Stfliisloff and , fnmily went U
Newport to spond Sunday.
J, A, Carson has gono to spend Sav
day with his family nt Newport
Dr. John Orifllth nnd son went l
Newport today to join his family.
K. II. Stogn nnd family went to Port
land today for a season at the big fair,
Rov. S. H. Jonos wont to Albany t-
day to occupy tho pulpit there Suidar
Mrs. Parker and daughter, Beulii,
of Sonttlo, havo gone to Turner to vWt
Undo John Hoofer, of Champoef.
who pnys n tavr taxes himself, was U
the city today.
A. J. Pcmborton and family. '
Marshaltown, la., arrived last nljlt
for a visit in Oregon. '
Mrs. A. B. Travor went t Portlaw
this morning for a visit nt tho fair ail
other points of interest.
Caroy Martin has dropped hit 1 .
practice long enough to spend Sanda;
with his wife at Newport.
Miss Kittle Harbord leaves today f
Neskowin, whoro aha joins the famllj.
whllo Dan Fry keeps house for
Ed. Lamport, Jr., went to Forth"
this morning, where ha expects to p'
in the greater part of tho week lookuf
over the fair.
Mrs. Knapp, who with Yet tu&J
lion Ka. l.!ll l.. .t.tara Ml. P-
WWUU liOtllUg MO B.W.." -
J. y and Miss narbord, Jen w
for hor homo7 nt Davennort. Wash.
Mrs. Ada Adamson; of Oxford, Kv
and thrflft o)iilihn nrft vlaltlnr her'P'
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Flee.
Bnglewood, and sister, Mrs. nenry Va
Fred Haas and family, and bis broU
er, Will Haas and wife, of Cleanso1.
McCafferty, of Aberdeen, S. Ii we'
with them.
Mrs, Wagner and Miss Patty, of E
porla, Kan., and Miss White, of IJ
Paris, Ohio, are expected to arrlT
day for a visit to L. M. Gilbert -ly
in the hUls, -.